I just use veil and mass invisibility to sneak into the middle of a zerg and deploy my portal.
@Visiroth – Ah that makes sense. And I agree, more fighting is always better. At the end of the day it’s the battles we wage not the points we accrue that draws us to Wv3.
As a mesmer who has portal bombed plenty of times I welcome this change and any further changes. It’s a bit ludicrous how easily successful portal bombs can be. I never felt like I was making a clever tactical move by spawning a zerg within a zerg. It’s just a messy way to ensure success.
I’ve been trying to use my portals in more interesting ways during larger battles, including porting people around the battlefield to gain tactical advantages (higher ground for ballistas behind the enemy etc) but very few people bite until I explicitly say “portal bomb”. Maybe by reducing the effectiveness of portal bombing, we’ll start to see some more interesting Mesmer portal play.
It’s pretty darn useful. Just logged onto my server to find that one of the opposing servers had night capped everything in our borderlands. There was no commander present and only a handfall of people available at our spawn point. We managed to scrape together 10 people and took back a tower. It provides a well needed boost when the odds are stacked against your server. It also means that scattered groups have a rallying call and don’t just spend their time capping supply camps and sentinels.
Although, when can a server no longer use breakout events? We took back a tower with a breakout event, then took back the other tower and then the garrison on our own, but the breakout commanders still appear to be usable.
I have to say that as soon as an actual player commander came online and started rallying players, we forgot all about the breakout events.
It’s even better when you’ve stacked a load of confusion on them and you get to watch them kill themselves whilst attacking your clones. Sometimes I even manage to sneak in a cheeky /wave ;-)
That a well placed moa morph would have ended it all.
Well that’s not particularly fair. I think all servers are packed full of people with little experience of Wv3 doing crazy things. You probably just saw more AG crazies because they generally have more people present in Wv3.
Honestly AG are obviously just competing at a higher level. I’m not sure about RoF, but GH just doesn’t have the Guilds needed to be quite so coordinated, nor does it have the night presence in order to prevent overnight capping of its borderlands. There’s nothing wrong with that though. This is why the tier system exists.
I’m glad to see others are as impressed with the maturity of the community as I am. I mean yes, there are some parts of the community where things get a little bit more venomous, particularly in Wv3. But even then it’s usually just one person getting their knickers in a twist with others trying to calm them down on chat.
I’d say 97% of the people I have interacted with since launch I would be more than happy to play with again. Maybe 2.5% I’d play with again after an attitude change (not everyone wants to do what you want to do!) and 0.5% I would rather never come across again.
That’s pretty impressive.
This has been my first week of Wv3 (on GH) and I’ve had a really good time. It would have been nice if things were a bit more even (those AG night zergs are scary) but the skirmishes I’ve been involved with in EB have been awesome. It’s been especially fun trolling large AG groups with my mesmer portals. The slightest sign of a portal bomb and everyone panics
I really think the amount of thieves and mesmers is being over exaggerated here. The above list posted by Shrack mirrors what I see the most, that is a lot of elementalists, warriors, guardians and rangers. After that it’s thieves that I sometimes bump into soloing sentinels and caravans, then necromancers and engineers. But I hardly ever see mesmers from either my server or an invading server. In fact I’ve counted just 8 mesmers in I don’t know how many hundreds of players I’ve encountered this week.
Also, just because a class is deemed to be the strongest at present does not mean everyone is going to flock to that class. Most people will just play what suits their play style or simply what they find to be the most fun. I know I do.
I recommend Mass Invisibility1) because it gives you and your groupies some time to reposition and heal during tough battles and 2) because it has the shortest cooldown of all the three Mesmer elites (90 seconds I think) so it integrates nicely into your roster of skills.
Not needed at all if your team all have the spy kits (and everyone should). The mobs will simply begin to wander away giving you time to reposition. Time warp is FAR superior.
I was talking more about WvW situations where standing still isn’t really viable. In PvE even though I carry spy kits myself, I wouldn’t really expect everyone to be carrying them so it’s useful there too.
Time warp is great, but the cooldown is very long, and it’s a fixed postion ability which isn’t very useful if you and your team are constantly having to reposition yourselves due to AoEs. I love it for increasing dps on WvW gates though.
I recommend Mass Invisibility1) because it gives you and your groupies some time to reposition and heal during tough battles and 2) because it has the shortest cooldown of all the three Mesmer elites (90 seconds I think) so it integrates nicely into your roster of skills.
Is there really that much drama on GH? I mean granted it’s only this last week that I’ve really dedicated much time to WvW, but everyone I’ve spoken to or grouped up with is both friendly and just happy to have a good go with things. In fact last night I was in a group with a really fun bunch of people (about 8 of us) and we almost managed to take the garrison back in GH BL. Just a pity that AG (or more specifically KISS) have such a strong night presence and we became quickly outnumbered.
Have they really left some people to spy on GH activities? Why would anyone even bother doing that? It sounds so boring.
I agree that it could be nice to see less descriptive information, but we have to bear in mind that some people will want to know exactly what’s going on so they can choose whether to participate or not.
Just avoid all information on the even other than times etc.The only thing I currently know about the event are the dates that Tixx will be in certain cities and that there will be snow.
I’ve been playing quite late in the evening, so I must have just somehow missed all the RoF players. I never went too far north in RoF borderlands for fear of being swallowed by RoF and AG zergs, so that might also be why.
I think an alliance between RoF and GH would be really fun. Would make things more interesting for AG too. But yes, would be nightmare to implement as many players simply won’t be aware of the alliance and will attack anything with a red name tag.
This is the first weekend I’ve spent a significant amount of time in WvW and I have to say I do feel ever so slightly outgunned where AG are concerned. Not seen a single RoF person even in their own Borderlands. Starting to think AG ate you all
It’s a nice challenge though and I do love how well coordinated the AG zergs are. I’ve just taken to raiding supply camps and caravans now. Think it might be time to hop over into AG borderlands and start making a nuisance of myself
Also, is it frowned upon to attack people trying to complete jumping puzzles? I threw a guy from a ledge and he fell to his death. I felt bad
I don’t really know if the OPs examples of other classes are particularly fair, but what I do know is that Mesmer portals make WvW so much more interesting. Getting a Mesmer to sneak into a Keep during a siege for some portal goodness is an exciting tactical move. It changes the dynamics of the game, as you have a class that can essentially by-pass siege defences. It also makes it more exciting for the defenders too as they have to be extra vigilant and aware of those sparkly little swines.
If people are really struggling with portal bombing, then perhaps the amount of people allowed to go through could be capped at 5-8, but with the CD reverted back to 60 seconds.
I like to set a portal down in a heavily populated area and then put the exit somewhere more obscure (preferably underwater) then watch as people flow out of my exit portal slightly confused yet obviously loving it.
Mesmer portals are irresistible.
Yes! Feedback + mimic + a few stacks of confusion is my recipe for Karka killing. It’s super effective!
I’m running a staff/sword+torch build currently. I’ve traited for condition damage and condition duration. As power and condition duration increase in the same trait line it only seemed logical that I took advantage of that power too by complimenting it with my weapons. So my staff and my sword+torch all focus on condition damage and power. Also my iwarden damage increased significantly when I focused a bit more on power.
Anet should ban people for this kind of cheating.
That would be pointless. Who would you ban? The Mesmers for selflessly waiting around to help others who are struggling? Or the people who used a designed in game mechanic (the mesmer portals) to get to where they want to be? All you get is 2 chests with fairly average gear. Hardly worth getting worried about.
Anyway, the chances of a mesmer being present when you’re attempting the puzzle and who is also willing to wait around dropping portals is very slim.
I didn’t really enjoy it if I’m honest. Jumping in GW2 is kind of awkward and cumbersome at times, so having a panicky time frame (those geysers) coupled with having to start from the beginning if you fell made it really frustrating. Ohoni’s suggestions above would really make a world of difference for these long complicated jumping puzzles.
I completed it eventually, but I’d rather have my legs eaten by a Karka than have to go through it again. I was playing as a mesmer so I was suddenly everyone’s best friend
It’s tough, but not impossible. Anti-condition skills are a must for this area, especially against Red Drakes.
Mesmers should be using feedback or mimic as soon as they approach a Karka.
I admire Anet for being so ambitious, but it’s now obvious that this kind of one-time event simply doesn’t work. Having almost everyone in the same area at the same time is completely unviable with +15 second skill delays and constant disconnects. For me, the fourth time I was disconnected I couldn’t even log back into an overflow server, so I missed out on any rewards from the event even though I waited at that lighthouse for a good 40 minutes before the event even started. Quite frustrating really.
Anet needs to ditch the whole one-time event thing and just run special weekend events as instances.
That’s a legitimate authentication email. I get them often when I change IP address or if I haven’t logged in for a while.
You should only get this email at the point at which you are trying to login to GW2. If you received this email randomly when you weren’t trying to login, then yes I’d recommend changing your password as it’s possible someone is trying to login with your details.
I don’t really remember seeing any homosexuality during my Sylvari storyline. In fact I distinctly remember doing one major quest where I was attempting to rescue a male Sylvari’s girlfriend.
But if all the Sylvari during my storyline did turn out to be in homosexual relationships I wouldn’t give akitten because one only has to read a few lines from the wiki page for the Sylvari to realise that gender/sexuality in Sylvari culture is completely irrelevant.
So no I wouldn’t say it was forced at all. But then again I don’t really see the ‘forced’ argument in respect to portrayals of homosexuality to ever be particularly logical. Homosexuality is never ‘forced’. It’s just simply there.
(edited by Simonoly.4352)