Showing Posts For Fringilla Vigo.8594:

GW2 sketches =]

in Community Creations

Posted by: Fringilla Vigo.8594

Fringilla Vigo.8594

if you feel like any of my characters is to your liking I would love to see what can you come up with.
if you find any character inspiring or particularly nice, just give me a shout for more screenshots, I’ll gladly provide you with more :-)
(you might find it there

and there

Art requests (Semi/realism/anime)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Fringilla Vigo.8594

Fringilla Vigo.8594

Requested screenshots, detailed description in PM


Art requests (Semi/realism/anime)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Fringilla Vigo.8594

Fringilla Vigo.8594

I couldn’t resist :-)

Which character – please browse all messages of me and pick any character you like – theres plenty to choose from (24) – I’ll get you more screenshots tomorrow of chosen character (characters)
Edit: – especially here –
Thanks for considering me.

Best regards

Which style – i would prefer realism but since it’s free – its up to you

Kind of drawing -again, up to you – whatever you think suits best chosen character (s)

Size – once you choose characters, i’ll make some scene up :-)

..:: But no seriously I have no slots ::..

in Community Creations

Posted by: Fringilla Vigo.8594

Fringilla Vigo.8594

1 more shot.
Hope they are all good enough. As for Charr weapon – whether you go for skull hammer or Twilight is entirely up to you. Whatever you think that suits him best.


..:: But no seriously I have no slots ::..

in Community Creations

Posted by: Fringilla Vigo.8594

Fringilla Vigo.8594

And My wife’s Ele


..:: But no seriously I have no slots ::..

in Community Creations

Posted by: Fringilla Vigo.8594

Fringilla Vigo.8594

And 1 with twilight and armor details


..:: But no seriously I have no slots ::..

in Community Creations

Posted by: Fringilla Vigo.8594

Fringilla Vigo.8594

A few screenshots of my Charr that might be of help :-)


..:: But no seriously I have no slots ::..

in Community Creations

Posted by: Fringilla Vigo.8594

Fringilla Vigo.8594

Hi again,
For the future reference – I think uploading here is fine – especially that everyone may see your work, but it may affect original resolution, so sending it via e-mail as well is the best option I guess.
And thats a lovely job on Askeptykal toon (you might upload all of the artwork of your sylvari in one thread at some stage, there is a nice collection of it already :-))

As for my character – you may find this video slightly helpful – it is terribly outdated but my Charr remained the same :-)

..:: But no seriously I have no slots ::..

in Community Creations

Posted by: Fringilla Vigo.8594

Fringilla Vigo.8594

This is the only screenshot of my charr i ever posted here. It won’t be much of help but the pose he is in is quite nice

I have also posted some pictures of my wife’s ele, but that was before the remodeling, so it is just so-so accurate (hair color has changed, she got some tan and there were some minor facial changes).

That may give you slightly better overview for sketches (if you want to do it before saturday) but please bear with me for the proper screenshots.

..:: But no seriously I have no slots ::..

in Community Creations

Posted by: Fringilla Vigo.8594

Fringilla Vigo.8594

a) I upload more screenshots once I’m back home and I’ll get my hands on my desktop again. That would be saturday. (unless I die some horrible death before I get home).
b)I’m not in terrible rush. So if you simply need more time for the background I don’t mind waiting. Just tell me roughly how long :-) A week? Two weeks? A month?
c)On the other hand, if you would prefer to do it simple way, I’m ok with that – In the end it is me asking you for your work, not the opposite. And beggars are not chosers :-)
In that case anything that remotely resembles background would be fine.
A wall in a cave? A plain grassland with a clouded sky at night? A desert and a blue sky? A beach at the seashore? (Where she sells sea shells). That will do if you are busy :-) I would just prefer that than to have them in a vacuum, if you know what I mean :-)

On the side note – I hope I’m making myself qute clear, English isn’t my first language :-)

Wanna's Art: mock-up commissions

in Community Creations

Posted by: Fringilla Vigo.8594

Fringilla Vigo.8594

Are you seriously just the beginner? I wouldn’t tell by the look of it but well, I’m an ignorant if it comes to drawing – I just judge it by the look of it – so I’m really subjective and biased in that regard. But your skeleton and muscle drawing are… looking very professional to me. And I really wouldn’t mind if you got inspired by any out of my (and my wifes) army of characters (24 in total). and practice some sketches on them :-)

Keep up the good work :-)

Norn Tier 3 Cultural Armor Cosplay

in Community Creations

Posted by: Fringilla Vigo.8594

Fringilla Vigo.8594

It’s a shame that so few people praised you for your great and excellent job. So hereby let me express my acknowledgment, acclaim and admiration of your work. Credit goes both to cosplay, the model and the background. Hat’s down.

..:: But no seriously I have no slots ::..

in Community Creations

Posted by: Fringilla Vigo.8594

Fringilla Vigo.8594

Dear Karlia (or shall I call you Seraphina?)
I’m away from my desktop but it doesn’t neccesarily mean that I’m away from Interweb :-)

I’ve been thinking of the drawing for me and I came up with slightly refreshed idea.
I can’t do any sketch since to say that I’m horrible at drawing is like saying “oh there is a couple of people that live in New York”. Yes, that is the right scale.
So what I’ll try do is to explain you my new vision.

It goes as follows. We have 2 characters. My wife’s elementalist and my Charr warrior. And they are about to take up fight. Whom they are gonna fight is irrelevant – we won’t see the enemy on the picture anyways. Elementalist is on the first plan (she is smaller, prettier, she is a woman and she is my wife’s character – that is more than enough reasons to put her up front). She is prepared to cast the spell. She is focused, confident and deadly yet beautiful, proud and lofty. So Ideally I would like you to catch these 2 aspects of her – Pride, confidence and beauty, if possible.
And Charr is fierce, wild and beastly but loyal to her – he is going to protect her at all cost. At the same time he does what wild animals do – he is trying to scare his enemies by all means possible – He screeches, roars and barks and he spread his arms to make an impression that he is bigger than he is. (something along the line of elite warrior signet effect).
They both hold weapons – Ele has this folding, purple staff (forgotten the name of it) and Charr has his Twilight (if I want to show off) or his “skully” hammer (which suits character way better with all of this skulls on pauldrons, gloves and skull necklace that comes with my model).

I’m also thinking of adding some simple background – I can’t resist once I saw how good you are at it. But I don’t need anything super fancy – I may totally follow your suggestion here – whatever you think may work.

Oh, one more thing – It is just suggestion, if you don’t like it for whatever reason we may come up with anything else.

I would also like to know how much will you charge me for all of that – but please be easy on me, I’m not that rich :-)

Best regards

(edited by Fringilla Vigo.8594)

Sexy human mesmer fan art

in Community Creations

Posted by: Fringilla Vigo.8594

Fringilla Vigo.8594

Dear Artofinca,
Is there any way to convince you to do some commissions? Your style is absolutely fantastic and I would love one of my toons to drawn/painted for you. You can easily see all of them in Karlia’s commissions thread, hopefully one of the characters would be inspiring enough to get your attention :-)

..:: But no seriously I have no slots ::..

in Community Creations

Posted by: Fringilla Vigo.8594

Fringilla Vigo.8594

Together and interacting please :-) I’ll post some screenshots on next Saturday and I’ll try to send you some money first to see whether it works or not.

Thanks in advance

..:: But no seriously I have no slots ::..

in Community Creations

Posted by: Fringilla Vigo.8594

Fringilla Vigo.8594

Shouldn’t be. You can still mail gold across servers, I believe And that’s fine! I think I’ll add a waiting slot just in case anyone else comes for a commission while you’re away, actually. I can multitask, haha.

And hm… well I’d do any character you ask for, but I’m wary about the Charr simply because of the complexity of the armor. Some of your humans (the third from the right on the second attachment has a neat armor set). I also like your forth from the left on the first attachement (the white armor). You say you like them all almost equally, but is there any one in particular you’d like more than the others? Any that stand out more and such? (:

Well, I’ve been talking to my wife and actually we came up with an idea of “beauty and the beast” theme. And she said that she would love to get her ele (thats the first from the right on second attachment) plus my charr :-) Well, I know that you are afraid of their armor, but to be honest, your charr female on your template work looks astonishingly well , so I think you’ll manage :-)
To be quite frank, I may consider “undressing” him, I would prefer to make him wild, savage and feline If i had a choice :-)
Sadly, there’s no heavy armor like that so I gave up on that idea, but it may work for a portrait.
I’m thinking about something in the line of almost naked, sitting charr holding loosely his twilight and my wife’s ele in some sort of “battle-casting spell” pose.
I think that may work for an initial idea.
I’m not sure that we will follow that path, but… well, I want to hear your opinion on that matter first :-)

Best Regards

Guild Wars 2 Wallpapers (Free commissions)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Fringilla Vigo.8594

Fringilla Vigo.8594

Absolutely awesome job on mine Windu, nicely chosen motif for the dynamic pose that the character is in. You really nailed it, thanks a lot.

If you don’t mind to screen any other of my characters, I’ll let you choose out of all both my and my wife one’s

I’ll be away for a week so I’ll have a look for your response next weekend.

And I won’t forget to tip you for your work :-)


..:: But no seriously I have no slots ::..

in Community Creations

Posted by: Fringilla Vigo.8594

Fringilla Vigo.8594

Hi, I would like to book a spot in your commission but I really have a hard time to decide which character I would like to be done by you…

And before we proceed -

a) I’m from an EU server, hope it’s not an issue
b) I’ll be away for a week, so I won’t have access to my desktop. So I’ll just book a spot and we’ll work details next weekend, is that ok?
c) Please, help me with suggestion which character would you like to work with.

I attached brief screenshots of all of them. I like them all (almost) equally so I’ll wait for your suggestion :-)

I have also attached my wifes characters, they also can be considered.
(As you may see, I copied some of her toons :-)


Guild Wars 2 Wallpapers (Free commissions)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Fringilla Vigo.8594

Fringilla Vigo.8594

I have to say that your job is absolutely awesome – it’s visually stunning, nicely emphasize portrayed character and truly keep up GW2 spirit.

If you feel like it i would kindly ask you to try one of my 16 (:-)) characters.

I love them all equally and I find them all eye pleasing but I’ll try with my ranger (Ravenna Vigo) first.

Thanks in advance for consideration


Can PvP skins be used outside PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Fringilla Vigo.8594

Fringilla Vigo.8594

Can PvP skins be used outside PvP (PvE, WvW environment)?

Edit: to be precise – I mean new vendor “dungeon” and “racial” sets.

So how many characters do you have?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fringilla Vigo.8594

Fringilla Vigo.8594

Before I post all of my characters (although I didn’t finish the job on all of them) I’m gonna show you all of my wife’s characters.

Currently she has 8×80 and they come in the picture in that order:

-Norn thief
-Norn ranger
-Norn guardian
-Norn mesmer
-Human necromancer
-Human ranger
-Human necromancer
-Human elementalist

Hope you like them as much as i do ;-)


how many 80's do you have

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fringilla Vigo.8594

Fringilla Vigo.8594

8 × 80 at the moment and on my way to get another full set of 80 on all professions. So at the moment I’m aiming at 16 altogether.
Here is the video of all of the characters the way they are at the moment.

Some love for Guilds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fringilla Vigo.8594

Fringilla Vigo.8594

Can we get some love for single players instead? At very least guild missions is way easier way to obtain ascended trinkets (in opposition to laurels + 50 ecto).
Lets not mention all of the passive guild bonuses.

share some love for the alotholics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fringilla Vigo.8594

Fringilla Vigo.8594

- Separate fractal progression
- Separate WvW levels
- Time gating on ascended jewelery
- Ascended weapon cost
- Ascended gear coming out (assumable) this year
- Lack of economical reason to do low lvl areas (that has been addressed to the degree)
- Strange birthday booster ( up to lvl 20 instead of plus 20 lvls)

Yes, we altoholics could use a little bit of love…

but, against all odds, we still live and (somehow) prosper

[merged] Can't login 42:0:9001:4131

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fringilla Vigo.8594

Fringilla Vigo.8594

same here…
Funny thing – my wife on her laptop (using same wi-fi) keeps playing…

Rate the looks of the person above you!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fringilla Vigo.8594

Fringilla Vigo.8594

I’m rarely envious over anybody else’s character, but in this case… I am.

That’s easily one of the best looking characters I’ve seen on this thread, hands down.

Phoenix top, masquerade crinoline and t3 shoes matches so well that I’m wondering why I didn’t came up with that mix myself.

I don’t know how did you make that beauty out of that face template, but you did.
And this bloody red matches your elementalist so well.
I wouldn’t use that rose back myself, but somehow it fits.
10/10, I would have given you 11 if I could.

BTW – I was wondering whether anybody use this “old lady” template at all. Well – I know the answer. You did. And again – with good result.

As for me – here is my asuran engie. I didn’t care that much for his armor – it was all about his looks. He’s named “Azazello” after Mikhil Bulgakov character form “The Master and Margarita” character, which is a demon, a trickster with very distinctive dark and twisted sense of humor… And he plays with the fire occasionally :-)
So there he is – hope you like him.


How does ArenaNet want GW2 to be played?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fringilla Vigo.8594

Fringilla Vigo.8594

How much different would this thread be if ANet had boosted DE rewards instead of Champion rewards? Who would be complaining then?

The only complaint I may see is the one that there possibly might be DE grieving by just tagging any given DE and moving along to the next one. But that might be solved by giving full reward (gold) by full participation and having bronze as “default” for minimum effort.

open world pve is a breeze

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fringilla Vigo.8594

Fringilla Vigo.8594

Be creative. Make things challenging.

bad argument. I shouldn’t be the one to g_imp myself for challenging content, it should be presented by the developers.

No, its a good argument. You’re just lazy and want things handed to you. You want the difficulty raised for everyone just because you’re so “elite”, and you won’t take any initiative in challenging yourself.

Lazy and entitled.

no. this is bad game design. what I described is good game design.

Stupid and bad.

Be creative. Make things challenging.

He is right. It is good argument. Few examples.

- Look for champions. Solo them
- Find Group Events. Solo them
- Restrain yourself. Don’t swap weapons. Use skills that you find lacking. Experiment with them.
- Experiment with builds. Get out of your “comfort zone”
- Get to level 80 with no armor.
- Solo champions with no armor.

Theres plenty of ways to make it harder. WAY harder.
It is enough to be a bit creative.

How does ArenaNet want GW2 to be played?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fringilla Vigo.8594

Fringilla Vigo.8594

But for some players having things is secondary to other goals, while for others having things is closer to their primary goal – they want to achieve, to accumulate, to have the best gear, etc., etc. For them, it’s more like racing than playing about. And that’s fine, that’s a playstyle (the Achiever playstyle). Anet has to provide some way for them to do their thing, because they’re a huge part of any MMO playerbase.

And that is all fine. Moreover – it to be expected.

Now, you’re saying that because of the lumpiness of distribution of players across mapes because of farming content on some maps, that’s stopping you from achieving your goals.

No, it doesn’t stop me at all.
I guess that I didn’t make myself clear enough. I want to gear and dress my toons up (you may call it my and goal), at the same time, I like to play open world most and do 100% completion on each toon (which is my pleasure)
Now – one thing doesn’t exclude another, but economically this playstyle doesn’t make sense at the moment – especially that most maps are low lvl ( less than 40).
There’s no way that I am any close to efficiency on low level map in comparison to Cursed Shore champion train.
It doesn’t discourage me. But it discourages these ones, that are about efficiency. And they are packed on 3 maps – The rest, like me (plus those that are leveling or doing “other” maps for various reasons, are spread around the rest – which makes these maps
even more quiet.
And I think that wrong. ArenaNet created such a beautiful world, created so many engaging DE’s and they are not played in favor of mindless (press a lot of 1 and F) chase for champion tagging.

For those farmer, there’s no economic reason to play on your empty map.

But for you, there is still an economic reason to play on your empty map, isn’t there?

No, there isn’t. It is just my guilty pleasure. I love the open world. I love variety of classes. I love enjoyment of playing my character that is dressed and equipped the way I wanted. And I want all of my characters to explore the whole world. That will give me sense of accomplishment.
As for the economical reason – I’m the foolest of all fools to play that way. I don’t feel “punished”. But I think that ArenaNet doesn’t gratify me for my playstyle at all. I would be way more wealthy that I am now if I spend my time efficiently.
It’s ok. Its my choice.
But I think that they throw candies to “farmers”.
Hence my question “Is that the way that they want Guild Wars 2 to be played”?
If I were them, I would encourage my players to play the world I created. But it might be just me. I might be delusional about it.
I’m just a one, meaningless cog in the machine.

So really it’s not an economic argument you’re making, but it’s more that you are sort of lonely and wish there were more players playing on your map.

I dont really feel “lonely”. I would like to be able to do group DE’s. I would like to see this wonderful world more alive. I don’t want to feel like a fool for doing 100% world, because that’s economically just plainly stupid.

This is why I’m suggesting that actually Anet have built a fair bit of headroom into the game for extrinsic rewards, and are now starting to let rip with it, first with Champs, and I think soon with DEs and other content.

That “Champion Loot” seemed to me like a good idea at the first glance. But it turned out to be worse than world bosses.

Again, I think we must, must, MUST talk about this subject bearing in mind the bot problem Anet had right at the beginning of the development of the game. The relatively paucity of extrinsic rewards up till now has, I believe, a lot to do with that.

You’ve got a point there for sure.

So, ok, the only argument left is that if they up the rewards across the board, it will screw the economy. But I think it’s likely that the economy was designed with the higher level of rewards in mind – which means, in effect, I think they always intended it to be a bit easier for everyone to get the stuff they want, but they couldn’t get to that state while there was a bot problem.

I think the “lumpiness” of player distribution is temporary. Anyway, I sure hope it is

Me too, me too…

World Complet-o-holic

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fringilla Vigo.8594

Fringilla Vigo.8594

Why would anyone ever need more than 8? O.O

4 times map completion, 5th on the way (76%), 2 more around 50%, and engineer sitting around 35 %.

As for you question, I have made second set of all classes. Basically to play around with builds, to have at least pair of each race and because I managed to have “idea” for 16 characters to play around with (outfits / Rpg background / builds)

How does ArenaNet want GW2 to be played?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fringilla Vigo.8594

Fringilla Vigo.8594

I play open world content more than Living Story content myself (at least until Clockwork Chaos hit and they kinda meshed). I don’t . . . REALLY . . . find a problem with getting what I’m after.

Sure. I geared up eight of them without crazy emphasis on “farming” at all .The only exception was working towards legendary, when for few weeks I was practically living in Cursed Shore. Which, by the way, I regret, because having multiple characters I rarely how up with my legendary.

But the thing is – whenever I play around on some more or less random maps (finishing 100% world completion on my 5th toon) I see one trend.

Most maps are empty – not that it makes them unplayable – but it makes it less enjoyable. 80% of DE I do alone. Most of the champions and group events I don’t do (they’re too hard or impossible to do alone or it takes way to much time to solo them with same reward as for any other event).
I see nice, well thought over and detailed world which is left alone.

On the contrary, new Champion loot did opposite thing to Frostgorge Sound and Cursed Shore – they’re unplayable by other means – they just turned into “zerg fest”, “tag wars”, and “stay with commander lol” fest.

And that bothers me. I think it is bad for the game itself – it makes it less enjoyable.
Seriously, I think that for some players if Anet left them FotM, Cof path 1, Lions Arch to show up, World Bosses for ectos and Queensdale, Frostgorge Sound or Cursed Shore for champs – they wouldn’t even notice the difference. Oh, and Trading Post of course.
And I’m genuinely curious – what kind of fun is that? Does they really enjoy the game that way? Do same thing all over again just to get more money? If I were down to that, I would have quit a long ago..

And I’m still not sure what expenses are so incredible as to require farming outside the four things I listed.

Well, there is a couple of weapon skins that I would love to have on my characters.

For instance – see that huntress?

I would like to have wings of dwayna on her. But its more than 300 gold to make.
And that is just example…
P.S. You may see a couple of mine characters on this thread as well

How does ArenaNet want GW2 to be played?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fringilla Vigo.8594

Fringilla Vigo.8594

Ex hypothesi, if you don’t “need” gold that much, then farming shouldn’t bother you.

If I don’t need gold per se, it doesn’t necessary mean that I don’t need gold to get me closer to my gold.

So I need it in the sense that everyone does. Not that I can’t play without it but it makes me closer to things i want to achieve.

But that doesn’t bother me as such. What bothers me is that most maps are desolate and empty. Because there’s no economical reason to play them. Some maps are flooded. because theres some economical reason to play them.
Is that clear enough now?

How does ArenaNet want GW2 to be played?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fringilla Vigo.8594

Fringilla Vigo.8594

Do forgive me, but I expect most designers expect a player to find one character they “click with”, that they really feel attached to and play them with alts to change it up now and then. And that’s just because if you’re working one character, you’re not working another one, so you are going to have a longer and more grueling task to grow your second, third, et cetera . . . characters

So, no, you’re not asking for a lot . . . but I don’t see a way of looking at sixteen characters (or even a quarter of that) and not thinking “that’s a lot of work”.

You seem to be missing my point a bit… Of course it is a lot of work. And it is my choice and I’m well aware of the chores that comes with it. moreover – my “project” is far away from being done. I play from headstart and I played quite a lot. Only 8 are 80’s, and I just recently equipped all of them in full exotics. So it took me a year. And second “wave” is in their infancy – and I will be taking my time to do it.

But that is irrelevant.

The only thing that matters – I’ll repeat that – Is that I want to be able to work towards my goals ANYHOW effective by playing open world content.

And I don’t think I’m alone in that.
Oh, on that – why don’t you have just one toon and max it out? Answer is simple – The thing I find most pleasant in MMO’s is to create character, give it some personality, gear it up, make it look I want. After that job is done, I create another and I come back to other toon just for pure fun or whenever I “need” that class/setup (dungeon/wvw/pvp, you name it)

How does ArenaNet want GW2 to be played?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fringilla Vigo.8594

Fringilla Vigo.8594

I came down to exactly four things:

- Gem conversion. (So you don’t want to, or can’t afford real money to buy Gems with. Fine, I get it, I was there before. It’s not cheap. But it’s probably easier to pool $20 than to farm/grind.)

- Cultural weapons/armor. (Unbeknownst to some, there are cheaper transmutable skins you can get sometimes. But it takes some looking.)

- Ascended back items. (All those Tier 6 Materials . . . oy. There’s a reason I crunched numbers and determined I didn’t really need those to stay competetive in PvE.)

- Legendaries. (Specifically, Precursor purchases along with . . . again, Tier 6 Materials.)

You have missed at least two – and I’m talking from my perspective only. As I said, I have 16 characters, eight of them being eighty.
Therefore -

- I want to gear them up. Some of this might be done with tokens, wvw tokens (to the degree), karma, laurels, crafting etc… But this way or another, I need to spend my time to get any of these. And some of the items I want are available (realistically) only through Auction House (Superior Rune of Divinity for instance). So money comes into place.

- I want to get some skins that I fancy. I wasn’t that lucky on drops, so I need to get them through Auction House again. Again – i need gold for it.

Put some gem conversion on the top of that and you have my money sinks in this game.

And as I said before- I don’t need it. I may get cheaper runes. And I don’t need to have so many characters. And I may left them looking bad. I realize that. But that’s MY GOALS. That is my MOTIVATION to play Guild Wars 2.
And all I want is to be able to work towards my goals ANYHOW effective by playing open world content. Not by running with huge zerg playing Tag Wars.
Is it that much that I’m asking for?

How does ArenaNet want GW2 to be played?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fringilla Vigo.8594

Fringilla Vigo.8594

So where is “play the game the way you like” choice?

A counter-inquiry.

What exactly do you need the gold for? I mean, there’s a lot of stuff which can be expensive, or IS expensive (seriously, cultural armor, WTF?) but what else is there to spend it on?

Right now the only thing to spend large amounts of gold on are either unnecessary power boosts or dressing up your characters in certain appearances of gear.

I don’t need it in a way that I must have it to play the game. But having 16 characters myself I want to dress them the way I like. And I would love to see that “farming” isn’t the oly way to get that done. So in other words I spend my money on a vanity items.

But let me reiterate your question – what do you need to do in an MMO at all? We all play for different reasons and we have different goals, various approaches, but there is absolutely nothing that you need to do in an MMO.

So sorry, but I think that your argument is invalid.

(edited by Fringilla Vigo.8594)

How does ArenaNet want GW2 to be played?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fringilla Vigo.8594

Fringilla Vigo.8594

If this amount of income keeps up, we’ll have massive inflation and those who dont farm will suffer being unable to meet prices that only farmers can afford. That be very bad especially for new players.

That and I am sorry to say some farmers just make for a toxic community. unfortunately

Well, and that is another issue with massive emphasis on farming.
And it is serious – at the moment, according to some posters, you may get circa 70 gold for “proper” farming in 20 hours. Now – judging by the numbers on Orr/Frostgorge Sound/ Queensdale pre patch and the number of players participating in current events, we have a great chunk of playerbase getting a lot of money on a quick system – which create massive inflation of some goods and some other (these ones that are easily available through farming and not that necessary) dropping down.

Where it leaves new players or the ones that doesn’t farm?
Low level zones have literally no way to guarantee income in any way, shape or form. Combined hearts/DE/drop/gathering are barely enough to cover cost of “skill books”…

Worst thing is , that for the players with 80’s there absolutely no incentive to go back there at all – it is WAY less profitable by every means. Even champion farming in Queensdale for is subpar to CS with possibility of loot being downscaled and possible number of champions coming with scaled DE.

So basically there are two choices now – you either farm or you are falling back with the economy. And to be effective – theres only 3 choices at the moment – farm “champions route”, farm “dungeons” (different paths) or play “invasion” content. Everything else doesn’t even come any close to that.
So where is “play the game the way you like” choice?

Rate the looks of the person above you!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fringilla Vigo.8594

Fringilla Vigo.8594

I wish i could have seen your charr better :-). I like “the giant wasp” theme and you wear pants not a skirt which is big plus

Well, sometimes it isn’t about the armor… Sometimes it’s about character himself…
It’s not that hard to guess what i was aiming for with this one…


How does ArenaNet want GW2 to be played?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fringilla Vigo.8594

Fringilla Vigo.8594

They do want to please all the players, after all.

I hope you are right about it. And to some degree they did some changes towards open world with last update, but its more “hey, lets zerg that map. Hey, lets zerg another one on next hour”.
This is way better and more fun than so called “champ routes” on Orr or Frostgorge but still I believe that they can do even more than that.

At the end of the day what i would love to see is that playing actual content in the open world wouldn’t be WAY less profitable than so called “farming”. Let it be like 1 to 3 proportion, not like 1 to 20 (or more) as it seems to be now.

How does ArenaNet want GW2 to be played?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fringilla Vigo.8594

Fringilla Vigo.8594

I did read your post, you didnt say make map completion the most rewarding activity, you said make it give decent rewards.

Ok, quote from my first post so.
“Rewards for map completion – change them. Make them worthy. Bah, change them to the degree that it would be most profitable aspect of the game. "
Most of the time I know what I’m saying…

As for possible complaints that you brought – they are all valid, but still that would be better than it is now – at least in my opinion.
And there’s even better and more elegant solution that other guy suggested – make activities on particular map at some day more profitable than usual. It has some drawbacks but it might be good idea as well.

How does ArenaNet want GW2 to be played?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fringilla Vigo.8594

Fringilla Vigo.8594

Because nothing would work!

what could they do, make events in queensdale give you 10s to make up for the frequency of events in Orr and scaling? if queensdale reward exactly the same amount that Orr rewarded exactly the same do you think that will fix the problem? Nope, they’d just move and farm queensdale because now everything rewards equally but queensdale is fastest and safest cause mobs there are super easy.

You cannot address this problem cause the problem isnt the content you’re providing its that people are not interested in content they’re just interested in reward. Nothing you do will change that.

Can you think of any solution that will make people who all they want is the biggest reward possible in the least amount of time possible play all over the map? cause what arenanet are doing is essentially the only think i can personally think of.

You completely missed my point. As I said earlier, MAP COMPLETION as a best risk/time vs reward would solve “farming in certain spots” problem easily.
It’s nice to read the post you are criticizing first…

How does ArenaNet want GW2 to be played?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fringilla Vigo.8594

Fringilla Vigo.8594

OP I think you got it backwards.

I wouldn’t say so.

I still remember the posts arguing how boring farming Orr was. You could visually see that yourself, Orr was full of people farming the rest of the world was much more empty than those last zones. Simply speaking a large percentage of people choose farming the most rewarding content over content variety.

Of course they did – because (as you said) at the time being it was the most profitable activity. They obviously had seen that and they could have reacted accordingly to encourage open world playing. But instead…

Arenanet had to address that and thats where FoTM came into play. Those players who wanted the best rewards had it and now at least they had more variety then the same few events. Then came dungeons rewards, and dailies and achievements, the pavilon, champions and now invasions.

You see? They did something to cater those with “maximizing profit” and “best rewards” attitude… But instead doing something to make those peple play open world they locked them in FotM first (not to mention horrible “level” design at first which separated players even more) than dailies, world bosses, and now champion farming.
So my point still stands – the game will be played they way they encourage their players to by making it most profitable activity. (I’m not talking about minority that will play the game “their way” no matter what).

Can I still redeem my Fortune scraps?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Fringilla Vigo.8594

Fringilla Vigo.8594

Can I still redeem my Fortune scraps?
If yes – where?
If not – is it worth to keep it for possible future use?

How does ArenaNet want GW2 to be played?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fringilla Vigo.8594

Fringilla Vigo.8594

From what I understand Dynamic Events, Mini Dungeons and Jump Puzzles are next on their list (or soon-ish) to get reward bumps like World bosses/champs did. If they will be good enough to entice people away from World Bosses/Champ farming however we will have to wait and see.

Where did you read that? that would be very good news!

Currently we have about 25-ish maps with hearts. They could dedicate one map to a certain day of the month and for that day have special events that play on that particular map and offer bonus rewards for DE’s, Dungeons etc completed on that map. What this would/could do is have each and every day pushing people to a specific part of the world where everyone replays that particular map and could rediscover each unique area all over again and of course it will help new players to complete these maps.

That also would be an excellent idea – to gratify way more that usual certain activities on (that particular day) given map. At very least it would make it way easier and much more pleasant for the new players to play on that particular map. The only downside of it that I may think of is that most probably chosen map will get flooded with people, that’s why I would be leaning towards “spread them out” solution.

Rate the looks of the person above you!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fringilla Vigo.8594

Fringilla Vigo.8594

Guys, you have forgotten to rate others

How does ArenaNet want GW2 to be played?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fringilla Vigo.8594

Fringilla Vigo.8594

If once-off activities like map completion was very rewarding, i wonder if there will be player backlash that they are “forced” to “grind” new alts over and over to get completion rewards. Sadly there’s a very strong mentality amongst some players where they will compulsively do the most profitable thing… and if you attach profit to some activity they don’t enjoy, they will complain bitterly whilst doing that thing over and over…

That is very valid point and most probably you are right, but…
You may tell that about any form of grind (forced to do world bosses, forced to repeat same dungeon path, forced to follow champions route…)

But with this solution at least the result will be busy maps. All of them, not only three…

How does ArenaNet want GW2 to be played?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fringilla Vigo.8594

Fringilla Vigo.8594

ANet has a very heavy hand when it comes to encouraging people to do different things.

10 days to an ascended ring in fractals, 35 days otherwise (25+250 badges (which has stopped dropping btw)).
Two weeks of guild missions (+5g) to get ascended accessories or 40 days + 50 ectos.

Actually, that’s very good examples of encouraging players to do it one way over another. Thank You.

How does ArenaNet want GW2 to be played?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fringilla Vigo.8594

Fringilla Vigo.8594

Actually, I think Anet is adding stuff to lots of areas of the game, including the open world. The new content has open world events occurring all over the place, on a daily basis.

That is true. But at the same time that is not what they encourage people to do. They encourage world bosses/champion faring. Because that is best risk and time vs. reward content. And thats my concern.
I would vastly prefer that open world IN GENERAL would be best in that regard. And this is something that might be done. It mightn’t be easy to pull but its doable.

Attitude in Orr/Frostgorge (PvE)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fringilla Vigo.8594

Fringilla Vigo.8594

Just don’t be bothered by them.. Do your events, complete them if possible, and if they give you some kitten, just block and report..
I remember fondly my latest additions on my block list after I solo’d the Champion Troll and the little farming train appeared.. Ahh, good times..

You see? You don’t get a new philosophy… In the good, old times i remember (it was manifesto if I remember correctly) that one of the devs said clearly that GW 2 is all about cooperation, that you will be excited to see other player…
Well… not anymore, because that player might be the one that just stolen your precious loot from the champion that you, as a part of the farming zerg, are entitled to!

How could you be so rude and kill a mob that is part of the ROUTE!!! (end sarcasm)

Poor new players in Queensdale at the free trial period… I already feel sorry for them…

How does ArenaNet want GW2 to be played?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fringilla Vigo.8594

Fringilla Vigo.8594

A bit of background on my playstyle before I jump to the topic.

I like open world. I have all professions at lvl 80 and I’m on my way to get another set of eight “eightees”. I also play WvW to some degree (more than 7k kills) across all of my characters, I stopped to play PvP (lack of rewards, tiresome leveling, all maps are the same “capture and hold” with a different flavor).
I like dungeons but most of them are (in my opinion) either badly designed (skipping) or way too much time consuming (fractals).

Having said that – I think that the most enjoying part of the world that you created is open world. It’s huge, its diverse and beautiful, it feels handcrafted, it hosts tons of dynamic events (some better, some worse) and I think that is the place where GW2 differs from other MMO’S most – with downscaling and dynamic events being most notable examples.

But having played game since pre-launch with all the changes implemented (especially world-boss loot, and champions loot) recently I asked myself – is this really the way you want your game to be played?

I guested on busiest EU servers and it seems that what is happening is some sort of mockery of open world gameplay. Most of the maps are desolate and empty and three with (easiest accessible / most well known / best loot) champions are swarmed (queensdale / frostgorge sound / cursed shore).

It isn’t Guild Wars 2 anymore… It is Tag Wars 2. Its about huge zergs running asap fighting only for tagging champion before he gets insta killed by the horde of players. It’s about failing anchorage escort, because it spawns more champions the more players are there.
I’ts not about fun. I’ts not about exploring. It’s all about getting money.

And you know what? I wouldn’t blame players for it. Getting money in GW2 is not an easy task to do (I’m not talking about speculation or gamble. I’m talking about getting money by playing game the way I want). I’m blaming you Arena Net.

Colin Johanson – in this interview

you said that

No matter what we do, there will always be a group of players who try to min-max any game that’s ever made and they try to find the fastest, most rewarding way to play it with the best composition of skills and party members that they can possibly get to acquire the most rewards possible.

And I don’t think you really can ever do anything to do that. It’s just the inherent nature of certain players in the game.

And I don’t think you really can ever do anything to do that… You are right there. There’s nothing you can do about players attitude.

But there is a lot you can do to encourage or discourage your playerbase to do or not to do certain things.

You gave them easy way to farm one particular dungeon path? They farmed it.

You took it away? They don’t do that anymore.

You gave them sweet loot from world bosses? They farm them.

You gave nice loot from champions? They farm them. Using easiest way accessible.

So there’s my statement – You don’t want your players to play open world. If you wanted open world to be played, you would have changed rewards for world exploration.

Why don’t you change it?
Rewards for hearts completion are pathetic. It’s more of a joke and mockery than a real reward. It used to be next to nothing, but now it is laughable.
Rewards for map completion – change them. Make them worthy. Bah, change them to the degree that it would be most profitable aspect of the game. What would be the outcome of it? All farmers will… start doing content. They will spread around the maps. Wouldn’t be that great?

On the top of that.

Make dynamic events worthy of the time spend.
And for god’s sake – give players decent reward for 100% map completion. Make that worthy. Wouldn’t it be nice to see players scattered on all of the maps like it used to be?

So my question is. Do you really want your game to be played the way it is now? Or is it better to encourage players to actually play your game, not the tiny fraction of it, as it is now?

(edited by Fringilla Vigo.8594)

So how many characters do you have?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fringilla Vigo.8594

Fringilla Vigo.8594

Here are my characters.

13 Level 80s

I’m quite impressed with the way you recreated some of the in-game characters, especially all of the five “main characters” of each race. i guess it must be weir feeling talking to Rytlock as Rytlock, talking to Eir as Eir etc… Anyways, very interesting approach.

Weindrasi – I really like how you put some basic stories behind your toons. It makes them way more interesting. Well done!