I’m on the bus ride in to work but I’ll start this thread answering a couple questions and try and keep it up to date for the day.
UPDATE: Devon is going to answer most of the questions and then we will update the OP with his answers. Also I didn’t reserve enough space so the F.A.Q. will continue on a post near the bottom of this page…
Q: Is the Edge of the Mists only open when all maps are full?
A: No, it’s always available from the list I maps it simply is the only WvW map that can overflow.
Q: What happens if you get into a copy of Edge of the Mists with only people from your world?
A: There will be stuff to do. More to be revealed as people start playing the map. For example, if server A have queues for the capacity of 2 overflows and server B and C only for 1 overflow, one copy will have a 3 way battle, the other copy will have just people from server A, however the map will still function similarly based on some solutions we are talking about that will be fleshed out once the tests begin.
Q: I don’t like feature X about this map what should I do?
A: That is ok, this map is in its first stages of development. Apply to be involved in the test and give your feedback. Even if you don’t get into the test there will be NO NDA so you will hear about the progress of the map and be able to comment on it.
Q: Where can I sign up for to help test the Edge of the Mists?
A: Any guild can sign up, regardless of whether or not they play WvW or even play Guild Wars 2. Your Guild can sign up at this link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/GW2_WvWCommunityTest
Q: Should everyone who wants to be tester register here?
A: 1 person per guild, please. The idea is that we’ll use one person as a point of contact. More registrations will not increase the odds of your guild being involved.
Q: Are players affected by the bloodlust buff while playing in the Edge of the Mists?
A: Maybe. This whole endeavor will be a collaborative open test and answers to questions like that will evolve as the test does. As of now the answer is no because this map is not intended to contribute to score which the bloodlust buff is capable of doing.
Q: OMG, Edge of the Mists is a bunch of floating islands, the gameplay is going to be all about knocking people off the edge of the islands.
A: There are certainly many larger islands as well as many areas with rails. There will certainly be some places where knocking players off will be beneficial, however we expect to use this test to find the right balance that will satisfy both types of combat.
Q: How does the overflow work? Is it possible to fight against other servers? Is it combined with EU and NA or just one specific region?
A: The current iteration is that you will only be matched up against the other worlds in your current WvW matchup. That is one of the many aspects of the map that we will be actively getting feedback on from the community and the testers.
Q: Will there be any advantages to get on the map? Such as a King of the hill thing that grants buffs, or will it be one giant pit to fight on at equal grounds?
A: The map has objectives, from resource camps to keeps, much like the other WvW maps. Once people get into the maps we’ll talk more about the specifics of those objectives. But this is not going to be far removed from WvW, just new.
Q: Can you enter the map from the good ’ol WvW UI Panel? Will there be portals for it in major cities / Border Waypoints too?
A: Yes to the dropdown. We haven’t put portals in the cities yet, but most likely we will.
Q: Can you place siege on the map? Or is it limited to player skills and teams only?
A: Siege is intended to be an important part of the map. Again, this map is WvW so there will be objectives, siege, etc.
Q: What will the max players be on a map from one server?
A: It’s our policy not to release those numbers. And we haven’t settled on that yet. This is something we will be experimenting with over the course of development/testing. It will be somewhere from the limit on the current maps, to some number less than that.
Q: What do you view under ‘We want the best WvW experience’? What is the goal of WvW and what would be the best WvW experience with the addition of this map?
A: The goal of this map is to provide a place for the thousands of people who queue daily to be able to experience the WvW experience rather than being left out. There will be massive battles, epic sieges, stirring defenses, and crushing defeats on this map. We want as many people as possible to be playing WvW and as we expand into other territories we want to make sure they don’t experience the massive queues that we saw at launch in NA/EU.