Cmon ArenaNet, come to the party. You really need to get this right if you want us hard core WvW players to stay. There are some very interesting titles coming up that are going to smash GW2 if you don’t think carefully about your design decisions.
Surely ArenaNet will reconsider their position on this and make it all account based, just doesn’t make sense to do it any other way.
Commander tags being character based is bad enough, but this….
Having a great time so far in the Oceanic timezone, [NOC] thanks you for the great fights last night, SoR and JQ both.
Can we get a score update please?
This a decent source for score updated within the last hour. For those of us who like to check from work.
Thanks but I usually only check that at the end of the day to get a nice overview of how we did as a server.
Everytime I check that throughout the day it is either an hour to 8 hours outdated. It took Kaineng apparently less than 20 minutes to flip the entire BG BL during Oceanic timezone. So I prefer an up to the minute scores since the scores on that site get updated too infrequently
They didn’t take BG BL in Oceanic timezone, it was the gap between Oceanic and SEA.
Still, NOC can’t be out there every night to hold off the Oceanics, we could use a bit of support. It seems that the guilds from SoS that were going to transfer changed their mind. Pity, would be nice to have a rest one night!
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Tonight is our full Mesmer WvW event, 30’ish Mesmer team from Nocturnal take on the world! Watch as 90 clones appear in front of you and your hit points disappear!
Oh man, another video of dual dagger thieves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This almost fills my excitement quota for the day. Anyone have some footage of a bodybuilder throwing an 8 year old through glass windows?
LOL, just read this after my last post, now THIS is the funniest post of the day.
Thanks for the laughs.
I like dagger storm better. It’s like tornado except people have to be revived to get back up.
LOL, funniest post of the day.
Come join the best server in T2 (soon to be T1 again), we have some strong new Oceanic guilds and Nocturnal is the best of them! Lookout JQ, we’re coming for you!
I think that it needs to be a rule that anyone fighting TC can only attack them with Rainbow and Unicorn legendaries – all other weapons are banned.
This is impressive.
Go Kaineng!
No offense to KN, but not that impressive when you have hardly anyone to fight back.
Coverage gaps ftl, we all have them unfortunately…well cept JQ.
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Jealous much?
Beats the hell out of every other thread where abuse and trolling is rampant. Its a refreshing change.
4 fully queue’d maps =/= 1 map. The data all comes from the same place…
And if its the case that you have 4 fully queue’d maps, then you’re either not noticing the culling or you’re lying.
Then explain to me why I don’t run into all these invisible armies everyone else is complaining about?
If culling affects everyone equally, then why, in my 5-10 hours every day in wvw, have I not had a problem with it since the patch?
Clearly it is not affecting everyone equally, like you say.
There is some other factor at play.Fallback models aren’t related to fps lag, they’re related to asset load time. FPS lag is, essentially, a CPU or GPU problem, asset load times is more hard drive related.
Simple, because you don’t have the numbers in the field that Tier 1 and 2 have.
Culling effects everyone equally… Adapt or perish. Learn to embrace the Cull. Be the Cull.
That is actually true in theory but not reality. Larger zergs benefit more than smaller groups.
As an example, Kaineng server run around in massive zergballs just sweeping through, leaving dead allies behind and keep moving, this (intentionally or not) is a direct exploit of culling and makes fighting them very difficult with the smaller group setups that Blackgate tend to use.
We could use the same tactics, but its pretty lame tbh.
Did someone say “wee?”. Watch out for the Kiwis!
Great job tonight Kaiden leading the [NOC] charge against those Kergs (Kaineng Zergs).
Cmon WM, gotta lift your game now you’re in T2, we gave you a scrubbing all tonight!
Oh and that hit from both sides on MEOW at Hills north gate was just priceless!
<3 Kaineng
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Eternal Battlegrounds is practically unplayable with the 50+ zergs from Kaineng atm.
Can we please close this pointless thread, its L2P. Simple.
Encourage more zerg mentality?
No thanks.
Did I mention how lovely you look today Jayne?
Maybe its worse for Oceanics with the ping time, not sure actually. Should look into that.
My guild has about 8 active girls playing WvW, they’re all lovely to talk to, but scary as they have less mercy than any of the boys lol.
Beware a Woman Scorned!
So many players from my guild are rage quitting over this, seriously ANet, do you realise how important this is?
We had a constant 50+ turnout for guild events in WvW (we do 3 a week and is our main focus) and now we’re down to half of that. EVERY SINGLE person said they would not come back until culling was fixed…now many of those have decided not to come back at all.
My guild will die if this isn’t fixed like yesterday.
Please please please Anet, hire whoever you have to, just get this fixed in the next 2 weeks.
KN, great work guys, you were very scary in EB last night. You have shown some true holes in our coverage and are very quick to take advantage of it.
Been some fantastic fights, won a few lost a few, just the way it should be.
Looking forward to later in the week when the true Oceanic coverage times are shown so we can see what you really have against the [NOC] machine.
Small group fights seem to be much worse, large group fights are better.
This is from an Australian ping time of around 180 to the server. I’m sure lag has an impact on this.
Thieves are still ridiculously OP with stealth in its current form.
TC and BG is going to be an interesting matchup, get ready for 24/7 non stop action. Cant wait for the reset, 21 hours to go :P
Lets hope the hype attached to Kaineng is worth it, I’m looking forward to this matchup immensely.
GL, I hope you guys are as cool as TC and FA.
Tarnishedgate? Black Coast? Will you give us some of your Oceanic guilds now as a bride price?
P.S. Blackgate has only 1 active Oceanic guild – [NOC] Nocturnal
What happened to the 30+ FA that defended greenbriar in FA BL? After we finally took that it seemed everyone disappeared and got no defense for the rest of the map?
No Fun!
They all went to EB to fight us
Been an enjoyable fight, good job FA and TC!
Now that’s my kind of score update.
Nice set…ummm…I mean siege weapon.
Absolutely fantastic work [NOC] and the accompanying allies tonight.
Owned 3/4 of EB (took all TC stuff), all started from a golem rush on TC keep to get our guildy Pinkus his world completion.
Thankyou to FA for some epic fights! That battle at Mendon’s was awesome, we were outnumbered 2-1 but it went on for about 15 minutes. Finally we went down but kitten it was fun!
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BG will never win Tier 1 while we have only 1 largish active Oceanic guild (and we’re semi-casual) – Nocturnal. That’s like 25% of the points for a day reduced heavily because SoS and JQ have sooooo many more numbers.
We never give up, but we know its a losing battle.
BG’s NA and EU crew is fantastic, actually all our guilds are great, we just suffer from a severe lack of numbers in certain pockets of time.
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Our guild really is worth the gem cost to transfer, so much fun in just one place.
What’s the point? SoS isn’t even fighting anyway.
Its much worse for me, we run in a group of about 10 and we’re not seeing people until they are well and truly upon us. I know its bad for them too because I’ve spent 10+ seconds running around multiple fights without even being touched which is making it even easier to kill people with impunity than before.
P.S. I’m a Thief.
On my Thief I can down a Dolyak in like 3 seconds and the enemy can’t do anything about it, this shouldn’t be the case for something so critical for WvW.
I understand that you thieves want to keep your perfect world of instant kills and being able to escape with impunity, but lets face it, not fun for anyone that is on the receiving end.
You can’t overcome an instant death from someone you can’t even see.
P.S. I’m not glass cannon, I run a 28k hit point Glamour Condition Support build which works great for my WvW guild fights.
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We need some instant communication and action Anet. I was waiting for this patch to say anything, but seems you decided not to address any of these issues I’m speaking up.
Thief is my secondary character, Mesmer is my main. I have an 80 of every class but Ranger (45) so I have a pretty good amount of experience with all classes.
Absolutely blows my mind that you haven’t nerfed the burst damage on thieves. Getting 3 shot before even being able to react is not fun gameplay for anyone but the thief. The game has been out for 5 months now, and this has not been addressed nor even properly communicated with your customer base. From my guilds feedback, these are the expectations that people have.
- All hastes/quickness/frenzy should be removed completely. Why give already broken burst classes even more damage (Engi haste is lol)?
- Give thieves more build options.
- Address the stealth issues. Attacking while in stealth should NEVER be allowed, stomping while in stealth, stealth cooldown required. Any direct damage inflicted on someone else should break stealth (conditions and taking damage should not imo).
- Thieves being able to perma stealth inside enemy keeps is game breaking in WvW.
- Heartseeker spam is just ridiculous
- Pistol Whip/Steal /yawn
- Steal/C&D/Backstab is absolutely ridiculous
Biggest complaint from my entire guild is Thieves. I hear it in TS every single night and a few have ragequit over it, honestly I can’t really blame them.
We have toughness/vitality built warriors and guardians that still get killed in like 3-5 seconds by Thieves. Why even bother building that way?
Anet, fix this, your credibility is fast disappearing.
Come join us, last night’s WvW episode included our 2 commanders taking on EB with 6 golems and earning over half the map, but no, that wasn’t enough.
The next installment was 12 golems last night to claim our entire borderlands back, was hilarious.
Nocturnal is a great Oceanic guild on Blackgate, please come join us for some in-game and in-TS banter and fun.
P.S. This guild contains nudity.
It is a really weird thing what happened. I use a thief, and the refuge does have a pretty lengthy cool down (even with proper traits), and to constantly stealth like that is…odd.
Thieves just make sure they die near NPC’s (Supply camp) or Siege weaponry in the keep, they just keep using Cloak and Dagger to stay stealthed and then when Refuge is up they get like 1 15s stealth (with blinding powder and heal) and just rez bit by bit.
Its annoying as hell, especially with clipping making stealth even worse than it already is.
What kind of stupidity is letting people stealth while in combat or at least not having a cooldown on it.
Its broken stealth at work again. Just shocks me that Anet leaves such a broken mechanic in the game for such a long time.
I don’t post to hurt SoS, I post to save the WvW game.
I love fighting SoS, they have some great guilds (especially Merc themselves who we have awesome battles with) but when it gets to the point in the night when every bit of work we’ve done over 5-6 hours is undone in 30 minutes because SoS has 5 times the amount of people we have in WvW it game-breaking.
Last night I commanded the Oceanics through BG borderland, we took our entire map back (after owning nothing) and then left for EB, within 30 minutes we’d lost almost all of BG. We took about half of EB and just missed out on taking Stonemist (that kitten capture bar was at 90% when we got wiped lol). By the time we’d taken 4 keeps in EB we’d lost our entire BL again and there was nothing we could do about it.
SoS had at least four 40-50 man organised zergs in the various maps (plus a ton of pugs), we pretty much had 1 40-man force and various pugs for all 4 maps.
Nothing wrong with speaking up when there is an imbalance, I’m just disappointed that Anet are just making this issue worse by closing server transfers and announcing rewards for WvW all at the same time, did they even stop to think of the common reaction?
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This change just makes greater numbers even more powerful, gg ANet.
You didn’t actually answer the question.
Why do you need Euros? What “difference” will Euros make to SoS besides even LESS competition in tier 1?
Hello Pots
I shall answer your question.
It is a misconception that SOS holds top PPT 90% of the time. There is a constant 5-7 hour window during EURO prime time that SOS consistently hold under 100 ppt because of ZERO European guild coverage. Our winning margins are not crazy 100k+ wins. They are always very marginal, 10k to 30k. Once we won by only 3k points!
The reason why we are winning is because our North Americans and Oceanics and Asians are playing 10+ hours a day to keep up with the win, we want to win and we will put in extra effort. But 15 weeks of brute force overplaying will eventually lead to burn out.
SoS outman Blackgate every minute of the day, by a factor of at least 2 anytime outside of NA Primetime. Its why SBI went down, because they just had enough of being zerged out of existence every day.
Yet, we manage to win many battles despite being heavily outnumbed. We’ll never win the war because we don’t have the numbers but its very satisfying winning the majority of our battles against a massively overpopulated server.
SoS, you need to think of the game as a whole and in terms of the big picture. Stop just thinking about yourselves in the short term because in the end if you keep over-recruiting you’ll have noone left to fight and the great concept of WvW dies, all because you’re being selfish.
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Sea of Sorrows, where you can’t get into WvW to save your life, where they are going to stack their server so hard with people you’ll be lucky to get into WvW ever. Good luck with that!
Been there done that, hated it and moved on.
Join a server that doesn’t need to stack every timezone to queues 24/7 to win.
Blackgate – Tier 1 with no queues and still hold their own
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SOR BL the last hour or so.
I just want to give a big personal thank you note to the turtle stacks of BG dropping 30 bags at a time to me. I <3 you guys so much.
Nice defense on your part! /salute
Score update as of Oceanic Primetime! Keep it up BG!
Oceanic prime time? It hasn’t even started yet. Give it another 4 hours and maybe you’ll just hit the start of it.
We all know “beastgate” likes to say they steam-roll people, but its funny hearing Icoa talk about rolling anyone.
To their credit, they are getting better. They recently started exploring new strategies
that they found on our websitethat their collective genius has spawned. Can’t wait to see what they’ll be like when they perfect them
For all the smack talk CHOO does its funny watching us derail the Lame Train every night. Looking forward to T1 so we can have some decent competition.
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For some Blackgate players:
I honestly do not know why Blackgate server want to ruin their reputation leave T2 with such a bad impression. It has been fun all along, fair play was there until Tarnish Coast joined T2. For some unknown reasons you are helping them out. I know this because I was there when IoJ was there and this never happened.
I do not know enough Tarnish Coast so maybe this is their tactics where ends justify the means but I do know that BG is better than this.
Hopefully you care enough to do the right thing, no more crowbars to the knee cap please.
When are you babies going to stop your crying and realise its 1v1v1 for these very dynamics. If you can’t deal with it, just go back to PVE.
Maybe you should be worrying about your reputation a bit more than ours coz right now you look bad.
I can tell you that when Nocturnal hit the battlefield, we don’t care whose stuff we’re taking. To us: red (name)=dead.
just ashame it took so many bandwagoners like ND jumping ship to do so
Why put comments in like this? We were kicking your butt just fine without ND or the other “bandwagoners”.
I really love this game, I enjoy so many aspects of it, its beautiful to look at and I still log in every day but I do have to say I’m FRUSTRATED with the lack of reward for time spent in this game.
If you add up the time it takes to get Cores and World Completion, the mind melting rage that can be created from bad RNG on the Mystic Forge (Legendary precursor will be the end of me). The Karma grind (and yes its a grind). The lack of decent WvW rewards.
Funnily enough, I only started feeling this way after you implemented a new gear grind (Ascended), perhaps it was coincidence but you’ve changed the way I think about this game now. Before I didn’t care so much about gear because you sold the game as no gear grinds, but you’ve added them now so my perception of time has changed now and I expect to be rewarded for it.
It really doesn’t surprise me there are so many bots and people buying Chinese gold in this game, the time it takes to make money and mats has forced people to need large amounts of cash to avoid the sheer frustration of RNG.
Suggestion: Get rid of the RNG on the Mystic Forge, make crafting patterns a set number of materials. Give people a goal to strive for instead of hoping on luck to get the most prestigious items in the game. I don’t mind going for a long term goal by doing many things if the tasks are clear. If I have to farm an unknown amount of materials so I can throw them into a forge that MIGHT give me what I want, it will cause inner rage.
Suggestion: Provide better and more varied rewards in WvW.
Suggestion: Provide a more reliable way to get Cores
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