BG is only winning because they PVE WvW all night long, hitting +650 ppt for hours.
SoR is a better server than BG, they just lack the night crew.
i dont understand why sor deny their oceanic existent. SOR used to have 50+ defenders defend SOR BL and kept it blue overnight for past months. PVDoor? you simply just dont know how hard they defend their bl every night.
Agree, if I was SoR’s Oceanics, I’d be insulted by this. I reckon they put up a great fight, we’ve had an absolute ball fighting them in our prime time over the past few weeks.
When I see a SoR zerg coming, I usually kitten my little skimpy crafted commander pants coz I know we’re in for a tough fight.
In all honesty, I think TC Oceanics need more exposure to this higher level of battles, they are making a lot of silly mistakes and failed portal bombs etc that with a bit more experience will work really well. We held off twice our number at Cliff tower last night in their BL with an open wall for over an hour.
Everyone commented though on how persistent TC were, they just kept trying and trying until eventually they succeeded, we really appreciated the tenacity you guys showed and it made for a fantastic night of battles.
I can just see TC getting better and better.
(edited by Trikki.5803)
Awesome WvW last night, smashing twice our number on multiple occasions!
That was after we took a load of guildies through Fractals to get their levels up.
The only person looking bad in this thread is you Smokeyy, no lies here, just an SoR noone that has had their butts handed to them for the past 6 weeks with sour grapes.
In reality Thief stealth never last 3-4 seconds. Add the heal, cloak and dagger plus Blinding Powder (if used). Also, Shadow Refuge pulses, you can stack your own stealth high if you stay in the field for long enough (and if people are silly enough not to AE the stealth field).
Remove stealth when the Thief does damage, not when he’s hit imo.
The issue isn’t so much about thieves being perma-stealthed, its being hit for your entire health pool with 3 hits (Steal, C&D, Backstab) and stomped without anyone even seeing the Thief.
With all the increases to damage in Traits, the ability to stack might and full Berserker gear the top end damage on these skills is off the charts. Fix this and half the whines about stealth will go away.
I do it all the time on my Thief, its ridiculously overpowered but kitten its fun and I see why everyone doesn’t want it nerfed. We all know it has to be though.
It probably wont matter because the Blackgate bandwagon got a lot bigger this week because instead of it being a fairly balanced match, now BG has 24/7 coverage with 75+ zergs in all four BLs.
I don’t know for sure, but it seems like IOJ dropped and BG got stronger … did a bunch of people from IOJ ragequit to BG?
Unless everyone is resting because we’re so far ahead, this isn’t my experience. Nocturnal and ND were pretty much the only largish guilds out in WvW last couple of nights.
We were outmanned in 2 out of 3 Borderlands.
(edited by Trikki.5803)
Just to add, need Cond Damage as main stat.
There isn’t a single item in game with these stats.
There won’t be any double teaming from the Oceanic side of BG, I can assure you. We welcome TC with open arms (and hostily!), good luck guys!
Dagga Dagga Union rises to the occasion!
Really looking forward to a new matchup, though fighting SoR and IoJ has been great fun.
TC used to have some scary zergs happening in the old days.
My prediction = Blackgate wins by over 200k and is never seen in Tier 2 again.
Won’t happen. T1 is exhausting when you don’t have the numbers to run 24/7 coverage and the others do, learned that when I was on ET. BG will get smashed and drop back to T2 soon enough or lose every single week. If unable to drop down there will be mass guild exodus until the server dies.
While Free Transfers remain this will continue to be the vicious circle.
(edited by Trikki.5803)
Agreed 100% with OP
lol, nice to see posts without nerf calls or trolling.
Look no further than Nocturnal:
We are on Blackgate, have a strong Oceanic (Australia and New Zealand mostly – GMT+10) presence and are an awesomely fun guild full of people with families/kids/lives. eDrama is absolutely not tolerated.
We are mostly WvW focus’d but do all aspects of the game from dungeons to boss raids and Structured PvP. Sitting at the top of Tier 2 and moving in and out of Tier 1. Its a great variety of battles with much success against greater numbers, plenty of skill and experience here but none necessary to join! Our WvW leaders are top notch, we have 25+ out in WvW at least 3 times a week.
Our main focus though is community and fun.
Taking transfers, old and new players alike, you won’t regret at least taking a look. and click on Recruitment to see our guild charter.
If you’re Oceanic, [Noc] Nocturnal is the perfect place for you. We have many members with lives/kids, 21+ joining age and a zero tolerance for eDrama.
If you like to get naked (in game or out is your choice) and have a laugh:
Just watch out for the spike traps, they can do some awful damage when naked…
Poor Pinkus hasn’t been the same since he lost his manbits….
US guilds looking to win moved to SoS because it was the “official Oceanic server” before release. They already had a night cap crew on tap.
We chose to stay away from SoS to avoid queues. Still glad we stayed away even though we’re not winning. Never get a queue on Blackgate and we’ve always someone to fight in a pretty even Tier.
We all know that 24/7 coverage=win. Learned that the hard way fighting against Henge when we were on ET. Like all the other servers that stacked for the win, they’ll lose guilds because they get annoyed with queues and drop down, its inevitable.
Just hope the Oceanic fans of WvW don’t get stuck on SoS when free server transfers stop, that would suck
(edited by Trikki.5803)
Was allied with FoE in ages past, gotta say, cool US guild with great people. We miss them.
Are you nude yet? We are.
Hardly handle t2? LOL You’d have a point if we were winning by 5k every week. 4-0, each won by an average of 45k. Some people sound bitter.
clearly population and time zone coverage didnt play a big factor. I mean, we all should know by now that 1 BG player can take out 10 SoR and IoJ players because they are THAT good.
True, but we don’t like to brag
I just hope they did their research properly and don’t up and leaving BG too if things get hard. I feel SoR’s pain for losing guilds, we’ve had the same problems on our servers too.
Free transfers need to end.
Well, gotta say we’ve had a lot of fun against SoR and IoJ.
[NOC] Nocturnal are out there most nights fighting and having a blast! There’s been some great fights, we’ve won some, we’ve lost some, but we’re always taking the kitten out of each other regardless and that’s what makes it fun!
Merry Xmas to allies and enemies alike, look forward to seeing you on the battlefield.
it’s always fun when u play against servers that lack the resources to win against you, I wish I can say the same.
That’s completely untrue for the Oceanic timezone, we are always outnumbered by 30+ IoJ and some SoR zergs in our prime time. We just have the brains to send out scouts and avoid them or change maps. Either that or hit them when they’re vulnerable. Something is lacking for IoJ in Oceanic prime time, they have always greater numbers than us, I don’t know why they aren’t doing better tbh. SoR seems to be about even in terms of numbers.
We don’t play US timezone so really have no idea what goes on there (and don’t really care tbh). I just know that we have some great fights when we play, win a few more than we lose, almost always against greater numbers.
The rage and trolling just isn’t necessary really, its a game and we’re all here to have fun. As Joker would say “Why so serious?”.
Well, gotta say we’ve had a lot of fun against SoR and IoJ.
[NOC] Nocturnal are out there most nights fighting and having a blast! There’s been some great fights, we’ve won some, we’ve lost some, but we’re always taking the kitten out of each other regardless and that’s what makes it fun!
I can tell you from many weeks in T1 (we were formerly ET) it isn’t all its cracked up to be, especially for Oceanics. The frustration of taking a few points then having the Asian guilds come right in afterwards and undoing all your work in 30 minutes is soul destroying.
I’m really happy in T2, the fights are intense and pretty evenly spread. I’m not certain why the Oceanics from IoJ or SoR would leave, we don’t have a large Oceanic presense on BG (but plenty of experience). Grass is almost never greener. Don’t spread our population too thin guys or we’ll end up a dead timezone.
Merry Xmas to allies and enemies alike, look forward to seeing you on the battlefield.
(edited by Trikki.5803)
Still blocked over 2 months later.
Must be nude though
GM – Nocturnal
If stat progression on gear is introduced, then ArenaNet/GW2 has lied to and betrayed us, simple as that.
The game’s original design concept is the whole reason I spent 2 years waiting for the game, built a huge guild around casuals and spent thousands of hours of my precious time plus hundreds of dollars in their gem store.
I’m guess I’m one of the suckers that are born every minute.
(edited by Trikki.5803)
BLC’s are a joke and after reading all these new replies it has really driven home the fact that I will never spend another cent in the ANet store. The lack of response to this issue makes it even worse.
I absolutely agree with you 100% on all points. I opened about 180 chests myself and have spent in total about $300 in the shop on different things, most of which are keys to open Black Lion chests I’ve collected over the past month. I then converted all the stupid tonics and marginally useful boosters into Mad King Chests which net me another 80 or so chests. What did I get for it?
Basically nothing.
3 skins for classes I don’t really play. Rifle and 2 Shoulders (Medium/Heavy). These are worth about 2g each on the Trading Post.
The rest were useless tonics I can’t fight with, crafting materials for items I won’t use and a bunch more tonics that I can’t fight with. Who the hell wants to spend 15 minutes in a form that all you can do is walk around?
I’ll never spend another cent in the shop because at the end of the day its complete waste of money. Most of my bank slots that I paid RL money for are full of useless crap from the chests. Casinos have better odds than getting something decent from the chests.
Loot bags system is a joke, this needs to be fixed ASAP.
We need better visual guild coordination tools, voice communication should not be a requirement to play the game properly.
What about members that are deaf? We have 2.
If you think that commander is not necessary for high level WvW, then you have no idea what you’re talking about. Try playing in the top tier for WvW and function without it.
100g is a massive investment, my guild all contributed to my commander tag and now I’m obligated to play the same profession in WvW every night because the tag is required for us to function properly. If Arenanet provided decent guild tools for coordination it wouldn’t be an issue, but as it stands the toolset for running coordinated guild WvW is absolutely terrible.
Seriously ANet? 100g for a commander tag per character? That’s insane. It needs to be account wide and you need to fix it right away please. I don’t like being forced to stick with one character for WvW especially since I can earn Badges of Honor on any character.
This makes no sense at all.
I think all the conspiracy theories about ET teaming with SBI is just funny. From Nocturnal’s perspective (ET Oceanic), we are outnumbered in every map every night. We still go out and have a great time. We never go into EB, its always full of Ruin trolls so we avoid it like the plague.
I know for a fact that certain HoD guilds are in Teamspeak with SBI at Oceanic times and that certain HoD guilds move to whichever map we’re on as soon as they find out where we are.
We don’t care who the red name is, which server they’re from, we just set a plan and go for it regardless of who the enemy is. As long as we’re having a laugh, its all good. When we’re not, we just log out.
Clipping is killing us so badly, one second there is 3 enemies, next there are 50. We wiped multiple times to enemies we couldn’t even see tonight. Its getting very frustrating. Dunno if its an Oceanic ping thing or what, but its really crippling our ability to fight and we get less members logging into our WvW events each night. I hope its fixed before the majority of my members quit in frustration.
The most disappointing thing about WvW for us is that tactics really mean very little when you’re outnumbered, its whoever has the bigger zerg wins. We’re in a strange position, we are in the top tier, but don’t have the numbers to really ram it home.
The other really frustrating thing for us is the Area Effect damage numbers that keep popping up. I got hit for almost 8k on a tick of Meteor Shower tonight, what the hell? Don’t even get me started on Dagger Storm.
Props to SBI, nice to see them going well and honestly, with all the trash that TA threw at us, I’m glad to see them not winning for once. I do get a buzz out of wiping a HoD zerg, but its no greater than wiping an SBI one.
At the end of the day though, I’m very proud of my guild and our server, for a low population server (compared to SBI and HoD), we do extremely well I reckon.
Commander and Guild Leader
(edited by Trikki.5803)
Yep, the ability to coordinate my guild is crippled by the terrible toolset ArenaNet has provided us. I love the game, but this was a major oversight.
I’m just trying to figure out who the hell you are Piccolo, you seem to speak a lot on ET’s behalf, but I’ve never seen nor heard of you.
You trash our night crew and put high expectation on TL, and yet every time myself and my guild Nocturnal goes to bed after being in WvW, we’re in a far better place than we were when we logged on.
What a lot of people forget is that much of TA was in closed beta and have had months to work out tactics where most guilds on other servers have had to learn from a few short hours in beta and any time since launch.
I think you need to understand that the “night crew” can only cover about 4-6 hours a day, not 12. Its after we go to bed that things get lost, not on our watch. We lost our EU guilds due to no guesting between US and EU which left a really big gap. Given that ET is such low population we don’t have the depth between US and Oceanic peak times to hold our map.
Henge, JQ and SBI are all great adversaries, I really look forward to being matched with them often. We have a lot to learn from them, they know their craft well and have the numbers advantage to really push us home when they put their mind to it but we sure give as good as we get, just need to practice more.