at least you get to be master of earth when you splat down >.<
Does anyone know wheter Protection helps you survive falling damage?
Protection does not mitigate fall damage.
Of all the races in the game; this is the one I feel is second worst designed (Risen being the worst of all time). :/
My first impression, when I saw one in some DE in one of the Norn areas was “Oh brother… Aion is that way!”
I know they are underwater “Drow” and all that, but such a cliche.But then… I don’t like the Tengu either – so that may show where my personal tastes fall.
However; as it appears there some interest in these things being playable character, anything that keeps people in the game is a good thing IMO.
I agree with you. Which is weird because I don’t see the problem with Risen and I’m waiting for the Tengu to become a playable race.
The Largos are such a missed opportunity -I don’t understand the fascination with “dark elves.” I hate the super pointed ears and the fact that a deep sea creature has flowing locks of hair.
They could have been so less obvious and more of it’s own thing like the rest of the Guild Wars races:
lose the ears, make them have something that looks like hair but isn’t (kind of like the sylvari) and the wings should be one piece like an actual manta ray (although maybe that design choice was a workaround for armor).
On another side note -I believe the Kodan and the Norn are both descendants of a common ancestor.
(edited by Rain King.5914)
It’d be funny if they added it but put it at like 20 in fire so people still can’t get it.
Don’t jinks it. With our luck this is what will happen now.
Wow, you sure went all out for endurance traits, especially since you could always take sigil of energy instead to give 50% endurance when you attunement switch. It also does not make much sense to take all of those traits while ignoring the trait which makes our rolls become extremely useful blast finishers.
I believe energy sigils were recently nerfed to 25%. Just putting it out there.
Elementalist has the best passive speed buff trait, what helps getting around those cliffs one would die from jumping down as well as not falling at all in jumping puzzles.
I’ll take the troll bait just to keep this thread alive.
So you are saying that the other classes are the ones that are kittened? So shouldn’t the other classes be asking for better passive speed buffs -I know the most mobile class, the thief, is really hurting to be more mobile. But you don’t really see anyone crying about that because there is always a way somehow using other game mechanics such as skills or runes to get more speed buffs (the thief has passive speed buff on one of their signets).
There is no other way to get fall damage reduction other than a trait -which all professions have except for one -the elementalist.
Also telling someone not to fall in a jumping puzzle is as useful advice as telling someone not to die in battle -you are surely trolling if you think you were making a well thought argument.
I’m going to try to keep this thread alive this time: there is no way that Anet hasn’t realized this by now but we haven’t even gotten an acknowledgement that they will address the issue at some point in the future. My elementalist in GW1, Rain King, was my main character, but in GW2 he’s going to sit on the backburner until we get a serious pass at our traits.
Fall damage reduction is incredibly useful for jumping puzzles and WvW. I even use it for general PvE. It’s usually not very useful in dungeons, but during the MK halloween dungeon I played with some people that told me they felt they never needed a fall damage reduction trait. I felt it was ironic that they had just fallen to their death while I survived thanks to “death from above.”
I’ve been trying to bring attention to this since beta.
Half falling damage trait: You take half damage when falling and cast a spell based off of your attunement.
Why are elementalitsts the only profession that lacks a trait like this?
I felt this way until I decided that Staff should only be used in defending a keep in WvW. However, I think they should still try out the proposed changes and just increase the cool downs on the skills.
I’m waiting to play elementalist until they make another pass on their traits. Why are we the only profession that does not have a falling damage trait?
The trait Last Stand has never activated whenever I’ve tested it in PvE. From the tooltip, it sounds like it should pop Stability as soon as you’re hit with the control effect, giving a free stun-breaker, but it has never activated at all for me. I haven’t heard if anyone else has gotten it to work.
Right now what happens is you get knocked down or stunned and THEN it activates balanced stance but for some reason it doesn’t break the stun. I’ve tested this several times and it always works like this.
So disappointed in the golem elites. They suit isn’t even fun to use just for laughs: if you get in it -chances are you are going to die.
I like your photoshop examples. They have a lot of more pressing matters for the moment but I hope the right dev that can make this happen reads this thread.
They probably did this because long weapons like greatswords would clip into the ground because of how asura’s are proportioned: they have short legs.
What I’ve noticed is that many weapons also clip into asura’s ears. If they tilted the weapon more on asura models they would be able to increase the size of the weapon and prevent them from clipping into the ground or the player’s ears. I don’t know how difficult it would be programming wise but I hope we eventually get a weapon size increase.
If this is true then this needs to be fixed asap. I wonder if only the animation is affected.
Just make gangnum style the Tengu dance in their inevitable expansion.
(Human Street Rat) Personal Story: Breaking Blade (Death, death, more death)
Posted by: Rain King.5914
Logan is working as intended: he always runs from fights so it’s actually abnormal to see him put up any kind of fight at all.
I agree with the OP. Dungeon tokens should be account bound or if they are soul bound then all dungeons should all give the same generic “dungeon token” that can be used at any dungeon vendor.
Variety will keep things fun. Take that away and it starts to feel like a chore.
The Quick Glyphs trait (III in the Elementalist air line) is not applying the 20% faster cooldown properly to glyphs that produce summons. It appears to work for lesser elementals but not regular elementals.
When wearing 6 Superior runes of the monk it is not giving aegis every time I cast my elite skill. Elite skill used was signet of rage.
or buy some….
You answered your own question…
Though I will say as long as you work at completing maps you get a good amount of transmute stones.
The issue is these head pieces are no longer available -players that got rid of their starter head gear not knowing this are not able to get it back despite having transmutation stones.
I tried the 20% faster glyph recharge trait with the summon elemental glyph skills and they do not appear to be taking advantage of the trait. Can anyone else confirm that this is a bug or is it working as intended since the skills do not go on cooldown immediately after casting.
With an organized group -dungeons can be a breeze. Without that organization -dungeons are a chore. My limit is now only 1 pug per dungeon run. 2 Pugs that refuse to follow direction will ruin your dungeon run.
im sorry but this is crazy. what other game lets you have specific bags for stuff. why are you complaining exactly? i mean is it that hard to hit deposit collectibles, sell all junk, and compact? its 3 freakin button clicks and BAMM managed inventory.
Did you read the thread before posting? The point is that these features you describe make special junk bags obsolete. I am proposing an update to make these bags useful again -noone was complaining how efficient Anet has made inventory management.
Currently leatherworkers are stuck with a crafting option (oiled bags) that nobody really wants or needs because of the sell junk button. An oiled bag that carried food by default would be much more useful item for them to craft.
(edited by Rain King.5914)
Um i think there is a bag you can craft that prioritizes craftable mats.
Are you implying that this is the same as consumables?
Wouldn’t it be better if your consumables went into oiled bags by default?
Leather workers are able to make oiled bags for inventory use. Supposedly junk gets stored in these oiled bags first to help keep your inventory organized, however I think this was created before they implemented the “sell junk” button.
Now that we have the “sell junk” button we no longer have a need for these oiled bags… or do we? Oiled bags should organize our consumables. Chefs and anyone that uses a lot of consumables would want one.
This is what happens in WvW: you run a staff for the swiftness: well you’ve got plenty of support on the staff -that’s great.
Now for your second set you have to roll something ranged -scepter/?
The scepter projectiles do not combo and they move too slow -anyone can dodge them.
So you can support and attempt to defend and that is your only role. (unless you are constantly changing weapon sets during WvW-something other classes are not burdened with).
This is something we want to fix as soon as possible. Thanks for bringing it some attention. If it was simple we would have done it already, but we are working on it.
Thank you so much for finally responding to this subject. We’ve been asking for this since the first BWE & the lack of acknowledgement was discouraging.
I hope in the future you are not scared to communicate to us if a feature is unlikely or if it is being worked on/planned to be worked on.
The golem suit is like stepping into a coffin: the problem is that it is not fun to play -that is why noone brings it.
There are so many backwards choices with the suit it’s ridiculous. It is a ground targeted skill with a 200 range? That is basically melee range so why is it ground targeted? The skills all have a delay before casting and cause a global cooldown on all of your skills -If you try to fight something with any type of CC then you are in permanent lockdown. Also the Golem suit does not have its own health pool -if it dies -you die or if you get out with 5% health then you still have 5% health. This issue is amplified by that fact that there is no timer letting us know how much time we have left in the suit.
(edited by Rain King.5914)