Showing Posts For Fancia.3746:
To be honest, there really isn’t an issue with balance here. I’ve looked over a lot of posts about the gauntlet’s content being too difficult for certain classes, with some even claiming it’s -impossible- for certain classes, but I have to respectfully disagree. While the Liadri fight is certainly tough, I don’t think any one class has it easier than another. I think it comes down to the -player- having it easier over other players. Sure, guardians, mesmers and the like have access to built-in mechanics that allow them to completely ignore damage, but timing is still crucial with these, and many players that main these classes are still struggling.
Me? I main a Necro, and it took me a few tries, but I was able to beat Liadri myself, using only the two dodges my class is equipped with and no other real damage prevention mechanics. Just to note, I never once had to change my build or slot skills for this. I used the same 30/25/0/0/15 set-up with full berserker from tier 1 all the way to tier 3. So, while I agree this content is challenging, I think it’s silly that people are complaining about it being impossible or ‘too difficult’. The current level of difficulty for the gauntlet bosses is what A-Net likely intended it to be. While some people might be able to finish it quickly, it might take others a bit longer. As Chopps said, a lot of people are probably used to instant gratification. A lot fo what A-Net has done in the past has encouraged instant gratification, with many meta achievements being able to be accomplished through a few hours of grinding out content. This is different. It doesn’t involve any grind—it involves skill.
BS… People are complaining about it being impossible or too difficult, because the difficulty is in the entirely wrong place… The content isnt challenging and it does not involve any actual skill… The only skill it required is finding the gimmick, and that’s seriously NOT a fun way to do encounters… Nor are the fights that are purely luck based for certain classes… All of the classes have atleast one of those along the way so it’s about even playingfield for that part, but dont kid yourself thinking that gimmicks are in any way hard skillwise… People expect SKILL based difficulty, and when skill simply isnt enough, because they havnt found the gimmick, then THAT is when people complain about the difficulty… You can tell them the gimmick, and the fight suddenly becomes super easy… That’s not skill…
I wonder how I’m supposed to get the ooze achievement with my ele. If anyone has a pure single target ele build that does that much damage, then please go ahead and link it.
You dont need high dps… I’ve done it as an engineer shooting rifle in a tank spec… Just autoattacking… If you ignore the extra adds, you have PLENTY of time to kill subject7 with that way… Just circle around it at close range… Or if you prefer, go back and forth at longer range in a 90 degree arc, and then step in closer once you get oozes in the way… He should be at like 10%-20% hp max at that point and easily finished close range…
All the classes CAN do the gauntlet… Most of them can even do it in pretty much any spec too… The problem is that for certain classes, certain challenges becomes purely luck based… Beyond that though, it’s just a matter or learning the gimmicks of each fight… And then I dont mean learning what skills they do, but the actual gimmicks… Like subject7 as an example, which even have an extra achieve… Well the entire gimmick there is that hey, those extra oozes, dont actually move, and they have ZERO prediction ability… Simply sidestepping round and round subject 7 at close range == profit with no hassle whatsoever… The only hard part skillwise in the these fights, are finding the gimmicks, not the actual fights themselves…
You guys really are a bunch of amateurs…
This, plus the numerous bugs with the Gauntlet. Geez, I don’t even know what to expect next. Nothing ? Is that good enough ?Because insulting the devs will help the process, and you know the code and their working conditions well enough to be affirmative they could have done better. Wait, no, you are just being rude for the sake of it!
They have to deal with an incredibly complex system, here, and update it every two weeks. Of course there are bugs. Never ever expect perfection from a computer system. Even space rockets blow up because of bugs, and I don’t think the NASA (or any other space agency) is “a bunch of amateurs”.
One doesnt have to see the code, to be able to see the effects in the system that comes from core designs that are basicly big no-noes in programming… Such as you dont EVER put relative movement, when server overrides the client absolute position, such as what they did with the lightning pull (or actually most force movement is like that)… That’s a design that WILL have MAJOR problems at even the slightest of lag, and you just dont design systems around not being able to have any lag at all… You just dont… That’s one of the first things you’re taught when learning network programming, "dont EVER, “correct” input from a client"… If the client provides the wrong input, you either ignore the input and inform the client of that (soft error), or you reject the client entirely by as an example, disconnecting it (hard error)…
So really… Complaining about the poor job the dev does on certain things, is actually quite valid… That doesnt mean ALL complaints are valid or that all devs are bad, or even that the devs doing those specific things are bad… But it does mean that those specific devs, did a bad job on those specific things… No more, no less…
Rangers have it very easy on Liadri either way since we’re basicly the king of movement and it’s really movement that is needed on that fight more than dodges and stuff… But the fact that we even HAVE pets, are constantly ignored by the devs for some reason, that much is very true… Several fights puts us at a HUGE disadvantage and in some of them it would even have been better to keep the pet entirely disabled had that been possible…
I am trying to get the main achievement of the queen’s gauntlet, and I cant do it. I need to finish 1 more achiev from this list:
Deafeat the final boss
Deafeat the final boss after you hit her with 8x light
Have 3 gambits
Have 5 gambits
Dont let the dog get the meat in Strugar and chumper fight.
dont kill any globs from subject 7And I need help… I cannot defeat the final boss so the first 2 ahievs are improbable… then the gambits ones I can do if i fight the sniper tier 3 boss… which appears to be bugged for me, i think. His mines are invisible and I cannot see them but they still detonate. I need some advice… I am a level 80 Engineer.
BTW Arenanet! The last 2 achievs on the list should be changed. The Strugar and Chomper fight, Strugar threw the meat right on chomper, multiple times, so Its impossible to get the meat before chomper eats it.
Also, I cannot kill subject 7 without killing his blobs. 80% of my main damage abilities are AoE as an engineer and its pretty much impossible unless I am maybe lucky?!I need help pls!
For subject 7, you can simply slow dps it using a rifle basic attack… The added blobs dont actually move, and they have a fairly consistent spawning pattern. If you run back and forth on a 90 degree angle to subject7, you can kill him without too much trouble… All the attacks are very easy to avoid even without the use of dodges so that achieve is quite easy…
Why don’t you noobs try changing your builds?
So, please, do tell what build a ranger use to survive Salazan with skill rather than pure luck?
You must suck on ranger then if you couldn’t beat him lol….God help you when you reach some of the other bosses then! All trolling aside I used GS and axe/axe and did fine. This is what I used to beat him:
So another “I did it” reply… Instead of the actual breakdown as asked for…
So ok… You’re using stone spirit, which is completely useless on Salazan as it’s dead the instant you summon it… Traits, you’re running basicly the same as I am… Minor diffrences in gear setup, except we’re using diffrent weapons normally but I’ve tried the GS as well… For Salazan, that’s completely useless…
So you still havnt explained which magic you’re using to get unlimited energy for the massive amounts of evade that is claimed to be needed…
I did this on necro.
Screenshot or didnt happen.
For Salazan, which the person I replied to is complaining about? Srsly?? Considering there are other necros who have made it to the final boss (I’m one away.. needed a break), I hardly think that’s necessary :P
No… I was the one commenting on it being the same for RANGERS on Salazan… Necros are not having to rely as on pure luck for Salazan, rangers do…
rangers are the kings of evades just after s/d thieves lol what planet do you live on.
try s/d with points into wilderness
We’re the kings of movement, not evades… We have plenty of movement stuff but even assuming a the full amount of dodges, it’s simply not possible to dodge all the fires in the rings… Each dodge is 3/4 of a second… Even assuming all 3 supportskills was dodges, which we dont actually have… Combined with 2 dodges from weapon, and then another 2 from sigil on weapon swap… And then another dodge from the time it takes to regenerate the energy for that… That’s still 8 dodges… While indeed that’s quite nice, it’s simply not enough unless you have those 8 dodges for the next ring as well, which you dont have because 4 of those rely on cooldowns… 3 directly and 1 from the regen while using those… So you’re still screwed if not killing before the second ring…
Im sorry that you have not played a ranger yet… Rangers CANNOT continiously dodge like that… At best we have Vigor+50% extra regen… That gives 2 dodges, and then at minimum, another 3 seconds before the next dodge is possible… Given optimal conditions… Given the right weapons or skills, we can get another dodge or two in, and then only have 1-2 seconds of not being able to dodge… These dodges however are highly limited in direction and range. It’s not a viable option during Salazan, so that leaves two dodges before the 3 second window of not being able to… Now, we can have a sigil that gives full energy, giving us another 2 dodges… At which point we’re still back no dodges… Now, here’s the kicker… Assuming you’re running a fully defensive build, a ranger have ~24k HP. Salazans fire, hit you twice per second for 2000-2500 damage, for 10 seconds… You have at best 4 dodges giving you 3 seconds of immunity provided you are lucky enough to not get hit inbetween the dodges, which with twice per second is very common… That’s 7 seconds to go in which you have no dodges left. That means 14 hits, at 2000 damage each, at best… That’s 28k damage… You can heal for ~9k of that resulting in a net loss of 19k damage… And that’s the first 10 seconds of the fight… Now, the luck part comes in… Because Salazan will either start throwing a couple of fireballs on you which is easily avoided, but for the most part, he’ll just throw another fire ring on you… Except this time, you have 1, perhaps 2 dodges… And you’re dead… But hey, we have more skills to consider. We can be inv for a couple of secs, so let’s add that too… Well the inv is 6 seconds. So we can actually avoid all damage from the first ring… But then we take full damage from the second ring, so it’s still a death at that point… So in essence, the only way for rangers to kill, is to kill prior to that second ring being cast… Which is, as I said before… 100% based on luck… There’s zero skill involved in that because we have no way of influencing when that is being cast…
Which challenge? To survive the second ring of fire? Please, do tell how if you manage it… And then I dont just mean “I did it”… An actual breakdown of the fight…
and another funny thing is that so much skills just dont work. skills like taking no damage or pain inverter and much more….
The take no damage, or even invul skills have zero effect on scripted instakills such as the fire ring or the adds on last that much is correct… But that is also understandable really… Personally, I just hate people portraying gimmick fights, as skill, when they’re actually just relying on some specific mechanics… Look at Alpha as an example… That’s a much better example of difficult fights, that isnt just relying on some specific gimmick… Not saying Alpha is all that hard, but it’s a fight where the difficulty really is in the hands of the player and not just purely random…
On the first day everything is always veeery impossible for you guys
in some days, when better players show you how easily its beaten, only half of you will rage on. and the other half will start copying builds from people that know what theyre doing. Or didn’t you beat the trials t4 in the end? if not, this is just not meant for you. go on.
Stop building strawmen… Noone said it was impossible… We’re saying it’s 100% based on luck rather than skill for some classes in certain fights…
So, please, do tell what build a ranger use to survive Salazan with skill rather than pure luck?
Literally beat this guy on my ranger’s second try with no difficulty using axe/torch.
A shortbow probably would’ve done it better though.
And I didnt say it was impossible… I just said that it’s 100% reliant on luck of not getting hit with a second ring before you kill him… Because a second ring, is basicly GG…
Im sorry that you have not played a ranger yet… Rangers CANNOT continiously dodge like that… At best we have Vigor+50% extra regen… That gives 2 dodges, and then at minimum, another 3 seconds before the next dodge is possible… Given optimal conditions… Given the right weapons or skills, we can get another dodge or two in, and then only have 1-2 seconds of not being able to dodge… These dodges however are highly limited in direction and range. It’s not a viable option during Salazan, so that leaves two dodges before the 3 second window of not being able to… Now, we can have a sigil that gives full energy, giving us another 2 dodges… At which point we’re still back no dodges… Now, here’s the kicker… Assuming you’re running a fully defensive build, a ranger have ~24k HP. Salazans fire, hit you twice per second for 2000-2500 damage, for 10 seconds… You have at best 4 dodges giving you 3 seconds of immunity provided you are lucky enough to not get hit inbetween the dodges, which with twice per second is very common… That’s 7 seconds to go in which you have no dodges left. That means 14 hits, at 2000 damage each, at best… That’s 28k damage… You can heal for ~9k of that resulting in a net loss of 19k damage… And that’s the first 10 seconds of the fight… Now, the luck part comes in… Because Salazan will either start throwing a couple of fireballs on you which is easily avoided, but for the most part, he’ll just throw another fire ring on you… Except this time, you have 1, perhaps 2 dodges… And you’re dead… But hey, we have more skills to consider. We can be inv for a couple of secs, so let’s add that too… Well the inv is 6 seconds. So we can actually avoid all damage from the first ring… But then we take full damage from the second ring, so it’s still a death at that point… So in essence, the only way for rangers to kill, is to kill prior to that second ring being cast… Which is, as I said before… 100% based on luck… There’s zero skill involved in that because we have no way of influencing when that is being cast…
No… It’s quite easy to understand actually… In your guild forum, you have a more intimate relationship with your fellow guildmembers, which means they have all the more reason to glorify their own achievements… No matter how difficult they found it to be, it’ll be claimed to be easy, just to look better in the eyes of their fellow guildmembers…. On the official forums however, people are not really familiar with eachother, and most arnt even on the same server and therefor lack the incentive to glorify their achievement, and thus, you’ll see a much larger degree of honesty…
Yeah, people are always so forthcoming with their faults on these boards.
Also, BRB, beating this with a necro just because I’m one of those crazy people that tries to succeed instead of ranting on the boards about how the latest jumping puzzle or fight or something is impossible.
Noone said it was impossible… It’s just that it’s extremely reliant on luck to complete certain champs for certain classes because they lack the intended gimmick mechanics…
Why don’t you noobs try changing your builds?
So, please, do tell what build a ranger use to survive Salazan with skill rather than pure luck?
Why don’t you ask and find out instead of kittening? There’s been a post already about every class having beaten this boss.
I just asked didnt I? And I have asked before… The only answers available, do not apply to rangers because we simply do not have the mechanics required for those tactics… We do not have reliable blocks, we do not have reliable condition removals, we do not have multiple invulnabilities… So, I ask again… What build makes it possible without relying 100% on luck?
Why can’t a necro do this? I haven’t started yet but was wondering.
All classes CAN… It’s just a matter of certain fights being purely reliant on luck for some classes and have virtually zero skill involved in them…
Why don’t you noobs try changing your builds?
So, please, do tell what build a ranger use to survive Salazan with skill rather than pure luck?
Atleast as a Necro you can get TO that fight… Rangers have the same problem, but at Salazan… The only tactics available, rely on mechanics that rangers simply do not have… So it’s pretty much GG at that point… Sadly…
NO way is this awesome thread dying in a sea of whine!
Dabump and +1 for the shrieks.Also +1 for Fancia ripping of the curtain Anet is hiding behind.
It’s not a curtain and they’re not really hiding behind it… It’s just a matter of someone taking a design decision, that was not appropriate given their other decisions… This is something completely normal in large orgs… The sad part is really that for some reason, those that did understand, did not advice against it, or that their advice was ignored… Either way though, it’s not like they’re hiding with this… Not saying something, is not the same as hiding and it’s not normal to divulge too much about their code in programming.
Very interesting read. ^
What I would like to know is why all my ground-targeting skills are precise, and all my normal jumping is precise – but in jump pads and aspect skills the game is utterly failing me. It seems they didn’t use the same implementation method on the normal skills, so why the change?
All your normal jumping is normal, because the design they’ve chosen is for movement to be relative and what you do to compensate for packetloss in that design, is that you allow for some variation, and at regular intervals, send a true coord from the server, to the client and vice versa.. And then if the variation is small enough, the client data overrides the server, but too large, and the client will update itself according to the server, resulting in a bungieeffect, AKA rubberbanding… For normal movement, that becomes fine unless there is quite significant lag, and VERY annoying if you have any packetloss to speak of…
As for other ground target being precise… I kindof actually doubt that but unless YOU are lagging, the variation for a none movement groundtarget, would be very small. Even for a regular groundtarget movement skill, the imprecision will not be very visible because short distance movement, will not create a diffrence large enough for the server to override the client position… When doing a long jump like with lightning pull however, your position becomes VERY likely to be overwritten… If you’ve had a packet lost that as an example, moves you half a second forward… Well then your jump will be half a second short, or rather the ground target cursor will… Meaning the server will think you targeted somewhere completely diffrent, likely in the middle of the empty space, even though the client doesnt actually allow you to do that…
As for packets being lost… Well that’s not really common unless you’re on wireless connections, EXCEPT when a connection gets overloaded, such as server being loaded beyond capacity… The skill is pretty much accurate without these problems, at 3AM or atleast, accurate enough to not fall short or overshoot as often as it does in primetime…
So, it’s not really that they’re using a diffrent implementation, it’s just that the problems arnt as visible with the short distances of the regular groundtarget movements.
The Lightning Pull skill targeting is very flakey.
Sometimes you tap it once and you get the targeting, and the second tap activates the movement.
Other times tap it once and no targeting, just instant unintended movement with death often resulting.
Is this a bug or am I miss-understanding how this is supposed to work?
The same button has two skills dependant on where you’re standing and in which direction… Normally, you have the ground target, but if you’re standing in certain spots, turned towards a small lightning obelisk, you will get the other skill which pulls you to the obelisk without the targetting… You can see which of the two skills is selected by looking at your skillbar… If there’s a ground target red ring on top of the 3, it’s in the normal mode.. If there’s no ring, it’s the obelisk pull version
LOL! Thanks I needed a laugh, good video. Sucks that there are always so many bugs in the new content.
Actually, this is less of a bug and more of an extremely poor design choice, given their other design choices…
Basicly they’re doing some of the biggest NO-NOs of programming server<→client systems… Such as NOT having diffrent ends performing calculations for the same thing… In this case, your client sends your ground target, relative to where you are… But it isnt actually sending your current location… So the server uses your last sent static coords with adjustments for the relative movements it has recieved since… Now here’s the kicker… Packets DO get lost, and the relative movement ofc, isnt done in realtime… That means the server will ALWAYS have a diffrent location that it uses to calculate where your target is… From where you ACTUALLY are… That means the targetting, will always be off… That’s something you dont normally do in programming…
You have EITHER the server OR the client decide both things… Having the server do it, has some performance issues… Letting the client do it, has security issues… So that makes some programmers not very experienced in client-server systems think it’s a good idea to go with this design… The right design for this “problem” is however, to have the client always do the calculation, but not TRUST the client providing the data. Such as have the client decide what happens, but also have the server VERIFY the input… Such as, the client always decides how it moves and where… But have the server verify if that movement is possible… Say every second, it checks your speed, and your locations a second ago and checks your location now, and sees if it possible that you could have moved that distance given that timeframe, which stops speedhacking… Doing the same for checking terrain is also possible… This eliminates both the main security issues (as well as makes a system available to be easily expanded with additional security checks of this type) as well as the performanceissues, because it’s the server doing all the main calculations, and the major benefit, is that you will never rubberband (classic MMO thing) and the server will never missinterpret your targets or similar…
The problem in this case, is exactly these problems… When you’re jumping short of the target, it’s the same as if you had rubberbanded… As in the server pulls you back because it sends out new coords that you “should” be at, based on the relative movements from your last sent actual coords… Now dont get me wrong… This design choice also has its virtues, Im not bashing that choice… Most MMO games choose it because the method I describe, is more network and server load intensive, meaning they would need more server capacity to handle it, and bigger pipes… And it would also mean it would require faster machines to handle the client, and more bandwidth for the clients….
The thing is, as I said before, they are seemingly too much of beginners in the client-server programming, to understand the weaknesses of their prior choices… When making the choice they’ve made with the network design… One HAS to understand that this WILL limit some other choices, such as “Dont do ground targetting for precision dependant things, such as movement”… THIS is what the devs have forgotten in this case…
In this case, it’s likely a sideeffect of some mass recruitment in the creativity department that doesnt know the limits, combined with programmers and designers not understanding the consequences of the choices. Or that the poor dev that was given the task of implementing this, knew, but didnt dare advice against it for some reason… (that last one I’ve sadly seen waaaay too often ;_;)
There are chests beyond 2500 as well. It just doesnt show further than the next few ones
Why should I be forced to change my build? Also hasn’t ArenaNet put out that they don’t like One Shot mechanics that can’t be dodged?
Not calling this player out, but this type of attitude is depressing. Zerker gear is MENT to give you the most DPS with a limited amount of survivability It is not a one shot mechanic, is is a mechanic that is designed to, for once in pve, allow other armor stat combos to be very effective.
As a WvW player, I carry 2 sets or armor already. My zerker pve armor, and my knights, ascended WvW armor. This was the first dungeon I had to switch to knights and could not face roll with my great sword. It was refreshing to use my LB or rifle and actually know my toughness helped me at the end.
That would be fine, IF it was actually damage like that, that was any sort of problem in this dungeon… It’s not. Toughness doesnt help any against a golem pulling you through a wall, stuns and camps you until you’re dead… Let’s have a look at ranger for a second… We’ll go knights as you say… We get ~18582 health… With a ~25% damage reduction from that toughness… This, by going full defensive traits… Now, walls do ~10k with this… meaning you’re still dead if two walls hit you… Now… The first wall, you’ll get pulled through by a golem… Rangers only have one source of stability, and that’s our elite… While it does give 20seconds of it, it’s a 120s CD so nothing that can be chained… Meaning that popping it the first time you need to get on boxes, means that sure you wont be pulled that time, but you will be pulled the next, and then what do you do? Well if you’re pulled through a wall, it’s GG you’re dead… If you’re lucky and not get pulled through one, you get stunned, which you have to use LF to get out of or you’ll be hit by a wall… Hopefully, you’ll be standing in a direction where your LF doesnt take you through a wall… So that’s twice you have to actually be lucky in a row, to not get oneshotted, and the next time it happens, you’re dead because you’ve now used every trick you HAVE of avoiding this… Not all classes are warriors with five frigging stability sources, four of which have relatively low CD… Had I had that many stability sources, pulling would be no problem, but alas, no…
Finished it 4 times already. I have the under 15 minutes achievement and FTL. Did it only in random parties.. Its hard but not that hard!
I need you to show me how to do it…
Theres nothing much to show. I play heal guardian so we hugged the mai trin all the time and stood in the aoe so her shield was insta down to 0. Then we bursted her down. 1/4 HP in 3 minutes. Now we are trying to finish not getting hit by aoe.
Flame and Frost and AR were the best dungeons Ive ever done in game lol.. Ive never had more fun.
We failed at the Golem bit, how do you get through there reliably? We kept dying to the pulls which seem to insta kill you through the laser fields.
At first phase you just stand on crates with ranged weapons, second phase you just run between the laser walls with ranged weapons and in last phase you run between laser walls and jump on crates to avoid the small lasers.. thats all.
Yea that’s all… Because you’re dead because now one of the golems pulled you right through a wall, stunning you with the shield so yet another wall crosses you, just incase you didnt die to the first wall, and then procedes to camp you until you’re dead… Which cant be recovered from in this fight… And then what? You see, while the THEORY is that it’s that simple… The reality is, that it’s not… It’s ALL about luck to not get pulled trough the walls, and there’s not a kitten thing you can actually do about it except stacking unlimited stability, which only a limited few classes can actually do…
Before claiming the dungeon is fine… Think things through from multiple perspectives and not just “I did it, so it must be fine”… Other people are playing other classes with entirely diffrent skillsets… Some which completely lack the skills you take for granted to manage the encounter…
Oh yes it’s very fun as a dungeon… The bosses, are not… Pets break the first fight (yet again, what a surprise -_-)… And then pulls, that cant be dodged, that oneshots you… Yea that’s SUPER fun… NOOOT…. First boss is 100% luck to beat, and luck, is not fun in any way….