Showing Posts For Smoothy.1085:

Should blueprints be accountbound or not?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


Title says it all, in my opinion they should be account bound. it takes way to much space in inventory :p

Additional info on Wintersday?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


When will we get more info. about what will happen and at what times. i’d really like to know early so i can prepare :/

Guild wars 2 vs the walking dead G4

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


Voting the other game doesnt fix things either you know….

Guild wars 2 vs the walking dead G4

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


I wish more people would think like you

Guild wars 2 vs the walking dead G4

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


dang, were losing against Walking Dead…… eek! go vote all!

Guild wars 2 vs the walking dead G4

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


Preparing for the upcoming AMA on Reddit.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


Info on wintersday plz

population and state of gw2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


I still play this game. if you love planetside 2 so much go play it and dont roam the gw2 forums if u dont even like/play the game anymore.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


Yes, so much. ANET, i dont think u will read this but if u do, it was awesome! alot of ppl agree with me cuz i asked in-game and my real life friends. i have to admit some things didnt go very smooth but that is to be expected and it doesnt really matter. overal the event was great

Great Event So far

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


I agree, its awesome Fractals of the Mists Preview

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


This looks really cool

Question regarding the fractals dungeon difficulty

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


I know that the difficulty scales but does the scaling only go for one run? like u can continue and it gets harder or you can quit and some time start over again. or will the increasing difficulty last forever for you?

Will more powerful gear make you play more?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


Yes, i dont really mind needing to work to get some better gear as long as its no terrible grind, if it stays the gw2 way i will happily do it ;D

Thanks, Looking forward to the new patch [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


Yeh go Anet! im excited. maybe it was a bit early to release new gear but we will find out im sure everything will work out fine.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


I understand peoples feelings but in my opinion its good and bad. its good because lot of people NEED something to let them stay and pure cosmetic is not enough for lots of people. i see no bad thing in adding some better gear though i do heavily agree its too early.

GW2 DEV impromptu Interview In The Mists

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


Ah ok, thx for the answer

GW2 DEV impromptu Interview In The Mists

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


What are bullet points? :/

Am I the only one who wouldnt like new races?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


I dont know, the thought of having more races like skritt/centaur/tengu/quaggan.. the sight of seeing players all like them just looks kinda weird to me :/

Am I the only one who wouldnt like new races?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


I dont really know why i wouldnt like it but i think it would be better to keep the races that are available now but expand their lore and storyline. also the possibility of having a very good soulbound geared character and then suddenly want to play the new race doesnt sound good either. i would prefer them to add new content/new storyline for an area instead of creating a new starting city/zone and storyline ofr a new race, cuz that would only affect the players that would play the new race. any opinions? :/

(edited by Smoothy.1085)

New dungeon in november patch?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


@ Bukkebruse, yes i was wondering if they had plans with that area, though there are multiple areas in the world that look empty and could be locations for future content.

New dungeon in november patch?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


Title says it all. any news, any speculation is welcome

Kudos Reapers Rumble

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


Yeah i acutally like reapers rumble more then the normal sPvP ;D it’s just a little simple at the moment but it’s good they are looking at this type of pvp

Cant get first page

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


nvm close the topic plz after 3 times relogging it worked

Cant get first page

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


I cant get the first page with the ghost on the plaza. my friends do but i cant

Things really worth checking out?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


What are the things i should really do according to you? some things that are fun and collectable, i would prefer things like cool skins and such that stay after the event but also other things

Ways to get Black lion keys?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


Ah ok, thx i know enough

Ways to get Black lion keys?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


Well i dont have much gold atm, so i cant buy gems with the current state of the gem price e.e. so there is no other way of obtaining them other then finding them/personal story/ buying them?

Ways to get Black lion keys?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


Can you get them from completing a zone by any chance? :/ or jumping puzzles?

Ways to get Black lion keys?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


It says u can find them at places in the world? what kind of places? and is there any other way to get them except for the personal story?

Perpetual bar brawl, what happened to it ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


Minigames are cool though im much more exited about halloween/november update :O

Perpetual bar brawl, what happened to it ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


Colin what can we expect from this november update? new content? in wich form? anything we may know already?

Age of GW2 Players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


Unbelievable, havent seen a post from anyone younger then 18. except mine, im 15. Am i the only “kid” in here? :o. dont get me wrong im not the kind of kid people get angry about, have been playing MMO’s with mature people since i was 8 and im dutch so i learned most of my english from MMO’s i suppose (and i know, it still pretty much sucks lolz)

Personal views and hopes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


Yeh raids would be good when designed well.

Halloween Update Anticipation [Merged]

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


Bosses… does that refer to more world bosses?

Any news from devs on halloween update?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


I’ve been busy playing alot so i wanna ask, has there been any new info for the halloween update? if not, any info of when we get new info? :S (infoception)

My Friend Was Banned for Botting while We Were Playing...

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


the support usually listens pretty well, try to explain the situation very good and they might listen better

Age of GW2 Players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


Wow im pretty surprised o.o no people of my age? (15) When i played MMO’s back when i was 9 or 10, 15 was the most common age, well it might be the game i played or the MMO community sticked around and didnt get many newcomers

Age of GW2 Players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


15 and i can say its the best MMO i’ve played so far, i’ve played MMO’s since i was 7 or 8 (yeh very young when i started o.O, and im dutch so it wasnt easy to understand the mmo’s at that age)

Halloween Update Anticipation [Merged]

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


What do u guys think the new events/mini dungeons/jumping puzzles will be? what theme and where in the world? and also, anyone willing to guess what the “adventure” will be?

What about Raids?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


I wouldnt mind either adding some raids here and there, they could be very good designed by arenanet. im not saying they should make ALL high lvl dungeon raids, just some to make more players happy

My thoughts on potential changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


First of all, This is my first time writing my opinion so public. i hope i do not get flamed much because i only want the best for this game. and i know i make many english mistakes sorry about that.

I absolutely love the game dont think im complaining like lots of people are, im just looking at it from multiple points of view, this post is mostly about PvE. so…

I’ve seen many people who are complaining about the things to do in this game, its a fact that the amount of content is huge, but its also a fact that you can get high lvl very fast. thats not a real problem but the deal with ALOT of people is, there’s not much to aim for.

High level zones (Orr, Frostgorge) are nice, they look good and theres alot of aciont ( look past the bugs and some problems in these zones plz ). i like the design and i think they did great, but after a while even those zones get boring, why? because theres not a real challenge and what are you aiming for when you reached max level?

The other view, other people say (more of the casuals) that they just enoy the game as it is, everything is good and nice and it’s all about fun and having a good time with your friends, those people are right. ……in their way. but not everyone is like that and no, im not only talking about the equip/skill grind maniacs who want to grind to get something goods, but im talking about the higher tier casuals and the lower tier hardcore players.

The problem that those people describe is that theres not much they can aim for at max level, some enjoy pvp as it is and others say its not good because you dont increase in power when you level and get better gear, (im against this btw, the Spvp is good atm and the WvWvW too) but i can see their point. then we get to a point some of you might have thought i forgot about it, Dungeons.

The problem with those high tier casuals and low tier hardcores is that there are no raids and no ultimate equipment. this is probably the big thing in this thread, Alot of people (more then you might think) want raids. thats it i said it. raids are often recognized as big groups clearing hard and long dungeons without tactics and that it does not fit in GW2. but this does not have to be true, this is all up to arenanet, in my opionion raids could work very well in GW2. the mechanics can go very deep in GW2, so deep that some interesting raids could come out, for an example. a raid thats full of traps and doors and it consists out of 2 ways, one for each party. each party has to help the other party to cross the hall and some other mechanics, (i leave the design up to arenanet, but i hope you guys now see it could work?).

Other than raids, theres ultimate equipment, im not really sure about this but should arenanet put in some very hard to get but very strong dungeon equipment in or not? what do you guys think? should arenanet do it so more people will feel attracted to the game wich is good for both or not?

Conclusion, what should arenanet do? Change or adapt? Change the total way they will handle the further updates of the game or just slightly adapt?. keep doing what they are doing now, making the game good for casuals BUT put something new in, like good designed raids for the more hardcore-like fans? it would be good for both, or would it be a disaster?

In my opinion this could work out good, new content updates in forms of dungeons now and then and add some raids here and there just for a different group of people. it would give some more endgame, and also other ideas i have not mentioned?

Whats your opinion? should arenanet keep the game as it is, with further content updates? Zones with hearts/dynamic events and some 5 man dungeons here and there? or should they do that + add some raid dungeons? or maybe a raid MODE to each dungeon? give me your opinion on this subject.

Regards from a big fan of GW2 and Arenanet

Will they anounce when the free transfers will be over?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


I mean, i moved to a server now and i dont want to stay there, so they will anounce it a day or 2 before right? not suddenly its over.

Please Arenanet help me! :'(

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


And IF i get my account back (i dont think i will but lets say if) and he deleted my characters and sold my stuff, will arenanet do something about it? will i get my stuff back? will i get my €60 back?

Please Arenanet help me! :'(

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


thank you …..

Please Arenanet help me! :'(

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


The endless support questions before i can actually support a ticket, i cant find it :s
and btw, i checked my email and it says someone from 3 different places tried to acces my account yesterday
wanted to acces my account

News on New content?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


Hi all, first of all im loving the game so far so its not a complain. now, has ArenaNet ever said something about how/how often they would release new content and what that content would be? in the form of new zones, new dungeons, new events, or something completely new and will it be for different levels or all for endgame.

thx in advance,