Showing Posts For Rok.5260:

Advice against thieves?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rok.5260


Is it possible to see your build please? You don’t have to use a website, just need to know where I should put my traits at. For some reason I can’t help but put 15-20 points in Blood Magic in most of my builds and I’ve been reading that the healing from the 20 points in Blood Magic won’t help much.

Advice against thieves?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rok.5260


TL;DR: Melee dagger builds that are really effective against thieves? And please give some advice.


I encounter, see and fight thieves the most in WvW out of any other classes, I face at least 5-10+ Thieves per hour no joking, they just bug the hell out of me since I lose a lot against them.

I prefer using daggers since I like to get up close to melee. So is there a dagger build out there that really works against thieves? I’ve read in these forums that we are supposed to beat thieves in close combat, but I honestly don’t feel that way. Even if I get a Thief down to 50-75% health, the thief usually just stealths, and then does a huge 3-6k backstab at me.

I’ve tried minion master but against thieves it honestly doesn’t help much. My minion take at least 2-5 seconds to react, and in a fight against a glass cannon thief 2-5 seconds is a lot! And when the thief stealths and reappears again, it takes another 2-5 seconds for my minions to react again. Also there are a lot of cases where my Flesh Golem just stops attacking in the middle of the fight.

I understand there’s only 6 more days until the culling nerf, but I honestly don’t think I can stand that long lol.

(edited by Rok.5260)

Greater Marks

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rok.5260


So what are people’s opinions about this trait? I know that it’s a good trait when you have a staff equipped, but I honestly feel that our marks should originally be this big.

Why no mounts?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rok.5260


I honestly would be fine with mounts. Just give them a 50% swiftness, but they can’t be used in wvw or dungeons.

Face paint

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rok.5260


Step 1: Make a new Necromancer and finish tutorial
Step 2: Use Transmutation Stone on Face Paint to make it Account Bound
Step 3: Give it to your Main Necromancer
Step 4: ???
Step 5: Profit

Hopefully it still works

Telescopes in WvW?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rok.5260


Thank you for support

Something wrong with Focus?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rok.5260


I was running dungeons yesterday and I found that even with the trait II: Spiteful Talisman which recharges focus skills 20% faster. Usually when I use Reaper’s Touch with Spiteful Talisman trait, the cd was 14 seconds, but sometimes when I used Reaper’s Touch it would be the original 18 second cd.

Telescopes in WvW?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rok.5260


ArenaNet should sell Telescopes to commanders for 100-200g. With a Telescope you can see fights from a far and spy on enemy territories.

Necro seems lacking (PVE)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rok.5260


We do have a stability… We just need to trait 30 points into Soul Reaping XI: Foot in the Grave. So ya, 3 second stability every 10 seconds.

(edited by Rok.5260)

Death Shroud and its Traits:

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rok.5260


As a side note, decaying swarm seems to interfere with Last Gasp. I assume they share the same cooldown?

Interesting. I’ll have to look into that.

What I don’t like about Life Blast is that the less Life Force you have, the less damage Life Blast will do. So how about a trait for Life Blast to be equivalent of a 100% Life Force Life Blast no matter how much Life Force you have?

Life blast’s base damage only changes based on if you have greater or less than 50% life force remaining. So any time from 51% – 100%, you’re firing at full power!

So ya how about a trait for Life Blast to keep firing at full power even below 50%? Would really help a lot in PvE and PvP.

Death Shroud and its Traits:

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rok.5260


What I don’t like about Life Blast is that the less Life Force you have, the less damage Life Blast will do. So how about a trait for Life Blast to be equivalent of a 100% Life Force Life Blast no matter how much Life Force you have?

ATTRITION: A discussion.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rok.5260


This is not an kitten contest. Play a necro right and you will be fine. Even talentless noobs can play this class and make walmart special videos from just an hour or two WvW this afternoon:

I’m really not sure what you’re trying to prove linking this. These are very poor examples of good PVP. This was nothing but a montage of you 2v1ing people and killing up levels.


Thank you for posting this, didn’t know he made a new one lol.

PvP & minions/ change of mind required?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rok.5260


Don’t be in that range with a glass warrior unless you have a full daze/fear/knockdown chain going and know you can kill them before they kill you.

Okay thanks for the help. Can you offer more advice against thieves? There was a few cases against thieves was hitting on me for like a good 2-3 seconds before I could see him.

PvP & minions/ change of mind required?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rok.5260


I tend to not kite and exchange blows with them with my dagger, so maybe I’m doing it wrong haha.

Edit: I’m trying Staff and Dagger/Wh atm

(edited by Rok.5260)

PvP & minions/ change of mind required?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rok.5260


Tried MM in WvW, I had a lot of problem with how long it took for my minions to react. For example, my minions took at least 5 seconds to react when a Guardian started pounding on me, and from time to time my Flesh Golem would freeze and do nothing for at least other 5 seconds while fighting the guardian.

I also have a lot of problems with Glass Cannon Thieves and Warriors that just eat away my health, no amount of siphoning is enough against a Glass Cannon Thief or Warrior

Difference between Rare and Exotic items?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rok.5260


So when I look at Rare and Exotic Items, most of the time it’s only a 5-8 stat difference, is that a lot?

Axe any good for power build wvw

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rok.5260


There’s a sticky called “Necromancer Tutorials” by Nemesis (A very awesome necromancer), you’ll see a link on a Glass Cannon Necromancer Tutorial using Axe/Focus and Dagger. Axe is amazing for PvE.

I run with Axe/Focus and Dagger/Warhorn in WvW with Full Knights (Toughness, Power, Precision) gear and I really enjoy it.

I personally don’t suggest replacing dagger for axe in wvw roaming since you already have a staff, maybe if you have other people running with you then the vulnerability you apply might help. Eh I don’t know, just try it out and see if you like it.

Any Necromancers...?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rok.5260


There’s a sticky called “Necromancer Tutorials” by Nemesis a very good necromancer. Go click on the link that says “Glass Cannon Necromancer” it shows a nice build using Axe/Focus + Dagger.

I mainly 1v1, and I’m also running Axe/Focus + Dagger/Warhorn. I’m at Full Knights Gear and Weapon (Toughness, Power, Precision) and it’s really good. You’ll easily be kited by hunters and p/d thieves though, but that’s just my experience.

(edited by Rok.5260)

State of the game 14th March

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rok.5260


It’s at

State of the game 14th March

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rok.5260


“Necromancers are a bit slower as a profession, they need to move into that kill radius in order to get somebody locked down, but once they start pounding on somebody it should be that that person should have to run away or die.”

This is what I was referring to, I wasn’t trying to insult warriors or anything. As a Necromancer using a Dagger in PvP can you honestly say that this is 100% accurate?

What this Dev here said applies to most classes. No one is going to stand around and let you melee them… The auto attack from Dagger 1 honestly doesn’t scare a lot of people.

(edited by Rok.5260)

State of the game 14th March

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rok.5260


“Necromancers are a bit slower as a profession, they need to move into that kill radius in order to get somebody locked down, but once they start pounding on somebody it should be that that person should have to run away or die.”

This statement is what interested me the most, how accurate does everyone feel it is?

Say that as a Necromancer using a dagger/wh or focus to a Guardian or a Warrior using Hundred Blades on you…

BoC Dungeon: The Minions Have It

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rok.5260


If you guys really want to prove that Minion Master is “Fine” in dungeons, may I suggest Arah? I’m not trying to be rude, I mean this with sincerity. Since Arah is mostly considered as the “Hardest” dungeon of them all to most people, I just think that you guys would get your message across and receive much more support if you do.

Let all classes control their "Pet" Ai?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rok.5260


Just wondering why some classes like Mesmer’s clones, Guardian’s Spirit Weapons, and more importantly Necromancer Minions cannot be controlled like Hunter Pets?

I’ve been reading the forums and people say that this would take away the “Uniqueness” from Hunters… I honestly find that to be a very bad reason from my point of view.

How is necro now?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rok.5260


Not scaling with gear is the best part of minions. It means I can wear full PVT gear for 3.2k attack, 27k HP, and 3k armor, and I’m still doing comparable damage to people with significantly less defense.

I’ve only went minion master in 1 dungeon once and I didn’t like it. My minion kept dying easily and after they died I felt like a burden to my group…

Exotic Vendors

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rok.5260


Ok tyvm, I really appreciate it

Exotic Vendors

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rok.5260


Where can I find the vendors that sell Level 80 Berserker Armour and Weapons and the one that sells Level 80 Berserker Trinkers (Back, Amulet, Rings, and Accessory)?

Unyielding Blast

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rok.5260


Why does Unyielding Blast get weaker with less Life Force? Would Necromancers be to strong if Unyielding Blast was at full power no matter what life force you have?

I think it’s bad enough that Life Force gets drained while in Death Shroud and when you get hit by an attack or a bleed/poison/burn.

Berserker vs. Soldier and Knight

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rok.5260


Ok thank you all. I really appreciate it

Berserker vs. Soldier and Knight

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rok.5260


I like to use a 30/0/0/20/20 Build with Axe/Focus and Dagger/Warhorn. I was doing dungeons yesterday with Rare Berserker’s Gear and I didn’t like how squishy I was, so I’m wondering if it’s okay to use Soldier and Knight gear to boost my survivability. So I’m basically how would I affect my party if I replace my Critical Damage Bonus for Toughness and Vitality… Would I be a burden to them?

Would this be allowed in Fractals?

Questions about Guesting

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rok.5260


I’m loving this game even more now

Tyvm to the both of you once again for helping

Questions about Guesting

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rok.5260


Ok tyvm.

So you mean the Black Lion Trading Company isn’t just for 1 Server but the same for EVERY server? That’s awesome :o

Questions about Guesting

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rok.5260


So I have a few questions about the “Guesting” system…

1. Can you group and do dungeons with the people in the server I’m guesting on?

2. Can I collect materials from that world? (Harvesting, Mining, Woodcutting)

3. What happens to the Black Lion Trading Company? Can I sell my items or do I need to go back to my original world to sell my items?

Help will be much appreciated

Blood Fiend or Consume Conditions?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rok.5260


With Blood Fiend healing being buffed recently, I’m just wondering as to how good it is now in both PvE and PvP.

Would you recommend Blood Fiend even IF you aren’t running a MM build?

All Necro Guild!

in Guilds

Posted by: Rok.5260


I would like to join please

A suggestion for Mark of Blood

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rok.5260


At the moment there’s no other way to heal your minions unless you use Mark of Blood, but it requires an enemy to trigger that mark… So how about making Mark of trigger when there’s a foe or ally?

Powermancer Guide?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rok.5260


Is there a powermancer guide? I checked the Necromancer Tutorial thread and didn’t find one, is it in another name?

Why Daggers and not Swords?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Rok.5260


Why did Arenanet give elementalists Daggers instead of Swords? Would be nice to be a spellsword that controls the elements.

Any good wvw roaming videos?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rok.5260


I just wish to say thank you for your help. I used to play a Shadowknight in Everquest and a Deathknight in World of Warcraft, I was disappointed to find out that Shadowknights/Deathknights wouldn’t be available in Guild Wars 2 so I tried out the Necromancer.

I’ve tried mostly all of the classes except engineer and I’m having fun leveling my Necromancer. I just love classes that involve black magic/dark arts or whatever you call it now :p

Any good wvw roaming videos?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rok.5260


So can anyone recommend some really good rrecent Necromancer wvw roaming videos? Or at least recommend some wvw roaming builds? I mostly like to 1v1

Interview About Ranger Pets

in Ranger

Posted by: Rok.5260


So basically if they improve Necromancer and Ranger pet AI it would make Necromancers and Rangers OP? But a D/D Thief that can solo 5-15 people through nearly infinite stealth is not OP?


Let Necromancers use Swords or Greatswords

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rok.5260


But what about Dagger/Dagger necros?

Let Necromancers use Swords or Greatswords

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rok.5260


I’ve gotten my source from forums and in-game chat. It seems mostly everyone agrees that Engineer, Hunters and Necromancers are at the bottom of the barrel. I’m leveling a Necromancer atm and I want to use swords and greatswords. I want to be an awesome Swordwielding Necromancer

Let Necromancers use Swords or Greatswords

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rok.5260


Since Necromancers are one of the bottom classes that needs buffing and fixing, also with people asking for Shadowknights/Deathknights in this game even though it’s unlikely ArenaNet will add Shadowknights or Deathknights… Why not give Necromancers Swords and/or Greatswords?

Is ranger right for me?

in Ranger

Posted by: Rok.5260


So I’ve been researching classes for the past couple of weeks to try to find a main class and I’m down to Ranger and Thief. I was wondering if anyone could please take their time and help me with some questions.

I mainly PvE, Dungeons and WvW and I’m looking for a class that is good in Melee and Ranged. So here are my questions…

1. I like swords, I can’t handle being a profession that can’t use a sword, with that said… How are Rangers in Melee using swords in PvE and WvW (1v1)?

2. I’m thinking of using a Shortbow and then Sword + (Any Offhand, all ranger offhands look good), will this be viable in PvE and WvW?

3. How are Rangers in WvW roaming? 1v1?

(edited by Rok.5260)

Sell or Keep crafting materials?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rok.5260


Is it better to Sell or Keep Crafting Materials? I’ve been reading old threads and people are saying crafting is not worth it… Any advice please?

Leveling Question...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rok.5260


Ok thank you all

Leveling Question...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rok.5260


My characters are level 25-30 atm, and I’m doing my storyline quests… I keep entering zones that are for level 1-15 and 15-25, is it worth doing the quests here or is it just better to do quests at 25+ zones?

Why can't we control minions?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rok.5260


I’m surprised not a lot of other necromancer players are concerned about this and voicing out their opinions more…

Why can't we control minions?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rok.5260


Just started playing Guild Wars 2 and I’ve decided on being a Necromancer, but one thing I don’t understand is why we can’t control minions? Shouldn’t we have the option to control minions? Isn’t that the point of being a Necromancer? Ordering and Controlling minions?

(edited by Rok.5260)

Are Necromancers worth it?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rok.5260


Just came back… I just want to say thank you all for replying. I’ve decided to level my Necromancer to level 80 since I just love the idea of being a Necromancer and I’m having fun leveling