We are half way true to posting the new update for DragonTimer Pro whit GW2 native api. Currently we are working on the art for the api functions. The first tests went great and we are looking forward to give you more informations in the upcoming week.
I orderd it (not from amazon) last friday, got it deliverd to me on saturday.
(the netherlands)http://www.abc.nl/search/detailed.php?isbn=9781416589624&valuta=$
Although the store where i orderd it from also states 25/06
how much was the delivery ?
i like the reall books to kindle is great but something as epics as gw2 deservers to be in the physical form. Still al the uk deliveries say 1. agust and i wont wait that long. Hope the netherlands store will ship to my country. And since this should be the last story in the gap between gw and gw2 still i hope more books will come.
Dont really like that the armours are store only they should be really rare drops from dungeons. Still hope at least they will stay permanent.
I was just checking the new book at EU amazon. UK to be specific.
Does any one know if the book is released yet ? The date says 1. august
but the gw2 site says 25 jun eu and us. What is the amazon uk release date ?
What are the us to Europe shipping costs for books.
I’d like to have the maps being like this:
Green BL – Forest map
Blue BL – Water map
Red BL – Fire mapWhen I say water map, I don’t mean 100% water, I mean water inbetween everything so open field combat has a big chance of being in water, etc.
+1 but i would change the water to water/ice it has a bit more potential for the land battles
mini pets are a great way to show your accomplishments whit the new events and maybe a bit of a collector spirit. Another cool idea wold be to get unique minis for pvp, wvw and pve events to show of just like a title.
There are invisible bags ya know. Buy an invisible bag, put the pets and any other items you dont want to go back in your bank in there. When you click on deposit collectibles, the mini pets wont be deposited in the bank.
the problem is that it takes your normal space away there should be a better solution
Here is my idea. Mini pets stay collectable and are deposited the same way. But our hero gets a mini pet place where you can put 1 mini pet and will automatically summoned while outside and in city. Mini pets are amazing but because they need to be summoned and are put away a bit hard to keep outside.
would like to se some sky/sea battles
in my opinion wow went downhill whit every expansion. I liked the original and first expansion the best. GW need to go its own but some ideas are universal and should be not trow away just because some one else has it to.
it was announced today that the next update will bring the private pvp
We are almost done implementing the GW2 api in the app itself. This is our side program for testing. If someone likes the simple design we could make something out of it and upload it on itunes. If not the api will son be a part of the pro app.
I am wondering when will private PVP servers will be awailible for everyone and how much will they cost ?
we had some trouble the past couple of weak whit our programing tools. Because of that we released the new update whit 2 posible bugs. The first is that the ipad app doesnt rotate correct first time you start it up in the tutorial section. And the frozen maw can be missin. We already send our update to apple and should be relleased on moday 24. The pro wersion will be released a few days later because we will ad something to the pro version.
arena net is cool whit it as long as we don’t make a concurrence to them. Its all in the appi contracts. And we have a permission from the website owner to parse the data. So the app is legal if that is what you meant. And the app supports GW2 and the game community so its a win win for all of us WWD who mate the app, Arena net whit the game and you guys getting rid of dragons and getting loot. And as i giant fan of GW i would never do something that could be bad for Arena net or Guild Wars 2
thank you helps a lot
I want to filter the API true multiple parameters. In the event api i want to use the world id and the event id. Is it possible to use booth ? this is my event id https://api.guildwars2.com/v1/events.json?event_id=03BF176A-D59F-49CA-A311-39FC6F533F2F
i would like to filter it true the api and not post parsing. tried
https://api.guildwars2.com/v1/events.json?world_id=2102?event_id=03BF176A-D59F-49CA-A311-39FC6F533F2F but it did not work.
Hthnx for help
The landscape update will be released in a few days for the pro version and next week for the free version, we planed it sooner but postponed it because of illness. After this one we will launch the api support in the timer.
nice tattoo. Like that you went the classic black instead of collors.
iPad Landscape is almost done and will be released in about a week. The free version will get the update a day or two latter.
Currently we are developing a cros ower bettwen the dragon timer and the official appi.
Funy what was your first gw2 machima ?
Today we released the Pro version of Dragon Timer, the guild wars
app that lets you know when the meta events will be activated.
Many of you already know the app and whit 5k downloads and some
of you asking for a add free version we decided to release a pro version
for $0.99.
Cool stuff the pro version contains:
-Event Maps
-Add free
-Event Statistics
-Completed event for today
I would like to ask all of you who can afford the pro version to support our little programming group. Not only you will get the above futures but also you will help us
ship the next update of the app that will contain a iPad landscape and maybe iPhone landscape depending on the testing and some other cool stuff we will come up whit and you guys will request. Plus atm we are developing a fun game that should ship next mount. Thanks to Arena net for releasing the api now we are designing a api based app.
iTunes link : https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/dragontimerpro/id650556597?ls=1&mt=8
THank you all for support and Arena net for the great game an appi
(edited by Ice of Dragons.1637)
Where do you work that you get so often bored ? Thank you for the all the amazing sketches hope you ll get bored soon
It should be posible. I didn’t look it true the whole appi. But basically if you can get the data in the for of txt or some other common format java can read and show it. Besides php isn’t that different from java anyway in term of sintaxes. And i think that this api was written in json. Java sript object notation
amazing art i like them both. where were they made ?
Boredom is a good thing Liked. Do you have dev art ?
agre except mounts. mount would not fit the same way as in other mmorpgs still wagons ships and maybe flying dragons in missions pvp events would be awesome
amazing comic like it a lot
The app is done. Tomorrow we will ship to apples itunes and it will be released in a week or so. Thnx to arena net to let us blog at this place what are we doing.
Hope we can ship this as soon as possible. Comment so we know what to improve
The app is almost done only the map neads to be completed. More in tomorrow website update.
Dont know if i should include only the maps of regions or the whole tyria whit a zoom in.
Nead 3 to complete. Are they gone ?
Nice idea but spoiler alert destiny edge is back
Currently we are in the beta state of Dragon timer Pro.
Please check the beta page for the app: http://wildworlddev.com/Apps/dragontimerpro.html
there is everything we changed so far and be sure to come back for
some images and news in near future.
The point is to get Precursor for legendary not money
I tried a little experiment. I was wondering how
to spend 100k of karma so i have the biggest chance
to get an precursor. I went to orr and bought
100k of karma worth of great swords. Mind that they
were all 1.200 karma per peace and masterwork. It
would be cheap if i tried to get an one hander weapon.
I managed to get 5 rare and 2 masterwork swords at the end.
I mystic forget the swords only to end whit 2 rare and 2 masterwork
swords. It might be better to salvage them to have 3g for shire, but
i gues it was wort it and i will update the experiment when i gather
more karma. Hope to get some exotic or walkable out of it.
I figure out that karma swords almost always produce masterwork except one
time and the produced masterworks produce more rare items. Hoverer if mixed
you get the same result as masterworks. It is kind of a waste of items.
The experiment was positive thou i expected at least one exotics.
Still. As the norn say, if you are bold enough you legend will live forever.
Leviatan vil rise. We will defeat him and use as a mount to travel around the ocean.
The new Molten Weapon Facilities dungeon will be available for a limited amount of time only.
what about to change it a bit and make it a fractal ? is it after all the place of all the past present and possible future.
There was some talk from Arena net that the new mini pets would be somehow linked to the new update.
How are animals liked to karkas ? Any clue ?
Refuges from the old Petting Zoo from Balthazar’s island.
Animals gone aggro. A refuge for rear animals.
Make it Permanent. I really miss the other mini games. Where will the Polimock be back ?
Forcing people to play with other people in an MMO is just wrong. Why is the game even online, jesus!
Good one. I don’t oppose it. I like it. It kinda fells a bit funny till now you could handle it yourself and now you need a lot of help.
Shrubbing about in the bushes gathering information on how to tackle the great threat. Doesn’t seem that weird to me. Gather intel and sabotage, then gather an army and beat em up.
Its not the Wisper way but i get the point. Admit i was wrong.
Karka armor. Set of armor made from the shell of a champion Karka by a master craftsman.
Maybe this can be a second chance to do the Karka event right. With a sweet chest at the end!!!!! I can feel the precursors dropping in price already!!!
Killing the big karak in the cave. Now that rich orchalum is gone. I would like to build my guild hall there.
Forcing people to play with other people in an MMO is just wrong. Why is the game even online, jesus!
Good one. I don’t oppose it. I like it. It kinda fells a bit funny till now you could handle it yourself and now you need a lot of help.
I was thinking about this a lot lately.
I really like gw update contents. But something is missing.
The world fells half alive. Need some chaos, needs some randomness.
Needs some common day life.
Last night i was wandering around Tyria and thinking about how soutsun
will be transformed, what adventures we will face and how stories will
turn to legends. Still something was missing.
Where will the stuff come from. Seriously. Where does the material for building houses in gw come from ? Do asuras just port it from the charr quarries ? Who does work there ?
If you visit the quarries and lumber mills NPCs just stand there. I would like to see some more dynamics i would really like to se people work there. Not only npcs. Maybe a task or two for players not only hearts. Maybe events like collect ore, repair the machines and guard the caravan all the way to LA. Ok multiple events whit brakes but you get the guess. NPS should fell alive. If something is changing somewhere in the world there should be chain events leading up to it.
In short what i want to see is that there is more NPC around the world doing stuff and watching the world change. Like building the new settlement. Wouldn’t it be amazing to watch it grow a building a time. I know it cant be done in reall time. But its would be funny to just see a town appear from nowhere ? Right ? Arena net does a great job and they are really giving it all. But sometimes i would like to see the kids run around divinity. Charr building the citadel and norns boosting by the bonfire and have a bit more warietvariety of what to encounter.
i think not. the dungeon thing was kinda a test imo. Dungeons are great. Themed dungeons are even better. But its kid of a fun thing to trow a dungeon inside a story line.
Hope there will be a dungeon. Just not a must in the story.
Lets all guess some random stuff about the new update.See how many we get right. One thing per post.
Pineapple based recopies.
Sunshine is amazing but to empty atm. It nead more content. Same goes for some other parts of tyria. I would like to see some permanent stuff and maybe a small town nothing fancy just some adventuring stuff.
Did i noticed a may 14 in the link title as release date ? Yes so soon
The wallpaper is amazing. But she kinda looks like a thief in that one.
What do you thing is the cause of revolt and animal miss behaviour ?
I blame the consortium.