I saw during the last two days, while look for a group to do Sloth, two announces " 90+ Li only, eternal, gearcheck, killproof – NO FRENCH PLAYER ", " Only eternal +70Li, BE VERY EXP OR EASY KICK FOR NOOBS ", "Exp or kick, no missplays ". No wonder why people think the raiding community is toxic, and I honnestly think it is partialy true, a LOT of raiders are actually very toxic. I think it’s Anet’s role to moderate announces like this in the lfg, and to try to reduce the toxicity, when a player gets reported for insults, he must be looked at and things must be done for this kind of toxic players.
How is that toxic though? They didn’t insult anyone =/
Like, say you have an RP LFG and you put “not RP-ing = kick”, would that be toxic too?
that’s an awful place to bind your dodge
Actually that’s the default keybinding for dodge =x
What other key do you suggest to bind dodge to?
Reset time is unlikely to change. We picked the time slot based off player concurrency during the week and when it was least likely to disrupt coordinated players that raid multiple days in a row.
Sorry but that makes it sound like guess work at best.
At worst sounds like it has been chosen by tiny minority of “hardcore guilds/players”.
Wow. If you said a reason given by an Anet dev (who actually have access to the real data) to be “guesswork”, then I’m not sure anyone or anything can convince you of anything else.
Reset time is unlikely to change. We picked the time slot based off player concurrency during the week and when it was least likely to disrupt coordinated players that raid multiple days in a row.
Huh, that was interesting, I would have thought that weekend concurrency is super high because most people log in on weekend.
And yeah, I haven’t realized about that “raid multiple days in a row”. Having it start on monday was actually pretty good for that reason, because if you start at saturday then some people might not be available for Monday (just 2 days after reset), whereas most people have the same schedule for the rest of weekday. Heh, I remember the week when raid was introduced, we wiped at VG everyday for the whole week until Sunday =p
…. it’s a huge pain in the kitten when someone has only one class, because often that class is really good in some fights and really bad in others (engi, ele, and necro are the worst for this) and they wind up learning little because they go down a lot or don’t have a real role in the encounter. I could rant for hours about ele-only players “learning” to raid against vale guardian.
While I agree that only having 1 class for raid is problematic, I really don’t see how ele could be bad in ANY of the raid boss. I think it’s one of the professions that’s actually quite desired in all 6 of the boss fights =x
To get me right, MMORPG should never be about duration of fight in miliseconds. And that is current state of the game.
Most fights ends in 2 seconds, either you got oneshoted or you avoid the damage and oneshot enemy because he blew his cooldowns.
Eh, just don’t use zerker.
Or try raid (since it seems you’re skilled enough) where fight lasts for more than 5 minutes.
In PvE in old maps, there is no point going anything else than zerker and you can go rush in the middle of NPC group and kill them by one skill. On new maps its more difficult but once you learn attacks of the mobs you can do the same.
Well, zerker has been the meta ever since, what, a year after GW2 launch? So HoT has nothing to do with that. At least nowadays condition damage is a viable alternative.
In PvP match turns quickly to “keep running back” because that is where you spend most of the time.
What are you talking about?
1. Last PvP season people are angry because the meta is bunkering and super defensive.
2. If you’re winning the fight most of the time you don’t need to “run back”
In WvW this high damage result in pirate ship. Melee in groups is mostly non existant and guild that keep insisting on melee train have problem to get to the enemy. Ranged groups wins 80% of the fights. And all fights ends very soon.
Actually, the pirate ship meta is because of the change to stability instead of just damage. Anet has said that stability stuff is one of the things they’re going to fix soon for wvw.
Seriously, tons of people will be so happy if these are the only things holding back the game.
> Because, due to balancing, sometimes they may change stats of a skill. How else would you see it in-game if there’s no tool tips? Besides, I don’t know about you, but I don’t always remember all the conditions that my weapon might apply (especially if it’s minor one like chill or vulnerability)
> Because when people can queue outside of lobby, people keep canceling their match prompt when they’re in the middle of an event or something, making it hard to have a match. So yes, people, you’re being punished because of your own behavior.
> What? I don’t really understand this…
> Their reasonings are that they want you to play the game instead of playing the UI, like how healers in WoW only need to look at the UI to heal their parties instead of looking their in-game characters. Besides, GW2 UI is way better than some other MMOs other there.
> If you don’t have crazy good computers, simply limit the amount of characters shown in the setting menus to increase FPS.
> Well, they did no longer put armor in the game because of the glitches and only put outfits since they’re easier to make glitchless. So, wish granted, I guess?
> Balance patch is every 3 months actually. And eh, aren’t people saying the current balance for PvP is decent nowadays?
Some times after GW2 launch I bought a couple of Arah run because I want a particular skin for my character and I’m not in the mood to do all of Arah paths. Does that mean Arah is broken? No, that just means there’s something I want (a demand) and there are some other people who can supply what I want.
In a game, there should not be cases where you would rather pay another player to carry you rather than doing it yourself. The content should be achievable enough that you could do it yourself, and fun enough that you’d want to. In cases where you might not enjoy a specific type of content, there should be alternate content from which you could earn the same rewards, so as long as you enjoy any part of the game, you could progress towards any rewards you wanted.
…so you’re saying that arah is broken then?
Anyway, I think it’s best to just agree to disagree. I believe that Anet knows what’s best.
(btw, I guess you’re also opposed to mesmer selling portal for JP?)
Also, Ohoni, please, please stop stating your opinion as if it’s a universal truth.
“In a game, there should not be cases…”. It’s an opinion, not some universal game design rules that every game designer have to follow to make a good game.
(edited by LegACy.1296)
A system deemed “broken” by you. One that requires work you are not willing to put forth. This system is not broken. You are simply refusing to be a part of it.
Again, if it were not broken in some way, there would not be a secondary market in circumventing it.
It doesn’t have to be broken for a market to exist…
Some times after GW2 launch I bought a couple of Arah run because I want a particular skin for my character and I’m not in the mood to do all of Arah paths. Does that mean Arah is broken? No, that just means there’s something I want (a demand) and there are some other people who can supply what I want.
“Do we really need expansions?”
Apparently yes, because when there were only living stories people keep asking Anet to make an expansion so they have more professions, more permanent stuff, etc.
LOL, so, “not being complete accurate” is how you describe posts that are totally contradicting each other. Cute.
Two posts… by two different people… in different context. Valid argument. I don’t even agree with what “The one to Rule.2593” is saying. I’ve made like 100g full-clearing both wings this week and last. Non-raiders also advocate that they don’t want an easy-mode raid for the rewards, yet here we are… discussing rewards. Notice how this entire thread consists of dozens of opinions, including mine. Opinions….Opinions…Opinions… Onions… Opinions…
(I’m talking to STIHL here, just using this quote as a foundation)
See, even raiders have varying experiences. As of now, I have never ever cleared both wings. Last week I killed 5 bosses and this week I killed 4 bosses. Oh, and I pugged, so that 5 bosses kills are separated into 3 different groups/tries instead 1 single guild run. I’m sure Avarice has a completely different experience than me, and that’s why people could report different things.
As for gold. Say, even if you cleared Spirit Vale in 45 minutes, that still means 2 foods + 2 utilies which to some can costs around 2 golds. And guess what, money-wise a full Spirit Vale clear only yields 6 golds, so that means the profit is… ta-da, 4 golds for 1 single week. Imagine how many golds you earn if you run Silverwaste an hour daily for the whole week.
Now, If you can’t turn a profit doing a Raid (or any content for that matter) then you need to revisit how good you really are at that content, and accept that perhaps that content is not really the right content for you, if you can’t turn a profit doing it.
Unless you’re saying that people who go broke playing WvW should stop playing WvW?
(edited by LegACy.1296)
Apparently people are unhappy that ArenaNet think it’s okay for people to sell SAB runs. And that’s because they feel it’s unfair since they suffer tons of death trying to do it themselves while other people can just buy it with gold.
Some quotes:
Well I hope this is fixed pronto. After slogging for a few hours through W2Z3 today and suffering easily 200+ deaths… yeah, allowing this just doesn’t seem right."
“But seriously, I agree with this. Both just feel cheesy and I have to wonder why someone would bother, just log into that single player game and enter the codes for God mode… what’s the point if you can just afk and pay your way through content that has to be hotfixed to work as intended so people don’t get rewards that clearly weren’t intended to be gotten that way..? Where is the glory? The sense of accomplishment?”
I thought this kind of discussion will be constrained to this subforum only XD
I get where you are coming from, but I think it’s fine as is, the current raid rewards are rather subpar, the only real reward to look forward to is the armor itself and the vipers trinkets.
Then obviously the solution would be to make raid rewards not-subpar at the same time legendary armor and viper trinkets are made non-exclusive. Not to insist on that exclusivity (because, let’s be honest, as it is, once you’ll get your set, the generic rewards will still be subpar, and there would no longer be anything else to go for).
They’ve already stated in living world 3 vipers trinkets are going to be a thing you can pick if you don’t want to raid for them, this leaves just legendary armor, I’m all for replacing it with something else though, provided it’s actually a good and useful reward that’s not just another skin or mini.
The problem is that it’s just a vicious cycle because even then you’ll have people complaining about whatever it’s replaced with.
Can you give a link were they stated that was rewarded for living story s3 please.
It was from the AMA I think.
But I’ll +1 him, I’ve read the same information as well, that LS3 will help distribute ascended trinket with the new stats.
EDIT: It’s easier to search AMA result from dulfy =p
This part:
My question is this: Are you planning on making ascended gear available to everyone WITHOUT having to do raids? For example, getting ascended viper jewelry. I thought a core idea for GW2 was to make all gear available to all players in the game style they prefer (fractals, WvW, open world, raids, SPvP)? I can understand having exclusive rewards for raids, but feel those should be cosmetic like exclusive skins and mini’s — not equipment.
Living World Season 3 should open some avenues for non-raiders to gear up with ascended equipment. This should also allow non-raiders to get the gear/stat combinations that are currently only available in the raids, like jewelry with the new HoT combinations.
I expect a big buff for guards on 19th. If that doesn’t happen I will probably just abandon this game. So much bad stuff happened in the past and I intentionally delayed raiding to a point when my main class would be viable. 6 months is already too long and I won’t wait 7 months.
Wow, resorting to threat already? XD
Anyway, I don’t think Guardian will have (or needs) any big buff, so I suppose it’s good bye then?
Now, on a more serious note, these days Guardian is quite desirable in pretty much all raid fights. This Monday my group did a pug run of wing 1 + first boss of wing 2, and we had a Guardian in all the fight. To be honest, I’ve seen way less thief than Guardian in raid comp these days, even if thieves has more DPS that guards.
And who said Block was useless in raid? I really love block when fighting Gorseval since it can nullify the knockback. VG’s teleportation is blocked with Aegis too IIRC.
…but does anyone know how many times the bosses in Salvation Pass need to be killed to complete collection #7-#12 for the Legendary Armor?
Just need to kill all wing 2 bosses once.
All right, thanks for the info. I think this settles one thing regarding ANet’s direction…
For the foreseeable future, even if there’s an easier mode for raid, player will NOT be able to get Legendary armor from that mode. (note: this is ANet’s current consideration/plan/design, not mine)
A short summary of how I get to that conclusion:
Basically anet see “clear the raid” as the requirement for getting legendary armor, NOT “grind the raid”. If Anet saw “grind the raid” as the requirement, if they make easier mode, they can simply make it so the requirement is either “grind the normal raid” OR “grind the easier raid longer”. But since the requirement is “clearing”, even if there’s an easier mode, the requirement can only be “clear the normal raid”, since there’s no equivalent of that requirement on easy mode.
Longer thought:
Initially I was theorizing about the actual implementation of “1/3 reward for easier mode” that Ohoni’s been proposing. 1/3 reward, which means the weekly shard cap is 33 instead of 100, which also means that players can only get ascended glove (the cheapest asc gear) after 5-6 weeks of raiding. Also lower chance of asc gear dropping. I got 40 LI and 4 or 5 asc gear from raid, which averages to 10-12% drop rate. So in Ohoni’s mode this will be 3.3-4% drop rate, which means player will get their first asc gear drop after 25-30 kills.
I’ll leave that discussion to another topic, and move on to another reward aspect: legendary armor collection. In Wing 1 we need to gather 5 spirit threads by killing gorseval 5 times, which means at best we can only get it after 5 weeks. In Ohoni’s mode player will need to kill Gorseval 15 times then, to gather 5 spirit threads, which means 15 weeks of killing gorseval, which is almost 4 months.
So far so good, since so far player needs to grind the raid to get legend armor, but problem is, on Wing 2 Anet changes their way of doing the armor collection. Instead of killing bosses multiple times, raider just need to kill the bosses once. Once a raider has cleared the wing, they can also pass the collection step. Which means for Anet, it isn’t important how many times a player do the raid, what’s important is that they cleared it.
Now that’s important. Anet has always like to “improve” stuff on the next iteration. Which means Wing 2 is closer to Anet’s ideal compared to Wing 1. This can be seen from how there’s no more achievement that’s similar to The Eternal achievement, or how the achi encourage new way to do the boss unlike the wing 1 achi.
So that means the wing 2 collection is closer to anet’s ideal compared to wing 1. Which means anet’s actual ideal is basically “legendary armors are for people who have cleared the current raid”, no raid grinding. And since easier mode supposedly “lengthen” the grind, it’s not compatible with anet’s ideal since there’s no actual grind involved.
(edited by LegACy.1296)
Hmm, this my came off topic, but does anyone know how many times the bosses in Salvation Pass need to be killed to complete collection #7-#12 for the Legendary Armor? For example, I know that Gorseval needs to be killed 5 times for the first wing, but I haven’t really started doing collection for wing 2, so I’m asking here.
@GoldenTruth welcome to the “trying to have conversation with Ohoni” thread. Anyway, spoiler: Ohoni doesn’t exactly want an “easier raid so more people can play it” nor he wants “easier raid so people can do the harder raid”. What he wants is a raid that he can easily completes that gives the same type of reward as the current raid.
P.S. Stats being locked behind raids is another thing entirely and needs to be revamped, but not at the cost of nerfing raids.
During the AMA they’ve said that the stats problem will be addressed on Living Story Season 3, so there’s that. (Probably as reward for doing all the story instance achievement or something)
I’m not surprised ANet dropped dungeons, honestly. They were an unsustainable system.
*With their budget and current level of development.
Plenty of games do dungeons just fine. Anet just put their priorities elsewhere. That is fine. That doesn’t make dungeons “unsustainable”
How many other games have dungeons AND big open world events with 100 players participating though?
Like, I play Blade and Soul, and they just keep adding dungeons every patch, simply because at level cap all you gonna do every day is just clearing dungeons. GW2 has more diverse end game.
Well, if they don’t remove the dungeon, people who actually wants to play it can still do that, at least. Why would you want to remove it completely? I’m sure most people would rather Anet keep SAB open but remove the reward instead of removing it completely like they did =p
I think trying to keep them open, after deliberately making them unappealing to drive people away from playing them. is, like, well for lack of a better analogy, it’s like breaking up with someone and saying “lets be friends”
Eh, I think it’s just preference. I kinda stayed friends with my ex even after we broke up, and I think we’re doing just okay, we don’t hate each other or anything (or at least I hope so)
You need to go out and find a guild that is successfully progressing through the raiding content. It is obvious that the only reason you are reaching this conclusion is due to the fact that you are running with people who can not handle their responsibilities. You would literally flip your opinion if you were more successful.
Now, this may mean you need to dedicate 6-9 hours a week to raiding, but if you really want this then you will have no issue doing that. This is how raiding works. As for pugging. You’re relying on faith that your fellow pugs have already put the time into the content that is being cleared. This is more than likely not true though since pugs are generally less successful than full teams who practice together.
Now that’s where you’re wrong avarice.
Ohoni just want the raid reward, he himself isn’t interested in raid (like someone could dislike fractal but still do it for ascended trinkets). Even he has said that he dislike how he has to repeat the fight from beginning when he failed, because he supposedly has cleared the earlier phase. So I suppose after he cleared the wing, he’d expect to just be able to “press F to gain shard” since he has won against the bosses before.
I was pondering a way to make different difficulty settings without compromising the current encounters in any way, keep “easy mode” as proper training for new players, allow new players to experience the raid story and give them access to some of the rewards.
The funny thing is that the Raid already has a system in place for all that. Here is how it could work with an example:
Vale Guardian has 3 distinct phases, I won’t count the split phases for this, so it’s like this: Phase 1 -> Split -> Phase 2 -> Split -> Phase 3
Each Phase has all the mechanics of the previous one but with a few tweaks and additions, and the last Phase is usually super chaotic. So here is the idea:
An “Elite” difficulty will be as we know the encounter today. A “Veteran” difficulty will have only 2 Phases, Phase 1 -> Split -> Phase 2 and maybe an “Easy” difficulty will have just the first Phase (I say “maybe” because I think Phase 1 is very very easy).
The idea is, you go to the lower difficulty, master it, then move higher up to the next difficulty until you reach Elite and finish the “main” boss. Although in a way it’s the same how it works now, it will offer players some progress and allow them to experience the story and the instance itself without the need for a full kill. As a potential addition they could make a “Champion” and “Legendary” difficulty with even harder Phases, these new Phases will replace the other ones, as having more than three would make the encounter very tiring. In effect, the “champion” difficulty will start at Phase 2, then add an extra Phase 4, and “Legendary” difficulty will start on Phase 3 and add 2 new Phases, 4 and 5.
As for rewards? Magnetite Shards are the easiest to calculate, since you already get shards if you fail, the easier modes could give shards equal to those you get on a failure. So the “easy” difficulty will give the same amount as if you wiped in Phase 2 of the original Raid. For the rest of the rewards I’m unsure, because to my knowledge we still don’t know where we’ll use the Legendary Insights for example, I doubt they are just supposed to show off how many time you finished a Raid boss, that would be dumb. The Eternal title and achievement will probably be achievable in the Elite and above difficulty.
I do NOT think any of this is needed NOW. The Raids are doing their job at the moment keeping the Raiders happy and busy, but thinking ahead, there will come a time that a new difficulty setting might be needed, this is mostly for THAT time and not for right now. Think of the future.
Oh hey, I actually like this idea. Finally someone who can actually offer a sensible solution.
The only problem I see with this is that it requires all boss to have some kind of “phases”. Slothasor doesn’t really have any phases however, do you have any idea what to do there?
So, you can’t just say that they tried and people didn’t like it. Their efforts were kitten, and dungeons weren’t fun and still aren’t fun. Instead of apologizing to the community and PROPERLY revamping them, they just abandon the content altogether without even properly acknowledging it to the community. They have not once in the years that this game has been out released a statement concerning dungeons.
kitten, there isn’t even a dungeon team anymore.
So please, don’t make excuses for them.
So why do you want back something that you found not fun?
Well, people are always praising anet for doing things differently than other MMOs, so don’t complain when they actually did that =p
Are you willing to give up content you care about for this?
They’re asking for easy mode because they aren’t getting any content. There’s nothing to give up.
He’s talking about future content. Would people still be okay if raid story mode will delay new fractals by at least another 2 months?
You, the ones against the easy mode, you still don’t get it! Easy mode is not for replaying, it is to EXPERIENCE it once! It is obvious that raid is an introduction to the Mursaat and White Mantle Season 3 story line. Why should be people who are just not good enough players entitled to experience this part of the story from a youtube video? Why do they have to skip all the bosses and events because they are just unbeatable for them?
I think that’s a problem for ArenaNet. Don’t you think that, for them, making something that most people would run only once is also a waste of resources? The current raid at least make a certain kind of players keep playing the game…
Ummm, I just realized something:
If anet make an easy version of Raid, but with crappy reward, wouldn’t that just turn it into Dungeon? And we know how popular that content nowadays…
Just a reminder: stop feeding the troll. You time is valuable, don’t waste it.
I read that literally only 10% of the player base has done the raid. So why is it already taking priority over fractals when fractals have had NOTHING since that asuran fractal which NO one ever does unless it lands on a daily?
I think you answered the question yourself.
Because raid is the very first time that ArenaNet introduced a new group instanced content that people actually love and willing to repeat. Whenever ArenaNet introduced a group instanced content, people only run them when they’re new. Be it the Thaumanova fractal or Aetherpath. Raid is the exception so far. And oh, the Legendary Armor is also locked behind them I guess (whereas the fractal backpiece was locked behind the leaderboard, not new fractal content)
And only 10% playerbase has done raid? Well, according to you, there would be 0% of the playerbase that will do the new fractal if it’s not on daily
I… I think I understand what OP wants.
He basically wants this thread to be a discussion ONLY for people who agrees with him, and NOT for people who disagree or even questions his thought.
You don’t need to clear wing 1 to get to wing 2. It was confirmed by a dev (Crystal Reid herself IIRC).
Dodge randomly? =p
In a more serious note, it’s a damage aura that ticks damage over time and there’s no way to mitigate it other than aegis, invulnerability, or lucky dodge..
Yes player with exotic gear could complete raid.
And healer Druid is totally needed in raid as well
Except those videos of people doing the VG and ignoring the green circle.
People clicking skills with their mouse and most people on only exotics.
Your metas are dumb.
Well, at first, no one said that asc stuff is a must. Secondly, I agree, to click skills with a mouse is a crime. They should all be arrested and burn in hell.
Seriously, wtf do we have to read here?I think he’s referring to a video where a group killed VG while ignoring the green circle mechanic because they have 3 healers on their comp (1 druid + 2 eles). On the video, the druid is shown clicking his skills with mouse instead of keyboard shortcut.
Basically, his argument is that “A group can kill VG even without ascended and without following the meta, so metas are dumb”.
(seriously, why am I the one who explains another people’s argument ~.~)That said, he failed to notice that:
1. Other than the 2 ele healers, everyone else in that group is using the meta build.
2. Of course you don’t have to follow the meta if the group doesn’t require so. If you want to join a group that requires meta, you either NOT join that group or USE the meta build.Seriously, a raid group can ask you to only wear pink dyes, and if you don’t want to use that dye, it’s their right to kick you from the group.
Also because the dps check on VG is like almost literally 60% of gor’s? That’s why you see a million silly VG shenanigan videos but no gorseval ones, and also why a lot of casual guild groups just get hard gated at gors.
These days I’m not so sure anymore. Have you seen that 7-man no updraft gorseval kill? That kill has 2 guardians too. If 7 people can DPS gorseval so hard they don’t need updraft, most 10-people group using updrafts should be able to do it just fine, right?
Except those videos of people doing the VG and ignoring the green circle.
People clicking skills with their mouse and most people on only exotics.
Your metas are dumb.
Well, at first, no one said that asc stuff is a must. Secondly, I agree, to click skills with a mouse is a crime. They should all be arrested and burn in hell.
Seriously, wtf do we have to read here?
I think he’s referring to a video where a group killed VG while ignoring the green circle mechanic because they have 3 healers on their comp (1 druid + 2 eles). On the video, the druid is shown clicking his skills with mouse instead of keyboard shortcut.
Basically, his argument is that “A group can kill VG even without ascended and without following the meta, so metas are dumb”.
(seriously, why am I the one who explains another people’s argument ~.~)
That said, he failed to notice that:
1. Other than the 2 ele healers, everyone else in that group is using the meta build.
2. Of course you don’t have to follow the meta if the group doesn’t require so. If you want to join a group that requires meta, you either NOT join that group or USE the meta build.
Seriously, a raid group can ask you to only wear pink dyes, and if you don’t want to use that dye, it’s their right to kick you from the group.
For personal DPS it’s Ele at the first place and Thief at the second.
Kinda makes sense since the both of them is super fragile, gotta compensate somewhere.
That’s why you should research stuff before you buy it.
Anyway, the name “Guild Wars” originated from an event called “guild wars” that happened in Tyria (the game’s world) a long, long time ago.
On Rewards
…Any plans on adding all the ascended trinkets to the vendor? Right now those are the only rings/amulets with stats like assassin, viper, etc
Yes, I’ve got a number of improvements/fixes for Spirit Vale that will be coming out with the next raid wing, and this is one of them. You’ll also be able to infuse the rings and backpack, and extra raid miniatures will no longer clutter up your bags.
It’s nice that raid rewards are being improved, what about wvw? Wouldn’t it be nice to players if ascended were available for badges of honor? How great would players feel if those mistforged weapons were available after close to 2 years? WvW minis? WvW aura infusions?
Yeah sure, asking the raid developers about wvw seems like a good way to get answer.
My guild discussed this during our run this week, and the consensus is that the new wing will use a new currency instead of magnetite shards. Right now you’d only need 1-2 days to cap shards for the whole week, so if the next wings has a new currency, that will gives players another thing to do for that week.
Of course, the alternative is to have different shard cap for each wing, but that will only speed up the ascended gear acquisition, something which I doubt ArenaNet wants.
Telling people to leave if they don’t like content is not the best way to approach things Mr. Trump. Some people like challenging and repeatable contents, and if you only did AC and CoF you would never understand what that was. Hell even fractal 50 and 49 were challenging compare to what we have right now. So basically when all the veterans leave, and raid/fotm eventually follow the same fate is current state of dungeon where no one runs and new players struggle to LFG, people like you will be the one that have to take the responsibility but probably won’t.
A lot of constructive feedback on HoT design and content are made, and those should be implemented to satisfy veteran players because the new players who buy the expansion will eventually become veteran players and find the same issue we already face. Also it is pretty obvious that you are not familiar with skill expectation of dungeon community. You say skipping the mob was easy, but those were made seem easy by everyone in the group contributing to blasting smoke field on short notice, giving swiftness in between by switching weapons, and knowing the blast areas to ensure safety of the group.
Stacking has been dead since September 2014 with FGS nerf. Sure icebow took its place but organized groups have stopped stacking for a while, and its those same people who are clearing the raid smoothly and giving constructive feedback that will ultimately benefit the community. People don’t want gold reward at heart, they want reward that properly reflects individual/group’s skill. Those can be accountbounded skins or titles for all people care, as long as they are challenging and fun people would repeat the content. Why are you against the idea of repeatable and skill based content in general? From your post its blatantly obvious that you have never been in a dungeon/fotm community, or if you were, not a very good player no offense.
MMORPG can never be healthy when it is bleeding players left and out, and that is the current state of Guild Wars 2. I get that your Utopian view of GW2 is forcing every veteran to leave and stop every guide on every content to be published so that every content seem new, but in reality its not. Instead of living in denial about how GW2 is the perfect MMORPG you should really reflect on current state of GW2 and try to give constructive criticism
PS. I’m pretty sure you’ll defend current scribing cost and collection items gated behind failing events
…wait, are we talking about raid reward, or something else entirely? =/
Because you seems to be talking about the hardcore dungeon runners, and I don’t think GW2 ever have good rewards that reflect their skills as well? I mean, yeah, I’ve said that I barely do any fractals, I dislike them. So of course I’m in no dungeon community, and I’m not going to comment further about that.
Again, my argument about the raid reward is that “it’s enough for me”. And I’m not sure I’d still be playing GW2 if it has no raid (well, maybe I’d be farming some hot map). So no, I don’t have any other constructive feedback other than “Please bring the next wing sooner”.
P.S. I’m doing neither the guild scribing stuff nor the precursor crafting either, so no comment on them
It’s only fun for the first 10th times. Currently its just boring and most raiders get literally nothing out of it. I was lucky enough to have 1 ghostly infusion and a mini gorseval but that doesn’t make it fun. Dungeons were fun because they were challenging (1 person messed up=wipe) and rewarding at the same time while current raid wing is more about doing it once or twice a week and then having to spend the next 5~6 days waiting for the weekly reward.
For players who want difficult content, it is very infatuating to see myself and the group not logging on after the first and second raid clear because there is no challenge. Fractals are joke, dungeons have become jokes due to powercreep introduced in HoT with gutted rewards, and HoT map metas are both mindless and frustrating due to people still not being able to perform a simple mechanic such as CCing when the boss has blue breakbar. Furthermore dedicated raiders can’t even practice at will after completion of raid due to weekly lockout that also prevents bosses from respawning.
As I’ve said, if you don’t find it fun, then don’t do it.
I only did enough Fractals to get my first ascended accessory, then I buy the rest with laurels Why? Because I don’t like doing Fractals, I don’t find it fun. I tried to do Tequatl (or Gerent nowadays) daily, why? Because I find it fun.
Also, since when is Dungeon " … were challenging (1 person messed up=wipe) …"? If you’re talking about Arah or Aetherpath, sure, but most people are running the easy dungeon like CoF or AC. And unless you count skipping mobs and stacking is a challenge, they definitely do not give any kind of challenge.
Well, if you think open world or fractal gives you better reward, then feel free to those content instead of raiding =p
Personally I think the reward for raiding is okay-ish currently. Sure, it’s not the best in the game, but it’s enough, and “fun” should be the biggest motivation for doing something. Look what happens to a content that people did solely for the reward like Dungeon. Anet nerfed the reward and people no longer do it, I don’t want the same thing happens to raid.
Okay… I’m not sure what you’re actually trying to say here. Is this about the DPS meter? Yet at one point you seem to say that the raid is fail or something?
Anyway, to be fair, our current LFG comes much, much later in the game development. For months (or even years) players were relying on the now defunct gw2lfg.com. So it’s not unprecedented that players provide a needed service for some times before ArenaNet does.
Also, it makes sense that they release raid without any kind of DPS meter, they don’t even know if people will like the raid or not. Why waste resources for something that people may not need/want/like?
These failed attempts to create challenging end-game content, at the same time banning all 3rd party measuring programs have lead up to a lot of once dedicated, skilled, loyal players leave the game for good.
I am 100% sure there is no skilled and dedicated players who leave because there’s no DPS meter in the game. Maybe they left because they cleared raid in one monday and got bored for the rest of the week, maybe they left because they don’t like doing map meta, or maybe other reasons, but definitely not because there’s no DPS meter.
Stop feeding the troll, guys, seriously.
This was entertaining for a day or two, but kinda boring now.
I don’t think we need a (highest) healing gear in GW2, most things are dodgeable.
I find it funny when people blame my healing in raids, when… 100% of things are dodgeable/avoidable, rofl….
…you can’t dodge the boss aura.
Why Anet? Why would you make such a gold sink for an armor set that looks EXACTLY the same as the old ascended gear. What a pathetic design. There is absolutely no point in crafting the new gear. Unfortunately, I learned this too late.
Well, if you, for example, have a zerker ele, you’d probably want to craft a brand new condi armor for your necro instead of simply converting your ele armor (unless you want to delete the character). Also, I have both ascended celestial set and zerker set on my ele, because crafting celestial armor is timegated so I don’t want to just convert it to zerker stats.
So yeah, there is a point in crafting new gear
Well, it would be nice if also open world content had these kinds of things
Yeah, when one world boss is actually hard and require people to properly do stuff, barely anyone was able to kill it and it ended up got nerfed hard (yes, I’m referring to Chak Gerent)
Gliding in central tyria is AMAZING!
Increased raid shards reward is nice, now I can cap weekly shards even faster.
Change well of precognition again please. And maybe lower some mesmer’s skill CD to accomodate alacrity nerf.
The only way to play Ele in PvP is defensively, stop destroying their defensive build.
The buff to necro is totally unneeded.
Nice buff on thief.
Make condi ranger a bigger thing (for PvE/raid)
I was doubtful that anet would actually balance around PvE but I have to admit this update addressed nearly every issue except for guardian and slick shoes.
What about the 3 or 4 other specs a revenant can play? Power-rev is still the only viable spec for PvE(raids). What about giving the thief utility so they’re actually desired to take instead them being an “acceptable replacement”?
A true PvE balance patch isn’t simply damage modification. It takes the various things a class is supposedly good at and compares how they fair to the other classes that do the same thing. For example, Mesmers are really good at being dodge-tanks(don’t play a Mesmer so I don’t know how accurate that statement is. Just go with it for the sake of the example, though.). Another class that has a lot of dodging and evade-fields is the theif. If these classes were truly balanced, the thief would be just as desired to take along for that role(they’d also need a buff to their party utility but that’s another topic). Note how I didn’t say the thief would be better. That would be stupid. One class is always going to outshine the others for a particular skill or role. The trick is by how much that class outshines the others. A balanced PvE system has it sitting only slightly better, not insanely better.
Well, if you’re talking about viability, thief and healer Herald is actually viable (first VG kill has thief, and my second VG kill is with a healer Herald). But if you’re talking about optimal or meta, that’s an entirely different topic.
And aren’t burnzerkers got nerfed because they outshone other classes?
Anway, yeah, for high-end PvE, damage will still be everything. Do you know why Chrono, despite the nerf, is still the best tank? Because Chrono can still increase the team’s damage output while tanking (via alacrity, quickness, etc). Guardian makes a good tank, however while tanking Guard don’t help much with the team offensive capability, because he boosted their defensive capability instead (aegis, perma protection, etc). The same goes why Druid is a more optimal healer than Tempest, despite them both being viable, Druid can increase the team’s damage while still healing effectively.
So “damage modification” doesn’t necessarily just “add more damage”, it could be “buff that helps team deal more damage” =D Imagine if Guardian gives 1 might each time he’kitten by an enemy, he’ll be a tank people could want.