Well not being able to res a dead ally is never going to happen lets face it. But they’re working on the dungeons, go on facebook and read about people moaning how they have made CM and CoE harder because they was too easy,they’re still working on the dungeons and by the looks of things making exp harder, so you don’t need a hardcore explorable version
I’m not sure about you or anyone that you’ve played with, but once i do a boss and i die, i generally learn not to do that the next time round, but hey if you like wasting more money then what’s needed on boss’ because you simply can then don’t moan about it.
Okay so.. When you play wow and you pug a dungeon and some idiot doesn’t know what to do and he just sits there and gets killed within seconds (because alot of the boses can kill you in seconds if you don’t pay attention) what happens then? You all wipe and you all have the pay repair bills for one persons fault because then the rest have to 4man the rest of the fight. Atleast this way if that one person wants to keep dying over and over everytime the boss does a certain spell it’s only affecting him, he can release and run back and the rest of your group doesn’t have to pay anything more then you need to. But again i go back to what i was saying before, almost every person i have ever played with generally learns from their mistakes once they die, so yes people do learn.
As for helping out downed players, you still have every reason to help them out before they get defeated, their extra support or damage will be helpful instead of them spending 2-3 mins runing back to the boss, you also get exp from ressing your mates, more then you get from actually killing a mob i might add.
Just because someone can release and run back to a fight does not make that fight any less difficult, infact more so if you don’t want to pay sky high repair costs and it also means when someone dies you don’t have to carry them through a fight unlike wow so they get free xp, because even if they die they have to still run back and work for their part of the kill.
All in all, the way anet have set it up is alot better then wow
Ah yeah misread it the first time, thanks. In that case nah they don’t need to be better stat wise, you’ll get a huge advantage wearing a weapon that not many other people will be using. Look at wow, you get a legendary weapon there and that’s it, you’re OP for the rest of that expansions content
Indeed, explorable version is for the hardcore pve players, it’s not suppose to be easy, you couldn’t pug heroic DW on wow… actually by now you prob could, but if you’re not a sersious pve player with good skill and a guild to do it with, then don’t attempt them. Just because they are there doesn’t mean you have to do them. Stick with Story Mode untill you’re good enough to do exp. It’s the same with everyone moaning now how they’ve made CoE harder because it was way too easy compared to some of the other dungeons, it’s suppose to be hard!
have you actually played the game recently? They’ve already add a “Leave Que” option to overflows.
You have a easy version already, it’s called Story Mode and you’re able to do it as often as you like.
Legendary weapons are not any more powerful then another weapon, just looks alot nicer, so no, there is no reason to make them easier to get. They are the VERY final weapons in the game, you don’t want everyone running around using them within a month, if you want one then go and work hard for it instead of being lazy
It feels like you’ve kinda took a step back when it comes to dye, yes the dye system we have now is alot better then GW1, but why did you stop us from being able to dye our weapons? It looks horrible when you have a armor and colour scheme going on and then your weapons are just completely differnet. There was nothing wrong with weapon dying in GW1 so why not keep it.
This is the whole point, the boss’ don’t have “tatics” like other games as you can’t really put tatics into a fight where eveyrones just running around. The dungeons are suppose to be fast paced action not oh you’re down too bad wait for 10-20 mins while we kill this boss because let’s face it, by the time you res someone defeated the boss will be over already as it takes forever plus getting attacked half the time doing it.
And i don’t agree with what you say, afew times on a boss i’ve had 4/5 players die those 4 release and then that one last player who is still keeping the boss from reseting is low on hp and i also was a WoW player, and i say the way anet have it atm is ALOT more fun then wow. Try doing everything in your power to stop yourself from getting hit 1 last time while the rest of your group runs back from the waypoint, it’s more thrilling then lying on the floor watching 2-3 people struggle to get the boss down his fianl 2%
This is not world of warcraft though is it. It’s Guild Wars 2. There is a big difference. Why do you need to take 20 people into a dungeon with you when you can have 5? You get nothing different from having 5,10,15,20,25 or even 40 players in the group you’re still going to be running the same dungeon. @Nightfury, what does it matter if you can’t have ALL of your friends in the same group? Rotate who you do them with simple.
Rotate my friends? This is a MMO not a single player game. I like the challenge of coordinating with more than 5 people.
HAHAHAH… Coordinating more then 5 people in raids. I’m assuiming you played wow and there was no coordination in raids. It was “right stand there press this button” “You stand there and press this button” “Everyone else DPS!”… yeah that’s really coodinating. Atleast in these 5man dungeons they are a challange. EVERYONE has to move everyone has to coordinate with eachother as you can just boost one person through it unlike wow where i knew guilds that sold heroic raid runs to people who can’t do them for mounts/gear.
Yes I have played WoW since beta. It never used to be like the game it has become today. Today its mad easy for 12 year olds to play. Back then, you had to coordinate 40 people, and if one person screwed up then you failed. So get your facts right.
I’ve played wow since vanilla too and yes the 40man raids was more challangeing then Cata raids, but i’d still say doing these dungeons are much more fun and better. if you want raids go back to wow. I know my facts and i know you don’t need 20 players just to have a challangeing yet fun dungeon.
@Nuadu Oh the hardest raid in ages FL i knew afew guilds selling heroic rans for people to get the mount from it.
This is not world of warcraft though is it. It’s Guild Wars 2. There is a big difference. Why do you need to take 20 people into a dungeon with you when you can have 5? You get nothing different from having 5,10,15,20,25 or even 40 players in the group you’re still going to be running the same dungeon. @Nightfury, what does it matter if you can’t have ALL of your friends in the same group? Rotate who you do them with simple.
Rotate my friends? This is a MMO not a single player game. I like the challenge of coordinating with more than 5 people.
HAHAHAH… Coordinating more then 5 people in raids. I’m assuiming you played wow and there was no coordination in raids. It was “right stand there press this button” “You stand there and press this button” “Everyone else DPS!”… yeah that’s really coodinating. Atleast in these 5man dungeons they are a challange. EVERYONE has to move everyone has to coordinate with eachother as you can just boost one person through it unlike wow where i knew guilds that sold heroic raid runs to people who can’t do them for mounts/gear.
This is not world of warcraft though is it. It’s Guild Wars 2. There is a big difference. Why do you need to take 20 people into a dungeon with you when you can have 5? You get nothing different from having 5,10,15,20,25 or even 40 players in the group you’re still going to be running the same dungeon. @Nightfury, what does it matter if you can’t have ALL of your friends in the same group? Rotate who you do them with simple.