Hello dear community
Shortly after gw2 got released, arenanet decided to put up a statistic of what profession are being played, which race, which gender etc.
So now after the 2-year anniversal it would be pretty nice to know if the statistics have changed. Did the warrior get thrown of his/her throne or did the ranger finally get some love (After Rapid Fire buff of course) and has now ascended the ladders to the other professions?
Oh so it WAS in the game but now it isn’t? why? A lot of people want it why not put it in the gemstore?
I looked at the tribal set in the bank preview and I asked my friends where I can get it. They told me that they don’t know that set and that it might be a future implementation in the game. So why is it already in the game? Is this a bug or can you actually get that set somewhere cause I really want it. Thank you for your replies in advance!
Maybe this is not really intended but the light tribal armor set is in the preview section for light armor in the bank. I mean, why would something that cannot ever be obtained again be put there? It just uses up spaces for future content and it should be removed from there asap. (especially for players who had high hopes of getting it and then realising the truth)
New Zone north-west of Brisban Wildlands
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: MrKahwk.9524
There’s an unfinished bridge being built by bandit engineers and is leading towards a portal. Has this always been there or is this exclusive?
Ouch Mrs. Murdock, you shouldn’t have said that. Especially since a lot of players have a general mistrust towards the devs and how they deal with certain classes. Now everyone will think that you didn’t play necro because…? Well, maybe because they’re not fun/ “weak”/ or just not good for leveling. Also MY question is, which profession do you main? I also have tons of lvl 80 alts but that doesn’t mean that I play them all the time. Which profession do you play all the time?
Hmm I don’t think that’s a bug- it’s actually intended but is the result of not giving targeting much thought.
Maybe it needs more than a year to reach the “no hobo sack no more” wish of the players on their priority list. I mean, there are so many other more important issues. It just takes time but that doesn’t mean that it’s not embarassing for the devs to need so much time to fix things >_>
Same problem, it will never get fixed cause low priority, learn to live with it.
But I’m a huge fan of Samus, if anyone knows her. This helmet just looks almost exactly like her helmet. And with the zodiac armor I can actually pull off a nice futuristic armor combo. And I just looked at the wiki after a friend of mine recommended it and there it says, that it won’t be available. It’s just that breathing mask for underwster battles. I have like two of those, which I think are cool but still not as cool as that gas mask.
So basically, new players get punished for not being at that living story part even before they are able to notice it. I think it’s really a shame but also the charm of the living story concept. Like: the minority who has been there and did the achievements gets rewarded greatly, and everyone else pvp-ers, wvw-ers, even the ones that are actually interested in the lore of the game but didn’t find THAT certain part as interesting and of course don’t forget the role players of which we have plenty on my server.
My problem is that I was always present at living stories and was always enthusiastically participating in them, but not being there ONCE meant for me to lose an item that I consider one of the coolest ones in-game.
It trully is a shame…
this sucks I don’t know if I’ll even be playing gw2 anymore by the time they add it again…
kamo has a white bubble aura. It should be quip, but yea it’s a warrior after all…
Hello dear Gw2 community!
I just wanted to drop by and ask if there is any way to get the gas mask after the nightmare within living story? I heard there’s a chance that items from previous living story events might drop when a treshold of citizens is reached during the evacuation of lion’s arch, does it include the mask? If yes I would SO spam this event and join an organised ts zerg.
If no, then I feel that this is just a shame. I have missed that entire living story part because my family suddenly decided to go on a camping trip and we got back 3 days after the new patch got introduced. I even had 8/10 achievements. Just needed to open the chest with the tri-color key and something else that I don’t remember and I woulfd have have gotten it. Is that the disadvantage of the living world? That we can NEVER EVER get those items in the future? I’m so sad about this because it would really fit my main engi (yes, I have 2 of them; one asura, one charr).
Is there any hope?
Check if it works on any NPC. If it does, don’t worry about it. If it doesn’t, SPOILERS AHOY!
Works on any moving npc But it could still mean something we’ll see next tuesday ^^
I have noticed something weird on my Engineer. Whenever I walk in front of Evon Gnashblade while having activated the skill “slick shoes” he trips while he’s walking behind me. Now, I don’t know if that is just a simple bug, but it may just be because he is programmed as our future enemy and that his current npc status is protecting him from attacks but only slick shoes (maybe other skills as well) are buggy in that aspect. I have tried the same on a risen with a green name and it worked as well. The only problem is; I wasn’t there during the elections because of temporary content and so on and because of that I can’t really make an analyitical approach to that theory.
So can someone please tell me what you think about that? Does he have reasons to attack LA?
I crafted LoD BECAUSE they weren’t oversized novelties… bah.
I don’t want them to be huge kitten flapping wings either, I just think they are a little too small
Yea, they are basically chicken wings. Especially on male characters (human/norn/maybe even silvary but the bigger types)
I don’t want to spend so much gold into a backpiece that I could just replace with hologram wings. Make them worth the effort!
Wow thank you I’ll try to contact you soon ^^
Hello guys
I’m really frustrated because I tried so many different builds and failed so many times, that I don’t even want to play guardian anymore.
The point is that I’ve had huge problems against cobditions warriors with their huge def/health/condition damage and trust me, I’ve tried a lot; meditation build, healway guardian, pure dps guardian and even condition with runes of perplexity. All for naught and I just die while the warriors have still 2/3 of their health and their healing signet outheals my burn from the condition build. So PLEASE do you have any build that helped you kill those annoying things easier? pls post it here I appreciate it A LOT.
I think people will rather sacrifice their time farming the 5g that get added to the precursor everyday instead of complying with your proposal xD
I got one from the Personal Gift Box a few days ago, so I know for a fact they drop this wintersday.
Congratz and thank you for this information ^^
Btw the sigils are now at 14 gold and I don’t think they will go down a lot any time soon. It’s a decent price and I think I’ll buy at least 5 of them. What about you guys, do you want to wait untill they’re even cheaper or can’t you wait to finally use them on your chars? :]
It doesn’t even have to be from the new faces. As long as it looks like Logan, it’s fine
It’s all economy, dude (or girl). Precursor are not a common item, so changes like these can be tracked down to several players. Whereas with orichalcum ore you could really explain what’s going on by looking at supply and all that but since precursors are very very rare, you cannot count on the price being ballanced all the time.
Hello folks and a good evening!
I just recently bought a total make-over kit and noticed that there are new faces. Upon further inspection I noticed that one of them (not the babyface and creepy-smiling-arrogant-left-brow-guy face) fairly resembles our fireball-incoming-shouting-coward (ok scratch the coward part), Logan Thackeray! Now I had a lot of problems with the eyes and with the mouth because a lot of the new face’s expressions look so similar to his but it’s still not exactly the same. So my question is: Did any of you manage to receate Logan’s face and could you please post a pic of that char? It’s much appreciated!
Well, he did only get 1 unbreakable choir bell after all. Maybe it was just bad luck that he didn’t get the sigil? I’d really like an answer from a Dev please if it’s possible
Edit: woah the price went down one gold :0 way to go!!
I am pretty sure that they drop from Giant gifts. If not, anet would have said something about it.
I don’t really get why the price didn’t stay at 10g since the drop rate was always the same (but maybe even not…) and even if someone had bought a lot of them, if the price had gone up to 18g, the price would have stabilised itself eventually and go back towards 10g. But it has been 1 and a half days and it’s still between 18-20g. I REALLY wobder what happened xD
yea but why did the price get doubled since yesterday?
I thought they are. why else dif the stocks (I don’t know the world in English) go up then? xD
What happened yesterday that it went from 10 gold to 18? can someone please elaborate? did they decrease the drop rate or what? .____. cause I really want tons of them for all of my chars.
I love you. I hope people will realise now that one should BUY the precrusor from the trading post.
Oh.My.God. This is just sad.
Just buy the kitten precursor.
I’d recommend champion and node farming. The prices went up immensly just because of the news that there’s gonna be ascended armor on the 10 of Decembre. T6, ori ore, ancient wood and ectos are really precious right now and WILL increase in price even more. So you might even want to wait untill the patch is there and THEN sell it. Trust me, if you have at least 50 pieces of each you’ll get tons of money I mean you still got 6 days left.
But but Q_Q am I the only one who has to fight mesmers who can daze/stun/bind me for 3 seconds and then apply hundreds of conditions? xD My whole build consists of dodges, blindness and blocking xD I think I’m just way too bad to actually see which attack the mesmer (or any other condition based professions) is going to cast. How can I if there are 5 clones attacking me simultaneously? ;(
Oh and OP xD it was not sarcasm, I love asuras and my guardian is actually one. I guess the sarcasm considering warriors made u think that everything I said is sarcastic xD Btw I chatted with someone from the enemy server in Obsidian Sanctum duelling arena. He gave me a build that works better than my current one, which was focused way too much on survivability. New build is a meditation-build-ish-build xD
you know what they say; Attack is the best defense (or whatever.)
Warrior- Most useful, easiest and, depending on the build, strongest class in gw2.
They can contribute so much to the group if played well and they have so many different weapons and utility skills, that you’re basically ready to fight ANY other class. The high health pool is really usefull too. spam dat full health with healing signet+ regen.
Cons: You might get cc’ed really quickly if you don’t have the right traits or utility skills but if you have them, you are almost invulnerable to any condition there exists. (haha ok this is also a pro xD)
Guardian: Really beautiful skill animations. You sparkle most of the time. Is called Support character, although ele does a better job at it. Most of your cc’s can be jumped over or stability. Wide range of weapons but not each of the weapon skills are equal in terms of usefulness. Utilities if used wisely can save you from tricky situationd, but the long CD’s make them a pain in the jelly butt. BUT you will probably survive untill the cd runs out.
Cons: Guardians are extremely. EXTREMELY vulnerable to conditions due to their low health pool and crappy condition cleanses. Yea you can cleanse a lot of conditions with utility skills and the right traits (every 5 second 1 condition) but what about the other 45-60 seconds in which your utilities are on cd and you get spammed with confusion, bleeding etc?- You get yourself some nice healing power, some nice condition duration reduction from runes (you can only get melandru runes from temple vendors…all that karma…kill me.) food (the -40% is hella expensive and you only get it for 30 min) and a skill which lasts for 5 seconds, cleanses conditions and you get -33% condition duration on yourself yeap, for 5 seconds.
BTW Warrior has got the full 100% condi reduction in ONE skill great, isn’kitten So basically what you gotta do is adapt your build to conditions and sacrifice a lot of other good options and still in the end, you’re still gonna be massacred by mesmers who can spam confusion or even warrioirs with bleed builds. I like the guardian though, it’s my main but I’m slowly getting kitten ed off because I usually need to stop a duel because neither me nor my enemy can die due to my high survivability (only raw damage, conditions wreck me) and the utterly small damage
Conclusion: I’m gonna roll a tiny Asura warrior because I can. ADIOS!
P.S If someone could help me with my condition problem, I’d really appreciate that
Nope. Guardians can have 99% condition durtion reduction for 5 SECONDS!!!! after they cast purging flames.
You can make 40-50g in no time. Do cof p1, AC p1&2, HotW p1 and you already have like 5g or more. You can do node farming in ore, frostgorge and so on. Here’s the link to the nodes. http://gw2nodes.com
Just type in your server and the location you want to farm the nodes and if you collect every single node (which for me needs 10 min) you can get already 6g a day.
Sell all your stuff in your bank. You can always find something that’s valuable and even if it’s just 40 copper each, after some time it will amount to something.
Ask friends to lend u some money
Go champion farming in frostgorge. There’s always a zerg with a commander there. If you can’t find them just ask someone in the shout chat or ask them to join a champion farm group. They’ll explain you where you have to go.
After maybe 4 days you’ll have the money and then you can put it on the tp
I hope this helped ^.^
Hello dear GW2 community
My question is or is not simple, depends on the game mechanics. If I were to have 100% condition duration reduction (but I don’t know if that’s even possible), would conditions be nullified completely when I get them or would the condition duration increase of my enemy play a role as well.
For example:
Let’s say A has 150% condition duration increase and I, B, has got the full 100% decrease. Would that mean that the duration of the conditions on B are still only half of the original value from A OR
Do the 150% function as the new 100% when trying to calculate the new percentage of the final condition duration?
Pls tell me if you know something about it. It’d really appreciate the help since my Guardian is so weak against condition builds
I have everything I need to make a legendary except for the precursor and the specific gift. Yeap, I do have enough money to make the specific gift for lets say sunrise, but I’ll wait untill thwy implement precurspr farming and new legendaries, since right now none pf the legendaries are to my liking (except for sunrise maybe but I don’t use the gs so often)
omg no. It would be logical to limit it to the arena only. Have you been there already? it’s huge and there is quite a long way leading to it. They could make it so that the duel system works within the arena but as soon as you enter the passage leading out of it you become vulnerable again. Or just the same thing with the usual combat system:
If you go to far away from the enemy, the fight is resetted. Something like that.
But it doesn’t even have to be that way. Maybe someone can find a better solution?
Hello dear GW2 community
As some of you may have already noticed, a lot of people like to have duels against each other in the Arena that has been recently added wirh the Fracture patch in the Obsidian Sanctum.
Basically, both of the players salute/bow and if both of them saluted, the fight can begin. Now, the difference here is that unlike in pvp or wvw on borderlands + EB you shouldn’t stomp your enemy. If you do, everyone from the other server will start attacking you and your own server will NOT help you to get up. It’s sort of a punishment for not obeying the not yet realisable rules. For a lot of people this sounds great but, there are always certain people who like to interrupt the fights and want to get that kill for themselves. We try to communicate to them but they are obviously trolls and just want to annoy everyone. So what I’m asking of you, the players AND the ANET team is:
Could you help us make this a thing?
I see so many players engaging in combat against eatch other in a respectful way and I am sure that this will help a lot of people to find weaknesses in their build by just picking any of the many players that are there and against which they still have some problems fighting (may it be a weakness towards a condition, CC build and so on) It is a great way to socialise with the other servers and the landscape is just perfect for fights. I just want this to be a thing and let people have their fun there. I myself have spent several hours there and I gotta say, as long as there are no people farming enemy players at the BS starting point, the amount of players from each side is almost identical. You just get to pick whichever class you want to fight and the specators can watch the fight from afar. I saw people cheering on enemy players when they won the battle, some invited them to their group to share their builds and many players had great concersations with each other.
Also, a lot of people wished for a 1 vs 1 in gw2 WITH their actual pve gear not like in pvp where you cannot maximise the potential of your char. It is really a great opportunity for gw2. I just hope you can find a solution for keeping trolls away, a certain combat system for example: If two players bow before they got in combat they are invulnerbale for every other player. The two players have to bow again to undo the unvulnerability. The fight ends with one the players being downed.
So please please add your opinion here and if any Dev is reading this, please tell me what you’re capable of doing to help us keep this unique experience :)
Ok guys thanks! And I’m sorry, maybe I should have specified what I usually do with this build but I thought it’s obvious since the guy who came up with the original build mentioned that he likes to take on several players at once and it helps him a lot while roaming in wvw. And yes I’d love more damage but I don’t want to sacrifice my survivability for it. I just wanted to let you guys check if you came up with a similar build that does more damage but still mantains its survivability. I mean in the end it’s a fight over several minutes. I am well aware that with such low damage I cannot 1 hit ppl but I at least want to outdo warrioir healing builds even if it’s just by a bit. Or else I won’t be able to kill him in the first place. So from here on please stick to the healway build and similar traits cause I really love it and anything else wouldn’t even fit my playstyle anymore
Hello folks!
As you can see in the title, this following build has been greatly influenced by the guy who came up with the “Healway Guardian” build. When I was playing with it in wvw I felt like I was doing not enough damage (ok, I played against a really tanky healing signet warrior and the heal+reg of his actually outdid my damage…so it went on for about 5 min untill I went away). Please take a look at it and share your thoughts! :)
Also I’d like to thank the guy who came up with the original build, it really helped me get used to my guardian and made the gameplay with him much more exciting. ^^
Yeap, that’s the reason why I rerolled another guardian. You just don’t see armor+ weapons as good as on other races. But oh well, as an asura thief you won’t even need stealth for people not to notice you
Lol sry guys, I just found one by coincidence.
http://www.gw2crafts.net/cooking_karma_light.html for cooking and the other guides are on this website too. Have fun!!
Hello folks!
The last time I’ve done cooking and articifer to lvl 400 in order to level up was 3 months ago and I don’t know if the guides are still viable. I read in some posts that certain karma vendors don’t sell certain stuff anymore, so I’m asking you:
Could you post the link of a guide that worked for you recently? I’d really appreciate the help because I spent 22 hours trying to level up through pve for my guardian and I’m already really sick of it since I’ve done this so many times with my other alts.
thank you))
Hidden Garden all the way. Mount Maelstrom, defeat one of the keepers and you gain entrance to it.
why am I a human in gw2? Because I am a human.
I even made my asura bigger just so that the greatsword/hammer/staff looks bigger and it has just a little effect on the overall look.I’m saving up money now and wait untill they change something. I don’t want to spend so much money on a legendary and in the end no one and not even me notices it.