I just feel like I’m running around fairly aimlessly killing x numbers of this and y numbers of that. Nobody talks in chat. The quests seem to peter out. I have no idea how crafting works because I have no idea how to gain a craft.
My warrior seems pretty fragile at the moment. I expect to have issues with a new game. I don’t expect to be turned off so quickly, so I’m trying to figure out what I’m missing. The manual being so complete.
All video games require you to click buttons and/or click on things in the environment. The difference is in how these interactions look and feel. Regardless, your character might get more interesting as you unlock more skills on more weapons, and now that you have hit level 5, you can start buying and equipping utility skills. Perhaps more complexity will help you.
Starter zones can seem fairly empty. Still, I’ve been surprised at how many people crawl out of the woodwork when an event happens. hint you can sometimes start an event by “talking” to NPC’s. Sometimes they will approach you and “speak.” other times, you can approach them and if the dialogue option is Talk rather than Greet, you might be able to generate an event. Events and personal story go a long way in supplementing hearts.
Crafting can be learned from crafting NPC’s. There are some in every starter zone, usually in places where the mobs are levels 8-10. Or, you can find the crafting area in your capital city, the Black Citadel. If you enter from Plains of Ashford, go up the ramp, then bear right and back down. You will see icons for crafting (e.g., a shield for armorsmithing) on your map (M) once you enter the city.
Now that you are level 5, use your first skill point(s) (iirc it’s only 1, but might be 3) and buy Healing Signet, and equip it in your healing slot. It provides regeneration, and can go a long way toward making a warrior less squishy. Unlike other games, you might have to engage in a more mobile style of combat, using circle kiting and ranged options for some fights. Once you get to level 7 you will be able to equip a 2nd weapon or pair of weapons, and switch between them. If you switch in combat there is a short cooldown before you can switch again.
GW2 is set up to reward exploring, so wandering around to see what’s around the next bend can lead to things to do. For more conversation, join a guild. You might have to go to Lion’s Arch (LA), as most of the capital cities are under-utilized. To get to LA, click the PvP tab in the upper left of your screen, pick Go to the Heart of the Mists. Once there, exit through the big pink portal you’ll see. This puts you in LA. To get back to the Charr area, look on the LA map for the Asura Gates (you’ll see several small pink circles on the LA map) and enter the one with Charr guarding it. This puts you back in the Black Citadel.
I hope the game picks up for you.