Showing Posts For Smoothy.1085:

Pretty, but Practical--show us your armor!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


the amount of human in these pictures is amazing :P

Video : Patch Gameplay Highlights

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


Even ANet seems to lag in-game :/

Creating Content

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


I’d like to see a ANet statement tho :/ I really hope we will see some very good permanent stuff soon.

Creating Content

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


SAB is fun and all but its not permanent content and it feels more like a mini game in the game. was more talking about expanding the story we have and adding new places to explore

Creating Content

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


We have been playing living world content for quite some months now, some people like it and some people dont. personally i think its nice and refreshing, its fun and kinda makes the world feel a bit more “alive” but is ANet 100% focussed on living world? I mean, we havent seen any “normal” permanent content for a while now. (dungeons/zones/world-bosses/large event chains/whatever). so i was wondering, is there a team working on those things while a other team is making the living story content, or is everyone/everything focussed on the living world content?

Southsun update May 14th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


xD this patch gives me the classic “summer-beach-holiday-with-a-mistery” feeling. looks very nice, cant wait to play.

I dislike temproary content

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


yeh, southsun cove WAS great in the opening weekend. now theres pretty much nothing to do there :P but i see your point and agree now, i just hope secretly ANet is working on “big” content (zones/dungeons/etc) aswell

I dislike temproary content

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


No, permanent content like dungeons/zones/world bosses/event chains/whatever

I dislike temproary content

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


I read the dungeon will be available for a limited time only :/

I dislike temproary content

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


Yes, i kinda agree. one time things make the world living but we havent seen anything big that stays for permanent in months. IMO a good fix for the upcoming dungeon would be :

after the F/F arc is over the dungeon can still stay. Asuran technology could be used to “warp” people back in time to the final battle against the molten. a bit like the fractal technology. make a little in-game dialogue from the npc like “its good that people know what has happened to our world” and it would be a simple and effective fix that would make the content permanent and wouldnt mess with the living world/lore IMO

Anet reveal plans for retribution via IGN

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


Link not working :/

KOM-PEW.... Mystery

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


Hehe, well found i think only time can tell, i have not followed the hints myself so i cant really judge ^^

Your favorite monthly update so far?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


What’s your favorite monthly update and why?
I think this topic will be fun and also good for ArenaNet to see what people like (maybe)

Mine was The Lost Shores.
why :
I know this is a difficult subject for some people but personally i don’t mind Ascended gear and i love the fractals dungeon. i also REALLY liked the way the lost shores event developed. it was a really living world on that weekend, the lag was a big issue for everyone but at the moments without lag it was a-ma-zing.

I would really like to see more events like the lost shores (without the lag ofcourse), the flame and frost story is ok, but to me it doesnt feel “alive” it developes once a month and for me it would be better if the whole story arc would have been in one month.

SAB's size

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


First, thank you for this amazing content. i have not seen so many happy posts and so little negative posts on a release ever, it’s absolutely amazing.

now my question, how big is the SAB? how many worlds/zones are there? can we complete the whole story now, or is the full version not in-game yet?

Level cap increase past 80? Y/N

in Community Creations

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


I think im a MMO hybrid. i dont like grinding, but i like working hard for my good gear. so yes, I would like to see the lvl increased with better/higher lvl gear. if it wont be that way, thats fine with me but at least do something we can spent time on and not only more skins :p

Proof that DE's are way too easy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


Yes but really, i understand what u mean but i think its a mistake that an event can not fail at all! :/ and the steeleye span is a meta event (the bigger/more important event) so i just thought it was weird. guess im the only one thinking that

Proof that DE's are way too easy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


Just to clear something up. we were not higher lvl then the area, we were around lvl 40-42. and im not asking for super hard content, but when we try to let it fail and even then it wont fail, i think something is wrong. is it that weird that i want events to actually be possible to fail?

Proof that DE's are way too easy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


Me and 3 friends were at Steeleye span in the blazeridge steppes. We thought there would be a event after the “defend the southern wall” event. so we wanted to let it fail on purpose. the timer started (3 or 4 minutes) and we only looked at it. no other people were involved. we didnt kill 1 mob and when the timer was over, the wall was still not broken. this means the event is almost impossible to fail right? in my opinion the cooler events (meta events) should be pretty hard. and a lot of people want it to fail on purpose btw, cuz the events get way cooler when it fails and it gets invaded.

Why Represent another Guild Causes Rage?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


Well, ur probably in the wrong guilds then. you must have joined the more “hardcore” guilds. for the big/organized WvW guilds it is really important to have everyone representing for guild chat and such things, im sure there are also smaller guilds that dont require representing all the time. but u must understand, running a big and organized guild can not be done without the representing requirement :/

Guils Wars 2 Forza design.

in Community Creations

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


i dont know forza 4 but if this is really made from random shapes, ur a legend very very nicely done!

More info on Guild Missions?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


Could we maybe get some more info? like how many different missions will there be? how will they work? any reason to repeat them? how many players can participate? will they scale for less and more people? Multiple difficulties? will the missions be long?

Concerning February update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


Any official statement about WvW stuff being delayed?

Evolving the Living Story

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


Yes i think so to, the only thing we had to do now is helping volunteers and repairing signs, cost me 20 minutes to complete, now the story is completely dead :/

Concerning February update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


Long long long ago ANet said the February update would be very big, when i saw there was a page for the update I was super excited but now… its almost as small as the January update or does it just look that small? Oh and, they promised WvW stuff in this update? nowhere to be seen…. did i miss something?

Will there ever be a name change item? :)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


Pretty pretty please :P i think some people would want to buy it and it gives no advantages

Obsidian Sanctum

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


Then dont go with 2 people, wait for a group to form and assault the jumping puzzle with 10-20 people. its much more fun and you will see, you will kill people yourself its just the way it goes, everyone does it. i must admit i spare ppl’s lives now and then but sometimes i also kill them or pull them of edges. its just the way it goes mate :/

Bought character slot.....

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


I guess its back :s, maybe because many people bought them because of the sale. and now it got bugged? :s

Bought character slot.....

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


No… i just wanted to let ANet know before they think i cheat or anything

Bought character slot.....

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


No, i just bought them 10 minutes ago because of the sale :/

Bought character slot.....

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


Hello ANet

I just wanted to tell u that the character slot expansion is bugged, i got 3 while i payed for 1 :/ u might want to look at this. i was considering not to tell you that i got 3 because i was afraid u might take the extra 2 away. i hope thats not the case because im really happy now AND im honest enough to tell you guys :P. extra info : my friends didnt get extra slots so i just happens every once in a while i guess. well thx for the 2 extra i guess xD and good luck solving the bug :P

January Update Speculation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


Prove or i consider fake

January information, soon?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


Same here man!, i check the forums at least 10 times a day just for that xD

Winter Wonderland JP - % that can make it

in Wintersday

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


Not too sound harsh, but it was REALLY easy. 2nd try i made it. i think about 95%-98% of the community made it to the end, all of my friends (real life AND in-game) (about 20 of em) made it on the first day except for 2. but they made it a bit later. Maybe with some more practicing u can make it too. I farm it sometimes i have a ~50% succes rate

Has Server Population Increased?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


Europe here though europe has a few more servers

Has Server Population Increased?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


So many medium servers. is the game dying or has the capacity increased?

I hit a landmark! 1000+ hours played.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


I have around 660 hours now, and my highest character is lvl 48 XD im soooo sloooow, but enjoying every second of the game, that might be the reason im slow. i think im scared to hit lvl cap because i might get bored then :o

I dislike leveling

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


doing your daily achievement, zone completion (getting all heart quests/vista’s/skillpoints/waypoints/points of interest) and dungeons but those start from lvl 30 onward. there might be some other ways but i cant think of those atm. so in bulletpoints:

  • Heart quests
  • Dynamic events
  • Crafting
  • Peronal Storyline
  • exploring
  • Gathering
  • Zone completion
  • World vs World
  • Daily achievement (though this does not give alot of exp ;P)
  • Dungeons

*(There might be more on higher lvl that i dont know of yet cuz my highest is lvl 40-ish)

(edited by Smoothy.1085)

I dislike leveling

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


There are so many ways to level in gw2, practically everything gives experience :p. try to do dynamic events when you see them. go collect resources for crafting. go craft, do world v world, etc. there are so many ways to lvl in Gw2, u just have to find/experience them first

Alot playing less or new capacity?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


I checked the world selection screen 10 minutes ago. it has a lot of servers saying “medium” and “high” and no “full” anymore. is this cuz many ppl quit or has the capacity changed?

Dear ArenaNet

in Wintersday

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


They could make more ppl happy by making a harder version also with slightly better rewards but no achievement

Dear ArenaNet

in Wintersday

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


I know you want to do ur best for the fans, i know there was much complaining with the clocktower, but now u will get complaining from the other side. the JP is very beautifull, very much work has been invested into this. but it’s just too easy for the “better jumpers” i made it on my 2nd try, i really wanted to try it for 2 or 3 hours like the clocktower but this one was so easy i only spend 5-10 minutes at it. i will do it more often but could u maybe make a easy and hard version next event or something like that, i know u can figure it out im not mad at all. i really like wintersday its just some feeback for us better jumpers

The big airship

in Wintersday

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


I was wondering this too. i dont think it will but it would be really cool if it would and it would be even cooler if we could join the travel while sitting in a big hall looking out of the windows. but thats just my dreams i know this wont happen xD

Why are there no special events for Xmas/New year?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


No christmas/new year celebration would make me feel like somethings missing i think :/

Why are there no special events for Xmas/New year?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


It doesnt have to something that gives advantages, just some firework shows on 31th of december or something would be cool ;0

Why are there no special events for Xmas/New year?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


Im slightly dissapointed by this, dont get me wrong. i love wintersday and every event from gw2 since launch. im not one of those whiners that complain about everything but i would have liked something special for christmas and new year (especially new year, cuz wintersday is mostly christmas style anyways) what do you guys think? ;D

Hello Guild Wars 2.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


Welcome to this wonderfull game i would like to advice you to evade the forums as much as possible as it could blind your own vision with all the hate thats posted there. See you in-game!

Where is the info?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


While i do not agree on ANet ruining their game (i love gw2, also with lots a bugs but i know anet is busy) i DO agree that the wintersday info is too late! ;(

Will siege blueprints become account bound?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


Thx alot! though it would still be better if ArenaNet made them account bound so we can stack them better in bank

Will siege blueprints become account bound?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


Drop them? :s how can you do that?

Will siege blueprints become account bound?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Smoothy.1085


Plz, its really annoying i dont have any inventory space anymore and i cant use the siege blueprints on one character :/