I believe the legitimacy (or lack thereof) of reviving NPC’s is a personal issue, rather than a gameplay one. I believe it is legitimate in the minds of the devs because they coded it to work that way.
This daily requirement has in fact changed my playstyle. Absent the daily, if I come upon a player in the downed state, I take a quick look at their downed health and the health of the mob they’re engaging. If it looks like I can get them up more quickly by killing the mob to get them a rally, I do so. If that daily is active, I revive them, no matter what.
Is anyone else having a problem with statements that are essentially saying, “Nerf AoE so melee can stand in it, I need more of a challenge.”?
Look at why Ascended gear was introduced. It was put in because people had progressed through all of the launch dungeons, and gotten everything they wanted much faster than the devs expected. The game was hemorrhaging players who were complaining about nothing to do, nothing to work toward. So, progression was put in. The dungeon token system was not used because if it had been everyone would have had their Ascended and infusions within the first month or two. Don’t expect ANet to make this stuff available easily. It’s not in their best interests to do so.
Improve staff eles 1 vs 1 and necro staffs 1 vs 1 so they will be on par with others as well to make up for it.
It’s not that simple. Staff necroes not only AoE, they are built for condition damage. Building for condition damage means you’re likely to be using scepter for your other weapon, because it applies bleed, and the other weapon choices, Axe and Dagger, are just not viable for a high condition damage build because the only conditions applied either don’t do damage or are on long CD’s. If you rebuild the staff for ST damage, are you going to make all 4 skills ST? 2 of 4? What about the situational skills (chill, condition transfer, etc., regeneration)? Does eliminating some of the 4 Mark skills make the Mark cooldown and greater Mark traits worthless? Will you make these ST skills apply conditions, or not? What will this mean for traits and gear? You can’t just change a few skills and call it a day, not without kittening up some other aspect of peoples’ builds.
If the devs are determined to go through with this, they’d better be extremely careful or they are going to break a lot of builds. In order to do it right, they will pretty much have to rebuild some classes.
It’s sad that on a lot of classes, I’d much rather have a 4th utility slot than the crappy elites I have.
I’ve been saying this since launch, too bad no devs seem to be listening.
The “ultimate” feel and long CD’s were by design. The real problem with elites is that most of them are lame, with some notable exceptions. The ones that are good are really good, but the rest kitten.
The only issue I see with this daily is that people are running up to a downed NPC, and ignoring a fight raging a few feet away to get the revive. While I understand the behavior, it’s not what was going on before this requirement was added.
as right now the abilities (especially weapon abilities) are best if you spam then whenever available
That’s not true.
Example: a ranger with a shortbow.
Weapon skill 1: does more damage when you are behind a target. Only staying in front of your enemy spamming it isn’t its best.
Weapon skill 2: fires 5 arrows that poison targets. The second to best use of this skill is when it can hit multiple enemies, or hit an enemy multiple times, which isn’t achieved by simply spamming it. The real best use of this skill is to hamper an enemy’s healing, by using it right before the enemy is going to heal itself, due to the way poison works.
Weapon skill 3: is a dodge. Spamming it is the same as spamming dodge.
Weapon skill 4: cripples target. Spamming it on a ranged enemy is more often than not useless. The skill is used best when kitting a foe, not when it’s spammed.
Weapon skill 5: it’s an interrupt. Again, spamming this one only avoids its strong effect.
I have the feeling not too many people really understand GW2’s combat system.
Heh. I said in another thread that if I had a silver for every time I’ve witnessed a LB ranger knock away a target that was nowhere near him/her, but was in melee with a thief, warrior or guard, I’d be halfway to a precursor. So, while many weapon skills should be situational, the fact is they are spammed more often than not.
It seems rather pointless to introduce a new tier of BiS L80 gear and raise the level cap shortly thereafter, especially since obtaining this BiS gear looks to be a lengthy process. So, no, it’s too soon.
I’m excited about this one… no WvW…. I finally won’t have to wade into PvP that I prefer not to do.
We all have preferences, no one is forcing you to do the monthly. I missed it all but one month because I don’t PvP….
You don’t want to do what’s on the menu this month? You don’t have to!
Your comments seem ironic given your excitement over PVP requirements being left out of the monthly. Those of us who have no interest in fractals/dungeons would appreciate the same consideration.
For the record, I’ve missed all but one monthly (the single one before fractals were added to the game) because of fractal requirements.
This month requires dungeons, not fractals specifically, and there were two sets of monthlies before fractals were added, although October did have a “dungeon” requirement. If you substitute dungeon for fractal in your post, you are correct.
Oh, and talking about irony doesn’t seem to go over well.
Part of the promise about Ascended items was that they would be available in other ways than through the Fractals dungeon. This was presumably to accommodate players who prefer doing something other than dungeons. This is the first monthly after the new laurel-bought Ascended items have been introduced. Given all of the above, I find it ironic that one of the requirements is dungeon participation.
Can you spot the 5 glaring flaws in your non-argument yourself or should I point them out to you?
Go ahead, knock yourself out.
1/ you have to do dungeons, not fractal dungeons at high level
2/ you can even do a single path 5 times. I would recommend AC exp1
3/ laurels aren’t even needed for ascended. There’s other ways
4/ It was not to accommodate players who don’t do fractals, it was to vary the game in general. Don’t feel so entitled, this update wasn’t specifically for you.
5/ finding a dungeon group is not difficult. It takes less than 5 minutes to get into any dungeon path you want.So I have no idea why you’re even QQ or what you’re QQ’ing about. Some people want to remove monthly from the monthly so they can do the monthly. Well … they’re a set of objectives you can go for. No one is forcing you, not even to get ascended items.
As of yet, monthly/daily are the easiest way to get ascended. Not only that but the current monthly is probably the easiest we’ve seen since launch. Apparently puppykittenly easy isn’t nearly easy enough for some people.
And here I thought you were going to educate me. Color me disappointed. Sorry it took so long to respond, though, as rl interfered.
1) and 2) This is really just one point, and I don’t see how it is a flaw in my non-argument. FotM IS a dungeon, more than a few don’t like any dungeons.
3) So, other than laurels and fractals, those ways would be?
4) Perhaps you don’t remember the kitten-storm caused by the introduction of FotM and Ascended, and ANet’s reaction, which was to promise to make them more generally available. It seems you believe that FotM was part of the plan all along because ANet assured us that Ascended was contemplated before launch. I think ANet reacted to negative player feedback about nothing to do, and then reacted to the negative feedback about Fractals. You are free to disagree.
5) Ease of entry is not always the issue for people who dislike dungeons.
The fatal flaws in your post?
1) Why is a comment that I find something ironic QQ? You seem to be assuming that anyone who does not defend the dungeon monthly is against it. I’ll admit, my “non-argument” was cynical, but hardly a complaint. Good catch on it being a non-argument, though. I am indeed not arguing, though you assume I am.
2) The whole “forcing/need” thing is tired, meaningless rhetoric. Some people may believe they are being forced, others may believe they need something in a video game. Doesn’t make them right, nor does it mean mean everyone who expresses a want is making those assumptions.
Both 1 and 2 seem to indicate you are viewing the discussion as having only two sides, pro and con. Which brings me to the real flaw in my post, which was pointing out shades of gray. I should have realized there is no place for such on the internet.
Part of the promise about Ascended items was that they would be available in other ways than through the Fractals dungeon. This was presumably to accommodate players who prefer doing something other than dungeons. This is the first monthly after the new laurel-bought Ascended items have been introduced. Given all of the above, I find it ironic that one of the requirements is dungeon participation.
Can you spot the 5 glaring flaws in your non-argument yourself or should I point them out to you?
Go ahead, knock yourself out.
I never liked the WvW or fractals being in the monthlies either. But it didn’t matter so much before. Now that you get laurels from monthlies, it does matter. Since the point was always that you can play how you like to play and not be left behind in anyway. Now people are kind of “forced” to do things they don’t like, if they want those 10 laurels. 10 days worth of dailies.
No they are not. If you don’t want to do dungeons you don’t need exotic gear, if you don’t want to do fractals at all you don’t need to bother with ascended gear.
There is no connection, and by no connection I mean absolutely none, between need and the complaints about achievements. There is no need at all in a video game. There is want, but once again wanting in a video game has nothing to do with need. People don’t need Exotics and BiS gear, but they do want it.
You’re right that people are not forced in an absolute sense, but Kilgorn is correct that players are “forced” in a relative sense to complete the requirements if they want the laurels.
Which is an awful lot of nothing to distract from the fact that you do get laurels without the monthly, but you’re too lazy to be bothered to put forth a little extra effort to get the extra laurels.
Laurels don’t expire after the month is up. Maybe you should adjust your wants accordingly.
You keep assuming I’m talking about my wants. I have some news for you, I’m not. Sure, I’d like BiS gear, but I don’t want is as much as some people seem to. I also don’t care how long it takes for me to get it. I also don’t expect you to believe me, since you’ve already misinterpreted three of my posts in this thread.
Consider this, if you will: someone can understand why someone else is complaining without necessarily having the same complaint.
Oh, and there’s no need for further insults, or for putting words in my mouth.
I never liked the WvW or fractals being in the monthlies either. But it didn’t matter so much before. Now that you get laurels from monthlies, it does matter. Since the point was always that you can play how you like to play and not be left behind in anyway. Now people are kind of “forced” to do things they don’t like, if they want those 10 laurels. 10 days worth of dailies.
No they are not. If you don’t want to do dungeons you don’t need exotic gear, if you don’t want to do fractals at all you don’t need to bother with ascended gear.
There is no connection, and by no connection I mean absolutely none, between need and the complaints about achievements. There is no need at all in a video game. There is want, but once again wanting in a video game has nothing to do with need. People don’t need Exotics and BiS gear, but they do want it.
You’re right that people are not forced in an absolute sense, but Kilgorn is correct that players are “forced” in a relative sense to complete the requirements if they want the laurels.
For those anticipating NWO, I wish you well. However, NWO will be a Perfect World F2P game, complete with P2W and gamble boxes coming out of your characters’ ears. If that floats your boat, then more power to you.
Same with GW2. Only difference? I was dumb enough to pay 35 bucks for what I couldve done for free.
You got off cheap. I gave Cryptic a lot more than that for CO and STO, but I’ve learned my lesson. I’m sure you have your reasons for your distaste for GW2. That said (IMO) expecting anything good to come out of Cryptic Studios is a fool’s errand.
Oh, there’s another difference. I played GW2 for two hours today, and got 1 Black Lion Chest. In CO, I get a lockbox drop on average about once per two minutes.
(edited by IndigoSundown.5419)
I will say one thing. There are always going to be players who don’t like at least one of the requirements. The choose x of y system cannot come soon enough. At least then the complaints will be reduced to players who say, “I have to choose 4 of 6 options, but I don’t like these 3!”
Part of the promise about Ascended items was that they would be available in other ways than through the Fractals dungeon. This was presumably to accommodate players who prefer doing something other than dungeons. This is the first monthly after the new laurel-bought Ascended items have been introduced. Given all of the above, I find it ironic that one of the requirements is dungeon participation.
Except you can completely ignore the monthly and get laurels through dailies. No monthly requirement.
oh noes
This does not make it less ironic, sorry.
There’s no daily requirement either, no requirement to collect laurels, no requirement to get Ascended items, no requirement to even play the game. It’s not about required or optional, or about needs. It is about wants.
I have to quote this here because Devs need to see this, it’s dead on accurate in the way the vast majority of the community sees this.
You complain about AOE stomping in zergs but subject alpha in your own dungeons does this, and it’s definitely an L2P issue, not an AOE issue.Nerfing AoE (not just on the ele), shows a clear disconnect in how the game plays and how the devs see things. Their disconnect with reality is doubled down when they talk about AoEing downed players as a problem. If a bunch of horribles want to run up and try to revive people under heavy AoE , that is a massive L2P issue, not a game balance issue. Use a rez signet like a halfway intelligent person. Push enemies back or suppress them with counter fire before you attempt to revive.
It’s not just their conclusion that is terrible, it’s the incredibly ignorant and nonsensical logic that they use to validated it. ANet has shown repeatedly that they don’t understand how to balance the game. When they come out and say that they plan to make a shockingly bad gameplay adjustment like this, everyone should be up in arms. They’re clearly not going to reach a good decision on their own.
Add to this the spurious “issues” of “opportunity costs” and not using AoE on single targets. The GW2 weapon skill systems locks players into certain skills. Often, a weapon will have something like one ST attack (often the #1), 1 AoE, and 3 situational skills (knock, daze, cripple, etc.). If you play intelligently, you don’t use the situational skills unless the situation requires it. In cases like this, people are using that 1 AoE on a single target because using just skill 1 on auto-attack gets boring.
There’s also the fact that players do not always play intelligently. If I had a silver for every time since head-start I have been in an event and a longbow ranger did his knock-away shot to a mob that was nowhere near him, I would be halfway to buying a precursor. Many players spam their skills as soon as they are off CD, regardless of whether it makes sense or not. This is another issue with why AoE gets used indiscriminately.
If they are going to change things so that it makes sense to only use ST skills on a single target, they are going to have to do a major rewrite of the skills system to provide more ST options. The current system is the reason that AoE gets used so much. Just lessening the effectiveness of AoE without a major revision to the whole system will just kitten the system (more than it already is).
Part of the promise about Ascended items was that they would be available in other ways than through the Fractals dungeon. This was presumably to accommodate players who prefer doing something other than dungeons. This is the first monthly after the new laurel-bought Ascended items have been introduced. Given all of the above, I find it ironic that one of the requirements is dungeon participation.
For those anticipating NWO, I wish you well. However, NWO will be a Perfect World F2P game, complete with P2W and gamble boxes coming out of your characters’ ears. If that floats your boat, then more power to you.
Dude you do realize Anet has said you dont have to do the monthly. Its your choice to do it or not no one is forcing you.
This type of reasoning ignores the fact that the whole game is optional, and thus has no validity in terms of this discussion.
Peoples’ preferences about monthlies are not, nor have they ever been about needing to do them, they’ve been about wanting to do them, but not liking some of the requirements.
Just because it was that way before does not mean that we are entitled to continue to have it this way.
Statement or no, to assume anything…well I’m sure you know the saying.
Viewing all or at least a very good majority, as I have been following them, the posts for and against the daily change, I can see that a good number of people are posting against just for arguments sake and not because it has become truly game changing.
A little more effort on some parts and having to do a few others that would not have normally been part of somes gameplay, example: crafting, has not made dailies impossible. There was one daily that was deemed bugged or too difficult and it was removed.
Also, if the scuttlebutt is true, and I only say rumor cause I have not read the intent personally from Anet, then players will have a choice in what they do for dailies in the future.
It isn’t about entitlement, though. It’s about preference. ANet has established a precedent of catering to peoples’ preferences, thus why we have FotM and Ascended gear. So, people feel that stating their preference might well get them what they want. Not that people on the internet needed a precedent to complain, but the precedent gives them hope that their complaints might be heard and catered to. On that note, I notice we’ve had two updates with no notes, and that we’ve now had a couple of days without dodge being part of the daily. Will they be back? I’m not going to change my system date to find out, but I will be curious to see.
As to the “scuttlebutt…” https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/new-rewards-and-the-achievements-system/?utm_source=client
Yeah, i think it’s a shame that we have to waste a utility slot so we can run at normal speed : (
Imo, they should grant 25% speed to everyone (passively) and allow people to create deeper builds with the freed skill slot.
Give everyone’s base speed a 25% increase. This way, swiftness would be 33% of the new base speed. Most MMO’s limit speed as just another way to make things take longer, since time sinks are “needed” to prolong people’s time p(l)aying. I would have thought GW2, being B2P, would have eliminated the movement-at-the-speed-of-late mechanic.
Throwing away rewards may be irritating but why should you be rewarded EXTRA for just doing your normal gameplay?
Dailies are a bonus that brings an extra reward. Just trodding along completing your zones is already rewarded with leveling/xp and ultimately World Completion.
Up until this update, dailies offered rewards and could be completed during the course of normal gameplay. Now, they offer one additional reward. Big whoop. It’s not a stretch to think that if one was rewarded EXTRA for not going out of their way before, that this would continue. Yet, some people are finding they need to go out of their normal gameplay patterns to get the new dailies done.
If ANet had said, “We are changing dailies to require more effort due to the additional reward currency.” that would be different. Absent such a statement, it is natural to assume that the effort to complete dailies would be about the same as it was before. If you’ve seen such a statement that the rest of us missed, please link it.
Well arguing from a damage perspective that people tend to massacre MF on, if MF does less damage as those people claim, then it means that the loot drop would balance out because you kill slower. e.g. if I kill 10 monsters per minute with MF but I can kill 15 monsters with “proper” gear then effectively, I have 5 more monsters to have a chance at loot as oppose to 10. Overall, it probably balances things out to a almost unobservable % in terms of loot drop, whether you wear MF or not, given you fight at 100% efficiency in both and we don’t take into account the secret “hot blooded” elite skill we have as MF welding players.
That’s if you’re soloing, maybe. If what you’re doing is tagging large groups with AoE in a DE, there will be no discernible negative impact on kill speed from using MF, as long as there are some other players doing the event.
Does the monthly really only give 10, though? I was thinking it’d give 15-20. Where have the devs said this? The monthly for this month wasn’t supposed to give any laurels.
Afaik the devs have not stated how many laurels the monthly will award. The “10” number being tossed around may be an extrapolation based on dailies giving 1 karma jug and monthlies giving 10 karma jugs
MF is a tax on farming. Its inclusion means that a drop rate that is “acceptable” to the devs has to take MF into consideration. As a result, those who do without MF are just a wee bit under the curve over the long haul. It’s a horrid mechanic.
For those who do dodge – wow, I’m really mis-timing these aren’t I? Time to improve myself! This is a good thing.
- Dailies are entirely optional. You don’t have to do it. Period.
I’ll comment on these two.
1) It isn’t necessarily an improvement. People dodging “early” were still avoiding the damage, they just weren’t triggering the “evaded” proc.
2) The “It’s optional.” excuse again. People continue to wave it around as if it means something. The whole game is optional. No one has to do anything unless they want to, or unless they want the reward. People are complaining because they want the reward but don’t like some of the new activities you need to do to get it. There is nothing wrong with having preferences and voicing them. That’s why we have FotM and Ascended gear.
I really like the new dailies, but definitely think that ANet should have released the ‘4 of 6’ choice system at the same time. If it wasn’t going to be ready now, they should have just delayed introducing the new dailies until they could both be introduced at once.
Ahh but by not releasing the choice along with the new Dailies, they can make sure all the Dailies get tested instead of the less then choice ones get ignored.
That’s what a public test server is for. But wait, GW2 doesn’t have one. The Live servers shouldn’t be a beta test, nor should the player base sub for the QA department.
Massive greatswords are pretty unrealistic to begin with. I blame anime/manga. I pretty much cover over the massive skins with one of the more realistic ones, though that is not going to work for someone who got a Legendary one. >.>
The timing on dodging to trigger the “evaded” proc is quite a bit more skill intensive than just using the dodge mechanic effectively. Still, in order to trigger the achievement counter they had to use the “evaded” proc. I get that it would be difficult if not impossible to grant credit for just “not taking damage.”
I went from 0/15 to 9/15 in one second (an event with a bunch of raptors attacking caravan guard NPC’s). One dodge, 9 credit. Then, I went through 4 more events with only getting 1 credit. Still dodging attacks, but not the right way.
I’ve been dodging attacks since the BWE’s. Who knew I was doing it wrong all this time? I assumed, since I wasn’t taking damage, I was doing it right. Live ’n learn.
As it is, I’m having a hard time just finding 2 more vets that I personally can kill for my daily today. The ones posted here with enough detail to find them are not ones I’m at the skill level to solo.
I got 4 of 5 in Queensdale. 1) Veteran Tamini Chieftain in the level 6 heart area outside the Shaemoor Garrison (the area is called Scaver Plateau) 2) Harpy Matriarch on the hill behind the Vale Waypoint (the area is called Altar’s Windings; 3) Ert and Bert, Ettin vet guarding the skill challenge in the cave, also in Altar’s Windings; and 4) Veteran Oakheart near Clayent Falls, just south of Altar’s Windings.
The partial implementation of the achievement system is sure generating lots of complaints. If I were ANet, I would have waited to roll out the whole system at one time, so people could see the entirety of it before complaining. I expect that, even when the rest of the system is out, there will be some time involved in getting Ascended items.
The GW2 progression system was designed to provide players with things to do and rewards to make doing those things worthwhile. If the rewards are too easy to obtain, players will be on the forums complaining, “There’s nothing to do.” If the rewards take time to obtain, players complain getting them takes too long.
I’d surely hate to be a dev.
The GW2 skill system is not terrible, but I do not find it to be engaging, either. Utilities usually end up with the same things in them, with some situational variety. Who doesn’t use invulnerability, stun break or condition removal more often than not? Some utility skills are significantly under-utilized.
Then there’s the waste of bar space that is a majority of the elite skills in some of the classes. With some notable exceptions, players would be better off having a fourth utility slot than having to choose which of their elites stinks least.
Once you pick your weapon(s), you’re locked into the slot 1-5 skills. Some classes have way better choices than others with regard to weapon skills. Most weapons have only a couple of skills that ought to be spammed (when not on CD). Some weapons have multiple situational options (daze, cripple, condition transfer, immobilize, etc.), leaving the user with the auto-attack and whatever damage skill is off CD.
For me, at least, the GW2 skill system lacks depth. People make the point that a lot of GW1 skills were hardly ever used, and this is certainly true. However, a lot of GW2 skills are hardly ever used, either, and there are a lot fewer of them to start with.
The daily took me about an hour and a half. Too many kitten Risen in Bloodtide Coast made kill variety lengthy. The dodges came during the 5 events. Gathering, done as usual. I did not “get” to do the combo thing or the craft thing as they were already patched out when I got on. I have one friend who hates crafting and avoids it like the plague in every game he’s played, so he won’t be doing that daily.
Seriously, the mistake ANet made was rolling the new dailies out in parts. If the pick 4 of 6 option was put in at the same time as the new dailies, people could more readily avoid the ones that kitten them off. There would have been a lot fewer complaints. I won’t say none because people will always find something that irks them.
Finally, you seem to have developed this really frustrating habit where you come up with an idea that sounds like it will work well once all the pieces are in place, but then you deliver the pieces in stages, usually presenting the really annoying parts first and then holding back the mechanics that will make said parts less annoying for later. Such is the case with your plan to allow players to pick which daily tasks to participate in. I think introducing your changes in daily achievements before that functionality was ready was a mistake. Give players the whole idea (as it was presented) at the same time, not in pieces that are just going to leave them frustrated.
I think the pressure to introduce “something” ASAP creates this situation, but I also think it would be better to introduce a whole system rather than doing it piecemeal.
I am shocked that the PvP daily does not award a laurel. I hope this is an oversight that will be fixed soon.
I can’t wait for this patch, I’m very curious to what they have done to AoE’s, as my main is a staff Elementalist (who basically breathes AoE’s xD).
I’m not at all certain that the AoE “changes” they were considering will make it into this patch. At the least, I hope they have been listening to community FB on this issue and are proceeding cautiously.
That’s not what i mean at all… i mean, why can’t i bring my PvE gear into PvP? Why do i have a separate treadmill? It wasn’t like this in GW1 and i think because people could bring their cool items in RA / TA…
In GW1, there was a very flat curve with regard to gear. Max gear was easily obtainable and no one had an advantage (at least once you’d unlocked runes and such). While GW2’s gear curve is flatter than some games, it is more pronounced than the one in GW1. Thus, the goal is to level the playing field by keeping PvE gear out of sPvP. If people just wore their PvE gear in sPvP you’d have some folks in exotics, others in greens, maybe even someone in blues. And imagine the outcry if people who want to only sPvP found out they had to grind fractals to get Ascended rings and backpiece to have BiS.
So once again…..how is AoE overpowered? For AoE classes, buff single target dmg or no nerf.
How about, “Buff ST damage AND no nerf to AoE.”
It’s considered part of the PvE world for map completion, provides kills and resource hubs and loot drops just like PvE, and kills/activities there contribute towards PvE achievements. Also, all of the PvE events thus far have altered the WvW maps as well….such as the Wintersday gifts, which appeared not only in normal PvE maps but also WvW.
It’s a PvE world in which PvP exists. I don’t disagree that PvP is the bulk of it, as it should be, but it’s clearly considered a PvE zone by the developers. So if they want to consider it a PvE zone, it would make sense for the zone to follow the PvE philosophy of “players helping players”.
I think that, rather than a PvE zone, the devs consider WvW to be a “mixed PvE/PvP” zone, which would make it PvPvE. It’s sort of like a PvP server in other games, albeit with rather more PvP objectives and less PvE ones because it’s not a PvP-enabled copy of the entire PvE world. Saying that the same dynamics that apply in the open world should apply in WvW ignores the fact that players can fight each other, and especially that WvW exists to allow players to fight each other in a less controlled environment than sPvP.
It seems to me that the OP is less about griefing, and more about requesting features the game does not currently support.
1) Trading outside of the TP is a feature. The mail system was not intended for trades between strangers. Adding a trade feature would increase griefing, not reduce it. People will scam, given an opportunity. At least with the current system the potential victim in a mail-based scam ought to know better.
2) WvW is a PvP zone. You are asking for a feature allowing players to be immune to PvP in a PvP zone while in a JP. While there is nothing wrong with asking for such, accusing people of griefing because they are PvPing in a PvP zone seems like a stretch.
3) This is asking for an immunity feature for someone who wants to AFK in an area where combat can occur. As others have pointed out, there is an easy fix for this.
We may need to agree to disagree over these items, but I do not believe that players are entitled to a PtP trade system, immunity to PvP in a PvP zone, or immunity to attack while AFK.
There is a vet spider event in the ruins in the SW of timberline falls that spawns on top of the commune skill point there that does not scale down correctly.
There is a vet spider that spawns outside of the event in the same location that does spawn correctly.
If you’re talking about the one in the cave near the ruins, I know that spider. It seems to have the HP of a Champion, and hits like one.
What truly baffles me personally, is that they choose to rebuild AoE skills, when condition damage is actually broken in itself.
Anet appears to have a backwards concept of wanting to play with balancing issues as a priority over fixing broken aspects.
I believe that a lot of the outrage over the AoE issue stems from people who, like you, think there are a lot of aspects of play that ANet ought to be fixing, and that AoE is not one of them.
I think so too. And I think we’re right. What’s the point of balancing a broken system? Fix the bugs then balance the game.
Unfortunately, what they are trying to do is hobble a piece of kitten system together to get tournaments and guild wars up and fully operational. They don’t see balance as important as they do, getting back all of the PvP elites that left after they realized how bad the GW2 meta is.
I am not sure about that either way. However, if it is ANet’s motivation, and they go through with the change, then I suspect they are going to be disappointed. My former guild was heavily dominated by PvP players from GW1, who moved back to LoL and other PvP games since GW2 PvP was bad. Not one of them complained about AoE. Instead, they were talking about lack of compelling game modes and lack of incentives to play.
I had done them every day from launch through about two weeks ago. Then I got sick and had no energy to play, so I’ve only done them 2-3 times in the last two weeks. I expect I’ll get back to them regularly once I feel better.
“We do not permit names that:
Have offensive racial, ethnic, or national connotations.
Include hate speech or bigoted slurs
Reference sexual acts or real life violence.
Are pornographic.
Make inappropriate references to human anatomy or bodily functions.
Reference illegal drugs or activities.
Reference religious or historical figures.
Reference real-life people.
Reference names of copyrighted or trademarked characters, materials, or products.
Use misspellings or alternative spellings of names that violate any of the above rules."Can you spot the exact offense that the name change is perfectly warranted for?
The key word in the line you are referring to is “inappropriate.” There is a world of subjectivity in that word.
If the word in question doesn’t have any loaded connotations for the OP, then why is it even considered to be “funny?” Some people like to laugh about biological functions, others don’t.
My rule of thumb in such matters is, “Would I use the word in referring to someone with a loaded gun who was right next to me?” If the answer is no, I won’t use it in other circumstances, either. I would not call such a person a fart, sparkly or otherwise, though ommv.
There is also something called Black Dye.
What truly baffles me personally, is that they choose to rebuild AoE skills, when condition damage is actually broken in itself.
Anet appears to have a backwards concept of wanting to play with balancing issues as a priority over fixing broken aspects.
I believe that a lot of the outrage over the AoE issue stems from people who, like you, think there are a lot of aspects of play that ANet ought to be fixing, and that AoE is not one of them.
While I think the griefing behaviour described is reprehensible, I wonder why people want to leave their character in game while AFK, especially while AFK long enough to be killed 12 times, resulting in “100% broken armor.”