Fort Aspenwood
Showing Posts For Dark Knight I I I.2940:
Fort Aspenwood
bloop.still recruiting
Fort Aspenwood
So with legendary weapons and armour to come one day. I thought it would be cool if you could “store” multiply runes and sigils on them to allow you to switch them without having to rebuy them all the time and waste them.
Not saying that the switch itself to anything rune or sigil is free, you will first have to buy it and add it to the item for future use. To keep the market from completely falling apart.
Otherwise whats the point of being able to switch the stats if you can’t change the runes/sigils that would work best with those stats(Coming from someone who owns a legend or two). I personally never change the stat mainly for that reason, I would have to have a different weapon still.
Fort Aspenwood
bloop.still recruiting
Fort Aspenwood
bloop.still recruiting
Fort Aspenwood
Fair enough, I was just wondering where the idea of it stands now a days.
Fort Aspenwood
Don’t seem like much people run them anymore, curious about others options about the topic.
I always thought they were okay for general game play.
Fort Aspenwood
guess im the only one
Fort Aspenwood
bloop.still recruiting
Fort Aspenwood
Is anyone else having this issue? As I’m walking around in silverwaste, I’m getting ported to random locations.
Fort Aspenwood
We are Currently looking for 5-10 more members to balance out our roster, A lot of members have been inactive too long and we need more people to keep things rolling at a comfortable pace. Once we have reach a decent number of active members again, recruitment will be closed.
Fort Aspenwood
Guess there is no answer for this.
Fort Aspenwood
So yeah, I have a Circle of Light infused ring and a Yakkington’s Ring infused also, both of which I’m unable to throw into the mystic toilet to attune them. Is there a way to work around this or has it just not been fixed it?
Fort Aspenwood
K thanks for the link
Fort Aspenwood
Hopefully this is fixed with today’s patch.
Fort Aspenwood
I still think the exp and karma boost, for example, should either stack or be combined into one buff, at most when you unlock everything, is a 10% increase. Still can have the duration if they want, or just make it permanent.
I just want to be able to utilize all the buffs instead of picking and choosing what may benefit me more depending on what I’m doing. Sorta a waste of my time to have to keep running to npc to change it also…
Fort Aspenwood
Pretty lame, I hope they Devs would change this so its actually worth doing the buffs through the guild hall.
Fort Aspenwood
So my guild, in the guild hall, just got both karma and exp boost unlocked. They are potions that last 24 hours but they don’t stack on one another. is this intended? If so, kinda sucks really, why bother get the boost if you can only have one on at a time.
Guild buffs before you would activate them and they would stack for everyone who is online and repping.
Fort Aspenwood
We are just looking for a handful more of people to join, we are almost at our desired size!
Fort Aspenwood
Hopefully this is resolved soon..
Fort Aspenwood
Anyone else had this issue?
p.s. the casuals of the game complaining over small details ruined the expansion for me.
Fort Aspenwood
With the Release of Heart of Thorns, We are just looking for a handful more of people to join, we are almost at our desired size!
Fort Aspenwood
We had another successful Saturday of doing guild missions. Hoping to have more people join for next time!
Fort Aspenwood
still recruiting more members
Fort Aspenwood
Yes there is still space open for new members
Fort Aspenwood
beep boop still recruiting
Fort Aspenwood
still recruiting
Fort Aspenwood
beep boop still recruiting
Fort Aspenwood
still recruiting
Fort Aspenwood
Still recruiting around 10 more members
Fort Aspenwood
Check out [Noob], we are a casual going guild. We do dungeons, pvp, and plan to do raids. We are also just starting to somewhat get into Guild Missions.
Fort Aspenwood
still recruiting
Fort Aspenwood
beep boop still recruiting
Fort Aspenwood
Looking to learn arah exploration paths current strategy and speed run tactics. (warrior)
Online around 5-6pm EST. (na)
Fort Aspenwood
bleep, taking old and new members, of any skill level!
Fort Aspenwood
still recruiting
Fort Aspenwood
bump beep boop still recruiting
Fort Aspenwood
beep boop still recruiting
Fort Aspenwood
Don’t Ask for Help [Noob] is a guild thats been around since day one of guild wars 2.
Base on Fort Aspenwood
100% rep not required, but recommended.
Mostly adult guild with adults things to do, the guild isn’t active all day long, more in the evening around 6pm EST until about midnight EST. Will not stress on whether you’re online daily or can only be on once a week, we understand, life happens.
Guild is intended to be a small casaual guild, nothing super hardcore at all, although, looking forward to those raids. Whether you are a new player to the game or an old veteran looking for a place to just casually play with others, we are accepting all.
A lot of guilds today focus on maxing out their roster. When you join a guild with this large size you are quickly forgotten and lost in the mass. You are just another number and not a player who is really good at playing their class and has much knowledge to offer or a player who is new but is a lot of fun to explore the game with.
Currently about 15 semi active members, Goal is to be at around 25-30, no more than that.
Provide Guild buffs on weekends, Starting Friday evening generally.
We do have a TeamSpeak server that we actively use.
And what do we do mostly?
Fractals(any level)
Raids(with expansion)
World Bosses
Map completion(not often though)
Guild missions(Will start doing these on Sundays, when we have enough members)
Once in awhile few members dip into PvP
Contact Info: Send an in-game mail to Dark Knight I I I.2940
Note: The Guild is based off North America East Coast with in the middle and on the West Coast.
Fort Aspenwood
still recruiting
Fort Aspenwood
bump beep boop still recruiting
Fort Aspenwood
still recruiting
Fort Aspenwood
bleep, taking old and new members, of any skill level!
Fort Aspenwood
still recruiting
Fort Aspenwood
slowly growing.bloop.still recruiting
Fort Aspenwood
beep boop still recruiting
Fort Aspenwood
beep boop, recruting still, beep beep
Fort Aspenwood
still looking for awesome casual players
Fort Aspenwood
bump beep boop still recruiting
Fort Aspenwood
Getting some pretty awesome members in!
Fort Aspenwood