Showing Posts For Malcastus.6240:

[merged] The Skyhammer Thread

in PvP

Posted by: Malcastus.6240


Yes, please no more Skyhammer. The only fun to be had on this map is making people fly over the edge in hotjoin.

1v1 (Serious) - Staff Elementalist [Video]

in Elementalist

Posted by: Malcastus.6240


Yah, I know, just wanted to make sure.

1v1 (Serious) - Staff Elementalist [Video]

in Elementalist

Posted by: Malcastus.6240


Are you speaking of SPvP and WvW? I am confused as you mention teams and points but also food.

I was referring to your 1 vs. 1 video btw, something I should have mentioned earlier.

1v1 (Serious) - Staff Elementalist [Video]

in Elementalist

Posted by: Malcastus.6240


Neatly played, but against good players wielding condition builds this build will be severely handicapped. Outhealing isn’t an option with only three blast finishers, as the arcane healing only does well when doing damage to multiple opponents simultaneously. How do you feel you fare against good condi builds, having barely any condi removal?

I like the idea of using arcane finishers with staff and all its combo fields, but arcane houses too many good traits and leaves you with very difficult choices, especially when wielding a staff, in the end leaving no satisfactory builds for me personally.


in Elementalist

Posted by: Malcastus.6240


Seriously, when will the new PvP patch arrive if they postponed it?


in Elementalist

Posted by: Malcastus.6240


… so when will there be reason to play GW2 again? I am so worn out by the current meta that it hurts looking at the logo.

Stop, Drop, and Roll master trait :P

in Elementalist

Posted by: Malcastus.6240


They should move it to adept, seeing how you have to pick the least horrible one. Only good water adept nowdays is Cantrip Mastery. Vital Striking is ok for burst builds, but if you wish to play something that isn’t relying on cantrips or burst, you are left with no good alternative.
I’ve said it before, but an adept trait like Shards of Ice could be redone to benefit signets or glyphs, or both.


in Elementalist

Posted by: Malcastus.6240


Wait, isn’t the big PvP patch coming the 18th anymore?

Buff ele sustain, and nerf their burst damage

in PvP

Posted by: Malcastus.6240


Horrible idea. You should look at other professions and compare. Eles are lacking in the high burst department. They are extremely squishy, more than anyone else and should have higher burst to compensate.

You are probably thinking of over abundance of instant burst skills. This issue is mainly a minor issue, due to arcane utilities. Then again, you sacrifice something to achieve extra instant burst that allows for quick downage of squishy classes, if they don’t avoid your long combos.

Elementalist weakest class? Hell no

in Elementalist

Posted by: Malcastus.6240


Most complaints involve SPvP I wager (TPvP, SoloQ and Jabba the Huttjoin). PvE and WvW is ok as an ele.

Water fighting for Elementalists

in Elementalist

Posted by: Malcastus.6240


Eles do fine underwater. Whirlpool elite is strong and water has high aoe burst. There are quite a few bugs, like Undercurrent not working with Cleansing Water and conditions are difficult to get rid of, but otherwise it’s fine.

[PvX]Change how Chill interacts with Ele

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Malcastus.6240


I find it odd that no devs has commented on this yet.

recommend new weapons for elementalist?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Malcastus.6240


Spear would be awesome for 1200 range weapon that is mostly focused on single targets (not entirely of course).

4v5 is such an easy fix

in PvP

Posted by: Malcastus.6240


People who play soloQ should give Anet something they hold dear for the time the game lasts, like your mum, pa or dog for example. If you leave the fight before it ends, they will be strangled slowly and agonizingly by Jon or Karl. If you stay until the fight ends, you get them back.

Problem solved, no coding needed.

What new stat combination would you like?

in PvP

Posted by: Malcastus.6240


I want PvE’s version of Valkyrie for starters! Not sure why it was changed in SPvP..

[VOTE] Who want 2v2, 3v3.

in PvP

Posted by: Malcastus.6240



piercing shards

in Elementalist

Posted by: Malcastus.6240


Do note the exact wording:
While attuned to water, your spells deal more damage to vulnerable foes”

Shouldn’t it work with Lingering Elements?

(what if) Anet said: What would you change?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Malcastus.6240


  • Arcana – Intelligence: Improves arcane skills (base attunement recharge will be 9 or 10 sec).
  • Elemental Attunement becomes a natural elementalist ability, which is improved by traits.
  • Fix glyphs and signets.
  • Slightly more base health..

Feature Build Balance Preview

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Malcastus.6240


Hi all!
Once again, thanks for the feedback!
We’ve been discussing elementalists quite a bit recently in PvP and one of the things that’s brought up constantly from feedback is the internal cooldown from Cleansing Water. This is something we feel is out-dated and we’ve been playing around with removing the ICD totally from PvP. We’ve got some concerns, but would love to hear some feedback on this.

In general, we’ve got quite a bit more stuff coming. As before, we can’t say what these things are just yet… But there’s a bit of stuff that will shake up the meta. We’re really looking forward to it!


Awesome, Karl! Tis be good news.

I have a suggestion to Soothing Disruption, which might in its current state cause trouble if Cleansing Water is reverted.

1. Soothing Disruption: Cantrips and glyphs grant you vigor (6 sec) and Soothing Mist. Chill nearby foes when attuning to water (3 sec – whenever you attune to water).

Regeneration is removed because Cleansing Water might take it over the top. While Soothing Mist doesn’t compensate for the lost healing, it will add slightly to the support aspect. The chill also seems in place in terms of support, allowing you to dive into the fray and heal allies while hindering enemies at the same time.

2. Signets:

  1. Signet of Air: Would benefit from PAoE blind as it’s a stunbreak. No ranged and personal blind anymore to compensate.
  2. Signet of Water: Active: Now identical to Frozen Burst (even the cast time).
  3. Shards of Ice (renamed): Remove a condition when using Signet of Restoration and Signet of Water (active only).
  4. Fire’s Embrace: Moved to adept tier (Signet aura builds needs a chance, as they offer little to no defense on their own).
  5. Burning Precision: Moved to master tier and reworked (this seemed most ideal).

I believe these changes could slowly prod the signet builds into action.

Feature Build Balance Preview

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Malcastus.6240



I don’t really like your ideas. They are working against interesting and controlled gameplay imo.

The cantrips don’t need to be reverted. Mist Form could use a lower CD + snare removal however. And when it comes to it, I would like to see Lightning Flash have a 30 sec CD with reduced/no damage and increased range to benefit the elementalist universally. Staff and focus could use a little mobility love. Anyhow..

I am mostly opposed to your trait ideas, as they promote too much randomness. Triggering of effects that is beyond your control is not a positive thing and doesn’t contribute to skillful play.
Instead of triggering effects randomly, try looking at ways to improve skills you activate as a player and preferrably without CDs, like Soothing Disruption and Spell Slinger. They are reliable in that they’ll trigger everytime you use a cantrip, making the effect a controlled action with no ‘chance factor’.

Reason, why so many players prefer berzerker

in PvP

Posted by: Malcastus.6240


Why bother arguing with someone that acts elitist and insults you to boot for no good reason? If OPs agenda truly is to theory craft and create a discussion, he is doing a very poor job.


Dragon's Tooth!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Malcastus.6240


So it’s fine for you since it can be used with a 50 sec CD focus skill? Sound reasoning…

It definitely needs ground targeting, at least in PvP. It only becomes slightly useful against downed people and on capture points for pressure. Our access to CC that allows it to land is almost non-existant (Gale and Signet of Earth WITH 10% condition duration increase).
Giving the player the option to choose where it will land is not too much to ask, considering the long cast time and the excessive animation. Currently it’s way too situational.

New Light FlameKissed=lol?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Malcastus.6240


It looks horrible on human male. I’ve been looking forward to a nice unique skin, but apparently an ugly tailored outfit will do. Not seeing that suit fly off the shelf.

Light Flamekissed Armor progress?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Malcastus.6240


The new version of the Flamekissed armor is.. well. Let me put it this way.
They set it on fire as many people would, but sadly it didn’t turn to ash.

Those who were silly enough to complain about the first version of the armor probably didn’t see this coming.

[Poll] New Map or New Gamemode?

in PvP

Posted by: Malcastus.6240


  • 2 New mode AND Stronghold/Encampment.

I like the look of the Stronghold and Encampment maps quite a lot. Gimme!

If new maps are coming, it would be neat if you could make points of interest accessible through more than a few routes, so it doesn’t invite zergs.

Kyhlo, Niflhel and Silent Storm being my favorite maps so far, because of the different levels and paths you can move on.

Improving Glyph of Elementals

in Elementalist

Posted by: Malcastus.6240


Wouldn’t mind a ‘detonate’ option for each of the elementals. Or a ‘trigger’ button that lets the player use the special ability of the elemental on command. The water elemental heal might need a tiny nerf if it could be triggered..

Unsteady Ground

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Malcastus.6240


I would prefer it working with an added 1 second to the duration. When used below or very near an enemy it doesn’t trigger. Bug perhaps..

Allow Stomping while other guy is Stealthed

in PvP

Posted by: Malcastus.6240


I agree that a stomp should land when the invisibility is applied in the midst of performing the stomp. By current logic, if you blind someone who’s stomping it should fail as well, yet that isn’t the case.

Also, a stomp should be restriced to X radius vertically and horizontially. It makes no sense to stomp people 600 units below you and ruins tactical play/positioning.

Then what would be the point of blinding a downed player ? It actually takes skill and good timing to land your blind right so a downed player can’t use his downed skills to interupt you. In the end it would buff certain classes like warrior since they have tons of stability acces and nerf d/p thieves like mad since they can’t stomp anyone anymore with their blinds.

On the last point I agree btw.

I am totally fine with blinding a downed player to achieve a stomp. I meant that blinding the stomper would be the same as cloaking a downed player. It doesn’t work that way, mind you. Just pointing out that two similar things have different effects and not being able to stomp downed, invisible people when you have begun the process of stomping, doesn’t make sense to me.

The Root Problem, or How to Balance PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Malcastus.6240


I agree with OP. Something needs to be done. The wait for something to happen, just to realize that nothing actually will, is disheartening.

Allow Stomping while other guy is Stealthed

in PvP

Posted by: Malcastus.6240


I agree that a stomp should land when the invisibility is applied in the midst of performing the stomp. By current logic, if you blind someone who’s stomping it should fail as well, yet that isn’t the case.

Also, a stomp should be restriced to X radius vertically and horizontially. It makes no sense to stomp people 600 units below you and ruins tactical play/positioning.

"Felt ele was lacking sustain"

in Elementalist

Posted by: Malcastus.6240


They are trying to give us the D/D bunker ele back in PvP, but in a far inferior version. Wasn’t this supposed to be the big PvP patch? While I like the changes they made, it will do little and certainly not improve build diversity. The new sigils/runes/amulets might help, buuut.. wait, no amulet changes next time… ? Ugh!

Making small changes at a time is fine, but only if they come often.

How about making an expansion? Fix a lot of things, restart the meta if you want, but do something. I would gladly pay $60 for new and interesting content. Take ma money!

Feature Build Balance Preview

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Malcastus.6240



  • Signet of Restoration: Removed the split on this skill so that the signet passive heal amount will be increased in PvP to match the current PvE amount.
    Feedback: Good change, but won’t make signet builds viable as they severely lack sustain in general. Perhaps usable on D/D bunker builds, but doubt it will outshine Ether Renewal.
  • Armor of Earth: Reduced recharge from 90 seconds to 75 seconds.
    Feedback: Very good to see something that will benefit all manner of catnip builds, yet the CD still feels long for a 6 sec stability/protection stunbreak utility.
  • Water Trident: Added 3 seconds of regeneration to up to 5 allies in the radius.
    Feedback: The regeneration is a nice addition, but will likely make a revert of Cleansing Water in the future even more unlikely, so I am torn on this.
  • Burning Speed: This ability now evades attacks.
    Feedback: Cool. What else is there to say?
    *Frozen Burst: This ability is now a blast finisher.
    Feedback: Again, cool!

What was I hoping for?:

  • Signets: A good look at signet utilities and how they can interact with traits to make them viable in PvP.
  • Glyphs: An overhaul of Glyph of Elemental Power to make it defensive, as it currently is counter-intuitive. Stunbreak on a skill you wish to activate before combat, yet still only triggers randomly is not appealing in the slightest.
  • Arcana: It is mandatory in PvP, which hinders build diversity enormously.
  • Focus: The focus need more attention than any other weapon. Fire #4, 5, Water #4, and Air #5 CD.
  • Build Diversity: Something to accomplish this via traits. You are trying to fix this with changes to runes/sigils and new amulets I think, so we’ll see what happens.

Feature Build Balance Preview

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Malcastus.6240


I thought you said that there was more changes coming for the ele, not just the five you listed. Is the list incomplete or will that be it?

In regards to D/D cantrip bunker eles that you want to make viable, I’m not sure if it will work. With the condition heavy meta and Cleansing Water not being a reliable source, I doubt that D/D cantrip bunker eles will return. Four of the five buffs seem to appeal to a previous 0/10/0/30/30 build.

The runes and sigils changes sound appealing. The ele improvements will not do much for build diversity, I believe.

Noobs ruined Hot-join Game-play Experience

in PvP

Posted by: Malcastus.6240


Wouldn’t it be a random experience like soloQ then? How would you put people in brackets without ruining teamplay and taking away variety from hotjoin?

Pretty sure that a bunch of people would complain if they lost the option to pick a server, play with friends despite rank difference, being able to pick a specific map etc. Remember that hotjoin likely is the best place to learn playing professions, testing new builds, attack strategies and so on.

Just ask Anet to make 10% of the public servers “Rank 1-10” and another 10% “Rank 11-20” with rank restrictions to secure new players from being violated.

Scarlet's Secret Lair *Major Spoilers*

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Malcastus.6240


Scarlet lives in a trailer park in Kessex Hills. You all failed to recognize her because she wears glasses when not actively attacking.

[ELE] RTL cd

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Malcastus.6240


I believe I once heard a PvP dev describe the role of the ele as “quick in, quick out” or something similar. 30/15 I would say.

[ALL] Ele Attunement Apearance

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Malcastus.6240


Yeah, I have to agree with Leuca. There is more than enough telegraphing going on.

[PvP] Ele's Meta-Viable? Give them Revealed

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Malcastus.6240


Revealed won’t help much against non-stealth classes.

If they are to be king of versatility, they need stealth as well, right? Underwater smoke field doesn’t count as it’s not a part of soloQ or TPvP. They could benefit from some sort of mechanism to protect their scrawny behinds. Give them unique teleports or unique CC.. something useful.

I wish they would remove Elemental Attunement, Evasive Arcane and Cantrip utility skills and THEN judge the profession based on the remaining options. It wager it would let you see things in a different light. The idea that arcane (primarily), water (for vitality, condition removal and healing) and Cantrips is vital and basically mandatory for builds that just want a bit of staying power in PvP is incredibly sad and despair-inviting.

[ALL] Ele Attunement Apearance

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Malcastus.6240


The rings around the hands should be removed. When switching people will know what to expect. No need for the tiny animation, when they can see the attunements when the ele is targeted as well.

RE: The Tequatl-ization of all new content

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Malcastus.6240


Endgame FotM isn’t necessarily fun in the same sense as a tricky 10-person dungeon would be. By the time you are making it difficult you have played the same content over and over and it loses its freshness.

Tequatl and Wurm are hard because it demands an abundance of people and having them follow instructions of a few people. Not really fun-hard, although I thought Tequatl was an improvement from being soloable.

Just give us raids.

in Living World

Posted by: Malcastus.6240


Anet, I believe a lot of people would love to experience 10-person dungeons that significantly improves in difficulty in a good way, not just mobs and bosses that instakills you. A dungeons with different encounters that demand certain skills so each profession will get the chance to shine and will be necessary.

Since you will shave 10% off critical damage, try implementing support’ish builds into the equation when it comes to defeating these challenges.

I have to admit I miss content that provides a good challenge. The L.W. added events like Tequatl and Wurm are fine, but very clustery as someone said. 10-person dungeons would be in controlled enviroments, it would be easy to coordinate and gather 10 people and it wouldn’t impact your computer performance.

You can just give it a try and make something really tricky as part of L.W. and see how the community reacts. Most people would love to have dungeons like that around to test their wits and skill against. Of course the loot should be enticing as well. Don’t know, perhaps guaranteed ascended weapons or armor with unique appearance, special skins, unique recipes, slightly higher chance of precursers etc. Something that people would deem enticing.

@Naetell: Eletism already exists. When you have TPvP, WvW and PvE such things are bound to happen. 10-person raids are doable. 25-40 person raids are too much for GW2 imo. There shouldn’t be an overwhelming amount of raid dungeons to make the game raid focused. And who cares that people would make raid guilds? You can find an abundance of content focused guilds that are VERY elitist already. The suggestions I make aren’t to make it impossible for average casual joe (which is me), but very challenging. I recall hearing a lot of positive feedback on the Aetherblade dungeon, which now can be revisited in FotM. That was fun, but could be more challenging and on a grander scale with lots to do. The loot will not exceed in power compared to existing loot, so average casual Joe will not be missing out on gaining an unfair advantage.
Your concerns are somewhat valid in almost raid-exclusive games like WoW but not here. Nothing wrong with people wanting their game to improve realistically. The alternative is quitting out of boredom, a sad alternative when there is so much potential that has been demonstrated.

(edited by Malcastus.6240)

RE: The Tequatl-ization of all new content

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Malcastus.6240


Everything in GW2 PvE is basically made for casual players that is why I keep seeing people getting fed up with the game, as there is no challenge in anything.

Even as a casual gamer you can beat this boss, just guest servers that have/will take it down. If you could run it over, there would be no point to it. No challenge, no fun.

I wouldn’t mind if they added less raidy bosses in Living Story, but added a lot of end-game content with raid-like quality (10 person dungeons) that would be HARD and have loot appropriate to the challenge. I’m more of a casual PvP player, and even I dislike content for casual players only as it contains little to no fun and becomes a grinding chore.

[Elementalist] An elite to solve it all?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Malcastus.6240


[Elite] Signet of Elements (Cooldown: 50 seconds)

Passive: Reduce your attunement recharge rate by 2 seconds
Active: Recharge all your attunements

This elite would:
1) Finally make the arcana trait line a choice, not a must-have.
2) (Combined with lyssa): Give condition cleanse without heavily speccing into water/arcana
3) Make signet builds viable

From a PvP perspective..

It feels weak and odd to be honest. It certainly wouldn’t make signets viable, as you lack condition removal (greatly) and other means of survival.

There is too much dependency on the arcane and water traitlines as is, and with such an elite you would really want to go Elemental Attunement for the boons and 20 water for healing and condition removal. Recharging all your attunements is not going to remove CDs on skills, so that could only be partially handy if you have a skill or two saved up.

Two seconds less recharge time isn’t going to bring you the sustain you need, unless you toss points into arcane and water which can bring you down to around 7 secs attunement recharge. Wouldn’t it be problematic if you want build diversity? Ele bunkers would become pretty strong.

I would love to see signets (and glyphs) become viable in PvP, but this idea advocates builds that delve into water and arcane the most, not cutting the bonds to that sadistically tempting and necessary arcane traitline.

It is not a solid idea to base an elite around a runeset that is about to be revised either, and it would likely force you into using it when you need a lot of conditions removed, working against the idea of resetting the attunements.

In order to fix the ele, I believe that attunement recharge rate needs to be replaced with something else – like a boost to arcane utilities or/and conjured – and and have 9 or 10 secs base recharge, Elemental Attunement needs to become a natural part of the ele which can be empowered in various ways using the traitlines. These are the main issues I think.

TL;DR: Signet of Elements = No thanks, mate.

New: Glyph of Elemental Harmany

in Elementalist

Posted by: Malcastus.6240


I would use GoEH, GoEP and GoE at least, most likely picking Quick Glyphs and just perhaps Incription.. but only if it had means of condition removal. Hmm, gave me an idea.

Like how you can use the Water grandmaster trait with Inscription to have Glyph of Elemental Harmony remove 2 conditions when attuned to water?

Cleansing Water only removes one condition every 5 secs. Even if it removed two, it would be far from enough to survive in PvP.

(edited by Malcastus.6240)

Skill improvement : Gust

in Elementalist

Posted by: Malcastus.6240


It is currently bugged and only hits one target, instead of all in a line.

I agree to OPs idea. A most important tool to have and would increase survivability of staffies in PvP as well. Good for keeping people off the point.

What new stat combination would you like?

in PvP

Posted by: Malcastus.6240


I added some combinations that I find lacking. Some of them catering to low health professions who’re missing solid options. They will still be usable by all professions.

Important Alternative to Valkyrie’s Amulet
+798 power
+569 vitality
+284 ferocity
+284 healing

Important Alternative to Cleric’s Amulet
+569 power
+284 toughness
+284 vitality
+798 healing

Important Alternative to Soldier’s Amulet
+798 power
+284 vitality
+284 toughness
+569 precision

Alternative to Carrion’s Amulet
+798 power
+569 vitality
+569 condition

Hybrid Damage Dealer (high risk/reward)
+798 power
+569 condition
+284 precision
+284 ferocity

Hybrid Damage Dealer (condition focus)
+569 power
+284 precision
+284 toughness
+798 condition damage

Dedicated Healer
+284 precision
+284 toughness
+569 vitality
+798 healing

Focus. Make some noise!!!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Malcastus.6240


It doesn’t appear that they’re making changes to focus this time around, even though they are playing with weapon skills and utilities. This is getting sad.

Please make Flamewall, Fire Shield, Freezing Gust and Gale appealing, Anet. The two fire skills being in dire need of attention.

New: Glyph of Elemental Harmany

in Elementalist

Posted by: Malcastus.6240


Yeah, I wish they would make it defensive as well. In its current state it’s just plain counter intuitive.

I would think this to be a more appropriate version.

Glyph of Elemental Power

45 sec cooldown (untraited)

Auras last 6 seconds.

Fire: Pyroclastic Aura (new): Burns and dazes foes – 2 secs (melee attackers only).
Air: Shocking Aura
Water: Frost Aura
Earth: Magnetic Aura

I would use GoEH, GoEP and GoE at least, most likely picking Quick Glyphs and just perhaps Incription.. but only if it had means of condition removal. Hmm, gave me an idea.

Ready Up discussion Ele changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Malcastus.6240


Yeah, they should at least revert Bountiful Power (10% max damage) and Cleansing Water. Using a trait you need a stopwatch or luck to use isn’t good. If Cleansing Water removed 1 condition every 5 secs, I could approve of it. Or 2 every 10 secs. Guardians have purity (adept, 1 condi/10 secs) and rangers empathic bond (grandmaster, 3 condis/10 secs w. living pet). That way you wouldn’t have to worry about an invisible timer.

Ready Up discussion Ele changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Malcastus.6240


Wow! Sigil of Hydromancy just noticed it became super expensive thanks to reading this thread!

Lucky I bought two — and slotted them into my warrior’s gear. I wish I had bought more now.

The dagger 3 skill got a blast finisher. Where did you get your information about Sigil of Hydromancy acting exactly like Frozen Burst?