Showing Posts For Mayhem.1935:

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


This is a movie with commentary from reset night. Thanks for the great 3way fight at hills to whoever was there. That was a lot of fun.

There is also a great display of the famed DH tactics at the end. Now, every server has zerglings that only know how to solve problems with numbers. DR has them too. Just a lot less of them.

Stop whining about numbers all the time. It’s getting boring that it’s the same excuse and/or reasoning you use. It’s war. Numbers are part of it. Get over it.

Oh good the leader of SE has now revealed himself to be just as big of a tool as mayhem. I was hoping for a while that mayhem was just some troll gone wild but I see now that it runs in the guild. Tell me something though, are you the guardian from your guild with twilight that I killed half a dozen times in a row last night at your spawn in DRBL? That sure is superior tactics and skill, continuously running into my unloads face first.

This guy. Anytime any place my man. Bring your finest hat ill fraps it.

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


Just about every DR on the forums is so pompous and annoying.

Clown, i certainly dont get beat by you or anyone.

Pretty good, it only took you a day to reveal yourself as a hypocrite. A clown is someone who says they never get beat by anybody.

Ah, so essentially that is the pot calling the kettle black then huh? Kinda like you guys, except its “we never get beat by anyone unless numbers we rock so hard /pat on back”, Gab saying he will “stomp anyone 1v1” or Marcol calling both servers baddies and he is the ultimate player.

Also, i find it funny, if you look at all our match up thread in the past 2 months they are almost entirely civil. Then DR comes along …

Who from our group said we never get beat unless by numbers? Listen to what I say in the movie. I said that most of the time when we lose it is because we get overwhelmed by numbers and that is the truth. But, do you know what that word most implies? Yes, it implies that some times we get beat by even numbers. And good job to those that have beaten us with relatively even numbers.

What zerglings don’t understand about PvPers is that we look for challenging fights. We want fights that keep us on the edge of our seat wondering if we are going to win or lose. We don’t want fights that we win simply because of numbers. Zerglings don’t understand this. All they see is winning or losing and it doesn’t matter how they win or how they lose. It doesn’t matter if the loss comes after an epic fight against the odds and it doesn’t matter if the win is a totally hollow victory. That is all they see.

We dislike zerglings, but we understand them. We know how they think. Why do I do what I do? I am trying shame people into altering their behavior. Stop worrying about dying so much and run in smaller numbers. The small group versus small group combat mechanics in this game is very good. The zerg versus zerg combat mechanics in this game is very bad.

Also, Gab was joking and I have absolutely no idea who Marcol is.

Fair enough. Also, i just had a 4v4 with some of your alliance mates (AD/NoQQ) in DRBL. Was a good fight, and we ended up winning but i give props to good players and they were good. I also dont like zergs they are boring to me thats why i play outrunner or vanguard so i can skirmish with larger parties. so i understand why you are coming from.

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935



You see the exact same thing from every server in that position (including when DH has been there). I believe its just human nature. I think the best thing to do is essentially just ignore it and focus on the positive aspects of this round, which there are many.

We now know that we need to keep a much closer eye on [HARD], and given their creativity and organization, that should help us to achieve new levels as well.

I suppose you are right. I just dont like people insulting the people i know, the guilds i see playing, and the server we are from.

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


Just about every DR on the forums is so pompous and annoying.

Clown, i certainly dont get beat by you or anyone.

Pretty good, it only took you a day to reveal yourself as a hypocrite. A clown is someone who says they never get beat by anybody.

Ah, so essentially that is the pot calling the kettle black then huh? Kinda like you guys, except its “we never get beat by anyone unless numbers we rock so hard /pat on back”, Gab saying he will “stomp anyone 1v1” or Marcol calling both servers baddies and he is the ultimate player.

Also, i find it funny, if you look at all our match up thread in the past 2 months they are almost entirely civil. Then DR comes along …

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


Acelrion- Pride to fight you? We are whooping your butt(DR) up and down the maps.

That is classic zergling mentality right there: taking pride in and taking credit for things that you, as an individual, have very little to do with.

Oh I missed this. Oozo nailed the response.

And yes I expect you to get angry when we roll you guys time after time. you are instead taking pride in having a kitten ton of terrible players that zerg objectives.

I dont give one flat kitten about the score. Getting beat should make you want to get better. Instead you keep findibg superfluous reasons not to.

Clown, i certainly dont get beat by you or anyone. I died a total of once today and played small man almost exclusively so you can take that ‘zerg mentality’ and shove it.

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


Geno- i was referring generally to the circle jerk that is ADqqnoob alliance or w/e it is not all of DR.
Gab- As a server maybe we are mediocre, i personally cant help that. But, i was at fight night and didnt come close to losing. I always roll in duos and fight “larger groups than me” should i pat myself on the back every other post, or complain about being “zerged” in wvw? lol..
Acelrion- Pride to fight you? We are whooping your butt(DR) up and down the maps. You want team fights on equal terms go spvp, its what its for.
Marcol- I’m not mad you guys are just clowns and it’s funny for all the junk you talk considering your position in this match up.

For those cool DRs, sorry didnt mean to insult. Some of you dudes are real pros and stand up players.

You and your guild is a joke. Everytime I see your tag, it is either a zerg of 40+ that pvdoors until they get wiped and then switches maps, or it is a group of less than 10 that dies to 3-4 people and runs GC builds. If you want to say fight night counts for anything in WvW, then you are delusional. And if I was playing on a server that spawned 60 man zergs on 3 maps at once, I wouldnt complain when I got zerged either.

Also I find the backpedaling at the end of your post quite amusing, since you’ve fought and argued with everyone in the last 2 threads. Who exactly from DR do you consider “pros and stand up guys”?

Fight nights count just as much as running a 5 man looking for other 5 man fights. But you are right, neither really count. What counts is the score at the end of the week.

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


Geno- i was referring generally to the circle jerk that is ADqqnoob alliance or w/e it is not all of DR.
Gab- As a server maybe we are mediocre, i personally cant help that. But, i was at fight night and didnt come close to losing. I always roll in duos and fight “larger groups than me” should i pat myself on the back every other post, or complain about being “zerged” in wvw? lol..
Acelrion- Pride to fight you? We are whooping your butt(DR) up and down the maps. You want team fights on equal terms go spvp, its what its for.
Marcol- I’m not mad you guys are just clowns and it’s funny for all the junk you talk considering your position in this match up.

For those cool DRs, sorry didnt mean to insult. Some of you dudes are real pros and stand up players.

Keep manning the keyboards forum warrior, you are so full of yourself, I really hope not everyone on DH is like you.

Im full of myself coming from you. That’s rich.

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


Geno- i was referring generally to the circle jerk that is ADqqnoob alliance or w/e it is not all of DR.
Gab- As a server maybe we are mediocre, i personally cant help that. But, i was at fight night and didnt come close to losing. I always roll in duos and fight “larger groups than me” should i pat myself on the back every other post, or complain about being “zerged” in wvw? lol..
Acelrion- Pride to fight you? We are whooping your butt(DR) up and down the maps. You want team fights on equal terms go spvp, its what its for.
Marcol- I’m not mad you guys are just clowns and it’s funny for all the junk you talk considering your position in this match up.

For those cool DRs, sorry didnt mean to insult. Some of you dudes are real pros and stand up players.

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

(edited by Mayhem.1935)

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


Just about every DR on the forums is so pompous and annoying. Maybe that’s intentional to make us mad or a defense mechanism for losing every week. Either way, enjoy last place, DR.

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

Make Rank and Abilities Acount Wide

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


Question. When you leveled your first character to 80 in PVE levels did you get your next character automatically at 80?

When you crafted that Legendary with that one character, did you other ones get it to?

What about your fotm level? Or your dungeon story modes?

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

More small party roaming at lower tiers?

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


Hey Lush, I’m in T6 on DH and it is pretty easy to roam solo, duo, or ikittenman. I almost exclusively do this unless my guild wants to bum rush something and needs ports/veil. In the past i was on DB, but T3 is massively zergy and unfun for my playstyle. DH moved up to T6, but before that was in T7 and both GoM & HoD had plenty of small group skirmishing.

Recently before reset in T6 we had a fight night with all 3 servers representing and it was really fun. I assume it will be a regular thing based on the success of the event (small scale, 1v1). Anyhow, yea.

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

22/3 - DR - IoJ - DH

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


-The Swindler-Mesmer —

22/3 - DR - IoJ - DH

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


Chalk it up to fairweather DH players in wvw i guess… i for one have never ever seen us with this many ppl out in the BLs.

Although the biggest zerg i’ve seen from any server in this match up was IoJs around 3pm pst. They were reclaiming their BL and man in was massive. I was impressed with their presence!

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

22/3 - DR - IoJ - DH

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


Well, didn’t find any of these guilds tonight, even though I spent time in every map. I did see a lot of MoRt though. A lot.

I was in IoJ skirmishing around Arah’s and Bay while the zerg took DB. Had a ton of fights 2 v up to 5. Was a good night for small scale for me. Sorry we didn’t meet up. (Was roughly 6-8pm pst)

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

Prismatic Understanding

in Mesmer

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


The Prestige is not increased, because long time ago, they were concerned about The Prestige off time being too long. Recently, they changed The Prestige, but didn’t bother to give the additionnal 1 second.

It gives the additional 1 second. When the icon is on, Decoy gives 3 seconds with PU and 2 seconds without PU.

I’m so used to tooltips not updating properly. Maybe that is the case. I’ll take it off and look and put it on again and compare. Thx!

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

Prismatic Understanding

in Mesmer

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


Recently, i’ve been trying a sword/torch + staff build and it has been really fun (WvW). I have been using prismatic understanding to increase the stealthed time by 1 sec and the buffs, and while the buffs seem to work the added stealth time does not. I’ve tried it over and over and i dont stay stealthed 1 sec longer for Veil, Decoy, Prestige, or Mass Invisibility. Is the trait bugged or am i just crazy?
I love the buffs, and being super tough but still able to put out solid dps is nice, but i’ve invested 30 pts into a trait line. I’m not sure if i is worth it if half the trait doesn’t even do anything like its supposed to.

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

22/3 - DR - IoJ - DH

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935



I don’t engage in 1v1’s

You should probably abstain from saying that you would stomp everyone anyway at a fight night unless you plan or backing it up, which, above you say you don’t do. I’m not the best player in the game(nor a confusion mesmer lol ) but if i say “i’d going to stomp everyone anyway” then i’m prepared to put up or shut the F up. ^.^

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

22/3 - DR - IoJ - DH

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


I dont know, i think Gab might be a troll. He wont say who he is, who he represents, where he will be, or when he will be on so skilled ppl can fight his uber group, says he will stomp everyone and everything in 1v1 but refuses to go to a fight night.. i dont know guys, seems like he’s/shes trying to rile us up. Just an observation. /shrug

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

22/3 - DR - IoJ - DH

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


Well, good thing we have this Fight Night set up so we can see all the boss PVPers. Some are quiet, some are loud mouths, some are rude… but..

We will all be able to test our meddle against the duelists of each realm. I for one will be there to step up for DH pvpers. See you there!

The Swindler[SE]

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

22/3 - DR - IoJ - DH

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


Gab: No, i’m one of the twin human female mesmers in [SE].
Kinky: Our numbers are awful during the weekdays in the morning til everyone gets off work. I wouldnt be suprised if both IoJ & DR catch up a bit until reset.


-The Swindler-Mesmer —

22/3 - DR - IoJ - DH

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


I will say this,dark haven has some amazing players. And I can’t wait to see what we can achieve in the future.

Where are these players? Or did you mean to say amazing zergs. Quite frankly I have yet to see a group smaller than 15 do anything more than cap sentries and get wiped by 5 people. I have literally had better fights from ioj up level roamers then anything I’ve seen from dark haven.. Your weekday force must really suck cause you guys are very reminiscent of the mass zerging/pvdooring that SBI did, yet you are in T6.

Also the hacking that happened at NW tower in drbl tonight by 3-4 DH was pretty sad.. As if pvdooring wasn’t boring enough.

I run small man(2-5) constantly and just 20 minutes ago put a beating on a DR & IOJ zerg in DRBL + capped IOJ DB with the same small group while a big zerg took IOJ garrison. I dont know who you are fighting, but is sure isnt me & my team.

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

3:8 IoJ | Anvil Rock | DH

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


I almost exclusively roam as 2 or 3, on whatever server is in first place overall pts. (Seems these days that is going to always be AR! ^.^) Come find me taking camps and looking for fights.

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

3:8 IoJ | Anvil Rock | DH

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


I’m not sure what it is this week, fair weather players or something but i’m seeing waves and waves of AR in every BL and small numbers of DH & IoJ during my playtime =(

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

My feedback on stealth WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


I don’t think 900 health regen is alot. I mean, a warrior just one hit me for 9k and I have 1k health left and I regain 900 health, Im not going thank god for that 900 health. Im just running hoping he doesn’t get another hit on me and wishing I didn’t use shadow step trying to chase him down. And yeah, thats a common scenario for me and a major reason I try to avoid warriors :p

I find that if i have any life left at all and i get into stealth i’m pretty much in the clear. Stack that with shadow refuge, which heals, and thats alot of hp pretty quickly. The few times that i do actually get downed, if i pop shadow refuge right before im back up in no time.

Shadow Arts line is tremendous, and i use it, maxing it out because it’s that good. Being a thief (atleast a p/d one) feels like im a pro football player playing in a pee wee league, it’s that silly.

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

Sick of thieves having advantage

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


I’m a thief and im overpowered. Today i decided to be the most obnoxious, ruthless, killing machine and harass everyone i see until it gets nerfed. 4v1? pkitten, no problem. Fighting 10 ppl? fools, you cant kill me. ANet made me like this so it must be right.

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

My feedback on stealth WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


Where does it say that only thieves are allowed to solo?

Secondly, if Spvp and WvWvW are the same, how about we balance thieves in WvWvW the same way they are balanced in Spvp?

No where, and there’s lots of people that run around with D/D Ele, GS Warr, Mesmer, and even some Necros and bunker troll Guardian builds and the like running around solo looking for 1v1 targets. And lots of them have great success with it and particularly look for Thieves to single out. I even saw a Ranger doing it last night who was shockingly good, although I’m not entirely sure he wasn’t cheating because I saw him using abilities of sorts that were completely new to me.

The thing is, most other classes have lots of good teamplay options to build for – and they use them. Why would they setup for dueling instead of setup to actually win? Thieves don’t have much of an option because small scale is literally the only thing the class is good at – the only thing that makes them special. They are deliberately designed to be lacking in other areas as a trade-off. The only logical thing left to do is scrounge for small scale tasks in WvW that are helpful and just be really good at them, no matter how limited those tasks may be.

Because manning that arrow cart is to beneath a thief in large scale, am i right?

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

My feedback on stealth WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


As a P/D thief, i’m wondering how a group of players can stop me, a single thief, from mowing down dolyaks while they are guarding them. Because i do this regularly and i cant think of a single instance where a dolyak got to the keep/tower that i decided to kill. I’ve seen roughly 10 players run around, aoeing everything. i just C/d that eagle griffon, walk within range, press “1”, and repeat. Yea, sometimes i have to use utilities to stealth if i get stunned, w/e but guess what, my stealth heals me and removes it instantly so.. I guess my problem with stealth is it isn’t hard or challenging. It’s not like its skill. I’m not some master at this game.

Now, to the thread fixes that i think would work:
-Culling (Duh)
-Until culling is removed completely, balance stealth time (longer revealed?), then put it back to normal when culling is gone.
-Ranger pets should have track hidden or some other mechanic that will alert or be aggressive to hidden targets.
-Engineers could have a utility that would passively let them see players stealthed within a small radius.
-Stealth shouldnt necessarily be removed if you have a condition, but certain effects should remove it. Stuns, Knockbacks, Knockdowns, are good examples.
-Stealth stomping is a bad design flaw. An engi shrunk ? Mesmers can target him and teleport away. You need a target to use abilities like that. A guard has stability? At least your friend can punish him by 100b or w/e else while hes doing it. The problem here is the inability to target. Give a thief something else for this.

Look, i play a thief as my main. Im about to quit it though because it is terribly OP in WvW and i dont like to be apart of the problem. I would gladly give up some stuff for some PVE buffs.

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

(edited by Mayhem.1935)

My feedback on stealth WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935



you forgot
3) stat caps and 4) thief dmg reductions in spvp. Big differences. Spvp is a different bird all together. Though i get your point about culling.

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

My feedback on stealth WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


sPvP is based around holding points with very small numbers of people. WvW is not. If you fight a thief in sPvP and he is unable to kill your fully bunker build, you win cause you have successfully defended the point. If the same thing happens in WvW it is at best a draw, unless you both happen to be solo with no NPCs (which is extremely rare) in a supply camp or something.

And WvW is based around holding points (objectives) with very large numbers of people. Thief happens to be even worse at that comparatively than with very small numbers.

Yet so many people want to be terribly worried about what happens when they run around solo, even when it has very little impact on contributing to a win.

Completely untrue. GC thief? Equip a short bow in a tower/keep/castle and go to work dropping long duration posion fields and cluster bombs for 3-7k at a rather rapid pace. Thieves like to make other players believe they are bad at keep defense to make up for being unopposable in open settings. Just stop lying. Listen, i play p/d +d/p in open world, but if i want to attack/defend a tower, i toss on a Shortbow and GET TO WORK.

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

My feedback on stealth WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


Make utility googles reveal stealthed players… There you go, the engineer becomes useful as a class (anti-stealth) and stealth has a an effective hard counter but requires specialization to use. May want to add a similar utility to necros as well.

This happened in DAoC as well. The ranger/hunter/scout class had a passive ability allowing them to detect stealth. They further had a usable ability with a cooldown that made stealth obsolete to them for a short period. Sorry, dont remember the names but w/e.

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

My feedback on stealth WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


I think the problem is a lot of people don’t know how to fight a thief, or don’t want to do it.
Fighting a thief is more than just a mere “he does this, I’ll do that”; you have to use your brain and actually think about what he will do.
I read the need to base your actions upon prediction is wrong and creates thieves’ OPness, but I think prediction is just the ability of reading a fight, must be used in every situation (not only against thieves) and it’s the difference between a good player and an average one.
To be able to predict what your opponents are going to do, is what makes you win an inc, even (especially) speaking about groups fights.
Every monkey can press a button 1 when the green light turns on and button 2 when it goes off. Luckily gw2 is more than that.
As a thief, if I don’t predict when a warrior’s going to frenzy-100b me I’ll be dead, and it’s not a matter of “but you can see it” because when you see it it’s too late.
My point is that fighting a thief can be hard, they are not “free kills” and ppl hate that; this does not mean they are overpowered because even a bunker guardian is not a free kill, nor a d/d ele and so on.
So please, next time you’ll find a thief don’t think “omg a thief, I can’t kill him” just try to be smarter and make him do some mistakes, I’ll assure you he will pay for them.

Nice try, but still not exactly true. Every class can be good that depends on players behind the toon. However, thieves get an immense buffer to this and even if you counter properly they still most of the time —get away-- leaving the player that, by rights of being better, frusterated that in reversed roles they would be stomped.

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

3:8 IoJ | Anvil Rock | DH

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


I run a duo of 2 identical mesmers with my wife and kitten if i dont get laughed or taunted in some way everytime we lose to AR by vast numbers. I’m not sure what the deal is with some of you guys but alot of you guys are just rude. Suffice it to say im leaving IoJ alone and bonking AR heads as much as possible until some manners are learned! ^.^

I think me and an ele fought you guys on sunday night in AR borderlands. The northwest supply camp. Two human female mesmers with blonde hair?

Yea, that was probably us. We almost specifically run as a duo. We made the chars identical so there are a possible 8 of us with clones. Pretty funny =)

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

3:8 IoJ | Anvil Rock | DH

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


I run a duo of 2 identical mesmers with my wife and kitten if i dont get laughed or taunted in some way everytime we lose to AR by vast numbers. I’m not sure what the deal is with some of you guys but alot of you guys are just rude. Suffice it to say im leaving IoJ alone and bonking AR heads as much as possible until some manners are learned! ^.^

Ha, yeah, I’ll agree with that. It always cracks me up when you see someone teabag you after it took 15 dudes entirely too long to kill you. Idk, all we can do is tell our militia to have some class instead of jumpin on bodies or whatnot. Maybe some of the rudes’ll catch on

Yea, my wife will be like "there’s 2 of us and 10 of them. Are they proud or something ? " I just go i dunno, maybe they just dont like our hairstyle. Then she says " No one makes fun of my hair,kittenAR!" Women. HEHE

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

3:8 IoJ | Anvil Rock | DH

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


I run a duo of 2 identical mesmers with my wife and kitten if i dont get laughed or taunted in some way everytime we lose to AR by vast numbers. I’m not sure what the deal is with some of you guys but alot of you guys are just rude. Suffice it to say im leaving IoJ alone and bonking AR heads as much as possible until some manners are learned! ^.^

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

My feedback on stealth WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


For everyone suggesting stealth “as an opener and that’s it”

That is simply not how the thief class is designed, at all.

There’s a reason we don’t have a stealth mode toggle, and that our only spammable stealth options requires us to hit someone with a melee attack, or waste two skills worth of initiative (the fuel that actually lets us use attack skills, a mechanic unique to the thief) All of the utility stealth is just that, utility stealth that must be taken at the expense of something else. It lasts no longer than our weapon based options and comes with a big fat cooldown. Shadow refuge is an exception to the rule, but also requires the thief to build a very noticable floating house, and sit in it until it finishes… and even then they’re left with ten seconds of stealth and a long cooldown.

Thieves don’t have a monoply on leaving fights whenever they feel like it. Pretty much every class has a solid “get out of jail free” build avaliable. The only difference is that thieves are better at it, which is rather well balanced by how extremely squishy they are requiring them to die 100% of the time if they fail to pull it off.

Honestly, stealth only needs to work on every client as well as it does for the user. In other words, culling needs to be handled.

Whats with all this “extremely” squishy talk about thieves? I think that’s a huge crutch other thieves are constantly using to validate stealth in its current form. Only D/D thieves build like this. My thief is durable (2.8k armor) 19k hp, and is a killing machine against most targets. Squishy? You have got to be kidding. (WvW not spvp)

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

My feedback on stealth WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


The ability to reset a fight when you’re losing is always going to be overpowered..

I can outplay a thief all day long, and if he wants, he can reset the fight till he’s full HP and go again till eventually I get unlucky and he wins…

I do it on my thief all the time..I get in over my head, and then I just reset the fight…

zero skill required..

This. Same for me. There is rarely a moment on this class that i feel i am not in control of the situation. If i feel the need, for whatever reason, i simply vanish and move on. People that die on an 80 thief with exotics/ascended gear in w3 is astounding to me in wpvp’s current state.

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

My feedback on stealth WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


I’m a thief. Stealth is broken. A solution? Maybe not let me regen all of my HP, remove conditions, and get stacks of buffs every time stealth occurs, which is 6 out of every 10 seconds. I can reset the fight when i want, run away if i want, or torment you if i want. I can kill that pack dolyak you are guarding with 10 ppl and there is nothing you can do about it. I play p/d +d/p and you lose every time. I started playing thief to learn how to beat one. My conclusion is you cant if the thief is patient and has an iota of talent for the class. If you are a great player and i cant kill you, i just run off and laugh.

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

Rally is Broken and my suggestion about it

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


Rally Sucks.
+1 OP

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

Get rid of it

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


Downed state is a terrible design to allow the more players a better chance at victory then the lesser sized group. I cant count how many times ive downed players just to watch their friends rez them up before i the animation to spike them finishes. I play in smaller groups from solo to 5 mans and down state is a noob cushion. Every class has access to healing and ways to avoid dmg. And, even if their is a downed state, why do players have like 60k hp while downed? The dmg i do to a player to put there in downed state (roughly 20k?) i have to do 3x as much to finish unless i stomp which makes me extremely vuln. And no im not talking when im on thief who can just stealth and smash dudes invisibily.

Players will argue downed state is fine, blah blah. Try running not ikittenergball and 3v10 ish. GL no matter how much you out skill/gear the 10. In most cases you run or you watch the guys dead pop up with half life like nothing even happened.

I miss the days when skilled groups (DaoC) with a smart group make up could really make a difference as skirmishers. Yes it -rarely- happens in GW2 and im sure some dude will post a video of it happening to show us all how viable it is. Yea yea.

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

(edited by Mayhem.1935)

Tier 6 pvp

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


I don’t know if there is an alliance, but i will constantly attack whoever is 1st place in their own borderlands. Currently that is AR, and yes i avoid IoJ guys if they are taking an AR owned objective and move onto the next AR objective. If IoJ was in first it would be the same way. F playing for second DH plays to win.

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


wonderful post
finally an honest thief player and not one of those delusional ones

Ironic how you quoted bullkitten for truth.

What specifically do you find is untrue? These are things that happen everyday in WvW for me. Maybe i’m abusing something? I don’t know. I’m just using the skills that Anet has given thieves with a sprinkle of intelligence. For example just 1/2 hour ago i held up half a zerg for 15 minutes just running around dropping people and hiding behind walls and stuff. I never got hit a single time, so theoretically i could have had 1hp and it wouldnt have mattered. I was on center island between the two lower towers. No other class could do this. Coincidentely, we took the right tower (greenbriar?)

Pretty much, like i said before, all it takes is playing any class but a thief, then playing a thief to realize how moronic stealth is in this game.

Like I’ve seen some horrible implementations of stealth in games…But Anet had to be on crack with they came up with the Thief in this game and its stealth mechanic..

Its the WORST balanced mechanic i’ve seen in an MMO to date, It actually beats BW’s Combustion Mechanic as the dumbest and most ill thought out mechanic.

OMG Bright Wizards. I remember that!

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


wonderful post
finally an honest thief player and not one of those delusional ones

Ironic how you quoted bullkitten for truth.

What specifically do you find is untrue? These are things that happen everyday in WvW for me. Maybe i’m abusing something? I don’t know. I’m just using the skills that Anet has given thieves with a sprinkle of intelligence. For example just 1/2 hour ago i held up half a zerg for 15 minutes just running around dropping people and hiding behind walls and stuff. I never got hit a single time, so theoretically i could have had 1hp and it wouldnt have mattered. I was on center island between the two lower towers. No other class could do this. Coincidentely, we took the right tower (greenbriar?)

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


Hi. First of all i want to preface this with a few facts.
1- I am a Champion Shadow in tpvp/spvp. Not a big deal but it is what it is.
2- I have lvl 80 chars of thief/mesmer/warrior/ranger
3- I prefer small man fighting in WvW, solo to under 10 players.
4- I have played MMos since UO with alot of time in DAoC as a nightshade RR8 before ToA exp.
5- My thief spec is p/d + d/p.

Now with that said i want to simply state some of my experiences with the thief in wvw.
1- I do not die. I reiterate. I DO NOT DIE. I may not “win” a fight, but there is no possible way i can die to players, even 25+ zergs. It just cannot happen. Call it culling call it whatever you want to, it never happens. Stealth and unpredictability with huge mobility is the culprit that i utilize fully.
2- Stats. I keep reading about spvp this and that on this thread like it matters. Thieves in spvp are fine yes because just like every other class they are pigeonholed to have only certain available stats with caps on crit . In wvw you can min/max your stats with ascended gear and exotics to make a stone cold killing machine. I’ve tested with a GC build and it is a JOKE how fast you can take someone out. Steal +mug c/d bs and its essentially over. Yes it isnt a “one hit” but it happens in a second flat so it might as well be.
3- Thieves are squishy and have no hps or defenses if they spec that way. This on paper is absolutely correct. However, this doesnt matter. Again, IT DOESNT MATTER. You cant die if you cant get hit. “AOE everything, L2P!” Seriously i LOL at all the AOE im 100 paces away. Shadowstep in, insta bang someone dead, shadow step back im safer than if i had 100000000 hp. All the thieves using this “crutch” of no defense are lying or not playing well.
4- People arent as bad as you think, thieves make people look bad. “they dont dodge” “they run around aimlessly” etc etc. Dodge what? Run to where? THEY CANT SEE YOU. Yes, there are some bad players. And mediocre ones, some good ones and even great ones. None of that matters. THEY CANT KILL ME. And that is a problem. I’m not a great player. I just play a thief.
5- Mobility. Yea i am currently playing p/d so yea ppl can run away from me if they are eles, or some warriors even if they have a proper weapon set. But on GC you have got to be kidding me. SB5, SS, HS movement no one escapes but them. 5 classes have no where to go if i dont want them to.
6- Stealth. Wow, just wow. In any -real- game that claims balance, ( not perfect world or some nonsense) this stealth is just OP. Health regen while stealthed, constant access to stealth IN COMBAT, remove conditions in stealth, move faster in stealth. Complete invis in stealth (no detection). Full time stealth in other games like WoW/DAoC/etc had slower movement speed, a way to detect if you where too close to other enemy players and they notice you, and removal of stealth on dmg. This is a big F up on Anet.
7-Thieves are terrible in mass fighting. This is not the case in the slightest. Keep defense/siegeing SB is like your own personal mobile siege weapon. Poison fields that do 33
less healing in a large raidus +weakness, cluster bomb that hits like a truck to multiple targets. See a downed or low life guy? Port in finish him off, port back undetected, easy peasy.
8- Thief in WvW is absolute GODMODE. Out of all my classes it was the only one i could be lvl 20 in wvw and kill actual 80s. I would get STOMPED hard on my other characters if i tried that. If you play a thief and feel you are underpowered or need buffs or we are “fine”, well…

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

Hybrid mesmer builds

in Mesmer

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


I use a variation of seven mirror’s build, 0/20/20/0/30.

stats are:
3200 pw
39% crit / 62% crit dmg
2600 armor
18.8k hp


decoy/blink/mirror images/mass invis
(sometimes inspiration instead of MI)

armor is all knights
jewelry is a mix of fractals pw/tough/crit % exotics and ascended with zerker ascended back piece.

still uses 4pt shatter and plays like shatter build but a bit less dmg and a bit more tanky. I find its a nice medium and a bit thiefy with the stealth. Not too hard with some playtime to fight 1vX, especially center island on the Wx3 BLs.

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

Medium Armor without dress?

in Thief

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


I think the t1 human cultural is pants and a jacket.

-The Swindler-Mesmer —

Warrior Seeking Guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


Hi GW2 community,

I play a warrior and just recently hit 80. I’m looking for a guild that runs regular dungeons and fields groups in sPVP or WvW. I’m certainly not hardcore, but i do play often and i would like an active guild that plays together. I’m not an elite pvper, but ive done my share of tourneys. My current rank is 23 (all sPVP). I play on the Dragonbrand server but im not really tied to it so any server would suffice. HMU in game or here on the forums. I use ventrilo but i am willing to get something different if the guild requires.

Thanks for reading!


-The Swindler-Mesmer —

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Mayhem.1935


Hi Gaile,

Ticket #121027-003455

I’m posting this on my account for my wife, who isnt able to get onto the forums via her account has been reported (for ??) and permanently banned. We are not sure why she was banned, but we havent heard anything after the ticket was escalated. Can you check into it for us?


PS- It’s mildly annoying to get disabled and not know why.

-The Swindler-Mesmer —