Showing Posts For Hjulstad.6317:

Now that Renewed Focus is Endure Pain...

in Guardian

Posted by: Hjulstad.6317


Its a great buff, and if you cant beat ppl 1v1 any Time at all then your the baddie and not the Class.. Being able to attack while using Renewed focus would just be silly and to good

Member of TUP
Aurora Glade

Crithammer, one way of playing with it.

in Guardian

Posted by: Hjulstad.6317


Fabsm i tested the sigil in the mists, and it does scale with healing power, but it scales baaaad.. Something like 100 healing power adds 10 healed .. Have the numbers on computer but using phone atm..

Member of TUP
Aurora Glade

Guild Wars 2: Guardian The Hammah Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Hjulstad.6317


Still, hammer is fine as it is.. No need for a change when you have weapons like scepter and no3 skill on sword that needs more attention

Member of TUP
Aurora Glade

Guild Wars 2: Guardian The Hammah Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Hjulstad.6317


Hammer is fine, no need to change it.. And for AH being OP you might wanna check the numbers, and the fact that AH scales terribly with Healing Power..

Member of TUP
Aurora Glade

Armor Set for AH Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Hjulstad.6317


To get healing power is arm useless imo.. Only scales Well with Dodge heal and decent with VoR activation.. But i tested healingpower with AH , and iirc around 800 healing power gave like 10 more HP / AH tick. Wich is a waste.. Same for regeneration Boon , really bad scaling.. I cant make myself equip healing power after both SPvP tests + WvW tests really wish AH could scale better tho

Member of TUP
Aurora Glade

guardian so low, why? :(

in Guardian

Posted by: Hjulstad.6317


Well if you cant do damage with a guardian its you thats bad, not the Class.. Do some research or reroll to thief so you can spam 3-3-3-3-3 or something .. The HP pool is enough.. And again, if you dont know how to use your abilities the right way then its still not the HP pool that is wrong, nor is it the Class that is bad…

Member of TUP
Aurora Glade

Seafarer's Rest v Arborstone v Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Hjulstad.6317


Well atleast you can get into WvW without a que now .. Only Time there is any que for the 3 home zones is around 20:00 GMT +1 to 23:00 .. Before and after there is no que.. But kitten yesterday when fighting the french in their home zone i just couldnt stop laughing, sooooooo many of them.. When 10-15 died it arrived 20-30 new hehe.. Great fun and good fights with both servers so far! And all this crying about nightcapping is just a bad excuse, all had the same chance to do it. And i atleast know 1 alliance WHO tried making it happen, FUBAR , and afaik most big guilds and active WvW guilds are in that alliance, so just schuuuush about that thing being unfair..

Member of TUP
Aurora Glade

Crithammer, one way of playing with it.

in Guardian

Posted by: Hjulstad.6317


Well yeah.. I red through this fast cause im on the phone reading and its a Pain hehe.. But from what i understood is this: if base hit is 1000 it would mean with no added crit damage that your crit would hit for 1,5k .. Adding 20% extra crit damage would make this crit hit for 1,7k .. But overall a balanced build of gear is best since with more power the harder your normal and criticals Will hit.. Tho like i said, its just how i always thought it was.. Will read through all when i get to the computer..

Member of TUP
Aurora Glade

Suggestion: Make it possible to complete all faction Stories!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hjulstad.6317


Well yeah, best would be if you could buy all faction sets once finnishing story quest.. But from own experience the devs usually dont wanna give away stuff for free.. So this way you would actually need to do something to get the armor/weapons.. As long as i can get My hands on some pieces of the vigil set im happy.. Trust me, im far from a pveer, i just do it cause it yeilds rewards, and for the cosmetics and money for exotics :P

Does arenanet have any intention of making this happen? A dev responsen would be nice. I would even consider buying the pieces from BLT if they get available there

Member of TUP
Aurora Glade

Suggestion: Make it possible to complete all faction Stories!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hjulstad.6317


So, Im one of those people who dont do to much research about a game. I rather play and then see what comes next .. But I ran into a big dissappointment for myself when I finally finnished the last story quest at level 80. I had no clue what faction to choose when I got the opportunity, I thought it was just a different line of quests, but kitten was I misstaken.

Getting the quest done, and then heading to the Whisper faction “base” thinking it was gonna be nice to get some good looking armor to put on my exotic pieces! But getting there and realizing that I made 1 big misstake, I should have checked the Faction armors before choosing faction. So now I either get some other armor, or I reroll my full exotic guardian for a new Guardian just to be able to get the Vigil gear.

Wouldnt it be a great deal of extra content to be able to finnish all the factions? That would also make it possible for more unique setups of gear and less people would look the same?

This way you dont get it for free, but you have the opportunity to do another story line and get that armor on you main character aswell. At the moment many people level alts to be able to complete all story quests, but for those who dont like alts and like focusing on 1 character I think this would be a nice addition.

Would be nice to hear a dev response aswell.

Member of TUP
Aurora Glade

Crithammer, one way of playing with it.

in Guardian

Posted by: Hjulstad.6317


@ dristig

Yes the boons Will Work with altruistic healing.. But 5% chance is bad.. And imo swiftness is not as great addition to you in fights as longer boon stacks imo

Member of TUP
Aurora Glade

Crithammer, one way of playing with it.

in Guardian

Posted by: Hjulstad.6317


@ Brutaly

The thing i love the most about the thread really is that you get ideas and read other ppls experience.. But i dont know about you other guys, but i never played a weapon / Class in any MMO cause its the strongest or easiest to win with, i usually end up rolling the most underpowered Class or i fall for a specc that maybe is just 50% effective then the best possible. But if i enjoy the Class/weapon/specc i Will be better with that then something i dont even like even if its just faceroll win..

TL,DR Like he says, not 1 specc is best, play what suits you

Member of TUP
Aurora Glade

Guardian, the class destined to be storage.

in Guardian

Posted by: Hjulstad.6317


Guardian is fine, only weapon that needs a change is scepter. And if they made healing power affect more healskills better + make condition damage Viable it would be perfect..

Member of TUP
Aurora Glade

Crithammer, one way of playing with it.

in Guardian

Posted by: Hjulstad.6317


Akamon, when it comes to the gear only you know what works with your playstyle.. I Personaly started with mix of valkyrie and knights on bot armor and jewlery, but atm i have full knight jewlery and changed My valkyrie armor for ore exotics to get. Other stats. Imo you need to test some, and just keep the gear you dont use in your bank , dont slavage it cause maybe in 2 weeks you find another specc that fits you better with other gear stats..

Member of TUP
Aurora Glade

I really want to love healing but

in Guardian

Posted by: Hjulstad.6317


well for PvE i would never go with healing.. Google it and you will see that Healing Power doesnt really give you that much for that many things.. Doesnt affect Meditation heal or the Altruistic healing in a good way.. Only thing I found so far that scales well is the Dodgeroll heal wich IIRC gives same ammount bonus heal as your Healing Power stat.

For PvE, dont build around the Healing stat, but dont skip the whole traitline, remember that you dont choose the lines for the stat, you choose them foor the traits, the stats are just a bonus!

Member of TUP
Aurora Glade

Crithammer, one way of playing with it.

in Guardian

Posted by: Hjulstad.6317


Yeah! As for conditions you are good enough with 10sec from trait + 10sec from sigil for WvW imo.. Replaced My 2 valkyrie rings with 2 knight rings and Will swop My 2 tough/vit/pow pieces with 2 heal/pre/vit pieces then im set!

Edit: Wrote from phone so will continue what i was about to say here instead..

I was first looking at Healpower rings but since i dont get precision from it I thought it was a no go.. For me the best seems to be All rings earrings and necklace Knights.. Then I will have a mix of 50/50 with Knights and the healrating gear from Orr to make up for vitality loss.. might throw in 1 piece of Beserker aswell but tbh Beserker feels like a waste compared to the other stuff..

Member of TUP
Aurora Glade

(edited by Hjulstad.6317)

Crithammer, one way of playing with it.

in Guardian

Posted by: Hjulstad.6317


Yeah, for SPvP that can be awesome but i dont like the need to swap weapon to gain a benefit, only on warrior its good when traited for faster weaponswap.. Before i ran hammer i actually had the same build i have now but ran sword and torch, there the strength sigil really shined aswell and the altruistic healing was even greater due to viglrous precision.. But i find hammer more interesting..

Hopefully i can get the last 20k Karma today so i can buy Mortal chestplate and get some more crit aswell as heal power, as for Runes im running 2x water 2x monk and 2x the cheapest One on trader with +20% might duration. Thinking about swapping might for 1 more each of the others tho.. And i only choose gear for WvW since you can do PvE in any gear you want really.. Need to check some more Runes but so far have t found any other ones i really like.. Might get a set with soldier for shout condition remove but for WvW it doesnt feel justified

Member of TUP
Aurora Glade

Crithammer, one way of playing with it.

in Guardian

Posted by: Hjulstad.6317


Yeah i checked that sigil Brutaly, but tbh i found the Might on crit more effective for My crithammer..

Reasons are: in WvW you can usually get the symbol on groups of 2-3 enemies in smaller fights, and atleast 1 of the 3 ticks crit on all 3 targets + i usually get crit on all 3 with MB so thats 6 crits usually ending up with atleast 3 stacks might for 10s from sigil (usually more) and then atleast 3 from empowering might.. So i gain extra healing from the sigil and i build might quite fast .. Even considering dropping empowering might but its such a nice addition in healing..

Member of TUP
Aurora Glade

Crithammer, one way of playing with it.

in Guardian

Posted by: Hjulstad.6317


I used to have sigil of acuraccy on My hammer but after testing some with sigil of strength in the mists.. As i have empowering might trait in My build i usually get 2 stacks of might / crit.. And yes the symbol damage can crit so you can build crits pretty fast.. The bad thing is i tested the reduced cd on 2handed weapons and fell in love with it! kitten you Brutaly !!!!!

Member of TUP
Aurora Glade

World Rankings as of 10/5

in WvW

Posted by: Hjulstad.6317


tbh, they should switch how it works with the tiers… Should have 6 worlds in each tier.. and 1/2 week matches then swap so that you change 1 server from each match and then again after 1/2 weeks.. I agree it gets very boring with same opponents..

Member of TUP
Aurora Glade

A Healing Study for Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: Hjulstad.6317


Really nice info there… Ive never been a tester guy myselft but i really appreciate the effort m8! 1 thing that could be interesting would probobly be for example, if you add 500 total Healing Power, how does that affect the results etc.
Also, are we sure that the heals and everything is same in Mists as in “PVE” areas such as WvW?
Anyway good job =)

Member of TUP
Aurora Glade

Weapons that need some tweaks.

in Guardian

Posted by: Hjulstad.6317


Simple solution, make orbs travel in same speed as arrows.. Problem solved.. If you try hitting someone that has swiftness he Will outrun your orbs rofl

Member of TUP
Aurora Glade

Guardian 80 Armor to get??

in Guardian

Posted by: Hjulstad.6317


Anyone tried Altruistic Healing Grandmaster trait and how its effected by healing power?

Im planning on running valkyrie mixed with knigths

Member of TUP
Aurora Glade