Showing Posts For Oroibahazopi.9074:

Ascended Weapons and WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Oroibahazopi.9074


I’ll also point out here that I am not involved in this system, outside of making sure the interests of WvW are appropriately represented as it is designed and implemented. If you have suggestions for different ways to handle this, you should find a more appropriate forum.

You’re not involved in the system but you’re responsible in making sure the interests of WvW are represented. How does that compute?

And do tell where we are supposed to leave WvW suggestions relating to WvW and balancing WvW? Maybe we have all been posting in the wrong place this whole time with our suggestions and complaints which is why nothing has been done about anything.

Unless tower lords bleed gold and rare mats like a faberge pinata it’s never going to equal PvE. Saying you can get these mats in WvW by grinding horrible PvE event or even the mobs is just kittenation.

The whole system is a new players trap tbh, oh you took all that time to get that shiney gear? well too bad because it’s bad in WvW unlike the PvE where it’s the best. Oh you spent that WxP on that skill? Well too bad you chose wrong and now you have no way to repairing the damage done.

Why is it so hard to get that people want an actual competitive game mode where everyone has the equal opportunity to be good. Not time played = goodness of gear = kitten son you aint rolling with us until you grind another set of exo’s or soon ascended.

inb4 but gear doesn’t matter from the carebears who probably never even play WvW outside getting their heads stomped into the ground trying to run the jumping puzzles

New update 9/3

in WvW

Posted by: Oroibahazopi.9074


I’m sorry you must be confused. There is something in there that directly affects WvW.

Now you’ll have to spend even more time outside WvW to make sure your alts are properly geared.

Repost: making WvW similar to sPvP

in WvW

Posted by: Oroibahazopi.9074


Agreed with the majority here – this is an awful idea.

Not really much point responding as obviously ANet would never actually do this and it’s clear that no matter how many people point out the flaws OP will continue his one-man crusade, but there you go!

Anyway OP hope you have fun in WvW regardless of the gear system

no im quitting with all the other people who realize wvw is trakitten the moment

No more ascended for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Oroibahazopi.9074


sPvP equipment

in PvP

Posted by: Oroibahazopi.9074


Well what I was really aiming it is I think that WvW would be improved by having a character customization system like sPvP

Repost: making WvW similar to sPvP

in WvW

Posted by: Oroibahazopi.9074


If you want to split hairs it’s 3

also the only legitimate concern I have seen is people unhappy about the limited gear combinations which I can agree with

ad hominems, thief complainers who say gear doesn’t matter and people only concerned about what their character model looks like in a pvp setting aren’t arguments

food I couldn’t care less about if it’s in or out I never said anything about food, up levelling is a joke

Repost: making WvW similar to sPvP

in WvW

Posted by: Oroibahazopi.9074


if you actually cared to read every post you’d find some support for the idea lol

Repost: making WvW similar to sPvP

in WvW

Posted by: Oroibahazopi.9074




Repost: making WvW similar to sPvP

in WvW

Posted by: Oroibahazopi.9074


Yeah, I would love to play WvW with 20 identical hammer warriors smashing the front of the zerg. Then we would counter with 10 Guardians, and the hammer warriors would vanish and turn into Necro’s stripping boons

And so on and so on…

You are neglecting to also understand that a servers gradually shifting meta gives matches their strengths and weaknesses and ultimately a servers flavor. If everyone could gear for the Flavor of the Day / Commander, WvW would just turn into a huge painful version of rock paper scissors.

As other people have said, only certain builds are possible in PvE/WvW and taking away those builds for the sake of “ease of access” is laughable.

ya because everyone in spvp plays the same builds and in fact people don’t even play matches because the outcome is already decided by team composition

also I think you’ll find a lot of the more competitive wvw groups run similar builds to spvp ones

Repost: making WvW similar to sPvP

in WvW

Posted by: Oroibahazopi.9074


I’d rather be good at the game than be propped up by more powerful gear

I mean wth is that so weird, some of the comments are like I’m asking to bin all their items you can still watch yourself dance in the pve areas.

Again, to almost everyone you just look like mono coloured generic models with black faces in WvW.

I mean is differentiating by player skill so terrible, am I too old school at video games for modern gameplay, wth just wth

bakittenoo what the crap anet this filter is crazy

(edited by Oroibahazopi.9074)

Passive Play is Terrible

in PvP

Posted by: Oroibahazopi.9074


there are zero skill shots in this game and you’re worried about cheesy build centric gameplay

Repost: making WvW similar to sPvP

in WvW

Posted by: Oroibahazopi.9074


because you don’t get the right stats from the boh store…

sPvP equipment

in PvP

Posted by: Oroibahazopi.9074


well I see it that ANet would want to do the least work possible so we have two options that are ready to ship

For me 6 trinket slots and 6 gems would probably be enough for any stat combination anyone could want.

Yes I’d want something better but again I see it we have two options.

sPvP equipment

in PvP

Posted by: Oroibahazopi.9074


ok but what would you choose in spvp

open the door to the pve gear requiring spvpers to grind for the best gears but getting 14 slots of stats (and all what that means with the upcoming ascended gear)

or have it the way it is now in spvp

Repost: making WvW similar to sPvP

in WvW

Posted by: Oroibahazopi.9074


special no, but trying to stay competitive yes

luckily 500g is easy to get speed running cof but soon that’s going to be gone

and 500g will more than likely be nothing compared to getting multiple sets of ascended gear for every alt

this has nothing to do with balance at all btw, just the way gear is provided. there is no reason why the stats of the gear needs to be the same in spvp and wvw

Repost: making WvW similar to sPvP

in WvW

Posted by: Oroibahazopi.9074


50g is nothing, I think I’ve spent at least 500g on my 4 alts

Perma-stealth backstab theives

in WvW

Posted by: Oroibahazopi.9074


You’re a mesmer, you can easily get away and/or force him off you because you have a lot of invulnerability and stealth

sPvP equipment

in PvP

Posted by: Oroibahazopi.9074


Do you feel that builds in sPvP are overly limited by equipment options?

Just curious since I started a bunch of wrist slitting in the WvW forum.

Repost: making WvW similar to sPvP

in WvW

Posted by: Oroibahazopi.9074


^ this guy gets it

Repost: making WvW similar to sPvP

in WvW

Posted by: Oroibahazopi.9074


Well gear exists in spvp to build for survivability.

I honestly don’t really see the difference in game modes though tbh, just WvW is conquest with more nodes and walls and more players of course. And like in sPvP you get a blob flipping nodes with one person – 5 man running around doing other stuff

So when will the devs fix supply wasting?

in WvW

Posted by: Oroibahazopi.9074


yeah get them banned for doing what ANet has trained them to do

Thieves and Warriors have easy kills

in WvW

Posted by: Oroibahazopi.9074


less qq more reading plz

and to op there will always be builds like that, skill differentiation is fine. Thieves are viable at all skills but yeah wars have skill ceiling issues

Repost: making WvW similar to sPvP

in WvW

Posted by: Oroibahazopi.9074


The only thing you’d potentially miss out on is the +10% condition duration from givers weapons and boon duration on armour.

I honestly can’t think of a build where 6 slots + 6 gems isn’t enough to get the stat spread desired.

Repost: making WvW similar to sPvP

in WvW

Posted by: Oroibahazopi.9074


Well suppose they put the effort in and gave you the full 6 trinkets, what then?

Repost: making WvW similar to sPvP

in WvW

Posted by: Oroibahazopi.9074


And if you’re skilled enough, gear won’t make that much of a difference.

I was thinking and then I decided to look at your post history and saw you’re a thief complainer. Actually now everything begins to slot into place on this forum

Repost: making WvW similar to sPvP

in WvW

Posted by: Oroibahazopi.9074


no upscaling? so you want even more free rallies and bags given away to the enemy?

and locking it to 80 only will hurt the population in the long run

Repost: making WvW similar to sPvP

in WvW

Posted by: Oroibahazopi.9074


but reaaalll warrrrr

if a server couldn’t co-ordinate enough numbers to join the map at the same time to avoid being spawn wiped then that’s their fault for being too bad

to me you’re the silly one if you honestly believe that the design choices made by anet in wvw are not to balance the experience

Repost: making WvW similar to sPvP

in WvW

Posted by: Oroibahazopi.9074


but real life war wouldn’t have any of those things

and like you said they’re all put in to balance wvw so I don’t understand your argument

Repost: making WvW similar to sPvP

in WvW

Posted by: Oroibahazopi.9074


if they don’t want it to be balanced then why are all the maps so symmetrical

why is there a population limit

why are they talking about changing outmanned to favour the smaller side

why are there breakout events

why is the main spawn area on every map a safe zone where you can’t die

why are there righteous indignation buffs on npcs

Repost: making WvW similar to sPvP

in WvW

Posted by: Oroibahazopi.9074


But you are ignoring the fact that ArenaNet have stated since before release of the game that WvW is not MEANT to be balanced.

ANet said a lot of things before release lol

Repost: making WvW similar to sPvP

in WvW

Posted by: Oroibahazopi.9074


gear wont make much of a difference? lol

are you serious, yeah I can take down some fully geared lvl 80 guy with brain damage in my lvl 60 using only blues and greens it picks up off the floor. it doesn’t mean that if the guy were on equal skill with me he wouldn’t completely destroy me

I honestly can’t believe you just tried to argue that, it’s literally the dumbest thing I’ve read on this forum

you need to balance assuming equal player skill, it should be pretty obvious

Repost: making WvW similar to sPvP

in WvW

Posted by: Oroibahazopi.9074


I can’t come up with a response sarcastic enough to properly reply to that comment, sorry.

Suffice to say I have seen the “games need to be like real life” argument so many times and every time it gets shot down because it’s horrible for gameplay.

I’ll just say real life isn’t balanced, and therefore modelling a game on real life will make the game imba. And imba games are not fun to play for the losing side.

Repost: making WvW similar to sPvP

in WvW

Posted by: Oroibahazopi.9074


oh ya I’m a wow generation kid because I don’t want to have to grind to get my gear every few months

because I’d like to just play WvW without having to care about the awful pve content

you are the wow generation kid my friend, people from my generation played games to have fun and get better at playing the game rather than mindlessly grinding gear to gain an advantage over people new to the game

Repost: making WvW similar to sPvP

in WvW

Posted by: Oroibahazopi.9074


I’m pretty sure you can name a class that outshines war in any of those given areas.

and as for the noob friendly comment, you left LoL a game that’s actually considered a successful esport (not that I play it) and came to this game. don’t you see how that doesn’t make sense

Siege timers

in WvW

Posted by: Oroibahazopi.9074


Yep, trolls gonna troll. It’s be no different to the situation you have now with people draining supply on useless siege

Repost: making WvW similar to sPvP

in WvW

Posted by: Oroibahazopi.9074


sPvP is out of balance

sPvP was balanced


I counter by saying how do you know that the sPvP system will not work in WvW and throw everything out of balance

if anything the current system is imba as it stands since people can bring anything and upleveled characters are a joke, it’s not noob friendly

keep food if you like, it wouldn’t be hard to keep it in, even though some food is just dumb

also warriors in wvw are worthless too, only thing they bring is that warbanner and that’s only 5 people

Repost: making WvW similar to sPvP

in WvW

Posted by: Oroibahazopi.9074


ya because real life war is so much fun

Siege timers

in WvW

Posted by: Oroibahazopi.9074


I think expiring siege is bad for gameplay and that it should be replaced with a hard limit on the number of siege placed in a given area.

Now I’m going to assume people are going to say that it’s more skillbased or something to require your team to constantly refresh siege 24/7, and in an ideal world where the majority of servers had 24/7 coverage and the opposing teams had roughly equal numbers at any given time I’d agree.

But as it stands, expiring siege mean that a server in it’s off hours will be unlikely to have any siege and will be an even softer target for any opposition, especially if the defenders are outnumbered.

If once you flipped a tower you can lay siege during peak times then during the off hours the small groups will actually have a decent chance of defending towers and keeps, rather than the night capping we have now which is just a total steamroll.

Obviously you’d need ways of destroying unwanted or troll siege and I’ve no idea about what the limit on numbers should be or how it should work

Repost: making WvW similar to sPvP

in WvW

Posted by: Oroibahazopi.9074


it’s not an insult, just an observation

an observation that occurs in every game everywhere when the people who enjoy a competitive atmosphere are drowned out by the people who want to look at their characters kitten all day

Repost: making WvW similar to sPvP

in WvW

Posted by: Oroibahazopi.9074


thanks I thought i was going insane

[RANT] Unlevel Playingfield

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Oroibahazopi.9074


yeah in a pvp arena what you really need is for all the players who have been around a long time to have stat and skill bonuses over the new people who don’t know the game at all

real good esport experience

Repost: making WvW similar to sPvP

in WvW

Posted by: Oroibahazopi.9074


really, you gear multiple characters in multiple sets just to try stuff out?

are you sure you don’t spend over 90% of your time in pve?

Repost: making WvW similar to sPvP

in WvW

Posted by: Oroibahazopi.9074


so you’re saying that commanders wouldn’t want everyone to be equally useful (potentially) and able to switch out build easily and quickly


People wouldn’t do it anyway.

now that I do agree with .-.

Repost: making WvW similar to sPvP

in WvW

Posted by: Oroibahazopi.9074


wvw would be boring when everyone is on an equal footing gear wise?

I honestly don’t understand the argument tbh I play wvw to pvp on a larger scale than in spvp not to err look at my gear in a field or something

like I mentioned in my other post that was removed yes it limits some combinations but there are very few optimal builds that even use mix and match apart from ele that I can think of

and yes I’m sick of grind after levelling 4 alts to 80 and grinding the tokens and gold to equip them, especially since I was brought into this game on the premise that it wouldn’t be like that at all

Repost: making WvW similar to sPvP

in WvW

Posted by: Oroibahazopi.9074


so you’re saying that commanders wouldn’t want everyone to be equally useful (potentially) and able to switch out build easily and quickly


Repost: making WvW similar to sPvP

in WvW

Posted by: Oroibahazopi.9074


do you know how you look to everyone else in WvW if they have the sense to not change the default setting

like a generic one colour dude with no face, aside from the ugly weapons and back pieces

Repost: making WvW similar to sPvP

in WvW

Posted by: Oroibahazopi.9074


apparently I was disrespectful in my last post about this and before any mod deletes this I have an email from customer support saying I can repost

make WvW more competitive by using the sPvP character customisation system

more people will play, less lag from ugly particle effects, more emphasis on player skill, less feeling like a tool because you’re upleveled and borderline worthless as anything other than a supply mule

I read the new changes with disrepair because I have multiple alts I use for different group combinations and situations, grinding time gated items will be hell

I work out, given the new ascended items follow the same stat gain over exotic, that without ascended I’ll be behind by almost 10% on a given stat. This is bad news for small group roamers.

WXP ranking problem to me

in WvW

Posted by: Oroibahazopi.9074


hey youre lucky, they just changed it so that you can’t use crafting to lvl alts so you have to grind it the long way

also getting your exotic gear is going to be harder since gold income is going to be nerfed with the dungeon changes

also to get the best gear to be competitive in the wvw pvp you have to go through time gated crap for every char with the extra ascended gear


5 man seeking upper tier not to quit GW2

in WvW

Posted by: Oroibahazopi.9074


camelot unchained

tell me more and make me believe that it’s what it claims to be because I got suckered by GW2’s claims

Sick of having to run to wps for each new alt

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Oroibahazopi.9074


i need alts to be competitive