(edited by Jeydra.4386)
A single map zerg is far less effective overall than multiple decently sized forces that can hit more than one objective at once. What is important is communication between the forces so that when necessary they can be brought together.
You think so? How do you propose we cap T3 towers or keeps with multiple decently sized forces? I thought I observed this problem in action the past few times I was on JQ BL.
And yes, Blackgate is really rather awfully overstacked. The fact that we are queued almost 24/7 on all four maps while JQ patently isn’t is just no fun. Now that the lead JQ built up (backed by upgraded towers and keeps) is gone, it looks like it’ll be a one-way street from here.
Hi, i dont know where you come from but it looks like you just transfered to BG.
and you have been posting negatively to our BG…. Mind to transfer back to where you are from ?
If you want to be this rude (my post wasn’t even negative), fine. Send me the transfer gold and I’ll move to another server.
A single map zerg is far less effective overall than multiple decently sized forces that can hit more than one objective at once. What is important is communication between the forces so that when necessary they can be brought together.
You think so? How do you propose we cap T3 towers or keeps with multiple decently sized forces? I thought I observed this problem in action the past few times I was on JQ BL.
And yes, Blackgate is really rather awfully overstacked. The fact that we are queued almost 24/7 on all four maps while JQ patently isn’t is just no fun. Now that the lead JQ built up (backed by upgraded towers and keeps) is gone, it looks like it’ll be a one-way street from here.
When running siege is more profitable than joining the main zerg … we still didn’t manage to hold Lake, but at least we made an effort. Thanks!!
#BG gaming
You did a good job sieging it up. I was the JQ commander there during that time, and it sure was annoying to break in, clear all your siege, and then, 30 minutes later, there are 2 trebs and 5 ACs up again at all doors. Not to mention that trying to take hills against superior numbers sucks in general … Looking for Queue … :-/
Well, we finally took it, hope our NA can return the favor by sieging up BL garrison ;-)
I wasn’t on BG BL … I was on JQ BL. It certainly wasn’t me putting up 2 Trebs and 5 ACs at all doors either. It takes 2 minutes to make one supply run – that’s assuming we hold Foghaven / Redwater; if not it’s an even longer run to Hero’s Lodge – so after 30 minutes I would have slightly more than 150 supply (since I have supply mastery), enough for 5 superior ACs but definitely not 4 Trebs and 10 ACs.
BG may not be fully queued 24/7, but we certainly are more often than not. If I log on and find there’s no queue, I’m generally pleasantly surprised. So far this week, it’s only happened once.
With sincere respect, I want to congratulate BG on surpassing JQ this early in the week. As expected, our lack of european recruit is a strong liability. Looking at the scores, I estimate that we would need to create ~5K nightly ppt buffer before the EU time to offset the coverage weakness.
I haven’t given up hope and plan to put up a good fight when PST comes around.
Yes, meanwhile BG’s full queues on all four maps never let up. I kinda feel bad about us closing the gap not because we played better, but because we had more players. In the SEA timezone I played in earlier, we made no progress for two hours despite having a full queue. Flipping so many things during JQ’s weakest timezone almost feels like cheating.
That said I played the first time in BG NA timezone today and wow, there’s a huge difference. No wonder NA is BG’s strongest timezone. The commanders talk and communicate. Zergs coordinate with havoc squads. There are active scouts and active roamers, such that bloodlust is constantly capped and no enemy movement goes unnoticed. Nobody is shy to use their voice on TS (comparatively EU BG was almost a monologue), and when the commander calls for volunteers to respond to small enemy groups there are people willing to go. We even took Hills and the commander called to siege up the place, temporarily disbanding the zerg but achieving in two minutes what it took more than an hour for me to do solo earlier. It’s honestly the first time I’ve seen a commander do this.
Only strange thing is the preference to split into so many squads. With so few people in any individual squad, it’s impossible to take anything except camps and ruins. Defending is easy; one scout report goes off and every squad goes to the attacked objective. But we can’t take anything substantial. Why do we split up so?
I spent so long sieging up Hills, and now it’s gone On the bright side, at least BG is leading again. Tenuous lead of ~60 points, but we’re still leading!
Can you explain why you favour D/F over the other options? Your writeup at the moment is rather threadbare on this.
In particular, even if it is true that it is preferable to stay in melee range than at a distance, that doesn’t show that it is preferable to use melee attacks as opposed to ranged attacks at melee range. Otherwise Scepter is admittedly rather spiky in nature, but Staff also does “good and constant damage”. You also sacrifice more than “occasional burst” by going with OH Focus over OH Dagger – you lose mobility + the extra heal coming from Cleansing Wave. And finally you may not be able to imagine PvE without a Focus, but I certainly can (and in fact rarely if ever use the Focus).
So why D/F instead of the other alternatives?
1) I run full Berzerker’s in PvE. I have no proof it is optimal though; I just did it because I believed in GW1 that one should always try to play better instead of bringing more defense, so I just went full glass cannon. There’ve been times when I get instant-downed, but so far nothing I can’t handle.
2) I say go with S/D + Persisting Flames. The reason is that Staff is (in my opinion) the second most powerful Elementalist weapon set, and it’s sufficiently powerful that you will often want to be using Staff instead of S/D. But Staff really only works with Persisting Flames (it’s awful with Fresh Air), so to maintain versatility you should also use S/D with Persisting Flames.
3) No clue. Personal tastes.
4) No clue. Personal tastes.
5) Yes. Staff has lots of strengths. Your DPS isn’t bad. Although I haven’t done the video-taking, damage-counting things I did in GW, from experience the difference between S/D and Staff isn’t big, if there is one at all. If it comes to spike damage S/D has no equals and you can easily kill trash mobs with just one Fire chain; however with the Fire auto being so bad and not that much damage in the other attunements S/D is quite restricted in this regard. Staff damage is significantly stronger if fights last long since you can spam Lava Font and the Fire auto is so good. Meteor Shower is great too against monsters with large hit boxes.
The other key advantage of Staff over S/D is that you can maintain perma-Swiftness (Air #3, Glyph of Elemental Harmony, Air #5 + Arcane Wave). Beyond that both weaponsets have their uses. S/D is highly versatile in that if you ever need more defense you can always put up Earth #2, Water attunement has 3 defensive skills, one of which can be activated while stunned, and RTL can be used to deaggro quite well, but Staff’s own tricks like Burning Retreat, Earth #3 and the two Water AoE heals that double as Water fields that can be blasted aren’t bad either.
Feel so bad flipping the entire EBG to blue, we could only take all those T3 keeps and towers because the patch meant there were few SoR / Maguuma players on the map
Whats the difference between that and every other time a server flips an entire map? Most People Online is basically PPT.
Because EB was basically the only map in which Maguuma and SoR had enough players online often enough to resist Blackgate. That much I knew from the skirmishing outside Overlook several hours before the patch.
EB was the only map in which gains are made because of superior play, not because of superior numbers. I want to win, but I also want to win because I / we played better, not because we downloaded the patch faster than SoR / Mag did.
Feel so bad flipping the entire EBG to blue, we could only take all those T3 keeps and towers because the patch meant there were few SoR / Maguuma players on the map
I’ll always intervene. It only makes sense that way. If my teammate is in a duel, he needs to say it fast enough before I stomp the downed person.
Well you’re only level 36, so I’d say just keep levelling up and eventually you’ll be able to trait Healing Ripple + Cleansing Wave, which should take care of the condition cleansing part.
Also it’s my opinion that with S/D the best heal to use is Signet of Restoration. If you’re having trouble staying at melee range also, then switch to ranged damage.
I suggested this (https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/wuv/wuv/Switching-characters-while-queueing/first#post3181502) a short while ago
Firstly, sounds like a brand new commander. And new commanders need one thing, confidence. Or they won’t be commanding again, ever. A lost SM isn’t worth blowing a new commanders confidence. I am sure that if it was a prominent WvW guild that they were discussing the mistake internally, or in PMs. Airing it in TS isn’t usually the best way to build confidence. Commanding isn’t easy, and it can take weeks to get a good handle on it, even if you’ve been playing WvW for months.
You can have all the forces in the world, but they won’t be effective if you don’t have good commanders, and good commanders have to come from mistakes. I’m SURE she knew she screwed up. And I always back my guild commanders publicly, and privately make sure they know what to do better next time, I’m sure other guilds are similar.
I guessed as well that it was a new commander; the previous commander didn’t leave the map, he just de-tagged (was from the same guild too). But if this is indeed a new commander then in my opinion throwing her into the fray to sink or swim on her own isn’t a good way of teaching. Suggestions:
1) Have an experienced player on TS as well. Said player can and should make calls or overrule decisions if he feels it’s warranted. It’s similar to how doctors are trained: an experienced doctor will always supervise the new doctor, and will step in (hopefully) before the new doctor screws up.
2) Warn the map that it’s a new commander. This makes everyone more forgiving. Again compare to people who’re learning to drive – they drive tagged cars.
3) Discuss the mistake, if it is indeed a mistake, publicly. Some pieces of knowledge aren’t easily gained and this is one way to gain them. For example, suppose there’s a 40-man zerg with 4 golems incoming on a paper keep, which has no supply but has 5 ACs. Is it possible to defend it? One can play WvW for months and still don’t know the answer to this one.
If she is indeed new, the commander should share some of the blame too. She should be humble enough to realize that, as a new commander, she will make mistakes. Communicating with the zerg is I feel an important responsibility of the commander. People are more willing to follow a commander when they know why he or she is making the decision. There is no shame in making mistakes; what is shameful is not learning from them.
If I were in the commander’s guild, I would keep silent on map chat. Publicly criticizing one’s guild mates isn’t good form, but passing sarcastic remarks and denying it was a mistake in the first place does even more harm.
On that, I actually stopped following that commander at an earlier time when she did not get on SoR’s tail as they get on durios, giving them full retreat back into SMC. Sure, we didn’t lose anything, but we had all that was needed to wipe them. And to me, a lost opportunity is a lost.
That said though, no one else was willing to tag up at the time and this hour has always been BG’s slowest. Skill can be honed over time, I’d much rather we help each other improve in a positive environment, that invites people to learn together, rather than pointing at fingers when things don’t work out. The accusations do not help the server, all it does is discourage people from taking up the commanding role.
And if you are going to do your own thing, kindly do not speak up. The negative vibe will spread. We’ve done a good job keeping morale higher than our enemies, don’t let a small thing spoil the enjoyment out of the game.
Fair point but mistakes need to be acknowledged or they’ll never be fixed. Skill gets honed when mistakes are recognized and never repeated. Positive environment can be generated if the commander talked to her zerg. Something as arbitrary as “I changed my mind” is just going to lose her teammates’ confidence.
As for not speaking up, won’t that not just doom the commander to repeat the same mistakes again, but also eventually lead to frustration when the map’s fully queued but there’s insufficient force in the zerg to take anything?
Blackgate commanding:
Takes Stonemist
“OK guys I really want to be able to push on SoR later tonight”
“Build these ACs. Build this treb too. You can treb Klovan from here right?”
Zerg builds 3 ACs 1 treb in Stonemist
15 minutes later …
Scout calls 20 SoR SM inner west gate, rams down
Commander decides not to defend SM
What! You built siege in SM and then decide not to defend it??
“I … changed my mind”
“Feel free to tag up if you don’t like it”
I don’t have an issue with mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes. Earlier for example I did a bad portal into inner SM, getting everyone killed and delaying us taking SM by a long while. But I do take issue with making mistakes and pretending it wasn’t a mistake. Some people spent a lot of time running supply to SM, building more ACs, as well as scouting, under the illusion that we were going to defend SM. If the idea was to not defend SM in the first place, make it clear from the beginning and we could’ve saved time, blueprints and supply. We could’ve done some roaming, flipped some camps, or joined the main zerg.
Shame on the people who defended the commander too. Yes, she’s from one of BG’s most prominent WvW guilds and yes, blood is thicker than water, but mistakes are still mistakes and should be recognized as such. It’s only when mistakes are recognized that they can be fixed and not repeated in the future. To do something like offer to compensate the people who were building ACs does not help, and in fact is the kind of thing that makes me less inclined to join said commanders’ zerg in the future.
What do you mean I have to be logged on to the character I want to play while I wait? If this is implemented, I can play my Elementalist, get the message that WvW is ready, switch to my Mesmer, and then go WvW.
So hard to understand?
Same thing. If I get the message “Eternal Battlegrounds is ready”, I want to be able to switch characters and THEN map to EB.
Some time ago I made the fateful decision to play Mesmer in WvW, while keeping my Elementalist as my main PvE character. The result is my Mesmer is level 80 purely from WvW, with no zones mapped, while my Elementalist has no world rank. I have nothing to do with my Mesmer while queueing for WvW, yet I can’t queue with my Elementalist because I want to play my Mesmer.
Suggestion: make queueing “account bound” in the sense that you can switch characters without losing your place in the queue.
You’re misreading me. I meant going for Persisting Flames means you can’t rotate attunements as fast. Electric Discharge is great but it doesn’t do a lot of damage. Note that landing a Dragon’s Tooth does more damage than Electric Discharge + Lightning Strike combined, and when traiting Persisting Flames you can go for the -20% Fire cooldown trait, which also makes Dragon’s Tooth cool down faster than Lightning Strike.
I find the Dagger mainhand skills aside from the autoattacks pretty bad. Fresh Air with mainhand Dagger is good for keeping Lightning Whip available I guess, but then if you’re going to rely on autoattacks you might as well go Staff, when Fireball + Lava Font does more damage.
And I dunno but I land Dragon’s Tooth more often than not by kiting around where it will land … it’s when the mob is aggro’ed onto a different target who’s moving a lot (i.e. it’s not my Earth Elemental, who’s a great tank really) that I can miss.
Again thanks everybody for sharing your elementalist knowledge.
Right now my concern shifted from “what will I do once I reach 80” to “how the hell do I reach 80”. S/D seems a very weak set for leveling, sure I can blast trash mobs with fire and earth might stacking combo, but as soon as I meet a veteran I’m in trouble, I usually resort to water and earth to kite and heal. I still find S/D air useless, damage is too low to be useful: keep in mind I’m used to main thief so I find air pretty weak for dealing single target damage compared to backstabs.
I’m thinking about switching to D/D right now, at least for leveling.
S/D is fine for clearing trash mobs … against a Veteran, you use Fire #2, Fire #4 and Fire #3, in that order, while running circles so the Veteran stays in the AoE of Dragon’s Tooth. If you have trouble surviving, Earth #2 adds Toughness while Water #4 gives -10% damage as well as chill. Water #3 and Water #5 can both heal you too. If you have Elemental Attunement (an Arcana trait for 10 points) or Healing Ripple + Cleansing Wave (Water trait for 15 points) you have emergency defensive skills that you can hit while stunned.
And yes the Sceptre autoattacks are generally weak. The Fire auto is especially disappointing, which is terrible because the big damage skills are also in Fire. I’d suggest traiting the -20% Fire recharge because of this. Also it’s my experience that going the full 30 points into Fire for Persisting Flames is better than going for Fresh Air – you can’t rotate attunements that fast or as often, but your Fire skills do more damage, you have more time to blast the Fire fields, you get auto-fury, and you can switch to Staff easily.
It’s my opinion that S/D is the best general weapon set for Elementalists, followed closely by Staff. Dagger mainhand has good autoattacks but otherwise weak skills; most of the Focus skills are pretty weak too. One more thing to note, you do have several Conjures that you can use to patch up S/D’s weak autoattacks as well – blow all your long-CD skills, spawn Lightning Hammer, and bash.
(edited by Jeydra.4386)
BG isn’t queue’d 24/7, by any means. Heck, BGBL queued way too late despite the fact that SoR was already fielding a map blob. (Impressively just 3 massive guilds).
The fact that SoR can match us during OCX/SEA means that JQ will absolutely dominate us in that time zone.
For my money, the only way BG will win is if they can hold onto the lead from ZD’s time zone all the way to NA PST. Last PST / “Hawaiian time”, as SoR/JQ liked to call it before, all the way to SEA, will be JQ’s playground.
Should be said now, though. Both servers have the manpower to queue at least 3 maps 24/7. (Organized guilds and commanders is another thing).
I just went and queued for an hour during BG’s so-called “weak timezone” (beginning 7am GMT = 3pm SEA = 6pm Oceanic). Two of the four maps were completely capped, leaving only two maps contested, and both were fully queued. Played an hour of PvP and still didn’t get in.
BG is really hideously stacked right now. If things stay the way they are – no guilds transferring out because of the queue times for example – it’s hard to see BG losing.
Well the thing is this kind of requirement indicate the guild is too serious for my liking. I also doubt it’s very useful. A guild may have its own website and forums, but how many people in the guild actually actively read that? I know in one of my previous guilds I registered on the forum only to discuss whether or not to implement 100% rep – since I was representing CCTV when I WvW, if they implemented it it would mean I had to leave the guild. Beyond things like this though that involve only the guild, there are few things can be posted on guild forums that aren’t better suited to other forums (like this one). It’s also my experience that guild forums also tend to be pretty dead, which means it’s an unnecessary commitment.
Joining a guild should be a mutually beneficial experience. I take from the guild by participating in guild events, making use of guild chat, etc. I give to the guild by writing useful guild chat myself, representing it, and participating in guild events. Requiring applications makes it seem like the guild is an exclusive community to which any new player needs to answer the question, “why should we let you join?”. But unlike jobs in real life for example, virtually any active player will be an asset to a guild (barring the super serious guilds). I’ve already said I’ll be active and can 100% rep in the OP. If the guild doesn’t trust my word on this, I’d rather not join it.
Then there are guilds that view themselves as a family and therefore want to know if a would-be member will “fit” the guild before letting him or her join. In the past week I actually joined a guild that asked me to log on TS before I can be accepted as part of the “family”. But this is a guild in a video game. I’m here to play the game, not to join any family. And I am certainly not revealing anything about real life to anyone that I just met in an online game! It’s not that I mind getting on TS. I will get on TS and use my voice as well, but only if the situation demands it – for example, to report a SoR zerg moving to SM, or to do a countdown in CoF p3. But I’m not logging on to chat. As for ice breaking, we’re in the same guild playing the same game. I don’t see how that does not suffice for ice breaking.
If it’s only an application NOC is far from the guild with the strictest entry requirements. Some other guilds have stated they require all members to have level 80 characters kitted out with at least exotic equipment; others go further and require specific classes. I don’t agree with all that. GW2 isn’t that hard that specific class compositions are required. It’s also a game that should be fun for everyone involved. If someone wants to play his Elementalist, he should be allowed to even if it’s bad for team composition – that’s why in GW1 when I played with others I pretty much let them run whatever they want, filling out the holes myself or with henchmen.
tl; dr: many guilds seem to view themselves as some exclusive community, sufficiently so to ask the question, “why should we let you join us?”. In the context of a guild in a video game, I view this as a very arrogant question. I will not join any guild that asks that question in its different guises.
Thanks for being gracious about it. The afore-mentioned guild that wanted me to log on to TS sent me snide PMs after I left saying how it’s my loss and that I wouldn’t have fit into the guild anyway. Definitely don’t regret leaving that guild.
Best wishes to NOC. I’ll see you in WvW.
Can’t believe it’s so hard to find a duplicate of SoS’s CCTV in Blackgate …
(edited by Jeydra.4386)
Despite ANet’s poor S1 design, the burn out issue for SoR./BG in relation to JQ has turned out to be a non-issue.
I personally think it’ll come down to W7, as the last time JQ faced BG it was a blowout. The affect of JQ buying MERC from BG was clearly evident in the PPT. While I don’t know if the influx of PvEers, ZDs, or what has gone on in Leagues so far will change the outcome, I do know that BG couldn’t compete.
That’s the most recent data point we have, and it points to JQ winning W5 and setting up a fascinating W7.
At the moment BG is fully queued on all four maps almost all the time, 24 hours. With such a population BG cannot lose by a wide margin, unless double-teamed.
I’ll grant that in the first week of the league SoR and JQ both fielded zergs on all four maps as well, so they’re capable of competing, but considering BG still squeezed out a win – and BG have only gotten stronger after that first week – I don’t see any reason it won’t happen again. The only way BG don’t win is if it gets 2v1’ed.
(edited by Jeydra.4386)
Blackgate should win this. We won the first round (SoR vs. BG vs. JQ) and then demolished SoR twice in two weeks, by wide margins. We’re sufficiently stacked to have full queues on all four maps most of the time. Without some guild transfers, the only competitor is JQ, and JQ finished last in the first week. It’s difficult to see us losing.
OK … I pinged you a couple of times in-game just now but you appeared to be AFK (or the game had bugged out and listed you as online when you were offline). Send me an invite whenever. Thanks!
BG is definitely overstacked right now, that much is obvious. I actually took up sPvP (barely did that before) while queueing for WvW. That said, lol @ some people complaining about population. I suppose they’ve never actually played for servers like Maguuma or TC against the T1 servers.
Still I give SoR credit for actually playing now. Even if there aren’t enough players to field zergs on all four maps, as long as players concentrate on say 2-3 maps that’s still enough for games.
Otherwise met my first Blackgate commander who was playing not for points but rather for open field combat … despite knowing there was a full SoR zerg on SoR BL, he still led BG zerg to Titan. First time we wiped, second time I pointed out that there was no way we could win since SoR are so close to spawn, but he went ahead anyway and we wiped again. gg, I won’t be joining his zerg in the future.
Hey man, when I was on SoRBL earlier, we were trying to lure SoR out of citadel to fight us open field. That’s when we found out that there’s a little bit of land both sides of the portal in north camp that allows you to be invulnerable while still outside of the citadel.
I prefer open field fights rather than fighting under 5 arrow carts firing down on you. I’ve also noticed SoR commanders have taken to spamming ACs in engagements. That kitten hurts man!
Yeah, but the way I view WvW isn’t open field combat just for the sake of open field combat … I’d fight if there was something to gain and avoid if there’s not. If us fighting SoR = we take a supply camp like Vale if we win, then sure. But fighting outside Titan is an example of “nothing to gain”. We can kill SoR three times and we’ll not only fail to take Titan, we’ll eventually all die. What’s the point?
I was actually going to put down ACs, but I wasn’t the commander and I’d already logged off TS (since nothing constructive was being said), so with no way to protect the ACs as they get built I didn’t.
BG is definitely overstacked right now, that much is obvious. I actually took up sPvP (barely did that before) while queueing for WvW. That said, lol @ some people complaining about population. I suppose they’ve never actually played for servers like Maguuma or TC against the T1 servers.
Still I give SoR credit for actually playing now. Even if there aren’t enough players to field zergs on all four maps, as long as players concentrate on say 2-3 maps that’s still enough for games.
Otherwise met my first Blackgate commander who was playing not for points but rather for open field combat … despite knowing there was a full SoR zerg on SoR BL, he still led BG zerg to Titan. First time we wiped, second time I pointed out that there was no way we could win since SoR are so close to spawn, but he went ahead anyway and we wiped again. gg, I won’t be joining his zerg in the future.
I did consider NOC but there’s one problem: you expect me to show up for all guild events. I generally play at least two hours every day, but if I don’t want to play for whatever reason I don’t want to feel like I have to play. When I played for KA before transferring to Blackgate, my participating in guild events was more of oh-guild-events-are-happening-now things when I log on, and I don’t make an active effort to actually be there.
Unless you’re willing to waive that requirement I’m afraid I can’t apply to join NOC. Sorry!
Such a boring match. Keep it up SoR, and SoS might finish 2nd.
Make it happen BG! SoS for 2nd!
Thanks for the suggestion. If you know anyone from the guild do leave the IGN, otherwise you can just ask them to toss me an invite (I really prefer not to fill out application forms).
If King doesn’t send me an invite I’m still looking!
If the update goes through every Ele basically gets free points into Arcana, and you’re calling it a nerf? Sure, the hit to Elemental Attunement and the Water line would bite a bit, but did you not see the buffs to the other attributes?
How about tying the maximum number of players on a map to the lowest number of players? So the maximum number of extra players a server can have cannot exceed a certain fixed value.
For example, suppose servers A B C are playing one another. A has 20 people on the map, B and C have 10. If the maximum number of extra players is 10, then A is maxed out and new players will have to queue, but B and C will have no queue. If another 10 players join B, then B will also be maxed out. If 20 players now join C, then C will be maxed out, but A and B will be able to bring in more players, etc, all the way until the server can’t handle the population.
With a well-chosen number of extra players, the weaker servers would never be outnumbered to the point where they can’t do anything. Of course this would need to be fine-tuned, e.g. if A have 20 people while B and C have 10, and then five players on B leave, then A’s players shouldn’t be forced to leave. Instead new players can’t enter the map. A certain minimum of players should be fair as well, so e.g. if B and C only have 5 players on the map, A should still be able to field a minimum of, say, 20. The 15-man advantage would still be greater than the maximum number of extra players, but one does need roughly a 20-man team to be able to do something like take keeps in a reasonable amount of time.
If this is implemented then queue times on the most stacked servers will get incredibly long, especially against significantly weaker servers, so in that case it would be nice to have a grace period of free server transfer.
Summary: have a maximum player advantage number, say 10, above which new players cannot enter the map. Have a minimum player number, say 20, to which the first restriction does not apply.
ZDs transfers from SFR to Blackgate -> SoR becomes a T2 server.
Posting history by Jeydra.4386…15 days ago…… lol nuff said
Well I transferred to Blackgate looking for more……pvdoors
Wrong. If PvD is what a person is looking for he should transfer to a server like CD, where coverage is weak and oftentimes there will be a zerg vs. nobody. With Blackgate, especially in the JQ SoR BG match two weeks ago, every inch of the map is contested and taking even a tower is an achievement.
Also I transferred to Blackgate because 1) disagreements with certain people in SoS, who actually encouraged me to move, and 2) to play against JQ. It was almost a toss-up whether I went to SoR or to BG. You can look through some of the old threads for my posts asking why I should choose one server over the other. Considering how pathetic SoR are being, I’m actually happy I didn’t transfer there.
I think the next time I transfer, it’ll probably be to TC.
ZDs transfers from SFR to Blackgate → SoR becomes a T2 server.
Why should SoR bother competing, before it was fun to but now even JQ dont want to compete with BG, pathetic that Anet didnt lock the servers
I played for SoS against JQ and SoR, I know what it was like getting rolled over by super stacked servers. But I make do with what I have. Asymmetric warfare is part of WvW. Managing a small zerg against a bigger one takes skill too.
You guys had such a big lead coming out of the weekend, and then just let it go without bothering to play. If that’s not disappointing, what is?
Will the real SoR please stand up? This is shaping up to be an embarrassingly one-sided massacre.
ofc we cant compete you’re a super stacked server and if anything its embarrassing for BG to do this
Didn’t SoR and TC stomp BG last weekend? What happened to that SoR?
Besides even if BG is super stacked SoR could still have done something like held Valley in EB. The keep was T3 with a million pieces of siege inside, and the queue would ensure that SoR cannot be outnumbered. And yet when I log on today SoR have … nothing … on the map, with even TC ticking more points.
Earlier this week BG was fully queued on all four maps a lot of the time, but SoR still doesn’t have to lose this badly. I’m really disappointed.
(edited by Jeydra.4386)
Will the real SoR please stand up? This is shaping up to be an embarrassingly one-sided massacre.
Bump still looking.
As title … I’m looking for:
1) PvX guild – I primarily play PvE and WvW, and would prefer if there are people doing both. So calls like “Golem 50%” wouldn’t be out of place, and “Anyone want to do FotM 10?” may find players.
2) WvW focus – Would be best if there were a sizeable part of the guild that play WvW fairly regularly, and are aware of its basics. There doesn’t have to be guild WvW events. If I log on to a random map and find a few other people wearing the same tag, or if people discuss about the current matchup and what’s going on in the different maps in guild chat, that’s good enough for me.
3) English – I can speak a couple of other languages, I strongly prefer if the primary language in guild chat is English. It doesn’t have to be English per se, as long as it’s still something a native English speaker can understand (so e.g. Singlish is fine). Occasional other language is OK as well.
4) No steep entry requirements – I strongly prefer if there is no entry form that I need to fill, then screenshots to show that I do have a level 80 character with max ascended items, then a 1v1 duel with one of the guild’s champions, then log on to Teamspeak for an interview, before I get an invite.
5) East Asian timezone – I’m not currently in East Asia, but the East Asian timezone is most convenient for me. I’ll also consider guilds in the Central Asian or Oceanic timezones.
6) I’m not willing to transfer servers (apologies).
In return I generally play a couple of hours every day and can 100% rep.
Ping me here or in-game.
Isn’t the OP the guy that was qq’ing about SoS karma training on the last day when the match was already decided?
I don’t know if SoS were in communication with whoever it was (I presume JQ?). BG did however, and I didn’t approve either.
Reposted to protect the name of the guilty:
This is how the JQ commanders react after you stab stomp them in Mag BL.
Come on Mag, we aren’t karma training hard enough for JQ’s liking! There are too many fights at garrison for them and they can’t get their precious WXP fast enough so they can max out AC/cannon/ballista/siege dmg mastery for all their zerglings! Let’s make sure not to ruin WvW gameplay by deviating from PvD!
Welcome to Mag match-up JQ. We don’t want your kittening WXP we want you face-down on the ground. Seriously, for me, fighting T1 has been the biggest WvW disappointment since release, and not solely from a roaming standpoint.
Thumbs up soldier, I like that attitude.
I’m not really concerned about interserver alliances (yet anyway). I’m more concerned about interserver agreements to karma train. This has nothing to do with tactics or PPT or whatever – it’s simply turning WvW into an arena for farming.
If you’re a solo player caught between two commanders agreeing to karma train while dodging one anothers’ zerg, what can you do other than switch maps?
EDIT: There, the linked post is back up – https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/wuv/matchups/10-25-JQ-SOS-Mag-Gold-Season-Match-2/page/8#post3107850
(edited by Jeydra.4386)
When I mentioned in map chat about how cruel we were being, my teammates were like “don’t pity TC, they deserve it”. What did you guys do to BG anyway?
Not everyone feels the same, and well, you were on EBG afterall. You have to take what you read in map chat with a grain of salt in that zone. As far as the tone, one can only guess. From my play this weekend during NA prime it did seem like TC was being overly aggressive with BG and more passive with SoR, so that could have gotten some players fired up. Who knows. But most of us WvW vets know that there’s usually a reason an enemy commander targets one server over another, or 2v1 a server to break a waypoint or something (like Sat night on TCBL Hills) and don’t get all bent out of shape about it.
Many months ago BG and TC actually developed a very friendly relationship during our month of T2 matches.
Here’s the situation in more detail.
Map was Eternal Battlegrounds
Blackgate held SM
SoR led Blackgate by ~10k points
Long queue to enter EB for Blackgate
TC’s Overlook was T3 (waypoint built)
TC’s Veloka was T3 (700/700 supply with lots of siege inside)
SoR attempts to take Overlook with I-don’t-know-what, but they were stopped at OL west gate. The swords there warned us that there was a fight going on. We were in our corner of the map at the time. Commander takes the zerg and pushes for Veloka, using four (!) superior rams and taking it without resistance. Around this time SoR fails to take OL and goes on to take Mendon’s. After taking Veloka BG builds 7 Omega golems and goes for OL as well, but get wiped; while BG were outside Overlook SoR takes SM, ending the 2v1.
I think there’s no rational reason for the commander to go for Overlook / Veloka, other than to prey on TC. TC could do nothing about it – they’re stuck in a 1v2 against two superior servers. It must be very frustrating for them since they’ve already done all they can (holding Overlook), yet their position still deteriorated dramatically.
Shortly before I transferred out of SoS I had this week playing against JQ and FA. JQ had enough of a numerical advantage to simply roll over SoS and FA, which they did, but not just that they started spawn camping people with superior Ballistae while spamming /laugh. Not funny. TC are way stronger than SoS or FA, but even so. BG shouldn’t play like JQ. I’m disappointed, really.
Interserver communication certainly happens. The post I linked above had a set of screenshots showing someone from JQ whispering someone from Maguuma, asking to form a karma train. JQ would not resist if Maguuma took certain possessions on condition that Maguuma doesn’t resist when JQ takes them back. They’d then trade towers and keeps endlessly, farming farming farming. The post’s been deleted now though (I presume because the screenshot didn’t hide the names of the people involved).
I’ve also seen a JQ-BG agreement to karma train once. The commander wasn’t ashamed to admit it, and in fact told me to get out of whatever JQ were sieging at the time, or scouting them. Haven’t seen anything from SoR, however.
Alliance is one thing. In the JQ FA SoS matchup JQ are so much stronger than SoS or FA that the best possible thing would be for FA and SoS to form an alliance against JQ. Everyone would benefit game-wise: JQ gets more of a game, FA and SoS don’t get stomped by JQ so badly. The drawback would be that there’s less WXP and bags to go round, but so what? That’s what WvW was designed to be. Karma training however is a different thing. Here people agree to just turn WvW into a farm fest, and too bad for the people who’re actually trying to play.
I give Maguuma huge props for not agreeing to it.
EDIT: O_o the post was deleted.
(edited by Jeydra.4386)
The 2v1 against the weakest server on EB just now was soooo cruel. It may win games, but I don’t condone it. Credits to TC for at least holding Overlook.
Its been happening on all maps all week. SoR is just playing normally being the big dog, and BG is just playing the bully. Instead of attacking the tougher target when there is a CLEAR opportunity to hit their holdings, they hit something else TC owns. Its been going on in TCBL all week. SoR hits garrison, and BG takes the time to attack a north tower instead of hitting briar or bay.
I guess people go to T1 for the competitive and fun fights, and not easy wins right…. right? I’ll give it until tomorrow for BG to give up trying for first and just focusing on holding TCBL. They’ve done it in the last 3-4 matchups we’ve had with them, why should this be any different.
Admittedly there are two grand strategies to apply: either hit the strongest competitor, or prey on the weakest server. But the latter strategy is very cruel. Yes it adds to PPT, but it’s still heartless. When I mentioned in map chat about how cruel we were being, my teammates were like “don’t pity TC, they deserve it”. What did you guys do to BG anyway?
The 2v1 against the weakest server on EB just now was soooo cruel. It may win games, but I don’t condone it. Credits to TC for at least holding Overlook.