Showing Posts For Lighthammer.3280:

Why is every event centered around a dungeon?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Lighthammer.3280


A: So they can avoid massive lag and people getting dced all the time. Last event wasn’t instance based and it crashed and burned PCs as well as Servers. I guess they learned a lesson and made things way easier for everyone by making a small group instances for everyone.
And i guess making instance for every individual would make same problem since too many instances would have been created at the same time hurting the servers just as bad. I believe this is the golden middle and getting 2-3 pugs is really a minute work.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 12/14

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lighthammer.3280


I love how you fix every single way of decent money farm, and reduce money income to a minimum while on the other side you put in game new items that require stack of ectos and/or stack of t6 mats to create ( back piece to be exact ), and again stack of ecto to upgrade, and once again stack of ecto to ugrade…

Give us loot! This game is supposed to e about getting nice, well skinned and hard to get loot. As far as i can see, you do Arah or ac, it doesn’t matter, you will have kitten blue items that sell for less than a silver each.

Not to mention that precursors are skyrocket high again, which even more frustrates players who would actually get them even with the price of 500g each, if they were able to farm, which they are unable due to skyrocket DR hitting everywhere and everything.

One more thing, you turned this game into a daily fest. Why?
Why am I unable to play certain dungeon, or event more than once if I so desire? Why are you limiting everything to once a day.
Seriously, I often have up to 10 hours of free time to play, and for what? For daily achievement, few ac/cof daily runs, maybe special event, and boom, in 2 hours i’m done with it all and have nothing more to play because i get punished severely if I do all of that again.

Quit with the BS already, this is an MMO, people want to play. Just because you said you don’t like “grinding”, doesn’t mean that you should remove farming from the game completely. You are losing players with this on daily basis because no one wants a kitten daily fest!

Mystic forge commendation bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lighthammer.3280


I checked this and even thou lvl 71 exotic trinkets are allowed, your forge is not successful.
Can anyone from Anet comment on this?

WvW reward system, more loot for everyone

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lighthammer.3280


This is just my idea how to possibly get more people to play WvW.

Since WvW is casual pvp, with high pve elements, why not reward it like one too.
For start, why not remove drops completely from it, and use karma or lets say “honor”.
For every kill you get x honor, every time you take a keep y honor, or destroy enemy siege z honor.
Put a vendor out that trades honor for battle commendation. 100 honor for a badge, and you removed rng from loot completely.
Ofc there should be more things to buy for commendation than armor and weapons.

On top of that, since this is Pve as well, you can add a treasure chest on conquering a keep as well. Chest would have different number of drops depending on if it is castle, keep, tower or camp. It would depend on how upgraded certain fortification is and how long has it been occupied with enemy forces. So from usual green drops from camp up to exotics from stonemist i’m sure people would fight over it a bit more.

After all, since this is a weekly event, why not put a participation “meter” and reward active players after end of the week by how good their server did.
I will roughly put numbers, just to show idea behind it.
500 kills
100 captured locations
50 defended location ( you need to improve this one, since not everyone get it when successfully defended.)
1000 supply used.
If player did all of this within a week, they are in the reward pool when week is over.
And each player gets same drops, depending how server did.
10 items chest for winner, 7 items for runner up, and 4-5 items for 3rd server. To spice it up, winner has 100% to have 1 exotic drop.

I’m sure that people would find this reward system much more appealing and fight worthy.

I would like to hear other suggestions as well, maybe from someone more experienced in wvw.


Changes to Dungeon loot

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lighthammer.3280


Honestly I have nothing against magic find in dungeons, If dungeon is easy enough why not kick some extra luck in it.

Ofc real problem is that chance to get anything good is so small that not even 10000% magic find would help. Seriously, I never got a single exotic item as a drop from a mob in dungeon. EVER! And I did quite a bit of them.

Other thing is, silver mobs are too broken, they have too little “hard” and too much hp to be effective difficulty raisers. Not to mention they have no chance to drop anything good.

Why not simply remove any drops from mobs in dungeon, and put it all in chests. That will solve your “mf gear” problem. Place chest for every boss or harder encounter and kick everything in there.
But with one alteration! Add a big chest at the end of each dungeon run.

Last chest should have less drops, but 100% chance to have at least 1 rare item or 1-5% to give exotic item. Harder the dungeon, more drops from the last chest. Especially if harder dungeons would have chance to drop precursors.

Seriously, who is doing dungeons anymore? Once completed for achievement people stay away from dungeons like animals from fire. They just last forever and reward you with blue crap, or last 20 minutes, get same blue crap, and wait tomorrow to do it again.

Honestly DR is too hard for dungeons. Why castrate players and give them loot only once a day, and punch them in the face every time they do it again.

If player has time, why punish him for playing the game. After all, there is nothing else to play in this game except dungeons. And no, wvw/pvp is not part of pve world, and this thread is not about it.

You wanted for people to have fun, and instead you made it a chore game, most just log in, do daily, complete ac/cof and log out.

PLEASE I BEG YOU! GIVE US LOOT! It is all that every pve player need to keep playing.
Most people i know are quiting game because there is simply nothing to farm/do. And i don’t blame them, because it is obvious that game is broken simply because too hard DR.

Bots and diminishing returns

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lighthammer.3280


Now that you bragged all over the place how you cut down bots really hard, which is really nice and I sincerely thank you for that, one problem stays from your old “punish everyone for bots farm” days, and that is diminishing returns.

Diminishing returns is now hurting players quite a bit. It is impossible to farm anything because drop rates are reduced so much common players just can’t benefit from it.

I used to farm in southsun cove for quite some time, while it was still fresh and botfree, really decent drop rates for tier 6 mats, even for rares too. I actually managed to get a “rare” rebreather skin for warrior, sweet indeed. But now, few weeks have passed, and bots came. Drops have suddenly dropped so much i rarely ever get a rare item, and t6 materials are so scarce it is not even funny.

I understand your goal, to keep bots empty handed, but now no one can farm anything because of it.

Can you please nerf DR a bit? I don’t mind farming for few hours to get my t6 materials, and yes they are needed now more than ever. You need stack of each for gifts of might and magic, stack of one for back piece, stack for hundreds of other stuff, and yet it is only possible to get puny 3-4 t6 materials per hour.

I also understand that you are supposed to push some cash to tp and pay taxes, but there is no place to farm cash from. Raw money drops are so rare I can’t even pay off my omnomberry bar.

I understand you said you want to have grinding as low as possible, but at least leave small window open for people who don’t mind grinding for hour or two. Not everyone enjoy running around map doing boring events or same AC/cof runs every day. And even that is reduced to only once a day.

TL;DR: Now that bots are gone, can we pls have our drops back?

Mystic forge commendation bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lighthammer.3280


When I place 3 exotic trinkets and donation packaging into forge nothing happens. According to wiki and other sources people get 2000 commendation credits but for some reason I get everything back.

Bug or you removed this recipe for hidden reason?

Split dev tracker into...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lighthammer.3280


Can you split dev tracker into 2 sections, one would be player support, and another
would be game discusion. I just gave up from forum since all useful dev discusion
is spamed with technical support íssues that no one cares about. Sure people need help but why spam general dev discussion with problems of hadful of people.
Please filter tech issues to another subforum. Thanks.

Swamp is the best fractal

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lighthammer.3280


Swamp is by far worst kitten i’ve played in this game so far. You can’t pug it, especially on higher lvls. It is so random and utility dependent that makes me sick. I spent hours trying to pass it with pugs just to get people ragequit.

Oh, and you can’t add another in his place because it’s bugged.

Seriously, fix the kitten swamp, it is not fun at all, and with so many traps and walls appearing out of nowhere right in my face it will never be fun.

Sorry but this is pretty much end for my fractal journey until you fix that kitten.

Stealth nerf on ecto drops

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lighthammer.3280


I usually salvage 75 items at a time. I use only Black lion salvage kit.
Before the last patch, my average ecto drop was around 120-130 per 75 salvages.
After the latest patch i get 100 ectos at best.
I won’t whine about it, but something did change, and i did 75 items series quite a couple of times so it isn’t one time lucky strike.
I mean, why bother with BLSK when i get almost same amount of ectos if i used mystical kit but i payed twice as much for it?

Pls Anet look into this.

Hard mode

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lighthammer.3280


You would have split worlds, HM and NM, so you are still able to play lvl 5, while i play lvl 80. It’s like same open world, just harder, a lot!

Hard mode

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lighthammer.3280


It crossed my mind how to put some hard, knuckle busting end game content while thinking how it was in gw1.

There should be a switch like in gw1, between hm and nm. And when you go HM, every area gets a full lvl 80+ foe setup. Every normal foe turns into elite ( silver ring ), every veteran turns into a champion, every champion into a legendary, and legendary gets more though and mean than ever with whole bag of crazy skills to unleash. Every Heart is reset for HM and had to be done again, only on lvl 80+ difficulty. Every heart and event give more rewards when completed, like 50-100% boost on karma and gold. Drops are more rewarding. And OFC achievement.

Achievement should count hearts done on HM, Events completed on HM, and Foes slain on HM. Just like slayer, there could be vanquisher title, which counts foes slain on HM. Godlike hero title for hearts, and Vigilante for counting events on HM.

But that is not all, Dungeons!
Every dungeon gets boost to lvl 85+ and mobs gets special attacks too. Ofc harder dungeon requires more and better loot, but achievements too.

And NO, players are only lvl 80, so every foe is at least 5 lvls above just to make things more interesting.

I could go on and on in details for each dungeon and stuff, but i think most of you gets the idea.

How do you like it?

In the future, please make every dungeon boss like Mad King Thorn

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lighthammer.3280


Not just bosses,but chests too. Loot is just on its place, enough rewarding to making you want to go again and yet bad enough to not be considered too much. Ofc harder dungeons should have a much better droo than this. I guess black lion items would go out i guess but rares can be placed on their place. It just feels right to get a exo item once every 5to 10chestss simply because it makes you want to go again.

endless mystery tonic (bug or intended?)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lighthammer.3280


Ok, so i got endless mystery tonic and i tried it out a couple of 100 of times and all i can turn my self into is some kind of bush or a tree.

Now i don’t say that isn’t cool and nice, i had quite some laugh with my friends, but I expected to be transmuted into something movable too.

So is it bugged or am i just bad luck and got endless tree tonic?

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lighthammer.3280


Since i don’t use wide screen monitor i don’t see any difference at all.

But what it would matter more if you could put an option to distance camera from char for at least twice as much. I believe that everyone would feel much more happy about that.

PLS keep the camera distance from MKD

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lighthammer.3280


Mad king dungeon gave, probably bugged, but awesome feature, full distance camera.
Pls keep it! It is so awesome and i can finally see foes behind me as well as those in front of me. It is so amazing.

Pls keep it. Pls!

Few ideas that might help fight economy/PVE issues

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lighthammer.3280


Ok so I have been playing this game since day -3 ( headstart =P ) and I took my time, enjoyed the view, dialogs and stuff, but i completed map 100% in about 2 weeks. Then I went for jumping puzzles and did them all in 2 days. In the meantime dungeons got playable and I did some of each, completed stories in few days, and collected my CoF armor and weapons quite fast ( didn’t exploit, don’t flame ). I even played WvW a bit till i got bored of it all. I tried pvp but doing pvp with random people is just wrong ( League of lols anyone? ).

Anyways after thoroughly going trough each part of the game i noticed quite a few flaws and issues that really bother me.

So lets start with BLTP. I know you are working on it, new filtering system and so on, but what hurts players the most are spammers who don’t understand how taxes work and undercut everyone by 1 copper.
Solution: Restrict undercut option to 5% of item value. So if i sell item for 10 gold, someone placing the same item can either go for 10 gold, or 9,5 or less. No more 9,99,99 and stuff that annoys like hell.

Huge dynamic events/dungeons: dragons and super strong champions: I’ve been doing those events for quite some time until i figured that i don’t benefit from them in any way, well not compared to time it took me to complete it. Some event’s go up to hour long to complete but reward you with 300 karma and 1 silver just like any other 5 minute event. Ofc that would not be a problem if chest was worthy of its loot. But after struggling for an hour you get to see 3 blue items and some ruby shard is just lame. What saddens me most is that i got more rare items from moa birds than from “super loot” event chests. It same goes with dungeons. You go in, play for FEW hours, open quite some chests, just to get countless blue items that sell for less than 1 silver each. It killed every will of me doing dungeons again. I know most will say, you get 26 silver and exp and tokens, but i don’t need tokens, especially not for armors that look terrible on warrior, or weapons that has worse skin than basic weapons.
Solution: Pls increase the loot/loot chance for “leet” chests. Most pve players want is loot, and there just isn’t any.

Diminishing returns on loot: I know this is made because of bots and exploits, but what you did too was killed every PVE players dream, being able to play and get reward for doing so. Not only that loot is bad, you restricted it so if you try to farm something you need badly, you get punished. You get punished for playing the game. I know you said that there is no grind in this game, but that should only be for lvling. Other than that grinding is in fact desirable. It lengthens the game life. Pve players, like myself, enjoy doing stuff for loot, it feels good when you dedicate couple of hours for dungeon or events and get good loot in the end. I don’t mean it should drop like blues now, but if i do two 2 hour long runs, i expect to see at least 1 exo and several rares on the way. The sum of their worth can be minimal, i don’t care if they are salvage fodder but getting them is rewarding enough, it makes pve players want doing it again.

In game gold: Since everything goes trough AH, and there is no player to player, item for item trade, you have to have big pile of gold for pretty much anything. Getting gold itself shouldn’t be a big problem if the loot system was nonexistent. You need full inv of blue items just for 1 gold, and we all know that after 5 blue items only grey items drop, or you have to farm dungeons who also reduce all drops, and after hour of gameplay you get stuck in a dead zone where no potential gold is earned.
It’s simple math really, you want everything to revolve around gold, then give more gold drops from everything. Ofc it is not the point to be able to farm 1 gold in 5 minutes, but If I do 2 hour long dungeon i expect to end up with decent amount of gold in my pocket, which is not 50 silver!

And last thing that bothers me a bit is max lvl areas. There is currently only one lvl 80 area, and is crowded with people doing lame karma runs and pretty much nothing else. On top of that it is not challenging at all. Events are lame, and champions are just getting zerged over since too many people are playing on a small area. I like how you made long event chains for epic champion fights, which once again is not worth doing when you know you will get few blue items for few hours long effort. I hope there will be more high lvl content followed up with loot drop chance boost because it just isn’t fun coming in game, playing for 1 hour, get punched in face with DR and then be forced not to play the game at all.

And since everything should end in positive manner so will this post. I congratulate you on awesome game so far, and that mad kings puzzle was epic. Even loot got me surprised.

Keep up the good work and i hope you will make a loot of good stuff in future. ( pun intended =P ).

Rare/exotic rings bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lighthammer.3280


I am unable to sell or salvage any rare/exotic ring i get. They get soulbound as soon as it touches my inventory even thou i didn’t equip it at all.

Can you pls tell if this is intended or this is just another bug that ruins my night…

My impression of the game so far

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lighthammer.3280


Hello, first of all i would like to say that game fulfilled all my expectations, maybe even exceeded them. I am playing it from the head start and it is really entertaining. There is so much details and hidden npcs with lots of funny stuff to hear that really made me stunned.

But there are few things that really puts me off and away from the game. Since I am not really interested in PvP, once i reached lvl 80, game started to feel empty. Dungeons, dragons and acolytes of gods are really interesting to do, and some of them are challenging but reward after hour long, or longer run that gets you pile of blue rubbish is just straight repelling. Not to mention that some dungeons tend to wipe you no matter how hard you try and breaks you armor instantly which often makes you lose money even if you complete the full run. Getting a rare from a chest every now and then should be a must, not a 1 in a million. I didn’t get any rare from chests, ever and i used to do quite some runs per day.

I personally love the challenge and events that ask maximum out of players, but some, usually low lvl dungeons, are so unbalanced that it is pointless to try, especially when you know that reward after you do it will not cover costs of armor repairs.

Story line of the game is interesting to a point where you get more cinematic time than actual game play. I actually skipped quite a few cinematics simply because there is no need to watch 3 or 4 of them when you are pretty much doing a same quest that has been split up in 4 smaller ones.

I sure hope things with dungeons and end game content will get balanced out, because it is shame to be forced to farm cash just so you can be able to repair armor after completing a dungeon.

And one more thing, Black Market. I know it is still new, and it takes time to settle, but few things bother me quite a bit. How am I supposed to sell an item, when people undercut prices up to the point where price of an item is almost half the price of all the materials it is crafted from. I know buying mats/crafting/selling is not working, but what about farming them?

I sure hope those stuff will get fixed, because PVE at the moment is really in a bad place. People like getting loads of gold and being able to do interesting challenging stuff to get it. I know I do.