Showing Posts For Finalfreefall.8247:

[Tinfoil hat mode on] Hidden Evil Priory

in Lore

Posted by: Finalfreefall.8247


…. so much for evil priory theory, we’ve moved on to evil inquest and evil caithe it seems lol…

It’s all in good fun
(and it’s more of a misunderstood inquest really)

Suggestion: Chak Ranger Pet

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Finalfreefall.8247


I’d like a ranger ranger pet, that we could set pets for.

[Tinfoil hat mode on] Hidden Evil Priory

in Lore

Posted by: Finalfreefall.8247


Er… while the open MO for Inquest is to ‘never lose knowledge’, they’re also selfishly ambitious. They aren’t so much out there to regain lost knowledge, but their formation was designed to prevent further loss of knowledge. That doesn’t mean, however, that it wasn’t taken over by selfishly ambitious people since.

In effect, they’d use the Elder Dragons’ power to subjugate the other races – and other asura – under their control.

This isn’t correct at all.

The asura populace accept the Inquest solely because the Arcane Council allows them to work there – and they do it because most of the Council wants more time for their own works (thus they don’t mind delegating stuff to the Inquest, who wants the Council’s roles – something exceptionally rare among asura), and the High Councillor Flax being of the mind of ‘anything to let asura have a higher place’ (which is not common mentality for the asura).

The asura populace – as easily shown across the Hinterlabs – outright detest Inquest. This is why one of the first Metrica Province hearts has someone asking us to deter Inquest recruiters – which we do by… killing them.

What you’re describing is actually closer to the norn’s take on the Sons of Svanir – which is typically a ‘judge the individual not the group – if I have a beef against one Son of Svanir, I won’t take it out on other Sons of Svanir, and I won’t have a beef against the Sons of Svanir just because they decide to be idiots and worship something that wants to kill them.’

Woah woah woah woah, the Inquest operates freely under the use of the arcane council. And the secret Asura Police. They’re basically open-minded public servants who accept everyone and send them off to do dangerous and thankless work. And as for Asura sending crazy loons (us) to attack the Inquest that’s not uncommon. Heck, in Asura culture it’s normal to undermine your rivals or anyone who could be considered dangerous.

I think we just have a different take on Asura as a whole, if the Dragons weren’t a threat, I think they’d take over the world and use the inferior races (everyone else) as disposable test subjects.

What next elite spec do you expect?

in Guardian

Posted by: Finalfreefall.8247


I’d like tomes back in base guard, since neither of the replacements feel really mechanically or visually satisfying but if there’s a class like “lorekeeper” (using a offhand magic knife for rituals) I’ll be happy.

The tomes would need some kind of windup effect though or something to make them feel powerful when you open them up.

Pre-order next expansion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Finalfreefall.8247


I’ll preorder the next expansion sure because this is my favorite series but… how about letting the players vote on the weapons their class gets next time, eh?

[Tinfoil hat mode on] Hidden Evil Priory

in Lore

Posted by: Finalfreefall.8247


That’s the standard MO for the inquest though, they’re an aggressive version of the Priory who lost their books and hordes of information (quora sum) and are out to regain it and insure that such a loss can’t happen again. Yeah, they’re jerks but they’re actively trying to get control over the dragons to insure such a loss can’t happen again.

And how is researching a way to control the dragons any worse then the Priory’s research to destroy the dragons? At least the Inquest is less wasteful.

Not evil? Both their methods (i.e. cruel experiments, stealing ideas, stealing inventions and the like) and their goals (Asura domination) sound evil enough to me. They might not be evil in the sense that they want to kill everyone or destroy everything but that’s about it. And like Konig said, they are not fighting the dragons.

They’re cool with that though, as are the other Asura. (Inquest is seen as an unplesant element but useful) And it’s not like Asura don’t believe themselves more important than the bookahs anyway.

(edited by Finalfreefall.8247)

[Tinfoil hat mode on] Hidden Evil Priory

in Lore

Posted by: Finalfreefall.8247


The Inquest isn’t precisely evil either. They are horrible little jerks true, but they’re still fighting the dragons as a rouge element. Given how successful the research in CoE was I’d actually assume that they were close to pulling off a win and establishing Asura domination.

Do you have fun playing Guardian?

in Guardian

Posted by: Finalfreefall.8247


Thanks both of you, : )

And it is really rewarding to be able to shelter a teammate or come back up and block out a burst with the virtue shield. (Hammer’s cool too!)

Here’s to the future of guardians!

Do you have fun playing Guardian?

in Guardian

Posted by: Finalfreefall.8247


Five or six days ago I got revived by a Dragonhunter. It was mid dungeon and I got knocked out of position, hit and went down. The Dragonhunter popped wings of resolve, flew over the red circles and rezzed me. It was the coolest thing ever and I rolled a guard right after that fight.

But it doesn’t seem as cool from the other side. ultimate skills are lackluster, manifested virtues work against the longbow, utilities have little benefit and long cooldowns, traits are anti-synergistic, and the range on wings feels like they’ve been clipped. Is it just me? Am I the only one who feels like this?

[Suggestion] Guardian Balance

in Guardian

Posted by: Finalfreefall.8247


Dragonhunter virtues should be moved to standard Guardian.

They’re really, really cool effects (f2 could have longer range) but they’re built for a melee-type attacker.

Justice: Tether, then a pull. Only useful for ranged as an interrupt or in conjunction with other skills.

Wings cover distance and heal at the end of the jump which means that to heal teammates you have to jump where they are, often putting your longbow-carrying butt in the middle of the action. It gets worse when traited, because it encourages you to jump on enemies.

Shield will cover a ranged Guardian and a melee Guardian equally, but a melee guardian is much more likely to screen his team with the active due to stacking.

They’re all great for melee fights and only decent for ranged, and I love them because of what they add but they don’t work as well with the bow at all.

What next elite spec do you expect?

in Guardian

Posted by: Finalfreefall.8247


I’d like to see most is a ritualist-type spec with an offhand knife. (or anthing really).

I expect some kind of ‘walking wall’ where we get little to no movement and tank attacks.

What would you like to have in expac 2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Finalfreefall.8247


I want three dragons to coordinate an attack on Tyria.

The dragons aren’t interesting opponents (amazing designs though.) They don’t have history or lore or stories or personalities. They’re just big targets to take down so we can feel better about ourselves. Traherne advanced technology in Tyria so fast during the pact storyline that one airship (granted it was the best airship) could go head to head with a dragon, they’re not a threat anymore.

To mix that up we should see them desperate. Seeing them work together, pulling back from their current areas to go after a single location (Preferably the Black Citadel, it’s the greatest manufacturing base in Tyria). That would reestablish the dragons as a threat and clear most of them out at the end of the expansion, giving way to more interesting threats.

Also, stop killing NPCs. When characters I like die in front of me it removes the heroic feeling. (this is not a good thing)

(edited by Finalfreefall.8247)

[Suggestions] Future Elite Specializations

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Finalfreefall.8247


Alright, Here’s an idea for a poison-based ranger that I’m tentatively calling the Treacherous Vizier. It adds a mainhand knife and lets you use the traitline to brew up your own brand of poison.

For the knife I’m thinking…

1. Slash -> Envenom -> Polycephaly- Basic attack with a poison effect on the 2nd swing, the 3rd swing would cause your pet’s to inflict poison on it’s next attack.

You don’t need anything particularly fancy for the basic, but this would fit the theme and reward good pet management.

2. Lethal Takedown- Charge your opponent (500 range) and displace them along with your charge. if you moved your target a distance greater than 200 range, your target is knocked down.

Knockdowns are fun, displacement is fun. Rangers will really be feeling the loss of Druid CC in the new elite so it’s important to give them a bit of crowd control.
This also functions as half of your gap closer, giving you some quick short distance movement in a pinch.

3. Hydra Strike- Slash your foe multiple times, can be used from a distance. (slashes through the air)

The other half of your dash attack, Hydra strike gives you a ranged option to match up with Knife #5 Maybe add immobilize or cripple to keep people from kiting you but that’s not required.

Special/Unique ability: Pressing f5 coats your weapon with venom. Traits modify this ability.

Reasoning: Since Rangers don’t have much space above the bar it’s best to keep things simple. This would allow you to damage opponents, with additional effects based on the traits you select.

Poison modification traits:
(These traits only effect your ability poison, normal poison is uneffected.)

Leech – A passive heal for each foe in range (900?) under the effects of poison.
Debilitate – Each foe effected by your venom is slowed
Outbreak – Each foe pulses (untraited) poison to adjacent enemies
Bane – Foes effected by your venom take additional damage
Sundew – Foes struck by venom are immobilized, then crippled

On reread this idea is really cool- please make it a thing Anet!

Taimi should have been a boy?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Finalfreefall.8247


Wow I’m super impressed with this community’s ability to discuss this maturely.

And I’d count Canach more of a member of de2.0 than traeherne.

And and I’d say no to the op. Like really really no. In fact their reaction to the gender imbalance is the best response one could ask for, since now they understand what it’s like to experience 99% of the medium as a woman. Where all your representations are token , barely effective, and in most/the worst cases not meant to even pander to you. Hell I’d say y’all cashed out with Braham and freaking Canach! They’re at least complex characters!

Yay art!

Not to be snide (I agree with you on representation) but FINALLY!

It’s about time guys got characters who are more then one-dimensional “tough” characters! Hell, Canach gets to have cool weapons and fight with more complexity then just punching things!!!

Seriously. This is a good thing for everyone.

(edited by Finalfreefall.8247)

Mike O'Brien AMA now on Reddit!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Finalfreefall.8247


This is great! Thanks for the heads up!!!

If Scarlet was to return..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Finalfreefall.8247


Become an Envoy and punch her way out? It worked for Shiro.

I want Tengu as the next playable race!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Finalfreefall.8247


Another vote for the Kodan… or playable Skritt

Racial Elite Specializations: Get some!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Finalfreefall.8247


Would be a coold idea till it comes to sPvP or WvW. People already hate each other because of some certain classes, no need for racism related cancer too

Oh come on! Think about how it would feel to take down a human with stolen Flame Legion Magic- You could season all of Meatoberfest with that salt!

Racial Elite Specializations: Get some!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Finalfreefall.8247


[sup]I am rambley, this post will be rambley, apologies to all offended by rambling[/sup]

Okay! So! I was thinking about stuff that could be done to give more depth to the game and an idea occurred that seemed really, really interesting: What if each race had an elite specialization. It could give a bit of extra history to the classes and our characters!

How bout a Char from Iron Legion, who can direct their legion’s machine might in combat or an Asura who applies advanced technology to fight the dragons. Heck, you could have a cleric-y human who has an actual connection with Melandru or Balthazar. Sounds cool right?

This isn’t an idea for now though. If Anet wants to release a new class every time an expansion comes out eventually there’ll be a need to add in eight or ten elites per xpac . This would be an easy and cool way to take some elite-spec weight off the team’s shoulders and let them shift that attentive focus towards bosses or glider rockets.

In conclusion:

Rocket boot warrior.
Racial elites 2019.

(IMO) Please don't do another expansion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Finalfreefall.8247


A lot of what they did with HotT was foundation, easier coding for new classes, an alternative to waypoints, a new system for masteries…. Heart of the thorns by itself does seem lacking, but it’s added a good base to expand on. That said, it would be nice to get a different animation for vault.

ooh! plus, if expansions keep up then they’ll have to do eventually have to make zones in the mist and we can hunt down our mentors! (and kidnap them as teammates!)

(edited by Finalfreefall.8247)

Zhaitan weaker than he should have been?

in Lore

Posted by: Finalfreefall.8247


It’s not just Zhaitan. There’s a reaper of Grenth in one of the last pact quests who’s also been drastically weakened. Mabye there was a third battle going on that we couldn’t see at the time. And on the starving Zhaitan thing, he definately had more then one mouth. (you kill at least two of them in the story)

(edited by Finalfreefall.8247)

Visual nerfs [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Finalfreefall.8247


What’s stopping some kind of transparency function to hide other people’s skills. That would be so much easier then redoing existing visuals on spells.

I'm in love!

in Thief

Posted by: Finalfreefall.8247


Congrats on finding a build you like! As an aside, the minions from thieves guild can stack poison, as well as any minions your teammates have so… it stacks up pretty quickly!

No one noticed this???

in Thief

Posted by: Finalfreefall.8247


I’m still amazed no one figured out we can stack poisons on pets and minions. Venomsharing 40+ stacks of poison, full vuln, and torment off of two skills is crazy.

Would you quit if Thief don't get rifle next?

in Thief

Posted by: Finalfreefall.8247


I wouldn’t quit at all, in fact I’d prefer to get warhorn for the next weapon. If we do get a rifle though, I hope it will be less of a ranged sniper role and more of a battlefield commander/debuffer style.

Two requests for a rifle though:

Mark the target sounds amazing, yes please.
If we have get a snipe I’d like it to force a weapon switch. That way thieves will stay in the action instead of sitting back spamming our awesome skill.

(edited by Finalfreefall.8247)

Behold, eles, we might get WARHORN!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Finalfreefall.8247


Not to be excessively white knighting or anything, but is there any evidence that the sword stuff isn’t for ele too? One of the things they mentioned was making it easier to add new weapons to existing classes.

Trap Ranger needs more love!

in Ranger

Posted by: Finalfreefall.8247


What Alek said, we also got buffed hard in pet microing and can boost teammates better than eles now. Rangers are in a way better spot overall.

(edited by Finalfreefall.8247)

Going to get nerfed hard. Enjoy it 4 now

in Ranger

Posted by: Finalfreefall.8247


I’m seconding the OP’s statement, but for different reasons, boons are kinda crazy right now.

The Sylvari as Mordremoth Minions?

in Living World

Posted by: Finalfreefall.8247


makes perfect sense, I’d (mistakenly) assumed that the plant growing magic was generational and would propagate.
…I really want season 2 to start, the cliffhangers are killing me!

The Sylvari as Mordremoth Minions?

in Living World

Posted by: Finalfreefall.8247


One of the things that I haven’t seen yet is that the Nightmare Court (and to a lesser extent, the Sylvari), tends to actively terraform the areas that they happen to be stationed, converting and weaponizing both the Sylvari, and the local flora and fauna, This isn’t limited to Sylvari lands either, they appear south of Divinity’s reach, apparently without reason or cause. Unless they are simply causing havoc (possible) I’d have to assume that the Nightmare Court, at least, are designed in such a way as to deprive carnivorous creatures of their food source (Nightmare Court fauna seems to be inherently poisonous).

Whatever they are, they’re certainty not natural, (unless the world takes a more active role in creating creatures, possible) but could have been created by practically anyone at this point. Personally, I’m favoring the theory that they’re a immune system created by the world itself. It sounds cool.

*Although I could be reading too much into it. It’s equally likely that Nightmare Court terrain is so radically different for thematic purposes.

Will we have to pay for season one?

in Living World

Posted by: Finalfreefall.8247


As a new player, I wouldn’t mind paying for it.
Although the motivations could be different for other people, I play games to be part of the story and coming in like this makes me feel like I’ve missed part of the experience so paying for that experience seems quite reasonable to me.

What do you wish for in Season 2?

in Living World

Posted by: Finalfreefall.8247


I want more story and some form of instanced Guild Halls, with some kind of related combat challenge. It’d be really nice to get some kind of news from Elona as well, like in the form of an invasion fleet.