Showing Posts For Fancia.3746:
you guys, are either thickskulled idiots or simply being stubborn, i cannot come to a conclusion which it is.
It is not about being better then bleeding. Bleeding is THE best condi, short of maybe 25 stacks of torment on a running target. Either way, IF YOU RUN A CONDI BUILD, YOU ALREADY HAVE MAXED OUT BLEED DAMAGE, MAXED OUT BURN DAMAGE, YET POISON DAMAGE CAN NOW BE MAXED OUT FURTHER, THUS YOU DO MORE CONDI DAMAGE THEN WITHOUT. THIS IS MIN/MAX 101.
The point wasnt about if it was better than bleed or not… Point is that no matter how you twist it, the only benefit you can get from the trait, is only equal to a single bleed… Bleed is only a good condi exactly because you can stack the intensity… Had poison been able to stack in intensity, sure it would have been a very good trait but it doesnt… Poison is used for the healing reduction, never for the damage because the damage is pathetic to begin with… As I said, you only do more condi damage from this IF you’re keeping up 25 stacks of bleed AND are the only one applying poison… A situation you’re simply NEVER going to be in… And even in that once in a blue moon situation, it’s an extremely minor dps increase compared to basicly ANYTHING else you could take… So your min/maxing 101… Is failed to begin with because you dont realize how extremely limited the situations are where you even CAN use this…
I believe the reasoning behind the Poison GM trait is for the pet’s ability to insta-apply poison. I can see it being used in PvP, but probably not beyond that. It is pretty bad for pve, to be honest.
Except as I pointed out, the only weapon where the trait would have ANY benefit, as in the only weapon that can reliably even apply poison at all, can already by itself keep poison up permanently by itself even on bosses making that entirely moot… The only time that part of the effect would be useful at all, would be if you cant apply poison yourself, in which case, you’re not gonna be running a condi build, and if you’re not, it’s still only 40dps for the duration of the poison, which is a short time anyway with only that method to apply…
poison gm trait is bad, really bad……….
i will counter your brilliant argument by claiming you are bad.
both completely unproven statements, well maybe not the latter, both completely irrelevant before the patch hits.
Actually we have something like, MATH that proves his statement to be true… The poison GM trait increases poison damage by 50%. However, poison damage is very little either way so increasing it by a tiny amount, is simply not worth it… In essence, it has the worth of just a little less than a single bleed.
Assuming 0 condition damage:
Without trait: 84dps
With trait: 126dps
Increase = 42dps.
Bleed dps: 42,5dps.
Assuming 2000 Condition damage:
Without trait: 284dps
With trait: 426
Increase = 142
Bleed dps = 142,5.
or even let’s go overboard. Assuming 10k Condition damage:
Without trait: 1084dps
With trait: 1626
Increase = 542
Bleed dps = 542,5
So as you can see, it is ALWAYS exactly 0,5dps behind a single bleed.
This means that the only time this is useful AT ALL to use, if if the mobs you hit will be at full 25stacks at all times anyway, and you know that you will be the one doing the poison damage… Combined with that the only weapon to reliably apply poison with is the shortbow, which just as easily applies bleed, means that you dont even have that going for it either and shortbow keeps it up indeff anyway so even that becomes pointless… While the other GM traits in that line isnt very useful either, you’re still much better of using either of them, or just another lower tier one… Or simply not go that deep into that line… No matter how you twist and turn it, it’s a REALLY bad trait…
If they follow the same thing as this release, then the same basic (as in white) super weapons, wont be available… Though since they’ve gone through all weapons, the next time it might be diffrent designs, who knows… Since tribulation weapons of W1 is possible in this W2 release though, I would guess though that those weapons will come back when SAB next comes back with W3 as well, meaning that while you might not be able to get your white super weapon after this, you’re quite likely to be able to get green and yellow still
Actually Rangers may do it easily (it’s tedious though) AFTER failure. Longbow 1200 range, clear the spiders in front (just pulling group after group) and then stay in corridor autoattack and dodge time to time
Pet removed or set as away.
I hope you realize that you just made a fool out of the claim that rangers can do it? Because a claim like that, kindof gets REALLY destroyed when you prove you dont know something as basic about the class, as pets CANT be removed, or set as away during combat… At best you can have them as idle, which still leaves them with several issues anyway…
He’s not hitting the 32bit limit, and he’s not using a 32bit OS as shown by the log he posted… “OSVersion: Windows 6.1 (64 bit)”
Ah yes, but the application is 32-bit. 32-bit applications run on 64bit windows through the WoW64(Windows on Windows). The game client is still stuck only using 3+gigs. Most games are only 32-bit binaries; BF3 had a similar issue when it was first released; although more rare.
Hopefully they are looking at the client and attempting to figure out why it will use more memory that its allocated.
Indeed. Except he’s nowhere NEAR the 4gig limit of 32bit apps in 64bit OS…
—> Process Memory <—
Private: 1295MB
WorkingSet: 1186MB
PeakWorkingSet: 1397MB
PageFaults: 4896020So no sorry, this simply is not a case of running out of memory… Also, the exception would be diffrent if that was the case… Memory limit errors have either “Out of memory”, “Out of virtual memory”, or “Could not WRITE to memory at address X”… This is a READ error, which is either a result of a bug in the software itself, a corrupt file, or a hardware error… If it always happens at a specific place in a game, then hardware can pretty much be ruled out as it would be much more random if it was… Then the remaining two options are corrupt files, or software bugs…
I stand correct.
However, this date is just wrong:
When: 2012-05-15T01:01:34Z 2012-05-14T18:01:34-07:00
That would have been during beta.
Yea I noticed that too just a min ago, and opened the logfile attached instead. THERE the error is out of memory… I went by the post itself and assumed he had posted the relevant crash rather than a random one
My bad… I opened his Log FILE which is out of memory… The OP text however, is not related to that, which was what I went by
He’s not hitting the 32bit limit, and he’s not using a 32bit OS as shown by the log he posted… “OSVersion: Windows 6.1 (64 bit)”
Ah yes, but the application is 32-bit. 32-bit applications run on 64bit windows through the WoW64(Windows on Windows). The game client is still stuck only using 3+gigs. Most games are only 32-bit binaries; BF3 had a similar issue when it was first released; although more rare.
Hopefully they are looking at the client and attempting to figure out why it will use more memory that its allocated.
Indeed. Except he’s nowhere NEAR the 4gig limit of 32bit apps in 64bit OS…
—> Process Memory <—
Private: 1295MB
WorkingSet: 1186MB
PeakWorkingSet: 1397MB
PageFaults: 4896020
So no sorry, this simply is not a case of running out of memory… Also, the exception would be diffrent if that was the case… Memory limit errors have either “Out of memory”, “Out of virtual memory”, or “Could not WRITE to memory at address X”… This is a READ error, which is either a result of a bug in the software itself, a corrupt file, or a hardware error… If it always happens at a specific place in a game, then hardware can pretty much be ruled out as it would be much more random if it was… Then the remaining two options are corrupt files, or software bugs…
He’s not hitting the 32bit limit, and he’s not using a 32bit OS as shown by the log he posted… “OSVersion: Windows 6.1 (64 bit)”
That those crashes are memory limits are silly… If so then your client is the problem… I have 64gig memory, and still crash… You can also see from the log he posted, that he’s nowhere near ANY of the memory limits…
The main reason for people not wanting to direct it, leading to people not getting it done because while a TS isnt actually needed, some level of organisation is… And that’s really the main difficulty of the fight, organisational problems… And those are faced by the leaders alone… Myself, well Id love to do it more. As it is, I do it daily, BUT it’s always the same 2-6hour wait for the organisational problems to be sorted out by the leaders… Time, Im personally, not willing to actively spend for a single fight… THAT is the problem… Not that the rewards are too low… Simply allow guilds to create a dedicated overflow for themselves, like an instance, would solve that… As it is, it’s what these guilds do anyway… Hop around until a virtually empty overflow is found, then taxi everyone in filling the zone with only guildies so you know everyone knows tactics and stuff…
Oh I hear ya. We failed a couple of times because either we didn’t have enough people at the front (two teams of around 30+ players is a good idea), or because they were dying too much. Having one of the DPS teams wipe entirely is one of the worst things that can happen during the fight. Sometimes this happens when the team gets hit by overlapping poison puddles, and the turrets are unable to cleanse it immediately. And other times player are just wasting time.
You really want players to be where they need to be, right down to the second. Voice communication is key in this.
Umm… Overlapping poison puddles, isnt a problem even if turrets dont cleanse immediately. If a puddle lands on top of the group, the group MOVES. The turrets cleanse is so that the group have somewhere to move later on, not so the DPS ball can stand still like a braindead zombie…
The hardcore/elite players want this to remain thee same.
The casual payers feel that this is too much to go up against.
Why cant a solution be worked out that works for both groups?Change the mechanics of the fight to where its just easier. This would upset the hardcores and make the casuals happy. So, not an option.
Increase the timer to 30 min. But if you do this, the hardcores are going to feel that it is too easy while making the casuals. So lets not do this one.
Add a new mechanic. Once Teq’s life bar hits 75%, a bonus 5 minutes is granted. And again, once his life hits 50% and 25%, another 5 minutes can be added to the timer. This method would give a little bit of hope to the casuals whilst retaining the difficulty that the hardcores desire. If you are so elite and hardcore, you wont even need the extra times and will burn him down in 15 minutes anyways right? If you are a casual player, just work your butt off to get him down to the reward tiers and you will also get rewarded with a few more minutes to finish him off.
Is this really such a difficult solution to provide that would keep everyone happy?
That would seriously trivialize the content you know, and had you known the fight after 75%, you wouldnt be advocating this because you would know it would trivialize it. You can spend 10 mins to 75%, after that, the 75%-0% is still very much possible… Each 25% after 75% takes only a little more than a min…
-There is no reason to go to the Tequatl fight because it is no different than throwing rares into the mystic forge.
- Your chance of success is very truly entirely based upon chance.
- Players are no longer important in the fight or to the fight except those 6 on the cannon.
- The six players on the cannons are responsible for the success or failure of an entire server.
- There is no reward for participating in the event. Tequatl is a fight based around chance. Therefore, to show up to the fight is to show up with a very low rational hope of success.
- People have better things to do with their time.
- This kind of content will generate irrationality, bickering, and a generally negative social climate in your game.
- You did not understand this.Making incorrect negative assumptions is more damaging. Let me break it down for you.
1) Tequatl fight isn’t RNG, so you can’t compare it to Mystic Forging
2) Chance of success is based on organization and teamwork, not chance.
3) All players are important in this fight. People attacking Teq, people defending the Turrets, people ON the Turrets (who also must know what to do with Turret skills)
4) There are rewards for participating, albeit minor. Why do you want big rewards for failing?
5) People who want/like the challenge are enjoying their time in this fight.
6) This kind of content isn’t for everyone.
7) I hope you understand this list.Well, if a world boss event isn’t for everyone, if ascended weapons isn’t for casuals, if tribulation mode was just for Pro…and LGF (lol) was for a selected minority of beta testers…WHERE is my living story?
The Tequatl fight isnt part of the living story… None of the achieves for the living story requires the downing of tequatl… They’re all entirely related to finding various things in the area, which can be done regardless of tequatl having been killed or not… Heck some of the stuff isnt even there when tequatl is active… So you already have your living story… Tequatl himself, is an entirely diffrent category, with its own entirely diffrent achieves…
Dont be too sure… Did you see how fast TKS filled up?
Oh and ofc… Do you mean GMT+2 The timezone, or GMT+2 the time? Because those are diffrent things
like right now, it’s 22:06 in GMT+2 time, but 23:06 in the GMT+2 TZ
OK so I googled it and that “GMT+2 TZ” is only used in a bunch of African countries. Pretty sure he means the other one. (The one where it is 22:37 now.)
Umm… GMT+2 TZ (TZ being Timezone), is used by Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Turkey, Egypt, and more… So no, it’s NOT “only used in a búnch of African countries”….
Oh and ofc… Do you mean GMT+2 The timezone, or GMT+2 the time? Because those are diffrent things like right now, it’s 22:06 in GMT+2 time, but 23:06 in the GMT+2 TZ
I have a 32slot TS server that you can use if you dont get anything else… Can atleast be used for the commanders to organise between themselves… Havnt gotten my NPL yet though so cant host more than that yet :/
A world boss that requires 80+ people solely shouldn’t have to rely on the 6 people that gets to the turrets. That’s bull kitten, If those 6 mess up or don’t know their roles, then the other 74+ get penalized by a failure? Its poor design if you ask me!
Except it’s not the turrets that causes the most failures for most servers… I’ve guested a number of servers now to see exactly how diffrent servers handle it… All servers that fail horribly, have a non coherant DPS group on tequatl… All that handle it, run in a single group for that… So sorry to tell you, but while turrets are critical to the fight, so is the DPS group and the turret defenders… Turrets cant do their job if those groups arnt doing theirs…
Sadly, it doesnt matter if your comp can handle it or not… Because Anet servers cant. There’s still a 2-3 second delay on everything you do, including any evasion and stuff… Up until half the raid realize they’re not gonna make it and just zone out, but then you’re too few players and 75% of them are just waiting dead on the ground anyway… So you cant complete it anyway… Sad to be defeated by server capacity, rather than game/fight mechanics…
A very important thing, often the “lag” is just kittenty hit detection and like 6~8 year old engine GW2 is running on… Like the jump pads overshooting, the Waterfalls in Sab, the Shadowfall of Liadri the waterwaves and earthquakes you can avoid “by jumping over them” (and with that i mean a second after or before ignoring the animation since its rarely correct with the actual wave that can also multi-hit you if you move).
Naa… It’s a sideeffect of exactly how the movement is coded… Basicly it’s like this… Whenever you move, your client sends relative movement data, such as “Im moving in direction X, at speed Y” And then when you stop moving your client sends “Ok I stopped moving now”. In between there, it also sends absolute coords to update position to make sure the data will be the same on server and client in the end. Otherwise you would get a drift of your position… Now, here’s the kicker… If the position you send the server, is close enough to the position the server has calculated you to be at, then the server accepts your position, and starts calculations anew using that position instead… If you are too far away, it instead responds to the server with where you should be, and your client will instead update accordingly… This caused major problems with stuff like sanctum sprint, because your position when you activate a jump skill, could cause you to jump outside the range, resulting in a bungee effect, MID JUMP… To resolve that, they now always send your absolute coordinates whenever you activate any skill, which means the server will always have the correct position to calculate a move from. This solves midjump bungee effects when using skills, but it can still happen for normal movement, if its lagging… That’s why you can still get such effects in SAB and arena, where you dont rely on any actual skill to move you…
because that part, is just fine even when lagging extremely…
I think GW2’s engine has some built in tolerance for lag and the client-server communication does not constantly update position data, but rather leaves some of it up to the client to some degree, which is why you can still move fairly uninterrupted without so called “rubberbanding”, even while experiencing skill lag, because this client interaction requires confirmation from the server.
Im quite aware yes. But if the data latency of the communication client<→server, is less than 70ms (which we can see due to TCP being used for the data), then it’s not a client-server lag, but rather entirely on clientside, such as in the engine itself, or on the server, or between the server you are connected to, and a backend server.
Actually, a quick check when it lags like that, for tequatl, shows that it’s either your second option, that the engine simply cannot handle the amount of data, or, it’s between the server, and a backend at that server and not between client and server, because that part, is just fine even when lagging extremely…
Sadly, it doesnt matter if your comp can handle it or not… Because Anet servers cant. There’s still a 2-3 second delay on everything you do, including any evasion and stuff… Up until half the raid realize they’re not gonna make it and just zone out, but then you’re too few players and 75% of them are just waiting dead on the ground anyway… So you cant complete it anyway… Sad to be defeated by server capacity, rather than game/fight mechanics…
I believe the disagreement we’re having (like many disagreements) is semantic. When I define colorblindness as a handicap, I am supposing that for some portion of colorblind peoples, the AoE rings are significantly more difficult to see than they would be for non-colorblind peoples. This creates a disadvantage unique to that set of people and thus a handicap. While I have based my position from the standpoint that of that definition, you are hung up on the implications of perceived weakness sometimes associated with handicaps.
Unfortunately, overemphasizing societal stigmas of handicaps to the extent of denying the existence of clearly observable, mechanical disadvantages is not helpful to the colorblind community. Being disadvantaged is not inherently bad, it just means there’s an extra obstacle on the route to obtaining a goal, and carrying on as if that obstacle doesn’t exist perpetuates the disadvantage and validates the stigma by ignoring simple solutions to potentially significant struggles.
E.g. colorblind people taking significantly longer to complete Liadri because they cannot see the AoE indicators is evidence that there is an issue unique to colorblind persons, and that they are less capable of that task. It’s not necessarily an issue of willpower, determination, or skill — they simply can’t see the critical indicators, so they fail. Alternatively, simple UI tools that could make those rings more visible, thus bringing colorblind persons of otherwise equal skill to a completion rate on par with non-colorblind persons and thereby demonstrate (to society) that colorblind peoples are not disadvantaged for that task.
Anyway, at least we can agree that changing indicator colors would (minimally) be a neat feature for colorblind and non-colorblind alike.
No it’s not semantics… The rings are not more difficult to see… They’re just as visible to me as they are for anyone else, they’re just a diffrent color as it is… Im not denying the existance of colorblindness… Im saying that some people are making it into a disadvantage, and in other cases, claiming it to be a problem so that they can get some advantage, rather than play fair… Im for the ability to change color of the AoE circles… But then it should be for EVERYONE and have nothing to do with colorblindness… There’s sadly several games in the history where the competative scene all started claiming colorblindness because the colorblind modes was advantages compared to default…
So dont missunderstand me… What Im against is selective treatment, not the changing of color…
This discussion is laughable (not the build suggestion parts). Nobody ever told you all Achievements would be obtainable by any class using any build. Part of the work for obtaining ALL achievements SHOULD require you to go outside your comfort zone alter your normal game play to ACHIEVE the goal set before you.
You have the entire rest of the game to play with any class you like with any off the wall build you desire. If you want to be an “Achievement Completionist”, suck it up and do the work.
Ummm… Actually Anet did promise that as an original game goal… That your spec was about personal preference and that under no situation would you be required to spec any certain way… That’s one of the reasons why weapons have static skills… Not a very feasable goal really, but it was their original intent and promise… It’s just one of the many promises broken…
The key word here is “required” (and I doubt they ever said nor implied NO SITUATION). This content is NOT required to progress in the game itself. Also, my statement was about obtaining ALL Achievements….those didn’t even exist with the game released.
No situation is implied under “ALL CONTENT” being available to you regardless of spec… And from what I can see, queens gauntlet IS within that guideline because as I’ve stated before… Even the tankiest of bunker builds can complete it… It’s all just about knowing the gimmicks or doing it enough times to be lucky or stop being unlucky… Because in the end, all these fights are all down to either gimmick or luck… None of it actually relies on your gear, traits or skill… Only with gambits active does some of these fights become a question of any actual skill and then to some degree also require specific specs… But for just completing it baseline, nope, can be done in any spec…
BM or condi bunker ranger doesn’t work too well because most of your condi application prefers melee. Throw torch and crippling talon get body blocked by the visions and there goes most of your damage as a large part of the condi ranger’s damage is a melee range splitblade+throw torch+crippling talon. If any of those gets blocked, aand the pet that is your main source of sustained damage is dead the entire time, it’s pretty stupid.
Necro and engineer on the other hand can sustain condis very well.
Or you simply use a shortbow and apply bleeds galore… Also, splitblade and throw torch, is not melee range… They’re 600 range which is 4 times the melee range for 2h weapons…
Hi Forums, I’m Colorblind,
And, in addition to other troubles in GW2, it makes it very difficult to see AoEs — especially in the Queens Gauntlet; my experience is very near playing without AoE indication at all, making Liadri’s death-storm AoEs insanely challenging.
I understand that colorblindness is something Anet has addressed in the past, and giving movement to the AoE indicators was tremendously helpful in many situations (Cliffside first fight is a big one for me). Nonetheless, it is still a large obstacle for colorblind peoples.
Without expecting a speedy solution, I would recommend 2 things:
1) Allow for players to choose what color AoE indicators are. While I personally have intensity deficits in red (80% loss) and green (65% loss), I have heightened intensities for blues and yellows — both at almost 200% intensity. Being able to select those colors as an alternative might be very helpful.2) If in designing new content, there are to be AoEs atop green/gray surfaces or surfaces that otherwise might not provide best visibility, have your play testers complete the content with AoE indicators disabled. This will give the developers better feedback as to what the challenge might be like for colorblind players.
Anyway, that’s just my 2 cents. I’m gonna keep trying at Liadri, but speaking honestly, I can only get to phase 2 because I’ve memorized the first bit of the drop pattern, and I know darkness doesn’t befall the same region twice in a row. It’s poopy and slow, but it’s the best I’ve got right now (and I’m totally open for suggestion).
Your writing seems strange when referring to colorblindness… Colorblindness doesnt really work the way you describe it as. Im protonopic (as in cannot see red AT ALL), but have no problem seeing the AoE indicators… Because being colorblind doesnt mean those colors just disappear into nothing, even if you’re completely blind to those colors, they’re still visible, but they are the same colors as other things, such as what others refer to as red, is to me, very close to gray with just a hint of brown… Those intrested can use and find out exactly how webpages look like to those of us with color blindness… But anyway, it’s just a matter of me seeing a gray ring, rather than a red ring… And that gray ring is not of any hue that’s otherwise in the game…
I object to special color blind modes and such because IMO it’s like treating us as cripples… Im a perfectly working human being and have no problem doing any task that anyone else can do, so please dont treat me as someone that cant…
“Im a perfectly working human being and have no problem doing any task that anyone else can do” That maybe right for you, but i have just CAN’T see the red circles if theyre on brown/green floor unless i REALLY REALLY concentrate, which sets me back really behind.
If you don’t want to use colorblind mode… DON’T TURN IT ON.
I cant turn off the perception from society that Im handicapped… A perception that is being enforced by measures like having colorblind modes…
When I suggested that it’s similar playing without AoEs, I wasn’t literally saying they were invisible; I meant, much like you stated, that they blend in very well with the floor making them quite difficult to see by lack of contrast. Even if (in your particular case) the hue of that gray ring stands out, it isn’t necessarily going to behave that way for all forms of colorblindness. I made the secondary recommendation on the basis that it might give insight to developers what people with more extreme forms of the disadvantage (like using endpoints to guess a midpoint).
Further, colorblindness is a handicap and being prideful about it won’t change that. Toughing-it-out may be a working solution, but I rarely see it as the “best” solution. If you feel you need to prove that you can operate as well as someone without colorblindness, that’s fine, you don’t have to use any aid: many colorblind modes in games are toggle-able, and my primary suggest would support that feature, but I do imagine a fair number of colorblind players (myself included) would appreciate some simple tools to subvert the handicap.
In an incidentally fitting way, it’s almost like a gambit for the gauntlet — but not one we have the option to deselect.
EDIT: Whoops, somehow my quote was disconnected from my post. I’m responding to Fancia. :P
It’s only a handicap because people MAKE it a handicap… THAT is what Im against… It’s not about being prideful, toughing it out or a need to prove that I can… It’s about me, along with A LOT of colorblind people, dont want to be seen as handicapped and colorblind modes, simply feed that view from the rest of society. It’s even the official standpoint of most of the local, as well as the regionwide (dont know the correct word in english I think) associations, that they dont want to see colorblindness to be seen as any more of a handicap than say having brown hair is… Turning the mode off, doesnt solve the actual issue that I have a problem with such modes, since my gripe is that others view me, based on that mode even existing… Im all for the ability to change colors on the rings… Im against basing it on colorblindness or having it as a colorblind mode, or it being a toggle between say red and blue…
I’m a Settlers BM Ranger, I have done the entire gauntlet without having to change or retrait except for the final boss. If anything, a BM condition ranger has the easiest time ever.
Did you manage to beat the last boss like that? Because i can barely dent her health =(, then again i’m a direct damage BM ranger…
DD BM doesnt really work… BM only works when combined with bunker, and bunker specs are condition specs due to stat pairing on our traits… That’s the problem Because even the last boss can be done by a BM bunker
it’s just painfully slow and you’re not gonna have a pet for the fight anyway… So while you can go BM, you probably shouldnt
Only hard part about the entire gauntlet is trying to out DPS Liadri in magi gear on a BM ranger with no pet because her mechanic is horribly imbalanced for some profs…
And don’t give me that “go buy zerker gear!” Bull kitten because I shouldn’t have to drop like kittening 16g just so I can complete a boss fight, respecing is one thing, regearing is just stupid.
Yeah, but a large part of respeccing is making sure your gear is appropriate for the spec you’re trying to play, sadly. I agree with you, but a spec isn’t just about traits in GW2.
Yeah, i tried respeccing and the results were pretty much i shouldn’t have even bothered, almost no change at all even if i went 30/30/10/0/0 instead of my traditional 0/30/10/0/30. I wish they just patch in that pets take less damage from the AoE because my damage is essentially all on them (if i at least could micro him like in other PvE encounters i’d be ok with the one shot mechanics but even with guard i can’t get him to get out of the kitten) so i’m just kittened, even when i dance the dance flawlessly i just can’t do the damage.
You can basicly give up trying to control your pet… The reactions and AI on them, makes that a futile endeavor… It’s actually better to just pretty much ignore your pet for most of the arena fights… Press f4 every CD, and that’s pretty much it when it comes to pet control… It’s the same as every other gimmick fight… It’s one of the main failures of using gimmicks for fights rather than any actual difficulty… Because pets simply cant do the gimmicks.
There’s a skill retrainer for every class in the middle of Queen’s Jubilee. This should provide you a clue that respecing is probably something the designers wanted you to do.
It goes alone with what Guild Wars is like. For example the other night in Guild Wars I spent an hour and half alone trying out different builds for Glint’s Challenge, and I still could not beat it. I got up to wave 7 and was wiped by Destroyer of Lives. Nasty beasts! :o
1. Then Anet shouldnt be lying when they say they dont want respeccing to be something natural in GW2… Our chosen specs should give a feeling of permanent according to Anet… One or the other, is actually wrong… In this case, it’s actually that everyone needs to respec, which simply isnt true… All the classes, and all the viable specs, can complete the gauntlet… You may need to switch weapons and utility skills, but THOSE are intended to be changed for each situation…
2. Not to kitten on your parade there but umm… Glint could be AFK farmed with just heroes with pretty much 100% successrate… Basicly, mesmers is king on that fight… Discord spikers are queens bring those two things aplenty and then throw in a buff bot for good measure (though not really needed)… And you can stand there at the dragon doing nothing, and you’ll still win… The hard part of Glint, was not to complete it, but to get as good score as possible while doing it
It was kindof nice that people were having a hard time on it though because that meant I could sell the cloths for like 5-10plat each when I was earning like 4/hr, while mainly AFK not to mention all the other loot that is gained. I still have like 500 lockpicks from doing that.
Consider yourself either elite skilled or got a good run in. I tried my Settlers and Rampagers for the Pirates several times. Just couldn’t get enough output to get it done in time. Switched to an Ascended Rabid build, retraited for traps, and the first shot got it done. It’s the timer that makes it a Zerker’ish requirement.
It’s not about skill… All the fights are either 100% luck, or 100% gimmick… Such as the pirate crew, is 100% gimmick… You can have very low dps, and still make it in time, IF you kill them in the right order… Take Gaets->Adil->Stitches->Barricus… Just kite Gaets away from Stitches so he doesnt heal… Then burst Adil before Stitches has a chance to heal too much… Akittenesnt have much HP so… This way you dont have Stitches heals increasing the lenght of the fight for more than Barricus… The real important part, is to not begin with Stitches and Barricus… Because Stitches grant regen to all, and Barricus gives 50% evade for all… So they basicly tripple the time it takes to kill anything else after that… Also, dont go for AoE, as whenever you kill one, the rest is healed to max so it’s pointless… Always focus on 1, and dont switch until dead…
Congratulations, you used your brain to figure out the pattern and kill order.
You got skills, son.
No… It’s knowledge, not skill… And that’s the really sad part about constructing fights as gimmicks because they have nothing to do with any actual skills…
Consider yourself either elite skilled or got a good run in. I tried my Settlers and Rampagers for the Pirates several times. Just couldn’t get enough output to get it done in time. Switched to an Ascended Rabid build, retraited for traps, and the first shot got it done. It’s the timer that makes it a Zerker’ish requirement.
It’s not about skill… All the fights are either 100% luck, or 100% gimmick… Such as the pirate crew, is 100% gimmick… You can have very low dps, and still make it in time, IF you kill them in the right order… Take Gaets→Adil→Stitches→Barricus… Just kite Gaets away from Stitches so he doesnt heal… Then burst Adil before Stitches has a chance to heal too much… Akittenesnt have much HP so… This way you dont have Stitches heals increasing the lenght of the fight for more than Barricus… The real important part, is to not begin with Stitches and Barricus… Because Stitches grant regen to all, and Barricus gives 50% evade for all… So they basicly tripple the time it takes to kill anything else after that… Also, dont go for AoE, as whenever you kill one, the rest is healed to max so it’s pointless… Always focus on 1, and dont switch until dead…
Hi there, I know that there has been lots of Ranger hate but i have an idea about a way to satisfy people who don’t use or don’t want to use their pets.
When your pet is in Avoid Combat your F2 will change to a supportive skill for the ranger to use based on what the pet is then when it returns to Aggressive mode it will switch back to the regular F2.
This way the anti pet rangers will still be using their pets but not really.
Also can someone explain to me exactly why rangers have hate because i know pets are not the only reason.
Rangers dont hate their pets… Obviously people wouldnt be playing a pet class if they didnt like their pet… What we hate is the pet MECHANICS that are sloppy and just simply the worst of any MMO game to date… Even Aion have better pet mechanics… The main problem is for quite a number of situations, the pet becomes a major liability, rather than a benefit… THAT, is what we hate…
I wonder why people are not helpful if you’re such a respectful and nice person?
salazan can be done without vigour or swiftness or even a movement speed sigil. why? because that’s how I did it – my mesmer had vigour but I avoided dodging as much as I could.
first off: don’t try to leave the ring. the ring is your space limiter and you have to stay inside.
secondly: the ground below your feet gets warm, so you have to move around while not moving into areas still hot from before (spiraling or just zigzagging)
and lastly: the fire attacks moving towards you are pretty slow and can be avoided by walking alone. this also reduces the risk of dodgeing into the flame ring or another projectile. stay on the safe side though, as their hitbox is pretty large.that’s all that’s necessary to win this fight. just move around while autoattacking salazan.
if you can’t do this after several tries, then the gauntlet isn’t for you. either you can get better or you have to accept the fact that there are parts of the game you will not be able to do.
next time, try to ask nicely instead of insulting the people giving you help and you might get an answer sooner.
I know it can be done… I’ve done it… Is it a challenge? No… Not really… Is it dependant on skill? No, not really… Is it dependant on any factor beside luck as a ranger? nope… The gimmick to the ring, is dependant on block, which rangers dont actually have except for one GS skill which can only block melee attacks… Without block, there’s basicly nothing you can do aside from being lucky… Either by not having a second ring cast right after the first… Or with the pattern he sends the waves as… If he sends in certain patterns, you’re either dead or using every CD you have to stay alive once… And then you have nothing for the second ring which he’ll just repeat the same pattern…
You’re consistently being given statements that contradict your belief, and you’ve consistently decided to brush it off and say “Nope, only luck. All luck, always luck. I don’t care how you did it, it was luck.”
I’m sorry that you’re such a perfect player that nothing we can say to you will help improve you and all of our accomplishments have nothing to do with our skill, but are purely based on luck.
I sincerely don’t understand why people continue to respond.
… I say as I respond.
Im not giving statements that contradict no… You are missunderstanding the statement if you think that…
Nor have I brushed off anything that is relevant… But people responding with “hey it’s easy, just do X”, is not relevant… It has NOTHING to do with what I’ve said… Unless they can give a method to survive the bad streaks, then I stand by my statement that indeed, is is entirely based on luck…
I have also never said Im in any way a perfect player… Im struggling with Deadeye 5 gambits atm which many have done so Im hardly perfect… Far from it… That doesnt in any way change anything that I’ve said… Quite the contrary actually…
Hi Forums, I’m Colorblind,
And, in addition to other troubles in GW2, it makes it very difficult to see AoEs — especially in the Queens Gauntlet; my experience is very near playing without AoE indication at all, making Liadri’s death-storm AoEs insanely challenging.
I understand that colorblindness is something Anet has addressed in the past, and giving movement to the AoE indicators was tremendously helpful in many situations (Cliffside first fight is a big one for me). Nonetheless, it is still a large obstacle for colorblind peoples.
Without expecting a speedy solution, I would recommend 2 things:
1) Allow for players to choose what color AoE indicators are. While I personally have intensity deficits in red (80% loss) and green (65% loss), I have heightened intensities for blues and yellows — both at almost 200% intensity. Being able to select those colors as an alternative might be very helpful.2) If in designing new content, there are to be AoEs atop green/gray surfaces or surfaces that otherwise might not provide best visibility, have your play testers complete the content with AoE indicators disabled. This will give the developers better feedback as to what the challenge might be like for colorblind players.
Anyway, that’s just my 2 cents. I’m gonna keep trying at Liadri, but speaking honestly, I can only get to phase 2 because I’ve memorized the first bit of the drop pattern, and I know darkness doesn’t befall the same region twice in a row. It’s poopy and slow, but it’s the best I’ve got right now (and I’m totally open for suggestion).
Your writing seems strange when referring to colorblindness… Colorblindness doesnt really work the way you describe it as. Im protonopic (as in cannot see red AT ALL), but have no problem seeing the AoE indicators… Because being colorblind doesnt mean those colors just disappear into nothing, even if you’re completely blind to those colors, they’re still visible, but they are the same colors as other things, such as what others refer to as red, is to me, very close to gray with just a hint of brown… Those intrested can use and find out exactly how webpages look like to those of us with color blindness… But anyway, it’s just a matter of me seeing a gray ring, rather than a red ring… And that gray ring is not of any hue that’s otherwise in the game…
I object to special color blind modes and such because IMO it’s like treating us as cripples… Im a perfectly working human being and have no problem doing any task that anyone else can do, so please dont treat me as someone that cant…
Im sorry that you have not played a ranger yet… Rangers CANNOT continiously dodge like that… At best we have Vigor+50% extra regen… That gives 2 dodges, and then at minimum, another 3 seconds before the next dodge is possible… Given optimal conditions… Given the right weapons or skills, we can get another dodge or two in, and then only have 1-2 seconds of not being able to dodge… These dodges however are highly limited in direction and range. It’s not a viable option during Salazan, so that leaves two dodges before the 3 second window of not being able to… Now, we can have a sigil that gives full energy, giving us another 2 dodges… At which point we’re still back no dodges… Now, here’s the kicker… Assuming you’re running a fully defensive build, a ranger have ~24k HP. Salazans fire, hit you twice per second for 2000-2500 damage, for 10 seconds… You have at best 4 dodges giving you 3 seconds of immunity provided you are lucky enough to not get hit inbetween the dodges, which with twice per second is very common… That’s 7 seconds to go in which you have no dodges left. That means 14 hits, at 2000 damage each, at best… That’s 28k damage… You can heal for ~9k of that resulting in a net loss of 19k damage… And that’s the first 10 seconds of the fight… Now, the luck part comes in… Because Salazan will either start throwing a couple of fireballs on you which is easily avoided, but for the most part, he’ll just throw another fire ring on you… Except this time, you have 1, perhaps 2 dodges… And you’re dead… But hey, we have more skills to consider. We can be inv for a couple of secs, so let’s add that too… Well the inv is 6 seconds. So we can actually avoid all damage from the first ring… But then we take full damage from the second ring, so it’s still a death at that point… So in essence, the only way for rangers to kill, is to kill prior to that second ring being cast… Which is, as I said before… 100% based on luck… There’s zero skill involved in that because we have no way of influencing when that is being cast…
Beat Salazan on my ranger first try. Didn’t think he was tough at all.
I used full berserker gear and runes of ogre.
Went in with longbow/shortbow.
Traits set up 30/20/20/10/0Don’t even need to dodge. Stay in the ring of fire and avoid your fire tail. It’s like playing Snake. Hit your tail – you die.
And yet another not actually reading what I’ve written… I didnt say it was tough… I did not say it was hard… I said it was 100% based on luck… That has NOTHING to do with hard OR easy… Because luck isnt a factor of skill no matter how much some people claim that to be… The entire fight is all about either being lucky, and then he dies with no effort what so ever… Or you’re unlucky, and then you die… The damage done if you’re unlucky, is simply not something that rangers have a skill arsenal to handle more than once… But in no way does that make the fight hard… It’s super easy, but that doesnt change that it’s 100% based on luck…
Now I know that you mentioned Salazan and the lack of dodges you have, I felt that I should note that it is perfectly possible to beat him without dodging at all.
I know… The dodges was in reply to the person saying that the mechanic to beat him was to dodge, dodge, dodge… Dodges is just one of the ways to handle a single ring of his waves being in “the wrong” pattern… I’ve said it before… My comments on Salazan is in no way that I find him hard… Not at all… Im just saying it’s 100% luck based, rather than skill based… It’s either super simple because you’re in luck, or it’s impossible that try, because you’re not… There’s no skill involved in it at all…
I wonder why people are not helpful if you’re such a respectful and nice person?
salazan can be done without vigour or swiftness or even a movement speed sigil. why? because that’s how I did it – my mesmer had vigour but I avoided dodging as much as I could.
first off: don’t try to leave the ring. the ring is your space limiter and you have to stay inside.
secondly: the ground below your feet gets warm, so you have to move around while not moving into areas still hot from before (spiraling or just zigzagging)
and lastly: the fire attacks moving towards you are pretty slow and can be avoided by walking alone. this also reduces the risk of dodgeing into the flame ring or another projectile. stay on the safe side though, as their hitbox is pretty large.that’s all that’s necessary to win this fight. just move around while autoattacking salazan.
if you can’t do this after several tries, then the gauntlet isn’t for you. either you can get better or you have to accept the fact that there are parts of the game you will not be able to do.
next time, try to ask nicely instead of insulting the people giving you help and you might get an answer sooner.
I know it can be done… I’ve done it… Is it a challenge? No… Not really… Is it dependant on skill? No, not really… Is it dependant on any factor beside luck as a ranger? nope… The gimmick to the ring, is dependant on block, which rangers dont actually have except for one GS skill which can only block melee attacks… Without block, there’s basicly nothing you can do aside from being lucky… Either by not having a second ring cast right after the first… Or with the pattern he sends the waves as… If he sends in certain patterns, you’re either dead or using every CD you have to stay alive once… And then you have nothing for the second ring which he’ll just repeat the same pattern…
This discussion is laughable (not the build suggestion parts). Nobody ever told you all Achievements would be obtainable by any class using any build. Part of the work for obtaining ALL achievements SHOULD require you to go outside your comfort zone alter your normal game play to ACHIEVE the goal set before you.
You have the entire rest of the game to play with any class you like with any off the wall build you desire. If you want to be an “Achievement Completionist”, suck it up and do the work.
Ummm… Actually Anet did promise that as an original game goal… That your spec was about personal preference and that under no situation would you be required to spec any certain way… That’s one of the reasons why weapons have static skills… Not a very feasable goal really, but it was their original intent and promise… It’s just one of the many promises broken…
To be honest, there really isn’t an issue with balance here. I’ve looked over a lot of posts about the gauntlet’s content being too difficult for certain classes, with some even claiming it’s -impossible- for certain classes, but I have to respectfully disagree. While the Liadri fight is certainly tough, I don’t think any one class has it easier than another. I think it comes down to the -player- having it easier over other players. Sure, guardians, mesmers and the like have access to built-in mechanics that allow them to completely ignore damage, but timing is still crucial with these, and many players that main these classes are still struggling.
Me? I main a Necro, and it took me a few tries, but I was able to beat Liadri myself, using only the two dodges my class is equipped with and no other real damage prevention mechanics. Just to note, I never once had to change my build or slot skills for this. I used the same 30/25/0/0/15 set-up with full berserker from tier 1 all the way to tier 3. So, while I agree this content is challenging, I think it’s silly that people are complaining about it being impossible or ‘too difficult’. The current level of difficulty for the gauntlet bosses is what A-Net likely intended it to be. While some people might be able to finish it quickly, it might take others a bit longer. As Chopps said, a lot of people are probably used to instant gratification. A lot fo what A-Net has done in the past has encouraged instant gratification, with many meta achievements being able to be accomplished through a few hours of grinding out content. This is different. It doesn’t involve any grind—it involves skill.
BS… People are complaining about it being impossible or too difficult, because the difficulty is in the entirely wrong place… The content isnt challenging and it does not involve any actual skill… The only skill it required is finding the gimmick, and that’s seriously NOT a fun way to do encounters… Nor are the fights that are purely luck based for certain classes… All of the classes have atleast one of those along the way so it’s about even playingfield for that part, but dont kid yourself thinking that gimmicks are in any way hard skillwise… People expect SKILL based difficulty, and when skill simply isnt enough, because they havnt found the gimmick, then THAT is when people complain about the difficulty… You can tell them the gimmick, and the fight suddenly becomes super easy… That’s not skill…
Wrong the challenge is using the gauntlets(wrong term) to increase the difficulty and reward. The mentioned that the content itself isn’t that difficult it is the added debuffs and conditions that make it very hard.
No… You’re confusing hard with knowledge… All these fights are either all about knowledge, or pure luck depending on class and specific challenge… NONE of them, are actually based on any actual amount of skill… Subject Alpha has a LOT higher actual skill requirement than these gimmick fights… Those fights are intresting and fun… These, are neither hard, nor fun… They’re just an annoyance to learn the gimmick, and then they’re suddenly super easy…
That could have been the case if it was a case of them needing a certain gimmick to kill, but not to survive… These fights are all about gimmicks to survive, not to kill however which means if he doesnt know the gimmick already, he’s dead…
That would of course depend.
If I see something coming towards me (or an AoE circle) I am assuming that it will be something that will kill me if I do not avoid it.
Right… So then you’re dead on Salazan… Because simply avoiding the flames, will kill you if you avoid it the wrong way or take too long to kill…
I am highly disappointed in the Gauntlet, no not for me since i got all classes to do it, but for players who have actually only one class…. they will never get all achievements, because its impoissible to do so, without spending gold for extra sigils runes or w/e.
What if these players don’t have it? I just think it’s a very bad move for these.
I did all achievements except one (Still havent beaten Liadra with 8 throws) with only my ranger, and only in zerker gear. Sorry for sounding arrogant, but just because you can’t do it, doesn’t mean it’s impossible. I can’t do that last achievement either. Impossible? I don’t think so.
Happened to have done Deadeye on your ranger that could give a tip on how to RELIABLY not have the pet trigger the mines? I’ve done him, but want to do with the 5 gambits, which kindof seems to requires knowledge of that
It’s not as unlikely as you think… It just means he was told the gimmicks of each fight beforehand… Simple as that…
Or was observant enough when he actually faced them.
That could have been the case if it was a case of them needing a certain gimmick to kill, but not to survive… These fights are all about gimmicks to survive, not to kill however which means if he doesnt know the gimmick already, he’s dead…
I killed everything on my first attempt, including Liadri.
Screenshot or it didn’t happen.
It’s not as unlikely as you think… It just means he was told the gimmicks of each fight beforehand… Simple as that…
Well.. its a game based on player skill. Not on “Classes magics”.
Yeah, of all professions can beat it, but its all dependent in the player that is playing. For sure is not everyone who will can get it, some don’t have sufficient player skill to do it.
That statement relies on the faulty claim that there’s actual skill required for these encounters… There is no actual skill required to complete… It’s ALL gimmicks and luck… Neither of which has ANYTHING to do with actual skill…
Could someone help with this for a bit regarding pets?
I have beaten him, but not with gambits and I cant for the life of me figure out how to stop my pets from blowing up every mine there is, knocking me to the ground along with it… It’s EXTREMELY annoying and it increases the damage enough to not make the gambits feasable while that happens… I know rangers can do deadeye even with full set of gambits active so Im not in any way saying it’s impossible… But is there some trick to getting your pet to not activate the mines for this? Is it just one more pure luck based? Or is there some gimmick that Im missing about being knocked down from them?
It’s absolutely not beatable by every class.
Try learning/beating the bosses while at the same time playing a Norn who, apparently due to some genius idea of making a solo fight in the open, while at the same time in a claustrophobic space which’ll make the camera useless.
If you have dps gear, and the right builds then yes you can. Those of us who’ve played support and tank (low dps) roles for months are out of the loop, because guess what?
No matter how well you learn the fight, you only have 2 mins. Maybe if someone had tested the gauntlet with a variety of race/class combinations, it wouldn’t be this broken.
I’ve done them all as a Norn tank engineer… Including most of the extra achieves… They ARE doable… It’s all a matter of learning the gimmicks, for all except one very specific fights, which becomes luck based when you miss the critical mechanic that the gimmick is centered around.
Try it as a Ranger! I foresee a Chopps comment inbound…..
Be nice!
I’ve said it before, I’m really not a fan of “suffering” type of content. It’s not fun for me. The Mad King dungeon, even though difficult at times, was hilarious! When the whole party would fall and splat on top of each other again and again, that was funny. This is just suffering by annoyance. Nothing more than that for me.
Even when I get my mini, I’ll still A)forget to use them and
Use the Kiel one
My main is ranger… I’ve done them all as ranger as well… Only Salazan becomes a pain due to the luck based nature of the fight for rangers… The other fights, are very easy, if you just know the gimmicks to each…