Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger
Did Bird Song changed guild or hair color? I’ve been trying to get through the middle of oS zerg to find him but I cannot.
I miss you Rob!
This has been my point from the start. Why would fight clubs be held in IoJ territory and not the other map whoever the fight club starter is? As I told everyone before, I will break those fight club if I am commanding. I don’t want any red names on the map I am protecting.
Yeah, you can use the EB JP. It’s almost abandoned now that sieges can be bought from TP.
Well if it was between people on NSP and SF then the logical thing is to use IOJ BL as the Windmill(which is a common dueling ground across all servers), is very close to both teams spawn points.
Hmmmm…… Well makes sense but still some kittenes take advantage of this and cap those camps and it really kitten es me off. Don’t get me wrong, I watch those fight clubs sometimes to chill but it is very irritating when your camps are being flipped and you have lots of enemies on your map.
Still, why not use the EB JP where we all have access to it (unless you lose your keep)?
This has been my point from the start. Why would fight clubs be held in IoJ territory and not the other map whoever the fight club starter is? As I told everyone before, I will break those fight club if I am commanding. I don’t want any red names on the map I am protecting.
Yeah, you can use the EB JP. It’s almost abandoned now that sieges can be bought from TP.
Tips to make forum clean.
1. Don’t whine or Brag.
2. Do not count numbers. In your view you will always say you DON’T have the numbers even if it’s clearly 20v10 in favor of your side.
3. Laughing/Thumping/etc. on corpses are part of the game. If you don’t want it, go play PvE where the mobs do not have emotes.
4. Do not visit/reply on the matchup forums.
5. Be calm and go PvE (just what I did this week).
Nice week SF and GoM. Goodluck to our next matchups. Peace.
What? No Whiners and crybabies this week?
Oh yeah I forgot there is no DR or DDLG in this match up.
Good week so far SF and GoM.
I already miss you Bird Song, that purple hair under my feet.
aaaaaaannnnnnndddddddd… IoJ is doing well both in WvW and forums.
…….. going back to my farming session.
Just holler IoJ if you need help, TRBO will come.
Tribo bro, you should flip a BL with your guild one of these nights just so they dont completely forget about you guys. I mean.. Since you all have 100 legendaries each you never WvW right? ;P
why do they think all [TRBO] members have legendaries? only half of us do and most has 2 or 3 legendaries lol. and yes we dont WvW, badges just magicly appear in our bags
And their guild leader don’t even have one.
aaaaaaannnnnnndddddddd… IoJ is doing well both in WvW and forums.
…….. going back to my farming session.
Just holler IoJ if you need help, TRBO will come.
Tribo bro, you should flip a BL with your guild one of these nights just so they dont completely forget about you guys. I mean.. Since you all have 100 legendaries each you never WvW right? ;P
I can’t promise, these new farming loopholes are just hard to ignore. This kind of contents ruins our WvW presence. Com’on ANET give us WvW players something of equal with PvE gold earners.
And BTW, I only got 99 legendaries.
Tell them they gotta grind for the new TREB MASTERY!! kitten YEAH GUYS TREB MASTERY, kittenS GONNA BE AMAZNIG
At least 3 of our guildies are gunning for this. They are waiting for the patch.
aaaaaaannnnnnndddddddd… IoJ is doing well both in WvW and forums.
…….. going back to my farming session.
Just holler IoJ if you need help, TRBO will come.
Tribo bro, you should flip a BL with your guild one of these nights just so they dont completely forget about you guys. I mean.. Since you all have 100 legendaries each you never WvW right? ;P
I can’t promise, these new farming loopholes are just hard to ignore. This kind of contents ruins our WvW presence. Com’on ANET give us WvW players something of equal with PvE gold earners.
And BTW, I only got 99 legendaries.
(edited by Tukmolytes.3467)
aaaaaaannnnnnndddddddd… IoJ is doing well both in WvW and forums.
…….. going back to my farming session.
Just holler IoJ if you need help, TRBO will come.
Goooo IoJ!
And where I am this week?
Farming for my legendary coz I am tired of being told:
“You are the GL of TRIBO you must have 100 legendaries.”
God kitten guildies, forcing me to farm!
Goodluck IoJ and to SF and GoM too.
Whoa! What is happening? Sorry guys, not been active in forums and WvW lately (kitten you ANET for the new PvE content). I need those gold too, so I farmed that pizza place.
I heard my name has been called out, wow, I mean really? I am that popular now?
I also saw some troll guilds, good times. I really like the one I saw yesterday Less Pewpew More QQ [DR] made me LOL!
Overall, I have been absent in WvW, sorry IoJ I couldn’t be of much help this week you know I really need the golds for upgrading those towers and buying sieges.
To DH and DR, congrats to whoever is winning (I’m pretty sure it’s DH).
Peace brothers.
And so the forum warring starts so earlie in the match up lol.
It’s more entertaining forum warring your server than actually fighting it. I have never seen a larger majority of nutcup than what IoJ throws out. When you do finally find an IoJ not attached to the red mass like a vampiric leech, they won’t even fight back. They just keep auto running ahead, in hopes that they will run into one of the 16 zergs present on the current map.
Wut you smoking dude.
Members of IoJ: can you let this guardian know that it’s impolite to barge in without knocking?
[URGE] is a Filipino guild but they are from Blackgate. Will ask around who is this, thanks for the screenshot.
BTW, gotta retire this week. Have some RL to attend to till reset.
FC, I know how you feel being trampled by two stronger server, we came from that dilemma months ago but just keep learning and your server will be stronger. Hope to see you again.
DH, kitten guys, we cannot beat you with your numbers I hate it when I see your server as one of our opponents.
IoJ, guys, we fought hard this week. I know we all tried hard to keep up with DH but well we already know the standing the moment we saw our matchup on reset. Keep it up.
I’m loving the spawn camping in IoJ BL… Very classy guys
Why would we not spawn camp you? You got golems! We’re lucky that we saw it, you wanna ninja our BL? Not on my watch.
And BTW, that is OUR BL, we will spawn camp all entrance if we need to.
One person placing AC’s is not the reason we win.
when that AC is used to destroy all inner siege defending a keep, then yes, it is the reason you win. You see DH is so insistent on running karma traints 24/7 with they’re 50+ man zergs and yet they have to exploit to turn everything paper so they can flip it whenever they want allowing them to maintain a 300-400+ ppt for 8-10 hours a day.
basically exploiting is the only reason I’ve ever seen Abys manage to take a fully defended keep. And it’s one of the main reason DH has managed to stay in the lead.Hmmmm, my group hardly ever uses AC’s, unless we are defending a tower/keep. I very, VERY rarely go into EB (too much lag and dc), so no, AC hacks are NOT the reason we are in the lead. I guarantee the group I run with in the borderlands has a little to do with the PPT…..
the person we’ve seen primarily abuse this exploit has been edgy, as well as a few others. We’re not accusing you in particularly of this we’re just saying your guild has alot of commanders who abuse the zoom exploit. I mean they’re has been PLENTY of evidence provided in this thread and denying it at this point is beyond stupid.
Also as a side note I talked with edgy a few times before and edgy’s excuse for the zoom exploiting is he says he plays on a 50-60" monitor (I think he called it his “superior gaming equipment?”) w/e the reason it’s still cheap and I think you guys should try and convince him to play on a 1920×1080 resolution because w/e he currently plays at allows him to cheat.
I also spoke to him today, and he didn’t even address his reason for it. He just kept talking about how apparently IoJ uses the same ‘hacks’; and yet on multiple occasions throughout this forum we’ve stated that we will readily call out any such cheaters within our community – as long as we know that it’s happening.
So I’ll state it again for all of DH – join one of our parties (usually the higher ranked players will be familiar with everyone on a more personal level) and tell them it’s happening. We’ll handle it within our own community.
IoJ doesn’t tolerate such act of cheating. We will never be. Name and Shame if you got the proof.
DH I hope you get to experience your equivalent of this matchup and face Maguuma next. I will be extremely interested to see how that goes.
Spoiler alert: DH will escape to PvE.
yup, new bi-weekly living story bs is about to happen next tuesday, so whoever we are up against next week, have fun dominating us die hard wvwers while pve gets zerged by 90% of our wvw population =/
Same story with IoJ
ANET stop those bi monthly events!!!!
Lol @ the [GEN] ranger and guardian that used a stealth trap on me in our 1v2. I’m that good that it was worth using a trap on me? I’m flattered.
you were probably just perma stealthing 95% of the fight and they got bored of it
This! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :p Probably 99.9% and they want you to kill them.
(edited by Tukmolytes.3467)
Just got back from Dominican Republic, ready to play again! Rawr.
Wonder hows the match up looking
Cool, where in DR did you go?
IoJ and FC are pathetic that they need to team up to fight us. its soooo SAD!!! very sad.. learn how to play WvW without hacking or tagteaming.
Call it pathetic, but just one question. Are you new to DH vs. IoJ matchup?
IoJ can never defeat DH without a little help. Your SHEER number can eclipse our whole BL and corner in EB.
I though you guys want a challenging matchup? I know your top guilds love this matchup as it is very close.
You on the other hand seems to enjoy stomping your weaker opponents to the ground and stomp them more after they fall.
Are there any DH left that care about morals, or playing fair?
How is this commander still not banned?
Congrats on having to cheat your way through our defenses
We cant report him as easily, its up to DH to do it.
Its all the more funny because thats what you have to resort too :\
Way to ruin the game
you must not have any AC abilities, 1 that is well within range prior to having ac range buff. 2, you just need to get the circle on the edge, the radius is pretty big. if you play with your fast cast ground targeting on, then you wont see the radius (assuming you have actually used an arrowcart) of the arrow cart.
stop whining and build a ballista on the lord room, thats an easy counter to the ac.
I have a level 5 AC mastery and believe me when someone post a screencap here I WILL try it first before coming here to have my 2 cents.
Yeah some are have legit placements and some are totally unexplainable.
FC please hold your corners DH is feeding off you.
I just can’t understand why people whine about night capping. They also capping our BL on our night time should we cry about it?
(edited by Tukmolytes.3467)
As I am against double teaming, you cannot take off the fact that it is needed. There is no official agreement. I think both server just know who to hit first.
We will hit FC after we eliminate DH first. Don’t worry DH we just love you more and we missed you.
Just got back from Dominican Republic, ready to play again! Rawr.
Wonder hows the match up looking
Welcome back Noche!
It’s looking good. We are expecting a big push from DH.
I have nothing to say so far. ANET should check out the Zoomhacking reports and they should fix it. Shame on those who uses it, hope you will get karma (the bad side of it) soon.
Just be sure to try it yourself before you report it. There are AC angles that are legal yet it looks like zoom hacking for some people.
What is ZL? Zoomlock?
I feel you bro. ALl I can do it watch mos.millenium in my office. LOL!
Just sitting here watching mos.millenium change color every 5 minutes hehehehehe.
Let’s get ready to rumbleeeeee!
Good week. Congratulations again GoM for finishing first.
Thank you for the +3k kills this week.
(edited by Tukmolytes.3467)
Wow! GoM needs to wall hack Klovan even though they are winning and got 3 trebs hitting it from SM. Just WOW! I hope ANET check our report on that mesmer.
And yeah it is a Zombieland guild member. Tsk! Tsk! Shame on you!
I didnt want to say anything so it woudn’t cause drama so late in this match up and get us all ticked off at each other, but yes this is not the first time they did. When i was commanding a mesmer i believe from Zombie land or with [Obon] tags glitched into klovan and portaled ppl in… They had plenty of mesmers in that group so dont know who was the one doing it, I do know that mostly had [Wvw] tags.
Please note that I am not trying to insult or be disrespectful to GOM as a server since I have plenty of respect for you guys, this was just a specific groupd exploiting a paper tower… Either way, it should not be done.
I am not that active these past week because I am trying to regain my lost golds in WvW by playing PvE.
I only post what I think are lame actions from our opponents. It’s just frustrating that I was on treb for more than 40 minutes and suddenly after 5 minutes of recapturing Klovan here comes the mesmer cheater and portalled everyone in and retook the tower. It’s obviously organized and a lot knows what is going on.
Wow! GoM needs to wall hack Klovan even though they are winning and got 3 trebs hitting it from SM. Just WOW! I hope ANET check our report on that mesmer.
And yeah it is a Zombieland guild member. Tsk! Tsk! Shame on you!
I’m certain this is low priority problem as no one from ANET even replied in this thread. Even their cliche reply like “We are looking into it….” cannot be found.
What I observed in this week’s matchup.
DR – [DDLG] is not what they used to be 2-3 weeks ago when we faced them. You guys looks scattered this time and twice we rolled over your zerg. I don’t know if you guys was unorganized or IoJ got the counter for you.
GoM – Common guys! Do not WP or alt-tab godkitten it! Lets fight head on. I need to use like 3 speed buffs to chase your zerg. You got the numbers, fight like a man.
yeah bro you diffidently wiped us. Guildie managed to capture this video. Dont worry we wiped that same zerg again 5 minutes later without the cannons.
Oh yeah nice timing. Tell your guildies congrats he managed to cut the next 4x we wiped DDLG.
umad 1-10?
Nah I’m happy that you guys feel great. Do not deny people that feeling.
I’m pretty sure a lot of us have agreed to let GoM take the cake and just have fun smashing IoJ all week.
Good luck everyone.
Ouch DR, slow down >.>
Borderland different color? Lets keep everyone on EB and lose massive ppt. GoM Logic is impeccable.
Could say the same for DR… You guys are giving us a win. Rather have 1 moment over a whole week -.-
but seriously…. if you guys fight for PPT like Ioj does this might have been a more of an interesting match up.But PPT doesn’t give me loot bags. What If i’m just grinding for my 250k kills?
How to PvP like IoJ.
When zerging: Have arrow cart blueprint in hands and ready to deploy at all times.
1v1 fight: Turn around, head to nearest keep and man cannon.
2v1 fight: Have one person run to nearest keep and man cannon. Have second player Stand in cannon range until it is safe.
3+v1 fight: Congratulations, you now have enough supply to flash build an arrow cart. Stay in arrow cart range until it is safe.
I understand it’s all about the PPT but come on, I’ve never seen a server run so much from fights.
Are we talking about IoJ or DDLG? It’s clear in the video you guys posted that you are using canons. Talk about irony eh.
BTW i got too may AC blueprint to scatter so……
And I thought IoJ was the king of arrow carts. You guys had these set up FAST.
Maybe if you had 10 more you could have held us.
When we wipe you you will just call use zoomhacker so we really didn’t do much to let you win.
We don’t want to let DR cry. That’s how soft hearted IoJ are.
What I observed in this week’s matchup.
DR – [DDLG] is not what they used to be 2-3 weeks ago when we faced them. You guys looks scattered this time and twice we rolled over your zerg. I don’t know if you guys was unorganized or IoJ got the counter for you.
GoM – Common guys! Do not WP or alt-tab godkitten it! Lets fight head on. I need to use like 3 speed buffs to chase your zerg. You got the numbers, fight like a man.
yeah bro you diffidently wiped us. Guildie managed to capture this video. Dont worry we wiped that same zerg again 5 minutes later without the cannons.
Oh yeah nice timing. Tell your guildies congrats he managed to cut the next 4x we wiped DDLG.
What I observed in this week’s matchup.
DR – [DDLG] is not what they used to be 2-3 weeks ago when we faced them. You guys looks scattered this time and twice we rolled over your zerg. I don’t know if you guys was unorganized or IoJ got the counter for you.
GoM – Common guys! Do not WP or alt-tab godkitten it! Lets fight head on. I need to use like 3 speed buffs to chase your zerg. You got the numbers, fight like a man.
I say remove the golems and add 50% damage to rams.
Ranger for life here but ANET doesn’t want us to play rangers.
Whats up guys? No crying here? Wow this is amazing. Well it’s because IoJ is losing. If someone loses to IoJ they start whining and cry like a baby.
To AR, sorry for the pugs who gets your towers/keeps. We try to tell them not to but pugs will be pugs.
To GoM, guys, we can’t fight your numbers. Sooooo many, but well thanks for the level ups and loot bags anyway.
Good week guys. Forums seems clean (I didn’t read page 2, 3 and 4).
Goodluck next week.
Wow Really ANET? You still haven’t fixed this?
Oh btw, I will be out for the week. Enjoy WvW guys.
Congratulations to whoever wins (obviously NSP). Congrats!
Also, im still waiting for your
AC Zoomhack, i mean totally legit way of getting the ac ontop of mendons wall from page 2.
If you got zoomhacked then post it let ANET know.
If ANET doesn’t do anything about it then it’s either it’s not zoomhacking or they don’t care.
I saw some interesting ac placement from your server too but I don’t say anything about it I just replicate it and think it is a good strat.
WoW HoD! Really? You are taking our kills.
Wow were whining? Wow! Do you read the forums? Obviously NO!
We don’t whine. You take our BL it’s good that what it should be. This is WvW, you take what you can, when you can. We don’t whine. We know how WvW works unlike you guys.
If you only know how to back read you can see is NSP guy saying ~ “We are sleeping, etc. etc. that’s why you took our tower, hu hu hu!” ~ Well maybe by your standard it’s not whining. ROTFL!!!!
Common NSP replies:
Back read please, and tell me who’s whining. Don’t just come here and post nonsense you are not helping your server that way.
(edited by Tukmolytes.3467)
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