Showing Posts For Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458:

Why is there no stealth detection?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

AoE is not working at all. As a ranger, my Entangle does not work on invisible thieves. Barrage does not work to get thieves out of stealth either.

More than half the thieves i have encountered in 3W either use infinite Initiative or teleport/stealth/speed hacks.

The class is broken and needs to be taken down a notch and anti hack systems need to be put in place.

“The DR System is not restricting players, it just here to help them realize how they want to play!”

Tab Targeting Shenanigans

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Industry standard is to target in combat with you and closest target first. If not in combat then traget then closest aggressive mob. Not attacking, non aggressive targets should be the last thing that gets targeted EVER.

This ha proven to be the most intuitive and solid solution.

“The DR System is not restricting players, it just here to help them realize how they want to play!”

DOT Damage from NPC Mobs is broken.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

If you go to a lower level area as level 80 you get DOT damage (poison, burning etc.) as if the mob was 80 (or you are 80 however they calculate this).

Example: I go to a level 22 area, i get burned by a regular mob for 200+ damage per tick. A level 22 player get’s 50 damage per tick.

I have witnessed this on a few mobs now, but since the game does not log DOT damage it is impossible to make a screenshot.

Please take a look at this and test it. It’s a simple test for you developers.

I try making a video of this.

“The DR System is not restricting players, it just here to help them realize how they want to play!”

Time to test the DR system.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Lol, have you ever been to most games forums? Do you know why they always say “soon” or “in time” when people ask for X or Y? This thread. People like you who take dates very literal.

Now, before someone jumps on me about “every patch is Monday!”, yes I know this lol. But what if the dungeon doesn’t get fixed tonight? What if they didn’t meet that deadline? How will you react? People would be furious.

People do this even when developers give estimates, which no way gurantees anything, nor should this really. As a developer I know sometimes estimates are wrong. GASP! /people look around in horror. And sometimes we don’t meet those deadlines /someone faints in the crowd. Why? Because it may simply be not ready. Which would you prefer? A finished complete and thorough tested fix? Or a bandaid that gets tossed into the build in order to meet your life threatening deadline?

There is a reason why companies are beginning to not be so “transparent” and have “open communication” with its customers….Be above this.

It will get done when it is ready and no sooner.

You mean like the band-aid they threw in called the DR? Yes i get what you are saying.

I work in the IT business as Project Manager for 20+ years. If i announced a deadline, i meant it and i delivered, no exceptions. It is part of being professional and respecting your customers. I don’t lie to my customers and i plan with enough buffer that i can deliver comfortably. I am not talking small projects, i mean projects that involve millions of customers and 40+ countries a month.

“The DR System is not restricting players, it just here to help them realize how they want to play!”

Time to test the DR system.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Then they should not, but they did.

“The DR System is not restricting players, it just here to help them realize how they want to play!”

Time to test the DR system.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Just checking since you said it will be fixed on the regular Monday patch schedule.

“The DR System is not restricting players, it just here to help them realize how they want to play!”

What's the point of entangling roots?

in Ranger

Posted by: Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

It’s not an “Ultimate” skill. Is it so hard to read the description where it says “Elite” skill? Sheesh. If you ever played GW1, an Elite skill is a skill that’s very different, has a long CD and has very specific uses. It’s not a OMGWTFkittenBBQ one shot skill.

Oh you mean like the Thief skill “Dagger Storm”

Spin around, reflecting projectiles and throwing daggers that cripple and bleed nearby foes. You can move while spinning.

Does extremely high damage
Cripples and Bleeds
Reflects any Projectile
Immune to any CC

Yeah, i see how that works.

“The DR System is not restricting players, it just here to help them realize how they want to play!”

Overall analysis of the ranger?

in Ranger

Posted by: Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Longbow, worst weapon in game, it needs adjustment.

The distance means nothing in almost all encounters. Most other classes have a 900-1200 distance skill and the small gap of advantage you have is closed with a dodge within a second.

“The DR System is not restricting players, it just here to help them realize how they want to play!”

Ultimate WvWvW Ranger Build

in Ranger

Posted by: Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

OP: I am not a fan of the Signets, even if you make a Signet optimize build, they are just not good enough. I would use Lightning Reflexes to break stuns/get some distance and Protect me, probably the best survival skill Rangers have.

Since you are doing a Pet build i do not understand why you are using Roots instead of Rampage As One which boosts your pet and yourself. A key element in damage and getting away (stability).

Shared Anguish: Possibly the worst Ranger trait. It has a 90sec cool down. Rater use Lightning Reflexes and/or Hide in Plain sight.

“The DR System is not restricting players, it just here to help them realize how they want to play!”

Delaying Patches Till Monday: A Faulty System

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

The main reason is that they don’t have a solution ready. They are as clueless as ever and we will probably see some major kittenup on monday IF we eveng et a patch.

“The DR System is not restricting players, it just here to help them realize how they want to play!”

A Fresh Pair of Eyes

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Exactly what i have said for weeks now. The dungeons are not hard, in fact, most of them are really easy once you figure out how to beat them (no exploits).

The real issue is that they are badly designed and feel cheap.

Thank you for your great thread.

“The DR System is not restricting players, it just here to help them realize how they want to play!”

How to Bug fix Dungeons: A look at state of the game.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Let’s take a look at what happened so far in the world of fixing bugs, exploits and game breaking issues by the example of Dungeons and Cooking:

ANET: “Dungeons are only for the very skilled and organized elite players not for PUG’s”

Dungeons are way too easy because the mechanic used to slow people down are a laugh. A good group can clear most of them under 45 minutes. Some can be cleared in less than 30 minutes.

1. Enter Panic Mode.
2. Ignore the Exploits and the fact that dungeons are not hard.
3. Let’s give less experience and money.
4. kitten! That did not fix anything.
5. Ok, let’s ignore the Exploits and dungeon design again and start coding a DR system from scratch in a week!
6. What happened? The DR system full of bugs and people hate it?

ANET: “Cooking is the most expensive and hardest profession of them all”

That was a good laugh, clearly it was never tested or the person that made this statement has either never looked at cooking or should be fired immediately.

1. Enter Panic Mode
2. Let’s put all these cooking ingredients into loot bags!
3. kitten this did not fix anything, the stuff now costs 1c and cooking is even easier!
4. Let’s ignore the real reason and put in a temporary time limited recipe to get rid of the oveflow!
5. Ok, cool, let’s remove the recipe.
6. kitten! Less than 48 hours and the prices are at 1c again!
7. Goto 4

It’s really funny watching them trying to win an uphill battle by making really bad decisions. People on these forums have pointed out on many occasions how these will fail and offered valuable insight and solution. Guess what? They got ignored.

Good luck with ever getting back out of this whole you dug yourself into.

Cheers | Skyrant Kangaroomouse

“The DR System is not restricting players, it just here to help them realize how they want to play!”

(edited by Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458)

Ranger Bug List

in Ranger

Posted by: Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Entangle does not work or fails in some way when i am in WvW. There are different fails i witness very regularly. I mean at least 50% of the time something is wrong.

1. No roots at all after using the skill while 3-4 people where clearly in range around me
2. Roots visible on the ground while 3-4 players got not affected at all. If this happens it’s always none of them got affected and not just a few.
3. They work but are not Visible at all.

I try to make a few videos but to be honest with you, i don’t feel like doing anet’s job in testing this disaster of a class any longer.

“The DR System is not restricting players, it just here to help them realize how they want to play!”

Being efficient in dungeons means less reward?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

The amount of money being made by speed running these dungeons was so big that the in game money devaluated to an insane amount. If you check the gem prices of 1 week ago it was 36 gems/10s now it is 25 gems/10s. That means that in game money devaluated about 30%. Regardless that it is fake money, excessive amounts of gold at this point will destroy the economy. Not to mention gold farmers for RMT companies were doing this….etc etc etc. They are keeping the game healthy for the rest of us so stop complaining!

No my friend, the amounts changed because anet made a stealth change to separate the two exchange rates, they where linked before (gold/gems) which they should be like in real currency pairs (USD/EUR) but to give them more control they disconnected them to make manipulation easier.

If they are connected then it’s dangerous to manipulate them because the amount of gems you get via gold would automatically change the amount of gold you get via gems and vice versa. It would always favour one side and that is not what anet wants.

Now they can freely change either to their liking and that is what we see right now. Not inflation.

“The DR System is not restricting players, it just here to help them realize how they want to play!”

Not feeling the Dev Love

in Ranger

Posted by: Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

When Thief has better short bow and ranged abilities than Ranger you know that something is wrong. How this can not be seen by the devs is beyond me. I am very disapointed with Ranger not only because of the bugs but also because it has the worst set of skills and all of them are weaker than the same skills on other classes especially Thief.

Thief is better at ranged combat with guaranteed bleeds, semi AoE and no missed shots. They have better survivability with almost infinite invisibility stun/root breakers and to top it all off, spike damage that is just plain unbalanced.

“The DR System is not restricting players, it just here to help them realize how they want to play!”

Too easy and way too BORING

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

I agree with the OP. His very title sums my feelings about the dungeons in GW2.

Mechanics are shallow to non existent, bosses are boring and easy. Just – argh…

I totally agree, the problems stem from badly designed dungeons, i have been saying that for weeks now just to get ridiculed. The encounters are sometimes so boring i started to watch TV while playing as can take 5-10 minutes of watching the bosses HP bar with nothing significant happening.

“The DR System is not restricting players, it just here to help them realize how they want to play!”

Diminishing Returns System: A Solution?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Most of the exploits involve jumping over things using the environment, not coding problems.

Short-cuts seem to be the most prevalent type of exploit. Something that can be fixed by simply changing geometry which should take them not more than a few minutes.

But instead of fixing these exploits right away, we waited 2 weeks while people farmed these dungeons just to implement a failure of a DR system.

“The DR System is not restricting players, it just here to help them realize how they want to play!”

I give up

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

I hope this is not all about them selling us gold via the gem store….never considered that. Boy if that ever gets established as the reason we are getting hosed it won’t be pretty for them. Maybe I am being naive and thinking Anet was not taking that angle, especially after what happened to Diablo 3.

This is the first game where I have seen where you can outright buy gold with real money from the company itself, it wasn’t too long ago when no self respecting company would ever endorse this sort of thing.

Seriously, this did not even cross your mind?

1. Changes to drops and the so called Anti Farming system
2. Separation of Gold/Gem exchange rate into 2 independent rates.
3. Changes to the Dungeon System to reduce rewards and experience
4. Introduction of the DR System

Come on, it’s pretty obvious where this is heading and why.

“The DR System is not restricting players, it just here to help them realize how they want to play!”

Please stop complaining about the bugged DR system

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458


  • Removing the DR system comes with its own return of problems, such as the rampant farming of CoF (which, let’s be honest, the removal of which is a big reason a lot of people arekitten off)
  • No QA team in existence can accurately simulate 100,000+ people simultaneously and actively causing ‘hits’ on a program that is also dealing with another 200,000+ people doing seemingly unrelated things on the same program. This is just a misunderstanding of the realities of programming. Understandable, but unrealistic.

*The rampant farming of CoF or any dungeon for that matter can be fixed by fixing the exploits and making the path in question harder. There is no need for a DR system. Fixing the exploits should be the main priority not introducing penalties.

They consciously decided NOT to fix the exploits and wait 2 weeks+ to develop a DR system that is in itself bugged and most likely somehow exploitable. That is just stupid and deserves no further discussion.

*Part from the fact that obvious exploits have nothing to do with simulating hits there are QA tools specifically designed to simulate these amounts of usage or hits as you call it. I have worked with these tools and they give very accurate metrics and can be customized up to a sophistication that rivals any bot. Some use in game AI to simulate players, these are not new, they are standard in the IT world and are in use for a few decades.

“The DR System is not restricting players, it just here to help them realize how they want to play!”

(edited by Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458)

Being efficient in dungeons means less reward?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

@Melfice: Because Programming is Hard, especially with software as complex as a real-time MMO, and there’s no amount of testing that equates to a hundred thousand people hitting it at the same time.

And a rollback would likely also eliminate several of the bug fixes that they’ve also rolled out with these patches. Do the people stuck on their storyline and wanting to continue not merit the same attention as those doing dungeons? Necromancers with a issue list a mile long?

Yes, it’s buggy. No, it’s not ok. But it’s not as simple as flipping a switch and being done with it; if it was, you bet they would have so they can get to designing new stuff. Anet’s got a good track record by me, I’m sure they’re doing everything they can.

No, it is as simple as pressing a button. If they use a branching revision control system which is standard in the IT world. You create a new branch, select the code you want to include and the code you don’t want to include and a script makes you a full build.

Then you feed that into the patcher system and roll it out. Takes an organized head of development about 20 minutes max and he does not even need the help of one single Programmer.

“The DR System is not restricting players, it just here to help them realize how they want to play!”

CoF route 2 still posible to exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

They need a better QA team.

I think a lot of players would volunteer to test for them if there was a test server, before they roll out broken content.

“The DR System is not restricting players, it just here to help them realize how they want to play!”

Are the "explore" modes made for primarily 70/80s?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Need to be 80 and have good defensive gear and abilities. I seriously doubt level 40’s can do this in exploration mode.

“The DR System is not restricting players, it just here to help them realize how they want to play!”

CoF route 2 still posible to exploit

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Hillarious, and how is that not fixed but we get a buggy DR system?

“The DR System is not restricting players, it just here to help them realize how they want to play!”

Being efficient in dungeons means less reward?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

It stops exploits bla bla read other thread. Exploiters need this restriction or it actually gives them reason to keep exploiting.

NO! Exploits need to be FIXED not the whole playing community punished with an ill-conceived system that does NOTHING to remedy the initial problem.

Fix the Exploits and stop punishing players that do not exploit!

“The DR System is not restricting players, it just here to help them realize how they want to play!”

Being efficient in dungeons means less reward?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

@kipz well I really don’t know if it affects me at the moment anyway, since the system is bugged, so we shall see, and then if it does, maybe I will complain

@Skyrant saying that A-net are acting with ignorance and childish behavior doesn’t really make the game any better

I have offered plenty of solutions in threads as to how to fix the exploit problem. Other people have suggested great solutions as well. All of them do not involve penalizing the players but making it harder and still rewarding to obtain the rewards.

What we get instead is a system that penalized players and tries to dictate how they want people play their game.

That is simply a recipe for disaster.

“The DR System is not restricting players, it just here to help them realize how they want to play!”

Being efficient in dungeons means less reward?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

I think its meant to prevent people from slogging thru and getting burnt out.

Plus they want to avoid inflation in the ingame economy.

Restrictions are never a good idea, every MMO that tried it has received a huge backlash and we see the same happening here right now.

Have you looked at the in game economy? It’s completely broken already. Prices are 1c above vendor for all drops.

The ill-conceived cooking patch flooded the market with 2c butter and chocolate. Then they try to recover with an exclusive temporary recipe for the forge alienating most players that did not get that item. Now we are back at 2c butter and chocolate within less than 48 hours.

These people are clueless on how to run a MMO, thats all there is to it.

“The DR System is not restricting players, it just here to help them realize how they want to play!”

Being efficient in dungeons means less reward?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

@Skyrant Kangaroomouse

Reading your post I was thinking “Oh god, another one of these”

Then I saw it was you, and was relieved that there are not more of you. Selfish comments are not very constructive.

Can you please stop with the personal attacks? We are all here to make this game better and just because you can see no evil and hear no evil does not mean others have to agree with you all the time.

If you can not handle other peoples opinions then please do ignore them.

Thank you.

“The DR System is not restricting players, it just here to help them realize how they want to play!”

Being efficient in dungeons means less reward?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Kromica.2831 because it takes time to fix a bug and make sure it’s working when hundreds of thousands of people are playing it. I’m sure it will be fixed very soon. Then we can have this conversation again when it is working properly.

Like the time they should have taken fixing dungeons instead of making a DR system that they also not took the time to test?

“The DR System is not restricting players, it just here to help them realize how they want to play!”

Being efficient in dungeons means less reward?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Well hold on here.

Nobody actually knows the amount of DR the system currently puts on the players. There is a bug at the moment which is screwing things up, so before you all start going in to a rant, lets just wait for the bug fix first?

Correct. People can speculate about the timing involved and how it works – we will not be divulging this information since it opens the system up to people finding ways around it. While we are confident in the system, we are doubly confident that people are amazing at finding holes in systems and breaking them.
The system is currently bugged, and is treating people unfairly. We’re actively working on it.

You seriously think that by not telling us how it actually works that we won’t find out? I give it less than a month.

The amount of ignorance and childish behaviour refusing to fix the REAL problem which is the exploitable nature of your dungeon designs and instead punishing all players for doing your content is mind boggling.

Thus will ultimately lead straight to the graveyard of failed MMO’s.

“The DR System is not restricting players, it just here to help them realize how they want to play!”

Arah dungeon - what paths DO work?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Ignore DKP, he is the resident defender of dungeons and anet and just lies outright if it fits his agenda.

We have multiple reports from people that say Dwayna keeps resetting to 80%.

“The DR System is not restricting players, it just here to help them realize how they want to play!”

Diminishing returns - an unprincipled irresponsible retribution system

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

The thing is this I have not been playing GW2 much lately specifically for this reason. To find out they intended to screw me on purpose is really an insult over injury.

last night I decided to “trust” anet and give CM explore another go. Took awhile but found a group who needed a 5th. This group had never run CM explore at all. So it was a little brutal, I ended up leading parts of it and I really carried the water a lot for the whole group. I ate a few deaths trying to make it work, at one point people were going to give up and I went ahead and started solo clearing and got rid of the rocket launchers where you have to reflect the rockets back. I soloed the 3 mobs at the end of that hall way with the circle spike traps while everyone was downed and getting skewered over and over.

Now personally I don’t mind doing this, I like to help people out. But when we finally finished the last boss off these other guys got full rewards some guy got some kind of death blossoms…linking it in chat…and I got jack krap. Was my time less valuable than theirs? Did they do more to earn their rewards than I did?

The problem is this happens every time I run a dungeon. So to find out that they intentionally did this to me? Well of course that is absurd and going to cause some anger…and how long before I can actually run a dungeon and get the same rewards as EVERYONE ELSE!!? Why am I being punished for doing nothing wrong?

You are being punished because they are mad that their “Incredible hard dungeons only for the seasoned Elite players” are in fact trivial and super easy to master by an even just average group WITHOUT EXPLOITING.

That is the only reason why they lash out and introduce these ill conceived systems instead of working on the dungeons to make them a real challenge and by challenge i mean adding difficult content not adding another digit to a Mobs HP.

This is not the end of it either, because in about a months time when everyone catches on and knows how to run these effectively, they need to develop a new system that punishes us even more.

“The DR System is not restricting players, it just here to help them realize how they want to play!”

Remove Rewards from Dungeon Exploiter's?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

I have found no boss bugs so far.

I can’t tell if you are serious or making a joke. In any case i shall redirect you to the Bug forum:

Since you are already in the Dungeon forum, i suggest you read the pages of reports about bugs in dungeons. It’s quite an interesting read and it may help you get a better perspective of what we are talking about here.

If you have any further questions about bugs please feel free to send me a PM and i will help you as good as i can.

“The DR System is not restricting players, it just here to help them realize how they want to play!”

Remove Rewards from Dungeon Exploiter's?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

If someone dupes items, fine. If you get twice the amount of rewards (double chests), sure.

There is nor reason to punish players because they lack the ability to produce working and not exploitable dungeons. This must be the most idiotic thing i have ever heard.

If the boss bugs out, glitches, you find a short-cut or use the environment to your advantage, you should not be punished.

Biting the Hand that feeds you is NEVER a good idea.

The exploiters bit Anet’s hand.

It’s standard practice to ban exploiters. Blizzard have banned entire guilds before for exploiting new raids.

I am all for banning exploiters, but have you actually played these dungeons? About 50% or more are in some way bugged, the boss becomes stuck, glitches etc.

The list is huge. Do you expect me to just exit the dungeon and do it all over again because a boss glitches out on my run?

How about delivering a Quality product first, then start banning people that really have malicious intend?

“The DR System is not restricting players, it just here to help them realize how they want to play!”

Remove Rewards from Dungeon Exploiter's?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

If someone dupes items, fine. If you get twice the amount of rewards (double chests), sure.

There is nor reason to punish players because they lack the ability to produce working and not exploitable dungeons. This must be the most idiotic thing i have ever heard.

If the boss bugs out, glitches, you find a short-cut or use the environment to your advantage, you should not be punished.

Biting the Hand that feeds you is NEVER a good idea.

“The DR System is not restricting players, it just here to help them realize how they want to play!”

Token number - Not getting 60 for every first path

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

But you don’t get 180 tokens per day at all, look around you people complaining


Well yeah, i get that, but that is because they don’t test the #@%^ they patch.

I find it quite amusing seeing this whole thing blow up in their face. This will have some impact once the gaming press get’s wind of it. And they should, because dealing with your customers in this way is despicable.

“The DR System is not restricting players, it just here to help them realize how they want to play!”

Diminishing returns - an unprincipled irresponsible retribution system

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

All rewards are susceptible to our code that is dealing with people who are speed clearing dungeons. If you find yourself getting less rewards consider whether or not your rate of dungeon completion is extremely high. This did not get reset with the patch.

If you think you are running at a fairly reasonable pace post all of the chains you have run and the times to complete and we will file it to try and figure out if it is a bug. Please post accurate times, otherwise we cannot determine if there are in fact bugs in the system.



There is your Quote. They targeting people specifically that ran dungeons with exploits. This is a witch hunt and to be honest i find it quite amusing how a professional gaming company can act in such a vindictive way almost like a spoiled little brat that does not get what it wants.

I have lost all respect for this company and the developers. They should be glad we test their bugged game and discover exploits. Without us they are NOTHING.

I could not care less, the medium dungeon armours are all really ugly and not worth my time.

Cheers | Skyrant

It’s not even a witchhunt. The system is so blatantly bugged that there is no denying it. There’s 9 pages of reports of times of runs in the sticky reporting the apparently random allotment of rewards.

Well, probably bugged too. It’s to be expected when systems like these are put together in a hurry.

It’s still sad, very sad that they spend their time doing this instead of fixing the real problem.

“The DR System is not restricting players, it just here to help them realize how they want to play!”

Diminishing returns - an unprincipled irresponsible retribution system

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Like they have been listening already? THEY ARENT LISTENING. They obviosuly don’t care about their players else they would never intentionally go after people with the new rewards system.

They haven’t been listening? Then tell me why did they bother with the 25th September patch? Why bother changing the tokens? Why bother fixing the exploits that people have been posting on the forums? Why fix other things? They do listen, however not to people who have indecency to insult them and wish misfortune upon them and their company. Seriously, the first thing I thought when I read your post was “entitlement” this isn’t helping the case at all. Sometimes I wonder why the devs even bother reading the forums when it’s so full of non-constructive criticism, people whining and there’s only 1% of the post actually being worth while.

They did not fix the problems (exploits). They just wasted their time putting in a penalty system instead of fixing the real issue here: THE BAD DUNGEON DESIGN!

I said this before, it takes a few minutes to block off a jumping exploit, but they took it upon themselves to start a witch hunt and put in a penalty system that affects ALL players.

That is unprofessional and quite honestly the most idiotic thing i have seen a developer do since the famous NGE Star Wars Galaxy change.

“The DR System is not restricting players, it just here to help them realize how they want to play!”

Token number - Not getting 60 for every first path

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

I find more disgusting be surrounded of exotic dungeon armors like mine who have 0 idea of traits, how to dodge, deal the minimal hard content of PVE, still wearing a honorable [sic] armor for elite players.

But ye, my description is exactly how things works.

There is nothing elite about these armours. The dungeons are trivial, at least the ones that are not bugged.

With the new system it takes a bit over a week to get a full set (180 per dungeon/day). Hardly worthy to be called honourable and elite. That is only 2h a day, something even casual players could manage.

So much for Elite or Prestige armour.

“The DR System is not restricting players, it just here to help them realize how they want to play!”

Diminishing returns - an unprincipled irresponsible retribution system

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

All rewards are susceptible to our code that is dealing with people who are speed clearing dungeons. If you find yourself getting less rewards consider whether or not your rate of dungeon completion is extremely high. This did not get reset with the patch.

If you think you are running at a fairly reasonable pace post all of the chains you have run and the times to complete and we will file it to try and figure out if it is a bug. Please post accurate times, otherwise we cannot determine if there are in fact bugs in the system.



There is your Quote. They targeting people specifically that ran dungeons with exploits. This is a witch hunt and to be honest i find it quite amusing how a professional gaming company can act in such a vindictive way almost like a spoiled little brat that does not get what it wants.

I have lost all respect for this company and the developers. They should be glad we test their bugged game and discover exploits. Without us they are NOTHING.

I could not care less, the medium dungeon armours are all really ugly and not worth my time.

Cheers | Skyrant

“The DR System is not restricting players, it just here to help them realize how they want to play!”

Diminishing Returns System: A Solution?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Most of the exploits involve jumping over things using the environment, not coding problems.

I just want to meet the first person who even thought of jumping up there lol.

It’s a short-cut jumping puzzle to get to the Labyrinth that leads to Lupicus.

Check it out, it has platforms perfectly aligned and intentionally put there.

“The DR System is not restricting players, it just here to help them realize how they want to play!”

Diminishing Returns System: A Solution?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

The problem with encouraging speed runs in the case of GW2 atm, is that too many players are looking for exploits around certain dungeon paths. It would be unfair to those that dont exploit dungeon paths.

If the numbers of exploiters were to decrease,or disappear all together, then this would be a great idea to reward players who complete all 3 paths of a dungeon within a set amount of time. Perhaps 6,12 or 24 hours.

As of now it feels as if players who actually are just fast at completing dungeons with random PuGs or guildies are being punished with the shard farmers + exploiters. But there isnt much we can do about it Nor Anet. Exploiters will always be exploiters;)

You got that right! The problem is that the Dungeons are not TESTED or OPTIMIZED at all. They are completely bugged and full of EXPLOITS.

Instead of fixing the dungeons they penalize ALL the players. How is that even a solution to the problem? Who the #$% even considers such a solution?

Well, I own my own website and I can tell you that even if we test it multiple times at everyday, we still find bugs here and there. Especially after we add a new string of commands, coding etc. We find multiple bugs everywhere that we fix as we go.

Its just the way IT works tbh.

1. Do you kick all Users off your website if they visit more than once a day because they could find a bug and abuse it?

I guess not, you go and fix the bugs.

PS: The excuse that Software is never bug free is a myth that is sadly still spread by people as an excuse for the lack of testing. Especially focus testing and ongoing testing after product release.

“The DR System is not restricting players, it just here to help them realize how they want to play!”

Diminishing Returns System: A Solution?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

I don’t think the way to deal with exploits is to harm everyone, fix the exploits then put it back to normal.

Exactly, instead of wasting time putting in more and more restrictions and penalties, how about they take the time and resources and fix the actual problem?

It takes about 5 minutes to block off the exploit in Arah where people jump to second boss. How is that not even considered but instead we get slapped with more and more ridiculous penalty systems that most likely will break other things too.

“The DR System is not restricting players, it just here to help them realize how they want to play!”

Diminishing Returns System: A Solution?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

The problem with encouraging speed runs in the case of GW2 atm, is that too many players are looking for exploits around certain dungeon paths. It would be unfair to those that dont exploit dungeon paths.

If the numbers of exploiters were to decrease,or disappear all together, then this would be a great idea to reward players who complete all 3 paths of a dungeon within a set amount of time. Perhaps 6,12 or 24 hours.

As of now it feels as if players who actually are just fast at completing dungeons with random PuGs or guildies are being punished with the shard farmers + exploiters. But there isnt much we can do about it Nor Anet. Exploiters will always be exploiters;)

You got that right! The problem is that the Dungeons are not TESTED or OPTIMIZED at all. They are completely bugged and full of EXPLOITS.

Instead of fixing the dungeons they penalize ALL the players. How is that even a solution to the problem? Who the #$% even considers such a solution?

“The DR System is not restricting players, it just here to help them realize how they want to play!”

Token number - Not getting 60 for every first path

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

I know a game that rewards you for being efficient and finishing a dungeon in a certain amount of time or below by giving you an additional loot chest.

Funny how that solution sounds so much better than penalizing the players, does it not?

“The DR System is not restricting players, it just here to help them realize how they want to play!”

Diminishing Returns System: A Solution?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

I know a game that rewards you for being efficient and finishing a dungeon in a certain amount of time or below by giving you an additional loot chest. This game has very hard dungeons but they actually encourage you to do speed runs if you dare.

What a novel concept! It’s like someone actually thought about this and made a decision for the gamers not against them.

Let’s think about this for a moment. Here is one game that takes a problem and makes it into an actual feature and gives you a reward. Then there is Guild Wars 2 that progressively makes it harder for you to even get a reward at all.

Funny how some developers can be creative while others are completely clueless as to how one can fix a problem without alienating their customers.

Here is a simple Tipp: Don’t penalize players, reward them or you end up losing them in the long run.

Cheers | Skyrant Kangaroomouse

“The DR System is not restricting players, it just here to help them realize how they want to play!”

Arah Dungeon post-patch.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

You talking about the middle boss that shadow steps and one shots you?

“The DR System is not restricting players, it just here to help them realize how they want to play!”

9/25 Post patch Cof

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Come on afflaq, there have been a lot of suggestions on how to fix this mess of an event.

The approach the developers have is that of a 5 year old stomping their foot saying, “But i want you to do it my way”. Even a focused group has a hard time killing one of the mobs in first wave before 2nd wave spawns. That is just bad balancing and design.

1. Extend the time to X minutes (whatever it needs to kill the waves)
2. Balance Mobs so they can be killed before or close to next spawn.
3. People will be happy because they achieved something by actually fighting and not dying and kiting.

How the frak is that so hard to understand or implement?

It’s fun if you can beat something, its NOT FUN if you barely make it or fail 30% of the time because you have to get lucky.

“The DR System is not restricting players, it just here to help them realize how they want to play!”

9/25 Post patch Cof

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

I’m sorry you thought I was bashing your post, I wasn’t. I’m more sorry though, that doing so has become typical on these forums.

I hesitate to post anything here anymore, and can understand why you felt that I was bashing your post.

Hope you have a great day.

I never thought you where bashing. It was the posts above you that i wanted to be clear that i was being sarcastic.

I wholeheartedly agree with you however. The problem with all games is that objectivity is thrown out the window when it comes to some peoples favourite game.

I like Guild Wars 2 and i am planing to play it for a very long time. Looking forward to expansions and getting all classes to 80. But i can also objectively comment on its shortcomings and problems without the need to bash people or belittle them.

“The DR System is not restricting players, it just here to help them realize how they want to play!”

9/25 Post patch Cof

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

The thing is, even if you bring specific jobs, most of the dungeons are still not fun. In fact, they become even more boring since now you really just watching the HP Progress bar for 5-10 minutes.

The dungeons are hard for the sole purpose of slowing down progression. They are not challenging or provide a great experience. They are just tedious.

There are notable exceptions but for the most part the above is true.

“The DR System is not restricting players, it just here to help them realize how they want to play!”

9/25 Post patch Cof

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

I was being sarcastic, but i guess my last sentence was not hint enough.

The Dungeons are only hard because it will be hard to find a party to do them since you really want some specific classes or just die a lot.

EXAMPLE: CM has a ton of ranged mobs, with a guardian and their Shield ability that blocks ranged attacks (no idea about the name) the dungeon becomes trivial.

Without a Guardian the Dungeon is a royal pain in thekitten takes about 5 times as long to finish and involves a lot of dying.

Yeah, so much for not having mandatory professions in dungeons.

“The DR System is not restricting players, it just here to help them realize how they want to play!”