Go to the golem and show us your dps.
This is how much i do…
Can you show me with the viper how much damage you do??? Thank you
This damage is steadySo, taking that picture you have 2s of damage shown (there is a DPS report, a much more reasonable thing to use rather than a clip of 2s of damage), using that and adding it up you’re doing 5277 DPS.
I just ran a simple rotation using the setup I was using for Matthias last night and cheap food (read not completely optimal for damage, plus I had lag spikes going in and out of RS
) I was able to get the picture below (6341 DPS).
As for some discounting Might/Vuln, this is where the ‘meta is a lie’ thing comes into play, you can’t always assume you’ll have those things provided, however it does mean that the more you’re utilizing those things yourself the less is left to buff your DPS from the team providing them (if you cap your own might then the PS warrior isn’t going to help you by providing a superfluous 25 stacks of might). So as you see in Dominik’s post given outside buffing the numbers grow and grow and in organized grouping that’s the goal (bring a PS war and Druid).
TLDR: I did a kittenty job and still beat what is to my best guess the DPS shown.
EDIT: Noticed I had more than 1mil total damage, my guess is it was counting self inflicted damage, but take the time and 1mil total damage and it’s 6329, so yeah still better
Thank you very much
Could you show me only the damage that come from your life reap(without food)? Could you take in the picture also your traits?
I can also use the golem or other utilty.
Please go to the chat and tick combact.
I’m sure that the viper dps is higher, just i would like know how much…
Because in Fractal i spend all my time to ress reaper, yeah high damage but if you go down every 2 minutes is better have less damage but steady.
(edited by Frost.1503)
Life reap 3000 is low? Can you show me your damage?
I can arrive to put 25 stack of vulnerability and 25 stack of might on me, and you?
Anyway i was using in that picture only the reaper
Go to the golem and show us your dps.
This is how much i do…
Can you show me with the viper how much damage you do??? Thank you
This damage is steady
(edited by Frost.1503)
Why the Viper should be better than Celestial???
The celestial build give me a high survability (help also this trait: Augury of death, that such life, do damage and recharge faster the shouts) without have the trait line death magic.
I use the trait line spite that give me the possibility to reach always 25 stack of might, put on the enemy 25 stack of vulnerability, have 20% more damage (close to death) and 5% more of damage from the rune.
With soul marks, vital persistance, chilling victory and more life (celestial) i can play more often and long in reaper form (Usually i can finish a boss in reaper form).
My team mate always die in fractal and often i’m the last one to survive.
Let me know what you think…
Thank you have a nice day
(edited by Frost.1503)
What do you find most fun on this game?
I usually did pvp, dungeon and fractal. But them didn’T change a bit in this last years (always the same map).
Thank you
(edited by Frost.1503)
Life force drains slower while in shroud. Shroud skills recharge faster.
Miscellaneous effect.png Degeneration Decrease: 50%
Recharge Recharge Reduced: 15%
The Necro actually is really fun to play. The problem is that each build you use, you must have soul reaping and reaping.
Reaping becouse is much stronger than death shroud and death shroud for vital persistence, so you can choose spite (direct damage) or Curse (Conditioner).
The solution are 2 o they give to us F1 and F2 becouse I must spend my traits in Death Shroud and Reaper or they of base give to us the Degeneration decrease.
What do you think about it?
You don’t need to use vital persistence with Reaper. Obviously it’s nice, but if you remove it you’ll get used to it.
Try to play in pvp without it
Life force drains slower while in shroud. Shroud skills recharge faster.
Degeneration Decrease: 50%
Recharge Recharge Reduced: 15%
Is possible do somethings?
If I want use reaper I must also use death shroud.
I can choose only one trait line.
Even if I use Vampirism Rituals the time of recharge is higher.
From Vampirism Rituals we have a lot of benefit reduce recharge, protection and siphon healty. But these justify a recharging so long? And another question we will have a new elite (well)?
I would like know your opinion.
Explain to me why a condition build should have critical chance?
At the moment I prefer Condition, Toughness and Healing.
There are a lot of better option than condition, Precision and Toughness at the moment.
(edited by Frost.1503)
Barbed precision:
1)Critical hits have a chance to cause bleeding. Increases bleed duration.
Critical hit Chance on Critical Hit: 33%
Deals damage every second; stacks intensity. Bleeding (3s): 66 Damage
Duration Increase: 20%
With condition damage at 1762 I do with bleeding for 3 sec 386 of damage (chance on Critical Hit : 33%).
Duration Increase 20% of bleeding would be fantastic if the damage was high.
2) Furious demise
Gain fury when entering shroud.
Critical Chance increased by 20%; stacks duration. Fury (5s): 20% Critical Chance
Uao in Death Shroud I have 20% Critical chance for 5 sec. Now with 300 of critical chance I feel much better.
We can’T have protection, somethings for reflect projectle or Quickness?
Shroud skill 2 now additionally converts boons into conditions.
Boons Converted to Conditions: 2
Radius: 360
Number of targets: 5
Thank you very much =)
Thank you =)
I’M really happy for this fantastic news
In the future will become meta condition in PvE and WvW?
The only way to play this game it seems berseker.
No body want a necro conditioner (my main is the necro for this I take him for example) in PvE, WvW and now even in PvP (yeah, somewhere like Fractal lvl 50 is great and ……..????)
This is just my opinion. I would like know the opinion of the community.
I’m really disappointed…
Call me lazy, but I have a life outside.
I payed 100 euro for the expansion and often I also buy to the gem store.
Becose i really like this game and also the expansion.
Arenanet is a big and great team. I never write in the comment how much greatly appreciated this game but i’m here so is obviously….
I was really excited about the expansion that I have dona the build for each class (more or less).
Now they are asking to me to do PvE and yes i’m doing PvE for have new Elite traits and the Mastery and is really fun.
But Ok with the first class, but with the other 8?
Anyway I would like do PvE in the new map becose are great, just don’t ask to me to do it for the Hero points.
The Mastery sistem for me is Ok.
Sorry for my English I tried to explain how I feel with that few words that I knows.
You said you do WvW? Then you do WvW and trade in the new tokens and Hero Badges for Hero Points. No need to even put your foot in Verdant brink (The new map).
I do it in guild events then only a day in a week.
I have dona the pre-order for support the game and for sure I like gw2 (not HoT).
I think all people play this game for have fun and yes I have a lot of fun in PvP.
They are asking to me to do PvE for have the new Elite Specialization (460 hero points X 9 Char).
Why am I asking for the Elite Specialization if I do Pvp?
Becouse I do also the event of guild like Fractal, WvW, Guild mission, ecc….
If I can’T reach for each one of my char 460 points I prefer have my 100 euro back and do somethings else.
They did somethings like this before with the traits. The difference is that you before needs to go in a determinate place for receive the trait now you must go in a determinate place in the map for take the Hero points for buy the traits.
I’M not asking to have the new Elite Specialization for free (100 euro). But have it in a easier way and have the possibility to take it also in pvp.
Don’t really think it fits. Necros are all about the deaths of OTHER things, they’re not really the martyr type. Might make sense for some sort of transform, like a perma-Lich where you gain tremendous power, but your life slowly drains (only stopped if you are doing damage) and when it runs out, you die. Something like that – Necros are willing to harm themselves in the name of gaining power, but dying so others can live really doesn’t seem like a Necromancer gig.
Mmmmmhhhh….. And if with his life(the necro) open a portal to the hell from where come every second new minion and the only way for close it, is destroy it?
This Elite can be used every 240 sec and the minion can’T go out from his radius.
I would like see a elite skill that you sacrifice your self and you recover the people around you, remove all boon to the enemy and spread every condition for 5 pulse AoE.
You can use this elite skill only if you have more than 25% of life.
Sorry for my English I hope you will understand xD.
(edited by Frost.1503)
Earth Attunement -> Stone Heart -> Tornado
This could be fantastic….
The problem that we loose the advantages from earth attunement when we use Tornado.
No F1 and F2 for the Necro, They remove to us death shroud for give Reaping, but:
Thief: Daredevil’s mechanic is the increased endurance and dodging that can have a different effect depending on the active grandmaster trait. (Is a improvement, he has the same skill of before, also F1)
Warrior: Berserker is a warrior elite specialization that can wield torches and gains access to rage skills. After building enough adrenaline, they are able to enter berserk mode, granting a new set of burst skills. (F1 plus F2)
Chronomancer: Chronomancer is a mesmer elite specialization that can wield shields. They will be given a fifth shatter skill, Continuum Shift, and access to wells. (F1,F2,F3,F4 plus F5)
Elementalist: Tempest is an elementalist elite specialization that can wield warhorns. They’ll have the ability to overload attunements, and access to shout skills. (like before plus overload F1,F2,F3 and F4)
Why we can’t have bot when we need it…Just because anet has demonstrated a (surprisingly high given their track record) 17% success rate with creating actual functional flavor, it doesn’t mean that you should actively wish for the compromise of that little sliver of not-utterly-contrived, boring, tack-on design just because “the other guys got it.”
Thoughts like yours are why passive healing, stability, invulnerability spam and super-passive play is the only playstyle that this game promotes across every class.
No is much better have a Necromancer that no body like have in wvw, pve, fractal, ecc ecc
No F1 and F2 for the Necro, They remove to us death shroud for give Reaping, but:
Thief: Daredevil’s mechanic is the increased endurance and dodging that can have a different effect depending on the active grandmaster trait. (Is a improvement, he has the same skill of before, also F1)
Warrior: Berserker is a warrior elite specialization that can wield torches and gains access to rage skills. After building enough adrenaline, they are able to enter berserk mode, granting a new set of burst skills. (F1 plus F2)
Chronomancer: Chronomancer is a mesmer elite specialization that can wield shields. They will be given a fifth shatter skill, Continuum Shift, and access to wells. (F1,F2,F3,F4 plus F5)
Elementalist: Tempest is an elementalist elite specialization that can wield warhorns. They’ll have the ability to overload attunements, and access to shout skills. (like before plus overload F1,F2,F3 and F4)
Why we can’t have bot when we need it…
In all honest, even when i enter a PVP tournament again,
I would unbind my normal deathshroud F1.
Thats how much better Reapershroud is and I unfortunately cannot support this idea. The reaper specialization feels just perfect the way it is and i think the solution for ranged is the upcoming work on axe.
This is why the Ele is so strong and the Necro is the last profession. In the Elementalist forum they continue to ask improvement!!! The Ele have always his attunement but if he likes the new Elite Specialization he can overload the attunement. Why the Elite should remove the death shroud? We can reach the enemy, immobilize, ecc the enemy and at least use the Reaper.
Explain to me how you will fight a ranger with 1500 of range?You should really roll a tempest if you think that it’s so great. All that I’m going to say is that quality > quantity.
Personally I will play the hell out of my reaper come HoT.
I never said it before!
The reaper must be a improvement!
In this way it is very situational.
How is possible you don’t like have the possibility to switch from one to the other one? If you don’t like it just stay in Reaper. I don’t understund sometime if is my English (is really bad) or are the people….
I give you at same price the Ferrari with full optional or you prefer without any optional?
With F1 and F2 the Necromancer will not become OP becouse he needs 3 years of improvement for be like the other.A better analogy would be that all professions start with a common car as a profession mechanic, except ranger which gets a broken model
. The reaper gives up his old car for a Ferrari while most other professions simply get a second but different common car. Thus my saying of quality > quantity applies pretty well.
The reaper shroud is obviously superior to the original death shroud. If you take a berserker, you will see that their primal burst skills aren’t really stronger than their normal burst skills. A tempest overloading is not more effective than an elementalist cycling attunements, though he is probably more effective than a tempest who cycles attunements.
Elite specs are supposed to be balanced with their new mechanics in mind. This means that there is always a price for the mechanics. Reaper pays with his death shroud, while tempest pays with the enormous focus that their trait line has on overloading, which btw make overloads no longer optional if you don’t intend to waste your traits.
This is my view on the matter, but I will say that necromancers do need some ranged weapon buffs. If Robert makes these buffs happen, the reaper will be able to have some decent ranged options.
We see the same things from 2 different points. Anyway I appreciate your opinion.
I hope for these buffs of ranger weapon too.
The problem for me is that you will must spend 2 traits line for only Reaper.
In all honest, even when i enter a PVP tournament again,
I would unbind my normal deathshroud F1.
Thats how much better Reapershroud is and I unfortunately cannot support this idea. The reaper specialization feels just perfect the way it is and i think the solution for ranged is the upcoming work on axe.
This is why the Ele is so strong and the Necro is the last profession. In the Elementalist forum they continue to ask improvement!!! The Ele have always his attunement but if he likes the new Elite Specialization he can overload the attunement. Why the Elite should remove the death shroud? We can reach the enemy, immobilize, ecc the enemy and at least use the Reaper.
Explain to me how you will fight a ranger with 1500 of range?You should really roll a tempest if you think that it’s so great. All that I’m going to say is that quality > quantity.
Personally I will play the hell out of my reaper come HoT.
I never said it before!
The reaper must be a improvement!
In this way it is very situational.
How is possible you don’t like have the possibility to switch from one to the other one? If you don’t like it just stay in Reaper. I don’t understund sometime if is my English (is really bad) or are the people….
I give you at same price the Ferrari with full optional or you prefer without any optional?
With F1 and F2 the Necromancer will not become OP becouse he needs 3 years of improvement for be like the other.
In all honest, even when i enter a PVP tournament again,
I would unbind my normal deathshroud F1.
Thats how much better Reapershroud is and I unfortunately cannot support this idea. The reaper specialization feels just perfect the way it is and i think the solution for ranged is the upcoming work on axe.
This is why the Ele is so strong and the Necro is the last profession. In the Elementalist forum they continue to ask improvement!!! The Ele have always his attunement but if he likes the new Elite Specialization he can overload the attunement. Why the Elite should remove the death shroud? We can reach the enemy, immobilize, ecc the enemy and at least use the Reaper.
Explain to me how you will fight a ranger with 1500 of range?
(edited by Frost.1503)
Only grants 5 seconds of each boon in Structured PvP without additional boon duration (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/%22Save_Yourselves!%22)
Leave your thoughts and feedback from BWE2 about the Reaper here!
The signet before gives to us fire aura and might. Now they are pointless. They will do some change to it?
Are they improving the other condition? Bleeding, Poison, etc
Burning isn’t totally wrong. Yeah should be a bit fixed but the idea of improve the damage of condition isn’t mistake.
Now all class have access to remove condition. In game there are a lot of way for remove it, that condition duration is pointless.
In HoT will be possible play in Wvw, PvE, PvP , etc somethings that isn’t berseker? Yeah you can even now. But they will be indispensable in a team?
Can someone rent to me his Arena for only one day?
I really support your idea and i hope Robert thinks about this opportunity
Tnx. I would like receive an answer from Robert Gee just for know what he thinks. My main pg is the Necro conditioner and now isn’t available any more.
I found a lot of information in gw2 Wikipedia but i’m not sure to have understood.
I buy Custom Arena Starter Kit with 200 gold and I have it for 30 days. After I must buy when I want use it for 2 gold the Custom Arena Time Token. Exactly? For example I stop to play for a months. I must buy again the Custom Arena Starter kit or I need just the Custom Arena Time Token? Tnx and sorry for my English
i would love to have both shrouds, but i see a problem in some traits like when you turn into death shroud under 10% health
Look above. I have already answered to this question
1) Like title is there a way to lock the target? In pvp often when I must click to a utility or somethings else there is the possibility that I click on the ground and I lose the target.
2) If there is a way for lock the target and he goes invisible the target is always lock on him?
Tnx and sorry for my English
I hope that Arenanet see this post
I like both answer xD.
But them don’t help me
What do you expect from your party in a dungeon?
- 25 stack of Might
- Fury (always)
- Weakness on enemy (always – AoE)
- Quickness
Should be good if you also explain bacause you need of that specific boon or condition.
Tnx very much.
I have a full set of Rabid armor that i would convert in Celestial armor.
Then i need 6 Celestial Intricate Gossamer Insigna where each one needs 5 Charged Quarts Crystal, every Charged Quarts Crystal needs 25 Quartz for a total of 25×5×6=750 Quartz.
I have in my Home Istance Quartz Crystal Formation that give me:
For a minium of 3 Quartz at day.
I did it 2 times and i have 6 quartz. So without think that i have 6 quartz.
750/3=250 Days?? Is possible??
What i mistake?
Someone can tell me the class of the 4 team and if there is a website from where I can take the build?
Sorry for my English.
In my opinion the necro must be slow but everyone shoulded pull from him and suffer. The Necro should bring the panic in an enemy team. Everyone should despise the necro. He needs something in radius that bothers the enemy. Our condition do a really low damage and our condition duration is pointless everyone at the moment remove more condition thaN that i can put on them.
Arenanet have mistake everything with the Necro. Sometime is better do something ex novo than try to repair.
(edited by Frost.1503)
Unholy Sanctuary:
Regenerate health while in shroud. Your lifeforce pool will be recharge if your healty is under 25%.
Healing Healing: 130
Interval: 1s
(edited by Frost.1503)
Possible Solution:
- Only one life force for both F1 Death Shroud and F2 Reaper
- Remove Soul Reaper or Death Shroud traits and put both in only one (i can’t spend all my traits for F1):
—Minor Adept Shroud Knight You can equip greatswords and use reaper shouts. Increases life force gain from skills.
—Major Adept Your shouts recharge faster for each foe they hit.Shout give to you switness and protection
—Major Adept 15 Critical hits against chilled foes causes an explosion that chills adjacent foes. Marks generate life force when triggered. Marks are unblockable.
—Major Adept Reduces duration of movement-impairing conditions. Additional reduction while in reaper’s shroud.Increases movement speed while in shroud. Reduces recharge on shroud.
—Minor Master Whenever you inflict fear, you also chill.Gain Spectral Armor when your health falls below the threshold.
—Major Master Striking a chilled foe grants might and life force.
(Cannot affect the same foe more than once within the interval.)
—Major Master Reduces recharge on spectral skills. Spectral skills last longer and grant life force on use
—Major Master Life force drains slower while in shroud. Shroud skills recharge faster.Greatsword attacks steal health.
—Minor Grandmaster Cold Shoulder Chill lasts longer, and chilled foes deal less damage to you.
—Major Grandmaster Increases critical-hit chance while in shroud.
—Major Grandmaster Deathly Chill.png Deathly Chill Chill deals damage, with additional damage to foes below the health threshold.
—Major Grandmaster Shroud skill 1 inflicts burning on your target.
Is just an example and yes i have dona it OP but the other are stronger than Necro.
- Do some fix to the GS
- Give to us more condition!!!
You pick Hidden thief , right?
If you pick Hidden thief, you cant do this combo anymore.
Because when you press heartseeker, jump in the air, ‘steal under the Hidden Thief’ will gives you stealth. When you heartseeker hit on your target ,it means you ‘hit someone in the stealth with your heartseeker’ so you take reveal
just use steal->backstab
or blackpowder->heartseeker->backstab with steal
Tnx very much i had Hidden Thief. Without Hiden Thief the combo is really easy. Anyway i prefer have Hidden Thief and use this 2 combos:
just use steal→backstab
or blackpowder→heartseeker→backstab with steal
Tnx very much