Showing Posts For Overlord Falcor.6014:

What are combos and how do you achieve this?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Overlord Falcor.6014

Overlord Falcor.6014

Just like they said it adds a bonus effect onto the attacks.

Ring/Wall of Fire + Projectiles = Burning addition to attack
Ring of Fire + Explosive/Slam = Area Might for anybody in the area
Poison AoE + Explosive/Slam = Area Weakness for enemys
Healing AoE + Explosive/Slam = Area Heal
Guardians Projectile Wall + Projectile = Remove Condition for self
Mesmer AoE + Projectile = Confusion on enemy

Those are just a couple of the ones that my guild uses and I could pull off the top of my head real quick.

wondering which profession to play as

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Overlord Falcor.6014

Overlord Falcor.6014

I am trying the ranger, it is very easy and to make it interesting for myself I am using a greatsword as much as possible.

I recommend using the Axe with the ranger. You’d be surprised at how effectively you can deal damage that way.


in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Overlord Falcor.6014

Overlord Falcor.6014

Lies. We ran CoF all three paths last night. You just have to make sure the person walking into the dungeon first has completed the story mode, everybody else can follow in after that.

What class is best for me?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Overlord Falcor.6014

Overlord Falcor.6014

You guys clearly haven’t had good experiences with casters in PvE. We’ve got a couple of amazing ones in my guild; an ele who is almost unkill able and a mesmer who deals almost as much DPS as anybody else (albeit in round about ways). It all just depends on your build and how much to care to practice with them.


in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Overlord Falcor.6014

Overlord Falcor.6014

What’s bugged about the event? My guild has helped a lot if people through the event and on into the dungeon in the last 2 weeks.

Deleting character, karma to burn.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Overlord Falcor.6014

Overlord Falcor.6014

Making a Charr was your first problem lol. Don’t get me wrong, I love the Charr from a lore aspect and everything but they look horrid in most armor sets.

Skipgeons and 80s

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Overlord Falcor.6014

Overlord Falcor.6014

3) They only want 80’s because they have the trait points to spend and the abilities to go along with them as opposed to a level 35 who is statistically capable of doing the dungeon just fine but it’s easier with 80’s.

Arah Story Mode: Fix the Cannons or drop the Adds

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Overlord Falcor.6014

Overlord Falcor.6014

I have no knowledge of what you speak of. I have run this several times in the last couple to days to help guildies out and none of us have experienced any difficulties.

Troll Killing Bosses in Ascalonian Catacombs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Overlord Falcor.6014

Overlord Falcor.6014

I’ve actually only seen the troll in my 5 story mode attempts. Never have I seen it in explore mode and I’ve completed each path at least 1 time.

Mystic Forge Salvage Kits Questions...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Overlord Falcor.6014

Overlord Falcor.6014

They have to be unused, but ultimately you’re plating like 25 silver for a salvage hit that has 250 uses.

CoF Magg Setting bomb event

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Overlord Falcor.6014

Overlord Falcor.6014

Idk how you can only last 20 seconds in there. I play warrior and start it. I manage to live till 40% give or take with warhorn and “shake it off”. Ill even spawn a Banner of Disipline for whoever is next so they have 33% speed. If the next people are squishy (we have 2-3 thieves) we’ll send them all in at the same time to kitten with them. 1 makes Magg invisible at the end of them before last person comes in. After that last person enters I’ve already WP back and am waiting to kite again.

We dont have a “perfect group” but all of our builds do compliment each other very well.

Troll Killing Bosses in Ascalonian Catacombs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Overlord Falcor.6014

Overlord Falcor.6014

Kholer has one move that does any damage worth worrying about, and he telegraphs it for like 4 seconds before. Easy. The risk comes from splitting your attention between 2 bosses and being unale to focus, inexperienced groups will not take well to that.

Questions: Waypoints and Enemy HP

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Overlord Falcor.6014

Overlord Falcor.6014

A group unable of dodging his attacks will die in a very short time anyway.

That right there is why they shouldn’t change him. Its a level 78 dungeon if I remember correctly, its not supposed to be easy. A good team wont have a problen in here. My team works together, uses edurence buffs to increase dodge usage and if somebody goes down then one of us does a little damage to the little “finger like things” that come out of the ground and let them finish it off, you can rally on them.

Troll Killing Bosses in Ascalonian Catacombs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Overlord Falcor.6014

Overlord Falcor.6014

Ive yet to meet the troll in Explore mode so thats really not an option for me, lol. Although I dont think I would do it anyways, too much risk.

CoF Magg Setting bomb event

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Overlord Falcor.6014

Overlord Falcor.6014

Not sure if thats how it is supposed to be but for right now you just gotta kite. What my guild does is send 1 person in at a time and let them kite in a circle in the room. When they’re getting ready to go down, next person enter the room and continue. We’re able to get it first try now with this trick if we are set up for it (ie speed buffs, cripple/immobilization removal. Basically warrior warhorn.)

Arah Story Mode ... anticlimax?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Overlord Falcor.6014

Overlord Falcor.6014

^This…THAT coulda turned out extremely epic

Let's play a bit - Your total played time

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Overlord Falcor.6014

Overlord Falcor.6014

Well I’m currently active duty military who works from 0600-1630 and I’ve managed to amass 379 hours account wide, 350 of that on one toon!

When do dungeons reset?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Overlord Falcor.6014

Overlord Falcor.6014

It’s roughly 8 pm on the US east coast or 5 pm on the west coast.

Arah Story Mode ... anticlimax?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Overlord Falcor.6014

Overlord Falcor.6014

I believe that they did that for one reason, everybody has to complete it in order to finish their story. If they made it incredibly difficult then some people would have a hard time finishing the storyline.

As for the final boss being anticlimactic, I could agree with you there. With that said I completely enjoyed it all especially rolling through most of it with my guild.

Is PvE designed to be played with a small group of players?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Overlord Falcor.6014

Overlord Falcor.6014

^Not true. Sure they may not be able to do massive amounts of damage in the conventional aspect but they have they have the ability to condition damage you to death pretty easily.

Is PvE designed to be played with a small group of players?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Overlord Falcor.6014

Overlord Falcor.6014

Honestly, I think that you may not be setting yourself up properly to solo with that class. Don’t get me wrong, it can absolutely be done, but that is a hard class to solo if you aren’t prepared. Mesmer = Super Power in the right hands. You havent posted anything about your build so we cant really help you there.

Caudecus Manor Path #2 barrels bugged (and sugestion)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Overlord Falcor.6014

Overlord Falcor.6014

I promise you its not glitchy like people think it is. If you’re properly distracting the bandits with other barrels you can complete this is under a min. My guild does it every night with no problems. You have 3 people throwing barrels the opposite direction of the wall and have 2 carrying to the wall, your first barrel with likely be taken by a bandit but after that they leave that area if your 3 can keep up with throwing barrels around. It works just fine if you have a good team. Promise.

COF Path 2 npc death in lava

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Overlord Falcor.6014

Overlord Falcor.6014

Sounds like a problem, maybe you shoulda planned ahead better…just a thought!

Thaal <3 Lel

Caudecus Manor Path #2 barrels bugged (and sugestion)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Overlord Falcor.6014

Overlord Falcor.6014

This dungeon hasn’t been touched by an update in the last 24 hours as far as I am tracking. My guild ran it last night just fine at about 2 am Eastern Time. We’re actually getting ready to do all the CM paths again, I’ll report back once we do that specific path.

Alright, just finished paths 1 + 2. The barrels aren’t bugged just gotta do it right to get it done. But we did notice some other wonky things going on with the enemys and their damage and conditions. Maybe it was a fluke but there were several times where I would be hit by one enemy and have a stack of 25 bleed. I’ve never seen that before.

(edited by Overlord Falcor.6014)