Showing Posts For Gamadorn.2670:

Gaining Supply Back Skill

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


If you have a random chance to get supply back everytime you use it….does that make the WxP skill for spending more supply at once sort of self-defeating???

If I have 10 or 15 supply and I have to strike the siege or wall 5-7 times…I have more of a chance to get supply back than if I dump it all at once or strike twice right? I’m assuming someone thought of this….

Underwater Operations – [WET]

Rally together and quit this game

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


What is this need people have to drag down others with them? If you don’t like the game, then just stop playing. This isn’t politics, it’s entertainment. If you aren’t entertained by Guild Wars 2 anymore, then there’s nothing to keep you here. Learn to let go…

The main issue, is that there is POTENTIAL… it COULD be a fantastic MMO and possibly one of if not the best out there…..but they just can never seem to get it quite right….so right now, their is a large amount of people who have stopped playing, some people who have been playing since Beta, like myself, who still enjoy aspects of the game and in that group of people that stopped playing (some went to other games), but some….are hanging around HOPING the ANET gets their collective heads out of their kitten (not likely) to truly make this MMO what it should be…at least until someone else comes out and does it better…

Underwater Operations – [WET]

Anet you have to do something about "GvG"

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


For the love of god if Anet developers read this post…I am going to say this….BEFORE YOU FIX OR DO ANYTHING ELSE…if you implement a GvG Map and a leaderboard for guilds that GvG…it will keep people interested long enough for you to fix the other bullkitten that’s wrong wtih WvW….soo…please…don’t give us anymore WxP skills….don’t give us and more special effects or some “6 months from now I think we might have something decent for WvW, depending on if they its the third friday of the month and there is a full moon on that night and I ate brocolli last night…”…give us GvG’s….officially…

Underwater Operations – [WET]

Server Match up is terrible

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


Open up free transfers, drop the BL queue’s to a fixed number (really low) like 50 people per map…and watch the magic happen lol.

Hell even go as low as 40. If they only ran one big zerg 40-50 around a map… running 4-5 10 man groups would become more effective. It would help reduce server lag and in the higher tiers (I’m on DB) it would force guilds to move to less wvw populated servers, more evenly distributing the WvW numbers. Also it would help even out the disparity between some of the servers that can’t field 110 people on multiple maps and would let them compete on multiple maps….yes, us higher tier servers would complain about queue times, but that is what would be intended…

Underwater Operations – [WET]

So why aoe cap?

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


I would have assumed that it’s a network bandwidth issue. The calculations for boons, conditions, and combat cannot be anywhere near as intensive as they say simply because these calculations happen in other games without any problems for large numbers. It gets worse for a RTS than for an MMO. The problem is how to funnel all of the data they want through the average user’s DSL line. They’re synchronizing animations at probably 10hz (maybe faster) including all of the combat data that comes across. If they used all 32 bit floats for the data here’s what we get. Each float is 4 bytes.

Position: 12 bytes
Velocity: 12 bytes
Animation: 1 byte ID, 4 bytes timing
Every damage indicator: 5 bytes per tick up to 50x for an arrow cart (200 bytes) 4 bytes amount, 1 byte type
Boons/conditions and timers: 4 bytes boon active flags, 4 bytes per boon (x9 for boons, x12 for conditions) plus flags and timers for class specific buffs and debuffs, makes out to about 150 bytes
healing ticks: same as the damage indicators but only up to 5, due to current aoe cap: 25 bytes

I’ll add 150 bytes for ??? data i didn’t cover. This makes out to 600bytes. For one player.
Now multiply that by expected server caps (80 per server I would imagine, or 240 total) makes out to be 141kb. How many frames of that can you get into a 300kbps DSL connection? 2 maybe.

That’s why you get skill lag. They shut off all of the AOE abilities and particularly the utilities. If they shut off aoes they save 240*5*5 bytes per frame just in damage ticks. They’re also pushing information for projectiles and sfx animations over that pipe and most of the data for that is used in AOE attacks. They save some minor server calculation time as well (manhattan distance calculation costs 6 multiplications and 6 additions and one less than comparison, that’s childs play for any CPU today) but it’s mostly bandwidth.
This especially if they’re trying to drive 20fps worth of data. That adds up to quite a lot of data to push over a gigabit ethernet connection. This also assumes they have gigabit internet with the ISP that serves their WvW servers (which is doubtful cause that costs $$$).

Why you should look forward to the LoD for special effects is in that statement above. If they do server-side LoD they save bandwidth by not pushing to you the AOE effects that they used to and they can put more of that bandwidth towards keeping skill lag effects at bay.

This is also why they’re not upping the AOE cap. Previous MMOs didn’t have such a high framerate for data so they don’t have to push so much over the connection. GW2 has a higher data framerate and needs to save bandwidth where it can and thus you get an AOE cap. If all aoes were allowed to have an unlimited cap they would take up too much bandwidth in a 50v50 fight. Maybe they’ll be able to expand the aoe cap when they clean up some more bandwidth hogs that are unnecessary (like SFX).

-My background on this idea:
I’m used to working with IP video systems where bandwidth is a significant issue (especially with megapixel MJPEG streams). I’ve also thought of the way to transmit and store MMO data or simple multiplayer data. The design above is how I would have done it. This isn’t necessarily how Anet did it. They probably have a more optimized approach to handling data. The thing i do know is that their server’s processor has much more power than they’re letting on.

This definitely incorrect, it is NOT the bandwidth that is tapped during server lag…the server CPU is maxed out…it simply cannot process the information fast enough and therefore cannot send a response to your client…therefore you click a button..nothing happens, because the server can no longer register events until resources are freed up. That’s pretty much it….all there is too it….when massive amounts of people start spamming abilities in unison, whatever calculations are run on the server tax the CPU…when CPU gets taxed…they stop processing input until the server catches up…once resources free up…you can click a button again…

Your crazy byte calculation has ZERO to do with bandwidth, those numbers are space taken up in memory on the server (or whatever machine is doing the calculation). Much different than what is sent over the wire in a packet…the information is FAR FAR less and very much compressed.

Underwater Operations – [WET]

(edited by Gamadorn.2670)

So why aoe cap?

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


The load on the server CPU would be quite simply unsustainable if we were to increase the AoE cap as the more players hit by skills the more calculations it has to do and it actually starts increasing exponentially, rather than sequentially.

I am not arguing against your point of the load being unsustainable on the server without a certain AoE limitation, but I am pretty sure you are wrong that the load would be increasing exponentially.

Unless you are doing something truly crazy, the additional load should be more along the lines of a quadratic increase.


That’s because the technical limitation is a BS response.

The original reason back months ago:

It appears ANet has since removed all the original posts they made on the AoE cap, but it was put into place for balancing purpose NOT because of technical limitations….

Although their seems to be a growing number of excuses being used about all this technical limitation crap (Ever since the culling issue more and more things have been “technical limitations”)…

Underwater Operations – [WET]

Never before requested feature... queue info

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


This one is going to blow your mind!

Imagine you are sitting in the queue for WvW for hours. Do you know what might be great…

a number of where you are at in the queue. I know right… mind blowing!

you are 147 of 600 in the queue

and it could update over time…

you are 123 of 666 in the queue



nothing else to do…


They can’t implement this because their SUPER AWESOME MEGA QUEUE CALCULATOR doesn’t actually work like any SANE person would code it… it’s not first in, first out….you could join the queue and instantly end up in WvW and someone waiting a half hour could still be in queue….because….well frankly I have no idea….some developer some where decided he had a better way to process queue’s then the 100,000 other developers before him who have been processing queues for many years….

Underwater Operations – [WET]

So why aoe cap?

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


Those anonymous posts teaching other people’s job are always delicious. It really is a trend in our society, in computer science especially : everybody thinks that they’re experts in everyting and that their uneducated opinions are interesting.

Dev said that it’s a technical limitation of the engine. Thread closed, until they eventually change the engine or find a workaround.

Although I’m DAOC fan, which you can conclude from previous posts, DAOC devs said few things to be IMPOSSIBLE to do, then few years later they achieved impossible
Actually, I’m myself a programmer, and few times I did impossible things, too

Did you make a computer-generated model of the universe where all stars are made out of cookies and use it to convince people that all stars are made out of cookies? If it was made on a computer, it just has to be true!

Im a developer as well….what are they supposed to come out say…. "hey guys….the people that created our engine were idiots…they really f’d up… they didn’t think ahead when designing and really didn’t take things into account like stress testing or scalability….these things…those are for good developers…but they cost money… we didn’t have enough money to purchase the “A-TEAM” of developers…so we’re stuck with what we got….sorry guys have a good day!"

The list of FUBAR programming standards is astounding….“New build will be released in an hour”…. 30 seconds later….NEW BUILD AVAILABLE….wow fastest hour I ever seen!

Underwater Operations – [WET]

Server Match up is terrible

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


The funny thing is, there is an EASY fix….include WvW population in the equation… they should spend their time adding the ability to TRACK how many people enter WvW for a server on a given week and create a rolling 1 week, 1 month or whatever AVERAGE of how many people participate in WvW for that server, however is long is long enough that people just stop showing up for a week or two (I doubt anyone is really going to stay out a 1 month or 2 to tank ratings lol) so that it more accurately reflects populations of the servers. IF they don’t have the ability to track this right now, maybe a developer should be tasked with adding this (HINT: easy to track, when a player enters WvW, increase the counter for that record in your database), if you need me to help you program and design this, it’s quite literally a 30 min job for a competent developer, you could actually start making the “tiers” or server groupings based on WvW population instead of somewhat arbitrary ratings that KIND OF take WvW population into account….

Underwater Operations – [WET]

Server Match up is terrible

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


The funny thing is, there is an EASY fix….include WvW population in the equation… they should spend their time adding the ability to TRACK how many people enter WvW for a server on a given week and create a rolling 1 week, 1 month or whatever AVERAGE of how many people participate in WvW for that server, however is long is long enough that people just stop showing up for a week or two (I doubt anyone is really going to stay out a 1 month or 2 to tank ratings lol) so that it more accurately reflects populations of the servers. IF they don’t have the ability to track this right now, maybe a developer should be tasked with adding this (HINT: easy to track, when a player enters WvW, increase the counter for that record in your database), if you need me to help you program and design this, it’s quite literally a 30 min job for a competent developer, you could actually start making the “tiers” or server groupings based on WvW population instead of somewhat arbitrary ratings that KIND OF take WvW population into account….

Underwater Operations – [WET]

WvW new content or lack of

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


I think the problem is they can’t be specific and say a date…and if they tell us the real APPROXIMATE time frames….some people will simply stop playing and wait for the new content. They could definitely give us time frames if they wanted to, like in 2-3 months “X” feature should be completed etc. The problem is the REAL updates are MONTHS away, not weeks or days…

Underwater Operations – [WET]

All that we need is a Debuff...

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


…to stop zerging.

My suggestion:
Trampled (only comes up when 20 or more allies are within a range of 600 or so.)
- Reduce speed by 15%
- Upon health reaching 0%, downed state is bypassed and the player immediately dies.

What do you guys think?

Debuff wouldn’t work either…you would just have 3 groups of 20 outside of 600 meters of each other lol

Underwater Operations – [WET]

Dear Dragonbrand Commanders

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


So you’re saying you want me to publicly name the guy? Then name my guild so you can then bash that into the ground too? The db forums are moderated by the same people that don’t like to hear the criticism my post there was removed within 30 mins. After posting this – which was to point out that we need to be active when we have the manpower, a wood tower is still points vs nothing if we just run in circles – i’ve received quite a bit of abusive pm’s and emails in game. The thing is, our guild wants db to be great, we want to have the manpower to take the points while you sleep and you wake up to t3 towers fully sieged up but you’re waking up to wood and a handful at best. We just don’t have the manpower at night. So the best time is during the day and the one time i get to see this in action its a joke of a display. Most of the oceanic guilds have apparently left and from the messages and feedback i’ve received I can see why. We’re not a large guild we field 20 – 25 max and only have 2 commanders but if we’re not wanted (judging by the get off our server idiot messages) then fine, we’ll take our dedicated team elsewhere. If you’re an oceanic team looking for a good community server, db isn’t it. Sorry if you thought this was a troll post but if you’re trying your best and then see that to the main force its just a joke, that really gets to you.

What he is saying is that I moderate the DB Forums and not once have I ever removed a post ANYONE has posted, I have merely locked them. There was one other moderator a few months ago that deleted a few trolling posts, but he has been gone for a few months now. So no….I don’t believe you and you are more than welcome to post your disagreements on the DB forums and not have to worry about them being removed.

Underwater Operations – [WET]

Explain flipping versus defending

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


In order of priority

1.) Defend Keeps on whatever 1/3 is yours
2.) Defend upgraded structures if possible
3.) Push the an enemy’s 1/3 as much as you can
4.) Defend keep’s and towers on enemy 1/3 if your own them…if possible

That’s pretty much it in order of priority. The main reason being is that in this game playing offense (Besides being more rewarding and exciting) is that if you have a 50 person zerg on offense…more then likely they will need to bring a lot of people in to defend..if your constantly putting pressure on the enemy and they are constantly playing defense…they aren’t pushing you or taking your structures right? Forcing the opposing team onto defense is the goal, if they defend successfully…and have a smart commander, once they repair they SHOULD immediately take the fight back to you and put the pressure back on you…but most commanders are all…“lets siege this up and defend” and then they zerg is back knocking on your door again and yours till stuck on defense lol.

There are times and places to play defense, but if you have a big zerg…it needs to be your hammer and it should be swinging at the enemy.

Underwater Operations – [WET]

7/12 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Yak's Bend

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


Dragonbrand run head first into arrow carts. So Strong, so Brave.

I one day wish to be just as great.

LOL Yes, I led that charge…we didn’t feel like slow siegeing it with some stupid treb or long range siege to clear the carts in there….and since no one wanted to come out and fight us in the open field we just charged in

We did have a ton of fun fighting the d|erp/vr/pyro guys on Mag’s BL yesterday!! Especially the epic fight in lake tower!

When we switched over to DB BL we ran into BURN I think it was bay…and a 40-50 YB man zerg at DB BL garri…so good fights yesterday!!

Being the one that lead that Mag group, I would say Good Fight…. But I’m not, its unfortunate it got down to the point where you were placing superior AC’s all over the place as soon as you would see us. I’m glad Calvin is teaching you guys well.

Twas fun wiping BP with less numbers though. Hope that playbook helped out.

Interesting if you think we outnumbered you…apparently you can’t count. For people that complain about people hiding in towers…you certainly did a good job building 4 superior carts outside of the lords room as well as 2-3 supe’s IN the lords room to stop our push (and we still made it up towards the lords room). Open field you guys got us once out of position, which was well played. The numbers were relatively even. In either case feel free to forum warrior though

Underwater Operations – [WET]

When will we get new WvW maps?

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


Sooner than you might think, but not nearly as soon as we would like. That’s as much as I can say.

Sooo….right after everyone quits to another game…but before TESO comes out and it doesn’t matter…

Underwater Operations – [WET]

7/12 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Yak's Bend

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


Dragonbrand run head first into arrow carts. So Strong, so Brave.

I one day wish to be just as great.

LOL Yes, I led that charge…we didn’t feel like slow siegeing it with some stupid treb or long range siege to clear the carts in there….and since no one wanted to come out and fight us in the open field we just charged in

We did have a ton of fun fighting the d|erp/vr/pyro guys on Mag’s BL yesterday!! Especially the epic fight in lake tower!

When we switched over to DB BL we ran into BURN I think it was bay…and a 40-50 YB man zerg at DB BL garri…so good fights yesterday!!

Underwater Operations – [WET]

11 sPvP with Anet Response vs. 1 WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


Frankly, whoever makes the strategic business decisions at NCSoft or Anet should probably be let go lol.

PvE Content….ok cool…this where they make their money….problem is…every other game has PvE content so people wax and wane and in order for Anet to keep the money train going they need to constantly come up with new content…fair enough

sPvP Content…I’m guessing they thought they were going to turn this into some sort of ESport and it would be more popular than it is. Frankly…sPvp sucks in this game compared to most, while fun to play, I can’t see them making any money of it except through some skins and tourneys..again other games have better rating systems and better maps.

WvW….is the most unique thing offered in the game…something pretty much nobody else has out there on the market…it is the least invested in portion of their company…is understaffed when it comes to development…and it is really the only end game that exists in GW2…it could be turned into a very real long term profitable portion of the game, but apparently these guys have the business acumen of wet sock…

so basically when someone comes out with a WvW like system that improves and does everything this one should have done…Anet can look back say…well…it was a good run maybe GW3?

Underwater Operations – [WET]

7/12 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Yak's Bend

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


I too like to draw conclusions about combat prowess based on a coverage/population metric

I’m glad I’m not alone.

See, Calvin, this is how you’re supposed to troll, by taking sarcastic comments seriously. You used to do this all the time, now you just say silly stuff about how good ME is and how bad everyone else is. I think you have been dethroned!!!!!!!!!!

You’re jealous of other more accomplished guilds, and in denial. You’ll never learn this way.

When on the losing side, your guild disappears from battlefield. You only engage with superior numbers, and even then you guys rely on siege. Your guild is a running joke on our server. Get it? “Running” joke? No? Thought so.

It wasn’t a troll attempt. I just stated the fact, that I only see one guild actually fighting open field battles. Fact. Go ahead, deny/deflect.

Oh, and how’s PvE?

Aww, you don’t want to learn…it’s ok, I guess MrSilver can be MrGold

Edit: I find it sort of amusing that BP calls us bad and still needs to draw motivation for builds from Maguuma

LOL I usually don’t respond to troll posts, but since you brought me into it! I’m on all the forums Mags forums are more amusing then most…yaks boards are depressing…TC’s are all super cereal role playing and FA is boring…our forums…also yeah EBay’s forums and your’s are fun to read! Most [BP] don’t even bother reading the forums… gives me something to do at work though… /trolloff – We respect opposing organized guilds out there and I thought it was PYRO that was trying to challenge us, but it might have been you guys, either way it was towards the end of the week and some guys couldn’t make it. Any who, we just have our two elected forum warriors to keep things interesting. So in short, we respect you guys bro! Continue on forum warrioring! /trollon … I see calvin really gets you guys going eh? lol

Underwater Operations – [WET]

Where exactly is this game heading?

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


Solution is simple…suck it up…wait for ESO. Even if ESO isn’t AS least its different…

Underwater Operations – [WET]

Are AoE Loot Macros allowed?

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


So according to the link it IS allowed.

“Does this program allow someone to play faster, better, longer, or more accurately than someone who doesn’t use it?” – No.

“Does this program allow someone to ‘play’ when he/she is not at the computer?” – No

“Does this program allow the user to gain undeserved rewards?” – No.

Guild Wars 2 players are permitted to use macros as long as the macros are programmed with a 1 key for 1 function protocol. – It does as it would only spam the “F” key I believe….

Underwater Operations – [WET]

6/28 FA/DB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


I prefer to Terran..or Protoss….or maybe I like to Dougie…

Underwater Operations – [WET]

6/28 FA/DB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


I was at cdbl killing yaks that ran from stargrove south but I don’t think I had ever seen a yak so actively defended before lol Were about 5-6 people defending yaks as they crossed there. Still we managed to kill a few of them and only saw one get away. My guildiedied but some thief chased me too far and I got him. Was fun overall

haha so were you the NERF enginee? Yeah…we roam in groups when not raiding you and some [HL] guild and some other groups were roaming the map Was a lot of fun!

Underwater Operations – [WET]

6/28 FA/DB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


kitten you DB trying to take our garrison while I was running a training session. We had like 10 guys just on map mode while I was explaining something then I suddenly hear over VoIP that we have a DB zerg standing right in front of us. Just glad you didn’t wipe us all while we were in map mode that would have just been rude.

Oh, nice try though.

LOL Yeah that was us toward the end of our BP raid. It was funny because I didn’t see you guys at first and then you were standing there…and then we were like..what are these guys doing? lol. Anyways good fights on your BL today was fun!!

Underwater Operations – [WET]

6/28 FA/DB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


Good fights on Crystal Desert BL!! We [BP] enjoyed the fights at the north camp especially from FA and CD!!! Look forward to GvG’s and group fights this week!!

Underwater Operations – [WET]

6/21 SOS/DB/Ebay

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


It’s so funny. Same thing on every matchup thread regardless of server. When a server loses…"we’re better than insert server here, we just don’t have the coverage but our X guys wipe their 2X guys because we’re better. Insert guild name here thinks they are better then everyone in the world except no one outside of their tier has heard of them.

Copy and paste for next week replace guild names and server names..

Underwater Operations – [WET]

Can we all have a serious talk about WvW now?

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


I agree there is an easy EASY fix for population. Open free transfers for two weeks. Lower the queue limit on each map to say 60. Done. Watch all the guilds with large groups 1.) Break into smaller 30 man groups to accommodate. 2.) Transfer to servers with a lower population.

Underwater Operations – [WET]

Commander squad not working?

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


it isn’t going to happen overnight.

I must say….I chuckled at the response…well done

Underwater Operations – [WET]

Double-Teaming ruins WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


I mean you understand the design of the borderlands maps right? They are INTENDED to be 2v1 against the HOME bl…

Eternal is the only map intended to be a 3 way fight.

It’s not about the 2 weaker servers ganging up on the stronger server. It’s simply the logistics of the BL’s except Eternal.

Underwater Operations – [WET]

Why so Angry ?

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


Idk if i should feel bad for the commander having such an incompetant group or feel bad for you being victimized by a commander.

I suppose it’s not really a question of incompetence or victimisation, rather having unreal expectations when dealing with random players.

You can pretty much rely on people always taking the route which has higher rewards for little effort be it zerging, capping the sentry post while the zerg moves on or chasing down a lone player.

A lot of the randoms don’t share the commanders priority for tactics or strategy, they just want some fun and maybe some loot. Most of the hardcore players will be in WvW focused guilds or guild groups.

The expectation that all the casual randoms are going to share your zeal for charging huge enemy numbers just because the commander is swearing at them constantly is un-realistic.

This is why no one who is any good as a commander EVER tags up unless they are running with their guild.

Being the commander of pugs with no guild support is like herding cattle by yourself with no help, you just try to generally guide them in the right direction and hope you hit something….if you come across an organized group…your f’d…if you pass a PvE event or some sentry with a circle…expect to stop…it’s waste of time to truly accomplish task’s and objectives…so IMO i’ll only turn my tag on when i’m running my guild.

Whenever I seee “where are our commanders?”, “why is no one commanding?”, I know for a fact there are several commanders on…but none of them are going to lead the clueless pugs around.

In the end no matter how much you try to “Train” your “pugs” the one’s that become interested in improving join an organized guild..or maybe form their own guild for wvw…the rest….are the pugs/militia and they either a.) don’t get a crap about WvW and just want exp/wxp or b.) they just want map completion

The commanders that are raging at the pugs shouldn’t even have tagged up to begin with :-P

Underwater Operations – [WET]

Commander squad not working?

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


Upgrading the commander system and UI is on our goal list. It’s a complicated task, requiring lots of resources however, which means it isn’t going to happen overnight. Believe me though, I find our commander system almost entirely lacking in useful functionality.

Awesome! This upgrade IMO, will be the second biggest fix since the cullling fix!!!

Underwater Operations – [WET]

WvWvW: Need ORBs to Return

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


Orbs will never come back in the form they had as they simply were too easy to hack around. With that said, we are definitely working on finding a suitable replacement for the best parts of the orbs, while avoiding as many of the downsides as we can. It’s not simple task though, so it isn’t as simple as deciding to do it one day and finishing it the next. Our goal is to get a new and improved version out when we can, but we can’t say yet when that will be.

This is a good thing. Orbs should never return IMO. The mechanic is simply broken..the server most likely to hold the orbs the majority of the time was the strongest server, providing even more buffs to the side already winning.

There are better ways to to attempt to resolve the disparities between servers.

Underwater Operations – [WET]

Blood Pact [BP] (Dragonbrand N/A)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


Blood Pact is 350+ member top WvW guild looking for players interested in high level, organized WvW play. We do offer all guild missions to obtain guild commendations as well as dungeon runs.

If interested visit our site at: click on the “Recruitment” menu option and fill out an application today!

Underwater Operations – [WET]

My idea for GvG(vG)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


To me…this is just WvW on a small scale..the purpose of GvG’s to me is NOT to fight over objectives, but to test how coordinated and skillful your group is vs another on even terms….

Underwater Operations – [WET]

Winning = losing?

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


LOL apparently OP doesn’t understand how ratings work…yes if you win you will lose rating until all ratings become more accurate. The T1 ratings for almost all servers was too high. They are just readjusting to the appropriate ratings.

T1 Servers and other servers that had stagnated had a self perpetuating gap between them and the tiers below or above them. Now because of the RNG the rating system can get a true rating over a greater range of servers those numbers will be more accurate and provide a more accurate assessment of the server. So in other words…kitten and wait a month or so :-P

Underwater Operations – [WET]

GvG - Let them eat cake!

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670



Definitely GvG. I know I enjoy WvW and assaulting towers/keeps etc, however GvG’s offer a completely different dynamic and also add some REAL progression. With the RNG right now the only thing we can play for as a server is to progress our rating, which is mostly determined by coverage…there’s no way to unite a whole server and feel a since of progression without going out and recruiting more guilds to your serer…

Underwater Operations – [WET]

What do you want actually?

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


If I have to pick between 1up 1down…the old system..or the new…BY FAR the NEW system.

I would rather play new servers during the week even during a blowout than get stuck in a stale matchup for months on end….

I believe they stated, that they need to collect a month or two of data to get the TRUE server ratings so they intentionally made the range wider until that happens.

Once they have the true ratings of the server they will tone down the RNG and bring it more into an acceptable range. I believe this will ultimately be what everyone is looking for.

So If I have to suffer through a few blowouts for that to happen…so be it. Keep doing your thang ANET. Keep making WvW better for us

Underwater Operations – [WET]

5/31 DragonWagon/Magummybears/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


For BP, contact Eithanin or Gamadorn. Grimaldi is busy traveling, I guess. Very few people from BP visit these threads. Though, if you continue using the above tone, I don’t think anybody will entertain your requests.

very much appreciated. i will try to get in touch with them. also don’t mind me, just baiting fights <3

Yes, someone told me about this thread. I just popped on to say we will definitely organize some gvg’s with you guys! I saw ME running around and you guys run pretty well, I was trying to get our guys to sort of group up and do a mini gvg in open field combat, but SBI seemed to keep showing up with a 30-40 person zerg…

I just wanted to say, most of guys don’t come on the forums just because of the drama except maybe some of our forum warrior guildies

We def have respect for how you guys run your guilds ME, PYRO and kitten ..(Guess I can’t use D|ERP| ) lol.. Hopefully we can get something scheduled before friday reset!

You can reach me in game Gamadorn.2659 thanks guys!!

Underwater Operations – [WET]

“We cannot get out” from tier 5 (NA)

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


I’ve been one of those that favors the new matchmaking system. Its not what I would have chosen, but its better than the original method.

The more I look at it though, the more it seems like the entire rating system is the problem. Its not that the ratings are wrong, in fact they pretty much are accurate in terms of a servers “position” in the rankings at any given time. But if something changes, the ratings take way too long to adjust.

On top of that, the whole tier system it bad. There are not just two other servers that would make good matchups for your server. There are in fact a number of combinations of servers that would be good matchups.

What we need is a system that gives more variance in the possible matchups. But limits that variance to those servers that would be “good” matches for your server.

I’m willing to give this system more time but I’m not convinced that it will give the variety needed. Given the arguments in this thread, if accurate, it seems like things may quickly stagnate again. Or you’re going to be fliping between getting dominated and dominating.

Except this is EXACTLY what this system is intending to do.

The concept is that the old system was too restrictive and really was less reflective of a servers actual rating.

Meaning say there were T2 servers that could probably match up to T1 servers etc.

It causes stagnating in tiers because your ratings are simply based on two other servers (not exactly a good sample size to gauge how strong your server is on the whole)

So they basically are widening the matchups, which initially will lead blowouts and some skewed matches at first, because the scores need to re-adjust over time to more accurately represent the strength of your server (since the sample size is now increased) similar to them resetting everyone’s ratings and the fluctuation that would result from that would eventually even out. There will still be inherent volatility because of the rng, but once the ratings settle the matchups created should be much more closely matched.

Underwater Operations – [WET]

Guardians are OP.

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


I think the only class that needs buffing is Ranger.

I still die, just not as fast as Glass cannons. I have no idea why some one would play a glass cannon in WvW anyway.

I would indeed like a buff to Rangers, but I definitely have no problem holding my own in small group or 1v1 situations… especially if you a bunker/regen build. If you want more roaming you can use sword/dagger and shortbow (similar to spvp) if you want more zerg related abilities you can run axe/warhorn and longbow…I usually swap the axe for the sword (gives extra evades when you run 1v1), but keep the longbow for barrage and zerg fighting. I would like to see a slight damage buff to rangers, but overall I think they are pretty balanced.

Underwater Operations – [WET]

Tier 2: DB/TC/FA 05/03/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


So people really take time to post on here it seems

Simply enjoying the ride in T2! So long as I can still do drunken raid nights….it’s all good!!

Underwater Operations – [WET]

4/12 Dragonbrand - Maguuma - Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


I guess it sucks to know that when DB guilds NA and SEA put their game face on…you guys can’t compete in any timezone, including reset or N/A primetime..but seriously great job this weekend..

Underwater Operations – [WET]

Possible Squad Fix

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


I think some changes to how the squad mechanics work would be helpful to make it useful.

1.) Squads should be not be a manual process, you should auto join whatever commander is in proximity to you (You can adjust range accordingly)

2.) If multiple commanders are within that range, you are in both squads automatically, but should be able to choose a squad manually if you like. However by default you are in both

This way….anyone in range of the commander can see squad chat…it doesn’t clog up team chat or map chat…we don’t have to spam everything in say as well and we won’t get suppressed since squad chat will never suppress you, you will accurately be able to see everyone’s supply (Sort of like supply info now in a way) and you can still select the one squad you want to follow (if your following a specific commander). I’m not sure how hard this would be technically but I think it would make squads actually useful for what they were intended for..

Underwater Operations – [WET]

4/5 Dragonbrand - Yak's Bend - Maguuma

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


QQ insert server has better coverage

How about instead of wondering why our SEA guilds stay, your NA guilds come over to DB and help make our NA stronger? If you look at this post in disgust…then you will understand why our SEA stays…if you agree…well come on over

Underwater Operations – [WET]

Dragonbrand looking for NA/EU/Ocianic

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


I have been here since head-start and am not going anywhere. I didn’t know anybody playing and started following around some good players. They invited me into their party and into their Guild. Dragonbrand is a great place to be. And who doesn’t want to be on a server with Dragon in the name?

I know right! I mean most servers are like we need oceanics we need SEA! Why not go to a server that already has those and make a difference in an NA time slot!

Underwater Operations – [WET]

If you completely die in WvW, you should die.

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


Hilarious…I love listening to people complain about how their 10 people can’t stop the 40-50 that are attacking….I think people just want to play their way and don’t actually give a crap about looking at the game as a whole.

If you have 10 people and you attack 20+… YOU SHOULD LOSE. If you don’t…good for you, great job, but most of the time YOU SHOULD LOSE. Regardless of whatever mechanics you want in your head about how you think you should be rewarded for coming up with different tactics to try and beat the 20+ people…in the end YOU SHOULD LOSE.

WvW is…and always will be a numbers game, am I saying that there aren’t situations tactically where 10 can beat 20-30 or 40 people? No..i’m saying more often then not from a balance perspective you should lose.

The rezzing is fine as is, you can rez and so can they. Just because they can do it more efficiently because they have more people doesn’t make it imbalanced…because again its supposed to be that way…

Same thing with people complaining about the AoE limit. Originally…there was no AoE limit, and the issue was a group of 10 could almost effective wipe a group of 60. This was NOT intended, so they nerfed it. Because again….its a numbers game…the larger group SHOULD win. If it doesn’t…then the game is imbalanced. Rez state is fine, if anything fix skill lag first or something else that is actually important…

Underwater Operations – [WET]

Will World XP and Titles be retroactive?

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


Heh, while I appreciate the developers FINALLY fixing their game…I refuse to praise them for fixing something that should have been fixed months ago…..

“We use existing mechanics like player kills and event completions to award world XP, but it is an entirely new system with new pieces of data associated to it so unfortunately there’s no way to award retroactive progress”

Ok…Like what?

Give me the data i’ll give you the conversion….don’t worry…i’ll wait….i’ll even do it for free lol

Do I care that much about getting the buffs and titles, naw I guess not. Like someone else said tho, it does irk me that even though you are basing these off of PRE-EXISTING metrics…you feel that it is completely ok for someone who has played WvW for 6+ months, countless gold and time into it, to be on the same level has all the new PvE players that are going to flood WvW due to the new progression that spent their time grabbing legendaries and farming gold…yep..makes sense…not…

The thing that irks me more about the responses is the bullkitten they try to say …"Well even though it’s based off of existing metrics some mysterious underlying data has changed so we just can’t do it. K thnx BAI!

You could have at least posted something like,

We could have done it, however it would take the developers a too much time to do the conversion and their time is better spent on fixing other issues with WvW…that I could live with…. lol…not some phony data baloney

Underwater Operations – [WET]

Fixing Pop Issues and Culling

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


One thing I never understood is the varying queue number.

Anet, needs to decide how many people it wants on a given borderlands and fix it.

IMO it needs to be very low maybe ~60 players maybe ~80 per team per map….Here’s why…

First, everyone’s going to say “I can’t get my guild in”.. this would be by design…I propose they open free transfers and let people re-distribute throughout the lower population servers.

Second, It would aid in their culling issue conquest, it would also aid in the fact that at the current size of the maps (which they can’t change apparently) would have the right amount of people.

Third, Higher population servers vs lower population servers would have a harder time getting enough people into WvW to seriously overrun the map. Not saying it wouldn’t happen during different times of the day… but with even lower queue limits, it should help out the lower population servers.

It would be a drastic change and would take a major population move amongst all servers, but I think overall it would even out the servers in the long run, help reduce culling/lag issues and make the game a little less numbers oriented…

Underwater Operations – [WET]

How to undermine "Night Capping"

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


How to fix everything in WvW….drop the queue for each BL to ~60 per team per map. Open up free transfers again so guilds could spread out and find new homes to redistribute to

Underwater Operations – [WET]

WvW won't become what we hoped it would

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


Wow the OP is pretty much SPOT ON. I have constantly called out the developers…being a developer myself….my mind boggles most of the time when I read there reasoning’s for things and there implementations…0.o

I also here the words CAN’T CAN’T CAN’T CAN’T coming out of a their mouths…such a big no no in developer land….first off…how about don’t code yourself into a corner where you can’t…and if you did…find a workaround….its your kitten job…but for the love peet..CAN’T should be the LAST thing you say.

Maps too small? make anothe…link them…instance them…I dunno…think of something be creative…as the OP said…it’s just there way of saying…bah we don’t have time for this WvW kitten and it pisses me off….and when ESO comes out and slaughters them…I will look back in fondness on my WvW time….or maybe they will smarten up and fix it by then …we’ll see.

Underwater Operations – [WET]