More SHINYS YES YES xD the way of the skritt! I mean the title could just give you an aurora borealis around your character or something. I personally just liked the comical part of “Wow that player has so many colors they’ve collected they’re puking rainbows!”
Can i add to this suggestion (without trying to hijack it or anything) and say they should make a “Face” slot apart from headgear so a player can wear glasses plus a hat at the same time further increasing customization and character appearances?
I know i bought quite a few costumes in gw1 and i know for a fact i wouldn’t have bought them if i could only wear them in town. It’s neat that they exist, but with all the ugly low level gear sets I’m sure they would see sales rise if players could wear ‘costumes’ in the world during combat.
Rename them from town clothes to fashion also add a rotation the player could set up so they can buy multiple sets that automatically change after x amount of time. Just my 2 cents
I’ll start off with the first suggestion
Exotic or Legendary dyes that you can make through cooking which make you “glow” like guild-wars 1 bosses also seen in some GW2 food skill challenge points.
Second, adding a system which shows you how many dyes you’ve collected out of the total possible for each rarity category. Upon obtaining all the dyes in the game you earn the Title “I can puke rainbows” and an emote /puke in which your toon makes a “bleh” sound and a rainbow is emitted from their mouth. Possibly add Bob Ross style happy little clouds to said rainbow.
Not only would this add an additional thing to grind if players wished, but also opens the door for more gem income for arena-net through the dye packs in the store and increases player incentive to buy them.