Isle of Janthir [2012-2017] → Fort Aspenwood [2017-Present]
Power Ranger
Too many SF on our border, wow guys you are rocking it. Hitting Hills and Bay simultaneously. But hey, bring it on!
Why would we attack DH when we are busy reclaiming our side from SF? Just asking.
Erm, SF, where are your 20+ golems? Did they melt in Hills? Hahahahaha, we had so much panic and fun. Peace. <3
I was so tired last night from chasing and fighting the guild [BURN] from DH. Kudos to you guys, I would have done the same (flipping camps) if I was not trying to get points to catch SF. It was a good GvG you gave us.
<3 from [TRBO]
I salute those Darkhaven’s people who wants a good matchup with us (IoJ). I don’t want to sound desperate but yeah we need a little help from NA people.
Had a good laugh last night when SF was retaking Hills on their BL. We got wiped on the Lord’s room but 4 thieves just run around and kept 15-20 SF busy sweeping it while our other people started retaking their camps. It was a 1 hour wasted time for them. I was laughing so hard I almost choked to death. Thank you SF for more than 1 hour of fun.
DH and IoJ gave us a show last night.
Yeah that was quite a 3-way. But eventually we capped Wildcreek and then DH came in huge force we have to bail. LOL!
I’m loving my cabbage-boobs and leafy underwear.
I want better rewards/drops on WvW rather than remove the armor repairs. I was a PvE player and money is nothing in PvE, you can gain at least 5g of just playing dungeons while in WvW it’s a different story. I drop like tons of sieges and upgrade towers and after a days work I lose about 1g in WvW so I have to do World Bosses again to regain my lost.
+1 to this suggestion. Do it ANET.
to the DH in EB right now, quit laughing so much, nothing can really be that funny :S its taking my entire chat box i gotta scroll to see stuff
You can disable it on your chatbox. I have separate chat box for emote, guild/party, others.
I usually have my helmet on. My mom would recognize me if I don’t.
I command my troops naked.
Seriously. It’s for my own entertainment.
I think they were talking about characters being naked, not you IRL :P
I want a guild commander tag where only your guild can see your tag.
I command my troops naked. Seriously. It’s for my own entertainment.
It’s ok to camp JP. If you can, do it to them too. It’s just fair that both of you can do it. I always jump the EB puzzle. When I say always it’s everyday for 6 months now (maybe missing a day or 2 if the time of my chest reset is too ridiculous for me to be awake). Sometimes enemies camp in there and I get killed so I come back some other time.
DH and IOJ we are enjoying fighting against you! The [KING] guild has much respect for T6 and are very happy to be here with you guys. We wanted to let you know that we will not be doing any official movements in WvW at all for a week. We will be concentrating on doing Guild Missions and Fractals.
Enjoy the battle!
Aaaaa! Looking forward to clash with [KING] again in a supply camp. GvG.
I love this matchup. I don’t see a lot of whiners here.
I see IoJ brought in their varsity team for the superior nightcapping
. Well i know what we have to look forward to in t6. The same thing we had problems with in every tier, oceanic coverage.
Sorry that was me leading this offensive. I took advantage of your lack of coverage because that’s my only time to play.
But you need to agree with me. That map looks good in BLUE.
God I am soooooo used to being red when I first log in I was trying to get in on the red keep! I feel Soooo Stupid!
Then someone dropped a ram in front of Langor Gulch which is blue (IoJ is blue). I laughed so hard, I thrown out all I ate for lunch. LOL! Fun times!
(edited by Tukmolytes.3467)
Deym you DR hahahaha. Nice play! Goodluck!
I salute you on your defense on Stonemist DR. It was the most epic fight of my WvW career.
But you must agree, I’m sexeh when I’m naked with my rifle!
(edited by Tukmolytes.3467)
OMG! We should have moved down instead of DR.
But hey, we are IoJ! We fight to the last drop of our blood!
Goodluck to us all.
Oh now I see the thread here. So it’s always #1 and #2 having a secret alliance to take out #3.
So that means in the last months DH and DR have secret alliance.
And now DH and IoJ have secret alliance.
Wow! I totally get this pattern.
Isle of Janthir? Add me and I will PM you if your server got that PoI or Vista.
I am from Isle of Janthir and all my 4 characters have map completion in WvW.
What I mean is, all towers and PoI are always swapping colors, you just need the timing.
My offer stands. I can PM you if your server get the PoI or Vista you need on my server.
Is this it? Is this all you can conjure, DarkHaven?
Oooh, you exposed my 2 cents! LOL!
You were’nt the only one giving your 2 cents!
I reckon we would have held OW if i wasnt supressed for 10 bloody minutes, we needed those trebs down but not many would listen!
Oh sorry about that, I have to leave for work.
Is this it? Is this all you can conjure, DarkHaven?
Oooh, you exposed my 2 cents! LOL!
+1 to this suggestion. Please ANET implement this.
Lovely night by IoJ, Great job guys!
Worth the two eye bags I’m wearing today. Totally worth it!
DH : “IoJ and DR zeeerg!!!!”, “I beat you 6 DH vs. zerg!”
DR : “DH and IoJ zeeerg!!!!”, “I beat you 6 DR vs. zerg!”
IoJ : “DR and DH zeeerg!!!!”, “I beat you 6 IoJ vs. zerg!”
And there goes the summary of the whole thread…..
Can we just kill each other? LOL!
Yeah I really had no intention to take Sunny, but I had massive amount of players wanting that POI and Vista for map completion. We saw that the gate was open so we said kitten it and rushed inside.
Even in WvW IoJ still plays PvE. LOL!
Maybe their top commanders got banned for all the hackusations in the last thread?
J/k, if only DR could keep these numbers up throughout the week, the scores would be more even and create a more stable match up.
STABLE MATCH UP <<< Aren’t we all want this?
Haha yeah, saw you guys run past the tower, we were all thinking you weren’t going to push in, but then you turned around. Was alotta fun
Forgot what the plan was but it’s not that tower but we saw that the gate is open so WTH right? LOL!
So, held darkhavens NW tower to farm them, and IoJ showed up in force, and got shown how DR rolls because kitten did you guys get wiped. Say hello to DDLG ;D
Well this was not on our plan. We saw DH going there and we wiped them didn’t know a lot of DR was inside that tower.
Yeah I was one of the people dead in there, nice defense DR.
BTW, fun fights tonight with you IoJ! Glad to see a big zerg from you.
I don’t think this will happen, honestly the biggest zerg I’ve seen on our server is 20-25 people.
Well it’s big but not big enough compared to DH.
It’s not the question. It’s the timing which sometime is bad. As others have posted, check the situation first before asking or the best thing to do it go through the portal yourself and spot if there is a mesmer on the second floor.
I port people almost daily on our server IoJ and I don’t expect payment of anything I just ask my guildies to donate the sieges to me since I am a commander. Then if the situation is clear I would have them post it in LA and WvW map chat so the others can get the sieges too and either donate to me the sieges or to any IoJ commander they like.
TL:DR Better to spot the mesmer yourself on JP than ask the whole map about it.
All just transfer to the second most populous server to beat the zerg of the first most populous server.
Tesla Ascalon [Hel]
Nomnomnomnomnom [Hero]
Toohdles [Urge]
Earnel/Irmo [FEAR]
Jamesze/Purp Nurp [Choo]
Intotheblue/Tiny Guardsman [OCX]Running a guild group is one thing, but it’s another thing to be able to lead the militia and make them work effectively like an organized guild group. As a commander myself, these are the kinds of commanders that I really look up to.
Isn’t Nomnomnomnomnom from IoJ? Or there’s a difference in letters?
If you are a filipino and loves to play just for fun then join us in Tribo.
Tribo Pinoy (or simple Tribo) is an all filipino guild who plays for fun. No pressure, no grinding, just plain fun.
For invite please pm the ff:
Defender Khai.9376
Maraming Salamat po!
(edited by Tukmolytes.3467)
And I thought you are suggesting to revert everyone to rank 1. I could have killed you.
People of IoJ, DR and DH,
Let’s just kill each other ok.
I’m having fun losing or winning, this is a game. Let’s have FUN!
I know in real life we can all be BFFs.
Guys, if you both (you and enemy) can do it then it’s just fair. I have no thief but I sometimes roam around and knock on enemy’s gate to confuse or contest their WP.
You can also do the same to your enemy so it’s just fair. It’s unfair if they can do it and you can’t.
But yeah, it’s annoying as hell. Specially if you are on the losing end like IoJ.
Just my 2 cents worth.
Lies! Hahahaha, DH and DR double-teamed to sack our borderland 1 hour before reset. But it’s ok guys, you gave us a good fight.
Goodluck to us again in IoJ we will need it.
That came down to Yak’s Slapping. Kinda lame, but effective.
Kudos to Devona’s Rest. We almost had you. Fun times!
I would be happy to get the gold I used to buy the commander tag as there’s already a lot of commanders around.
I bought my commander tag before because whenever I log in there’s no commander in WvW on my server.
I think it’s just fair since you can do it too if you are on the losing end.
Can’t wait to play! Goodluck to IoJ and also to DR and DH. Let’s have some fun!
Just like in real life. Some of us don’t have access to something because someone is in control.
Don’t get me wrong. I also reside in a tier 6 server so I know how you feel but that’s life.
My suggestion is transfer to a dominant server and do jumping puzzles there.
I agree. At least 2 rares per win or something as long as we can use it in PvE.
NERF?! What? There is a thing you can still nerf on rangers? I don’t play my ranger now because it really sucks. The elites sucks and pets sucks too.
I better of playing a mesmer until they will nerf everything about it the next patch.
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