Showing Posts For HwaRyun.1807:

Disapointed with raids

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: HwaRyun.1807



The dungeons devs didn’t run away they left the company or got fired, Robert Hrouda is spoken pretty highly of in this forum he interacted with the community alot and took in quite a few suggestions, you make this our like some sort of personal attack on the developers when it’s actually just being upset that during the presentation of raids was very lackluster and was very quickly axed due to an unforeseen bug.

I’m aware of Hrouda, and what people think of him, but the dungeon team being no more doesn’t really explain ANet’s general reluctance to reply to people on these forums. Bladex has a right to be upset with the content, just as you or anybody else does, i just don’t agree with how he went about conveying his concerns.

Disapointed with raids

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: HwaRyun.1807


I only got to try the raid encounter once before it was pulled because of the squad UI messing up and blocking us from actually creating a proper party, but from what i did play, and from what i’ve read of others experiences, you’re over reacting. More than just the over reaction, you’re being needlessly rude and vitriolic for no real reason.

You’ve not even completed the content yourself, yet you make a thread like this that offers no constructive words, no suggestions, or no mention of things that you did like. Instead you just launch into a tirade of shallow insults and mindless buzzwords like “dull”, “boring”, “lazy” and “cheap”, it’s pretty pathetic to see. The raid did had a few issues, i don’t think anyone would say it was 100% perfect, but it was three trash enemies and a small boss, this isn’t the final raid endboss, nor is it totally finished with regards development, this is not the end of the world.

What makes this kind of post even more abhorrent is the fact that this board has currently got more developer activity than it’s probably ever had. They’re hyped for us to play their new content, they’re looking to open a dialogue with us and they certainly seem to be saying the right things when it comes to being accepting of feedback and constructive criticism, so why not offer them this instead of getting upset and throwing a tantrum? I’m not one to understand why developers run away from forums when they have heat on them, but the past has shown us that they do, so with that in mind it seems silly to me that anybody would want to drive them away like this.

Maybe it’s just me, but i think there are better ways to get a point across than purposefully berating the people you’re wanting to listen to you.

Who is CGC being developed for?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: HwaRyun.1807


Thanks for the update Paul. I know you can’t pin down an exact ETA, but can you share a ballpark estimate? Just something rough…an hour? later tonight? tomorrow?

So I could share with you the top of my head math I do as a producer, but at any point this can become null and void because we find something else and it would bore you to tears.

I can say we are working on this right now and aiming to get this fixed tonight. Believe me, I want the fix out as soon as possible so we can get you all back into raids ASAP.

Thanks for the heads-up Paul, it’s appreciated.

Raid Feedback

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: HwaRyun.1807


Icebow 5 removes full breakbar in 1 hit. A bit op for a 10 man “end game”.

That’s a bit silly. It would be nice if each person could only do a set % of removal on the break bar to force co-ordination and timing.

We spent so long with the squad bugs that by the time we got into the raid the thing was closed while we were on our first try, so i never really had much time to worry about ice bows.

Raid team introductions?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: HwaRyun.1807


I have to say the Beta account thing is flipping fantastic, very impressed with the way GW2 does it. In the past it’s always been a separate log in and all that, which works, but is a bit tedious, and doesn’t give as much real gameplay, not with GW2, you can play all the old stuff with friends not in beta, getting real experience. It’s quite impressive. Kudos to you and whoever else worked on it, that’s quite the feat.

My thoughts exactly when i read Jon’s post, the beta system is pretty fantastic.

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 3

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: HwaRyun.1807


Like I said in the other thread pleaseeee record 10x guardianway raid!

I’d love to do this as a bit of silly fun, pity the people i know wouldn’t be interested :’(

Chain Deep Freeze, worth it or no?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: HwaRyun.1807


Whenever I see Thiefs run d/p on Bosses i die a little inside.

Everything above double freeze (wich can be done without pistol offhand) is not worth it imho.


I was abused in a pug group the other day for not running d/p on all the bosses. Apparently d/d was terrible for dps too, and using it was silly because of defiance, whatever that means. I was eventually told to use headshot until Archidiviner had no stacks, or they’d kick me, forgetting that we had a mesmer and ele in the group who could help out if they wanted.

But no, i’m just the defiance stripper and should keep my silly opinions to myself.


in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: HwaRyun.1807


I’m not bothered by mossman exploit, but the archdiviner one. My pug party wiped around 12 times for that stupid exploit where you stack on top of the wall, we could have done it 3 times allready normal way. When i suggested normal way they acted as if i insulted everybody’s mum.

Hah, this happened to me the other day. They tried every exploit in the book on every fractal, and still managed to wipe over and over when standing on that silly rock.

Svanigandr Solo 5:55 War

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: HwaRyun.1807


I dodged sometimes randomly cuz i stucked and cant move (idk why)

This bug is irritating the crap out of me now, the kitten movement bug is a nightmare when you just randomly stop in place for no kittening reason.

The only way to get out of it is to dodge or use a movement skill, which sometimes isn’t possible with cooldowns. It happens on other classes, but i swear it happens ten times more often on warrior, so annoying.

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: HwaRyun.1807


Ugh, those tryhard guilds are the worst.

A friend of mines was in a guild for a long time, then overnight they decided they were going to be a dungeon speedrun guild, and started making it mandatory for people to run certain classes in the runs, or they’d be kicked from the guild. In the end my friends little sister – who’s 16 – was all but kicked out by a bunch of grown adults for maining a necro in what was always a casual guild. Bunch of kittens.

Anyway, i’d played with them before, and they were kinda bad, so i asked to go on runs with them to see for myself if they were suddenly elite speedrunners. They were not. They kept insisting on the perfect food, not starting without checking my traits and gear, explaining everything to me beforehand like i’d never run CoE before, harpy feather nonsense…etc. At the start they went for the big pull of all the ele’s/wolves, and failed miserably three times before deciding to just do it the safe way. Alpha was amazing too, with me always being the only one who could count to two before dodging his AoE’s.

We did a Lv9 fractal afterwards too (I said we should at least go for 10, but apparently harpy knockbacks weren’t worth it xD), and they were hilariously bad. Me and my friend basically duo’d it since they were on their kitten the entire time.

Terrible players, terrible people.

Big GW2 YouTubers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HwaRyun.1807


Nemesis is good if you’re into comedy.

Harbinger of Mordremoth Outfit Avail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HwaRyun.1807


If an artist of mines turned in the concept for this outfit, i’d be looking at their employment contract and hoping it didn’t have long to run.

Anniversary Sales [End.]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HwaRyun.1807


These sales are so boring. Please ANet, just put nice things in the store so i can spend my gems

You want something, get it. Do not rely on ArenaNet or players to give you something interesting. By the time you get that offer you want, you lost the joy of moment. Waiting 6 months for a 25% off, does not worth the gems. Just enjoy the game, as it is right now, because life happens here and now.

Many persons want something useful and cheap, but right now the game is as it is. If you want something, get it and have fun with it, no matter the price. GW2 is about having fun, while it is a business for ArenaNet (not for you). Let ArenaNet have concerns with statistics about sales and money because it is their problem, not ours; we can just enjoy the game.

kitten , i never knew it was possible to fit so many judgemental, baseless assumptions into a single post of such a short size.

If i want something, i have more than enough gold – and the will – to buy it, regardless of its price. I simply haven’t seen anything that i fancy buying in a while due to these terribly underwhelming sales/item additions. So take your silly, antagonistic assumptions elsewhere.

Anniversary Sales [End.]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HwaRyun.1807


These sales are so boring. Please ANet, just put nice things in the store so i can spend my gems

Play for Free Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HwaRyun.1807


Or, buy HoT if you like GW2 and quit whinging over a non-issue?

Alternatively, make your account name a reality and quit altogether if you no longer like it enough to buy HoT.


General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: HwaRyun.1807


That dataset was very interesting Zui, thanks for linking it. Interesting to see how the numbers actually stack up after the couple of threads we’ve had here recently.

Your best LFG reads and puglife stories

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: HwaRyun.1807


I fully pugged a 50 for the first time in a while, and it was horrible. Two Russians who were from the same guild gearchecking and going on about meta this, meta that, when they couldn’t keep themselves alive or do much damage. The warrior spent so much time linking defiance to our thief – because apparently all he wanted him to do was spam pistol skills to get stacks off – that he rarely got above 15 stacks of might generated. There was some guardian who instadied all the time, no idea what build he had, but he was very poor with blocks.

The two Russians then said “brb” at one point, then took 10 minutes to come back, by which point the other guys went afk. The run lasted 1.5hrs, and was generally god-awful. The worst thing is that i might have to pug more runs for a while, so this might be a common thing for a while. I’m used to 30-45min runs, not 1.5hrs

Your best LFG reads and puglife stories

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: HwaRyun.1807


I joined this SE P3 “casual run, play what you want” group with two necro’s because there was no other group available, and it was mostly fine except our warrior was talking in chat about how he was having trouble keeping might up for some reason. Two of the party said it was no problem, but one guy was getting really upset with the noob warrior for not being able to generate any might even on a PS build. I too was shaking my head and wondering what the kitten was going on, but we did the path anyway and it was only at the end that the warrior realised he didn’t have any backpiece or trinkets on. Casuals, what a bunch of morons.

And the best part? I was the warrior

(edited by HwaRyun.1807)

Your best LFG reads and puglife stories

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: HwaRyun.1807


I always laugh when i see fractal groups asking for experienced players, yet they need a pug to open the desired level for them because they themselves aren’t experienced enough to be able to do it themselves.

Could be my EU account.

True, but that doesn’t really apply to most people, so it’s usually a pretty safe bet that 90% of those lfg’s aren’t the second account of a high level player.

Higher Level Fractal Group Makeup

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: HwaRyun.1807


Depends on preferences. My team’s Use 1 PS war, 1 Guard, 3 Ele’s(Staff).

Same set-up that we use most of the time for our runs these days. The damage is just crazy with this set-up, and to me, it’s better than running with a thief since we don’t skip mobs in our runs. Even killing all the mobs only really adds a few minutes to the run length, and it’s worth it for the extra loot if you ask me.

Your best LFG reads and puglife stories

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: HwaRyun.1807


I always laugh when i see fractal groups asking for experienced players, yet they need a pug to open the desired level for them because they themselves aren’t experienced enough to be able to do it themselves.


Your best LFG reads and puglife stories

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: HwaRyun.1807


I am indeed on EU servers. Like anybody would believe an NA player could be capable of being anything but smotheringly lovely.

I’ve played with a few people from speedclear guilds and some of them weren’t very good, two of the people I spoke to just straight up admit to me they were incapable of doing the trials themselves because they joined at a time when the guild was smaller, the trials were easier or they were invited by friends. The fact that this toxic player decided to join your pug and call out everyone’s food buff is hilarious though, no-one in that persons guild wants to play with them so that says a lot.

Well from my experiences whenever i’ve come across someone from one of the real elite guilds, they’ve been really great players who either just quietly get on with the run, or nice people who were chatty and maybe offered a suggestion or two if they felt it was required. This is the only guy i’ve encountered from one of these guilds who was a condescending kitten, so i wouldn’t say that it’s a running theme i’ve noticed.

Your best LFG reads and puglife stories

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: HwaRyun.1807


We did a few Lv50 fractals today for funsies. Normally we have a full party, but it wasn’t the case today for most of the night, so we pugged two spots for a couple more relaxed runs. We ended up getting a guardian who was from one of the well known speedclear guilds that you guys are all part of in this subforum (not going to say which one, for obvious reasons), and he was one of the most rude, condescending players i’ve ever seen.

The guy spent the first half of the fractal picking on every little thing he could, often kind of pointless things like why one of us used X skill at a certain time, complaining why a couple had MF food rather than the optimal stat boosting foods or why we weren’t using whatever strategy he thought was best. It was a fairly relaxed run, there was nothing about meta/zerk/speedclear/whatever in the lfg, we just ran with what we got, yet this guy comes in and is expecting some speedclear tactics, and getting all kitteny when we don’t do them?

When we have our full party then yeah, things are more organised and take 30mins to clear, but we said from the outset that this wasn’t one of those runs (one player we had with us was today new to higher leveled fractals), so the attitude this guy was showing was just a pain. He was obviously a really good player – he wouldn’t be in the guild he was in if he wasn’t – but i question why he wasn’t running with his own friends if he was wanting a specific type of run.

Healing Guard Q&A

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: HwaRyun.1807


Some of the ridiculous posts in this thread serve as a really good example as to why there aren’t more people both posting in this subforum, and why more people don’t take a crack at getting into the type of ‘elite’ play you guys often discuss here. This sort of crap just puts people off for good, which i think is sad.

We have someone here who’s posted some pretty nice video’s where she clearly shows that her runs are both quick and mechanically sound for the style of play she’s going for, and people bash it simply because it differs from the most optimal way of doing things under perfect conditions? That’s just silly, and an overly elitist way of approaching the subject that does nothing but weaken your own position.

Anyway, silly arguments and whining aside, the videos were cool, and show that defensive gear in a trio set-up isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It’s not optimal, and i wouldn’t consider changing my full berserker’s trio group to accommodate one, but it’s definitely not bad or deserving of any derision. And as the OP explains, whilst running in a pug set-up it’s probably preferable to running full berserker gear as a safety net when you don’t know everyone’s capabilities.

3 dusk's in 4mins.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HwaRyun.1807


Heh, very nice.

Yesterday was a hot streak for me too. I got Two Dawns and Two Dusks in one day, bringing me to a total of three Dusks and four Dawns in the last week.

Oontz's Necklaces

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HwaRyun.1807


I know – or know of – some industrial bag farmers, and they do still drop.

Your best LFG reads and puglife stories

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: HwaRyun.1807


Over the last few days my fractal group has had to pug a guardian a fair bit (couple of people we run with haven’t been on, and we all have other classes we want to play right now), and i’ve come the conclusion that i’ve missed something huge, since virtually every guardian i’ve encountered has been one of those obnoxious staff guardians.

I wish i was joking. Nearly every single one has spent their entire time pushing autoattack whilst forgetting the things guardians actually need to do, like aegis, pulls, walls….whatever. I’m beginning to think staff might actually be meta now, and that i’ve missed a DnT video where they laid down some amazing DPS stats for staff, or have i just been impossibly unlucky with the quality of guardians i’ve had lately

(edited by HwaRyun.1807)

Fractals kicking needs to be sorted

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: HwaRyun.1807


While this sort of thing can, and does happen with guild parties, it’s pretty uncommon, so i really doubt you had it happen to you four times in a single night for that reason alone. There must have been other factors at play which resulted in you being kicked.

Remove Mai Trin

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: HwaRyun.1807


But at least the Jade Colossus drop those totally awesome stones and emerald shards, right?

Remove Mai Trin

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: HwaRyun.1807


Agreed on Jade Maw. Every time we get that fractal everybody laughs because of how much i groan and complain the second the load into the instance. That fight is needlessly long, tedious and barely has any active mechanics to take part in, not to mention on a 50 it’s just annoying with all the Irukandji you have to kill in a seriously un-fun manner.

Remove Mai Trin

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: HwaRyun.1807


To me, Mai Trin (along with Grawl) are the best designed, and most fun fights in the entire game. They’re the only two that offer any sort of challenge, and aside from the cannon phase being lame, both are really fun fights. If i always got Mai trin as the final boss in fractals, i’d be super happy.

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: HwaRyun.1807


so me and 2 guildies decided to 3 man a 50. we asked our guild if anyone wanted a free 50, nobody took the offer lol.

This happened to me loads with all fractal tiers in my old guild, it’s part of the reason why i left. When people can’t even be assed to speak to someone for two minutes to get some free loot, it’s time to go.

Your best LFG reads and puglife stories

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: HwaRyun.1807


I’ve accidentally stumbled across a foolproof way to find excellent pugs for fractals!

That’s four times now where i’ve wrote some variation of “Looking for a kittening terrible ranger. Seriously, if you’re not kittening dreadful you WILL be kicked”, and i’ve ended up with people who came in who found the message funny, and asked if they could play their main class instead, which was never ranger. And every single one of them were good players, and fun people.

Finally! A use for rangers!

Your best LFG reads and puglife stories

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: HwaRyun.1807


It seems like the two types of guild on offer are either your casual as hell guilds, or the really hardcore speedrunners who are posting world records and demanding that applicants run a series of trials to gain entry. I’m not bad at the game, but i’m not convinced i’d do well enough in a trial to get into one of the fun looking guilds after seeing all their videos, yet it seems difficult to get up to that level when i can’t play with better players. It’s a bit of a vicious cycle at times.

Pretty much my situation… I mean, what used to be my situation. Then I figured the guild I want doesn’t exist.

You know, i’ve lurked here for a long time without posting, and i always just assumed you were part of the speedrun clique xD

But i know your struggle with regards to finding a good guild that caters to your needs. There’s doesn’t really seem to be a guild that mainly focuses on fractals that isn’t 100% super hardcore with crazy trials, and that’s frustrating for me.

Your best LFG reads and puglife stories

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: HwaRyun.1807


Why don’t you join dungeon guilds or abuse these forums. Is it easier? more convenient? do your feet smell bad?

Ugh, guilds are one thing that really bug me about the game right now. I recently left my guild because the activity levels dropped, and it became really hard to find people to do things with. I have my friends list and my regular fractal group, but there are time when they aren’t around, and i’d like to do things with guildies. But finding one that isn’t super casual, and wants to run things in a fun and efficient way is really difficult.

It seems like the two types of guild on offer are either your casual as hell guilds, or the really hardcore speedrunners who are posting world records and demanding that applicants run a series of trials to gain entry. I’m not bad at the game, but i’m not convinced i’d do well enough in a trial to get into one of the fun looking guilds after seeing all their videos, yet it seems difficult to get up to that level when i can’t play with better players. It’s a bit of a vicious cycle at times.

Your best LFG reads and puglife stories

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: HwaRyun.1807


Question open to everyone: how do you stand pugging for long periods of time?

I don’t pug very often at all now since i have a settled fractal group who i run 20/30/40/50 with every day, but before then fractals could be pretty hard to pug successfully. The higher levels are mostly fine, but when you go <40 it’s just a nightmare trying to get people who either know what to do, or who aren’t complete kittens.

As for dungeons, i’ll never understand people who whine about the zerker meta being toxic when they pug, or people who constantly get terrible pugs in their group. Sure both happen, but i honestly don’t encounter it as often as people here or in-game would make you believe that it occurs. Generally picking which group to join based on the description works fine for me mostly, but maybe i’ve just been relatively lucky with dungeon pugs, for the most part at least.

Funnily enough, the worst type of groups to join for me tend to be other guilds groups. Guild groups are where you can often find concentrated levels of the same kind stupid in the entire party, since they all play the same way, and have the same bad habits as one another. Also they tend to hive m ind on people who try to offer advice, and get all aggro and kick. Being the one person in a group of four guildies has been terrible more often than normal pugging for me.

I guess some people have no choice but to pug though, which is a shame.

Selling Paths and Fractals:Issue or no?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HwaRyun.1807


So you take a shot at a legitimate activity, and won’t allow people to defend it, but you will allow those with different views that will likely be similar to your own?

Alright then.

Your best LFG reads and puglife stories

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: HwaRyun.1807


I was just asked – as the only thief in the party – to switch to a “more useful class” for the Arah p1 group i tried to pug just now with a friend.


Your best LFG reads and puglife stories

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: HwaRyun.1807


Joins PUG group for SE P3 > Ele says at the start “Hey guys, i’m a healer ele so go full dps you won’t need any condi clear” > I raise my eyebrow so high i get a spasm in the left side of my face > Ele proceeds to die three times in the first few minutes > Other PUGs initiate kick vote and he’s gone.

Community Effort: Prevent selling of FoTM

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HwaRyun.1807


The OP appears to be assuming that most people who sell fractals are kicking people to make room for sell spots, which i don’t believe to be the case at all. Sure, it happens sometimes, and people who do that are deplorable players who are ruining the game for people, but i feel that’s a small minority compared to the larger number of legitimate sellers out there.

I regularly sell Lv50/40 fractals that me and a couple of guildies do 3-man. We can easily make 40-60g per 50 fractal for doing something we enjoy, since 3-manning fractals is a lot of fun, and i really don’t see the issue with making some gold after spending 30-45mins doing the content.

The thing you’re forgetting here is that often the type of person who buys dungeon paths or fractals are doing so because they’re cash rich, but time (sometimes skill) poor, thus they’re perfectly happy buying them, and see it as a valid and worthwhile service to get things they normally can’t obtain themselves. Now you may say that people who don’t put the time in don’t deserve nice things, but that’s another point entirely.

When a group has legitimately cleared a dungeon/fractal as a 3/4 man group, there’s really no relevant argument as to why they’re doing anything wrong by selling the spot.

Worst Elitist Pug you've met?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: HwaRyun.1807


Probably not the worst, but definitely the most recent; Pugged a Lv40 fractal on my guardian to kill some time. Generally i run guardian when i pug since it’s easier to not have a run ruined by silly pugs when i’m on it, and it proved to be a great choice.

This kitten warrior kept flaming me for running GS/hammer/mace/whatever instead of sword, saying that it was by far the highest DPS/utility a guardian has, and i’m gimping my party by not running it for every encounter. He also used his apparent mystic powers to deduce that i was running defensive runes/armour too (i’m not), since i was managing to not take much damage most of the time. Apparently not sucking automatically means i’m full tank…

Halfway through the third fractal he then decided to not run PS because he was “tired of carrying us”. We then got to Mai Trin, where he decided that standing as far away from the rest of us as possible was the best decision to make, so we spent longer than we needed to get her stacks off. The other party members then died in the second cannon phase, which led him to start abusing them instead of paying attention to the fight, which then saw him being smashed by Horrick. He shouts at me rez him, calling me names and telling me that without him we’d have to redo the entire fight, and that he doesn’t have time to waste on us….etc…etc.

By this point all the other members of the party were massively kittened off too, so i said to them that i could drag the fight out solo for as long as they wanted, just to kitten the guy off, which they agreed to. So i spent 20-25mins kiting her around with the warrior going mental in the chat, telling me to die so he can kill her himself. The other party members were obviously having a great time watching him get more and more frustrated, when i told him that i could probably kite her all day without dying, and intentionally not killing her.

He then left the group, which caused us no end of amusement. Good times.

Spot the Karka

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HwaRyun.1807


I really enjoyed this hunt, and it’s an amazing way of getting everyone to explore the new areas of the map you guys worked so kitten. It would be amazing to see more things like this in the future, although clearly it took a lot of time and effort to do.

Anyway, was great fun, thank you ANet!

"Feel my wrath" - 1st impressions

in Guardian

Posted by: HwaRyun.1807


I thought this was a pretty great skill on first impressions.

We just did a Lv50 fractal with four people (yeah, yeah, i know, not a massive test of skill, but we were just messing around with new builds), and this shout was making short work of every mob, and bosses HP just vanished with it. The short cooldown of 24 seconds when traited makes it a ridiculously strong skill to use in most scenarios since it’s always ready for the next mob, or for a second or third cast for boss fights.

I really like it.

Spot the Karka

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HwaRyun.1807


So i have one more to get, and i can’t find it for the life of me. It’s the one named “Search Behind the Falls at the Bridge” in Sanctum harbor. Getting a little frustrated now sinc ei can’t even see a bridge or falls there xD

Okay, this was weird because i was in the cave earlier and hit one, and even re-visited it 5minutes ago and there was nothing there. Then i changed instances and it was magically where it needed to be. Possibly a bug there i presume.

Spot the Karka

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HwaRyun.1807


So i have one more to get, and i can’t find it for the life of me. It’s the one named “Search Behind the Falls at the Bridge” in Sanctum harbor. Getting a little frustrated now sinc ei can’t even see a bridge or falls there xD

Spot the Karka

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HwaRyun.1807


I’ve just spent the last 2hrs finding these things – 35 of them at least – and wanted to say that this has been such an amazing amount of fun as I tagged up and had a bunch of guildies and pugs following me around for the entire duration. Met some new people, had a lot of fun with the guild, and enjoyed the content itself a hell of a lot.

Some of those hiding spots are just cruel though, ANet. You cruel, cruel people

Thank you, HwaRyun — we’re glad you’re having fun.

As to the cruel, well… I like to think of it as clever. Diabolically clever.

Yeah, sure….let’s go with that xD

Also – I’d urge people to have a go at finding them without using the clues, it’s been a lot of fun that way for us.

Spot the Karka

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HwaRyun.1807


I’ve just spent the last 2hrs finding these things – 35 of them at least – and wanted to say that this has been such an amazing amount of fun as I tagged up and had a bunch of guildies and pugs following me around for the entire duration. Met some new people, had a lot of fun with the guild, and enjoyed the content itself a hell of a lot.

Some of those hiding spots are just cruel though, ANet. You cruel, cruel people

Seemingly Infinitely Downloading patch File

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HwaRyun.1807


This should work for people with this 99% issue. At least it’s worked for me, a couple friends and a few guildies i showed it to. It resumes the final file download where you left off, but it should boost the speed considerably.

1) Close your launcher and open Windows search bar/start menu.
2) Paste this in the search bar. Minus quotation marks, obviously.

“C:\Program Files (x86)\Guild Wars 2\Gw2.exe” -assetsrv

3) Launch it manually if it doesn’t auto-launch.
4) Profit!

I love you guys

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HwaRyun.1807


Yep, very welcome change for me too.

Uhm wtf..

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HwaRyun.1807


I have the same issue. Just going to wait it out and see how it goes.

The real problem is that the launcher window flashes constantly since it hit 99%, and i’m epileptic, so yeah….