Showing Posts For Eponet.4829:

Will we see any rocket tag encounters?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Eponet.4829


Seeing as the game wants to avoid the whole tank/healer/dps trinity, it seems relevant to look at games that have done that while still keeping PvE challenging.

In pathfinder, until the 6th level spell “Heal” is acquired, healing is rarely worth the time it takes to cast until the heal spell occurs, and most DMs will have intelligent enemies actively avoid characters that are built like traditional MMO tanks.

Part of the reason for this is the fact that lethality is quite high, with both players and enemies having the potential to be dropped incredibly quickly. The strategy then comes from properly controlling the enemy groups before they can kill or disable your own group.

Best NA server to transfer to

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Eponet.4829


I originally started on a European server back in beta due to most of my friends being there. But since then they’ve all quit the game, so I’m thinking of transferring to NA to reduce the massive ping I get on the European servers.

Since I’m transferring anyway, I figured that I’d ask those more knowledgeable about the game which servers on NA would be the best to transfer to.

Have traits been fixed yet?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eponet.4829


It’s been around four months since I checked up on this game, and I’m considering coming back to it. But I was wondering whether or not traits have been fixed yet so that you can select them on new characters.

The question is fairly self explanatory.

Signet of Fury suggestion.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eponet.4829


Please allow the adrenaline from activating the Signet of Fury to either last for a couple of seconds before decaying, or to put you in combat when used. In the majority of abuse cases it wont make a difference, but it would give warriors that wished to open battles with the longbow’s fire field the option to do so without having their bar decay to level 2 before they can get the shot off.

How You Would Ruin Things

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eponet.4829


Leveling? Everyone starts at 80! Content adjusted to reflect this.

Should new races be prioritised?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eponet.4829


I’ve noticed a small but not insignificant number of people pressing for new races, but of all things, I feel that new races would likely add the least to the game for the amount of work that would need to be done to include them when compared to dungeons, regions, game modes, or professions.

That said, the number of people who have called for it does seem significant. I can’t help feeling that I might have missed something. For people who feel differently, could you please elaborate on the merits that additional races would provide?

New level rewards are confusing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eponet.4829


It’s not about prior expectations. It’s that until you’ve already leveled significantly there is no way of knowing what you’ll be getting beyond the next level. It’s not about differing from the previous way, it’s the fact that if there is a structure to rewards, you need to level significantly in order to reach the point that you can extrapolate it, and even then the rules still change often (1 trait per 30 levels, followed be 1 trait per 6 levels, followed by 1 trait per 2 levels?).

There is no in game way to figure out what you’re going to get.

The fact that it’s on the wiki isn’t a good enough means of communicating this. If it’s unacceptable for people to look up resource gathering on the in game client’s help menu, it’s hardly acceptable for people to have to look up leveling rewards out of game.

(edited by Eponet.4829)

Sword ranger skillset need some fixes.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eponet.4829


I heard that serpent strike’s issue is that it accounts for movement speed boosts, so it calculates you moving past your target rather than behind them.

I’d test whether removing Sigil of the Hunt fixes it, but my ranger is level 29 (so leveling isn’t a thing until bug fixes) and has Sigil of the Hunt locked into her third utility slot until she ‘unlocks’ it again.

More Runes with increased run speed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eponet.4829


I’m not an expert in WvW, but from the few times I have done it, I’ve noticed that I tend to end up with enough party speed boosts to consistently have swiftness up without any effort on my part other than staying with the group.

The fact that they’re a massive pain to level to 60 in the first place on the other hand is something I can’t justify. But that wont be changed by adding it to the other superior runes.

More Runes with increased run speed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eponet.4829


The only two classes without an innate speed boost are the mesmer and the guardian. Guardians actually have relatively low base hp and can benefit from vitality.

Mesmers can use the dirt cheap superior rune of the centaur, which comes with power. Through the use of mantra of recovery, they can pretty much keep up permanent swiftness.

Following the stat/trait/PS changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eponet.4829


The living story should be delayed until the end of each season in order to create a more distinct sense that content is being made and prevent weird situations where you finish one section of it and then have to fluff about for a month while waiting for the next piece of it to be released.

Starter areas seem to be missing merchants

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eponet.4829


The number of merchants was likely considered too overwhelming for new players and thus were removed, along with buckets of water, cow feed and tameable Ranger Pets.

When people say these changes must have been catered to five year-olds, I think they are selling today’s kindergartners far short.

I found a juvenile jungle spider at the top of Morgan’s Leap

Is Guild Wars trying to ruin the game....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eponet.4829


Guys. Guys! You don’t see, they’re establishing the changes into the game to prepare them for the “just click one button” approach to defeating Zhaitan.

They’re actually remaking Zhaitan so you have to defeat him by going up his butt like Lemiwinks.

I heard they were reworking the Zhaitan fight so half of your team had to distract it with dancing so the midget on your party can repair a big gun so a norn npc could shoot Zhaitan with it.

Zhaitan fight was too confusing for new players. Cannons removed. He is now killed by jumping off the ship and climbing up his body in mid flight so you can stab his heart.

Communicating with you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eponet.4829


Will experience scrolls be buffed to meet the new pushed back utility skill unlock levels?

Change experience scrolls

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eponet.4829


The justification for moving back utility skills to 13, 24 and 35 and elite skills to 40 was that the sped up leveling from 1-15 meant that they came are roughly the same time as before.

However, other things weren’t adjusted, one of them being the experience gained from the experience scrolls designed for current players to level alts. Before it would get you all three of your utility kills and only require another ten to reach your elite skill. Now since the change it only unlocks your first utility skill.

To compensate for the changes, they should be pushed back to somewhere between 35 and 40 in order to retain the impact that they used to have.

Post Patch: What do you plan to do?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eponet.4829


I just recovered my Guild Wars account. I never did get around to finishing Nightfall.

What is the point to speeding up leveling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eponet.4829


According to ColinJohanson, the reason that elite and utility skills were pushed back was because “- There are some things happening at the wrong levels. Things like utility skills and elites are intended to come at approx. the same time they used to in actual game time, we sped up leveling for levels 1-15 and had them slide back in levels a bit to offset that pacing, they are not currently where we want them to be in the level up system. This was an oversight, and will absolutely be fixed.”

But, if speeding up leveling just means sliding back the things that you want to level for so you get them at the same time as you would have previously then the whole idea of speeding it up in the first place seems slightly pointless. So, why do so at all?

Traits and Such

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eponet.4829


Why are WvW players forced into PvE to get traits?

I don’t know, but I assume they never intended anyone to play one mode exclusively. They intended players to do both and so didn’t think it would be a problem to have content which crosses over between them.

Given that this is the company that gave the option of creating PVP only characters in the predecessor, I doubt that they ignored the possibility of people only playing PVP.

New level rewards are confusing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eponet.4829


The new clustered leveling system makes it difficult to tell what I’m supposed to get when I level up. I don’t have a level 80 character due to severe altaholism, but I don’t consider myself new either. If I had to look up the levels at which skill point clusters and trait points were gained, (I’m still not even sure of which levels attribute increases happen at and by how much they do) it must be even worse for those just entering the game.

If I’m having difficulty comprehending the pace of level rewards, surely it must be even more confusing for the new players the patch is supposedly simplifying the game for. As an example, how in the world are they expected to figure out that for instance you gain 7 skill points at 38?

Way to add sense of progression when leveling

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eponet.4829


Change traits to gaining one every 5-6 levels. and lower the level requirements.

It’s much easier for new players to understand a linear point gain that the current staggered progression that needs an active explanation.

1 per 30 for the first 30 levels
1 per 6 for the next 30
1 per 2 for the next 20.

Optional, split them into 5 with the current milestone major effects every five and give people something they can actively assign every level instead of every 30/6/2

Voting with my wallet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eponet.4829


Inb4 people do vote with their wallets and when things don’t work out the company blames the fans for not blindly supporting the changes. Looks at Capcom

The Point

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eponet.4829


Were you able to be defeated in the tutorial before?

I have a vague memory of farming the human starter area’s defend the gates event using my pet just to see whether it would work and I don’t think I died.

That said, the level gating is awful. You can’t even skip past it with birthday scrolls either since utility skills come at 24, 35 and 40 (Elite skills were 30, but at least you had them by the time the first dungeon opened.)

Take care Guild Wars Community!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eponet.4829


Am now actively looking for an alternative to GW2. Sad, really.

Archeage is a question mark, ESO is abysmal, Wildstar I won’t touch…and I’ll never go back to WoW.

Anyone have any suggestions?

There’s Guild Wars. Supposedly its development is halted (I hate the fact that this is actually a selling point now) but its servers are still going.

You're pulling a RuneScape

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eponet.4829


Ah, the good times 10 years ago, walking around wearing a CAPE, while relying on a few lobsters in my inventory to stay alive so I don’t lose my valuable items

dem feels…. karamja fishing ftw

Wanna buy a full Mithril, m8?

I’ll trim it for you if you want.

You Can Do ALL (almost) the Things Still

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eponet.4829


The part that I hate the most is the third utility skill coming at 35. The lack of elite skills hurts dungeons, but the cooldowns are normally long enough that you wont miss them too much in normal roaming.

The utility skills were some of the most fun parts. You can’t even skip the accursed level gating on them with the birthday scrolls that only get you up to 20, also it’s left me with a weird situation on my ranger where it kept the unlocked slots, but wont let me change them. So until she gains another ten levels she’s stuck with signet of the hunt on and its bonus movement speed making her sword 3 miss due to rolling past enemies.

240+ ranged Blast finishers [explained]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eponet.4829


Does it still give allies in the area of effect might?
Are these skills usable withing 240 range as well as further away? (i.e. Arcane wave can be used as just a normal blast at a distance, but if your playstyle warrants it, you can choose to use it at close range as a blast finisher)

That would be why.

Please delete. Thanks.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eponet.4829


Please explain of what “grind” you have to do now that you didnt need to do before? If anything lvl 20 reward is 8 skill points so you dont have to grind 7 skill points (like you had to do before)

Well, for one thing, you have to grind skill points more, because they removed the skill points you were getting naturally each level for leveling up.

Level 20 was 16 before.

Areanet, stick to your guns.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eponet.4829


but must admit i’m starting to lean toward the GW1 model of simply paying for the new content (expansions)….so that you actually get that level of content.

I’ve always been in favour of it just because of the behaviour it encourages.

Subscription: Drag out content as much as you can without driving people away so that people play for as long as possible.

Convenience Microtransactions: Intentionally weaken the experience by induce just enough frustration that people will spend money to have those problems fixed.

Buy+Expansion: Make the game as enjoyable as possible so that people will want to buy the expansions when more content is introduced

All hail the undocumented changes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eponet.4829


It’s like a suprise bag every update.
First got Frost Spirit nerfed, now Quickening Zephyr prevents finishing an enemy.
But Mesmers still can use Distortion and Engineers still can use Elixir S.
I really don’t know what the balancing team is doing all the time.

why u say there are nerfed??i dont see any changes about these 2 skills.

That’s kind of what undocumented means