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Path of Fire Stress Test August 31, 2017

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Holland.9351


If the elite specs are available, will they be exactly the same as in the beta weekend? As in, are there any changes made to any of the elite specs?

Best legendary weapon for ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Kudzu because longbow is what makes Ranger unique.

But I don’t like the skin and effects. The only nice thing is that it has a different projectile, which no other longbow has unfortunately. But even the projectile itself isn’t my style.

For a new Longbow Legendary design… probably something realistic looking, but with wind effects like that backitem and a different sound effect when you fire it. The only longbow I know which has a different sound effect is the Super Longbow. Not really the sound you want, but it’s nice to hear something else.

Shared Anguish Rework

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


I always liked it to be honest. It’s a pretty solid trait. Ignore 1 CC effect every 60 seconds is pretty useful. It’s like having an automatic stunbreak every 60 seconds and you won’t even feel the effect and it can’t interrupt you.

It’s also a bit like guardian and his aegis. Blocking that first hit can make a huge difference. Your opponent can’t even see the trait on the Ranger.

But a buff would always be welcome. For example, it gives you aegis for a few seconds.

Longbow Should Pierce Baseline

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Oh man ranger was putrid when the game came out.

Pretty much. Another fun one is how Signet actives used to only affect the pet. You had to get a GM trait (Signet of the Beastmaster) to have signets affect the Ranger as well. And if you did you had to choose between 1500 range or piercing arrows, because you could no longer have both.

Longbow Should Pierce Baseline

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Funny, it’s already way better than it used to be.

You used to go into 2 trait lines to get your Longbow traits (Marksmanship and Skirmishing) and get 3 different traits for it Eagle Eye (1500 range), Piercing Arrows (piercing) and Quick Draw (20% cooldown reduction).

And when you did all that it couldn’t even hit a target that was moving sideways.

But, I would be happy to see piercing become baseline. I just wanted you to know how terrible it used to be and maybe appreciate having Lead the Wind a bit more. They made 1500 range baseline, as well as like 100%+ projectile speed, and put both piercing and 20% cooldown reduction in a single trait.

(edited by Holland.9351)

Remorseless as a GM minor trait

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


I agree, those 3 minor traits have always been underwhelming without the GM. Making Remorseless a GM minor makes sense.

I like the addition of the 2s cripple, but again, without remorseless it’s pretty terrible.

You can also just add the ‘reset on fury’ to the minor GM trait and keep Remorseless where it is with just a flat 25% damage.

Use of the R word

in WvW

Posted by: Holland.9351


Just turn on the chat filter lol

It’s not even literal r. It’s slang, like rekt or owned, but a bit harsher worded.

Also it’s not anti-woman, since men can be r as well, just look at what US prisons are known for.

And no we aren’t trying to get women into gaming.

So just deal with it, ignore it, go on with your day. We all do. I don’t like it either.

[Feedback]Path of Fire Elite Specialization Preview - August 18-20

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Holland.9351


Soulbeast would be a lot more fun (important) and live up to its expectations if you could use pet F2 in beastmode.

  • If certain skills are too powerful for that (Jaguar), just give it a different version in beastmode that’s more acceptable.
  • Have pet F2 share cooldown with the beastmode version

Also, pet swap in beastmode would make it a much more fun (important) and fluid spec.

(edited by Holland.9351)

Toughness as counterweight to ferocity.

in WvW

Posted by: Holland.9351


I’m fully in the “it already does” camp.

more toughness = taking less damage from ferocity (and power and precision)

Second way of entering beastmode?

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


cute idea, but I don’t think it would be very useful nor worth the effort to implement.

Just ask for a teleport/shadow step instead. Like, just ask for pet f2 in beastmode and merge with a cheetah.

Soulbeast Demo Weekend Feedback

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


[Suggestion] Soulbeast improvements

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


New trait:

  • You can no longer leave beastmode. Pet f2 and pet swap become available in beastmode.

What if

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Just realize this to keep from using smokefield 2x or any f2 pet skills back to back they can keep the cooldown applied to keep from spamming back to back when you merg with your pet.

This is the only good reason I’ve heard., but yeah you could let pet F2 and the beastmode version share cooldown.

What if

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


They stated already, in the GuildChat, that that will never happen since it will be OP.

lol, that’s such a lame, dumb, ridiculous excuse. Just give us a different version in beastmode.

You can ‘just’ copy them over and if some are OP, nerf the beastmode version: give them a cooldown increase, lower their damage, etc.

Jaguar F2 OP?

  • give 3 seconds of regular stealth
  • maybe add 6 seconds of fury

smokescale F2 OP?

  • just a smoke field
  • maybe add a single blind effect if that’s too simple.
  • instead you could add 3s of invulnerability – see defy pain.
  • increase the cooldown

Rock Gazelle F2 OP?

  • lower the damage

Not too hard.

Tried of full que - open eotm for pve

in WvW

Posted by: Holland.9351


Transfer? They use linked servers now if you didn’t know yet, and they shuffle them every few months.

Queues have increased a lot since pips were introduced.

What if

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


So, you want two F skills instead of 3 and you want to remove some of the most interesting F skills in beastmode, the F2 (Defy Pain, Brutal Charge, Smoke Assault, Narcotic Spores, Photosynthesize, Charge etc.)

No, thanks.


  • make those beastmode F1
  • pet F2 moves to Beastmode F2
  • keep beastmode F3
  • beastmode F4 pet swap

What if

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


What if beastmode F1 and beastmode F2 were removed?

beastmode F3 is moved to beastmode F1.

Pet F2 becomes beastmode F2.

(unfortunately they only have a month to expansion release)

I really love Soulbeast!

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


I don’t mind swapping in and out

I do. I want better usability:

  • Give me pet swap in beastmode.
  • Give me access to all the pet-swap-traits in beastmode.

Considering how powerfully bursty some of the setups can be, the play style of playing with your pet out, and then invoking beast mode to execute an insane blast of damage

Those kind of things can be nerfed on a whim and having access to pet swap in beastmode doesn’t negate that.

Give your feedback in official topic

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Is there going to be another beta weekend?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Holland.9351


Is there going to be another beta weekend before PoF release?

[Feedback]Path of Fire Elite Specialization Preview - August 18-20

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Holland.9351


I could say positive things, but let me limit it to the negative things:

  • You forgot to unlock the new ranger pets for WvW.
  • Dolyak Stance didn’t work at all the whole weekend.
  • Very disappointed Soulbeast doesn’t have access to pet F2. If some were too powerful, you should have given us a different version in beastmode.
  • Soulbeast needs to be able to swap pets while in beastmode. This should also trigger pet swap traits.
  • Soulbeast master traits all require very specific builds to be good. Make at least one master trait that’s useful by itself.
  • In Beastmode F1, F2 and F3 should all trigger “Beast ability” traits (not just F3)
  • Soulbeast Live Fast trait does not trigger on pet F2. It should at the very least give the effect to the pet.

(edited by Holland.9351)

They broke Ranger even more.

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Maul and Sic ’Em can save the spec.
Nerfs on the horizon.

SOULBEAST IN WVW (its cool) +vid

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Maul is strong right now. Which may or may not last. It might last for a few months till the sales for the expansion go down.

So yes, you could make those work.

But the master traits still all require a specific build and beastmode still needs to be able to swap pets and trigger pet swap traits.

I’d also say beastmode needs pet F2 to really sell me on this elite spec.

Irenio said shotgun is not healthy

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Yeah 1500 range shortbow… yes please.

(Anet will read this, and scribble it down. Next expansion: ranger rifle, 1500 range with bleed on auto-attack and a rapid fire with poison

edit: I was being sarcastic, please don’t do this.)

(edited by Holland.9351)

Beastmode Green aura??

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


The green cloud part is too much. Maybe just the lines and/or the leaves would be fine.

Does anyone like any of the master Traits?

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


I don’t agree that those traits benefit any builds.

The point is that you don’t have to change your build to get the benefit.

Evasive Purity & Shared Anguish are never going to be used for PvE.

Even in PvE it’s useful to clear condi on dodge or ignore a CC effect. Maybe not optimal or required, but they would be useful at times on their own.

Spotter never going to be used in a condi build unless you are in a group and the only Ranger.

You would say no to 7% more personal crit chance in any build?

And Steady Focus is never going to be used in any PvP format. Every trait has it’s place, niche and trade offs.

It still often gives you +10% damage, even if it’s only at the start of the fight (much like Opening Strike).

Anyway, this is what I would personally do with the traits.

That’s a great improvement and I wouldn’t have complained if this was it. Much more synergy and choice. It may not be perfect, but it would have been fine with me.

Does anyone like any of the master Traits?

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


I’d just like Essence of Speed to give 33% movement speed while in beastmode.

The problem with that is you can already get 25% movement speed in beastmode from beastmaster traitline, so I think its unlikely unless they change that also.

There are so many things need changing with soulbeast and only a month to do it in, tbh I think it’s going to be unfinished at release.

The problems with Beastmastery Pet Prowess:

  • It’s only 25% movement speed
  • It limits choice by locking you into 2 trait lines (Soulbeast and Beastmastery)
  • Beastmastery GM traits are all useless while in Beastmode (which you need to be in to get the passive speed boost)
  • It can’t compete with Druid Natural Stride

Does anyone like any of the master Traits?

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Bottom line is, 1 of the 3 master traits needs to be able to benefit any build right out of the box. Not all 3 master traits should require very specific builds.

Does anyone like any of the master Traits?

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Any build that uses those things I described and other boons benefits from the trait.

You didn’t understand what I said. The vast majority of builds have no beneficial master trait.

How many builds are affected by any of the major traits? Brutish Seals only if you use signets, MoC only if you use GS, LB, SB or /Axe and only sparingly

But this line also offers Steady Focus, which could benefit any build right out of the box.

Striders Defense only with S/, Hidden Barbs only for condi builds that are not in group scenarios

But this line also offers Spotter, which could benefit any build right out of the box.

Ambidexterity only for dagger/torch in condi builds

But this line also offers Shared Anguish, which could benefit any build right out of the box.

Windborne Notes only if you have /WH, 2HT only if you have GS.

But this line also offers Evasive Purity, which could benefit any build right out of the box.

Need to be able to switch while in Beastmode

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


F5 -> F2 -> wait 10 seconds -> F5 is just so clunky.
Having pet F2 available in Beastmode would have been so much less clunky.

F5 -> F4 -> wait 10 seconds -> F5 is equally clunky.
Having pet swap available in Beastmode would have been so much less clunky.

Does anyone like any of the master Traits?

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


How about Essence of Speed makes Quickness 50% more effective?

That would be a much better effect than the current version, but you would still need to run quickness in your build.

Dagger 3, Zephyrs Speed, QZ, Live Fast, Sigil of Agility etc… OR, you know, when playing with a chrono or firebrand.

It might be the least versatile Master trait… but it sure is sexy with traited Sword.

Yes all 3 could be useful in certain builds, but that’s the problem. The number of builds that could benefit from a master trait is very limited.

Someone suggested switching Essence of Speed with Live Fast, which would at least be a step in the right direction. Any build can potentially benefit from Live Fast, even if they rarely use it.

Need to be able to switch while in Beastmode

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


I completely agree.

We need to be able to swap pets while in Beastmode. I fear we can’t “because the tech isn’t there yet”, which would be the only valid reason, but then we need instant Beastmode switching without delay.

Also, currently it’s better for me to NOT use Beastmode at all because Beastmode doesn’t have the pet F2 skills. Why doesn’t it? It really blows my mind. It must be because of time constraints because Weaver already had 180 new skills to look at.

Does anyone like any of the master Traits?

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


I’d just like Essence of Speed to give 33% movement speed while in beastmode.

Does anyone like any of the master Traits?

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


How about Essence of Speed makes Quickness 50% more effective?

That would be a much better effect than the current version, but you would still need to run quickness in your build.

[PvP/WvW] This spec is useless.

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


The thing I like best about that clip is that I killed your beloved Moa along with you, I forget the name of the util you used to use but the one that the pet takes your damage (been removed since those days), I think I 2 shot the pet and 2 shot you both in same burst :P That’s why I named the vid after your pet

Protect Me! It’s still there, but only gives 5s protection now. I quit playing when they changed it I’m still not happy about it, but now we have a trait in Marksmanship that triggers Signet of Stone at 50% health. So that’s even better to be honest.

Black Bear in Beastmode has two more skills like that, but that’s a bit overkill.

(edited by Holland.9351)

Does anyone like any of the master Traits?

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Yes, but even Steady Focus has a bigger possibility of being useful.

I really think Essence of Speed should change. The other two master traits can fit in certain builds, but I really don’t see the point of this trait.

Does anyone like any of the master Traits?

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


There just needs to be a master trait that could fit in almost any random build. Something like:
Natural Stride
Evasive Purity
Shared Anguish
Steady Focus
Celestial Shadow
Protective Ward
Quick Draw
Empathic Bond

Does anyone like any of the master Traits?

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


These master Traits are all terrible:

  • Second Skin only useful for builds with near-permanent protection.
  • Essense of Speed only useful for builds with a lot of boons and a lot of quickness application.
  • Predator’s Cunning only useful for builds with a lot of poison application

So unless you apply a lot of protection, quickness or poison, they’re worthless. How is that going to help the spec and build diversity?

How about this instead:
Second Skin Conditions inflect 33% less damage while in beastmode.
Essense of Speed 33% movement speed while in beastmode.
Predator’s Cunning Steal health from opponent while in beastmode.

Voila, done. Pack it up. Everyone happy.

Soulbeast Demo Weekend Feedback

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


yeah, you lose both the pet and its F2 skill completely. The only saving grace for Beastmode is that skills/utilities/traits that appy to the pet now apply to the Ranger in Beastmode.

people want the spec for being petless Ranger, if it can’t deliver on that, then people simply won’t buy the expansion.

[PvP/WvW] This spec is useless.

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


lol nice video. Sometimes I was like: yeah ok, whatever, end it already. 2014… was that back when the longbow couldn’t even hit anything that moved? I may have been the only person that used it in WvW back then

Red Moa is my most used pet by far. Getting the F2 to hit me can be annoying however, even if he is on passive. So I was kind of hoping to get his F2 in Beastmode, but nope. Pretty sad.

[PvP/WvW] This spec is useless.

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


I’m also not very excited for the new elite spec:

Traits have almost no synergy and have very specific requirements to use:

  • protection
  • quickness
  • poison
  • fury
  • disable
  • be downed

All Master and Grandmaster traits are bad because of it, except Oppressive Superiority.


  • Doesn’t allow pet F2 skills. So F2 skills like Red Moa (Fury) still require a pet. We still don’t have any on-demand stealth skills (was hoping for 3s stealth from Jaguar).
  • Can’t swap pets while in beastmode. Can’t trigger pet swap traits. Good luck picking a useful Beastmastery GM trait for beastmode.
  • only F3 counts as a Beast ability to trigger traits. Some F3 skills aren’t really suited for that.
  • most pets are bad in Beastmode, because their F1 and F2 skills are short range melee.

But it’s not all bad:

  • Things that used to be given to the pet are now given to the Ranger in Beastmode. This is where the stength of the spec lies. Swiftness on longbow for example, and Strength of the Pack giving might to yourself on hit.
  • Some of the pets are actually pretty useful in Beastmode.

(edited by Holland.9351)

How to fix the Soulbeast Aura

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


I don’t like ground sigils as all.

Just tone down the animations a lot.

SoulBeast Bug Compendium

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


  • Dolyake Stance doesn’t work, at all.
  • Live Fast trait does not trigger on Pet F2.

Soulbeast Demo Weekend Feedback

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


The effects of being in beastmode is nice, but after 10 seconds they shouldn’t be visible anymore. That includes the effect behind the F1,F2,F3 buttons.

[Suggestion] Soulbeast improvements

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Should Happen

  • Allow us to swap pets while in Beastmode (see Elementalist). If necessary, give “Leave Beastmode” a cooldown after swapping pets in Beastmode.
  • In Beastmode, F1, F2 and F3 should all count as “Beast ability” and should all trigger the traits for them. If necessary, give the traits a short cooldown.
  • Pet F2 should trigger Live Fast trait since it’s a “Beast ability”. At the very least, it should give it to the pet.
  • Pet’s Prowess should give the full 30% movement speed while in Beastmode. It has to be able to compete with Druid’s Natural Stride.
  • The master traits all have odd requirements. If your build doesn’t apply poison, quickness and protection, then they’re all worthless.
  • Second Skin should always work, not just when you have protection.
  • Essense of Speed… I don’t even know… it’s strange. Hard to trigger and the effect is tiny.
  • Predator’s Cunning remove the poison requirement.

Wishful Thinking

  • Allow us to use pet F2 skills in Beastmode. If necessary, give us a “lesser” version if the effect is too powerful. For example: Jaguar in Beastmode would only give 3s stealth. Would make Beastmode far more interesting.

Soulbeast Demo Weekend Feedback

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


  • Live Fast and other Beast ability traits only trigger on F3 in beastmode. Sad!
  • Pet’s Prowess only gives 25% movement speed in beastmode. Druid has 33%.
  • Swoop on bird pets does not have 1200 range.
  • Bear Bite does not give regeneration unless it hits a target.
  • Dolyak Stance doesn’t work at all.
  • Having pet F2 skills in beastmode would have been far more interesting and made a lot more pets viable. Even if you didn’t get any of the other abilities. Some might be too crazy like jaguar, but you could have simply given it a different version in beastmode.

Soulbeast Demo Weekend Feedback

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


What I took away from the stream is that they haven’t really balanced the specs yet. At least, not completely. They made the specs and play tested them a bit and now they are releasing them.

So expect nerfs and skills changes between now and release and post release. Expect some people to figure out something completely overpowered. Especially Weaver might have some hidden OP-ness. Which they may or may not fix within a year.

But maybe just Ranger will get nerfed into the ground within a week again while the other classes won’t get nerfed until the next major balance update.

So, don’t be too vocal about the OP-ness of the spec. Maybe other classes are more OP anyway. Be more vocal about its weaknesses, bugs and inconsistencies.

Swap signet of Hunt and WIld active effects?

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Signet of the Wild active is more like a Glyph with its short range. Actually, it has an even shorter radius than a glyph.

No idea why everything has to have a different radius.

Beastmode Isn't a Pet Swap Proc

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351


Actually, I think exiting beastmode will count as a pet swap.

Combine Sharpened Edges and Hidden barbs?

in Ranger

Posted by: Holland.9351



I use it on a power build for a tiny bit of extra damage and to keep them in combat a bit longer.

I think it should give 5 or 10 seconds of vulnerability on crit without a cooldown. That will increase damage on both condi and power builds and has synergy with crits and will keep people in combat for 5 or 10 seconds.

Yup, even on a power build with might it’s the better choice for maximum DPS. I just feel it would be FAR better being combined with Hidden Barbs and then another useful trait added in it’s place. Your idea of vuln on crit with no CD would be fine in it’s place then, or you could make it on hit instead of crit, so we could run without precision.

Yes I meant first combine the traits, then add this new trait with vulnerability.

Both on-crit and on-hit are fine with me, but this traitline does have 4 traits that can increase crit chance, 2 of which are minor traits.