Showing Posts For Shaman.2034:

Connection problems

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Shaman.2034


Now I just got this other error code, and a Network error?:



Connection problems

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Shaman.2034


I just got this error code:



Connection problems

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Shaman.2034


Comcast. I was able to log back in once more for a brief time before being kicked a third time; this time I couldn’t use any skills and I had the super ultra running speed bug.

Connection problems

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Shaman.2034


Would either of you happen to be in TN?

Nashville specifically, yes. But that shouldn’t matter, as the rest of my internet connection is fine.

Connection problems

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Shaman.2034


Same here, I got kicked out, just standing in DR. I was able to reconnect for a few minutes, and experienced 1800 ping for the duration before being kicked again.

Dash/leap and condition changes [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shaman.2034


I think this change is a good thing.

Right now, cripple and chill are in a binary state. They don’t have depth; if a target has cripple or chill, they move slower for everything except teleports. There’s no counterplay to that. If you can keep a target slowed and they can’t cleanse it off, then they have no way of dealing with it.

Now that leaps will travel a fixed distance, it’s a tool that can be used or exploited in a meaningful way that gives combat more strategy. If someone engages on you with a leap, then you can cripple them with confidence, because that skill is on cooldown. It means those professions should save their leaps as disengage or repositioning tools instead of using them to engage.

Look at the upcoming necromancer specialization. It will be able to apply chill, which allows it to stay in melee and keep applying chill permanently. Right now that has very little counterplay outside of saving cleanses specifically for it and using a high cooldown blink. Now you’ll be able to leap away from them to disengage, which is a necessary point of balance.

Honestly, I don’t think people are realizing here what all this truly means. If they’re running away from you, well then you’ve won! Are you not satisfied with that? And they’ll be fully slowed while not leaping, so you have plenty of opportunity to just run forward that 600 range anyway, since you have double or triple their movespeed.

Let’s talk about intuitive gameplay versus mechanics. Is it intuitive to a new player that speed buffs and debuffs should change the length of a dash ability? What other games have this mechanic? Why should this separate blinks from dashes in effectiveness? Should a player always feel like his leap was not optimal if he wasn’t under the effect of swiftness at the time?

Should you be able to completely shut down a class’s mobility like that? Of course not! This is a balance point that’s very necessary to distinguish right now. This change will add clarity and ways to improve combat in the future. If you know they have a leap, it will always function exactly the same. If you have a leap, then it will always function exactly the same.

Right now, cripple and chill are basically immobilize anyway, that’s how little counterplay they have. If you didn’t cleanse it off, then you may as well be standing still. Cripple and chill need this counterplay, this mechanic of not interacting with leaps, so there’s more room to balance the game afterward, and to distinguish them from immobilize.

This change will lead to a healthier future with more skillful combat choices and added depth, as well as more balance points to tweak.

(edited by Moderator)

Is D/F Fresh Air (pve build) getting nerfed?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Shaman.2034


There are people running fresh air in pve?


Idea for Lightning Hammer

in Elementalist

Posted by: Shaman.2034


Hey, I understand where ArenaNet is coming from that Lightning Hammer (and Frost Bow) are probably a little too overloaded with excess power. But I am worried that they might cut power from the wrong places. The Hammer pretty much justifies scepter and makes up for its lack of autoattack DPS, which seems pretty balanced on paper – you lose the conjure if you have to drop it or get downed, and you only have the conjure for a limited amount of charges and time, so it’s a temporary replacement.

I think the real issue lies in the spammable blast finisher on the Hammer’s autoattack. If that was removed, then its excess power would be trimmed away – the elementalist would need to be careful about properly stacking might with its weapon skills instead of just autoattacking over a staff elementalist’s lava font.

Maybe summoning the Hammer could also cause just one blast finisher at the target location, too, to make up for the loss in a meaningful way.

Do Something About Turret Engis.

in PvP

Posted by: Shaman.2034


Glass staff elementalist player checking in. What is a turret engineer?…

Oh, that corpse down there? Those scattered bits of metal must have been their turrets.

Please, continue playing turret engineer and feeding me free wins.

The Future of Role-Playing in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shaman.2034


Hello everyone, I came here today to add my voice to the dwindling list of roleplayers in this game, and to spread awareness about the problems we face as we struggle to sustain our dying playstyle. We lack critical tools necessary to make role-playing a comfortable and immersive experience for all parties who choose to do so; but there seems to be some key solutions that could be worked towards, based on features that already exist in the game.

Arguably the largest problem with role-playing in its current state is that the playerbase for role-play has been too thinly diluted with the introduction of the megaservers. While I agree that the megaservers are a boon to players on lower population servers or less active maps in general, the criteria for exactly which megaserver you join is too variable, and no individual criterion seems to be effective enough on its own to guarantee you a match with other players based on similar interests – in this case, role-playing. In fact, none of the officially listed criteria for megaserver placement have anything to do with how you interact with other players, besides your client’s language.

To solve this, perhaps we could work with the megaserver system to better reinforce matching role-players into a more dense population spread: a toggled option, that allows you to select, for example, In Character or Out of Character. When you toggle yourself to In Character, the game could use this as a megaserver matching criterion that overrides all other criteria, so that you are placed into maps comprised mainly of players who are also marked In Character. I realize this would not prevent griefers from entering by simply flagging themselves as In Character – but there’s another solution that could help with that problem.

Griefing against the role-play community has led to a great many players seeking refuge in private role-playing, which has significantly reduced the chances you’ll encounter role-play in open world. “Griefing” used here refers to acting in such a way as to intentionally break the immersion of role-players in a scene; to interrupt the flow of dialogue by spamming chat channels that host role-playing; and to create a distraction so large that other players cannot simply ignore it and move forward.

For example, a common method of griefing is when a player moves their character into an area with clusters of role-players, and proceeds to repeatedly initiate emotes, like /cheer, /cry, or /dance, so that the chat channel is completely filled with their messages and washes out all other player messages. Another method is when a player moves their character directly to a group of role-players and begins dropping excessive amounts of particles and sound effects – like Engineer grenade or bomb skills, or the autoattacks of some of the louder legendary weapons, Quip and The Dreamer. These types of attacks can sometimes last for hours, depending on the dedication of the griefer, and are sometimes initiated by several people at once, increasing the amount of visual and audio noise. There is currently no system in place to protect against these methods of griefing.

This problem’s solution is already automatically controlled by the game client to some extent: Players are able to select the amount of character models that are rendered in their surroundings, as well as how detailed those models are. All player characters outside this range are culled from sight and sound, leaving only a nameplate. Perhaps there could be an option implemented that allows players to manually control which characters their computer chooses to render, so that if an incident does occur in which someone is using particle effects and sounds to intentionally grief someone else, then the victim can protect themselves from it by removing it from their personal view. This option could be tied to the Block function, as well as added functionality that the blocked player’s emotes do not show up in the emote chat channel.

Overall, Guild Wars 2 has gone through improvements on every game mode since its release – except for role-playing. We need some basic tools in order to sustain this playstyle; surely nothing as labor-intensive as a Living Story season, but important functions to better protect ourselves when we role-play in open world, and to be able to reliably find megaservers which contain other role-players.

If you’ve made it this far through my post, I’d like to thank you for taking the time to read it. ArenaNet, if you’re listening, I’d like to say that I appreciate any amount of time you spend considering improvements toward a playstyle favored by a small fraction of the whole population. It’s my personal belief that ArenaNet should step forward with an official stance toward role-playing, and either take steps to protect and encourage it, or denounce it completely. Regardless, role-players have nothing to lose at this point, except the opportunity for growth.

Lava Font, casting as intended?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Shaman.2034


Oh my gosh, DEKeyz said something to me!!!

Any chance they might update the tooltip with at least the cast time? I know it’s basically another “anet pls,” but I was genuinely confused for a moment, considering the other instants that elementalist has access to.

Lava Font, casting as intended?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Shaman.2034


Hello, forums of Guild Wars 2. Today I took a closer look at the skill Lava Font (staff fire 2), and the tooltip indicates it has no cast time. I thought it was cool, because one of the elementalist’s strengths is having access to a lot of instant cast spells they can use while channeling something else, without interrupting it.

Well, it’s not the case with Lava Font. I can’t cast it during other channels, like other instant cast spells, and I can even interrupt it with something like an autoattack, but there’s no channeling bar on the screen. I’ve seen that I can mitigate the aftercast by immediately channeling something else, but if I do it too early, I run the risk of interrupting Lava Font.

Has it always been this way, or was it patched to contain a cast time and an aftercast? Why isn’t it instant cast? Would that be too powerful for an elementalist?

[Suggestion] Combat log could use an update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shaman.2034


I’ve seen several posts about this already, and I think a lot of us can agree that we should be able to see and organize more statistics about combat. A few things that are missing, that would be useful:

Damage per (1/2/5…) second(s) and total damage done to your target over X time
Range (e.g. “You hit Deer with Arc Lightning for 9,001 damage, from 837 range.”)
Sort by ability (only show Lava Font damage, etc.)
Sort by damage type (direct/condition, further divisible into the types of conditions)
Sort by target (remembers most recent 5 or 10 enemies damaged, perhaps)
Total length of time in combat
Your movement speed
Your stats without having to go to the Hero panel
Boons and what stats they give you (a graph showing the duration and intensity of might on you over time, for instance)
Critical hits and calculated critical hit chance
Outgoing healing and healing per second, I guess… just to be fair
Executed combos (this is probably asking too much)

I suppose we’d need an entirely separate combat interface. Well, the HUD has plenty of room for it, if it wouldn’t fit as just another chat panel, and most of these data are already displayed in some form or another in the game (true values for range and movement speed exist, but are not shown directly.) The point would be to collect and display the statistics in a clear, organized, perhaps customizable manner.

What else would be relevant to put in an ideal combat interface? Should we even have something like this available to us?

PvP Masquerade (Tribal) armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shaman.2034


It won’t be available immediately, but the Devs said it may become available, again, some time in the future.

Where’d you hear that?

PvP Masquerade (Tribal) armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shaman.2034


So, with the removal of glory as a reward, this skin is unobtainable. Previously I wasn’t interested in the skin, as it was not going to be available to PvE, but with the wardrobe system, I would be able to use it, if I had it. Will there be some other type of reward that will allow me to craft this skin, or is it gone forever?

Repair costs and the related guild upgrade

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shaman.2034


What’s going to happen to my guild’s “15% reduced repair costs for 24 hours” upgrade? Should I use it now, in a position where it’s likely not going to be used as much, or will it be replaced with something of similar value after the patch, perhaps something more useful for my guild’s needs? I don’t want to pop it before the patch when it could just turn into a reduced waypoint costs upgrade or something more useful, but I can’t sit on it if it’s going to just disappear with the update.

Feedback/Questions: Town clothes, Costumes, & Combat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shaman.2034


Honestly, the outfit/headgear separation seems completely arbitrary. Add an outfit checkbox and slot to the interface for each gear slot. Allow them to be toggled individually. Suddenly welding together pieces that are already functional as separate entities just so you don’t have to put a little more work in to the interface (after already putting so much work in to the interface) is a total cop-out to get the system out the door.

Don’t rush it, justr apologise, state that it’s coming, and roll it out with an LS update after you’ve dotted the Is and crossed the Ts.

Go ahead and make the toys endless tonics as they are the only part of the town clothing system that wouldn’t otherwise fit with the new system, but the clothing should continue to adhere to the rules of clothing, become armor skins, or otherwise retain every bit of its old functionality.

Nobody cares if they have to wait a little bit for this to happen.

This is exactly right. I don’t care if I have to wait longer, I want to keep my individual town clothes skins one way or another. Making them tonics, with other “complimentary” pieces and preset dyes goes against what this update is supposed to be about. Easier character customization, right?

Feedback/Questions: Town clothes, Costumes, & Combat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shaman.2034


Instead of tonics, why can’t the single-piece town clothes be converted to armor skins? I’ll never be able to look like this again…


Lava Font w/ trait XI

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shaman.2034


I am experiencing the same issue. With Persisting Flames, my Lava Font only lasts 4 seconds, regardless of other traits. When I link it in chat, the hover tooltip shows the correct duration, but the skill on my action bar does not.

Also, I believe this is the correct place for this kind of post.

Four Coriolis Plaza portals turned on?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shaman.2034


I walked into Coriolis Plaza in Lion’s Arch just to get away from the crowds for a bit, and there were four portals activated. They don’t go anywhere, but maybe they’re for something coming up later in the living story?

The first picture is of the three portals directly to the left after entering the plaza, and the second picture is of the portal closest to the entrance on the right, just inside.


[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shaman.2034


With the new global living story releases, I’d like to see a map item that reads, “Unlock all waypoints on this character.” I’d pay 2500 gems for one.

Post your legendary progress!

in Crafting

Posted by: Shaman.2034


I need 98 Charged Lodestones and Storm to finish my Meteorlogicus. Easier said than done, right? It’s only several hundred gold…

Is halting strike supposed to be this weak?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shaman.2034


All of those abilities scale linearly with power, meaning that no matter how high you raise your power, the damage difference between Mind Slash and Halting Strike will always be approximately 550 (750-202), not taking into account differences caused by the randomization of weapon strength, which are slight. If you could raise your power so that Mind Slash dealt 4000 damage, Halting Strike would deal around 4500.

legendary Transmutation splitters

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shaman.2034


If you can afford to get two legendaries, you can afford to scrape together a little gold for 300 gems.

More Ele nerfs?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Shaman.2034


There’s one major buff in here for elementalists that everyone’s not discussing because it isn’t under the elementalist section.

“Made it a bit easier to retarget channeled skills (now if you try to recast them on a separate target, it will cancel your current instance of the skill and start casting it again on the other target)”

Scepter air auto, anyone? I don’t know about you, but I hate being stuck auto-ing a corpse for 2 seconds when something else is attacking me. This QoL update will do major things for us. Aside from that, they buffed flame axe off the charts, fixed a bug, and added some levels of consistency. This doesn’t mean they won’t change the exact radius later on, guys!

And lest we forget Superior Rune of the Traveler lets us take 3 utility skills now instead of 2 and a movespeed signet?

What is in the Water?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Shaman.2034


This won’t end well…

Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Shaman.2034


Anyone have it open tonite?
Would sure appreciate it

Jade Quarry is open for business tonight.

Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shaman.2034


Hello! I know there are some difficulties with armor on charr, but this one nags at me the most. It involves Masquerade leggings (light armor) and a male charr elementalist.

If you look at the first screenshot, my character is just standing still. The leggings clip through a large part of his right leg. It’s aggravating if the armor is a different color than his fur color because his fur shows through and clashes with the armor color.

In the second screenshot, he’s moving around while idle, looking back and forth. When he does that, the armor adjusts itself to his body and the clipping disappears, only to appear again when he stops moving. There’s no problem with the armor in any other position; only while standing still.

The third screenshot details which armor and weapon skins I’m using, but this has occurred with any combinaton of other armor and weapon skins; the leggings clip regardless. You can see the clipping in the hero panel as well. The Exalted armor was crafted; the rest of the armor and weapons, including these leggings, were purchased on the trading post and transmuted or applied to crafted armor and weapons.

Thank you for your time! This is probably a small issue, but I thought I’d bring it to your attention just to be sure.


Miyani by the Mystic Forge is missing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shaman.2034


According to the Wiki, the vendor Miyani stands adjacent to the Mystic forge, but she is currently nowhere in the mystic plaza. The Wiki also states that sometimes she is in the bushes on the walls surrounding the plaza, but she is not in any of those either.

If I fits, I sits. (also gravitycharr thread)

in Charr

Posted by: Shaman.2034


Those random bamboo poles at the end of Sanctum Sprint were really fun to try to climb.
