Showing Posts For Holland.9351:

Why no AOE damage reduction for pets?

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


The underlying system of combat is built around area attacks. This is why the majority of base weapon attacks strike multiple targets in the affected area, unlike other games which strike one target – the one you have selected. Our system makes things like positioning and facing far more important and engaging; this also means that the concept of ‘AoE’ is not as easy to distinguish and thus handle in different ways.

That said, we are currently looking at systemic ways to help with player pet and minion survivability.

Please just reduce the pet swap cooldown on dead pets. Currently it goes from 20 seconds to 60 seconds, that’s 3 times the original amount. A very heavy punishment and often there is nothing that could have been done to prevent it.

Once a pet is dead the next pet will also likely die since it has to survive for 60 seconds instead of 20. So it quickly feels like the pet is completely worthless and dead the whole time.

I’d say make it 20 seconds, since it’s the class mechanic after all and all kinds of skills and traits and weapons need a living pet which are all unreliable because of it.

30 seconds might be fine too and maybe even 40, but that’s pushing it. 60s is way too long.

Shout UTILITY thread remade

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Search & Rescue

  • reduce cooldown to 30 seconds.
  • require a valid target, like Sick ’Em.
  • pet shadowsteps to target, 1200 range.
  • give it stability/protection/quickness or something nice.

If it’s going to take up a utility slot it can’t have a 90s cooldown. It also shouldn’t go on cooldown without a valid target. It should also move faster to the target and not be interrupted or killed easily. It’s already only reviving at 33% speed. It has far too many weaknesses in its current state.

Protect Me

  • revives pet
  • gives pet 20.000 extra health bonus for the duration (2.000 vitality)

This skill doesn’t work with a dead pet, so it would be great if it could revive the pet. Manual reviving of the pet was removed from the game years ago, but hasn’t been replaced with another means.
This skill also doesn’t work with pets who are at low health or weak (like birds), so giving pets a health boost for the duration (a bit like death shroud) would solve this and allow all pets to use this shout. Bears would still be able to take the most damage of course.

Sic ’Em

  • passive buff lasts the entire duration and can not be removed.

Giving another command to the pet removes the buff, but it is 100% benefitial so it makes no sense to remove it. It makes sense that you can stop Protect Me and Guard with other commands/shouts however.


  • pet no longer sent to a location.
  • 3s retaliation/protection to the Ranger

The fact that it sends the pet to a location only ruins its use in my opinion. I’ve never felt I needed that feature on my utility bar.
Maybe add something to the Ranger with it as well, so it’s more useful and fits the theme of being guarded.

Lunar Impact + Moment of Clarity

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Like other have said, Celestial Form only works for a short time and needs a long time to power up. And while in Celestial Form you almost can’t deal damage. Just heal and condi clear. I think it could be close to Signet of Stone and Protect Me gameplay-wise.

The only damaging skill is Natural Convergence… and the pet of course.

[Balance tuning] Glyph of Empowerment

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


I feel the Glyphs are only really good when traited. Which seems to be the Ranger theme.

  • 10% damage for 5s on a 20s cooldown is bad
  • 300 range knockback on a 20s cooldown is meh.
  • 4s weakness and 4s cripple on a 20s cooldown is meh

But traited with Verdant Etching and they all remove 2 conditions + a small heal and all on a low 16s cooldown. (However, there does seem to be a delay in it removing conditions, unlike survival skills.)

So Glyphs could replace survival skills for condition removal, especially traited Glyph of Unity.

But then again, Glyph of Empowerment would still be the bad compared to Alignment and Tides.

Can we Get a Pet Revive Skill?

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


The real problem is dead pets having a 60 second cooldown on swap. Which often causes the second pet to die as well, since it has to survive for 60 seconds, which the first pet couldn’t even do for 20 seconds.

We Heal as One Feedback [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Another solution is, why not just remove quickness from the boons that are copied over? Is that hard to code, is that not a thing?

Literally the first thought I had when I read how they were nerfing it.

It wasn’t only about Quickness. People keep saying it, but it wasn’t.

You could quite easily get permanent Swiftness, Regeneration, Fury, Vigor and Protection with it. With help from a friendly guardian, you could get permanent Quickness easily on top of it (could also do it solo, but not as easy) and Retaliation too.

So it was pretty powerful, even without permanent Quickness.

The interaction with Forifying Bond made the boon durations add up quickly. It would also tripple the amount of Might and Stability stacks the Ranger would get. It wouldn’t increase their duration however, so keeping permanent 25 stacks of Might and Stability wasn’t possible.

The problem is that it got nerfed into non-existance instead of coming up with a proper fix. And you know, once they nerf something into non-existance, it’s usually never reviewed.

Another theory crafter who never use the build, like at all.


Really tired of all the theory-crafters who never even try the build in PVP. Great that you’re doing well against dummy though.

lol, I did extensively test it myself, that’s how I know what it could do. And yes I didn’t like it either. I went back to my old build. The investment wasn’t worth it.

However, that doesn’t make it any less true what I said.

Just because some couldn’t get it to work doesn’t mean it wasn’t overpowered.

So you think it doesn’t worth it because it’s inferior than your build, but it’s OP ?

Guess what you use is some God Build that are the most OP spec ever exist in the game right?

Or your definition of OP is way different than ours?

I don’t like it because it’s too far away from my prefered playstyle. I hate shouts, especially Guard.

We Heal as One Feedback [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Another solution is, why not just remove quickness from the boons that are copied over? Is that hard to code, is that not a thing?

Literally the first thought I had when I read how they were nerfing it.

It wasn’t only about Quickness. People keep saying it, but it wasn’t.

You could quite easily get permanent Swiftness, Regeneration, Fury, Vigor and Protection with it. With help from a friendly guardian, you could get permanent Quickness easily on top of it (could also do it solo, but not as easy) and Retaliation too.

So it was pretty powerful, even without permanent Quickness.

The interaction with Forifying Bond made the boon durations add up quickly. It would also tripple the amount of Might and Stability stacks the Ranger would get. It wouldn’t increase their duration however, so keeping permanent 25 stacks of Might and Stability wasn’t possible.

The problem is that it got nerfed into non-existance instead of coming up with a proper fix. And you know, once they nerf something into non-existance, it’s usually never reviewed.

Another theory crafter who never use the build, like at all.


Really tired of all the theory-crafters who never even try the build in PVP. Great that you’re doing well against dummy though.

lol, I did extensively test it myself, that’s how I know what it could do. And yes I didn’t like it either. I went back to my old build. The investment wasn’t worth it.

However, that doesn’t make it any less true what I said.

Just because some couldn’t get it to work doesn’t mean it wasn’t overpowered.

Can we Get a Pet Revive Skill?

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


If not on a healing skill, could be put on Search and Rescue to give that skill a bit more value.

I think it would go well on Protect Me. Both because the skill desperately requires a living pet and it fits thematically where the pets rushes to the Ranger’s aid.

Also, 60 second cooldown seems more fitting that putting it on a heal with a 20s cooldown.

(edited by Holland.9351)

When will Irenio begin commenting?

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Irenio didn’t do anything wrong. We did warn that the We Heal as One buff sounded OP on paper, but I guess they didn’t read the comments on the Ranger forum.

Boon sharing between Ranger and his pet is definitely something that’s needed, so I hope Irenio came up with the change because that sounds promising.

However, Roy just nerfed it into the ground and now there will probably be 3 years of silence on the topic rather than the fix it needs.

We Heal as One Feedback [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Another solution is, why not just remove quickness from the boons that are copied over? Is that hard to code, is that not a thing?

Literally the first thought I had when I read how they were nerfing it.

It wasn’t only about Quickness. People keep saying it, but it wasn’t.

You could quite easily get permanent Swiftness, Regeneration, Fury, Vigor and Protection with it. With help from a friendly guardian, you could get permanent Quickness easily on top of it (could also do it solo, but not as easy) and Retaliation too.

So it was pretty powerful, even without permanent Quickness.

The interaction with Forifying Bond made the boon durations add up quickly. It would also tripple the amount of Might and Stability stacks the Ranger would get. It wouldn’t increase their duration however, so keeping permanent 25 stacks of Might and Stability wasn’t possible.

The problem is that it got nerfed into non-existance instead of coming up with a proper fix. And you know, once they nerf something into non-existance, it’s usually never reviewed.

(edited by Holland.9351)

We Heal as One Feedback [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


It’s not about the nerf. I think it needed it too. It’s because of how they handled it and how hard they nerfed it and how quickly.

Boons should be shared between the pet and Ranger (including their durations), but it should be baseline and it shouldn’t stack on top of eachother and it shouldn’t be tied to a trait or heal. That’s the kind of fix it needs. In fact it doesn’t even need to be on the heal, they could just make fortifying bond work both ways. And once Fortifying bond works like that, make it baseline.

When will Irenio begin commenting?

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Maybe at/after BWE3. We can’t really comment on the Druid without trying it out.

Especially Celestial Form. We don’t know how often we can use that for example. Traited it might be all the condition removal we need, or it will be so rare that you can’t rely on it, or somewhere in between.

I hope Wilderness Survival won’t be required anymore.

Ranger beta weekend pets

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Holland.9351


I hope this is still going to happen this weekend.

Why was WHaO buffed in the first place?

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


It’s bad design, not balance.

Why was WHaO buffed in the first place?

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


What i dont understand is why it wasnt originally implemented exactly like fortifying bond works. Would have prevented all the whining and would have been seen as a great buff to the skill. But because people have experienced the unintended boon duration its apparently trash.

It’s just a trash change. Copying boon + duration is how it should work. Both for WHaO and Fortifying Bond. But the change itself is bad. It should be baseline that boons applied to the pet are also given to the Ranger (including duration) and all boons the pet gets the Ranger also gets (incuding duration). So Ranger and pet basically act as the same target. They should share the same boon pool. And that baseline, not with a trait or heal.

So now it’s a bandaid crappy mechanic like Fortifying Bond. Fortifying Bond has its advantages, since even 1s might ends up as 10s might on the pet, but that’s just a crappy advantage that’s as crappy as the disadvantages.

That’s my issue with all of this. They just design crappy mechanics for Ranger that don’t work properly nor reliable.

Another problem is that they couldnt see it happen in advance. Like they didn’t know Forifying Bond existed that increased the durations even further in combination with WHaO. And why not buff fortifying bond instead and make it work both ways rather than adding it to WHaO?

(edited by Holland.9351)

We Heal as One Feedback [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


For example why is it okay for warriors and ele to have party wide 25 might stack by themselves but ranger and pet is a no?

If you’re going to nerf things should do them to every profession not just one.

In the case of elementalists, yes, it is okay. Different professions have different strengths, and might stacking was always one of ele’s base strengths since launch. Their kit is very dedicated to easily accessible fire fields and blast finishers, and generating might stacks requires specific rotations mid-combat, so it is part of their playstyle.

25 stacks of might is 750 power and 750 condition damage. Giving any class access to this, but not others, is a sure way to cause imbalance.

Thank you Gaile, But...

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


atleast devs talk to you guys… check the engi forum…

I see 3 red threads on the engi forum.

Gaile isn’t a dev.

Weapons are underperforming and pigeonhole us

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Winters Bite now AoE? This is not “super strong” as you said during the trait revamp stream, in fact, it should be made baseline at best. The whole trait is a mess. Revamp it, nobody uses this.

The strangest part about this is that it changes the behaviour of the skill, but the traits that changed the behaviour of Traps and Spirits were removed because of it.

Why was WHaO buffed in the first place?

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


WHaO should just instarez your pet if its dead.

Yep, a pet rez skill is what we lack for sure. WHaO would make a lot of sense. Another good candidate is Protect Me.

We Heal as One Feedback [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


lol at what time has Roy every impressed you with anything? He’s always been one of the worst together with Jon Peters.

Nope. Every dev is “the worst” when they nerf the stuff you don’t like, and they’re all “the best” when they buff the stuff that “needed to be buffed”.

You don’t understand it at all. I’m not against the nerf for HaO in particular. It’s not the first time Roy has been involved (together with Jon Peters) and made terrible changes to Ranger. But the way the do balancing is the most appalling.

Why was WHaO buffed in the first place?

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


If anything needs a buff it’s the new glyph for Druid.

Gail nuuu

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Gail why do the devs dislike ranger? Is there a way we can get a dev to have more interaction with the community so that we can get this class fixed?

Kitty — you can’t believe that! If there’s a dev who provably “hates” Rangers, I’ll hunt him down and TP his desk! I’ll put Honey Nut Cheerios in his burrito! I’ll wreak havoc every way from Sunday!

I have talked to Irenio a lot, and I’ll continue to talk to him. And I’ll talk to, wave my hands in the air, and natter with any other dev who wants to get the feedback of a not-very-good-but-absolutely-passionate Ranger.

Slap these two on the right:

We Heal as One Feedback [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


ohhh. LOL they nerfed it already? hahahahahahahahah I knew that wouldn’t last long.

Where’s the patch note? I’m seeing people saying it’s been nerfed but why haven’t they made an announcement? Where’s the Dev communication?

This is completely ridiculous and proves every Ranger critic right.

I can’t find anything – what change have they made?

In wiki & in game

Thanks, can’t play as I’m at work but just seen the game release notes addition.

Ridiculous. No communication from Roy other than “We’re nerfing it without consultation”. He always seemed a much more reasonable Dev

lol at what time has Roy every impressed you with anything? He’s always been one of the worst together with Jon Peters.

We Heal as One Feedback [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Fortifying Bond effect should be replaced with the new effect, which will be removed from We Heal as One. So:

Fortifying Bond
Any boon you get is copied to your pet. Any boon your pet gets is copied to your Ranger.

We Heal as One Feedback [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


meh, I have gone back to my old build anyway. It didn’t feel worth the investment and effort.

No Bonus % Based on %

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Both those traits look just terrible.

We Heal as One Feedback [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


  • Remove boon effect from We Heal As One
  • Remove Fortfying Bond
  • Boons applied to pet are automatically given to the Ranger instead (including duration)
  • Boons on the Ranger affect the pet as well.
  • Traits that give boons to the Ranger + Pet will only give them to the Ranger instead (Quickening Zephyr).
  • Ranger can be at 1500 range and still get boons through the pet standing at melee range together with the rest of the party.
  • Rangers can finally see the boons applied to the pet, because they’re the same as his own.
  • Conditions would still be applied seperate.

We Heal as One Feedback [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


having trouble finding a build that can maximize on this with the issues of not having solid condi removal.

You could do something like this:

how do u get the protection thathigh?

Guard and Fortifying Bond (and extra boon duration from the same line) is all you need I think, but you could also let Blue Moa help you out and if in combat: Companion’s Defense and Protective Ward.

doesn’t seem nearly enough to stack it to 2 min

with guard the pet gets 12 seconds of protection + %50, so 18. If I take that protection im getting like 16 seconds of it on a 16 second cd from WhAO. Protective ward, and companions defense are too low of an amount to stack protection to those numbers.

I just got Protection up to above 1 minute with just Guard followed by Blue Moa F2, followed by We Heal As One and then Guard again and We Heal As One again. Then repeat that cycle a few times. It’s important to use the skills just before using Heal As One or you lose duration.

ok with moa I can undersatand but I don’t think I would use it, thanks for clarifying

You just use Blue Moa to built it up to a full minute (which only takes a minute to get) after that, using just Guard or even just Heal as One should be more than enough. You can switch out Blue Moa after.

(edited by Holland.9351)

We Heal as One Feedback [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


having trouble finding a build that can maximize on this with the issues of not having solid condi removal.

You could do something like this:

how do u get the protection thathigh?

Guard and Fortifying Bond (and extra boon duration from the same line) is all you need I think, but you could also let Blue Moa help you out and if in combat: Companion’s Defense and Protective Ward.

doesn’t seem nearly enough to stack it to 2 min

with guard the pet gets 12 seconds of protection + %50, so 18. If I take that protection im getting like 16 seconds of it on a 16 second cd from WhAO. Protective ward, and companions defense are too low of an amount to stack protection to those numbers.

I just got Protection up to above 1 minute with just Guard followed by Blue Moa F2, followed by We Heal As One and then Guard again and We Heal As One again. Then repeat that cycle a few times. It’s important to use the skills just before using Heal As One or you lose duration.

We Heal as One Feedback [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


having trouble finding a build that can maximize on this with the issues of not having solid condi removal.

You could do something like this:
(Empathic Bond, Signet of Renewal, Rune of the trooper/soldier and Guard, Heal as One, Strength of the pack)

how do u get the protection thathigh?

Guard and Fortifying Bond (and extra boon duration from the same line) is all you need I think, but you could also let Blue Moa help you out and if in combat: Companion’s Defense and Protective Ward.

We Heal as One Feedback [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


I’ve been playing around with it and it’s quite easy to get 2 minutes of Fury, Swiftness, Regeneration and Protection. That’s because these boons stack in duration.

2 minutes of 25 stacks of Might isn’t really possible because it stacks in intensity and the duration doesn’t increase with copying.

2 minutes of Quickness might be possible, but I couldn’t do it. I also don’t think Retaliation is possible unless you get it from outside sources like Guardians.

So yeah it must certainly be OP with outside help. But I still went back to my old build anyway

Describe the Druid in 3 Words

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


unreflectable healing wisp

How Will You Use WHaO Tomorrow?

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


I wonder if Heal As One + Fortifying Bond will cause a loop where the boons will keep stacking higher and higher.

And what if Druid is really bad?

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


I think the healing is going to be terrible because of the tiny radius on all healing skills. It’s like we got a bunch of extra Invigorating Bond skills.

However, the staff should still be good. Can’t go wrong with that beam auto-attack if the damage is good, because it doesn’t act like a projectile. So if Longbow can’t deal with all the new reflects, we can replace it with Staff (or switch to Staff if you use them together). The Wisp Form on staff will also be great as long as it evades attacks. The movement speed trait and extra condition removal will also be useful.

It’s also pretty heavy on control skills with daze, knockback and immobilize.

How Will You Use WHaO Tomorrow?

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


I need Troll Unguent for condition removal. But it’s very temping.

First I’ll try Resounding Timbre + Guard + We Heal as One and see how much uptime of protection, regeneration and swiftness I get. If it’s great I might switch to Trooper/Soldier runes.

I dispise using Guard though, so I don’t see me using it. I’ll just stick with Signet of the Hunt and Troll Unguent and be less distracted with actively buffing. I already have a good amount of protection without Guard. Permanent Regeneration and 8% extra movement speed are hardly worth the amount of effort this would require. I also rather not trait into Beastmastery. It’s already going to be a struggle to fit Druid in my build.

So oddly enough, not likely.

(edited by Holland.9351)

Druid Reveal Feedback Thread

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


They should change Spirits into colored Wisps that orbit the Ranger.

Druid Reveal Feedback Thread

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


What worries me is that all Druid skills that affect allies have a radius of 240 or 300. This includes Glyphs, Traits , Staff and Celestial Form.

I know the druid was “healing through positioning” but that radius sounds extremely small for regular gameplay.

If Druid only works in highly organised groups, then Druid could easily be a failure in all other aspects of the game and maybe even in most organised groups.

Invigorating Bond (GM trait) also has 300 radius, and it’s never used because of it. Harmonic Cry (Moa) is great, but it’s as good as worthless because of its 240 radius. Druid only expands the number of these skills that noone ever uses because of the extremely short radius.

This game is 90% about dynamic movement and staying mobile. 10% is about stacking on top of eachother, but only in highly organised groups in WvW and PvE.

I fear all these skills will end up on the garbage heap simply because of the radius. I’m sure in-house testing by ANet makes it seem great and awesome, but the general public is not interested to try and make these skills work.

I have a feeling the first raid will be forced to use these Ranger mechanics of short range support, just so they can say: “See, we told you Invigorating Bond is great”.

So rangers, How do you all feel now?

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


I’m looking forward to trying Druid this weekend. Staff is looking great. Some Traits are also looking great. Not too excited about the utility skills, but they might have their moments. The new F5 mode is… different… but can’t really go wrong with it in combination with some traits.

Balance Changes

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Good to see you on the forum, Irenio. Hope you had a good time in San Fransisco.

Druid is looking great. Love the movement speed trait, love the beam staff, love the extra condi clear, love the look of the new pets as well. We’ll have a lot of stuff to try out next weekend and hopefully give some good feedback based on gameplay rather than on tooltips.

Druid Reveal Feedback Thread

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


For the next beta weekend unlock all Ranger pets. Both the old and the new. Just for beta characters of course.

Druid Reveal Feedback Thread

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Bristleback Rain of Spikes
This skill has a radius of 600 and a range of 600. Make sure this doesn’t cause the pet to run within 600 range of the target before usiing it. This pet has to stay at 1200 range like its other skills.

Spiders are ruined by their slow casting AoE that always misses moving targets, I don’t want to see Bristeback go to waste as well.

Maybe include an option to disable certain pet skills in the pet menu

(edited by Holland.9351)

Druid Reveal Feedback Thread

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Things I’m unsure about:

Cosmic Wisp (GM trait) & Astral Wisp (Staff)
How useful is this wisp? It doesn’t look nor sound very useful. I doubt it’s worth a GM trait. Luckily the skill deals damage on staff to make up for it.

Ancestrial Grace (Staff)
Does this skill evade/immune? I think evade for the duration would be very fitting. You’re either trying to use it to escape or to reach allies in need.

Glyph of Equality
Similar Glyphs have a 20s and 25s cooldown, but this one has a whooping 40s cooldown. Seems too much of a difference.

Druid Reveal Feedback Thread

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


First impression balance change suggestions:

Sublime Conversion (Staff)

  • the projectiles become unblockable

Just make sure these converted healing projectiles can’t be reflected back to heal the foes that fired them.

Glyph of Rejuvenation

  • reduce cast time from 1s to 1/2s
  • radius increased from 300 to 600
  • Celestial Form version heals self for full amount as well

The heal seems very weak compared to existing heals (from a selfish point of view). If it had a shorter cast time it might be able to compete.
300 radius is too small for a party buff. Spirits have 1000 radius. Shouts have 600 radius. Glyphs that affect allies shouldn’t only have 300 radius.
The Celestial Form version seems odd. If the party needs a heal, then so does the Druid. The Druid also won’t have his own heal skill while the rest of the party still has theirs.

Glyph of Empowerment

  • +10% changed to +20%
  • Radius increased from 300 to 600

10% damage with 25% uptime sounds very weak. Either increase the damage or the duration.
Again, 300 radius is too small for a party buff. Spirits have 1000 radius. Shouts have 600 radius. Glyphs that affect allies shouldn’t only have 300 radius.

Cosmic Ray (Celestial form)

  • 3 pulses

It looks like this skill has to be constantly used to be effective. It’s annoying to have to constantly press 1 while aiming with your mouse and moving at the same time.

Lunar Impact (Celestial form)

  • 3s daze decreased to 1s

3s daze can be increased to 6s with Moment of Clarity trait. With 5s cooldown this skill would easily be able to permanently daze on its own. Depends on how long you can stay in Celestial form of course and if this is by design.

  • Alternative: change +100% daze from Moment of Clarity into +1s daze and make Ranger daze skills stronger baseline (1.5s to 2s on Hilt Bash, 1.5s to 2s on Concussion Shot).

Celestial Shadow (trait)

  • 2s increased to 5s

2s of stealth and 2s of super speed sounds extremely short and not worth the trait compared to the other 2 choices. Depends on how often you can enter/exit Celestial form of course.

Ancient Seeds (trait)

  • add Knockback to tooltip

The tooltip only mentions Stun, Daze, Knockdown and Launch, but in the reveal video Knockback is mentioned muliple times, including Glyph of the Tides.

Ancient seed elite trait

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


it says knockdown on the tooltip so spiketrap should be fine

Ancient seed elite trait

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


There is one major unusual counter play against this trait: stability

because the trait requires CC, the immobilize won’t apply through stability.

So flamethrower engi will be immune to this completely for example.

[Build] "MAD-SEED DRUID" - a selfish druid

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Greatsword+Staff would be great I think. It’s one of the few builds that can make the Primal Echoes trait (daze on staff swap) work reliably and therefore also the Ancient Seeds trait (immobilize). Notice how the build posted doesn’t use this trait, but a greatsword/sword+staff build could. Traited staff can daze every 10 seconds, but shortbow can only daze every 25 seconds.

Some might say you have to go condi because the Ancient Seeds trait has bleeding, but its real power is the immobilize. Hilt Bash can also trigger it, so not only on staff swap. You should probably go with Marksmanship for the +100% daze and +50% damage on interrupt. Also, Maul will be much easier to land on an immobilized target.

All Glyps also only have 300 range so perfectly suited for melee weapons like Greatsword. Glyph of the Tides (knockback+ power damage) and Glyph of Alignment (cripple+weakness+power damage) could be great. Let’s also not forget Glyph of Unity (retaliation). Glyph of Equality (daze+power damage) will do a 4s daze traited, but the cooldown may be too long. You can also make all these Glyphs remove 2 conditions on use, but you’d need to get your movement speed from elsewhere. Glyphs also have a low cooldown so they can be used often. Don’t forget Glyphs deal damage.

I think you should be able to come up with a Greatsword build that works.

Balance Changes

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Most Dangerous Game

  • You gain 3 stack of 10s might every 3 seconds.
  • You also gain 3 stacks of 10s vulnerability every 3 seconds.
  • No health treshhold, but dangerous play.
  • You can get hit for up to 10% more damage from all sources, even conditions.
  • The fun part is that you can condition cleanse the vulnerability while holding on to the might, but it’ll be back in full force 10 seconds later.
  • your condition removal will lose its effectiveness since there is always the vulnerability to remove.
  • vulnerability not affected by own condition duration. Might is still affected by boon duration.

Talk about Most Dangerous Game. The name would be very fitting and it would also be fun to try out and not be tied down by the health treshold.

(edited by Holland.9351)

Electric Wyverns F2 Attack....

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


I think it’s fine. You know how popular wolfs are for their cc, so it wouldn’t surprise me if Electric Wyvern became the most popular.

Ranger beta weekend pets

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Holland.9351


Will the new Ranger pets be unlocked in BWE 3?

druid trait: Ancient seeds does not work...

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


On the stream Irenio actually said Knockback for triggering it, but he may have misspoke.

video reference

You’re right, he says Knockback several times and even gives Glyph of the Tides as an example, which does an AoE Knockback. He even adds that all hit targets will be affected rather than just 1.

I think Launch was written, but should say Knockback, or maybe they’re both included, since he also said “…dazed or CC-ed in some other fashion…”.