Showing Posts For Holland.9351:

Beastmode Isn't a Pet Swap Proc

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


If pet swap can’t be triggered while in beastmode, then what do you pick as Beastmastery Grandmaster trait? It only has:

  • taunt on beast ability (no thanks),
  • quickness on pet swap (can’t use it)
  • axe cooldown reduction (not using axe)

Combine Sharpened Edges and Hidden barbs?

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351



I use it on a power build for a tiny bit of extra damage and to keep them in combat a bit longer.

I think it should give 5 or 10 seconds of vulnerability on crit without a cooldown. That will increase damage on both condi and power builds and has synergy with crits and will keep people in combat for 5 or 10 seconds.

(edited by Holland.9351)

Swap signet of Hunt and WIld active effects?

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


I’m with Lazze on this.

Signet of the Hunt needs the new active. It’s now a good alternative to other forms of movement speed.

Signet of the Wild just needs another active. Give it back its stability, but with a 0s cast time.

Does Soulbeast threaten to disappoint?

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Every new elite spec threatens to disappoint.

The pet is pretty bad at damage application and with timing their attacks. They can waste a lot of time with moving around and using skills that miss, or the target is simply unreachable.

Removing the pet to gain 3 new skills could be a big improvement in many situations, and like others have already said, you can exit Beastmode whenever you want for situations where the pet is better.

I’m not very impressed with the SoulBeast traitline, but remember that pet traits will affect Beastmode as well in some way. This could make the Beastmastery traitline very useful in combination with Beastmode, even to the point where staying in Beastmode might often be the best course of action.

Gliding, what a shambles

in WvW

Posted by: Holland.9351


Sounds to me like you’ve just encountered some new situations, which you’ll just have to get used to.

Gliding and Territories in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Holland.9351


But maybe instead of kicking you off the glider and falling to your death, it should force you straight to the ground like a parachute.


It forces you to learn the territories and boundaries and increases a layer to your gameplay.

I was more talking about falling to your death when someone flips a camp

Stability/Condi clear? Nerf city.

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Core Ranger lost:

  • Signet of the Wild stability is gone.
  • Enlargement stability is gone.
  • Signet of Renewal passive condition removal is gone.
  • Empathic Bond condition removal is gone.

Some were replaced with other good things, but it’s clear they want to sell the expansion, which basically gives the Ranger back what it already had.

Gliding and Territories in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Holland.9351


I like the gliding. I especially liked it in desert borderlands.

Remember that red is usually the weakest server, so I’m fine with them being able to glide into two of the towers. They could already seige them from the keep anyway.

But maybe instead of kicking you off the glider and falling to your death, it should force you straight to the ground like a parachute. Still keep the birds attacking, that’s a nice touch.

Soulbeast Aura Suggestion

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


lol get good mr thief :P

Equipment stats, traits and utility skills are already hidden to other players. I don’t see ANet treat this any different.

There might be an icon, but I don’t think it matters much either way.

Core Ranger vs specialization

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


I also think Longbow Ranger will remain with core ranger. Some specs can improve on it however, like we’ve seen with Ancient Seeds.

We can also expect other classes to compete, like Dragonhunter and now also Deadeye. I’m not convinced Ranger will get rifle down the line. If Deadeye isn’t the end of Longbow Ranger, then Longbow Ranger will probably never go away.

Pets (beastmastery builds) will probably also stay with core Ranger. We have enough headaches with pet AI as is (both us and Anet). I’m glad to see a petless Ranger will be possible.

Second Wyverns attack

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


yeah this was literally shown in the trailer.

GFtE was not nerfed? I think...

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


I have one question:

  • Does the trait trigger when you don’t press F2?

(edit) answer:

  • No

Strange. So they would only trigger if the Ranger triggers them, but not when the pet does.

(edited by Holland.9351)

Soul beast merge skills and Effects from test

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Most pets are looking pretty good, depending on what you’re going for.

Those that stood out to me:
Owl, Smokescale, Black Bear and Boar.

Account wide tames?

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


They better unlock all pets on the elite spec beta.

Sand Lion

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Found the Sand Lion on the east edge of the map next to the road.


Jacaranda's Embrace

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


What about signet of the wild active?

Jacaranda's Embrace

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Could find these two things:

It might be the 2nd one getting triggered.

Jacaranda's Embrace

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Interesting. Must be one of those traits we haven’t been shown yet.

BUG: Unresponsive Pets & Skill No. 3 [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Irenio best dev!

Why are you excited for soulbeast?

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


I get to ditch my pet and have even more stuns for my lelthisisfun GS/LB ranger. Let’s see Deadeye compete with perma stun in your face arrow pwnage! 720 no scope bish!

perma stun? What have I been missing?

What the hell just happened to signets?

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


You can already get unblockable on Pet Swap with Clarion Bond, which is but better and less costly.

Call of the Wild: Your pet becomes unblockable for a period of time.

Stability/Condi clear? Nerf city.

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Dolyak Stance won’t have a cast time and is actually a stunbreaker as well and removes immobilized and has a pretty good cooldown.

The downside is that you’d have to buy the expansion. Which is stupid.

Ammunition Mechanic

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Ok that makes it more interesting. But I still don’t see them change all these skills.

Ammunition Mechanic

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


But, isn’t it simply to prevent Deadeye from spending all his initiative on his rifle skills?

Since other classes don’t have initiative, they won’t need ammunition. They already have skill cooldowns.

Why are you excited for soulbeast?

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


1) Will pet traits affect the Ranger? If so, there are some very interesting old traits.
2) petless ranger mode: new F1,F2,F3 skills + higher personal stats

3) traits. maybe (why haven’t they told us the other traits yet?)

Soulbeast GrandMaster trait: Eternal bond

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Protective Ward is objectively better.

Yes you can get both. But Eternal Bond is just very underwhelming. It’ll very rarely trigger and when it does trigger it might not even change the outcome.

However, let’s see the other traits. Maybe, one of the other traits is:

  • When you leave BeastMode you gain stealth for 3 seconds.

Then suddenly this trait could be pretty great.

Concerns regarding Soulbeast

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


First I want to see the other traits.

Oppressive Superiority will be good. A bit boring, but still useful for almost any build.

The other two… not so much.

Eternal Bond is weak. It might only buy you 2 seconds of extra time, if you’re lucky. I’ll try it tho, maybe there is something to it.

Leader of the Pack might see some play in some tiny part of the game somewhere. Maybe PvE or WvW. But wouldn’t bet on it. 50% reduction before it’s even released seems ridiculous.

Concerns on stacking Stances

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


I’m pretty sure they won’t stack. Only boons stack.

List of Soulbeast ''F'' Skills

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Apparently Fern Hound is classified as a support pet, where the other canines (maybe not hyena?) are classified as Power or Control.

Makes sense and would make things a lot more interesting.

Possible F3 skills:

  • brown bear = heal skill (+toughness/vitality)
  • murellow = condi skill (+condition damage/duration)
  • jaguar = damage skill (+precision/ferocity)
  • lynx = condi skill (+condition damage/duration)

Improvements to Core, Druid, Pets?

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


I was going to say no, but the game has actually improved many things for core Ranger, so it wouldn’t be fair to say they did nothing since the game released.

But still, just assume the answer is no anyway.

SBeast doesn't get unique pet F2 abilities

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


but will first wait and see

Just chill out

Ok then.

Leader of the Pack & Stances

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


That image is hilarious . 300 radius, 600 radius, 240 radius, 240 radius.

beast mode (pls confirm anet)

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


@ LughLongArm

Yes I’m sure some could be nice. But you’re giving up your pets for it and lose access to everything Druid has.

SBeast doesn't get unique pet F2 abilities

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Very disappointing, but will first wait and see what the 3rd skills are.

So no on-demand stealth with Jaguar. No on-demand fury with Tiger/Red Moa.

At this point you’re probably better off with a pet than to enter beastmode.

beast mode (pls confirm anet)

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


rip beastmode. Not that interesting anymore. So all pets of the same family get the same skills.

So the only interesting ones are Bear for Defy Pain and Smokescale for Smoke Assault, and maybe Porcine for Brutal Charge.

Things you would like to see

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


As for cc conditions, I believe we’re still missing slow and taunt for out pets.

That reminds me of a suggestion I keep repeating over the years:

New pet: Plated Behemoth

  • Bear base skills.
  • F2: Taunt nearby enemies.

Why is this thing hovering over me?

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Like others have already said, it’s the stuck animation of Greatsword 3 (Swoop).

It’s been like that for as long as I remember and I played since release.

For me it happens every time I play in WvW. I think it’s a combination of lag and swapping weapons. Maybe swapping weapons while still Swooping or something. I haven’t figured out exactly what causes it.

Things you would like to see

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


I think Soften the Fall makes sense for jumping down on someone. I agree with the other 3.

I do like the looks of Predator’s Instinct, but it seems to be lacking. I used to run the sigil that gives 2s cripple on crit (every 5 seconds), which is what Predator’s Instinct should be.

Things you would like to see

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


I don’t understand why you can’t see it. Your projectile comes back to you

I can’t see it. But you did give me an idea, maybe I should use Kudzu again.

your health goes down

Can be many thing, including retaliation

your target’s doesn’t

But is it being reflected or destroyed?

Your combat log will also show you getting hit with the same skill you’re trying to land on someone else , who won’t show that skill landing on them.

Am I getting reflected or is another Ranger shooting me? And do I have to keep the combat log open? And do I have to look at it every time my health goes down? Why not just add a “Reflected!” message like we get for “Obstructed!” and “Invulnerable!” and “Blocked!” and “Evaded!”.

There is a real issue here, I don’t care much about the solution but it needs one.

Things you would like to see

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


But when I’m getting reflected, I stop shooting the target.

Like I said, I can’t see it when reflect happens. I can’t see the damage I’m dealing to teammates either. Like I said, it might be because I play on minimal graphics settings.

Consider it the other way… how would you respond to a class having a trait that permanently destroys projectiles?

This just makes you sound like a troll. That’s such a terrible comparison. And they already added a lot of projectile reflect and projectile destroy in HoT, so it already happened. It would be fine if I was told when reflect/destroy happens, but the game doesn’t inform me at all.

As for “pew pew” and “spamming”. Ranger longbow plays a lot like Elementalist, who “spam” Fireball and sometimes use the odd Meteor Shower (and Barrage for Ranger). So I don’t get the hate for Ranger longbow at all.

Things you would like to see

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


You want the ability to spam longbow skills without any risk and the ability to quickly swap between weapons to gain easier access to either:

  1. tools/rotations to lay bigger beats, or
  2. mobility for even easier re-positioning and more ranged pew pew?

What would you want to see nerfed for this, or do you believe it would be a balanced addition with no need for any nerfs?

It’s balanced. The projectile is still getting destroyed and it costs a trait as payment. If the game would tell me when my projectiles get reflected or how much damage they’re dealing to my teammates (and myself), then I probably won’t need it, but in big WvW battles it’s impossible to tell (might be because of low graphics settings, but still).

The 2nd trait, yes, ranger often needs to swap weapons for mobility to get out of the way of a zerg, but then he’s stuck in that weapon for 5 more seconds waiting for the cooldown to finish. Other ranged classes often have utility skills that do the job, like teleport. Not really needed, but still something that would be nice to have.

(edited by Holland.9351)

Things you would like to see

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351

I have a better name for shatter in impact. Gw1 functionality was nice too.

While I agree I also disagree, because arrows aren’t the only projectiles. Axe, harpoon gun, throw torch, crippling talon, etc are all projectiles but not arrows.

Things you would like to see

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Post a trait / utility skill / weapon skill you would like to see for Ranger. It doesn’t have to be more than 1.

Shatter on Impact (trait)
Whenever your projectiles are reflected, they are destroyed instead.

Especially useful for Longbow builds in WvW where reflect is everywhere and impossible to see. Could maybe replace Predator’s Instinct with this.

Fast Hands (trait)
Weapon swapping recharges faster (5s)

Yes, just copy the warrior trait. Maybe pick a different name. Replace Most Dangerous Game with this so it can’t be used together with Quick Draw and it has great synergy with Tail Wind and Furious Grip (reduce their cooldown to 4s).

Pets with new ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Just get them as you need them. I only use a handful of pets myself.

You’ll never use most of the pets, so don’t even bother getting them all on this new character.

Why does Glyph of unity not apply revealed?

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Good point.

Posted it in the bug forum:

Nothing will probably happen, but it’s nice to rub their faces in it sometimes.

Tether does not reveal

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Holland.9351


From the patch notes:
“In this update, you’ll see some changes aimed at normalizing how certain types of skills work. Skills that tether players together now apply Revealed to provide a stronger window of opportunity to players who can successfully land them.”

Glyph of Unity tethers, but does not reveal.

So Rampage as One is back to square one?

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


As it stands right now I’d rather just take an extra utility skill in the elite slot because several of them would end up being more useful.

That sentiment has been voiced many times over the years. There is nothing elite about many elite skills and basic utility skills would simply be better in the slot most of the time.

Signet of the Wild is rarely used, but it’s probably objectively better than Strength of the Pack at this point:

  • Shorter cooldown,
  • a passive effect,
  • more movement speed,
  • +25% damage instead of fury.

So Rampage as One is back to square one?

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Maybe it’s in preparation of the next expansion. Like how they nerfed Thief Acrobatics trait line before HoT was released because they needed to sell Daredevil.

So maybe Ranger will get something like Facets next expansion. Maybe as utilities or to replace the pet with.

Balance Patch of May 16

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


None of it really affects me. Neither positively nor negatively. I’m glad some of the nerfs are PvP only, which I don’t play.

Troll Unguent, Evasive Purity and Refined Toxins are worth reconsidering, but I don’t think it’ll change my build.

Strider’s Defense and Light on Your Feet are interesting changes, but will they be good enough to use? I’m not sure. Shortbow only has 900 range.

Will there be a 2nd gen Longbow?

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Hoping for a “cool” longbow this time. But the new shortbow isn’t giving me much hope. The new shortbow is huge. The projectile is cool tho.