Good fights tonight at BG Bay Jed.
Was a fun last week, atleast to me. Feels a lot closer now imo, but both BG and SoR could use a bit more to catch up to JQ.
Lets hope for another great week full of fights, competition, and of course, fun.
Do you people grasp the concept of TEAMS? A team might be working on the SAB, while another works on another thing. WvW is a small part of the game and those are the resources it gets.
Unfortunately, this.
WvW isn’t as big a part of the game as PvE. We may think theres a large group of people who are hardcore WvWers but that population is tiny compared to the PvE pop. Therefore their focus isn’t here, it’ll be to what will make them the most money.
I’m not super disappointed by the patch personally, a patch is better than no patch at all, but I would like to see: Skill Lag fixed; Better incentives(there is no real point to upgrading things other than making it harder to take), and better uses for badges. If those three things ever happen i’ll be as happy as can be for WvW.
5:00 AM PST Score update. Had a blast running around commanding vs MERC and co and JQs constant attempts at trying to get bay back at SoR. Very good fights all around, hope for more fun fights later. I think i’ve played too much for now. :c
ps I got a new toy, Wrank 30 for the curious.
(edited by Masamoon.3864)
No fancy Q/A for you guys. >:U
Goodluck to all sides the week, hopefully more entertaining than the last.
(edited by Masamoon.3864)
Please keep it disabled for a like another hour, ty.
8:05 PM PST Score update. Fun fights in EB tonight, got DC’d at the end though.
They said it themselves its not going to be anytime soon. Stop getting your hopes up. If you want a legendary badly, you’re going to have to farm it, no other option. You don’t need a legendary, its not different than an exotic. Its a skin you have to work for, complaining over and over will get you nowhere.
more double teaming going on in egb. jade quarry staying on the bottom area of SOR’s tower protecting them while SOR waits at the top while we’re sieging it.
You guys had your chance. We had WC and Aldons, you guys took the other two JQ towers. The double team for JQ was set until you guys decided to attack us. Not our fault you guys aren’t smart enough.
T1 for awhile will be JQ #1, and BG/SoR seeing who’s players can stay up the longest that week.
? Stay up? What happened to all those SoS guilds you guys got? l0l
The only ones saying we got a mad influx of players was SoR. Its obvious that we didn’t by our lack of numbers this week isn’t it.
Don’t worry, we know you all were just kitten by being beat by Blackgate again.
Sure, not like a lot of major SoS guilds didn’t move to BG or anything. Right.
T1 for awhile will be JQ #1, and BG/SoR seeing who’s players can stay up the longest that week.
? Stay up? What happened to all those SoS guilds you guys got? l0l
You could always transfer off. This is far from boring to me.
I have a feeling JQ might have a run for their money this time.
The Scavenger Hunt isn’t gonna happen for a long time my friend.
Good luck to all this week! Maybe something exciting will happen this week.
Badges of Honor – Invaders Set
Karma – Jonez at Grenth sells
Level an alt, is probably fastest I get a ton of levels from WvW when theres constant fighting if you’re on a server with an active WvW.
I honestly wish the maps were bigger. Would be a lot more interesting IMO.
I haven’t seen the SoR server in wvw for the 2 weeks BG has been back in t1? Seriously this is a WvW matchup not WvWvW. Kain would actually bring a fight during FoO prime when SoR sleeps making T1 a much more competitive matchup. This would force FoO to either prioritize or work split on multiple maps, therefore not having the luxury of using a 60+ zerg to just backdoor any action bg takes. There is no 2 v 1 atm, that is part of the problem.
Sucks though t2 is extremely competitive atm, and will likely be 3 weeks if not more to finally get Kain to move up. Big score diff between SoR and Kain atm.
Thats probably cause you play in the hours where most people on SoR are offline. Sorry we don’t have the coverage you do though, you’re welcome to take you shot during NA prime tho.
And I don’t understand the comments about Kain doing any better, they don’t have the coverage either. SoR isn’t even playing for PPT at this point i’m honestly surprised how we even have as many points as we do.
Wasted 400g in the forge intotal.
Some people get a precusor within their first 20g in.
Luck is just luck, theres no controlling rng, most people will never get a MF precusor, or will actually spend more than their precusor is worth in the MF.
Was not buffed.
Simple solution:
People native to the server take priority into getting into zones, guests shouldn’t be taking up native space just to try to get a chest.
The swords change is very interesting to me. Trying to promote a lot of smaller play, but i’m not sure how well it’ll work, guess we’ll have to see after the patch.
It was at 40.68Mb when it finally ticked to 1%….so 100x that
Doesn’t work like that, its based on files downloaded, not every file is the same size.
Yeah it’d be nice if the patcher was actually patching.
Update from my favorite area, haven’t posted on in awhile.
21k vitality! Makes my 10k vitality thief feel inadequate!
Gotta run around tanky with a tag.
Update from my favorite area, haven’t posted on in awhile.
Lots of fun fights on literally every BL today. Crazy hopping around and killings all night. Thanks for the loot and badges SoS/JQ. 10/10 would bang again.
And Markets do rise and fall, there will be cheap precusors again soon, just wait for the next event like the Karka one.
This may be true but to most people precursors are rising in value faster than people are able to farm for the most part. Is that a bad thing or not i don’t know.
When i bought The Lover from the tp little after karka event i paid 115g for it, now the cheapest one on tp is 575g. Pretty brutal.
And you know the reason why they dropped is right? And those prices only last a week? Because more precusors entered the market. iirc there is suppose to be another event like that, and I would hold off on buying any precusors till then.
You must be on a pretty bad server then.
Do you sell a majority of the things you get, or keep?
An hour of CoF farming for me is 4g from bosses alone a majority of the time, and atleast 3 lodestones and a handful of rares which easily gets up to 7-8g. And like I said, there are other Dungeons out there that can be done for good amounts of gold/hour too, but i’m not gonna let the ones I do and how known.
Doing events I said before in other threads in Orr can easily get you 5g+ an hour unless you’re keeping all the mats you get and sell bags instead of opening them.
Hes just a bad troll, ignore him.
50g isn’t much btw, neither is farming the amount needed for Dusk. I’ve thrown in 1k rares and around 250 exotics into the MF and didn’t get kitten, and I still have a legendary. Even a casual like you could farm enough gold in a months or so worth of time for a precusor. The whole “its too hard” thing is false and just you being lazy. Nobody is entitled to a precusor, and if they were easy to get everyone and their mothers would have a legendary.
Even at farming 15g a day, which is roughly 2-3h of farming, thats 105g a week, meaning 420g in a months time, thats easily obtainable for a majority of players in this game. It would take six weeks of farming to get a Dusk basically at that rate. The more you farm, the faster you get it. Its not impossible to obtain, I know people with multiple legendaries including a guy with five. I myself have one, plan on making two more in the coming 2-3 months.
If you want a legendary, you have to work for it, it was never meant to be something easy to get. If you think farming is too hard, then I got some bad news for you. I probably sound like a dick saying all this but its pretty much the truth.
And Markets do rise and fall, there will be cheap precusors again soon, just wait for the next event like the Karka one.
Because the only thing you, as well as about a million other “farmers”, post on the forums regarding obtaining gold is either the sort of vague post you just put up here, or you post methods that don’t truly work, such as using MF% (It DOESNT WORK — TWO GOLD after farming Orr non-stop for FOUR FRIGGING HOURS?! Yea…….THAT worked out well……pfffft).
So there it is: Pics, legit methods, or it didn’t happen.
Orr, you farm Pent/Shelter, easily make 5g-7g an hour with a full party and MF gear. Farm Grenth whenever its up, make 5g easily in one run. Its not hard to look up either. Farming 30g a day is pretty kittening easy but people like you just QQQQQQQQQQ and want things handed to you.
(edited by Masamoon.3864)
“Do I want pixels that look pretty but have the same stats as other exotics or not.”
Comes down to what you like. Farming in this game isn’t that hard.
I can make 7g an hour if I pve normally. 7 * lets say for examples sake 8 = 56g / day
56g * 7 = 392g
392g * 4 = 1568g
You can make most legendaries in a months time if you farm that much a day. Some people are actually willing to do that, too. It comes down to do you want to effort for something pretty.
I run Fractals, CoF, AC, and CoE constantly, and I tried to farm Orr with 100% MF for several hrs per day this week, yet the most I make after all that is around 4G (TOTAL!!), and that involves dedicating a grand total of 4-6 hrs/day.
Yet I see all sorts of people talking about 7-10G/hr, and even more (which of course to me sounds even MORE ridiculous. Sorry but I call BS, and the reason is that everyone that I see who posts this nonsense either never alludes to their methods, or simply say “lol L2P newb!”, etc. And don’t even mention MF%, because even at 100%, I can, for example, maybe…..MAYBE……get a rare/exotic drop once every TWO HOURS of straight farming (changing areas of course accounting for DR). This 56g/day junk imo is far-fetched at the very least.
Its very possible if you’re willing to effort. I dunno how you don’t manage to make even a minimum of 6g/hour on CoF alone. I can run 0 MF on my Thief in Orr and still make 5g/hour too, so you must be one unlucky motherkittener.
It is easy. You can easily farm 100g in 3-5 days. People just think its hard for god knows why.
Yeah but with DR in dungeons, how are you still making that? And for CoF, problem is unless you are a zerker warrior or mesmer, usually its a no go. I mean doesn’t the 26s you get at the end get hit with DR like the tokens?
And kitten i must be getting old cause i’d go crazy sitting infront of the computer doing nothing but these speedruns for 4 hours a day everyday…not to mention the family hang me.
Thieves do fine too, so do Guardians and Eles for p1 speed runs too. Even with DR the boss drops the same amount, if you have multiple characters it helps too. Or just shuffle between dungeons constantly that know you tips and tricks to.
They NEED to remove it from WvW.
Why would you let your enemy get free siege? Thats siege they’ll use against YOUR server. Thats why people camp it.
And no, badges are not hard to get, you can get 500 badges in 3-5 days of actually playing WvW if you need a gift of battle but not much can be expected from mainly PvErs.
A hardcore player can farm enough in a months time to make a legendary. A semi hardcore 2-3 months, casual will just complain its too hard and demand precusors be easier to get.
JQ: 1006
SoR: 1006
SoS: 1006
Carrot top would be pretty beast.
I don’t know, 40s isn’t even that much..most games wouldn’t even let you do something like this to begin with.