Showing Posts For McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086:

Allow sPVP to Level Characters

in Suggestions

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


They’ll probably just say that’s what WvW is for.

Dyes - Please make them account bound.

in Suggestions

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


Would love this though they want it to represent you character’s development.

Can’t believe they changed it from account bound to character bound :/.

100% zone map completition = cheaper waypoints in that zone

in Suggestions

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


At low levels: Waypoints are so cheap! I can teleport anywhere!

At high levels: Waypoints are so expensive… I can’t teleport anymore. Goodbye city maps, I knew thee well.

Why the Elementalist is Underpowered

in Elementalist

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


Churning earth is kinda funny in a game that promotes activity , constant moving and dodgeing.

I think taking condition damage in mist form is intended.

Conjured weapons are fun but pretty much not useful for “serious”/effective gameplay.

I can pretty much agree with everything you’ve said.

Mantras Worth It?

in Mesmer

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


Mantra’s are nice to use but they don’t really feel usable in an extended fight as once you’ve used them 3 sec channeling for each, assuming your specc’ing into it and slotting all mantras, thats about 12 seconds of channeling for all your utilities and heal to be back to being usable.

Priory personal story bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


Containment is bugged for me.

Phantasm or Mind Wrack ?

in Mesmer

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


Honestly I think the phantasms are generally better.

If you get the timing down right, you’ll do more damage with phantasms AND shattering.

Shattering a phantasm before it dies is smart.

But outside of that is what I’m assuming, I don’t think so unless your specializing into minionbombing.

Clones doing no damage

in Mesmer

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


Clones are supposed to do essentially nothing offensively outside of shatters. (effects on death , are arguable, though it taking hits for you I’d classify under it’s defensive uses)

Shatter's Severe Design Flaws

in Mesmer

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


Thank you for a few like minded thinkers.

Is the mesmer just a high skill cap profession or just counter intuitive?

Assumed mesmer concept- illusionary duelist giving you lose or lose situations

Assumed idea behind confusion- lose or lose situation, don’t fight back I’ll murder you, fight back and dig your own grave. Great. Lose-lose.

Assumed idea behind phantasms- either it makes your life difficult, or I will. Lose-lose.

Assumed idea behind clones- you either swing at empty air, or if you manage to find the real me, they all explode (shatter) in your face. Lose-lose.

Confusion operates on your opponent fighting you back, YET it would appear you are supposed to also prevent your opponent from fight back, meaning confusion is not as effective. (built in F3 shatter, various interrupts/locks available to mesmer, the +33% daze on the rune of mesmer kind of indicates inhibiting skill casting seems pretty built in).

Confusion is better than it was before though I don’t know if anyone has recently compared it to say, bleed in terms of damage.

Phantasms are in general most useful when they are out of alive. Shatters destroy them for often little and only situational benefit. Basically you can’t use clones to maximum efficiency and phantasms. Are we supposed to be pigeonholed into specializing into one or the other?

Clones are pretty useless outside of taking hits for you and otherwise playing shatterfodder. Basically mesmer gets turned into a lame minion bomber with its minions getting outrun. The problem with effective use of clones works against effective use of phantasms and vice versa.

Is the mesmer supposed to balance and juxtapose 2 mechanics that arguably work against each other or could this be considered bad design?

I like the idea of a highskill cap however parts of mesmer just seem unnecessarily difficult/counter intuitive to me if I want to be the best at whatever roles I wish to play.

TL:DR a lot of mesmer mechanics seem to arguably work against each other. Highskill cap/specialization required (while ignoring the other side) or just slightly flawed design?

Conjure Weapons Suggestion

in Elementalist

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


I agree to turning the 4 utility ones into a single glyph, that would make it better.

However I still don’t see the appeal to using the conjure weapons besides the look cool and are somewhat fun.

They don’t seem to be very effective/appealing compared to your normal skill set.

Phantasm or Mind Wrack ?

in Mesmer

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


Honestly I think the phantasms are generally better.