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Scrapper Mechanic Needs Reworked

in Engineer

Posted by: RunicAura.9860


Bump up scrapper needs help

Beta Weekend Scrapper Feedback Thread

in Engineer

Posted by: RunicAura.9860


A new idea I got for an added class mechanic.
Since Anet seems to want to improve the ability to combo for engineers, maybe something like that:
As long as you don’t use your function gyro, it will encircle you. Whenever you are standing inside of a combo field, it will collect its essence and grant a unique effect
water field: pulsing healing for allies nearby (just allies so we don’t improve the sustain any more for scrapper)
lightning field: pulsing small aoe damage
aether field: pulsing random boons
smoke field: pulsing stealth for 1s each second
poison field: pulsing random conditions
dark field: whenever you get hit in melee range, you steal life from the foe
that’s all I had so far, maybe some suggestions for missing fields?
Just like combo finishers, it should just provide 1 effect at the same time. So we will not be able to stack multiple combo fields on us to get “super strong buffs”.
Would also have some needed synergy with some of the new utility skills, cause half of them have a toolbelt skill which will provide a combo field. And each destroyed gyro will be a combo field too.
Ok I find this idea very interesting. Though I would like to see something abit more active. So as a passive effect giving a buff based on field that you are in sounds good. As an active part the ability to absorb or copy a field into the gyro for later use sounds interesting to me. And a unique skill that isn’t offered in other professions.
You could have a button that when pressed copy a friendly field or absorbs an enemy’s field thus cleansing the area.
You would maintain the passive buff for being in an allied field. But also get something from the stored field.
Once the field was stored maybe it offers it’s own buff. Or perhaps allows the gyro to attack the engineer’s target with small bolts of that field type.
To exchange fields you would have to drop the field which would have an effect and release the field into the area the gyro is. A short cool down would be needed before you can copy or absorb a new field.”
One of the ideas from Where there are other ideas for a new mechanic for scrapper.

Scrapper Mechanic Needs Reworked

in Engineer

Posted by: RunicAura.9860


After testing scrapper this thread needs to stay in view.

Beta Weekend Scrapper Feedback Thread

in Engineer

Posted by: RunicAura.9860


Further testing
Reconstruction Field is fun and good still would like a initial heal on it
Defense field is great
Chemical Field is good fun to use
Detection pulse is also good
Bypass coating not all that great, super speed doesn’t stack. And is not all that grand.

Gyros themselves. Like I’ve said before

Blast gyro gets confused on where it is going and doesn’t deliver the payload unless your using it up close and personal And I still have my doubts it would be worth it. I’d rather just use my bombs At least then I have several explosions going off quickly and a field generator so can swap back and use leap finishers.

Bulwark gyro can’t keep up for the small area it produces. And Like others have said gets killed to quickly.

Why Use the purge gyro when there are other ways to get rid of a condition more reliable and that can’t be killed. True you have to trait for it or shot through a light field but it is there.

Shredder gyro. little damage by itself and the bolts it hits out is the worst type of finisher. If it survives it is easily ignored or killed either way it is of little help. Rather see it whirl itself through a group and be exploded then how it is now.

Medic gyro doesn’t keep up and If I was on the other team I’d just mortar it a bit and that will be the end of it.

Stealth Gyro. can’t build up much stealth. And it doesn’t seem to want to keep up with a group on the move. Not that useful. I think if you stay still and charge up by the time you leave you’ll have maybe 8 seconds of stealth maybe a little more. That isn’t to bad but if it is supposed to be helping on the go then yeah Not that great. Once again mortar the area cause you know that is where the person would be.

As stated AA does to little damage for the speed that it is. Taking in consideration building damage is ok but sustained damage is better. By gaining might and giving vulnerability is ok. But once those stacks reach 25 it matters not. And if your in a group then you’ll be up to that very easily. So sustained damage is best

I like electro-whirl. Problem is that It is one of those moves that your like should I use it now it is best to use to defend against projectiles. Still a good skill though. Though I would rather the whirl finisher put off waves instead of bolts. Short burst waves when used in a field. Would make whirl finishers much more useful.

Rocket Charge. Some have already said that the movements are very odd. Also it isn’t very helpful to try to close a gap with the short leaps it does. When mentioned I thought it would be like a bound or leap across the field to try to catch up with it’s target. Those running away won’t have much trouble getting out of range of these leaps though.

Shock shield is still out for testing

Thunderclap seems good.

Traits. Alot of them are great. minors are not all that great though.

first and second minor really have mostly to do with function gyro. And third minor only works with stun. As somebody worked out Stun and daze are two different things. It would have been great if it was condition duration was increased and decreased. But just stun isn’t all that.

Shocking speed. Super speed doesn’t stack so why?
stabilization core doesn’t matter.
recovery matrix is nice

rapid regeneration is cool and helps with sustain
expert examination could be fun still testing
mass momentum seems like a winner

The others also sound great except when it comes to final salvo. The gyro’s are not that great and super speed once again doesn’t stack. Not sure if the field stuns enemies when they cross into it but doesn’t seem to.

Currently Am still testing and coming up with suggestions. Others have suggested things as well. One thing is for sure gyros need a change.

I’ve already made my thoughts on the function gyro clear. There are many mechanics that was suggested And no response to those was made. Function Gyro just isn’t a class mechanic. I have not used it once since testing scrapper. Something that you don’t show on POI and that some of us have not used once made it to a class mechanic that was game changing? Not sure how that happened. Not sure how that was supposed to define the scrapper. But I hope it gets changed soon. I’m going to strive to use it to give more complete feed back on it. But It’s not a class mechanic. It’s an april fools joke gone bad.

Beta Weekend Druid Feedback Thread

in Ranger

Posted by: RunicAura.9860


I thought druid was really cool. The animations need work though. They are not all that for skill 1 at least will look more into that soon. Fire pet uses f2 skill where it stands not where the target is. This is not that great I would prefer if possible it travels and uses it’s skill where the target is located. but it looks cool. I honestly think the druid is very nicly done.

Beta Weekend Scrapper Feedback Thread

in Engineer

Posted by: RunicAura.9860


Ok first test I’d say hammer skills need a little tweek skill 3 is a bit clunky and misses some of the time. The animation on it is also a bit off. The damage on auto attack is to low for the speed of the attacks.

Gyros as others have said to slow, don’t get to where they are going seem to get confused and then blow up. This goes for the blast gyro aswell. Target walks towards it and passes it gyro freezes and then explodes with out doing much to help. shreder is just not worth using it sits and spins and even in a field it dosn’t help to have it spraying bolts that don’t hit anything. Purge just takes to long to get rid of anything, Stealth can’t really stack stealth and it dosn’t follow you quick enough to do anything. medic gyro once again dosn’t stay with you as you move and if it did it would be destroyed. So gyros ==failed. Needs a complete overwork if you ask me. Tool belt skills from them great. Love the tool belt skills for the gyro’s just not the gyro’s themselves.

Function gyro once again as mentioned before the beta weekend began. Not of use to me. And I still feel it isn’t worthy of an elite core mechanic. I would urge that you read the post asking for a better mechanic.

All in all I thought the scrapper was not nearly complete. I feel very let down at the moment. I had much more fun playing the druid it seemed to be polished a bit more and was very fun to play. But I’d prefer to have the scrapper completed. I play engineer mainly So would like to have something that is fun and useful. I couldn’t even tell what type of role I was going to be. Not a bruiser with those gyros and class mechanic. Please consider reading the mechanic posts in the thread I started and there are a few other threads that talked about it. I’m not sure I can offer how to fix the gyros at this point. I mean they are ai based and damage able. Maybe you should make them untargetable and work like some of the signets that are out there adding them as attached to the avatar.

Scrapper Mechanic Needs Reworked

in Engineer

Posted by: RunicAura.9860


Any more ideas comments thoughts?

Scrapper Mechanic Needs Reworked

in Engineer

Posted by: RunicAura.9860


I don’t know about having a multi player vehicle outside of portals. But I could see one of those mechanical devourer from silverwaste or one of the various golem you can get in the personal story lines. I could also see if they added vehicles that the gyro’s attach to the vehicle flipping their skill to add utility skills for the vehicle while scrapper is inside of it.

Edit: But of course that is if the developers are reading this thread and taking these suggestions into consideration. There have been several god ones. I do hope that we will see a post about the lack of a class mechanic for the scrapper soon… from a developer that is.

Med Kit Issues

in Engineer

Posted by: RunicAura.9860


2-5 skills should be aoe effects with a short field that applies their buff to those that enter the field before it vanishes.

Scrapper Mechanic Needs Reworked

in Engineer

Posted by: RunicAura.9860


still hopping that we find a wow factor for the scrapper’s mechanic that anet will work on adding to them. So bumping this to keep it on page one maybe will get the dev’s attention.

Will Med Kit see use now?

in Engineer

Posted by: RunicAura.9860


Honestly I can’t see what your saying. The skills in full healer gear did little more then sooth a scratch. And often times the drops would go to somebody that was not intended for them. The kit in it’s current form offers little use. The only good thing about it is the bandage self tool skill. And if your alone you can use the swiftness one combined with streamlined kits to travel faster.

Will Med Kit see use now?

in Engineer

Posted by: RunicAura.9860


I would like to see med kit 2-5 become support grenades. You toss them and they give a group heal and then their effect. Leaving a field behind that buffs the party as they run through it. Like guardian’s symbol and other effects that buff players as they run through the area. I mean if the med kit is supposed to be our group support it should act like a group support. Though people have been saying stuff like that since the it’s change happened. I wouldn’t mind seeing elixir h merged with the med kit and the med kit be effected by the alchemy trait line as well.

Scrapper Mechanic Needs Reworked

in Engineer

Posted by: RunicAura.9860


A new idea I got for an added class mechanic.

Since Anet seems to want to improve the ability to combo for engineers, maybe something like that:
As long as you don’t use your function gyro, it will encircle you. Whenever you are standing inside of a combo field, it will collect its essence and grant a unique effect

water field: pulsing healing for allies nearby (just allies so we don’t improve the sustain any more for scrapper)
lightning field: pulsing small aoe damage
aether field: pulsing random boons
smoke field: pulsing stealth for 1s each second
poison field: pulsing random conditions
dark field: whenever you get hit in melee range, you steal life from the foe
that’s all I had so far, maybe some suggestions for missing fields?

Just like combo finishers, it should just provide 1 effect at the same time. So we will not be able to stack multiple combo fields on us to get “super strong buffs”.

Would also have some needed synergy with some of the new utility skills, cause half of them have a toolbelt skill which will provide a combo field. And each destroyed gyro will be a combo field too.


Ok I find this idea very interesting. Though I would like to see something abit more active. So as a passive effect giving a buff based on field that you are in sounds good. As an active part the ability to absorb or copy a field into the gyro for later use sounds interesting to me. And a unique skill that isn’t offered in other professions.
You could have a button that when pressed copy a friendly field or absorbs an enemy’s field thus cleansing the area.
You would maintain the passive buff for being in an allied field. But also get something from the stored field.

Once the field was stored maybe it offers it’s own buff. Or perhaps allows the gyro to attack the engineer’s target with small bolts of that field type.

To exchange fields you would have to drop the field which would have an effect and release the field into the area the gyro is. A short cool down would be needed before you can copy or absorb a new field.

(edited by RunicAura.9860)

Scrapper Mechanic Needs Reworked

in Engineer

Posted by: RunicAura.9860


Mecha sounds cool vehicles for scrapper biker gang or mecha gang. Gives me another idea

Chaith's Idea for Robust Scrapper Identity

in Engineer

Posted by: RunicAura.9860


This still does not solve the issue it is still mainly a stomp and rez function. It may offer some buffs now but honestly in my opinion it still would not equal the other class new mechanic. I’d rather have a rework and take time to get it right and equal to others then have a rush patch tossing some buffs onto it and calling it done. It may not be a popular opinion I don’t know but I want a system for scrapper that makes me go wow this is cool. And the current function doesn’t give that. So if they need to overhaul it I’d rather it start now and maybe have to wait till after launch to get a worthy class mechanic.

Since the Scrapper Reveal

in Engineer

Posted by: RunicAura.9860


The core mechanic of the elite class should be something that helps define what the scrapper is. Something you use that shows others Hey I’m a scrapper. The function gyro doesn’t do this. Everybody can rez and most likely better then a gyro can. Everybody can stomp and once again better then the gyro most likely can. I find the function gyro of no use. And what use does a solo player have for the function gyro? To Me this mechanic seems to be just an offshoot a second thought of something that could have been better. Its a oh we gave you something and it allows you to go and rez at a distance as well or stomp at a distant as well. Its not something that is worthy of a core mechanic as it is. Look at the other professions. Their core mechanic isn’t as much of an after thought. The thief is the only other profession I can agree with at the moment. And there is still hope for them to get their dodges in toggle form. But their defining attributes are there. They have extra dodge bar and the dodge effects are cool. The function gyro is just a rez machine that may or may not rez somebody or a stomp machine that may or may not stomp somebody. The function gyro offers a may or may not happen function that is only useful maybe every once in awhile. And useless if you are a solo player. It is not something that is useful or profession defining in all aspects of play. Of course this is my opinion and your free to have your own. But lets just say I feel it is a part of a mechanic not a core mechanic. And as somebody that plays a few different engineers the only thing that makes me want to try scrapper is the hammer skills which looks very cool. The gyros are worth trying out. but the function gyro to me just stinks and puts a damper on the whole elite spec. I’ve posted a few possible core mechanics suggestions in another thread. I urge Irenio CalmonHuang to look over them and other players to suggest their thoughts on it. And hopefully Irenio CalmonHuang will find something that will define the scrapper better then it is at this point. Cause the druid looks awesome I’ll defiantly be playing one. But I want Scrapper to be just as good. I can admit that I want Scrapper to be better but I’ll settle for something that is just as good.

Lets face it the community has been asking for a few things fixed I hope to also see the medkit fixed to provide better support for group play not single person play. Of course that is another thread.

Lets make Gyros cool together

in Engineer

Posted by: RunicAura.9860


I would go just a bit further on this idea. What ever effect they do should be increased by the amount of fuel left in them. So if at 20% fuel they are destroyed the effect would have it’s base effect upped by 20%.

Scrapper Mechanic Needs Reworked

in Engineer

Posted by: RunicAura.9860


Ok I wanted to expand on my ideas a little more.

So My basic idea was to have a new box that you can select a blueprint to build an item. I have since thought this through what if all the items possible was divided into three sections. Consumables, Vehicle, Kits. Lets talk about that for a moment

A crafted Consumable would be an item that would take less parts to build and perhaps can be built up into a stack So each time you build one you get a counter on the screen and can stack up to 10 times. These would be things like a healing bomb, ice nova bomb, Fire shell, something that is like an instant use thing.
You would choose a ground target location for the item to be dropped. Or set off the function gyro would go to location and set the device up to go off or for pick up. The use of such items may be time gated so you can not use many all at once.

Vehicles There are many type of armor/vehicles in the game. Golems, scorpion in silverwaste, and others through out the game. These would not stack so would need used when the parts have been collected. Once again a place is selected for the vehicles drop zone and the gyro would set it down. These would last till destroyed or the driver is out of it for 15-30 seconds.

And Kits. I’ve already said there was a lot of kits in the game that once passed the story point is tossed to the side. New tech in the world that is no longer seen or used. These could be kits that could be fashioned out of scraps and used by the scrapper. Or some special new kits like electro whips that mimic air dagger dagger from the elementalist. This could also be where the portal from the mesemer could be mimicked. The kit could disappear after a certain time, be allowed to stay till it has been dropped, or have a 15-30 second to vanish after being dropped.

But you get the idea of each. Ofcourse each device should have it’s own cost of parts. And perhaps new blue prints could be added down the line.

How do you get parts. Well
Lets say the function gyro follows you around collecting the “parts” for your blueprints. Let us also say that using your gyro’s or turret also generates parts. Fighting also would generate parts that the Function Gyro would collect for you.

And of course since you could select a blue print if you change blue prints while building you should loose an amount of parts if not all of them. Maybe that can be a trait also to get parts back if you swap.

Just an idea. After all as I’ve said elsewhere we are engineers/scrappers lets build something.

Since the Scrapper Reveal

in Engineer

Posted by: RunicAura.9860


Necromancer gets reaper form and new skills to go with it
Warrior gets beserker and new burst to go with it
Mesemer alacrity and a new shatter that is cool
Elementalist cool new overloads for their elements
Guardian New virtues a chain, leap and shield effects
Revenant gets to increase outgoing and incoming boons by 50% himself and others around him
Thief gets new dodge bar and effects
Rangers get to change into a celestial being for some time

What do the engineers get the scrapper?
Pointed at by the others and laughed at

We get to rez and stomp people. That is right. We can send a bot out to rez somebody. And to do that We need to take focus off we are doing for a moment to have the bot do that if it isn’t lagging so bad you don’t have to try a few times. And then once the bot is summoned hope that nobody is cleaving that area to make sure it can’t rez them. Cause if the area is being hit by aoe the bot is dead or both the player and the bot is dead.

Second we get a stomp Which I don’t do anyways I mean why go up to stomp somebody that is going to move instead you bash them or shoot them to death. And it is a lot faster to shoot or continue to attack the target anyways I have seen.

Either way The scrapper is given the scraps again. Function gyro does not offer a new mechanic it is a mechanic that already exists.

I’m not saying the function gyro is bad really. I’m just saying for a class mechanic it’s more an extra then a main new mechanic. After all we are not scrapper the field medic but scrapper the bruisers. Supposed to have turned our name from a slur to something that we can be proud of. But I don’t see that in this mechanic. I don’t see use using Anything that we might have learned from our scrapping days. I’d like to see something that fits that image.

We are engineers…….scrappers lets build something.

Scrapper Mechanic Needs Reworked

in Engineer

Posted by: RunicAura.9860


bumps after seeing druid I know there that the scrapper has the worst

Scrapper class mechanic

in Engineer

Posted by: RunicAura.9860


Since the Scrapper Reveal

in Engineer

Posted by: RunicAura.9860


My main issue is how underwhelming the new mechanic funtion gyro is compared to the other classes. I mean most of them inwas like wow thats cool. But funtion gyro just a rez and stomp device i dont even see how that connects with the scrappers theme.

This. 1000 times this.

It’s amazing how many people are so short-sighted on this. I assume that you’re both purely PvP-focused since this is borderline OP in PvP as it’s described now, but even in PvE, we have raids coming out and if they’re anything near what they should be, a rez mechanic that doesn’t take up a skill slot will be invaluable.

But, if you really feel underwhelmed, feel free to roll a thief and just get an extra dodge or something.

I find little to no use for this in pve which is the main area i play also as i stated it does not seem to match the scrapper them if you feel it is great good for you we all are entitled to our opinions
And as for pvp it seems made more for it.

Ok, you’re still not getting it…

It’s not about whether you have a use for it now. It’s about whether you’ll have a use for it in HoT.

If you stay out of high level fractals and raids, then that’s about the only way you won’t be using it. Just because the current easy content that everyone knows like the back of their hand doesn’t result in many people needing revives doesn’t mean that will be the case in HoT.

And if you don’t see how little robots that allow an engineer to multi-task fit into the theme of the Scrapper…well, not sure what to say for ya.

Ok so maybe your not getting it.

First of all you already admit that it has a select usefulness in game modes. It isn’t equal in all game modes.

Robot that can let you multi task? You might actually have something if it actually did that. But it has two functions. A stomp and a rez. So no it it had more functions then maybe it would.

“Scrapper is originally a negative name in the Charr society – applied to low class warbands, outcasts, and misfits. They were the people who were forced to pick up scraps and do junkyard work. They took their punishment and use it as a badge of honor and inspired the other downtrodden races to do the same. Scrappers are a master of improvisation, not only in the junkyard but also on the battlefield.”

I don’t see where stomping and rezing people has much to do with this at all. It does not speak of improvisation nor junk/scrap. It’s a stomp and a rez.

Now as I said your welcome to your opinion but so am I. And my opinion of the function gyro is still “blah” especially compared to the other professions. You may think I’m wrong, the dev may agree with you but I will voice my opinion and respect yours I ask that you do the same and stop trying to say my opinion has no valid points. Thank you.

And I think I’ll keep playing my engineers I rather enjoy the profession even if I don’t agree with some of the mechanics. So no I won’t be rerolling

Since the Scrapper Reveal

in Engineer

Posted by: RunicAura.9860


My main issue is how underwhelming the new mechanic funtion gyro is compared to the other classes. I mean most of them inwas like wow thats cool. But funtion gyro just a rez and stomp device i dont even see how that connects with the scrappers theme.

This. 1000 times this.

It’s amazing how many people are so short-sighted on this. I assume that you’re both purely PvP-focused since this is borderline OP in PvP as it’s described now, but even in PvE, we have raids coming out and if they’re anything near what they should be, a rez mechanic that doesn’t take up a skill slot will be invaluable.

But, if you really feel underwhelmed, feel free to roll a thief and just get an extra dodge or something.

I find little to no use for this in pve which is the main area i play also as i stated it does not seem to match the scrapper them if you feel it is great good for you we all are entitled to our opinions
And as for pvp it seems made more for it.

(edited by RunicAura.9860)

Since the Scrapper Reveal

in Engineer

Posted by: RunicAura.9860


My main issue is how underwhelming the new mechanic funtion gyro is compared to the other classes. I mean most of them inwas like wow thats cool. But funtion gyro just a rez and stomp device i dont even see how that connects with the scrappers theme.

Scrapper questions

in Engineer

Posted by: RunicAura.9860


What is your source?

Scrapper questions

in Engineer

Posted by: RunicAura.9860


Will gyros destruction be a blast finisher? Will turret traits work for gyros? Will superspeed stack? Will our healing effect the gyro? I would like to know.

Little Ideas for Turrets

in Engineer

Posted by: RunicAura.9860


Turrets should not be mobile but should fortify a location thus if more then one turret is in a location they should buff the others. Giving more health more fortification and more health if used within a certain distance. Their elite trait should also kick a reflect field off on every over charge of that turret not just when placed. As it is placing turrets together just ends up making them die fast with aoe instead of fortifying the location.

Scrapper Mechanic Needs Reworked

in Engineer

Posted by: RunicAura.9860


Any other ideas out there any one like those that hsve been posted or do you rather like how the new mechanic sounds as is?

Scrapper questions and feed back

in Engineer

Posted by: RunicAura.9860


Bumping hopeing for answers

Scrapper Mechanic Needs Reworked

in Engineer

Posted by: RunicAura.9860


Ok Just wanted to put more thought into the upgrade idea. My thoughts would be that the upgrade slot get placed on top of the tool belt. There would be an arrow like the skill boxes that could be hit to select an upgrade kit to work towards. Once ready it would highlight letting the player know that the upgrade kit was ready and could be attached to the function gyro. Once activated the Upgraded gyro comes into play for a set time or till destroyed. You should be able to switch upgrade kits out of combat but this would cause the upgrade kit you was working on to loose progress and you start all over. It would take time to charge up or collect scrap for the upgrade. This could just require time or a certain amount of kills And balanced by a decent cool down timer depending on how it is charged.

What type of upgrade kits could be selected?

My idea would be
Defense Kits which give buffs/healing helps to give defensive functions. Say dropping med packs or stimulants. Spraying elixirs so forth.
Attack Kits which attacks drops bombs, shoot missiles, blast mortars, shoot lasers, uses flame thrower type attacks so forth.
Utilities A gyro merchant, bank access, temporary way point

Of course that is just ideas I have come up with. And would not take much of a rework to work it into being….I would not think anyways. And more could be added later as well.

Edit This type of selection could also be done with making weapon blueprints for special weapon kit on the fly like I suggested in my second suggestion in first post. So the scrapper selects a blueprint and when they collect enough parts can then equip the weapon kit. So many charges of a special type of weapon with some decent ability or maybe just makes a weapon rack with that weapon that others can pick up.

(edited by RunicAura.9860)

Scrapper Mechanic Needs Reworked

in Engineer

Posted by: RunicAura.9860


Ok so new idea call it upgrade after some time or skill use or kills opens a block that upgrades the funtion gyro and deploy it onto the field this upgraded version may have rifle turret shot mortar shots lasers grenades or some othe funtion. It last for a time and is on differant cool down then funtion gyro

Scrapper Mechanic Needs Reworked

in Engineer

Posted by: RunicAura.9860


So I notice some people have posted suggestions on what they would like as a new mechanic. Thought it might be good to have a tread with those suggestions and for those of you that think the suggestions are good or see something you like Please respond. If enough respond maybe a new mechanic will be born.

I had two suggestions thus far.

One was to give passive effects based on the skills that we place into our tool belt. Each skill having a different passive effect

The second was one I rather thought was interesting and fitted the scrapper much better. As you go along as a scrapper you may pick up objects. the longer your at a map the more this may happen. Since a scrapper can build out of the junk they find. I suggest adding a scrap slot or two. When you spend enough time the slot fills in with a device that can be built and use. This could reflect a kit or item that already exists such as a whip kit or something simple that you would find along the ground to gor’s gun or maybe some other kit like the ghost bore gun or turret from various personal stories. The longer in the area the more powerful of kit that could be built. Up to a max which the box or boxes would then become highlighted to let somebody know that it will not get any better. The kit or item when clicked would appear on the ground like an elementalist conjure. This would allow the engineer or somebody else to pick it up and use it.

So those are my two idea’s if you have thoughts want to improve on the ideas, have a few of your own ideas lets hear them. Show some support for the ideas you like. If you stay silent then nothing changes. And if you don’t like the ideas or don’t feel it is needed my answer to that is simple …. that is your opinion and your welcome to it just as we are ours. Thank you for the input.

Scrapper questions and feed back

in Engineer

Posted by: RunicAura.9860


New idea for scrapper new class mechanics. After so much time or kills the scrapper gains access to a new tool bar slot or tool bar slots flip over for a random device that the scrapper has made from the junk they had collected. This could be a tool kit from one of the story lines from the personal stories or living world stories. That is summoned for either the scrappers use or somebody else to pick up and use. Or it could be just an attack from one of them. I personally like the idea of summoning one of the tools used from the personal story line there was so many to pick from. This could function much like the conjure feature already in play. This could offer so many interesting possibility and would fit the scraper’s name.

Scrapper questions and feed back

in Engineer

Posted by: RunicAura.9860


Next question that comes to mind would be are the gyro’s able to be healed normally? I mean does the heal gyro count as one of the numbers that it heals. Can it heal the bulwark gyro?

Will the turret traits also effect the gyros? I mean they are just turret 2.0 and mobile. Though in some cases at this point do not sound as if they can replace turrets.

Scrapper questions and feed back

in Engineer

Posted by: RunicAura.9860


Ok the scrapper sounds interesting. I have to admit after seeing the other professions new mechanics the scrappers does not seem to be up to par on that. I’m with most people rez and stomp is alright. But look at the others then look at it. It seems under developed.

Here is an idea to boost it a little. Each tool belt slot gives a passive effect based on the skill that was in it. Might be a little bit of work but would be a fun idea considering I don’t see passive effects on anything in the engineer’s skills at this point can have small gyro’s circle around the engineer to show this effect. Just a thought.

Hammer sounds like fun though so the class has that going for it.

Gyro’s are looking a little better since doing some research

Healing Gyro Seems to be alright to a point. It does need to keep up with the scrapper.
Reconstruction Field is protection per pulse sounds good but could there maybe be a heal in there.

Purge Gyro seem’d a little spazmatic on the poi. I might have missed it but does it clear conditions when it first comes out. That would be a good addition if it hasn’t. Because when I use something to cure conditions I normally need it cleared as soon as i use the skill not 3 seconds later. And if it is jumping around like that it isn’t offering much help.

Now are the detonations of all gyro’s blast finishes? No body has mentioned this and it isn’t in the tool tips.

Will super speed stack? Will it have a max duration like stealth seems to?

Fixing Medkit: A proposal

in Engineer

Posted by: RunicAura.9860


I agree that the med kit needs a rework. Something that actually says party support.

Med Blaster is such a small heal with a very small range. The heal needs a slight boost and a small increase in range

The other skills are single target which does not speak for party support. Half the time it goes to somebody you did not intend to give it to.

I think if they made them more like a smoke grenade giving an area heal and then leaving a small field like other classes that grant the boon to those that pass into the area for a short time it would make it more usable. Thus making it worth the trade off from damaging to trying to support the group.

But there has been several request for it to be changed to be made more useful. I hope that sometime in the future they will make it so.

BWE 3 Daredevil Specialization Changes

in Thief

Posted by: RunicAura.9860


Let’s not forget that Mantras, once pre-casted, immediately start cooling down for future use

I believe this was fixed in the July 28th release. It’s possible that they could behave the exact same as mantras. At this time, we’re going with the theme that Distracting Daggers are something you can hold over your opponents for a period of time, and then it’s gone. We’d rather encourage using the daggers and getting those interrupts off, than simply holding the daggers for hours at a time.
Please feel free to let us know how they play during the next beta event. There’s quite a few ways to go with the ability and I’m not sure they have to behave exactly like mantras.

Have to say I’m surprised that distracting daggers are themed as something held over opponents head, yet people will know you can only hold it for a short period of time. Where as mantra’s you store till you need them. A thief would be prepared especially a daredevil. I wouldn’t say it has to behave exactly like the mantras. But I think that if I have a knife stashed on my body That knife will be there till I remove it or somebody takes it from me It wouldn’t vanish within a few seconds of my putting it there. Thus the thief loosing his knife in a short period after of time makes no sense. I would have it ready for when I need it. As it is you might as well just make it a skill with a short set cool down that throws one dagger when it is activated that interrupts instead of having three uses. Then at the very least it would make more sense. That is just my opinion on it. The way I see it. I attach the blades I use them during fight. After the fight I can retrieve them or during the fight I may find a way to get them again and use them once more. But that is just my opinion on how a thief would be….prepared and not the type to just loose his weapons like an untrained adventurer.

Upcoming Revenant changes for BWE3

in Revenant

Posted by: RunicAura.9860


Sounds like some fun changes. Though like others I would like to see Unyielding Anguish to do fear as it seems to fit more of what I used the skill for to begin with. Instead of chilling so they don’t run away so fast. It caused a way of keeping creatures from entering into a certain range. This allowed for time to attack with ranged, heal up, cleans or rez others. Also aids with torment forcing the targets to move.

Unrelenting Assault
This skill has a habit of ending with you locked into a space that I have not seen addressed. Several times in the beta I found myself in a mountain stuck or a tower or sometimes in wreckage of airships. Not sure how to fix that other then you end where you activated the skill.

Venom Enhancement Sounds like it could be fun. But with one of the only way for the class to use poison dose not seem as if it will allow for much stacking of course seeing the trait in action next beta will be interesting.

Forced Engagement
still feel this should be made into an upkeep skill

Mordrem Invasion Update: 11 September 12:30 PM

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RunicAura.9860


Well I have not play’d the events to much I can say that the drop amounts was way off. The rewards are not all that. There was no new event item that made me want to focus on trying to obtain it. And I don’t feel with the drop rate that I could have obtained it. The events themselves are hard to get to with zergs taking to the field to clear them up before some get to the locations.

Suggestions. Don’t make people feel they have to run all over the place to get events. Instead. Give a map bonus reward for how many events the map completes. And give event rewards in lower amount for each event.

This will offer some unity in the play. Blue commander take north west take a squade with you. red take south west purple take center ect.. make a plan have people roam an area work together to get as many events for the map as could and everybody get rewarded. You don’t have all the way point all over the place.

Next the rewards. you should think about adding a reward that sets the event apart for past events. Reward that is new not recycled. I’d also suggest a way to convert currency into old form You make a new currency is all well and great. but you make it it’s here and then it’s gone. You have vendors that take the currency but no way to get the currency anymore. Or recipes that you had in an old event that you can’t get to because there is no longer a vendor. So I’d suggest making a vendor that converts the old currency into a standard that can be used for old events like the festival coins. Jawbreakers and so forth that people may actually want to get but don’t have all that great of a chance to. Just a suggestion.

Event timing was made so it is hard to gather currency this goes into the first part. More drop rate map wide bonus, drop per small event not last event. Promote working together not bum rush. And also Items that make you want to go through the trouble of collecting the currency.

That is my suggestions anyways. Hope to see more fun events

Rev needs another main-hand weapon!

in Revenant

Posted by: RunicAura.9860


I also would like to see another weapon set added to the revenant a condi ranged weapon other classes have two ranged weapons. Dagger/Dagger would be an interesting set offering an one handed weapon and unique since no other heavy armor class uses them. Also giving a distant weapon while wielding a shield.

Jalis BWE #2 Deep Dive

in Revenant

Posted by: RunicAura.9860


I personally would like to see Forced Engagement to become an upkeep skill. Giving it a taunt every so often and slow. If turned off while energy is above a certain amount it causes the target to be pulled to the revenant or causes a decent amount of damage in case of bosses.

Revenant feed back bw2

in Revenant

Posted by: RunicAura.9860


Jalis’s Forced Engagement Seems to be not worth the 50 energy put into it. it activates and then last for such a small amount of time. I found myself avoiding it.
Edit I have since thought about this and think I have a solution of sorts. Instead of making this a one time cast thing turn it into an upkeep thing. Caste it out tick off the taunt and slowness while it is being up kept if turned off with energy above 50 cause it to pull the creature over to the revenant for bosses perhaps just cause some good damage.

(edited by RunicAura.9860)

Map Rewards feed back

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: RunicAura.9860


I honestly don’t see that as the case. I mean the fact is they said this was to help more with the grind of materials. Like I said a maybe you’ll get the item after a few hours that you need 100-200 of is still just that a MAYBE. It is showing that you have the possibility of getting the item that your grinding for. And if it is only after 2-3 events it makes it just as bad as killing things trying to get it. With that thought in mind it does not make me feel more inclined to grind the events on the map any more then grinding creatures. They can still offer interesting things through a random bonus.

This is just my opinion, and i’m sure others may not agree with it. But to me it dose not sound like the grind has been lessened by this. I had done some more runs through looking to get a few items I had my eyes set on and found it frustrating that they never did popup.

Revenant feed back bw2

in Revenant

Posted by: RunicAura.9860


I’ve noticed with the herald that when you jump on a mushroom this causes you to lose your active facets this can cause problems in cases where you land and need to get directly into a fight. I have also noticed that the sword skill Unrelenting Assault sometimes locks you into objects with no way out with out way pointing. This has happened when used near towers, mountains and other objects that seem to have a hollow spot inside.

(edited by RunicAura.9860)

Map Rewards feed back

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: RunicAura.9860


Ok So the idea to get rewards for doing events on maps is a good and solid one. The delivery is somewhat annoying. If this is supposed to help kill off some of the grind for materials it missed it’s mark a little. Close. I have noticed that on some events I would not get the reward that was offered at all. I’d go through the event and end up just getting the normal rewards if anything. Not sure on why that is to be honest only tested for a short time. The thing that I thought was not great is that the item you got was from a list of possible rewards, the reward did not follow an order it was randomly selected from the list. This means the item that I may be trying to get may never come up at all. The solution would be the ability to select your reward instead of having it randomly selected for you. Or it actually goes into an order so you know you will get the item your looking for from doing the map at some point.

Another thought comes to mind that perhaps you could add a special bag or box that drops that has a good chance of dropping a random item from the list during events. This would make the grind a little less and possibly seem more productive.

I will say that my problem with grinding for materials in this game is that you don’t know where you can get them. Sure there is a chance that seems to be spread through out the maps to get the items and monsters have a chance to drop them. I like the idea of having a greater chance to get what I’m seeking. Not a chance to see one item after farming all day.

Those are my thoughts on this though and some may like the grinding over and over for a small chance to get one of a hundred or two hundred you need.

Oh and you might see fit to adding such items like mystic coins into the list. There seems to be a very limited way of obtaining those and some other items needed for crafting.

[Daredevil] - Feedback

in Thief

Posted by: RunicAura.9860


I have to agree the staff has a few kinks. #2 leaves you facing away from your target after you pass through them. The Distracting Daggers should run like the mantra’s there till used not poof cause you didn’t use them They should be more along the lines a prepared for combat type of thing. The blocking skill seems to be a hit or miss type thing so if your lagging or don’t have the best computer then I wouldn’t use it it blocks when it goes off on time. But timing is everything. Toggles for the dodges would be great cause that is what really sells the point is the dodges. though they may need a little work. Though If was me i’d have to say I’d put poison and immobilize on my lotus training daggers. And I’d try my best to strike up enough dust on impact that it blinds those around when i land with bounding dodger.

Revenant feed back bw2

in Revenant

Posted by: RunicAura.9860


Ok So revenant is fun to play. herald is cool. shield skills are great.
Most of the issues turning people away from the revenant is the lack of cleansing for condition, not being able to personalize the utility skills for the style of play they like. I think those are the two pressing issues.

Are there plans to release more utility skills for the legends. Will there be utility skills that can be swapped out into any of the legend slots to more personalize the build. Some invocation line that helps with condition cleansing, temporary energy mitigation ( add +2 energy upkeep for a few seconds, add a set amount of energy per pulse) for examples.

One of the things that I feel also needs added is a one handed ranged weapon to go with the shield. I still suggest the dagger to be unique. But I also feel that the shield having range support feels a bit odd to try to use it up on the front lines though to get to the point where it would be most effective in my opinion you’d have to swap to a weapon that has ranged. Though the hammer is the only ranged weapon revenant has. Plus having an additional weapon set dagger dagger always sounded fun to me for the heavy armor class. But that is just me. Scepter works great for Guardians, though not as unique would be interesting also.

That is my feed back thus far.

Dragonhunter Changes for Next BWE!

in Guardian

Posted by: RunicAura.9860


I had issues with the healing trap it did not want to go off properly. I ask feel that bow shot #2 was a pain with it rooting you in place. And did ok damage not great. I think if you had it left a trail of flames like the archers that we fight against do with roots it would be cool and much better. if can also use while moving that would be great. The distance with the wings could be increased a bit as well. As far as the shooting behinkitten ot to worried about that what type of archer can shoot behind them. But those are my thoughts on the the guardian elite spec.

Med Kit Suggestion

in Engineer

Posted by: RunicAura.9860


So after giving some thought here is my suggestion on this. They should roll elixir H and the med kit together. The effects that have ground target then should be treated like elixirs. I would have them create a small field when they land giving buffs to those around or who run over them. Just like the other classes have effects that people can run over for a short duration. I mean as it is the target that you toss the stimulant or bandage or other such item out is rarely the one that gets it. Making it useless in a support roll. The idea is to support while they other fights. Not have them run out of the circle grab and go back in. there by bringing the creature away. Also why limit it to one person instead of having it effect like everyone else around 5 targets. So why not have each do a healing effect when they hit and then leave a field that gives boon to those that cross it’s path.

The only answer is because then it would mean that elixir h would not be of much use. To be honest I’d rather see it merged into med kit and med kit take it’s place as the alchemy healing choice to me it makes more sense to do it this way.

Will there be more legend utility/weapons?

in Revenant

Posted by: RunicAura.9860


hey just wondering will Revenant legends have more utility skills that we can swap and trade around or are they stuck with the five that we have seen on the legends?

Is there any thoughts on adding any more weapons or is that it for the weapons for the revenant? I personally feel there should be at least one more ranged option. (Dagger would be a great addition) Some other weapons that can be used more freely across the legends then designed to work best with one legend perhaps?

But seriously just what options will we have open to us?