(edited by RunicAura.9860)
Yeah am hoping it isn’t out there but I wouldn’t mind going through a little story to unlock the new elites. Any dev wanna chime in let us know what to expect?
Do we have any idea how many points we are talking about for new specializations?
Raptor was fun.
Hearts nice
Bounties If am taking a ticket that can only select one would rather it be solo able. Running back and forth to try to get the same ticket as other people on map seems a bit off Would rather grab ticket and be able to solo it. Maybe a board for solo, group, legendary Mobs?
Map was fun to move around
Am sure there are more events on the map then shown perhaps more meta type events for certain areas. The Water pipes seem to be missing a few sections. Plug holes repair pipes and repeat. Fun but seems like there may be more that could be done there. More to the line of events.
Items. Like the sand piles finding keys for the caches and being able to get keys from event’s and buying them. Unidentified Gear..unless it is better items/gear. chance at rare/exotic/ascended materials/insignia/runes/ect.. maybe ultra rare chance for black lion key. Something worth paying for the chance to get.
So What is up with commander armor recipe drop rate. They are very very rare and now costing 70 gold on Trading post? That is abit to rare and to high price. And why the new stats are not in the bladed armor and other new armor sets is rather odd too. The drop rate of some of the armor recipes needs to be reworked. Or give other ways of getting the stats.
Ok so the current events give rewards for Mastery EXP but offer no choice for those that have all the EXP for them they need. Outside of Achievement points. This gives the feeling of loosing exp going to waist. Used to for EXP over 80 would give you skill points which was changed to spirit shards. Now their is nothing for EXP Once your maxed it is meaning less. Just feels wasted. I don’t know if that is the feeling your going for or not but if not I would suggest adding to the Mastery lines Giving a Repeatable one for the EXP for PVE. My Suggestion is that after you Master and bought all in certain lines you add Reward lines in the way you did with PVP and WVW. These would require no Mastery points just repeatable lines that gave rewards for exp that is earned. Gives the feeling that EXP is meaningful again. You can have Tyria can have them unlocked with the completing of Pact Commander Mastery. And For Hot add it to each area Itzel gives verdant bring rewards exalted gives auric basin, nuhoch giving tangled depths rewards maybe a hero chest rewarded or something once all three are filled perhaps it would unlock a dragon stand reward track in the mastery panel to put exp towards.
So is there going to be a dev posted thread for some general questions from players that may not be able to attend but have questions they would like answered?
So are there any guilds scheduling teaching runs? I mean it’s all good to post that your doing them but doesn’t help if people don’t know when. Or did I miss that in one of the posts.
They (the OP) already did them, and already stated they likely wont keep to a regular schedule.
Oh I must have misunderstood that there was others that stated they did teaching runs.
So are there any guilds scheduling teaching runs? I mean it’s all good to post that your doing them but doesn’t help if people don’t know when. Or did I miss that in one of the posts.
Would love to get the chance to run the raids my guild tuns at times i can not if anyone is running tuesday during the day 8am to 4pm cst please drop me a message
Edited to add
Also looking for a PVE raid fractal dungeon guild operating in cst zone play online times generaly 6pm to 9 pm cst and almost allday on days off which changes from time to time
(edited by RunicAura.9860)
I think one slot is nice but yeah I wouldn’t have minded if they made it two or three slots per purchase ending with 10-15. But still with the ability to get items that open up your bank it is still very nice.
I would love it if like I’ve seen in a few places if they would activate a key ring like the wallet that way the “keys” are account wide like the wallet and stop taking up space or Oh dang I left that in the bank. Or on my other character.
hey if the skrit works with a scrapper to do a recycle project. That gives a universal token that can be used at old skin vendors such as scarlet or a vendor that offers items that have a weird or non existent way of getting a tokens for Perhaps taking in old non-used boosters, old currency, scrolls or books that exceed useful purposes, or other items such as holiday event items, snow flakes, corn, mini pets that are bound to account/character that you have a lot of already. Maybe have the junk yard vendor offer some different items everyday like the pact supply line does. Just a thought
wow I just hope that these “balances” are being thought through for both pve and pvp.
Or they can separated out so that pve is balanced and fun.
Cause one nerf here and a buff there causes more stuff to need buffing or nerfing.
I do hope you add more stats for armor and weapons and hopefully not hide them behind needing to purchase them with obscure currencies.
I can’t wait to hear what the core scrapper mechanic will have added to it. Hopefully it does give an impact and is as fun as the others.
I would love to get the shoulders but unfortunately like many others the jumping puzzle is not accessible or lags up to much for me to complete. This is a holiday item. It isn’t even a ascended shoulders like the Halloween shoulders. Like others have said you can keep it as a requirement if you’d like but shouldn’t you have an alternative for those that have issues with the jumping puzzle. I normally enjoy jumping puzzles myself and would probably enjoy this one. But the mix of having it as a requirement for the shoulders, having a repeatable achievement with it, and how lagy it is when attempting it Just turns this into a less then enjoyable time to even try to complete the jumping puzzle. Just my 2 cents. Those of you that say it is easy, you’ve finished it. No don’t remove it. Are you forgetting this is a holiday item. This isn’t a legendary What would it hurt to have an alternative way for everybody to enjoy the holiday. It is not like they are taking anything from you if they change the requirements a little.
I have to say hammer is ok but still use pistol or rifle much more. Gyros could use a tweek but are alright. Traits are good for the most part the main issue is the scrapper profession mechanic which is for the most psrt useless in pve alot of times it just is forgotten. Play it for the traits the hammer or gyros you like but as far as class mechanic not worth it
ticket # 2007089 Just in case it is needed. I have put in a bug report about the missing items. And the lack of progress on the pact back packs collections. I’m still not able to make progress on the collections no matter the character I use. I’ve also have noted that there are times when the award window is blank when doing the story with characters. It seems random on when and where these blank reward windows will appear so I can’t really give information on that. The award window was blank on a friends character not long ago today and they also put in a bug report on it.
Update looking back I see that the backpack rewards have not received most of the pack collection I’ve checked all the collections and am missing a few of the story rewards on each of the pack collections. Even though I’ve progressed past that point in the story. And Yes the character had the pack on them when they went to that point in the story.
Ok so I completed the story on my Ranger who had chosen the Novice’s pack. I thought it said that I should have received the dragonvine but when I look at collections or in my inventory it doesn’t state I had received it and it is not in my inventory at all. I also checked to make sure I did not received it in one of the other collections for the packs and it shows nothing there either. This has similarly happened with a silver chest I should have received but did not. Doing the Sanctum Scramble. I completed the adventure and got the mastery point but no silver chest I needed for the collections. This is irritating because that particular adventure is rather difficult with lag. Is there anyway to get the dragonvine and the silver chest that I should have gotten in the first place?
Still silence on the function gyro but maybe will get some word on what they are thinking
bumping again hope to get an update sometime soon on status or thoughts of how to improve it
Bumping to place back to first page
I’d just look to what you find fun and that works for you. Nobody can tell you how to make it viable just has to be through trail and error.
As far as other people that toss that L2P thing around and say you can’t do this or that. I wouldn’t put to much to it. They seem to get a kick from telling others their play style isn’t worth trying. I’m sure you’ll figure out what play style works best for you.
blast gyro is not a minion. Is a limited use missile who can’t fly over obstacles needs flat ground to be used. honestly the only thing i use it for is breaking a bar which it is simi decent at. The stun break is the only other good thing.
Irenio developed the skill. I’m pretty sure that means he gets to decide whether it’s a minion or not. =P
Just cause you draw a sheep and call it a dog doesn’t make it a dog. Same thing applies here just cause the creator or dev calls something a minion does not mean it is one. If you agree with it so be it. But in the end it is never the creator who decides it’s those that interpret it.
Edit: Agree or not I still will say it is not a minion just how I see it.
blast gyro is not a minion. Is a limited use missile who can’t fly over obstacles needs flat ground to be used. honestly the only thing i use it for is breaking a bar which it is simi decent at. The stun break is the only other good thing.
Ok So feed back thus far.
Function gyro dosn’t function all the time I tried to use it what little times it comes into play and it would not deploy. I was in the canopy when I attempted to deploy it and for some reason it would not give me the option thus the party member died. the other time I tried to deploy it would not deploy luckily others was there to rez the target.
Gyro’s I only have medic and blast gyro open but the medical one keeps going off on it’s own when in mid combat. And can’t keep up when running. Doesn’t seem to offer much of a heal unless staying still and then does not set itself apart from having better burst heals.
blast gyro Just doesn’t do the damage needed for it’s cool down. And like it did in beta can get lost if the ground isn’t flat. I’ll try this one a bit more to offer more feed back But all in all this doesn’t say take me over mines or bomb kit.
tool skills. Love the med gyro tool skill just wish it offered healing when first activated.
blast gyro has stun break which is good but since the other stuff on the skill is not all that I’m better off using something else.
On the up note the gyros didn’t die when they was up close during fights. But they didn’t stick with me either. Attacking mobs or going off on their own to npcs. A 1/4th life and my gyro runs off to the mob or another npc doesn’t bold well for my quality of live.
Once i’ve unlocked more will post more feedback.
Ok So after release this still needs to be up on top of the to do list I think. Please keep in mind this is for the Scrapper’s class mechanic not for gyros or hammer but the mechanic that is just a rez and stomp bot. The function gyro dose not even function as it is supposed to at times. Any other suggestions and hopefully anet will take some of them seriously. Maybe turn the gyros into pets that we can equip and turn the gyro utility’s into commands for the pet. Not serious but that would be something that would make more sense then what we have now. Anyways still need a defining class mechanic for the scrapper.
Server: Devona’s Rest is the server that I am on does not have to be the server for the guild.
Active: time Mon-Fri 7pm-10pm EST Saturday and Sunday through out the day.
Activity Seeking: Dungeon, Raids, Bosses, Events.
Requirements: hate to have to put it but limited to no drama is preferred. Helpful friends and please no “you have to have x to run with us” I hate the whole you have to run this build to be effective or you have to have this armor to be effective. I like my builds and my play style I don’t mind some feed back but don’t presume to play my character for me.
Representation: I will rep the guild during events or while in guild party. I have my own small guild that I rep when playing with the members of that guild.
I have a level 80 of each class and each race. I play them when in the mood for the class. My two most used at the moment are engineer and necro. Though I do play to make a revenant or two.
If you think your guild matches my thoughts feel free to drop me a mail in game or post reply here.
Or just drop me a message here.
Odd there isn’t a looking for guild sticky at the top of the page like the guild recruitment has.
(edited by RunicAura.9860)
Bumping again. More suggestions more feed back
Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: RunicAura.9860
A few questions about unlocking elite specs. Sorry if it has been answered before but I have not seen it.
How Many hero points will it cost to unlock the elite specs?
Will there be points left for future specs or should we think about conserving points for the next spec?
Is it like a quest we must go through to unlock it or a person to find?
I may have other questions but those are the ones I have thus far.
There was a suggestion awhile back that I thought was a good one. That was unique destruction effects on the gyros. Perhaps in place of Final Salvo or combined with it. If Destroyed by time or damage then it would kick off how final salvo is now if destroyed by self-destruct it could do another function Giving the player a strategic choice.
Thank you for the response. I’ll offer some feed back on my thoughts on what has been said.
First the hammer. I really like the changes that have been implied by this and think if it works like it sound it should be great. I do have one concern and that is the vulnerability. I see it overloading and over lapping. Once it hits 25 stacks it is useless. And with everybody and their brother using it it just looses it’s appeal. I’m not saying it isn’t a good thing to use. But once you get up there it offers no bonus. That being said the same thing applies to might. This is not only an engineer problem but seeing as the hammer has so much impact on vulnerability I feel it is perfect time to offer some thoughts.
So what if the target has a 25 stack of vulnerability when hammer hits it it causes a backlash or charge blast that stuns in an area of effect. Or something of that nature.
If you have 25 stacks of might and hit with an attack that would add more Maybe it gives an aoe quickness effect. This would give more impact for having max stacks. It could eat some stacks and have a cool down But that is just a thought on this.
I will have to play the wait and see on the gyro utility skills at this point but sounds like they could be better. Impact Savant sounds good.
As for the traits that offer super speed I would hope that if they do not make super speed stack you would think about changing it to quickness.
I would also like the tool belt skill Bypass Coating to be changed to quickness but that may be just me.
Chemical Field & Spare Capacitor tool belt skills would be more fun if they was ground target or perhaps attached like Reconstruction Field is.
As for the function gyro I know time has ran out to change it but I still hope that we will have an elite mechanic that will identify the scrapper with more then a rez and stomp bot. As it stands it is still pretty useless in my opinion. I hope that you will keep us in the loop on what is happening with that. I won’t apologize for my “saltiness” This post should have been the response to my question.
Thank you for the time hope that my feedback helps
As a software developer myself I have to say: Thanks for the update!
Guys: Things are still in flux right now. Regardless of what Irenio might or might not tell us he would be BOUND to disappoint as he can’t be sure that anything he says is going to stay that way until the patch ships on the 23rd.
Better to focus on getting things straight than wasting time giving info on a status quo that is not set in stone and needing to justify for that.
I think you misunderstand a few key things. If you was designing a program for somebody and had it beta tested. Then you was told that the primary feature was not something that was good. Or did not work as it was supposed to. You then do not comment on it instead you say “look at this feature i’ve done this with it” And after three times you keep deflecting and do not fix the feature or even comment on it I’d hope the person that hired you would have the brains to fire you and get with another who will listen to them. And Likely that is what would happen. Now if you told them. “yes I’m looking into that and am trying to find a way to make it …” then you might keep the contract. See what is happening here is lack of communication. Pure and simple. The question has been avoided and avoided questions lead up to blow ups and anger.
Your constructive feedback has been really awesome so far and I trust will continue to be. I understand your concerns with not enough being communicated and I’m looking into getting more information out on some of the more solid changes we have.
Now for the copy past slap in the face. And then the bold CONSTRUCTIVE. Here is a constructive feed back. On the 23rd is the release of all the fun stuff for HoT. The only testing that can be done on scrapper then, as far as we know, will be when we unlock it. As you have not given us any reason to feel that you are looking into the issue that we have asked about and keep avoiding the question. Why would we unlock something that we have told you we don’t like. We waist time trying to play a elite specialization that we hope will be fun. But you won’t answer our questions. You ignore the basic question that has been asked in so many threads. Have been told to you in various ways. Then you only come onto the forum to copy paste slightly modify a comment. You don’t try to talk to us. I look at Revenant their dev is talking to them. Asking what they think of the potential changes. I look at thief, guardian, and various others I see them working with the players. I look at engineer and I don’t see it. I do see it to some point with druid. Yes you have a lot of work to do in a short time. That is no excuse I don’t know what made them do the reveals the way they did. But the fact is communication seems lacking in your department. And you slap us with the constructive" feed back. We have tried and tried. You have not responded. You want constructive feed back. Give us something to feed back. Ask us questions. Your not making Your class your making OUR class and your not responding to OUR questions. I know this may seem harsh but we have tried and tried. The time is running out. If your over worked ask for help. If you can’t handle it ask for help from your co workers. But don’t come onto the forum and say we are not giving you constructive feed back. because you have not given us anything to feed back yet!
Once the 23rd hits and you lunch it as is what type of feed back would you like. Us screaming we told you so. The scrapper sitting on the shelf with out being used because you wanted the class you wanted and thought it was fine with out even letting us hear your thoughts. I know I for one am about fed up with the scrapper. I will be playing other classes and wait for my favorite class to get a elite specialization I can get behind and actually call an ELITE specialization.
A simple we are looking into the elite core mechanic would have been nice. And for those that don’t know Gyros are utility skills NOT elite mechanic. The simple little function gyro itself is the whole elite mechanic as it stands that anybody knows of. Just a simple rez and stomp function that is in a lot of people including mine not an elite mechanic.
What I want is respect what you’ve shown either on purpose or accident is a lack there of. Tell me why I should think that Scrapper is worth my time.
Just so you know copy past is not communication it is a “Your not worth my time” function.
This is not an answer its an avoid tactic. WHAT ARE YOU DOING ABOUT FUNCION GYRO CLASS MECHANIC?! We said since revealed this IS NOT a class mechanic we have tried to talk about it you ignore it and sweep it under the rug. Now so close to launch and you still refuse to talk scrapper is just scrapp and just gets scrapps it seems. I can understand druid waiting to see number changes but scrapper needs more then numbers!
Like the topic says what changes can be expecred for the scrapper? Launch draws near and no word. Just curious what type of changes? What are your thoughts on the scrapper mechanic? I am sure i am not the only one wanting some communication on this.
the rewards are given for doing events. Though It seems the rewards are a set of random ones per events. It tells you what the next reward will be on the map. you do an event and if you get gold or silver it gives you the item. I think every other event or something like that.
I’m just hopping that this doesn’t turn into a over grind with all the changes in the salvaging and collecting of items. I really hate grinding Was excited about having task to do for the making of the legendary. I like that idea more then the Oh I have to go out to get thousands of materials that may or may not drop. Or having to get an exotic version of an item that may drop after the 2 million times of running. So anet please don’t turn this into one of those grind fest where you need a certain elite item that only drops once in a million. Make it something that does not require you to have the luck of the draw but like you said something we can see we are advancing closer to our goal! Not to mention a lot of the events you have that drop items out of luck for collections seem to bug out a lot.
tick tock tick tock Hope we hear something about this issue soon
I think the only way you can say it will not get reworked is if you give up on it. At which case nothing is ever done if you give up the effort. I think scrapper is worth the effort to get a better mechanic. The real question is does the devs think it is worth taking the time to rework it and make the scrapper better. And there is always time. All it would require is them saying “We know the mechanic is not the best so we are working on making it better. There are many suggestions and we are looking into what we feel would most define the scrapper. It may not be at launch but soon. We will keep you updated on it!” A statement of “oh we would like to help but we ran out of time” is lazy and would not be welcome. I’d be willing to wait for a great mechanic instead of something that was tossed together and said “oh good enough”. Take the time anet and do it right! But do something ! That is what I think on it. But if you give up that is your choice and then nothing will change. I understand people want something during the release. But the fact is I want something good So I continue to bump this in hopes that others will too.
Ok So my Gyro suggestions. I’ll just be posting ideas not numbers will leave that up to you. I like the idea of gyro’s circling the scrapper when they are in the utility slot. And none combative. That being said I would rather then function more like a signet Giving a small passive effect and an active effect.
Medic gyro-
Passive a small heal over time.
Active purge of conditions and an area heal over time
Tool belt. Same as before maybe a initial healing when active added
Purge Gyro turned into toxic tyro
Passive- On critical shoot poison dart.
Active- Produces a poison field in a line like the fire horn skill of elementalist.
Tool Belt- Either a poison field as is just a little stronger or a dark toxic field ground targeted
Blast Gyro-
Passive I’m not sure possibly a fury on crit or when critically hit Or maybe a fire bolt
Active- A laser blast in a line in front of the scrapper Or a Missile/mortar barrage
Tool Belt: I’d rather see quickness then supper speed
Passive – Chance of reduced damage through force field
Active- no damage for short time for those within a close range
tool belt- defense field as is is very nice
Shredder -
This one I’m not sure on Have a few ideas since it is decent just low damage.
Passive- gives increased crit chance
Active drops a spinning top as it does now
tool belt- same just able to ground target it
Other suggestion is to actually turn this one into a kit that drops traps The shredder as it is, a spinning flame trap, a electrical exploding trap But giving a trap kit that the gyro drops onto the ground. both sound good for this gyro.
Stealth gyro
passive smoke puff in combat releases a blinding smoke puff every so often
active – grants stealth for a set time and gives super speed to match that time or quickness
tool belt is good as is
As for Function gyro. I think there should be two that show. One would be just for rez and stomp as it is now. The other being the true core mechanic. Giving a buff based on friendly field your in. Active function absorbing field or copy field. Allows you to store a field for later use. Possibly granting a boon based on the field in storage or just waiting for it’s release.
If field is released then it would do an effect and leave a field at location of the avatar. It would go on a cool down so you can’t drop a field and then pick it back up quickly.
The field being stored could also effect the gyros in some way if possible. Those are just suggestions. And the mechanic is just tweeked a little from another posted on another thread.
All items in this post have a counter play that other mechanics have in other professions. Dodging, cool down timer on them fields you can avoid. Just like any signet with passive abilities.
bumps again I hope anet devs read this and will get us an answer on what they intend to do for the scrapper mechanic.
I wouldn’t mind having a golem that you could pilot like Golem Battle Suit Prototype from air drop. Where you have access to your utility skills and the golem’s skills. Could have a few different types like the scruffy type, scorpion type, hazard suit type. there are many different type of golems in the game which could be fun to pilot when ever the scrapper wants after gathering enough parts. But that is just one of many thoughts to improve the class mechanic. I’m shocked we have not had any answers concerning this since it has been brought up right after the reveal. It is like an elephant in the room and it’s being ignored. The last post from Irenio CalmonHuang has not made any mention of if they are even looking into what can be improved on the class mechanic. Once again a link to all those ideas.
As it is the only reason I feel to unlock the scrapper is for the hammer skin. two weeks before HoT launch and I fear we will have a broken scrapper when launched. Which wouldn’t be bad if we knew something was being worked on to improve the mechanic that was chosen. Or a work in for a new mechanic. But my greatest fear is that all the scrapper will get is a rez and stomp which I’ll never use because doing it myself will always be more reliable. This is a flavorless mechanic. But we have said this before and was not given any type of word on if anyone was looking into adding flavor to it. I hate to write off the scrapper I have 4 engineers my favorite class. I was hopping for something Grand. Anet I hope you will fix this error and make scrapper great and something that I can look forward to playing!
Any chance putting a leap finisher in for Unrelenting Assault or Frigid Blitz I have not seen any leap finishers for the revenant did I miss them?
what bugs me most I think about this. is that even after the beta we get a “thanks for the feedback, we’ll keep the suggestions in mind” while rangers got a post of “well here’s the thing, and why, and her’es what we wanna do to fix it”
Scrapper was an afterthrought, and idea started and forgotten because “ooh druids” and when rollout came it was “uh oh, forgot about this. well that’ll do”
we don’t scrap, we don’t lockdown, abilities are buggy and far weaker than any of our kits so taking a gyro trades essentially 1/4 of your strength and versatility for an A.I controlled floaty thing that goes walkabout and does a single job that a kit already does far better.
Perfect example, Blast gyro. It misses, it’s lazy and easy to dodge. the trait Aim assisted rocket does more damage, and I dont think I’ve ever seen it miss. Why give up a utility slot for a weaker thing than a trait gives me?
I just…I had hopes, and in the end it just feels like engi was forgotten about, or rather given the last scraps on the table.
Yes I know this is a rant, and yes it’s gonna get blasted but I dont care at this point. I gave my feedback a few pages back and this is just simply frustration born out of the knowledge that scrapper won’t be ready at release, will need months of fixes to even bring it up to par, and will continue to not live up to the name on the tin. I dunno, just horribly disappointed.
I would like to tell you that the dev is reading and considering the options ahead … but i can not after waiting for a responce and getting none i too feel the engineer is going to get the big blah whatever treatment i mean the track record is speaking loudly. I hope to be proven wrong
Actually weapon swap with kits while running scrapper would put on par with other elite specs i think
Bump scrapper mechanic is not fine its next to useless
I have to ask what is the posstbility of scrapper getting a new mechanic ?
In the next 17 days?
Sadly that is most likly correct which stinks cause will most likly mean have to wait for next elite spec release and hope for better
I have to ask what is the posstbility of scrapper getting a new mechanic ?
One thing I’m concerned with is the lack of a leap finisher on any of our weapons. any chance to adding a leap finisher on Unrelenting Assault or frigid blitz ?
Ok So my Gyro suggestions. I’ll just be posting ideas not numbers will leave that up to you. I like the idea of gyro’s circling the scrapper when they are in the utility slot. And none combative. That being said I would rather then function more like a signet Giving a small passive effect and an active effect.
Medic gyro-
Passive a small heal over time.
Active purge of conditions and an area heal over time
Tool belt. Same as before maybe a initial healing when active added
Purge Gyro turned into toxic tyro
Passive- On critical shoot poison dart.
Active- Produces a poison field in a line like the fire horn skill of elementalist.
Tool Belt- Either a poison field as is just a little stronger or a dark toxic field ground targeted
Blast Gyro-
Passive I’m not sure possibly a fury on crit or when critically hit Or maybe a fire bolt
Active- A laser blast in a line in front of the scrapper Or a Missile/mortar barrage
Tool Belt: I’d rather see quickness then supper speed
Passive – Chance of reduced damage through force field
Active- no damage for short time for those within a close range
tool belt- defense field as is is very nice
Shredder -
This one I’m not sure on Have a few ideas since it is decent just low damage.
Passive- gives increased crit chance
Active drops a spinning top as it does now
tool belt- same just able to ground target it
Other suggestion is to actually turn this one into a kit that drops traps The shredder as it is, a spinning flame trap, a electrical exploding trap But giving a trap kit that the gyro drops onto the ground. both sound good for this gyro.
Stealth gyro
passive smoke puff in combat releases a blinding smoke puff every so often
active – grants stealth for a set time and gives super speed to match that time or quickness
tool belt is good as is
As for Function gyro. I think there should be two that show. One would be just for rez and stomp as it is now. The other being the true core mechanic. Giving a buff based on friendly field your in. Active function absorbing field or copy field. Allows you to store a field for later use. Possibly granting a boon based on the field in storage or just waiting for it’s release.
If field is released then it would do an effect and leave a field at location of the avatar. It would go on a cool down so you can’t drop a field and then pick it back up quickly.
The field being stored could also effect the gyros in some way if possible. Those are just suggestions. And the mechanic is just tweeked a little from another posted on another thread.
(edited by RunicAura.9860)