Showing Posts For McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086:

Water #2 Scepter

in Elementalist

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


I have the same problem with fire focus 4, and water scepter 2.

Lag / Long Loading and Error: 7:11:3:189:101

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


A day after sky pirates I found the game unplayable, laggy and for the most part pretty unresponsive when it comes to combat.

Daily Dodge + Daily Healer ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


I’ve got the heal+dodge and can pitch in that it doesn’t work for me either.

Has anyone tried reviving from downed (not fully dead), I’ve tried defeated (fully dead) for an npc and a player, it doesn’t work.

For dodge, I dodged an attack, nothing changed.

Can't anyone respect a duel?

in WvW

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


Well I can either do nothing and watch you two fight, OR get in there, help shank that enemy, get some monthlies done, maybe even a badge of honor, AND the opportunity to dance on their body.

Client Disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


I’ve gotten sent back to character select told the client is having issue servers whenever I go into fractals recently.

Game client crashes in Fractals of the Mist

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


I’ve started to get this problem too now, it’s pretty annoying, since I can’t really do fractals anymore, plus it used to work fine for me.

Superior Rune of the Warrior

in Elementalist

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


Does the -1 to weapon swap work for element attunement?

Why Do The Devs Hate The Ele Prof?

in Elementalist

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


It’s not that the devs hate the ele prof.

It’s that they believe that we are perfectly on par with other professions and pretty good where we are. Whether we are I wouldn’t know, but there’s nothing but endless debate.

I personally feel we just an overall buff giving us the sheer power justifying our squishyness.

Promoting builds outside of D/D auramancer cantrips.

Uniting traits to fit promoting smart attunement shifting and allowing for specialization of a role (and attunement) without making you feel useless/not getting any benefits outside of it.

But hey, there’s probably a bunch of posts out there saying these things better than I am with better evidence to back it up.

Ele tips for WvW

in Elementalist

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


Is there any ele build that can duel/fight enemies competitively, I mean in situations where you won’t all nice and safe (like in regular PvE) and probably take out the staff, that is not some variation of D/D auramancer cantrips, that dips heavily into water and earth?

How would you feel if stealth was removed?

in Thief

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


I’d be cool with stealth being replaced with something else.

Though it’d be a huge overhaul and remake to do so that I doubt will ever happen.

Arah - Path 4 (Dwayna)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


Alright, I know a lot have talked about this and no changes have been made so I shall bring it back up.

After reaching Dwayna everything gets messed up. Sparks are hard to aggro at times or they bug out by going around the nodes but never enter them.[..]

Seriously, 1 hour and 30 minutes TRYING to do it and I gave up, for a 3rd time. I thought dungeons should be fun and not a place where we “farm” our time in. I really hope some changes be made at least, for that boss.

I reported this issue where Robert Hrouda was looking for it:

… and it took two of us 8 hours to complete, losing 6 other players along the way.

Never again.

I haven’t been so amused and horrified at the same time in a while.

Don’t worry it’ll probably be fine tuned next year december.

To all Eles! Let's stop the uncalled nerfs

in Elementalist

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


Nobody cares about the elementalists.

I wonder what’s going to be the next build to use after D/D auramancer cantrips goes down the drain.

Say NO the RNG in PvP. Some changes needed.

in PvP

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


I’d love to remove RNG but it’d never happen.

Bloodline champions one of my favorite games was great for it’s PvP for a time, part of that was the fact the game was all skillshots and no RNG.

The Problems with Ele: Bit of a Rant, Really

in Elementalist

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


I can relate to what OP’s saying but it would appear that the devs think ele’s are fine.

Churning Earth Hold and Release

in Elementalist

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


Was churning earth ever actually a functioning hold and release skill?

Was it intended to be hold and release?

Will we ever see a hold and release churning earth?

Suggestion: Replacement for Evasive Arcana

in Suggestions

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


I’d personally think that is still kind of lackluster for a grandmaster trait.

Needs more BOOM.

I’m down for a buff to evasive arcana either way.

Your Thoughts: Are Elementalists worth making

in Elementalist

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


I’d personally say no, don’t make an elementalist, and any other profession would be a better choice. What role you are looking for is more important for what profession you pick.

I’ve found the nice thing about ele is the “versatility” you get, which arguably makes you a good solo profession. However I’m rather sure ele is not the absolute best solo profession. You will never be the best at any specific role even when specializing into it. Unless you count the specific role being a jack of all trades master of none, and I don’t know if another profession perhaps is better than ele in that too.

Feel free to tell me I’m wrong on this.

New Vertical PvP Map

in Elementalist

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


Guess which profession at the moment has no falling damage trait?

Personally I hope that we’re getting one so the “vertical” new PvP map will be easier, as I’m assuming that you will fall off a few times, or want to take the short way down.


Any tips for mitigating falling damage? I’ve tried mistforming during impact, I still get killed. I’m personally expecting Anet not to bother giving elementalists one, or at least it probably won’t be in this patch.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


Amen to this OP.

I see absolutely no value in this agony forcing you to have certain grade of equipment to complete game content.

Things you will never read on the thief forum.

in Thief

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


“I sure am glad that Anet never implemented the suggestions of thieves having F1-F4 , either by racking up on stolen items, or by getting a set of 4 random items every time they steal”

Elementalist vs Engineer

in Elementalist

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


Both would require a highskill level to do exceptionally well with.

Though once you’re there you stand out from the crowd pretty well.

Sword Dagger Thief Useless?

in Thief

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


I prefer S/D in the sense that button 3 for an evading attack costs 1 less initiative.

Otherwise I don’t like heartseeker that much either. The port-back when used wisely seems like a pretty useful tool.

Improvisation Trait

in Thief

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


Why in the world would it not randomly pick from the SKILLS YOU HAVE EQUIPPED?

I know I shouldn’t be directing that question to any of you 2 since you’re not Anet devs or the people who made that skill.

Why set lowest health?

in Elementalist

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


Elementalists have low hp because of the huge damage output they put out. It’s to balance that awesome plus side out with the negative of being squishy.

For example elementalists can put out more damage than other class doing their elaborate combos with all their elements, so to compensate we’re squishier.

Or at least what is above is perhaps that was supposed to be the theory of it, I personally think the reality of it is that our elaborate combos are subpar to any other classes trying to perform the same role. Outside of perhaps support.

And then we’re pretty much the squishiest class on top of that unless you roll Earth focus (for button 5), arcane shield, mistform, earth shield to attempt to spam invincibility.

Some old videos...

in Elementalist

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


My friend and I play elementalist.

He sent me this, while it’s old , things have gotten better for elementalists, but I still feel it’s relevant.

Improvisation Trait

in Thief

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


Either it doesn’t work or I’m confusing it to do something it doesn’t.

It changes all skills of 1 type from on cool down to ready to use right, when you steal something.

Or is it bugged?

Earth Field, A Proposal.

in Elementalist

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


Earth fields seem like a good idea, though the name needs a tweak possibly though that’s just me.

Changing Unsteady Ground to a circle seems like an ok idea that would be a minor buff to it, and encourage encapsulating enemies.

Why no reduce falling damage trait?

in Elementalist

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


I’d bet you did MK dungeon like many others OP.

Would be nice, I think and instant churning earth on landing would be pretty kitten, someone else asked for that a long time ago.

I must be doing something wrong because elementalist rocks!

in Elementalist

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


I won’t go as far to say you’re wrong but I’d place a lot greater credence in your opinions after you hit 80ish, or are successful in tournaments.

PvP is heavily based on skill, so you can hold your own in sPvP as an ele Great. Are you a more appealing than another profession doing the same role though? Could another profession do your job more effectively or easier?

PvE I strongly believe that while a other classes might not bring out utility they can do any and near all our jobs we try better, excluding perhaps support. Doesn’t help we tend be tissue paper, glass cannon without the cannons either.

I’d agree with everyone else feeling that elementalist should see greater rewards for the amount of effort we put it to do the same jobs. Otherwise I believe ele needs trait tune-up, skill tune-up, and to get rid of a couple bugs and we’ll be in a much better spot.

A more realistic battle system

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


How about the bosses require learning tactics, a call and response type of thing rather than throwing out 1 shots, having huge unfun health pool (with often no change in gameplay for the player), and just many fights turning into a strait fest of auto-attacking.


Reviewing all of the Traits: Analysis and suggested changes.

in Elementalist

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


I’d really like to see something besides a speed boost for daggers even if the trait worked and it stacked with swiftness. Dual daggers already has plenty of distance closing skills AND swiftness all over the place, more move speed just seems unimpressive to me in any capacity.

Maybe something as simple as an AoE increase. Works for Staff, why not Daggers? I could get behind bigger AoE’s on Ring of Fire, Chilling Burst, Ride the Lightning, Churning Earth, ect.

Or if you really want to play on daggers being fast weapons, how about a boost to attack speed instead of movement speed? That would be interesting and not redundant, and its not like Elementalists have any other attack speed boosts. Nothing major, maybe 10-15%.

Attack speed boost, range boost, increase to damage the closer you are to your target. How does that sound to you?

Reviewing all of the Traits: Analysis and suggested changes.

in Elementalist

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


Internal Fire: Deal 10% more damage while attuned to fire.
A solid boost to fire damage. Always tempting. As an adept trait, I don’t see a need to change this.

Pyromancer’s Alacrity: All your fire weapon skills recharge 20% faster.
More recharge for our damage dealing attunement? Yes please!

Above and similar traits in their own tree lines, should just be shoved together I think. Pretty much all other professions get something like that I think, someone posted it a long time back asking why we aren’t getting the CD reduction + something else like most other professions.

Zephyr’s Focus: Your endurance regenerates 100% faster while channeling skills.
Not really a D/D skill. I can see this being very nice with scepter and vigor. I won’t touch it, but am curious as to what others think.

I don’t really notice this one or use it and was never really sure of what to think about it.

Grandmaster – Arcane Precision: Skills have chance to apply a condition on critical hits.
I wish I knew what the chance was…because that’s probably what I would want to tweak if this trait needed a tweak.

Some1 else told me this was 10%, dunno if it actually is though.

Otherwise I like what OP’s thinking and I think that looking through this it really shows how much I think we need a buff in traits.

Do Elementalists ever get less squishy?

in Elementalist

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


Don’t think it will be less tissue paper.

I’m still having trouble finding the cannon in the “glass cannon”.

New mechanic idea: Attunement locking

in Elementalist

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


While I’m not totally against this idea, I don’t really like it.

Elementalist needs to be strong in each element, but also provide incentive for those who know how to play them all together well. It shouldn’t feel like that when I specialize into Air that only Air feels epic and gets benefits and that I never want to change attunement out of Air. Air certainly should be prioritized, and the ideas and flavors of Air (high dmg and CC or whatever the description says) should be what you’re getting out of it.

I feel that the traits need to provide “element-flavored” benefits to all of the elementalist’s skillsets rather than either providing inclination not to swap, or inclination to “stance-dance”.

What I mean is that some of the traits pigeon hole benefit solely into 1 element only, or they provide little to no benefit to any or just let you bounce around elements quicker.

ie only reduces this elements cooldowns, only when attuned to this element will do this

Why bother switching elements then? You won’t get those benefits.

otherwise its completely unrelated to your element, or it just provides ability to swap elements around.

I feel like something as simple as making halved benefits when out of the element being provided would be nice. I feel like it might be stupid but can we not just try to make arcane reduce all cooldowns of all elements slightly (smaller compared to the element specific ones), and change all the element beneficial traits to provide a benefit to all elements, but a distinctly larger one when attuned to that element. Also we should just shove certain traits together I think.

What I mean for example specifically…..

Please don’t judge my idea purely on numbers, the concept is more important I’d think.

Flame barrier You have a 20% chance to cause burning whenever a foe attacks you in melee. Only a 10% chance when not attuned to fire, rather than only when attuned to fire.

Internal Fire Deal 10% more damage while attuned to fire.

Above should be given together with

Pyromancer’s Alacrity All your fire weapon skills recharge 20% faster.

A post was previously made about how nearly all other professions get CD reduction + other benefits, why not the elementalist?

Hell you might as well shove all the +10% dmg when attuned to element, all together to apply to all elements and shove it in the Arcane tree.

Piercing Shards While attuned to water, your spells deal 20% more damage to vulnerable foes. Otherwise it’s 10% benefit.


-Shove the +10% dmg benefit while attuned to this element into 1 trait along with CD reduction.
-all element specific attunement benefit traits provide smaller benefit when out of that element
-create new traits to replace the removal of some like above (since +10% will be worked into 20% reduction)
-make arcane reduce all spell CDs along with attunement CDs (though nowhere near as significantly as the trait specific ones)
-change conjured utility weapons into 1 glyph and create 3 new utility skills for ele

All I’m thinking that elementalist when speccing gets benefits for both staying in certain elements of their choice, and swapping around. A class should make use of all it’s mechanics right?

Other elementalists opinion on auto attack

in Elementalist

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


I’d agree that auto-attacks on elementalist feel underwhelming though I wouldn’t know if statistically they are.

Auto-attacks I currently like would be air sceptre, water staff, earth staff, air staff. Though they still feel rather weak, but I think are better than the other options.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


Just me and a ranger spending 20 minutes to kill off a champion (gold) monster ettin just me and him.

Took a huge amount of time because his HP was so high, then the veterans bronze and silver ones respawned.

We killed those off too.

Arcane 25 Arcane Precision

in Elementalist

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


what’s the percent chance of it proccing on a critical anyways?

Staff ele vs Thief, any chance at all?

in Elementalist

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


If both are good that ele will have the odds stacked against him.

Staff is AoE blasting, against a good thief, you may drag the fight on but you will lose.

Why is stealth rez not being complained about more?

in PvP

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


The stealth doesn’t prevent CC that doesn’t require a target. Though I am glad and actually pretty amused by what you’ve brought up.

Scouter:: it's OVER 9,000!?

in Suggestions

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


Good, very good, carry on.

Do Order Storylines differ per race?

in Personal Story

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


The personal stories are pretty similar , the story isn’t as great or epic as people may have hoped and you don’t have much personal choice available to you, you have to be a hero no matter what.

I love steal, but I wish we had F2-F4 too.

in Thief

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


I liked a suggestion previously of to store up stolen items into F1-F4.

Raid of the Capricorn, the worst map in existence.

in PvP

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


Not my favorite map either but I don’t know if it’s that bad.

Thiefs and Mesmers... and 15k hit

in PvP

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


Sounds like a case of squishy meets glass cannon.

It sucks but the game seems pretty rock-paper-scissors, when you meet specialists like that or people completely specializing into CC. If you’re the wrong spec. against them the odds are slightly against you.

Why did/does Anet think one game mode was a good idea?

in PvP

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


They apparently tested and found these mode promoted the most fun/strategic game play apprently.

I want a teamdeathmatch as much as anyone else though it does raise issues with is it fight until defeated? Do any classes get the short end of the stick if it’s done this way? What mechanism will promote people to bash heads together (like Bloodline Champions rune of power, death fog)

Your level, class, and happiness rating 1-10

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


53 ele, 7.5/10

Things were better at the beginning I guess, things will hopefully only get better for the game though.

Please remove god mode from mesmer in spvp

in PvP

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


The real trap in Moa Morph is using Moa skills.

That and not getting suspicious when the mesmer stands still, points at you and fires a magic bolt that is about to turn you into a chicken and not dodgerolling that.

To Anyone Saying There is no EndGame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


Explore the world and find the unknown.

That’s what the game is about but easier said than done and most of us have years and years of habit of doing the usual static grind.

What's the deal with Orr?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


It’s kinda funny how at level 40ish you immediately see a lack of variety of tasks you can do to complete hearts. Or at least at the zones I’ve been in.

I swung a sword, hey! I swung it again

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


Has anyone in Arenanet played the Impossible Bosses custom map on Warcraft 3?

That’s what epic boss fights are in my head (though those were pretty difficult).

It feels basically like your strafing while pressing buttons non-stop without thinking for 20 minutes for everything in a dungeon and bosses just in the world.