Showing Posts For Mayhem.1935:

4/26 T6: DH/IoJ/SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


The Swindler needs to come to tier 7, there is so much roaming action and small man fight’s, you know you would like it

You are sorely missed by me thats for sure!

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

4/26 T6: DH/IoJ/SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


Does SF have any roamers or small party play at all? All i see are zergballs of SF fighting our zergballs of DH. I know their are some seriously good players around, but i have yet to see them!

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

26/4 - DR - NSP - GoM

in Match-ups

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


DR i miss you!!! =(

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


Despite all the bickering and stuff between our servers for the last 5 weeks or w/e it was, i will truly miss (some of) DR. In no particular order:

AD/NoQQ/Bsty guys: Always fun, especially when i run into you all 5 or less. Epic zerg wiping and funny videos. Cheers =)

AoD: Talented, quiet ppl who i really like! Very playful !

EDGE: Gwyndor & Initialise in particular, thanks for fun duels, setting up fight clubs for our servers, and being good friends!

OBS: Alyrico! I’ll miss you chasing me around and in turn chasing you around. Always fun, and even crazy canuck, somehow some way you’ve managed to grow on me =p

Cheers guys, and good luck in T7 i have a feeling you are going to do very well there.

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


To everyone at the Fight Club tonight who requested to duel:
Sorry i was busy, next time for sure!

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


I go to DR because I <3 u my DR playmates!

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


So some people are talking about the new mysterious additions to Devona’s Rest army.

In breaking news, perhaps due to a desire to join the “would be superior server if it wasn’t for those dang zerglings”, perhaps a desire to avoid getting her face used as a cushion by some of the AD, or perhaps she’s a SPY!!

…Swindler has now moved to the DR, and clearly isn’t just guesting since that would just be silly~

Furthermore she hasn’t denied any suggestions that she intentionally moved to DR as of yet!

I’m totally going to sell all of DH’s amazing WvWvW tactics to DR!

I know the tactic.
Hint: when you dont have [Outmanned] and can pop 2 orange sword in 1 map.

Guess what the tactic is..

I said secrets, that’s not a secret!

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


So some people are talking about the new mysterious additions to Devona’s Rest army.

In breaking news, perhaps due to a desire to join the “would be superior server if it wasn’t for those dang zerglings”, perhaps a desire to avoid getting her face used as a cushion by some of the AD, or perhaps she’s a SPY!!

…Swindler has now moved to the DR, and clearly isn’t just guesting since that would just be silly~

Furthermore she hasn’t denied any suggestions that she intentionally moved to DR as of yet!

I’m totally going to sell all of DH’s amazing WvWvW tactics to DR!

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


When our guys see you swindler, they go pretty ape xD Some are just kill and move on, and some aren’t.

Haha i can tell, trust me! It’s pretty fun i can almost see the tunnel vision myself. Makes it very exciting for me, i can tell you that much

My favorite actually is the OBS pistol thief though, that guy will follow me around like paparazzi!

Always a good time with you AD guys, keep it up.

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


tSK, TSK, [AD], tsk tsk!! I thought we were friends!


-The Swindler-Mesmer —

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


I have seen a few guilds on DR that i havent seen before on their server but i have seen on others. NNK from DB & SPQR from SoR. You guys get some new people? NNK was a big presence for DB’s SEA time zone so if you did thats pretty rad for DR. Either way, this score is really close. I for one am enjoying this much more that the weeks previous.

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


This weekend has been really fun. There shouldnt be -any- complaining about large zergs from any side considering some of the absolutely massive zergballs ive seen rolling by, from every server. Let’s hope the competitiveness carries over into the week.


-The Swindler-Mesmer —

4-19 DH/DR/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


Fun time @ Greenlake Tower in DRBL. For those that were there, was epic!

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

12/4 - DH - DR - IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


I missed fight club bc work stuff <cries>

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

12/4 - DH - DR - IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


Just putting in a formal apology for getting swindlered today, I truly am sorry.

Aw, my tactic as been figured out! I love the water.. i feel like jaws down there. Dun nuh dun nuh..

(Love the meme Marcol!)

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

12/4 - DH - DR - IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


I want to say sorry to swindler too, we found you out side southwest garrison fighting some DR, you retreated out due to our numbers, one of your dudes got caught and as Jezri put it, zombied to death. Then some pug laughed, letting you know that it wasn’t anyone of us, just some DR pug.

Hey, its ok for sure! Had some nice skirmishes yesterday with you guys. Win or lose was fun.

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

12/4 - DH - DR - IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


@Jaxx and Tuluum – Totally right on numbers. Any server that is in a good lead will get way more fotm players than the ones that are losing. The fareweathers tend to jack up the numbers count to seemingly insurmountable odds.

Even thou I never agree with Gab ( whether he’s right or not ), it’s true. Unless IOJ stays home for the rest of the match and SF has a huge outpouring of 24/7 coverage, the scores of those 2 servers are going to be very very close. I can’t see any changeup for next week. Just play and have fun.

It doesn’t matter what any forum warriors may say, the wvw centric players will still be in wvw. Fairweathers and wannabe’s will go do something to avoid having to say they lost a fight. Last night was the general potluck : Win some, lose some, run like crazy mad on others.

P.S. Swinder! Quit attacking my poor litle defensless asura guardian at DR green supply. I was entirely a victim and the running around the house every 2 seconds had everyone in TS asking if I had worn out my running away shoes. Good fight and very very close. That group v group could have went either way for sure. And the GG whisper to one of my AoD brothers was a great show of character.

Hehe yea, our assist train was called on you! Always a fun time when i see you guys around. That’s why we go into DRBL.. can almost always guarantee some hang out time with friends. (Even if by friends i mean kill each other ^.^)

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

12/4 - DH - DR - IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


Someone said something about attacking DR first or something like that i don’t really care so much but.. the reason i go into DRBL is simply because i know that if my group starts hitting camps or even veterans, DR people will come out and play. When i go to IoJ i could auto attack down garrison and no one would show up on most days. EB is too zergy/laggy/qued most of the time, and no one attacks our BL. Obvious choice for fighting: DRBL

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

Post your stats!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


Here i am! Hybrid build.

Mayhem! I wanna know your setup. I love that stat profile ~


Armor: Knights + Sup Divinity x6
Weapon: Staff pvt precision stack sigil +Sword/Torch Valkyrie 5%crit/ 5% dmg
Amulet: Ascended Celestial
Earring: Ascended Celestial/ Ascended Berserker
Ring: Ascended Berserker/ Ascended Cavalier
Back: Ascended Cavalier

Lots of stealth lots of burst lots of survival

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

12/4 - DH - DR - IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


Shout out to AoD guild +friends, was nice 1v1s @ greenlake in DRBL. You guys are a cool group.

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

12/4 - DH - DR - IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


Had a blast in IoJBL late last night. Was fun seeing a few smaller teams running around. Had a group of 3 and we had roaming fights with with a few guilds, cant remember exactly their names. Just a heads up, mesmers are so OP underwater. Enter if you dare! ^.—

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

Post your stats!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


Here i am! Hybrid build.


-The Swindler-Mesmer —

12/4 - DH - DR - IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


Charrcat hope thread more fun, last thread boring sometime and very mean. Charrcat show picture, it sum up last thread kinda maybe. Last thread like picture but lots more mean, like blood everywhere and destruction mean, but without fun of blood everywhere and destruction. Charrcat think you understand meaning.

Now Charrcat like play with food* like next guy, but Charrcat not understand disrespect food. It is food you eat. Yum. Some like laugh, dance, and sit on food, other like debate with food on forum, Charrcat not understand but each their own. (Although this do give Charrcat fun reading sometime, but not lately, not enough blood and pancakes.)

Charrcat think we know each other better now, should say more nice thing or interesting thing or OINK thing, because these thing more fun.

Hmm…what Charrcat say…

Charrcat know Rina [SE] Guardian good.

Charrcat see guild that Charrcat actually remember**, like [Abys] or [SE] or [HARD] or [GRIM] or [PD].

IOJ and DH fight Charrcat more in open fields. This may not seem compliment, but if you had fight SBI or some server like them then you know should count your blessings.

Charrcat think these good thing…to say but uh….Charrcat not know…how express…feelings well…

Anyway, Charrcat just want you know not all of us*** very mean. We like have good time and kill all the things. Only thing we do and have done and have much fun doing it. We love to kill you. After all, you yummy food. Sometime have good fights. For this, Charrcat thanks you from bottom of heart.

Charrcat hungry, need WuvW. BBL.

*Kill Red Name Players

**Head injury when was babycharr make thing hard and hurt to remember, especially with many more title text on screen

***Charrcat and friends, sometime mistakenly called ADQQSTY rather than Charrcat and friends

I like this post!

Charrcat, Oh, you!!

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

12/4 - DH - DR - IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


“You are just resting”

Love it! Ha!

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


Pretty random fight club east of north camp on DR BL. Totally not cool to those SE guys that jumped me though! I was just trying to watch the fight

Yea i cried for you, they didnt know what we were doing. I yelled at em for you! Afterward they were good little dudes and watched/participated. Good fight to the Mesmer in AD, was a blast =) had to go though sorry no rematch.

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


Guilds that I’ve seen more than once running a smaller team include DE and PD from DH and HARD and UnS from IoJ. There are others, of course, but I’ve only run across them once so they most likely don’t run around with a small team regularly.

SE reminds me a little bit of FTF from Ebay in that they often field huge numbers but also have people who run smaller crews.

That’s exactly how SE operates Oozo. Usually a have a giant zerg ball of uplvls and commanders karma training while a few of us roam around on the outside taking camps or just plain fighting people while the zerg does their thing.

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


Does anybody on DH not run in groups… jeebus its tiring to have solo thiefs run away from a solo ranger to come back with 4 or 5 friends.

You know what they say…

(Both found here)

I think this happens to every server or small group that plays like that. For example, i was with 1 (One) other person last night, a norn guardian on the DR side of EB. We would engage an even or slightly larger group, they run, and keep running. Oh, but here are 5 more DR coming to help… immediately turn back around to fight. They start to lose -> run->repeat until we have to leave or we get killed by sheer mass. Oh, and then they emote. ^.^


-The Swindler-Mesmer —

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


Everyone needs to relax a bit. Why not here?

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


To the mesmer/engi combo in BSTY : Confusion 0_o

Yikes that was brutal!
(No condition removal for me so i run around doing nothing with 10 stacks haha!)

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


Sorrow’s Furnace is on its way up and they are pretty solid. Once they settle into their proper tier and not be stuck in the mire that is t8, we should have a fairly even fight on our hands.

Hey Oozo, i totally know what you guys are doing. I play for the kill too, i used to be on DB only a month or so ago but i got bored at higher tiers with massive zergs & Ques for BLs.
When i see your members about during the day (same for OINK) its small man roaming and that’s when i engage them and we have had good fights.

When i solo, about half the time i end of dying due to 10+ ppl. It sucks, and in my head ill say, “ kitten i just got zerged.” But reality is, i put myself there to get killed so i shouldn’t complain. Know what im saying?

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


It’s all about perception. When i see Ad/qq around, its usually with a zerg. Are they zerging? To the average person looking probably yes. I know that they are working separately, but not everyone (more like most) knows this.

I run solo, duo, or 5 man. So, if i run into 17 people (ADqqsty) are you not a zerg to me just as much as 50 is to your 17? It’s perception. Just as if i ran into a solo guys and my 5 man “zerged” him.

For example, SE guild has 500 people in it. Some of them do nothing but zerg. Some, do no wvw at all. Some hangout in spvp all day. Some of us, prefer small group play flanking our own zerg or skirmishing around. To the common eye there is probably no differenciating whos who, so we are probably all “zergers” bc all you can see is [SE] tags.

TLDR: It’s perception, and every side “zergs” based on how you play.

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

OINK does a thing! 2-5 man roaming action

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


This is pretty much what i do as well, not solo but no larger than a group.
GJ, love the music.


-The Swindler-Mesmer —


in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


Wvw isn’t nearly up to daocs level if you just want fights.

And yes the general skill level is terrible. However, zerg busting and seeing how many people you can 1vx is a good time. Being in the 4/5/6 tier range helps a lot, its a decent middle ground to not finding fights and getting zerged all night.

This. If you feel you are good go out and roam solo/duo or small party. I find this much more enjoyable because of variables not found in spvp. Also, i dislike the gear configuration in spvp, entirely too pigeonholed for my taste.

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


So ehm… Do the people who say DH doesn’t have anything special in terms of numbers only play an hour or two during prime time? This is getting ridiculous lol.

We have more fair weather players recently is about all i can say to that. It’s suprising to me to see this many about. GJ defending hills btw, you guys got me!

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

4/5 - DH / DR / IoJ (T6)

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


Guess I need to start a whole new complaint thread on the DR spy. As 40+ reports day after day do nothing to change a thing. Dude was on DR BL for over 24 hours….and never moved.

Suddenly a wild spybot appears on IoJ BL’s while DH is beating us into the ground on EB….and our map turns blue within 20 minutes.

I’m not placing blame on anyone. I’m not saying anything bad about any server, except….DH you’re delusional if you think you cant hang in a higher tier. We’ve been there, and you guys are putting up more of a fight 24/7 than SBI or EB. Fact. What I am saying is that after watching this kid, and taking screenshots at least twice a day everytime he’s online (and reporting him, check the logs Anet) nothing has been done and no one is being held accountable. And that’s nonsense.

hawkster.2607 and all of your friends…you’re scum.

IoJ is thinner than a twice used condom in wvw vs you guys…and you still do it. I know we’re awesome. I know we can defend the hell out of our overlook/garrison with only 15 ppl vs your 30+ I promise. I get it. But this, while being a bit flattering…is also extremely sad.

When I’m not so tired from playing defense, I’ll be more than happy to post up the screenshots. Anet already has at least 50 on the guy.

Until then…..jesus christ DH….tiers have to be really screwed for you guys to be down here in this tier for so long. Good games.

When DH played BP & AR, we would generally beat them during primetime and the weekends. But, by morning on monday, they would catch up and by tuesday morning we were behind in 3rd place. Thats why you guys hear us saying we lose because of our “bankers shift”, DH is a ghost town in comparison to those 2 servers during that time. We would make up ground at night, but soon fall behind (esp. Borlis) towards the middle/end of the week.

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


I thought this was the roaming tier. Somehow I wound up in a place where people still think d/d glass thieves are viable and the average player can’t PvP their way out of a plastic bag. Oh well, I’ll be gone on Tuesday.

Here’s how the average day of roaming goes…

Nicely done. You seem like a total kitten, but you definetely got skills.

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


Hey! purple/pink butterflies are pretty!

I thought it was salmon, not pink =P

It’s an illusion!

Man, i cant make the fight club tonight =(

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


Hey! purple/pink butterflies are pretty!

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


Ok, i’ll go along.

Nice 1v1s @ IOJ south camp 3pm pst

To Charr Ele: Was a good duel probably could go on for hours.


-The Swindler-Mesmer —

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


Thats pretty funny! I also believe that was your final attempt, right? Because we crunched you guys (as in AD im honestly not sure if you were there tbh, oh well =/) before that a few times before your vid.

Anyway, i was roaming your BL all night tonight with a small team hoping to find you, but alas you only showed up at the tower with the sigh zerg. (which got farmed).

See you around!

I mean do you never stop with the bullkitten? You have been proven wrong so many times now. No, that was not our last attempt. At our last attempt we smashed your treb that sent your entire 60 man zerg “packing”.

There is no proof of anything other than a one minute vid of literally nothing of consequence happening. 60 man zerg lol there was maybe 40 ppl there that night omg.

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


and to Gab who insinuates that 60 of us cant take anything. thats a fairly wide assumption as events change things happen. ive seen HUGE dr and IoJ zergs get destroyed by 10-12 DH’ its all subjective.

It was just a statement regarding what happened tonight. I’m not saying a 60man DH zerg can’t take anything, they are fairly decent at taking doors down. But when they face some opposition they quickly bend.

60 DH actually came into our BL tonight and actually failed to take anything except the tower outside their spawn (with breakout). At the same time they tried to golem rush VK with another 50+ people. Needless to say that failed also.

I am 100% sure DH has some good commanders, but the way siege was being utilized by Darkhaven tonight was a sad, sad display of sloppiness. Golems being portaled in under cannons, trebs and catapults being placed in Mortar range, catapults being placed in spots where you can take them out with AC’s that can’t be countered… The list goes on.

I was there, skirmishing on the back end around the treb that was set up. Me and my 4 man specifically had a fight with AD and sent them packing. After that they joined up with the DR “zerg” to “win”. It happens on both sides is what im getting at. Every server fields small teams, every server has it’s zergs. In this current match up it just so happens we have the most players. A few weeks ago we had Borlis & Anvil and we were in DR/IoJ’s position. Difference is we didnt complain about the numbers (just about every non t1-t2 has this issue) and just kept at it.

Last few days i’ve had some solid fights with your alliance and your players are good, no hating here. I look forward to more of them, props to the cond mes & war in AD i fought today in the afternoon. When those pugs came through i just sat down and watched you guys battle them. Teach them for interrupting! =p

Your “4 man” sure sent us “packing”. This video should give you some context to that screenshot gab posted earlier. In the initial 4v4 fight the only person who got downed was your warrior then a pug showed up and dropped supply crate right before he got stomped, then the 4v4 turned into a 10+ v 4 during which you killed the thief and the ele.

Also you continually call out for 1v1s as if it means anything in WvW. Go to Spvp and spam that kitten.

Thats pretty funny! I also believe that was your final attempt, right? Because we crunched you guys (as in AD im honestly not sure if you were there tbh, oh well =/) before that a few times before your vid.

Anyway, i was roaming your BL all night tonight with a small team hoping to find you, but alas you only showed up at the tower with the sigh zerg. (which got farmed).

See you around!

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


What the? You may have done that to some [SE] people but i sure as hell never lost a 6v3 when i had numbers on my side. Talk about trolling. Anywho, i’m up for fights whenever i dont mind putting you dudes in the earth if your that anxious. Try not to run into towers if you are losing though (ducky something) its bad form. See you in a BL someplace nerds!

Nerds? Lol! First off, you are a guy whos lying about stuff trying to save face on a forum, two you are playing the game just like everyone else, and third you play dress up with your wife in the game (hopefully just the game and not IRL).

Anywho yes, you did lose a 6v3 (1 person did get away from the first fight, so technically wasn’t a complete wipe), the guy that switched to his guardian was on a lvl 11 mesmer for it which did provide a timely rally for my ranger. You even said good fight after I told the dude that he was douching out for laughing on my corpse after the second fight (tbh it might have been your wife that said it). First fight was outside bay near the gryphons, and the next was just north of ruins.

Ya know what smalls? You’re about as cute as Bunzy. Get beat in open field multiple times, deny it and say “1V1 BRAH”. lol

Oh, you mean the fight with 4 ppl, 11 mesmer was someone random (not a guildmate) and the other ranger a random? Thats 4 people. Not 6. Yes 3 mesmers so maybe you got confused. Oh, you mean that fight were we were by bay and the vet so every time you died/dying just ran into the tower? That fight? (Engineer specifically). Oh you mean that fight that i escaped to fight on equal ground which i baited you to then you FOUR (ranger/theif/ele/engi) got wiped without downing a single one of us 4, 2 of which were pugs? (charr ele escaped). So yes, you managed to down an lvl11 mesmer pug, an 80 ranger pug, and my wife with the help of guards then promptly got crushed in center island with 4. I know its hard to count sometimes because mezzies are confusing but ducky joined our group to whine after bc the pug guardian laughed or something, which i dont do.
How did we have a spot for him to join us?
Oh yea bc theres 4 of us.
Did you not notice the tags?
2 of those guys i have never played with in my life lol.
They wanted to join to take camps!
Serious though, there was only 4 of us.

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

(edited by Mayhem.1935)

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


You did get swindled, again thats not me thats my wife lol. Notice the assaulter tag on that one, and the recruit or w/e on the screen gab provided. Also my tag says champ slayer and hers says none. All i really saw in that video is you 10v1 some commander, and you guys failing to catch a lone player. Grats! Again, if you want to fight me im down. I called you out before and got crickets in return. Your move.

Oozo, yes, yes we are. It’s hilarious and helps troll big groups as a duo.

Yup, thats all that happened on that video. You’re right. kitten that amount of under-analysis that goes into your posts HAS to be trolling, it just has to be. Otherwise I’d be worried that the same analysis goes into your everyday life, like driving or eating food. If I remember our first little meeting with you two it ended with you losing a 6v3, and then winning it whenever one of the 6 logged on their guardian and said the reason that we lost the second fight was because he was on his 80 this time…yea that was the reason we lost the 6v3 the second time. And the next time we met you two learned about the Zamboni of Death a couple of times.

Anyway, you were there plus caught on video for most of it. What was that lame quote from earlier? You shouldn’t fake the foot funk when you cross-dress? I dunno, something like that.

Ya know…this is exactly like talking to Bunzy, lol.

What the? You may have done that to some [SE] people but i sure as hell never lost a 6v3 when i had numbers on my side. Talk about trolling. Anywho, i’m up for fights whenever i dont mind putting you dudes in the earth if your that anxious. Try not to run into towers if you are losing though (ducky something) its bad form. See you in a BL someplace nerds!

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


and to Gab who insinuates that 60 of us cant take anything. thats a fairly wide assumption as events change things happen. ive seen HUGE dr and IoJ zergs get destroyed by 10-12 DH’ its all subjective.

It was just a statement regarding what happened tonight. I’m not saying a 60man DH zerg can’t take anything, they are fairly decent at taking doors down. But when they face some opposition they quickly bend.

60 DH actually came into our BL tonight and actually failed to take anything except the tower outside their spawn (with breakout). At the same time they tried to golem rush VK with another 50+ people. Needless to say that failed also.

I am 100% sure DH has some good commanders, but the way siege was being utilized by Darkhaven tonight was a sad, sad display of sloppiness. Golems being portaled in under cannons, trebs and catapults being placed in Mortar range, catapults being placed in spots where you can take them out with AC’s that can’t be countered… The list goes on.

I was there, skirmishing on the back end around the treb that was set up. Me and my 4 man specifically had a fight with AD and sent them packing. After that they joined up with the DR “zerg” to “win”. It happens on both sides is what im getting at. Every server fields small teams, every server has it’s zergs.

That’s funny. We had two of you downed before your zerg showed up to help. We have footage of that. We also have footage of you running away like a girl and waypointing as soon as you noticed your zerg wasn’t around to support you anymore.

Normally we wouldn’t really care, but you are kind of annoying on the forums.

Ain’t no fakin here brah, and you don’t gotta lie to kick it

Oh, and what treb were you skirmishing around? The one that you failed to defend against 4 people, when you had 20+?

What? No one downed me, and we had a straight up 4v4 and your guys got mashed there was no zerg there friend. Yea, you got the treb, after getting crushed over and over i guess it was bound to happen. 20+? yea i guess there were.. but most were down by the wall goofing off and doing whatever else zerglings do. I went down for supply, came up everyone is dead and a Mob of DR looking at me. Not my fault your zerg cant catch me /shrug

You are so funny lol. This screenshot is a picture of what actually happened. I took it from the video, which hasn’t rendered properly yet, but I think we can all agree that it was no straight 4v4. I never said anyone downed you, but we did down people. If you want to I can take a screenshot of that and upload too.

Oh, and this is the massive “zerg” that was chasing you. One person.

You are laughable. Really.

-Nice screen. Why dont you actually show the one when you were fighting. SS don’t mean anything really as one of your own said earlier it’s easily manipulated by perspective. I could have taken one were i was isolated with 30 DR and say im soloing a zerg.
-Thats an DH assaulter, and is probably my wife not me. I was a raider/recruit yesterday. She is was at the opposite camp as the zerg was in the other one were i was. She ported home to meet up.

Episode 1 of mischievous Swindler; “The one that got away.”

Stay tuned for episode 2 of mischievous Swindler; The straightest 4v4 since Village People met the Jonas Brothers.

You did get swindled, again thats not me thats my wife lol. Notice the assaulter tag on that one, and the recruit or w/e on the screen gab provided. Also my tag says champ slayer and hers says none. All i really saw in that video is you 10v1 some commander, and you guys failing to catch a lone player. Grats! Again, if you want to fight me im down. I called you out before and got crickets in return. Your move.

Oozo, yes, yes we are. It’s hilarious and helps troll big groups as a duo.

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

(edited by Mayhem.1935)

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


and to Gab who insinuates that 60 of us cant take anything. thats a fairly wide assumption as events change things happen. ive seen HUGE dr and IoJ zergs get destroyed by 10-12 DH’ its all subjective.

It was just a statement regarding what happened tonight. I’m not saying a 60man DH zerg can’t take anything, they are fairly decent at taking doors down. But when they face some opposition they quickly bend.

60 DH actually came into our BL tonight and actually failed to take anything except the tower outside their spawn (with breakout). At the same time they tried to golem rush VK with another 50+ people. Needless to say that failed also.

I am 100% sure DH has some good commanders, but the way siege was being utilized by Darkhaven tonight was a sad, sad display of sloppiness. Golems being portaled in under cannons, trebs and catapults being placed in Mortar range, catapults being placed in spots where you can take them out with AC’s that can’t be countered… The list goes on.

I was there, skirmishing on the back end around the treb that was set up. Me and my 4 man specifically had a fight with AD and sent them packing. After that they joined up with the DR “zerg” to “win”. It happens on both sides is what im getting at. Every server fields small teams, every server has it’s zergs.

That’s funny. We had two of you downed before your zerg showed up to help. We have footage of that. We also have footage of you running away like a girl and waypointing as soon as you noticed your zerg wasn’t around to support you anymore.

Normally we wouldn’t really care, but you are kind of annoying on the forums.

Ain’t no fakin here brah, and you don’t gotta lie to kick it

Oh, and what treb were you skirmishing around? The one that you failed to defend against 4 people, when you had 20+?

What? No one downed me, and we had a straight up 4v4 and your guys got mashed there was no zerg there friend. Yea, you got the treb, after getting crushed over and over i guess it was bound to happen. 20+? yea i guess there were.. but most were down by the wall goofing off and doing whatever else zerglings do. I went down for supply, came up everyone is dead and a Mob of DR looking at me. Not my fault your zerg cant catch me /shrug

You are so funny lol. This screenshot is a picture of what actually happened. I took it from the video, which hasn’t rendered properly yet, but I think we can all agree that it was no straight 4v4. I never said anyone downed you, but we did down people. If you want to I can take a screenshot of that and upload too.

Oh, and this is the massive “zerg” that was chasing you. One person.

You are laughable. Really.

-Nice screen. Why dont you actually show the one when you were fighting. SS don’t mean anything really as one of your own said earlier it’s easily manipulated by perspective. I could have taken one were i was isolated with 30 DR and say im soloing a zerg.
-Thats an DH assaulter, and is probably my wife not me. I was a raider/recruit yesterday. She is was at the opposite camp as the zerg was in the other one were i was. She ported home to meet up.

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

(edited by Mayhem.1935)

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


and to Gab who insinuates that 60 of us cant take anything. thats a fairly wide assumption as events change things happen. ive seen HUGE dr and IoJ zergs get destroyed by 10-12 DH’ its all subjective.

It was just a statement regarding what happened tonight. I’m not saying a 60man DH zerg can’t take anything, they are fairly decent at taking doors down. But when they face some opposition they quickly bend.

60 DH actually came into our BL tonight and actually failed to take anything except the tower outside their spawn (with breakout). At the same time they tried to golem rush VK with another 50+ people. Needless to say that failed also.

I am 100% sure DH has some good commanders, but the way siege was being utilized by Darkhaven tonight was a sad, sad display of sloppiness. Golems being portaled in under cannons, trebs and catapults being placed in Mortar range, catapults being placed in spots where you can take them out with AC’s that can’t be countered… The list goes on.

I was there, skirmishing on the back end around the treb that was set up. Me and my 4 man specifically had a fight with AD and sent them packing. After that they joined up with the DR “zerg” to “win”. It happens on both sides is what im getting at. Every server fields small teams, every server has it’s zergs.

That’s funny. We had two of you downed before your zerg showed up to help. We have footage of that. We also have footage of you running away like a girl and waypointing as soon as you noticed your zerg wasn’t around to support you anymore.

Normally we wouldn’t really care, but you are kind of annoying on the forums.

Ain’t no fakin here brah, and you don’t gotta lie to kick it

Oh, and what treb were you skirmishing around? The one that you failed to defend against 4 people, when you had 20+?

What? No one downed me, and we had a straight up 4v4 and your guys got mashed there was no zerg there friend. Yea, you got the treb, after getting crushed over and over i guess it was bound to happen. 20+? yea i guess there were.. but most were down by the wall goofing off and doing whatever else zerglings do. I went down for supply, came up everyone is dead and a Mob of DR looking at me. Not my fault your zerg cant catch me /shrug

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

(edited by Mayhem.1935)

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


and to Gab who insinuates that 60 of us cant take anything. thats a fairly wide assumption as events change things happen. ive seen HUGE dr and IoJ zergs get destroyed by 10-12 DH’ its all subjective.

It was just a statement regarding what happened tonight. I’m not saying a 60man DH zerg can’t take anything, they are fairly decent at taking doors down. But when they face some opposition they quickly bend.

60 DH actually came into our BL tonight and actually failed to take anything except the tower outside their spawn (with breakout). At the same time they tried to golem rush VK with another 50+ people. Needless to say that failed also.

I am 100% sure DH has some good commanders, but the way siege was being utilized by Darkhaven tonight was a sad, sad display of sloppiness. Golems being portaled in under cannons, trebs and catapults being placed in Mortar range, catapults being placed in spots where you can take them out with AC’s that can’t be countered… The list goes on.

I was there, skirmishing on the back end around the treb that was set up. Me and my 4 man specifically had a fight with AD and sent them packing. After that they joined up with the DR “zerg” to “win”. It happens on both sides is what im getting at. Every server fields small teams, every server has it’s zergs. In this current match up it just so happens we have the most players. A few weeks ago we had Borlis & Anvil and we were in DR/IoJ’s position. Difference is we didnt complain about the numbers (just about every non t1-t2 has this issue) and just kept at it.

Last few days i’ve had some solid fights with your alliance and your players are good, no hating here. I look forward to more of them, props to the cond mes & war in AD i fought today in the afternoon. When those pugs came through i just sat down and watched you guys battle them. Teach them for interrupting! =p

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

(edited by Mayhem.1935)

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


Never thought I’d say this but that was quite a good little 2v2 / 2v3 in DR bl with some confusion mes from se. You carried that group hard though xD that ranger needs to hold off on his glass build, bursted him down in like… 4 seconds eek!

People come out, please. It’s getting boring.

That was me, but im not a confusion mesmer. I’m a weird build. My team mate was an uplvld necro and i honestly have no idea who that other ranger in my guild was lol.Necro/Ranger right? Yea you guys were solid. I told the other guy i was with that i can usually smash 2v1 with that class make up but not you guys. Tough fights!

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

(edited by Mayhem.1935)

What Kind of Mesmer Are You & Why?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


There’s only shatter. If you run anything else to be ‘different’ you’re doing it wrong. Running anything but shatter heavy builds is like playing with one hand and not playing as much as you would with both hands. If you don’t shatter you 1) deal pathetic aoe damage, 2) don’t apply aoe confusion (which isn’t amazing in pve but still free damage), 3) don’t build any Might stack to deal EVEN more damage with everything… Fail if you focus on phantasm crap or anything else.

Actually your narrow mindedness is pretty fail imo, but then the only time you post on forum is to hate on something whether it’s a build or a weapon, I don’t know why you even bother when everyone else has proved you wrong over and over :P

lol narrow mindedness… in 2k hours on my mes i think i had enough time to try ‘other AMAZING BUILDS’… nothing comes close to shatter builds for pve/pvp. not sure who’s the dude who proved me stuff and such so yeaaah. When its pretty much the only class you play since game’s release you don’t need any confirmation from some random dude on a forum to tell me if i’m wrong or not. You think other crap is better than shatter builds for pve? okay run that lol not me who’s gonna bother explaining why you shouldn’t.

Watch 7 mirror vids he has plenty of non shatter specs on vid and crushes dudes, usually multiples at once.

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

What Kind of Mesmer Are You & Why?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


Hybrid sword/torch & staff / trident, 0/30/30/0/10.
This build gets it done small fights in wvw for me. Lots of survial ( 3.1k armor/ prismatic understanding trait) with some great burst. (2.9kp, 50% crit, 90% crit dmg).
Never lose 1v1, and if it gets hairy with too many folks its easy to bail. (decoy, veil, blink, mass invis utility slots).

Used to play shatter and it was hard to go a different route but im glad i did.

-The Swindler-Mesmer —