Showing Posts For Elmentcius Koronel.6234:

Better for Leveling? Condition or Power

in Necromancer

Posted by: Elmentcius Koronel.6234

Elmentcius Koronel.6234

Condition seems to work best for me. I stopped trying to incorporate DS into my playstyle a long time ago.

Crazy Idea on How to Improve MM

in Necromancer

Posted by: Elmentcius Koronel.6234

Elmentcius Koronel.6234

I got the deluxe edition as well lol. But it’s worth it for me. Big models like that don’t come easy. I’m retouching the paintjob atm.

Jagged horrors

in Necromancer

Posted by: Elmentcius Koronel.6234

Elmentcius Koronel.6234

They got buffed? They seem to last a lot longer now. If this is a ninja buff, then thank you Anet! If not… then I guess it was working properly and I was just stupid?

Why Anet? Thief stolen skills

in Necromancer

Posted by: Elmentcius Koronel.6234

Elmentcius Koronel.6234

Hi guys, I just discovered a thief skill Tooth Stab. Basically, it applies bleed that lasts for 60s. I’ll wait while your brain comprehends this bit of fact.

60 seconds. When I use Spectral Walk and gain swiftness for 33 secs, I felt like it goes on for eternity… but 60s bleed? And a 3 sec fear?

What is happening over at Anet?

Crazy Idea on How to Improve MM

in Necromancer

Posted by: Elmentcius Koronel.6234

Elmentcius Koronel.6234

That is an awesome idea HiSaZul!!! You have managed to do what I tried to do and tie in DS, which is very neat. Using Life Force this way opens up sooo much possibilities.

Crazy Idea on How to Improve MM

in Necromancer

Posted by: Elmentcius Koronel.6234

Elmentcius Koronel.6234

First of all, when I say improve, I don’t mean more DPS, tankier build, etc. I meant improve as in how to make it more customisable and more fun to play. After all, isn’t playing games all about having fun…………..?

I was a necro in GW1 and I remember having my hero as a MM as well and we would steamroll everything by having 10 minions each. What I miss most about GW1 necro is the ability to pick and choose what kind of army you have. You want 10 bone fiends to attack from far away? Go ahead. You want 50 bone minions for you to blow up? Sure thing.

In GW2 we are stuck with “one of everything” minion army. Why can’t I play a tanky dagger build while my bone fiends and flesh wurms shoot from far away? I suggest that we should be able to choose a minion skill more than once in our utility skillsbars. So we can have a max of 3 shadow fiends, 6 baneli… I mean bone minions, 3 flesh wurms or 3 fiends. Each utility slot will correspond to whichever minion it is assigned to. This allows us to micro with our minions. Example:

Summon 3 wurms and hit either 6, 7 or 8 to teleport to your chosen wurm.

I can see one glaringly obvious problem and that is having 6 minions blowing up, insta-killing people in PvP. As of now, I don’t know how to tackle this problem (make minions easier to kill? less burst damage but introduce a condition? Delay?)

Also, I don’t know how the coding works for GW2 skill slots so maybe this is an impossible task. Heck, I don’t mind buying summon flesh wurm 3 times.

Necromancers need buffing

in Necromancer

Posted by: Elmentcius Koronel.6234

Elmentcius Koronel.6234

I agree. warhorn daze is awesome. It actually has a pretty good range.

Utility Skins.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Elmentcius Koronel.6234

Elmentcius Koronel.6234

If people can do that, dyes would be pointless.

Minion Master not as fun as I hoped

in Necromancer

Posted by: Elmentcius Koronel.6234

Elmentcius Koronel.6234

Right now, MM build is akin to a signet warrior; lazy and not fun IMO. You pretty much limit yourself to your 5 weapon skills and rarely touch the rest.

Direct Damage and the Necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Elmentcius Koronel.6234

Elmentcius Koronel.6234

I agree. Epidemic is best used against zerg-type enemies.

What legendary fits the necro?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Elmentcius Koronel.6234

Elmentcius Koronel.6234

I dunno about you guys, but I don’t want my character to look like a xmas tree…

How about we stop Alienating the Dev that plays Necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Elmentcius Koronel.6234

Elmentcius Koronel.6234

Trait synergy says hi as well.

Leveling Advice?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Elmentcius Koronel.6234

Elmentcius Koronel.6234

My contribution: spec for running away. Boost your Spectral Walk and Warhorn via traits. That way, you get permanent swift and tag as many POIs, vistas and waypoints as possible. They give you good exp for the amount of effort you put in.

Direct Damage and the Necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Elmentcius Koronel.6234

Elmentcius Koronel.6234

There are some direct damage stuff on necro such as Dagger MH, Lich Form, DS #1 and #4 and wells. But compared to condition build + epidemic, direct damage is nothing.

Epic epidemic is epic.

How about we stop Alienating the Dev that plays Necro

in Necromancer

Posted by: Elmentcius Koronel.6234

Elmentcius Koronel.6234

JP’s main is a warrior, AFAIK. People are just sour that JP told us necros to L2P, and we assume that JP knows something we all don’t know about DS, and did not perform.

Acc bound/toon bound dye solution

in Suggestions

Posted by: Elmentcius Koronel.6234

Elmentcius Koronel.6234

I know some people want to make their toons pretty ’n all and buying Abyss dye for all your toons are expensive. How about the idea of a colourless dye that you need to apply to ANOTHER dye and it will become that colour. Now, before you say “it will destroy the dye economy/make Abyss dye cheap, etc.” let me explain how this works:

1). Imagine you have Abyss dye in one toon, and you want it on another toon.
2). You found/bought the colourless dye.
3). You duplicate your Abyss dye.
4). That dye is now account-bound and can no longer be sold.
5). You can apply the new Abyss dye to another toon.

This prevents item duplication but at the same time, allows you to transfer/copy whatever dye you want from one toon to another.

Just an idea. Ideas are cheap, they come out of our kittens.

Warhorn completely bugged out

in Necromancer

Posted by: Elmentcius Koronel.6234

Elmentcius Koronel.6234

Yeah, that’s why I thought it was completed.

Warhorn completely bugged out

in Necromancer

Posted by: Elmentcius Koronel.6234

Elmentcius Koronel.6234

Maybe its at 99% completion. I had the same experience with my 4th until i realised that I need a bit more lol.

Is there a better pve spec?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Elmentcius Koronel.6234

Elmentcius Koronel.6234

My combo for PvE is a bleed and mobility one. Scepter+warhorn for my weapon, and well of suffering, spectral walk and epidemic for utility and golem for elite. Together with traits, I get permanent swift. As for mobs, I try to get some AoE going with the well and epidemic.

ghastly claws lifeforce gain

in Necromancer

Posted by: Elmentcius Koronel.6234

Elmentcius Koronel.6234

Well, definitely not 32%. That would be OP… maybe?

Can we get a real war horn sound?!

in Audio

Posted by: Elmentcius Koronel.6234

Elmentcius Koronel.6234

Casting Locust Swarm as a necro makes a rattlesnake noise -__-"
I don’t even…

Why all the plant names

in Sylvari

Posted by: Elmentcius Koronel.6234

Elmentcius Koronel.6234

Yep. Robinson means the son of Robin.
McArthur means son of Arthur.
O’Brien means “of Brien”, short for son of Brien.

And if you ever asked a Chinese person what their surname comes from, get ready for a history lesson lol.

what is the purpose of locust swarm

in Necromancer

Posted by: Elmentcius Koronel.6234

Elmentcius Koronel.6234

Spectral Walk and Locust Swarm (War Horn #5), combined with traits give you perma-swift. I’ve been using it to 100% complete my PvE map. In PvE, I just run through mobs, because they can’t catch me anyway.

Minions disappearing every time you waypoint?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Elmentcius Koronel.6234

Elmentcius Koronel.6234

It’s the same as any boons you might have. Minions aren’t the same as ranger pets. It was like this in GW1 as well…

My beautiful hair...

in Sylvari

Posted by: Elmentcius Koronel.6234

Elmentcius Koronel.6234

@Silverstag: Leaves are generally shinier, not petals. Leaves need to repel water so water can drop to the ground where its needed. Petals need to be NON-shiny so that birds and insects can see them and allow for reproduction.

Why all the plant names

in Sylvari

Posted by: Elmentcius Koronel.6234

Elmentcius Koronel.6234

I can’t recall how many times I see scientific names used in Sylvari names. Examples:

Thymus, Magnolia, Viola, Dianella… the list goes on.

Does homosexuality in Sylvari feel rather forced?

in Sylvari

Posted by: Elmentcius Koronel.6234

Elmentcius Koronel.6234

[b]Plants are both male and female at the same time. [b]

Obviously not a botanist. Some plants self-seed, yes; but other plants have genders. Anybody who grows apples knows this.

Plants also have this incredible ability to clone themselves. Take a cutting and you just cloned a plant.

OK time to fix these things, at least...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Elmentcius Koronel.6234

Elmentcius Koronel.6234

If Epidemic is the reason conditions are capped at 25 stacks, why not just fix epidemic and uncap condition stacks?

If bleed becomes too powerful, why not decrease bleed damage or make the ticks slower? There is absolutely no reason to cap condition stacks.

Spectral Walk patch was actually a nurf.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Elmentcius Koronel.6234

Elmentcius Koronel.6234

Spectral Walk is great right now. My only gripe is that it turns me into a visual representation of a fart trail.

Bust Size

in Human

Posted by: Elmentcius Koronel.6234

Elmentcius Koronel.6234

Doesn’t really matter, though. You’ll mostly see your toons’ backs when you’re playing.

Jumping, Jumping Puzzles and Vistas

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Elmentcius Koronel.6234

Elmentcius Koronel.6234

When trying to climb a steep piece of polygon, I sometimes just spam the jump button and my toon sometimes make that double jump.

Other than that, my only tip for jumping is to de-summon your minions if you’re playing necromancer by eating one of the transformation candies.

Jagged Horrors, Why do they exist again?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Elmentcius Koronel.6234

Elmentcius Koronel.6234

I agree with Nightshade. Minions should gain health when a foe dies. I think this is an excellent idea.

minion models

in Necromancer

Posted by: Elmentcius Koronel.6234

Elmentcius Koronel.6234

It has been bugging me ever since I first played BWE1. Why is it that every other minion is flesh and bone whereas this one is a formless, black cloud? It sticks out so much, and not in a good way.

Bring out the old bone minion model, they were awesome! Or the old jagged horror, they already look like ninjas IMO.

Necro best class for exploration

in Necromancer

Posted by: Elmentcius Koronel.6234

Elmentcius Koronel.6234

I’ve been PvE-ing a lot, trying to “tag” all the POI, vistas, etc. I find that necros are very good at doing so because of our mobility. The combination of warhorn #5, spectral walk and summon wurm works really well. warhorn #5 and spectral walk gives us 11s and 33s swift respectively and to get those POIs, the ones positioned in the middle of a mob camping ground, just summon your wurm at the entrance, walk in a bit, spectral walk until you tag that POI, then simply teleport back using spectral recall and then teleport again to your wurm. You can teleport back to the entrance in about 1 second if done correctly.

I’m just putting my method of PvE out there, hopefully people can learn and improve on this method of exploration.

Desummon minions (on purpose)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Elmentcius Koronel.6234

Elmentcius Koronel.6234

Good solution to the tonic and entering-battles-with-1HP-pets problems. +1!!!

DS is what sets us apart from other classes.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Elmentcius Koronel.6234

Elmentcius Koronel.6234

Maybe I wasn’t very clear in my first post. Yes, if the fall kills you, you’ll die regardless. But if you activate DS, you’ll lose less health when you survive the fall.

DS is what sets us apart from other classes.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Elmentcius Koronel.6234

Elmentcius Koronel.6234

I was on top of a mountain when i was PvE-ing and my golem was aggroing too many monsters. I had no way out. I can try to beat all the mobs or jump off the mountain. So I had an idea. I activate my DS and jumped off. The fall took all my Life Force away, but I survived. Only necros can survive jumping off a mountain. At this moment I realise the TRUE POWER of Death Shroud.

THIS is how you use DS!!!