Showing Posts For Gamadorn.2670:

why defense does not work.

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


The reason for this is because of the imbalance between servers. More often then not the server that has the bigger populations owns the more upgraded structures. If defense is very easy and attacking is difficult it makes it even more difficult for the lower pop servers to ninja or take structures from the larger server. It’s not ideal that people can burn through gates and ninja stuff….but it does allow smaller pop servers to hold some semblance of PPT when outnumbered.

This is like saying someone should stay with their spouse because the beatings aren’t THAT bad…. at least he treats her right every once in a while.

Using one broken system to cover for another is ridiculous.

Lol that’s a terrible analogy.

I’m not sure it really fits this scenario.

I agree though that if all things were equal, defense should mean something and structures should be harder to break into.

The problem is…Anet has not fixed the imbalance issues…so making structures harder to take means that when you get out of work or wake up to some off hours people’s upgrades and half your BL is fortified…the tasks of taking things back becomes very difficult.

Now if coverage was equal that wouldn’t even be an issue….but the reality is….that is how it is….and if you make it harder to take structures you’re not just helping the smaller server defend it’s keeps…you’re also helping the larger servers as well.

Fix the imbalance issues before we address things like defense etc.

Underwater Operations – [WET]

why defense does not work.

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


The design of WvW in this regard is poor. Attackers have most of the advantage and most players have zero vested interest in keeping their towers/keeps theirs. While an SM waypoint is nice to have, most players would rather flip it for the reward.

At this late stage, I don’t think there is any fixing this problem. They could make it a bit better by creating a less annoying siege refresh mechanic though.

Attacking was made easier intentionally…..

The reason for this is because of the imbalance between servers. More often then not the server that has the bigger populations owns the more upgraded structures. If defense is very easy and attacking is difficult it makes it even more difficult for the lower pop servers to ninja or take structures from the larger server. It’s not ideal that people can burn through gates and ninja stuff….but it does allow smaller pop servers to hold some semblance of PPT when outnumbered.

Underwater Operations – [WET]

The WvW "community"

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


People make entirely too much out of the “toxic” environment. Yeah there are a trolls in a competitive game, it’s like that in all games….as someone said before it is actually worse in other games. The problem is there are tons of different people that play…young kids to older adults and each has their own idea of what the environment should be.

The toxicity towards the developers is a completely different scenario…and one that is much of anet’s own doing. People who have played this game for a long time are just frustrated with the lack of communication and lack of attention to some of the more important fixes that people have been raising for the past year and half or so. Then they get “brushed off” as the vocal minority even though the issues that continually get raised over and over are not just coming from the minority.

I would say the “toxicity” between servers and the trolling that goes on is definitely instigated by the minority of PvF warriors lol

Underwater Operations – [WET]

New mastery's to spend more rank points

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


I like the idea and its interesting….but if they are going to spend the time on this….I would think it would be better spent on fixing the grouping and commander system…I don’t want anymore changes until they fix the other big items issues for WvW!!

Underwater Operations – [WET]

Scouts and players on siege no reward?

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


There should be an event every 5 or 10 minutes that you must turn in a scouting report to an NPC with options or something to get credit for scouting and possibly allow others to view the scouting reports on a map…or something.

Underwater Operations – [WET]

[Suggestion] Commanders and Raids - Why not?

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


These dev quotes are absolutely priceless.

Best part is when these posts were made…..7 MONTHS ago….

The developers must be coding the matrix..

Whole systems have been built in the time frame they have made WvW changes.

Underwater Operations – [WET]

Feedback regarding Conditions

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


In zerg fights, conditions last very shortly because everyone is usually using -40% condi duration food. This is why in large fights it is rare for someone to spec into conditions.
Survival is faar more important in big fights, so that’s why people prefer using -40% condi food that other foods, even players with a class that can put a lot of AoE conditions.
This results in condition ticking for 1-2s at best if they are not cleansed first.
IF they removed (or nerfed) these foods, I believe build diversity would be promoted:
you would not be forced to eat +condi duration food if you are a condi based class;
you would not be forced to eat -condi duration food if you don’t have many cleanses at your disposal;

I play all classes, some of them with a condi spec, and man it’s not even fun to fight against someone who does not use -condi duration food if I have the +condi duration food on me.

I run my warrior with melandru…plus -40 condi duration food…plus remove condi’s on adrenaline use, plus the cripple immobilize reduction….combined with healing signet and stances….good luck keeping condi’s on a warrior in a group…lol

Doesn’t using many skills and or traits that are designed or part designed for combating conditions mean you are sacrificing skills and traits that make your dps better.

It’s only two traits total and makes you almost immune to condi’s. My attack is 3450 and with my crit chance and crit dmg a little over 40%. As well as armor above 3k and 25k life. Could I get higher crit and more dps without those traits….sure…but IMO there is a balance between survivability in prolonged outnumbered engagements and DPS out put. In sPvP I would opt more on the damage side as you said, but in WvW if we are taking on map blobs, I’ll sacrifice a little DPS to survive a little longer when outnumbered…which IMO ultimately increase you’re overall damage if you survive longer and don’t become a rally bot…

Underwater Operations – [WET]

Feedback regarding Conditions

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


In zerg fights, conditions last very shortly because everyone is usually using -40% condi duration food. This is why in large fights it is rare for someone to spec into conditions.
Survival is faar more important in big fights, so that’s why people prefer using -40% condi food that other foods, even players with a class that can put a lot of AoE conditions.
This results in condition ticking for 1-2s at best if they are not cleansed first.
IF they removed (or nerfed) these foods, I believe build diversity would be promoted:
you would not be forced to eat +condi duration food if you are a condi based class;
you would not be forced to eat -condi duration food if you don’t have many cleanses at your disposal;

I play all classes, some of them with a condi spec, and man it’s not even fun to fight against someone who does not use -condi duration food if I have the +condi duration food on me.

I run my warrior with melandru…plus -40 condi duration food…plus remove condi’s on adrenaline use, plus the cripple immobilize reduction….combined with healing signet and stances….good luck keeping condi’s on a warrior in a group…lol

Underwater Operations – [WET]

Commander squad not working?

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


We’ve seen a lot of feedback regarding the commander system and what to add to it next, so keep the constructive feedback coming!

Observation indicates that enhancements to the commander system are an inverse function of feedback.

E = 1/F

To quote Flytrap.8075, “Still waiting babycakes.”

How anet develops WvW Code.


Underwater Operations – [WET]

A Close Look at Tier One Tactics

in Community Creations

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


Lol at the T1 tears.

Do you guys think you’re a speacial snowflake because you optimaze your PPT play? We know what you guys do, and its extremely boring.

You dont just blob with baddies, you:
- Have mutiple 5 man ganking squads around bloodlust to cap and secure it, because this will get you loads of score from the constant fighting
-Have players willing to sit on towers/keep to scout, siege up and shoot anything that passes by
-Escort yaks en masse, play like a turttle most of the time
- If an open field fight is too difficult, set up siege
- “Map politics” lol

Rinse an repeat on all maps, ta da. Oh and when it gets “competitive” you know its time to:
-Siege grief
-Spy other teams voice comms or send alt acct
-Buy guilds for x time zone.
-Set up truces with another server that at the end you’ll the one taking more advantage

Instead of all that kitten you could be having fun just forgetting about the scoreboard and focus more on getting better at using your own character, syncronizing with your team. But nah winning matches is top leet skill amirite

If you want to increase your skill go spvp, not running around in a group of 25 players with 3k+ armor and 17k HP. There is almost equally no skill in running around hitting 111111111 and the occasional 2-5 to blobbing in a group of 50. If you really want to test your skill in wvw, solo roam around the ruins and take on superior numbers.

I have seen this attitude before from SoR. A bunch of arrogant twits who think only what they do is skillful and look at their state now.

Ever heard of RIOT? I’m sure they can kick your kitten all the way to mars. Don’t think you are great because of beating SoS because they are one of, if not the least skillful server on average in the first 4 tiers.

Anyone who thinks running around in a SKILL group requires spamming 11111….is uninformed idiot…yeah RIOT….yeah…

Underwater Operations – [WET]

Why is there still no dueling?

in PvP

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


When they open up sPvP so we can have more variety in builds (ascended trinkets and gear) instead of being pigeon-holed into certain builds….then i’ll be happy. Until then…open up dueling in open world….you can fine tune a lot of different builds with the extra accessory slots and stats.

Underwater Operations – [WET]

An answer to decap engineers(?)

in PvP

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


Try using axe/shield and hammer, run endure pain, dolyak signet and balanced stance on a warrior. Time your blocks and stances, use high stability up time and try to get an earth shaker, staggering blow and backbreaker on them in between cooldowns to give you a chance to get stability back up. You can also use the 4 on the shield to get an extra stun in. Basically use stability and time your stuns. Even then sometimes if they are good enough they can get you with good timing but it makes it much harder and usually I can hold a point pretty well.

Underwater Operations – [WET]

Why are you delaying account wxp

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


They have already said.

Apparently, its really hard to do from a technical point of view. It was designed from day 1 to be soulbound and changing it to account bound would cause technical difficulties that are very, very hard to overcome. They said they would continue to work on it but can’t provide a ETA…

Right….when everyone told them from DAY 1 that character bound WxP was dumb…they did it anyway….and now…it’s technically hard for them to fix it…to what it should have been to begin with…..let me bust out my feel bad caring stick…

Underwater Operations – [WET]

Guild Commander Tag in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


Or they could at least make squads usable…. instead of hiding all the other commander tags and just showing the squad leaders tag. If the commander has a squad…hide his tag from everyone except his squad…

Underwater Operations – [WET]

Stay on the pin

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


It’s not the single biggest thing to improve your chances if your build centres around dps. That would be a death wish. Staying close to the pin yes; but running into the zerg as a glass cannon or even half glass cannon is just a bad idea.

Knowing your class inside and out and their methods of escape and mitigating damage will improve yours (and your groups) chances the best.

There is a reason why disorganized non-TS pug groups can consistently beat guild groups on teamspeak. It’s not necessarily due to stacking on the pin per say, but more so knowing how “you” stay alive and dish out more damage than them.

I literally….have never seen this happen….maybe in the lower tiers?

or maybe in small fights like 5v5 or something…

Underwater Operations – [WET]

Best Guild in GW2 NA?

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


I suppose; however, I don’t think that’s true as a blanket statement.

It’s unfortunate that the guilds that show up every day and capture/defend structures, who build and run supply to siege, that walk yaks and do the scouting as well as the commanders that manage the strategy some times over 4 maps and coordinate with other commanders are not acknowledged as having ‘skill’.

Because its not skillful….that’s why…. lol

Is it important? Yes….is it appreciated definitely…

but how hard is it skill wise to run supply and drop an arrow cart?!

Now I agree…there is strategy in the overall maximizing of PPT… but really the only person that needs to be “skillful” in knowing what to attack and PvDoor is the commander.

Most people who have done that for a while and go bored of the dull maximizing ppt by hitting where the enemy zerg is not and time racing through gates and walls to cap keeps and towers…have focused on something else, such as improving group compositions…tailoring open field strategies and GvG….

Underwater Operations – [WET]

The New CDI Topics

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


Hi All,

The next round of CDI topics will be starting on Monday 17th February.

The topics will be as follows:

PVE: How would you like to see us evolve Fractals?- Owner- Chris Whiteside

PvP: What would you like to see from a League system? – Owner- John Corpening

WvW: What aspects of Edge of The Mists do you think could carry over to the rest of WvW and how? – Owner- Devon Carver

Bonus: Global: Professions: How would you like to see us evolve (profession: voting is currently underway) balance?- Owner- Allie Murdock

The CDI rules are as follows:

1: This initiative is all about discussion.
2: We will not be disclosing information pertaining to what is currently in development.
3: Anger and emotion will have less impact than intelligent discussion.
4: Together we will share and evolve design philosophies which will impact how we develop the game moving forward.
5: Aggression and disrespect to a fellow community member or developer will not be tolerated, and in the extreme could lead to the shutting down of the initiative.
6: The teams primary focus is work toward the development of GW2 and therefore posting of discussion and commentary may not be as frequent as you like. Please do understand that the initiative is taken very seriously by us all and that we will be reading the discussions and joining in as often as it is possible to do so.

Finally please note this is not a competition, either between yourselves or the developers in regard to one up man ship. The point of this Initiative is to work together to make the game better.

Note: We will disclose the ideas we do or don’t like as a group but we will not discuss schedules or timing around implementation. If there is still concern surrounding how seriously we take community collaboration then please do take the time to think about how much impact the community has had on the working of this game over the year.


I appreciate the EOTM implementation…I also believe you already plan to move in this direction and are looking for any downside to the move.

Bring the Red, Blue, Green sides to WvW. Just like EOTM.

Shorten the reset on WvW to a few days or even a day or something…IMO a week is too long.

Overflow in WvW should work like EOTM…also since you now would have overflow maps in WvW….drop the map limit to something like 50-60 ppl total. However, I would allow GUILDS to queue at the same time…so guilds and parties could queue together and raid together.

Similar to the supply drop…implement some sort of reward for winning for the week….also show how much each server contributed to the score of their color (I.E. SoR is red and Mag is red….which server contributed the most to the score % wise or something), not sure what metric you could use for that…but would be cool to see and would still help keep up server pride.

Underwater Operations – [WET]

Why do wvw guilds hate rangers?

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


Not 2 traps, 1 trap, muddy terrain and entangle, axe pull and also a trait that means any opponent with less than 50% life you hit gets crippled. That’s pretty good imo.
And a ranger with this build is pretty resilient, has access to stability, can block and evade through GS skills.
In my opinion it does match the utility of other classes…i would not say it is better than other classes, and obviously you are going to want a number of guardians and warriors. But in my opinion having several rangers with this build does provide a plus for your group. That’s all i’ve been trying to expose here.

And yeah, i was merely speaking of my characters to say i have played other classes in wvw at lvl 80 knowing them and not just ranger. Anyone can have all the classes at 80, if you don’t play them in wvw, it’s not relevant.

I guess there are still rangers out there grasping at straws…..or maybe they just like to argue the underdog status….and my main was a ranger….

I have played all classes in WvW to 80…

The truth is….when it comes to medium to large group fights and people need to perform certain roles…there will always been certain classes that shine above others in filling those roles.

As everyone said before…ranger depending on build can probably fill a variety of those roles….but unfortunately not as well as others in med/large group’s just the way it is lol

Altho, roaming and spvp can be quite fun!

If I am limited to 15 people for a gvg and i’m trying to make the best group possible….unfortunately ranger will not be one of the classes…

Underwater Operations – [WET]

Time for Deminishing Return

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


Um, stability? It sort of grants complete immunity to CC. I know other games have DRs but they also have 1 stunbreak only and no such thing as stability.

Isn’t immobilize a condition? So stability really doesn’t matter as it only pertains to interrupts….so just use condi clears….

Underwater Operations – [WET]

WvW matchup forum being wiped

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


This is a foolish decision….

While I think we all agree that sometimes (Most of the time) the matchup threads at some point degrade into a cesspool of bashing.

However……what happens when new players make forum posts in the WvW section about a matchup?? Citing the fact that there is no place else for them to make such a post?

Also…. since Anet has created these matchups would it not make sense to have a place for discussion on the topic??

If you are worried that the moderators spend a large amount of their time in those threads……what makes you think that by removing them….that those same people aren’t going to go troll some other threads in other forums that are going to cause more work for moderators across all forums?

When new players make posts .. your going to ask them not to create posts about their matchups in WvW?

Seems like a very short-sighted answer…not backed by enough logical thought and reasoning…..just when Anet started to actual pay attention to WvW….

Underwater Operations – [WET]

Best forum to host the NA WvW matchups?

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


Moved site to

Added private messaging capabilities, cleaned up the user self moderation logic a bit. Green light to use and abuse if you’d like. All capabilities are behind a registration/login.

Not bad….i’ll use it… we gonna need something lol

Underwater Operations – [WET]

12/13/13 DB/BP/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


Would like to thank [NITE] for the fights today.


Same here, we had a blast!! Fighting you guys, shout outs to [VP], [AF], [WFD], [POPO], [HOP] and few other tags out there that I can’t remember off the top of my head…maybe some [MM] and [BEEP] I think?

Appreciated the fights we had some good one’s!!

Underwater Operations – [WET]

12/13/13 DB/BP/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


Depending on the time, that might have been the people we kept on notice of borderlands defense. Not that hard to get a reaction from our Map Hopping teams.

I know we had a TON of fun on Ebay’s BL last night….

We were map hopping and for the LIFE of us we could not get BP to come out of their towers and siege to open field…

so we went to EBG and found some fights and then decided to see if Ebay would come out and you guys did and we had some fun times!! So we appreciated the fights!!

Haha! I was leading our maphopping channel too last night. So I was wondering why dragon brand decided to come out in force to our home bl.Man, you guys entering our hills gave bp a chance to flip our bay’s waypoint! The NITE crew was fun to fight against, we had some really good open field fights last night.

I lead for 12 hours straight yesterday..holding sm and providing reinforcements everywhere..was a fun day! We were living up to our name of Zergs on Demand. lol

Oh waddap noice!! I remember you back when I was in Blood Pact on Ehmry and you were leading FTF!!

Good to see you guys kicking strong!! We definitely enjoyed it as well!! Hope to see you guys out there a few more times this week!

Underwater Operations – [WET]

12/13/13 DB/BP/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


Depending on the time, that might have been the people we kept on notice of borderlands defense. Not that hard to get a reaction from our Map Hopping teams.

I know we had a TON of fun on Ebay’s BL last night….

We were map hopping and for the LIFE of us we could not get BP to come out of their towers and siege to open field…

so we went to EBG and found some fights and then decided to see if Ebay would come out and you guys did and we had some fun times!! So we appreciated the fights!!

Underwater Operations – [WET]

Considering a world transfer, seeking advice

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


Considering the time zone in which you play, to be honest, any T1 or T2 server would accommodate your needs.Once you hit T3, night coverage drops off pretty dramatically. Even in T1, during that time of day, you have no queues on any borderlands and a minimal, if any, queue in EBG.

If you truly want a decent number of people to play with in that time, try looking at EU servers.

He said 10pm UTC….which is 5pm EST or 2pm PST… so he’s looking for NA…..not EU…

Underwater Operations – [WET]

Did Leagues actually even out the NA servers?

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


There were winners and losers during, and leading upto the Season. BG, SoS, FA, Mag, SBI, YB, and AR were definitely winners. They got transfers from other servers and are on a upswing (don’t know for sure about AR, but they are out of the nosebleed seats).

SoR, DB, IoJ and Kain took a massive hit. Likewise TC is a shadow of it’s former self and is going on momentum and daytime coverage.

So I wouldn’t have called this a success. I would go as far as to say that it’s a mistake to see things as balanced outside of the T2,T3, and T4 zones.

Yes, but it’s a LOT more balanced than matchups determined in leagues.

That is a completely incorrect and nonsensical statement.

To the original post, no. League made things worse. Though leagues aside, things are always getting worse with server population. That’s the way the game pays.

Care to remind me of a week in the recent past where we had more than 4 tiers that were competitive? Or are you just choosing to ignore all of that and focus on your own matchup?

The balanced matchups have more to do with the RNG then anything else….During leagues with fixed matchs and no way to have matchups between the bottom of gold and the top of silver, you could never ever get the more balanced matchups say between like FA, TC and SoS or Mag, SBI and Yaks… you can. Leagues just lead to blowouts week after week because of this, with a rare occasional match. Now with the RNG back to the way it was, there will be some very balanced weeks and then some weeks where you get more blowout matches….I don’t think you can judge population based on how competitive the matchups are right now…

Underwater Operations – [WET]

What score system post-league ?

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


I’d prefer the old ladder system myself. I know the RNG gave you random matchups, but the older system at least paired you up with comparable populations.

Eh, that’s just me though.

what your saying is no longer possible as there have been massive shifts in the population, as stated in places in the past people have been stacking servers, both on their own or through the incentive of gold

Not in EU

I absolutely HATED being locked into the same servers for months on end….

Never seeing or fighting other guilds or other people….it got boring real quick… lol

Underwater Operations – [WET]

Week 7 - FA/SBI/DB [Wagon burning 2.0]

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


Wanted to give a shout out to [Bags]… those backline ele’s with the meteor shower lol. The first time you hit us with that we were like wtf lol

Also [RAM] and [RET] tons of fun!! Much respect to SBI and FA and look forward to fighting you guys throughout the week!

Underwater Operations – [WET]

11/22 Week 6 FA/DB/IOJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


Well, tonight was my first night commanding the group. Twas interesting. Good stuff though. Learned a lot. Good fights from both IoJ and DB on IoJ BL. See ya later!

We had a TON of good fights with both FA and IoJ!!

Good fights on IoJ BL and then later on DB BL!

Underwater Operations – [WET]

Simple fix to stop zerging

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


Instead of all these debuff talks etc which wont work imo, why not just take out the 5 man AOE limit. This will make “zerging” a thing of the past.

This has been suggested roughly 1249 times. It cannot be done. Skill lag is already insane in larger fights, caused because the server has to do to many calculations. Removing the AoE cap would cause the server to melt. Possibly litteraly.

I think an interesting idea, built upon the supply trap idea, are LAND MINE traps.

Thieves would love a tool to hop in the middle of an enemy zerg, you know cause of Stealth and then just instantly kill a bunch of people without even revealing themselves.

This also helps the winning server, because they have access to a larger stack of supply to burn on such traps.
And lets not forget the overall fun and joy of being instantly killed, seemingly at random. Yah as fantastic as that sounds, i’d rather deal with the zerging.

First of all, it would have to placed similar to how supply traps are placed now, which means you have to channel without being interrupted…you’d never be able to do that in a zerg even with stealth lol, so it would need to be placed ahead of time.

I also don’t think it helps the larger server at all, who cares if they do, again it takes time to place, that’s like saying supply traps help the zerg and the winning server because they have more supply and more traps which isn’t the case at all.

I don’t mind zerging, but there needs to be a balanced counter against massive groups. A way to tactically hit them, if it was planned ahead of time.

Underwater Operations – [WET]

Simple fix to stop zerging

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


Instead of all these debuff talks etc which wont work imo, why not just take out the 5 man AOE limit. This will make “zerging” a thing of the past.

I think an interesting idea, built upon the supply trap idea, are LAND MINE traps. You place it and if a group runs over it everyone in an X amount radius dies instantly or takes substantial damage, or takes some damage and is severely crippled….something like that. If it’s too OP then make it take more supply to build…. that way a tactical guerilla style group can wipe out a large number of a bigger group so long as they planned ahead and placed the mines tactically..

Underwater Operations – [WET]

Collaborative Development: World Population

in CDI

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


I’m not a fan of introducing PvE to WvW, but I don’t really see many other good choices….

I am thinking, spawn npc’s that will continually try and take keeps, towers and other objectives (similar to a break out event) up to the queue limit… meaning if you have 10 guys on the map and the queue limit is 80, 70 npc’s will spawn and start taking various objectives. Likewise for all the other servers…maybe an event at every tower or keep up until the limit, as people join the map, the NPC’s despawn.

The advantages to this are that they would cause swords on objectives so that would allow smaller groups to roam around and strike various objectives or they could work with the NPC’s to try and take objectives or defend. The larger group could wipe the NPC’s and defend or continue to play as normal. It would encourage more people to play from the PvE side (Which I know some will bemoan, but overall I think its a good thing for WvW) and there will always be something to do.

If you are a server that always has a queue, one would hope that your groups are overall more effective then the npc’s that are running around.

No solution is going to be perfect since it’s a 24 hour game, but it would certainly be interesting to watch it all play out lol, although im not sure the server’s could handle it.

Underwater Operations – [WET]

Silver League just broken

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


I am a commander, the server is consistently out-manned because stacked servers demoralize the server after only a couple days. How exactly does that even the match out if its impossible to pull the numbers against servers who can.

I’m not even pulling the defeatist card, I’m pulling from statistics:

Those scores look pretty balance in silver doesn’kitten

I am also a commander on DB and while you are right that it demoralizes the server after a few days when outcomes are determined, the point people are trying to make is that I go into WvW with my guildies and my friends because I enjoy fighting with them. Do we play for ppt? Sure sometimes, if I can flip a keep or snag a tower we will. If I can find players to fight that outnumber us a little or are around roughly the same size we will fight them….hell sometimes we just stack up and go right at the massive zerg blob, just to see how many we can down and how long we can stay alive for.

The point being is that we play for our server, get as many points as we can, get as many bags as we can…and generally enjoy playing the game together as a guild or a server or whoever else wants to get on the server VOIP and have a good time. The best part about this game even with it’s obvious game flaws is that it is what you decide to make of it. Yes we all want to win, but then end of the day if I enjoy playing the game then it’s worth the money I put into it

Underwater Operations – [WET]

11/8 DB/NSP/YB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


Well played db on dbbl bay ninja while 8000 ( ok SEEMED that many) kept us occupied on north gate. We were all wtf?

LOL yeah, we had some fun fights. Omega power! You guys portal bombed us at the sometime they were flipping inner

Also, shoutout to [SE]! Good fights! Haven’t seen ya on YB before but we had some good times

Underwater Operations – [WET]

Silver League Week 3: DB-EB-CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


P.S. Also sounds like they were running group synergy builds not roaming builds. But still…I will make fun of them once I found out who it is lol

I’m honestly curiously, though. What’s the point of “group synergy” builds if 7 of them can’t kill 2 people?

I’ll help you out with the WvW lingo. A “group synergy” build is a build that for the most part manages to not die when part of a 50+ man group. Measuring how much group synergy builds contribute to a fight is problematic due to the skill lag involved in such large fights, so their actual effectiveness is somewhat in question.


By definition, you can’t have a “group synergy” build without a group that it is specifically tailored to work well with. In large fights, “their actual effectiveness is somewhat in question” because, unless you are running with a very specific group, there’s no preordained group composition.

It has nothing to do with its ability to not die when part of a 50+ man zerg. You may be looking for another term.

Right, the point he was trying to say and the one I was making was that our guys run specific comp’s when running with 15-20+ people. Guardians traited more support, warriors more CC. I also run Hammer/Staff with different traits for my guardian for group runs, that I would never run roaming for exactly what was stated above…i’d get my kitten kicked in by a good roamer because hammer/staff sucks for anything outside of blast finishing, stacking empower and using line’s of warding and symbol of swiftness.

When I roam its more power/precision based and I use greatsword/sword+focus along with different utilities… much better suited for roaming… that’s all I was saying

Underwater Operations – [WET]

Silver League Week 3: DB-EB-CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


P.S. Also sounds like they were running group synergy builds not roaming builds. But still…I will make fun of them once I found out who it is lol

I’m honestly curiously, though. What’s the point of “group synergy” builds if 7 of them can’t kill 2 people? Would they be able to kill a larger group of my guildies then? That wouldn’t make sense.

This isn’t even us 2 versus 7 people slowly trickling in. This is 2 of us walking up to 7 people from the get go and straight up demolishing them and it happened twice.

Only people I remember from the group was a norn male thief in all black who I think liked to spam death blossom, norn female mesmer, male guardian running hammer and staff. The first two I remember because they were large and the male guardian because he was tanky and we just saved him for last.

I wasn’t there so I dunno. But I’ve wiped pretty much small groups of every guild on CD and EB with just me and warrior friend so I dunno, congrats on doing it tho i’m sure it was fun lol.

They should still be able to win 2v7, as I said I would make fun of them haha, i’m just saying in general group builds vs roaming builds are different beasts that’s all.

Underwater Operations – [WET]

Silver League Week 3: DB-EB-CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


i think the NITE hammer commander is Olrun.. cant be sure

cool i’ll ask’em. Either way, good on whoever it was for 2v7’ing lol, well so long as it wasn’t one of those i have a thief and I ran away and came back 600 times…lol

Either way I could go about how I’ve beat a number of random groups of guilds running around on my guardian with one of my warrior friends and also one of my thief friends… I guess all the guilds are bad on EB and CD then

Underwater Operations – [WET]

Silver League Week 3: DB-EB-CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


Laughing at the GOTL Guild from Dragon Brand. They’ll only fight if they out number you and then laugh on you. Gotta love those 5 v 1’s – they show a lot of skill.

Gonna go ahead and say this GOTL guild is a PvE guild. My buddies and I (3 of us) have fought 8 of them at the same time and have beaten them on various occasions.

Same thing goes for the NITE guild. We 2v7 TWICE in the ruins and we win both times. I’ll go ahead and say they were PvE players because there’s no way in hell we would be able to take on those numbers otherwise.

I forget which one of the above guilds has a tanky hammer warrior commander who basically hops around the fight as if he’s taunting you, only to die right after all his guildies die. Weird.

Either way….fun fights.

haha I can’t attest to GOTL, but I can tell you for NITE they were probably uplevels or just messing around lol. We have just been mucking around for fun lately since hte match is pretty much decided, but had a lot of fun fights earlier against para, gh and I think i saw ZoD running around. We got beat up by some large CD groups like CLAY and KoME earlier this week too, was fun. If you see us running around right now we are just practicing and roaming, i’ll have to find who the hammer warrior was tho hahahaha! oh well

P.S. Also sounds like they were running group synergy builds not roaming builds. But still…I will make fun of them once I found out who it is lol

Underwater Operations – [WET]

Silver League Week 3: DB-EB-CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


What’s with the NITE asura guardian that when in trouble starts teleporting away with speed cheat-like movements?

Not sure, I can take a look…might be Lumbee, I think he has an asura guardian… he’s out there pretty regularly he might be a laggy lil punk though…he might be using the sword teleport and judge’s intervention…I know I use that a lot to get away by targeting a mob across the way…lol but I’ll check it out

But yeah its the same TOFU guild, I faced off against them and KoME a lot over the weekend! Seen a lot of para, GH, ZoD (I believe this was formerly FTF and noice?! not sure though… ). Lots of good fights, we don’t always have the numbers of larger guilds be we have fun

Underwater Operations – [WET]

Silver League Week 3: DB-EB-CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


Been a fun week. Good to see that both EB and CD have the ability to form up a formidable group in any map – makes for a good challenge. Shout out to [GH] from Ehmry Bay for being solid the whole week.

We’ll be out again tonight and then off to the next match up.

Thanks for the shoutout! Passed the word to some of our guys who’ve been putting 10+ hours a day into WvW this week. They appreciate it.

It’s menorah!! Don’t know if you remember me from the Blood Pact days back on Ehmry! But let Goldiy know that next time i’m not just golem rushing CD’s garri!! I’m coming for him and Teldec on EB BL next time!! haha Hope you guys are doing well!!

Underwater Operations – [WET]


in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


I am DB commander! I also appreciate and understand what you are saying!

We also have a lot of newer commanders or lesser experienced commanders pinning up since we are winning this week, which is a good thing, but sometimes leads to disorganization..and a lot of commander tags with little communication, but they need to get experience at some point in order for our server to continue to grow!

I been commanding for a while now and I think most commanders know that so long as your doing what makes sense and the best you can…that’s all you can do…trolls will be trolls and they will always be there…not everyone is going to agree with your choices…but guess what…if they disagree so vehemently…they can get their own tag and lead

I agree and I’m glad you agree with me, too. However, those that are training to be commanders don’t need a pin up if they’re just training. I’m practicing being a commander myself by watching their routines and following examples and I don’t use a pin I just state what I feel would be good to do every so often in map chat and if people agree we do it.
But yeah you’re definitely right… Trolls will be trolls. I shouldn’t let myself get sucked in to it \ : Unfortunately for me my temper gets the best of me sometimes.

This is true and my guys don’t, but even when they are ready to take the training wheels off..and start commanding on their own…they are gonna make mistakes lol, watching someone do it…then taking the reigns is a completely different beast…it’s easy to play armchair quarterback…it’s different when 30-40 people are looking at you to lead them and do a good job

The other things is…unfortunately…sometimes there are just random guys out there with commander tags who think it’s cool to tag up….even when one of the more experienced commanders is trying to rally people…eventually anet will get around to fixing the commander issue haha

P.S.: At least we have an issue with too many commanders rather than not enough or no commanders lol

Underwater Operations – [WET]

(edited by Gamadorn.2670)

Acidic mood in chat since tournament

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


“LISTEN….I think we have more spies” hah I did too watch commanders fight last night over something stupid. Most tactical suggestions they only did on TS+verfied. No one wants to type anymore. Calling people out of TS use PUGs who will mess up their private zerg mobs.

I type when I can..but frankly…when your in a fight and the commander needs to call out things in a fight as well as actually fight…you don’t have time to type that kitten out in chat lol.

I do agree that outside of fights, when you’re heading somewhere or planning on going to defend…I try to type that into the chat…but in fights there is simply no way thats going to happen and frankly the guys or “pugs” that are not in TS or some VOIP become a liability when things are happening rapidly on the battlefield…

Underwater Operations – [WET]

(edited by Gamadorn.2670)


in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


Everyone’s missing the point so they can argue over the one thing they disagree on, as usual.

What I’m saying is that a commander isn’t required to command nor are there any certifications to be one. If you’re commanding and you know what you’re doing you should be thanked for taking it upon yourself instead of having people harass you over your mistakes. Also that yes multiple commanders can be beneficial but I find that most people lose the ability to think for themselves once a pin goes up. Which means that more than one is like watching a dog try to catch two tennis balls… One of the zergs is eventually going to consume all the players. Communication helps, it doesn’t resolve it, just prevents it.

Anyway, since this is now the primary focus of the conversation, I would also like to say that sure multiple pins are good… But I think what I failed to mention was that a lot of the time when more than one pin is up they’re both in the same spot… Which makes having two or more kind of pointless.

I am DB commander! I also appreciate and understand what you are saying!

We also have a lot of newer commanders or lesser experienced commanders pinning up since we are winning this week, which is a good thing, but sometimes leads to disorganization..and a lot of commander tags with little communication, but they need to get experience at some point in order for our server to continue to grow!

I been commanding for a while now and I think most commanders know that so long as your doing what makes sense and the best you can…that’s all you can do…trolls will be trolls and they will always be there…not everyone is going to agree with your choices…but guess what…if they disagree so vehemently…they can get their own tag and lead

Underwater Operations – [WET]

Who's enjoying League?

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


I enjoy it (I’m on dragonbrand)…

It has brought new people into WvW…we don’t really have much of a queue issue at all.

I like the new point system over glicko…although I think the scoring system itself needs to be redone at some point or the population balance needs to be dealt with..

Overall it is FAR more fun the the stale matchups we used to get…lol…

There is NO WAY I want to go back to the stale same servers OVER AND OVER again with no change practically ever…

Underwater Operations – [WET]

Acidic mood in chat since tournament

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


Also as for the defensive note…I would rather have the ability to plow down a gate quickly then having a keep or gate much easier to defend and harder to flip. Especially outnumbered. If your outnumbered the way it is…at least you can hit and flip things before a large zerg responds…..if defense was improved significantly the outmanned server would NEVER be able to flip ANYTHING before the more populated server gets defense to it….so ninja’ing becomes harder which ends up truthfully making it harder for the smaller server. I know its frustrating (especially when we were outmanned by FA and SBI) to try and defend structures especially if they are paper, but it can still be done. I just think improving defense would end up hurting the less populated server more and it would definitely benefit servers like mine (Dragonbrand) that has a SEA population or a night crew that flips many things over night. You would come back to try and reclaim you BL and it would be that much harder to do…

Underwater Operations – [WET]

Silver League Week 3: DB-EB-CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


Holy Hannah. I can’t remember who’s on first, what’s on second, or how CDBL garrison is still standing, but both servers gave us a fight. I may have been swearing a lot in TS and developed heart palpitations as it happened, but it was a hard-earned victory for us.

Thanks for bringing it. Hope you all got some baggies too

(Sorry. I suck at forum drama. I’ll have to work on that.)

HAHA Yeah that was us ([NITE]) having some fun. We ended up just building a bunch of Omegas for everyone and walked them all the way to hills…then once we got hills we were like kitten it …. now what….ahh kitten it lets go have some fun at garri….we honestly didn’t think we’d make it to inner LOL, but then ended up being a lot of fun and some good fights! Good Job holding it! Was a lot of fun all around!

Underwater Operations – [WET]

Collaborative Development: World Population

in CDI

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


Keep in mind that weekends are a thing. Now that we’re all back in the office, caffeinated and ready to go, we’re gonna jump back in the threads.

Having said that, when you guys get going and are having good discussions, we sit back and make sure we give you guys room to debate/discuss. Just because there isn’t a dev response every X posts, it doesn’t mean we’re not watching the thread.

weird the other 2 threads the dev’s have had no problem posting throughout the week. Maybe you can read the other collaborative development threads see the amount of interaction and see why people think the wvw is being ignored.

Maybe we can back off and be thankful they are even acknowledging and responding at all to these issues I know I am thankful!

But their not responding to the issues, the thread is about WvW population issues not PPT issues. Without a response this is just a discussion that is going to get out of hand real quick as it already is. We can discuss all these issues and solution with other players until our fingers bleed but, not one of us has the power to implement anything, we don’t work for Anet, I have a feeling once everything is said and done we’ll get some patch notes along the lines of “the players asked and were heard, the upcoming WvW patch will now include Elephants that can be used instead of rams” followed by the player reaction of …. WTF ?

To be fair, one of the discussions is that the population imbalance is a large issue because of the scoring system.

While I also agree they could give us more feedback, I think that we could always nit-pick anything they do.

I am just saying, some of these things we have asked them to look at SINCE LAUNCH and were ignored. At least now they are making an active attempt to truly rectify issues that matter in the game and I applaud and am thankful for that even in it’s imperfections. So sure it would be nice if they gave us more feedback, but frankly i’m simply glad they are even addressing it and giving feedback at all! I also appreciate them even asking us for our feedback…something that really was never done in the past. So as much crap as we have given them, I do feel is proper for us to at least acknowledge them when they are trying to help us

Underwater Operations – [WET]

Collaborative Development: World Population

in CDI

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


Keep in mind that weekends are a thing. Now that we’re all back in the office, caffeinated and ready to go, we’re gonna jump back in the threads.

Having said that, when you guys get going and are having good discussions, we sit back and make sure we give you guys room to debate/discuss. Just because there isn’t a dev response every X posts, it doesn’t mean we’re not watching the thread.

weird the other 2 threads the dev’s have had no problem posting throughout the week. Maybe you can read the other collaborative development threads see the amount of interaction and see why people think the wvw is being ignored.

Maybe we can back off and be thankful they are even acknowledging and responding at all to these issues I know I am thankful!

Underwater Operations – [WET]

Unbalanced League for WvW (Green Borderland).

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


I just think it is literally people logging in for the achievements that could care less if they are on a commander. You can scour the map and still not find them if they are on the move or jumping through the puzzle. It happens even more if your team happens to be winning… lol…#fairweathersurge

Underwater Operations – [WET]

Any tips on commanding fights?

in WvW

Posted by: Gamadorn.2670


Just get as many hammer warriors and guardians as you can get in a queue and have them all stack on your tag. Have a few staff ele water field bots and a mesmer or two for veil. Then just torpedo into everything in sight. Can’t lose!

Yep….and some necros for well’s bam….that’s it….Necro’s, Guardians, Warriors, Ele’s….it’s all you need…mesmers are nice but not required :-P

Underwater Operations – [WET]