You should probably report this in the bug section.
I agree with writetyper -the current trident skin looks more like a staff and the staff skin looks more like a spear or a trident.
They increased rewards in lower level areas but reduced our stats even more to compensate for the increased rewards: otherwise everyone would just be steamrolling through the easier areas for the better rewards and the end game maps would be empty.
sigil of fire, hydromancy, and geomancy do not work underwater -maybe because they lack an underwater animation.
Rune of balthazar does work underwater though -which is weird.
I wouldn’t mind someone wearing magic find gear in my group if his magic find chance was shared with the rest of the party.
Flashy skins are supposed to be prestige items. People get them to show off -you aren’t missing out on anything.
(I have two mystic spikes on my elementalist but I don’t have all my skills unlocked yet).
Make offhands go back into the equipment or invisible bag they came from when changing weapons.
I agree with most of what the OP said: If they do nerf our AoE I hope these skills are improved.
Currently the staff is just a keep defending weapon set.
It works now! Remember it has a 9 second cooldown.
Also, The full damage of 975 is still applied even if the heal is not applied (because your hp is full).
I still think it’s a poor system if it allows you to use two expensive items to create an item that cannot be used. I can’t think of another game that does that and I do not think it was the designer’s intent.
I checked each item after applying each sigil. They still say soul bound on use: if it had changed to Soulbound then I would have stopped at the first weapon.
I can! It’s called Guild Wars 1, customizing a weapon does the equivalent of soulbinding. Armor was always bound on acquire(from a NPC crafter).
These are not the same things. It would be the same if adding a an upgrade like an icy bowstring to a bow made the item customized to the character that did the upgrade. I could make weapons all day in guild wars 1, and as long as I did not equip it, I could give it to another character.
Most replies are focusing on my mistake of not reading the prompt when there are two “bugs” at issue that could be improved on to make the game better.
1. weapons do not upgrade to soulbound after adding a sigil. They still say soulbound on use.
2. I’m not sure if this is a bug but I don’t think this is working as intended: weapons that your profession cannot use should not soulbind to your character (what would be the purpose of this feature?)
I’m not sure what the fix should be for this as the soulbind system is supposed to keep modified items off of the trading post. Maybe don’t allow upgrades to occur on weapons you can’t use? Don’t soulbind upgraded weapons but instead make the trading post check the weapon for an upgrade first -if it has one then it can’t be listed?
(edited by Rain King.5914)
I still think it’s a poor system if it allows you to use two expensive items to create an item that cannot be used. I can’t think of another game that does that and I do not think it was the designer’s intent.
I checked each item after applying each sigil. They still say soul bound on use: if it had changed to Soulbound then I would have stopped at the first weapon.
I had 9 exotic weapons crafted as a valentine’s present for my girlfriend. I then proceeded to apply 20g worth of runes to the weapons. The idea being that I could mail them to her all fully set up.
Now the weapons -all 9 of them that my profession cannot use are soulbound to me. The weapons still say soulbound on use -so they aren’t “soulbound” but adding the sigils still made them soulbound to me.
I don’t think it should work this way -why can weapons that you can’t use be soulbound to you?
(edited by Rain King.5914)
Bind your dodge to your middle mouse button and turn off double tap to dodge.
I’ve only gotten blues and greens out of these chests. If they fix this then champions should definitely have a high chance of dropping a chest.
Please do some reading before posting a bug: changing the mystic spike to blue was a bug fix.
This thread can be closed.
I agree, but don’t remove crowd control to add our Aura. Crowd control is one of the few things we do well underwater (where the rest is terrible).
I wasn’t suggesting that. Read slower or go try out earth 3 then come back and edit your . post.
Gangnam style should be reserved for the Tengu when they become playable.
We have a grandmaster trait called Powerful Auras that is not useful on it’s own in underwater combat unless we take other traits. I think this is an oversight due to the Trident skills lacking an aura skill.
Add your support here if you think we would benefit by having an aura skill on our Trident skills. I would much rather have a magnetic aura in place of our current earth 3 skill that crowd controls the character using it.
Agreed. It doesn’t work and it’s not well thought out. Any rez skill should be an instant cast or work on dead characters. In the rare opportunity that you get to use it due to it’s small window of opportunity -why wouldn’t you just either manually rez the downed team mate or kill the enemy that downed your team mate -either action is much more reliable and doesn’t take up a skill slot with a huge cooldown.
As it is now -if you do take it -usually it doesn’t work because your team mate rallies on their own or dies before the skill goes off and you are left with a huge cooldown and guessing if the skill even works.
I would much prefer for the skill to rez dead characters & not just downed characters.
(edited by Rain King.5914)
They will probably introduce trait management eventually. I doubt it will allow you to totally respec your points -that’s just too good to be true.
I also think the trainer was a wasted opportunity. They should keep the expense of the book but it should be part of a “class” where you fight your trainer to earn the right to use the book.
The recent overhaul to underwater skills was a much needed update. Thank you Anet. But we still aren’t done -lets give them some ideas to make traits useful underwater.
Pick a trait that lacks an underwater application; identify its profession’s attribute line, tier, & number; and overhaul it to make it useful for underwater combat. Don’t make it stronger than it already is just make it useful for underwater combat -sometimes the change won’t need to apply to the trait itself but to a certain skill.
I’ll start with a few:
Water magic, Grandmaster 12, Powerful Aura: Auras are applied to nearby allies.
Change: none. Add an aura (or two) to the trident skills: a magnetic aura in place of the earth 3 skill that is currently bugged, or a fire aura in place of fire 5 since we already have a blind skill in fire, or a new healing/ condition removing water aura in place of water 4 since that skills feels a little clunky because water 5 always overshoots your target.
Marksmanship, Master 8, Piercing arrows: All arrow attacks pierce targets.
Change: All arrows and harpoon shots pierce targets!
Skirmishing, Master 8, Trapper’s Expertise: Trap skills use ground targeting and are 50% larger.
Change: Trap skills use ground targeting and are 50% larger. Able to use traps underwater.
Skill changes underwater:
Flame Trap = Jar of Thermite: Throw a jar of thermite that burns foes when the jar is damaged.
Frost Trap = Jar of Liquid Nitrogen: Throw a jar of liquid nitrogen that chills foes when the jar is damaged.
Viper’s Nest = Jar of Snakes: Throw a jar of snakes that poisons foes when the jar is damaged.
Spike Trap = Pressurized Jar: Throw a jar of pressurized air that bleeds and cripples foes when the jar is damaged.
Have fun posting your own and hopefully we can help improve underwater combat. I’m really interested to see suggestions of how fall damage traits can be made useful underwater. Maybe faster swim time while drowning?
(edited by Rain King.5914)
Yes -please add one to help us discern when it actually goes off.
Nice post. I had the same thought that whirl finishers were pointless for the most part. The chances of them actually affecting a battle are really small.
I second this. Seems to happen with the trait powerful auras as well. Also, powerful auras often does not show the animation although the effect of the trait is still applied.
The skill is still bugged -mostly on uneven terrain. It should work fine on flat ground so use with caution till it is fixed. Also, never use earth 3 underwater.
The skill is still bugged -mostly on uneven terrain. It should work fine on flat ground so use with caution till it is fixed. Also, never use earth 3 underwater.
I’m not sure I like your suggestion as it would slow down the pace of double dagger combat in my opinion.
(edited by Rain King.5914)
Two issues I have:
1. Bugged chains.
2. Population is too sporadic to run events.
These are the two main issues. Add the high respawn rate and the fact that every trash mob has a boomerang skill and it becomes annoying to navigate solo or even in a small group of 2-3 because the level is empty, your group can’t accomplish anything, and even if it could sometimes it’s pointless because the chains are bugged.
Tone down the spawn rate or give the boomerang skill to a specific mob so it actually means something when you get dragged back -because then it’s your fault for leaving boomerang guy alive. Content should not be annoying to play.
We should test Build Momentum for every weapon -I know that it worked for most of my weapon sets.
I’d be happy with a 600 range.
Maybe I’m misunderstanding the issue but you only get the stats from the aqua breather when it is equipped: that is when you are underwater you take off your normal head piece and switch it for the aqua breather. If you do not put a 7th rune on your aqua breather then you don’t get the 6th stat bonus from your rune set underwater.
You are a troll or an extremely selfish person. I hate to think how your thought process translates into important real life situations instead of just a game.
Don’t feel bad -just don’t be selfish and blame someone/somthing else for your behavior.
Isn´t it obvious? The new one is much cheaper to render.
Looks like a lot less polygons to take care of (that jewel and cogwheel alone), yet it has now a much more organic and sleeker look.Frankly I like the new one better, but that´s mainly because I hate those Final Fantasy “Pie-server” swords.
This can’t be the reason for it. The previous model was a single flat plane. This new model has an actual thickness to it. The older model still looked better because the texture quality was more detailed.
I think they did this just to get rid of the gear since it lacked its animation but I would honestly prefer it the old way. What I particularly dislike is that the “blue glow” doesn’t match the rest of the set now -it’s closer to white.
I think they did the same thing to the pact gladius as well.
Why didn’t we have to fight our undead mentor?
I kept waiting for that to happen as well. It never did
Ive encountered a few random events in Bloodtide Coast that had some very upsetting references though. On the other hand, how could Seiran be risen?
When you write yourself into a corner -you write yourself out of a corner. Zhaitans abominations are constantly evolving and changing: that is your work around. Simply create a story arc about a new type of abomination that uses Sylvari body parts and you reveal that poor Sieran was exploited for the prototype.
Another example of very likeable characters are Sieran and Tybalt, but I wanted to focus on Koss since he doesn’t need comedy to be likeable.
Hey! What about Forgal? He’s my favourite of the three! As a Norn Warrior, I felt that my character really grew fond of him and truly saw him as a mentor and role-model. And when he was about die a glorious death so save us all he said something in the nature of
“Keep my Legend alive. Tell my story.”
…I swear that a tear rolled down the cheek of both me and my character! It made the “betrayal” of introducing Trahearne as his replacement taste all the more sour.
Someone forgot Forgal? I shall Old Man them into the ground!
I hope my memory doesn’t fade because in 3o years I’m going to say this to my significant other.
This is the real reason why everyone hates Trahearne: they replace our favorite characters with an apathetic and emotionless dud. I was hoping Trahearne died and I was sad when Forgal and Sieran died.
Claw Island solo is particularly frustrating: especially when you have to rez that girl with a 10+ mob that constantly respawns.
I suspect that the issue really has to do with the NPCs: they just stand there (if they aren’t dead) -Trehearne being the worst offender.
I’m not sure what the “defensive golem” is you’re using (I don’t know engineer very well) …
Jeffery, I don’t mean to be confrontational but I don’t know how to interpret this quote. It makes me think the devs aren’t playing their own game. Polarity said he/she used a net shot and a defensive golem: just from this I knew Polarity is an asuran engineer with a rifle and the Defensive Golem Elite skill (Summon D-Series Golem). I “hardly know engineer” -I would like to think a content designer was more familiar with the game. I don’t know if this is going to sound backwards or not but maybe your employer should be giving the devs more time to play the game instead of building it -you probably wouldn’t need the forums to report the multitude of issues the rest of the player base already knows about.
It’s a crazy idea but maybe each department should take turns taking a week off to just play the game: I think they would come back with a fresh view.
(edited by Rain King.5914)
The best part of the story ends when you lose your Order mentor at Claw Island. Your mentor had character and we got to know them: their sacrifice was devastating.
After that an emotionless Treesus attempts to take over and I don’t think he gave two kittens about anything that was going on. I could argue that he was apathetic at best and sarcastic at the worst. I don’t care that my character isn’t the main character but give me a character to follow that inspires me: Who wants to follow Ben Stein into battle?
Also, after we lose our mentor (which was devastating because we put time in with them), we run into a series of characters that turn undead -sometimes in the same mission we meet them – and then we have to kill them. Over and over again while Treesus monotones in the background. I caught myself not giving two kittens about those characters -just like Treesus.
Why didn’t we have to fight our undead mentor?
(edited by Rain King.5914)
I plan on making one as soon as they fix it. I hope they make a pass at unique items since some of them seem to have bugs and you feel a little cheated after so much effort to make one.
I wonder if the mystic spike is still the wrong color.
I have to agree that the loot & drop system were not well planned.
Also bugged on Isle of Janthir.
Also, The group events in Duke Barradin’s Estate pop up with no warning and are not announced on the map.
I and several people that I play with would also like to be able to knock PVE enemies off of cliffs. The only issue with this is being cheated out of a potential drop. In WvW drops appear at your feet and I wished PVE worked the same way.
There is a deceptive practice going on where they also take a 10% additional tax on all sales on the TP with no obvious statement of such. It is not listed anywhere obvious except on the wiki.
@ the OP: The trading post takes 15% out of every successful transaction. 5% for listing (which you cannot get back and is taken out of pocket: not out of the sale so you can’t list something if you don’t have the coin up front to list it) and 10% at the point of sale. This is an important gold sink. Read more here:
There is no deception when the trading post tells you your listing fee & your projected profit. I don’t think adding a few lines explaining the math is going to accomplish more than what the projected profit already tells you. If someone isn’t going to bother to check the math then they wouldn’t read the text that explained the math. If you are one of the few that picked up on the 10% tax and are curious about why then they have one of the most well maintained game dedicated wikis I have ever seen:
I encourage you to use it next time you need information -you can usually answer your own question.
(edited by Rain King.5914)
I do take issue that it does feel “required” when wielding a staff. Staff just feels underwhelming without it.
If they allowed me to change the colour of my Mesmer animations from pink/purple to blue/red/green… something more manly.
This is all I’m going to say: It takes a certain kind of guy that is confident enough in his masculinity to wear a kilt.
Saying that it increases all AoEs is misleading:
There are some bugs with this trait & they had the sense to not increase the size of your larger AoEs because that would reduce their effectiveness in WvW.
Problem with moving Arcane Abatement to Arcana is that Arcana is the tree full of most of the useful traits already.
Putting another one in that people want will push out something else.Though why it’s a Master trait even though the rest of the falling damage reductions are Adepts is beyond me.
Agreed. The elementalist traits still need a good overhaul but the existence of a fall damage trait is a start.
It occurred to me today in WvW that the trait “blasting staff” for the Elementalist is “too necessary.” You have to have it to be effective with the staff. Staff skills are slow to cast or have a delay before they cast -larger AoE’s make it easier to hit targets. “Blasting staff” is a great trait but I don’t think anyone running a staff would not take it and that is a problem. I interpret that to mean that the staff’s AoE skills are too small by default but making them any larger would make it hard to focus down on a target because aoe is capped at 5 targets.
I propose that you get rid of the “blasting staff” trait, increase the AoE size of staff skills by default and move “arcane abatement” from the water line to the arcane line.
I hope you consider this possibility.
(edited by Rain King.5914)
If you like to rez in mid battle then focus is your friend. I always use a focus for general PVE and dungeons.
If I fell down again within seconds then ring of fire would not trigger. I will test again -I hope you are right.
EDIT: tested -DEFINATELY has a cooldown. I tested both fire and air attunements. They do not trigger within seconds. I’m going to guess the cooldown is anywhere from 5-10 seconds.
I refute what others are saying about this trait being “more powerful” than other fall damage traits. It is merely more flexible. It reduces damage like all the others and it produces one effect that has a cooldown. This really should be a 10 point trait.
(edited by Rain King.5914)
It has a cooldown and it is not triggering with every fall. This is a problem. I wouldn’t mind if it was a 10 point trait but it’s a 20 point trait.
I would honestly prefer for it to be a 10 point trait.