MS-Mondsucht, pure small scale forever !
Kodash-we thrife on outmanned
(edited by Thyophelis.8035)
warriors can have it too. I don t know, i rarely have a problem with conditions on my ele and I certainly need the buffood to spice up my crappy dmg, not my cond removal. I just found out today, that even though I have Power on every equipment I ve got 2581 attack power unbuffed. comparing my stats with my warrior makes me wana cry
(edited by Thyophelis.8035)
I don t know why vizunah should care about this implementation. do you want to play against deso or SFR again?
Or do you want to come to T2 play against SFR, Deso or Kodash who s allready outmanned by the 2 servers Vizu got nearly deserted?
Jesus just keep Vizu out of T2 pls, we ve got like 20 people on all maps during the night
Hey guys,
Just want to clear up a few things with you SFR guys accusing us of night capping
I’m not one to post very often on this board, but I feel I need to put my 2 cents in here
I’m one of the very few North American players that play on an European server, and will usually be online during those off-peak hours. I’ve been one of those very few players that consistantly tried to hold our ground during the night against the relentless machine that is Vizunah Square and even to some extent Seafarer’s Rest as well. We certainly gave Viz a run for their money especially in EB even with the very few dedicated players that stayed awake in those early morning hours and fought tooth and nail right down to the end. We’ve been beaten down for weeks on end by both these servers.Now that we have fallen to Tier2, we still have this same dedicated core of players that play in the late night/early morning. And now you want these same players who fought their heart out against constant overwhelming odds to sit with their thumb up their butt and guard towers instead?
Frankly, I find it completely natural that all these players would want some sort of redemption after so long. The capping spree from Deso was an innevitable consequence of what we’ve been through. We lost good guilds and good players because of what happened to us in Tier 1. We simply needed a little boost in moral for our night-time players.
Trust me, this is not something Deso will keep doing, we would much rather have some good clean fights with you guys and fight hard for towers and keeps.
Last night we (Deso) had a 15-20 player force during the night which is by no means an immense blob. We tried to give ourselves a challenge and limit ourselves to Tier3 towers in EB and Deso Bl. No ridiculous golem rushes, just straight hard fought tactics. And I have to tip my hat to all you SFR guys defending last night as you offered up some very good resistance.
Hope to see a bit more of you SFR guys at night and have some good competition!
well I am pretty sure you were all holding hands on EB. Kodash had 4 people on your boarder. We took and held our spawn, Hills and your east tower all night long. gave the poor 3-6 deso guys a nightmare all night long. took your garnison and west tower with 8 people, when 5 completely demoralised kodashis from eb came over that they had to fight the whole night outmanned.
I don t care if sfr blobs the crap out of us. We kodashis stand our ground outmanned 2 or 3 to 1 and fight for every inch on the map. That s what make s me proud to play on this server. Yes we die to 30 low bobs spamming 1 but atleast we die with our heads held high. Something I wouldn t if I die to a 8 man troop when I ve got 20 people at my side.
SFR has got plenty of really good players, I do not understand why you hide behind such numbers
I was so happy that OSC transfered to sfr. I was looking forward to meet them again after they really impressed me when we met them 5 weeks after release or so and tought they were really good.
Now all I see them is zerg around and if you meet them 1on1 on the field they run without even trying. realy disapointed… and btw you re in really bad company with XAOC those are about the lowest skill players from sfr.
grow some balls and impress me again OSC pls
kind regards
[KoA] is 25-35 in primetime.
a ok, thx for the correct numbers. I assumed you weren t that much when KOA joined us with 5 people during primetime 3 days ago
(edited by Thyophelis.8035)
we welcome Desolation to T2. Really looking forward to this match up. I hope you get motivation back from this bracket and if it doesn t go to well the first days, don t worry. sfr had 3 bad days during the start of the match up till they came back full strenght.
KoA and BOTS blobbing together with 60+ for 3rd night in a row now
sry mate you got your numbers wrong. We must be atleast 80. Bots are 18-25 during prime time and KOA 20ppl+.
we do not run together but we assist each other if sfr is running with more then 30 people.
hope you enjoy the match up anyway.
(edited by Thyophelis.8035)
Well on the 22th, I think the day before you complained that we are blobbing and we were on the same border we had 3 big grps. bots with 25, Koa (my guess slightly less) and Kill doing the public lead with close to 30 people, all 3 guilds doing their own thing. Yes we ran into each other serveral times because the action was all between your west tower and our spawncamp. All three guilds only got together once at your west tower. The rest of the evening was always only 1 or 2 guild grps which is around the size you re saying is ok. 45-50 people.
But since we can t tell a grp of 5 people to do their own thing or join up with a other guild, we seem to blobb. See what I did there. Just some food for tought :-)
Kind regards
(edited by Thyophelis.8035)
ok i guess no answer is also an answer :-) I am the last person to advocate in favor of blobbing. we also engage zergs twice as big as ours but those are pugs. there s no point in engaging Ecl who allready outnumber us when they are running with Boom. The thing is the spiral goes upwards. we ve got 20+ and fight all night against 30+ guilds, if we run with kill or Koa we ve got 40+ and the odds change for you. when does the blobb start for you?
so a satisfactory solution for both sides could be to limit the zerg size to 25. If 2 of our guilds run with 25 people our pug zerg won t be much bigger then 30-40 randoms and that s certainly somethig manageable with 25 coordinated people. we always have smallscale grps on our borders like Buka, Sly, MS who do their own thing. So there s plenty of entertainment for the 7 people who wouldn t be running with your main zerg and they can even merge with iddq or boom so you ve got 3×25 man squads :-)
ps: it s just a suggestion from my part so the zerg sizes don t spiral upwards.
(edited by Thyophelis.8035)
Well I can understand what you’re writing about your numbers on Kodash but our numbers are slightly off. We never had over 33ppl in CoN during one raid time. This is our record for now. Normally we run 25-30 as we like that the most. Although I must say it is quite nice to read so many kind words about us.
We are really enjoying this matchup. Try to roam like you did before when we came to T2. All our guilds will improve then. There is absolutely no fun in running 60+ groups.
We do hope you will go back to the previous state of matters and continue on improving all your guilds together with us. Especially that now Desolation will come here with 4-5 guilds that will be roaming also. Let’s unblob this tier completely ! So we can enjoy the game even more.
Ok good to know, on the 22th I had the impression you were close to 40 in our spawn camp. If you don t mind me asking, how many were you? Enemy numbers tend to look big bigger :-)
Well to asure you, we also prefere to stay to ourselfs and never call for help in fight, so if a second guild comes in it s because they saw the swords.
The only time we asked for help was when we were going for your west tower. defending catapults with 24 people against 30+ and randoms close to your spawn just doesn t make much sense.
So from your side no chance for a 25 man agreement? You ll understand that your asking us to fight mostly with a 25% manpower disandvantage.
kind regards
Completely agree on that vane. But when we dropped to T2 we were really positively surprised that Kodash had 2-3 roaming groups and we were able to fight normally without blobbing. You (Kodash players) earned a lot of respect here on SFR because of that. We sincerely hope we will go back to the previous state. Past 2 days were horrible. We normally have 3 groups, 2 different guilds and a pug commander on a border. It was extremely hard to stop Kodash blob without making 100man blob ourselves.
First we have to say we are really enjoying this match up with sfr and I m looking forward to Desolation joining us.
We would be glad to not have to join forces. There s a little discrepancy between the guild grps of Kodash and SFR atm during prietime. Bots are 25 ppl max. during primetime KOA s manpower has varied this week strongly from 10 to over 20 ppl. From Eddq i ve seen 15 max, ECL runs with 32-38 people and Con i would guess are slightly bigger. so if 1 guild stays alone they are outmanned by atleast 8 people. If we join forces 1 of your guilds is outnumbered by 8ish. If both join forces we are again outnumbered.
I mean a little discrepancy of max 5 people we could handle but 8, +5 res banners is on the tuffer side :-)
some food for tought, maybee we could come to an unoficial agreement to run in grps of 25 on 1 border. (we are always on the same for a whole week) a number 1 of our guilds can handle even if we are not fully represented and, I m sure you could get 3 / 4 x25 man grps running with ECL, Eddq, Boom and Con.
kind regards from a bot
certainly one of the most enjoyable weeks of wvw this has been
(edited by Thyophelis.8035)
I am really happy to see SFR improve during the week and getting some of their core guilds back. It would have been a shame if the people from a whole server would have been punished for the misstakes the dev s made.
looking forward to many more exiting battles.
greetings from kodash
(edited by Thyophelis.8035)
I have read about 80% of the posts in this thread and find most of them have truth in it but are formulated in a very agressiv way. I think there is a golden middle ground here that can satisife most of the player base:
good arguments I found in this posts:
-Normal arrowcarts had little impact and needed a buff.
-Leg specialist had to go
-defending / delaying a siege was to difficult
-Superior arrowcarts were allready strong in numbers and would have been fine just by the added wxp skills dmg boost, a slight buff of around 8% dmg would achieve a similar effect to increase the pressure on enemy grps and siege equip without tipping the scale completely over
-Range increase is abit to much
-the new wxp skills give a player a big advantage over a new player
-Towers can still be taken but the gameplay has suffered
I think the meta can be changed in a positiv way by slight adjustments. Changes like 50% dmg nerfs and buffs are over the top and do not speak for a developing team. Double nerfs and buffs should not be done, because the impact is to drastic. People will find it harsh to adjust will either quit the game or completely change their specc:
examples :
- Haste
- Stealth and culling
- arrowcart dmg buff + wxp skils to boost dmg
- ride the lightning, cooldown and range
I am sure the comunity can think of alot other changes that had a big impact in the gameplay that had to be compensated for months after.
a public open testserver would certainly help with this issues and prevent the mess we are in.
and pls do some work on the glicko calculation. People have been stuck for way to long in the same match ups
After having put in around 12-14 hours in WvW since the patch and taking alot of towers and keeps that are well defended, theres really no problem here. It just takes some adjustments now and you need to think about what your doing before you do it. WvW has been designed to be easy mode for a long time. The arrowcarts force you to think tactically and to play smart. The reality is there are just alot of casuals who play this game and aren’t half as good at it as they think they are and since they have tunnel vision and the karma train mentality built into them they fail to adapt and get wiped. I hope Anets developments keep going the way they are. Im all for implementing tactics and skill to be a part of WvW and getting rid of this zerg mentality that people have become accustomed to.
Would you mind to share some more details? Which Map, what tower? what was your aproximate numbers, how many trebs did you use, how long did it take to get a tower? how many players were defending?
It certainly can be done, specially on the eternal battlegrounds. It s just a question if people want to stand around trebs, running for supplies all the time build ac to protect the exposed trebs etc. And in the end you re lucky if you get a decent fight in the tower.
When the most important skills become 1-2-3 from siege weapons and swiftness buffing the game is dead to me.
Thank you very much for your advices. I play the ele since release and have some tricks in my bags. Yes we are spoiled and that s why we were in the top three roamers. You can get away even as a guardian if the enemy doesn t persist to chase you, but if he persists you wont get away, that s why you see 0.2% of the solo roaming population beeing necros and guards. This is what saddens me, we have had a whole aspect of the game removed and the left over roaming classes will be the ones with access to stealth. Closest tower would have been spawntower and i chose the water route in hope they would give up, and actualy got quite some distance between me and my attackers. exept well, the bloody bear… but honestly running always to the nearest tower is not what i understand under a roaming class.
This is not a whine thread, I actualy agree with the nerfs to the elementalist class. Yes we were overpowered and still are at top level in 1vs1 combat. My problem atm is that the most joyful part of my Gaming experience has been taken from me. I love to solo roam, and take or defend a camp solo, fight with thiefs and mesmers who are on the map and even take a 2vs1 fight on. But with the new changes I am not able to run from a zerg. I have just been chased by about 6 people over half the map. from East camp to west, all along with me a freaking ranger bear pet keeping me in combat and a thief crippling me with his teleportation bow.
I do not understand the argumentation that the thief should be the most mobile class when they allready have stealth. they have the 2 best get away cards, while the only one we had has been taken from us.
Is solo roaming reserved for thiefs now?
Honestly nerf my healing, nerf my burning dmg and fire grab, nerf protection and condition removal, but pls do not take away a whole aspect of a game by not letting us choose the fights we want to pick.
I am absolutely fine with some of the changes. The d/d 0-10-0 -30- 30 with boon duration build is still very strong and i can tank 3 capable players for a decent amount of time. I might even get one or 2 into downstate. I ll not be able to tank 8 noobs anymore and probably every thief will get away, but actually the fotm build is still the one that will perform best.
but one of the most important things has been taken from us, to be able to choose the fight we want to. Solo roaming in wvw is dead.
I don t know where the devs take the information of S/d beeing played often from. I have yet to see a good video of ele with a scepter doing anything close to what we can do with dual daggers.
All i can advise is to use rtl more carefull and not always rush into the fight with it.
(edited by Thyophelis.8035)
ok we have had our fair share of suggestions to build trebs and counter trebs and counter counter trebs, defending them in small grps of 5 till 20 people… lol… reality check.
but honestly is this the game we want? i personally find trebs lame… and my experience has been that a tower has to fall quickly if you want a small grp to take it.
It has nothing to do with zerging or not. 15 nor 25 man cannot take a tower that is defended by 3-5 people with superior arrow carts.
This only promotes servers who have a better night coverage and will be able to pvd and during the day you need 2-3 man in every tower that will stop any small grp or big zerg till reinforcements have arrived.
at the moment I don t know what to do as commander. I ll not be able to siege a tower or keep for hours without the other faction backstabing us and going for one of our keeps. if I order a small grp to defend our tower, I ll probably loose the exposed trebs and the work of 1 hour.
And in adition to it… am I m gona go through all the hassle to look back and say, wow tonight in 4 hours we got 1 tower.. awesome… and tomorow i ll tell my fellow guildies hey you remember the tower we were sieging for hours when you had to log off? we got it in the end.
no man i m gona park my people on a crossway build some arrowcarts and hope that the enemy is bored enough to look for a fight on open ground.
I might aswell write my first impression about the arrow carts in here. I am a commander from Kodash (we are well known for our arrowcart defences) and had the primetime lead after the wvw patch. Improved arrowcarts were allready very powerfull before the patch. After knocking down some defences on various Towers and keeps it was apparent that there s no way we would get anywhere with upgraded rams as soon as there were 3 or more people manning arrowcarts inside.
Building arrowcarts in front of the gate to take down some of the defence inside was basicly impossible under arrowcart fire. Players with offensiv equip would allready go down while destroying canons and oil. We used Trebuchets from afar to force the enemy out on the field but after the third defensiv treb was built out of reach of our own the trebs were soon lost because there is no way to defend them. So we reverted to 5 Golems and cought our enemy by surprise on the east tower. They had 2 or 3 defenders inside manning a balista and arrowcarts and got some more people inside before the reinforced door and our golems went down at the same time. We built 6 upgraded arrowcarts inside and picked up our defensiv positions while 2 trebs destroyed the south wall of the tower. we held the tower for 2 a half hours with open walls during which our enemys would drop like flies to arrowcart and ae dmg. They tried mesmer portals and there was abit more pressure on us, but i was never worried we would loose the tower. The new arrowcarts are something that strikes fear into a person who takes responsability for other players lifes. It will be very tuff to take a tower that is manned by 2-5 people. I do not dare to think of keeps. It requieres advanced tactics, more people and certainly a surprise moment. Upgraded Rams will mainly be used to storm empty keeps during nightshifts.
In my humble opinion the arrowcart dmg is to high and alot of players will have less sucessfull experiences taking a manned tower during primetime. While defending has been made alot easyer.
We will be building arrowcarts on open fields, in supply camps, while sieging or defending a tower. even if the arrowcart just gets off 2 or 3 shots it will have been worth it to do 2 or 3x 2000+ dmg to over 50 people. there will be less time for might stacking, but 2 upgraded arrowcarts means 10 000 dmg in the inicial seconds before the armys clash and will probably win the fight or force the enemy to retreat. This will be the new confusion in terms of zerg busting. Less mobile but with the ability to hit up to 50 people at once
I might aswell write my first impression about the arrow carts in here. I am a commander from Kodash (we are well known for our arrowcart defences) and had the primetime lead after the wvw patch. Improved arrowcarts were allready very powerfull before the patch. After knocking down some defences on various Towers and keeps it was apparent that there s no way we would get anywhere with upgraded rams as soon as there were 3 or more people manning arrowcarts inside.
Building arrowcarts in front of the gate to take down some of the defence inside was basicly impossible under arrowcart fire. Players with offensiv equip would allready go down while destroying canons and oil. We used Trebuchets from afar to force the enemy out on the field but after the third defensiv treb was built out of reach of our own the trebs were soon lost because there is no way to defend them. So we reverted to 5 Golems and cought our enemy by surprise on the east tower. They had 2 or 3 defenders inside manning a balista and arrowcarts and got some more people inside before the reinforced door and our golems went down at the same time. We built 6 upgraded arrowcarts inside and picked up our defensiv positions while 2 trebs destroyed the south wall of the tower. we held the tower for 2 a half hours with open walls during which our enemys would drop like flies to arrowcart and ae dmg. They tried mesmer portals and there was abit more pressure on us, but i was never worried we would loose the tower. The new arrowcarts are something that strikes fear into a person who takes responsability for other players lifes. It will be very tuff to take a tower that is manned by 2-5 people. I do not dare to think of keeps. It requieres advanced tactics, more people and certainly a surprise moment. Upgraded Rams will mainly be used to storm empty keeps during nightshifts.
In my humble opinion the arrowcart dmg is to high and alot of players will have less sucessfull experiences taking a manned tower during primetime. While defending has been made alot easyer.
We will be building arrowcarts on open fields, in supply camps, while sieging or defending a tower. even if the arrowcart just gets off 2 or 3 shots it will have been worth it to do 2 or 3x 2000+ dmg to over 50 people. there will be less time for might stacking, but 2 upgraded arrowcarts means 10 000 dmg in the inicial seconds before the armys clash and will probably win the fight or force the enemy to retreat. This will be the new confusion in terms of zerg busting. Less mobile but with the ability to hit up to 50 people at once.
Both german’s servers are allied. fact.
5 minutes ago, defending Riverside Borderland’s bay, happned a weird thing:
we wiped a Riverside zerg (we were 20, they 50, more or less) at the inner gate, and as soon as we finished to collect our medals, Kodash’s zerg came too…coincidence?
[OSC] Lohengrin Fenrir – Norn Warrior
Seafarer’s Rest
Wow I have to say, this is the saddest post ever. I have to say OSC is the most coordinated guild i have seen so far in our match ups and i have huge admiration for them. If they weren t italian i would have even consideret to inquiere if you re still recruiting.
On our borders (Kodash), we get double teamed from both oposing Servers the whole evening. Is there any accusation about alliances from our side? It s just how the Borderlands are desgigned. It s allways easyer to attack an oponnent who is defending another Keep.
The biggest (actualy 90% of the wvw Guilds) alliance on Kodash attacks both servers, there s no alliance and no reason to search any excuses. Fact!
This suspicions of alliances are generated in small minds. That one would come from a guild that has shown so much skill and dominance makes me sad.
I suggest you edit your post to not stain the dignity of your guild.
kind regards
an impressed enemy
(edited by Thyophelis.8035)
Well to be honest I don t mind night capping. I myself work quite late and like to play till 2 or 3 am. My problem is that i am forced to log off after midnight atm because 2000 american players transfered to an european server and turn the whole map blue. At night my server used to have around 30 people on all 4 maps. ATM we have 0 people on all maps. We have regular WVW days with my guild where we would get 35 people into TS. now we can hardly get 10 people together, the match is so borked and the effort is just not worth it, to loose everything after an hour you log off.
Same thing goes for the 2nd rated server on the match up. They used to own the map in early hours because they had a strong russian faction. nothing it s 10 am and still Desolation has 95% of the map.
nobody cares anymore and I ask myself, why i should log on.
First I would like to thank Iron and some Shiverpeak Guilds for some quality fights and Ruin for about 70% of the badges i ve collected this week. We have learned alot about tactics against some good Guilds and i honestly don t believe Kodash belongs into the 2nd tier since most randoms refuse to join it s TS and the Communit is quite split by several guilds.
Ruin beeing here on the the European servers for the challenge and the fighting spirit is about the most ridiculous i ve read on this forums. I can tell you how this works after primetime. Shieverpeak is normally the first Server to drop in population, I asume because they have a good amount of Players from eastern Europe or Russia. Their empting Keeps are taken by desolation , while we defend our towers and keeps. Then after wiping 2 or 3 times in front of our walls, suddenly the almighty Ruin Zerg disapears. Leaves us quite happy to finaly be able to restock some supplies and get some siege weapons back up, while on the other maps 1 after the other tower falls into desolations hands.
Around 2 hours later about 3 or 4 am european time the Ruin Zerg, looking for the promised challenge comes back with overwhealming odds to rush keeps and towers after most of our players have logged of. I honestly don t understand why do you need to zerg empty keeps, atleast split up and get the map cleared faster. Or is it just the Karma you re after?
frankly you can say all you want. That you were the ONLY ones fighting a loosing battles on american servers or that the spirit is low and whatever storys you have made up to keep some selfesteem. We know that you couldn t handle the competition in america and that your server was probably loosing because your Ruin Members were taking precious spots on the map. No German or French Server will be able to field the numbers you have during european night time and I wish you alot of fun during your Karma trains. Just make me a favor and stay in desolation for good and don t come up with cheap excuses when you transfer out that the queue was too long.
Kind regards
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