Will we see more challenge mode achievements?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Eponet.4829
I personally found that the living world achievements were one of the more enjoyable parts of the game. With the exception of them, there’s really no middle ground in terms of solo balance between mind numbingly “You literally can’t fail”, and “Bosses that take 10+ minutes to kill as a solo mesmer despite being in berserker gear and basically repeating the same actions over and over again”, with many dungeon paths and a few fractals being literally impossible to complete solo due to things like pressure plates.
While most of them weren’t particularly challenging, they did require you to at least put forth some modicum of thought into it to get you engaged, provide reasonable rewards, and were designed to be completed solo with every class so that you wouldn’t have to deal with the group content people that ruin the experience of figuring things out for yourself by telling you exactly how to approach each encounter and bursting the fights down before they have much of a chance to fight back.
I’m hoping that they’ll make a reappearance in Heart of Thorns to fill the solo player void that we’re currently missing between “Effortless” and “Health Sponge” content.
The point of the post was Zealot’s isn’t very accessible and I think it should be. Do you not agree?
I do, but you made it sound as though you were unaware that stat swapping was possible, so I brought it up because I wanted to save you some gold if you end up making it anyway.
Just an FYI…those that have Badges of Honor without stepping foot in WvW obtain them from Achievement Chests. They give 100-300 or so at a time, I believe.
100 for the smallest chest, 500 for the largest, 200 or 300 for the ones in between.
Don’t spend money on the recipe. Just make other stat gear and restat it using the mystic forge into zealot’s.
Sprockets are comparatively more expensive, but unlike the ridiculous recipes that we can cut out of the process now, they’re not too bad.
No. Talk to a free account user, who has to play until like 60 before they can do PVP.
Getting killed in 2 seconds on a level 80 character I raised up doing ages in PVE and getting good gear, is not “Fun.”
1: The glory that the thread was about is from SPvP, not World vs World vs World
2: You can enter SPvP before level 60 on a free account, it’s WvWvW that has the level 60 restriction
3: If you’re dying in two seconds, then try running something other than berserker stats/select more defensive traits/utilities. It’s not considered to just a waste of stats to use defensive attributes in PvP, ever attribute it valuable in its own way.
(edited by Eponet.4829)
Celestial gear is currently meta for elementalists in PvP and WvW game modes, and additionally, I believe that one of the groups that completed the raid during beta used a celestial guardian as their “High toughness” person.
So, it’s clearly a viable stat set for certain classes.
See what I mean? toxic. Only this much and we got all the sarcasm and sanctimonious statements from the pvp “cool” guys. “look at me, look at me, you pve peasants” attitude. Imagine the degree of malaise whispers from these people when you own them in a match.
There’s idiots in all formats of this game, or any MMO for that matter.
I’ve been playing PvE exclusively the last few months after burning out on pure PvP and it’s funny how many make PvE out to be this land of rainbows, hugs and lollies with rivers of chocolate where bunnies skip and play all day while all the players stand in circles holding hands singing songs of love and all-welcoming joy while PvP is a depraved asylum of debauchery, insults and kitten-slinging.
Mis-informed threads like this do more harm than good, only breeding false animosity before a player has even tried the format. Sure pugging can be rough but that’s true of either format and PvE is not always the hippy holiday many of you make it out to be.
You should see what people are like in fractals when you don’t stack for every single fight, or don’t exploit a flawed encounter design by simply standing in a spot that completely negates the boss mechanics.
Without completely reworking how buffs work in this game, DPS meters will never be useful in the manner that the people calling for them want them to be.
A buff maintaining rotation is, most of the time going to be a DPS loss. If the damage addition from it is added to the damage of someone else, everyone is going to throw them out, whether they’re needed or not in order to have that added to their bars, and, people with their own buffs will actively dodge out of buffs in order to sabotage their “competition”. If it’s not included, no one is going to take anything that’s a DPS loss, especially if it helps the other players but doesn’t give them credit, and if it’s possible to use the boss mechanics to kill off the other players/force them to slow their damage, even better, I mean, if they die to it, they deserved to anyway, it doesn’t matter if it was unnecessary that they should have to spend cooldowns doing so.
Adding meters will result in people playing the meters rather than playing the game.
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Only if my dagger/dagger elementalist gets full credit for the damage everyone else does with my maintainable 15 stacks of might and more than 100% fury uptime, and continues to get this credit for the 5 most damaging members of the party even if 5 people aren’t hit by every blast, or the buffs get absorbed by people that can’t use them.
I mean, it’s not my fault if people keep moving out of the blast radius, or too many of the wrong people move into it, oh, and all the fury uptime beyond 100% on the most effective members needs to give me a portion of other peoples’ damage too, after all, it’s not my fault if too many of the same people moved into the buff zones when they were already fully stacked on it.
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Play how you want? maybe, but not if you want a legendary.
Unless I’m mistaken, you can still buy the old legendaries off the trading post with gold earned through playing how you want to. The account bound process is just for the new ones/crafting, and legendary crafting has been like that for ages, the gift of exploration makes me shudder.
So this apparently also applies to stat-stacking sigils, including both being broken by downscaling and upscaling. It’s exploitable even at lower levels though, for much greater effect.
Aren’t these compensated for by the fact that low level characters can’t use major/superior sigils though?
If it’s intended to be mandatory, all I ask is that they start recording voice logs so that they can ban people who are abusive over that like they do with the chat.
It seems doubtful that there will be new playable races from a simple cost-benefit analysis.
Consider the huge amount of work from the art department that would be required in order to accommodate a new race in both current and future content, they’d need to design entire new variants of each armor type in order to fit an extra race, all while balancing the racial abilities to be ineffective because they don’t want race effecting gameplay.
Effectively, a new race doesn’t actually add anything to the game, but requires much more work to create and maintain.
As an RP nerd I’ve had zero desire to get a legendary for pretty much the reasons OP states. Most of them are joke weapons and even the ones that are not are so distinctive that they’d look out of place on most of the professions that can use them. Only a handful of legendaries are even remotely impressive.
That said, I’ve seen enough big gay norns in in hot pink spats running around with the Dreamer to know there’s demand of ironically stupid weapons, so I just stick to my cultural t3 and accept it. I can get the best looking greatsword in the game for my Sylvari for 60k karma, who needs Twilight?
Here’s to hoping that the new legendaries continue being as diverse as the last, but it sure would be nice if they switched it up and made the new mace an actual serious weapon and then make the new legendary sword a floppy pool noodle, just so all audiences have some options.
Take a look at the Krytan weapon set. They’re actually really, really good looking. Humans make elegant weapons, which I suppose fits, given that they’re basically elves.
Honestly, the main reason that I don’t use the scepter is that it just feels unsatsifying to use.
In terms of raw numbers, it’s not awful if you’re in a situation where you can’t maintain 3 phantasms, but it just feels so lacking. It attacks so slowly, each time firing a slow moving featureless projectile, its block doesn’t give any immediate feedback on its counterattack, and its most powerful attack is just a channeled beam that feels even less impactful than the greatsword’s autoattack, despite actually being more powerful.
It’s just so boring. The sword, greatsword and staff all have skills that have obvious impact to them (i.e. Blurred Frenzy, Swap, Counter Blade, Mirror Blade, Mind Stab, Illusionary Wave, Phase Retreat, Chaos Storm), whereas with the scepter, if you’re not looking at the bars, you’d barely know if anything had happened at all.
I think most of them are alright, the only ones that I find particularly egregious are Bolt, Twilight, and The Dreamer.
Bolt and Twilight feel like they draw attention away from the action with over the top effects, Sunrise’s isn’t quite as harsh when swung.
The Dreamer’s new sound effect is just annoying people whenever it’s used. I was actually working on making it myself until the change, now though I’ll just hoard the materials.
It’s not terrible against single targets, it probably falls behind sword for even sinister/carrion builds against 2-3 targets though.
I got kicked so that they could sell a dungeon path.
I do think it’s somewhat debateable whether Dueling or Illusions increases your personal DPS more, though. It basically comes down to computing Phantasmal Fury + Fencer’s Finesse vs. Compounding Power + Phantasmal Haste. I’d give an edge to Dueling on this one just because Compounding Power doesn’t affect Phantasm damage at all, so its multiplicative effect is actually quite small despite +9% damage sounding pretty good on paper.
Don’t forget harmonious mantras.
With harmonious mantras, channeling mantra of pain is actually a DPS gain (Since unloading the power spikes are free actions that you can do while attacking) vs the sword autoattack, and can be done at range, allowing you to back away for a second or two during the channel.
Additionally, after the recent buff to harmonious mantras’ duration, using mantra of pain on cooldown is sufficient to maintain a full 5 stacks of the buff (Only dropping down below that point during the actual channeling when you’re not doing damage), adding almost an extra +15% personal damage buff.
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Although I mostly won against mesmers, don’t know if they were that UP or if I won because it was my favourite class to fight.
It’s not that they were underpowered, it’s just that thief was uniquely designed to counter them. A squishy target with low sustain and less access to stealth, and illusions that made cloak and dagger reliable to hit even if the thief wasn’t dagger/pistol.
Basically, they were forced to rely on jedi like-anticipation reflexes when 1v1ing thieves. With the baseline illusionary persona, they’re able to pick up prismatic understanding without too much of a cost, and combined with the pledge, they can stealth for more or less the same amount of time (With the exception of shadow refuge vs mass invisibility post PU nerf.) Additionally, the steal skill vs mesmers was one of the better ones, though personally I still preferred the whirling axe on warriors. So many didn’t have the presence of mind to not run in and try to melee me in my smoke field while blinding bolts were flying everywhere.
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There’s also a chance to receive charged quartz when you mine a quartz node. So, I guess buy a master’s pick, put down a guild surveying banner, and go mine some quartz nodes.
Sword/Dagger acrobatics thief used to be able to defend points and win straight fights, it’s also incompatible with the burst that makes the current thieves so good at ending fights quickly when they +1.
I wouldn’t mind if acrobatics were restored to its pre-nerfed state. The nerf really felt unjustified when it was only used by the second most common build, while the most common one remained at more or less the same level.
(edited by Eponet.4829)
“Oh noz, I’m about to be stomped by this warrior, pls help me!!”
“Sorry, I can’t, I’m a thief”
Aren’t thieves one of the best classes for interrupting a warrior’s stomp?
Shadow refuge or merciful ambush stealth them, which negates the stomp, and bountiful theft priorities stability, meaning that sleight of hand steals will interrupt through stability.
I mean, if you have your steal, your shadow refuge, and your merciful ambush on cooldown, the warrior in question has stability, you wont be able to. But… that’s not a thief issue.
If any other class has all their interrupts on cooldown, they can’t interrupt either.
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The intent was PvE. For WvW, I’d probably care less about condition duration, as they’re likely to get cleansed before running a full 10-20 seconds.
I’ve been considering sinister, but, I don’t know how to calculate power build DPS, so I have no idea how much direct damage I’d do. Leeching venoms are there mainly because of the life siphon damage. With might stacked, it adds around 630 dps to spider venom+Skale Venom used on cooldown.
(edited by Eponet.4829)
How effective are condition thieves?
I ended up coming up with this build, but I’m not sure how effective it would be in group scenarios where I can venom share for the full 5 targets.
Magic carpet is already in the gem store.. Why not mounts? Just make them pure aesthetics. I don’t mind riding a cool Pegasus when walking around. Maybe give them a 50% move speed bonus, and make it disarmed when attacked or attacking. Just like magic carpet except with the 50% move speed.
Why 50%?
If it’s not usable in combat, 50% is literally the same as 33%, as the out of combat speed caps at +33%, you’ll notice no difference between super speed and swiftness if you aren’t in combat.
Anyways, speed boosts on it seem like a bad idea, but I don’t mind the idea of purely cosmetic mounts (Though some people did point out that they do add to the visual clutter, so, maybe have an option to enable seeing them, with the default being off). The problem is, they tried them, and they didn’t work. Nobody wanted them.
(edited by Eponet.4829)
Aren’t there stat caps at lower levels?
There aren’t stat caps. The way the game works is it divides your stats based your effective level versus actual level. The further those two are apart, the bigger the divider.
The problem is that many skills and traits which grant stat bonuses are having their bonuses scaled by the same system, which devalues those abilities for higher level characters in central Tyria.
So as an example, a level 35 necro could walk into Ascalonian Catacombs with a trait that gives +55 toughness while shroud is active, but if a level 80 necro walks into that same instance with the same trait, it will give them only ~8 toughness while in shroud. The trait is essentially useless.
It’s one thing to downscale gear bonuses, but it’s another to downscale stat bonuses from traits. Downscaling gear makes sense because players acquire better gear as they level (which counteracts downscaling). But traits? Those don’t scale up with your actual level, yet downscaling will keep making them weaker and weaker in lower level zones as your actual level increases. It doesn’t make sense.
Granted, since HoT is all level 80, these problems won’t affect those zones. But it’s a VERY glaring issue when a whole bunch of traits have severely diminished or even nonexistent effects in areas <L60. And I mentioned the issue here in the HoT sub-forum because I noticed it’s affecting elite specs in the expansion as well.
It works the other way around as well in areas that upscale you, it’s kind of silly, but see what happens if you enter shroud as a full minion necromancer with flesh of the master in WvWvW as soon as is absolutely possible.
why do some people get so rude when someone makes suggestions? you can disagree without being rude, just a thought.
It’s just bad variance. There are a lot of people, not all of them are polite, and occasionally you run across that section.
Is there a delay to it or does it just never apply the bonus? What if you pick up a conjured item then switch in the trait?
It just never applies the bonus. I just tested conjured weapons, and it wasn’t applying to the stat increases due to the magnetic shield (Toughness) or Lava Axe (Power), there was no change with the magnetic shield, and lava axe only increased condition damage by the 180 that’s built into the lava axe itself.
When you don’t want people pestering you for wells.
It’s not the stats that need balancing, it’s condition mesmers in general. At the moment, in PvE, which is the only place sinister stats are useful our ratios vs NPCs are still somewhat too low, and shattering (Which contains the majority of our condition application) just isn’t worth it when compared to phantasms.
If you buff sinister stats, you end up buffing the already dominating sinister engineers. What does need to happen are improvements to confusion/torment in PvE, primarily confusion as it’s the most mesmer heavy of all the conditions (While torment is seen in quite a lot of other places), or buffs to PvE condition mesmers in general.
(edited by Eponet.4829)
Then you could just interrupt your own attacks and chain distort all you want.
Then give it an internal CD for each signet. Programm it like this: If you select this trait, you have selected like 6 traits (one for each signet), each saying “casting signet of [name] grants 1 sec distortion while having an internal CD of signet of [name]’s [CD]”.
So if you cast signet A with 20 sec CD, the trait will go on an 20 sec internal CD for signet A. If you cast signet A again after interrupting before the CD wore off, you recive no distortion. But you’ll get distortion when you cast signet B, C, D etc.
I hope you get the idea. But please – don’t try to kill an idea if it’s just a concept, that’s disrepectful. If that what you said is the only problem to my idea, I take it you agree it’s a great idea except for a minor issue in the concept / programming.
Honestly, I’m not really sure that Signet of Inspiration or Signet of Illusions even warrant having a cast time in the first place. Signet of the Ether and Domination definitely need theirs though in order to allow some degree of counterplay.
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So all off the people who were whining on how they don´t want to be “forced” to PvP are getting what they wanted.
I’m whining because I don’t want these shards to take away my T-charges.
Oh wow. That is awful. I didn’t notice that part until you pointed it out.
Being able to swim in transmutation charges is the best part of the PvP rewards.
Pure of Voice + Runes of the Pack + Retreat + Save Yourselves = 100% swiftness
That’s handy for the people that don’t like to play PvP, it’s good that they’re not being forced into it.
We can only hope that PvE and WvWvW players will be able to trade for gifts of exploration too.
and that WvWvW players will be able to trade their badges of honour
(edited by Eponet.4829)
1: Fair enough.
2: Only if the mounts are purely cosmetic like the broom or carpet, introducing speed boosted mounts will just result in maps being made larger to compensate for the added speed, and end up forcing people into using them, and thus result in it suffering from the “Remount after every single time you need to do something” issue that completely breaks the flow of the game in other MMOs in order to experience traveling at the speed the map was designed around.
3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JmN5cA3EH4 We don’t need to encourage this sort of behaviour. That said, something like the master of damage from Guild Wars 1 would be nice in order to help test out builds. http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Master_of_Damage
4: Skipping everything, stacking for everything, and forcing tank/healer/dps roles are completely different issues. Encounter skipping is fine, though it should be more engaging than just stacking stealth and running, Arah’s path 2 has a section that can be pretty fun to figure out the skipping method for the first time you do it. Stacking for everything is simply an issue of problems involving boss target caps/lack of AoE, there’s simply not enough meaningful AoE to justify giving up the easy boon sharing that it involves, as for the most part, what little there is is for the most part short enough in duration that people can get away with just using aegis or invulnerability dodging through it. There’s no need to force traditional roles, and there’s very little desirability behind it, as role setups tend to result in the game being simplified down to merely the aspects that define that one role rather than actually playing with the entire toolset of the class.
NERF Mesmer for the love of god lol: You’re kidding, right? In PvE, mesmers are awful, in duels they’re probably above average, but mostly prey on people that just don’t know how to play against them. Power burst mesmers are easy to deal with once you’ve played the class enough to understand how their mechanics work, and condition mesmers aren’t going to kill a bunker on their own unless said bunker has no idea how to play against mesmers and kills themself on the confusion/torment by moving 100% of the time and spamming skills.
balance pvp: PvP is being balanced, in fact, one of the common complaints is that the game being balanced around PvP is what’s causing certain professions to have issues in PvE. People are always going to complain about balance in any form of PvP that isn’t comprised of completely identical teams, but they are in fact actively attempting to balance around PvP.
make boss exclusive items that have a decent drop rate (esp in upcoming raids, (pets aren’t acceptable btw)): I agree, exclusive pets are an awful idea, no ranger should be forced into relying on RNG to acquire a pet that their profession is balanced around.
Personally I’m not entirely against the idea of exclusive skins, but, the main issue with exclusive gear needs to be considered. It takes just as much effort for them to make exclusive skins as it does to make readily available ones, thus, in effect, for each exclsuive skin made and enjoyed by a small number of players, you could have a readily available one that can be enjoyed by everyone.
Update store with new items monthly: Indifferent, they seem to update the store often enough as it is, and I’d rather they didn’t put any real focus on such an insignificant thing.
post everything there is on the store 24/7 (its money you’re losing): While that would be nice, they actually make money out of the rotation, as when they do introduce them back in, people who might be indifferent to the item tend to rush to buy them even if they weren’t really sure that they want them due to the fact that they might not be available again for a while. Additionally, it would also require spending time updating the store UI, as the style tab isn’t the most useful for searching for specific items, and throwing everything into it at once would make trying to preview in it a nightmare.
(edited by Eponet.4829)
Thieves? not a chance. Boon stripping/breaking bar is already taken care of…
Well, they can target buffs for thieves on an encounter by encounter basis by adding in particularly useful steal skills when stealing from a particular boss.
It’s also worth noting that the 10% toughness to condition damage earth magic elementalist trait doesn’t seem to count the toughness granted by sigil of earth, and neither the 10% power to condition damage or the 10% toughness to condition damage count the power/toughness from being attuned to fire/earth with the respective traits.
Revenant doesn’t strictly have an unblockable effect, but it has an effect for counterplaying blocks. It has a trait that causes your next attack after being blocked to inflict 50% more damage.
So, use a basic attack to trigger the block, then follow it up with your most powerful attack and it’ll probably do more damage than if no block had occurred.
Only way I can enjoy this fight is if I’m soloing it honestly. It kittenes me off to do it with other people unless 1 person removes stacks and the other 4 stealth, it’s just irritating when people drag her away from the debuff fields.
I think it’s a good design for soloing but terrible design for a group encounter.
Just ask them to group up for those phases, it’s worked for me most of the time.
Then their DPS sucked. The raid boss has roughly 20 million HP – that’s less than 7k DPS per zerk player. A top flight DPS build should easily do twice that.
I thought the 14k DPS was only a reasonable expectation in short fights, using the pre bug fixed meteor storm/ice bow and pre-nerf ice bow
7000 dps sounds reasonable for most classes, but easily doing 14000 seems like you’re exaggerating, unless you were intentionally picking out enemies with lower than typical toughness.
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It’s like asking to remove timers from Tequatl or Triple Trouble. Bad move ;(
What if instead of a timer, you had damage from the boss go up exponentially over a set of time, that way you still are under a time constraint but gives more leeway towards exact timers.
Soft enrage timers tend to feel more natural, and mean that compositions that have better overall sustain will tend to have a little more time. It’s not as though a full nomad group is going to find it super easy just because they ended up having 15 minutes instead of 10, especially since trying to keep people alive that extra 5 minutes would actually be a struggle.
Going by our drops spreadsheet, the combined ascended chest rate for 50s is ~16.43%. So unless my math is wrong, the chances of not getting an ascended chest in a week of 50s is (1 – .1643)^7, or ~28.5%.
It’s been so long since I did statistics, I was just thinking if its’ ~1/7 chance, then you should expect one every 7 days or so. Is it really only 28.5% chance of getting one in 7 days? just doesn’t seem intuitive, but that’s statistics!
You can expect once a week overall. However, the chance of not getting one in any particular week is as was listed.
The difference is due to the fact that the one a week on average counts the possibility of getting more than one each week as sufficient for multiple weeks.
mesmer pets.
…I don’t even think I can attribute this to poor play. It has to be trolling.
Well, you’re training him. He needs to get a tag in order to get credit, and thus xp for the victory.
I’d appreciate it too. I have world completion on my mesmer, and I enjoy the class, but if chronomancer goes the way that it’s currently looking like it will, and ends up being turned into a well spamming alacrity bot, I’d rather spend the hero points on something else. The thief’s elite spec looks nice, outside of the placeholder animations.
Celestial elementalist is a jack of all trades. But it’s important to realise that you need to play to all your strengths in order for it to work.
With two castings of cleansing wave through Water dagger 5 and evasive arcana, they contribute somewhat to group healing and condition management.
It’s not difficult to maintain 10-20 stacks of might and permanent fury using your fire fields, 3 blast finisher weapon skills, and the blast finisher on earth attunement evasive arcana.
Dagger elementalists have high mobility, allowing them to disengage fights, as well as quickly reach objectives if things like having to reach distant switches mid fight are ever incorporated as mechanics.
Due to the design of their kit and stat selection, elementalists deal significant amounts of both direct and condition damage when stacked with might.
Celestial D/D in PvE does really, really poor damage.
Weird, when I played it, it did noticably more than my berserker mesmer.
Celestial elementalist is a jack of all trades. But it’s important to realise that you need to play to all your strengths in order for it to work.
With two castings of cleansing wave through Water dagger 5 and evasive arcana, they contribute somewhat to group healing and condition management.
It’s not difficult to maintain 10-20 stacks of might and permanent fury using your fire fields, 3 blast finisher weapon skills, and the blast finisher on earth attunement evasive arcana.
Dagger elementalists have high mobility, allowing them to disengage fights, as well as quickly reach objectives if things like having to reach distant switches mid fight are ever incorporated as mechanics.
Due to the design of their kit and stat selection, elementalists deal significant amounts of both direct and condition damage when stacked with might.
• Improved Alacrity: this is the one that might need a few changes. During the first beta everyone took IR because it had no significant costs and IA only made alacrity last 25% longer instead of 50%. Then everyone complained that there was not enough alacrity while others complained we could summon illusions too easily. As a result, IR was nerfed and improved alacrity was buffed by 100%. After these changes, everyone started to take IA over IR. I think they just need to find some middle ground between these two traits. If 50% longer is too much, drop it down to 33%. Now, I am also not totally against the idea of changing it so 50% of your alacrity gained is shared with allies. However, the problem with this is that if you are mainly using wells, and you and your allies are all standing in the wells, your allies will be getting significantly more alacrity than you are.
So, why not instead something like “When flow of time triggers, grant nearby allies 50% of its effect”, and make it mutually exclusive with AWTEW, which currently has practically no trade off to taking it. (The current alternatives are superspeed to illusions when shattering which is lackluster, and slow when interrupting, which is almost useless due to anything worth interrupting having defiance)
It would open up two different paths for alacrity sharing, well based alacrity, as is currently available, but also allow the potential for a heavily shatter oriented playstyle without ramping the alacrity provided to allies even further due to the mutually exclusive aspects.
Due to the fact that such an alacrity source would practically require 3 illusions on each shatter in order to keep up with AWTEW, it might even bring some use to the currently underutilised mirror image, phantasmal defender and phantasmal disenchanter as a source of clones to shatter.
It’s an avenue that pushes condition builds more than power ones. While power builds end up dealing a decent amount of incidental damage through the damage attached to wells, condition builds, don’t. What they do benefit from is high illusion shatters, due to inflicting a stack of confusion and torment for each clone.
(edited by Eponet.4829)