Showing Posts For Vandal.8029:

Why do I have to wait 4 minutes for a Tournament to start?

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


Its a little bit ridiculous. Some teams use it the way it was supposed to be used by respeccing for certain maps or certain team comps. Other people use it to troll the other team. Last khylo I was in, the other team told us to hold on while they determined their fantasy football picks. I wouldn’t be surprised if the timer got changed because too many people like to grief with it.

Things that we all want: Arenas and Que with friends and spectator mode.

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


Yeah, arenas made wow’s pvp. It was the only mmo pvp that i know of to make it to the MLG circuit, albeit briefly. You would be surprised at the number of players that still pay for a wow subscription just to play some arenas. Just keep balancing around 5v5 tourneys and make arenas a little side game for fun, like 8v8s are now. If they are successful, then they can think about making it ranked or add it to the tourneys in the future.

Vote for Arena in Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


I would have to vote yes for arenas. I love GW2 pvp as it is and will continue to play it with or without arenas. But I still throw 15 dollars at blizzard every now and then just to get my arena fix, and I honestly hate WoW.

And to whomever asked if we would play arenas without rewards, yes we would. Most people that played arenas in wow already had the highest tier of pvp gear. They were just there to test their skills.

The Skill Cap of Guild Wars 2 PVP and the Implications

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


Good post, Taugrim. It upsets me when I see people complaining that this game requires no skill. I feel this game requires more thinking and awareness than any game I have ever played, and I still have a lot of learning to do. I dont think you even mentioned the possible synergies that can be created between teammates with the clever use of combo fields and finishers.

Defektive's sPvP Bleed Build - Come take a look!

in Warrior

Posted by: Vandal.8029


I did not know that. It makes sense I guess. Thanks for clearing that up because I just assumed it was bugged.

What are Swords for?

in Warrior

Posted by: Vandal.8029


For pvp, I see most warriors get bored because they started out using the greatsword. It was awesome at first but once other classes started to understand the game and their skills grew, the greatsword warrior kind of hit a wall. So now pvp warriors are desperately searching for some new build or they are just rerolling.

But I’m with you. I really enjoy the warrior.

What are Swords for?

in Warrior

Posted by: Vandal.8029


Swords are very underrated in my opinion. The sword 4 ability will be nasty if it is ever fixed. And riposte owns those thieves that stealth and try to backstab you. You can make some pretty defensive builds while pumping out good damage with swords and that’s why I like them. I kill most GS warriors before they can get me below 80% hp.

Defektive's sPvP Bleed Build - Come take a look!

in Warrior

Posted by: Vandal.8029


Sorry my keypad bugged out and disappeared and I hit post. I can’t edit on my phone because it has a problem with this sites security certificate.

Anyways, the sword 4 hits for like 3k when you pull it out. Its bugged though and only applies one stack of bleeds when the tooltip says 4. I ended up using a mace and shield for my other weapons and I took the reflect projectiles trait. I let so many rangers kill themselves with 3 blocks. Dual swords is my new favorite build, its definitely underrated.

Ps. I meant thieves instead of rogues in my precious post. Old habits I guess.

Defektive's sPvP Bleed Build - Come take a look!

in Warrior

Posted by: Vandal.8029


I’m going to have to agree have with Defektive. I tried a dual sword build out last night and it was pretty amazing. I used my own build but I took Defektive’s advice and invested into some crit and power and just let my bleeds be a bonus. The swords sustained damage is actually pretty decent. Riposte owns any rogues trying to backstab you and the sword 4 hits for like 3k when you pull the sw

rated 2v2-3v3-ratings-Duels. or no need to pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


I think the way combos work in this game and the downed state could make for some interesting arenas. I love getting into 3v3s and 2v2s in the middle of tourneys. Just because wow’s arena failed as an esport because it is hard to understand for outsiders, does not mean that it wasn’t loved by the players. Most wow pvp’ers only played for the arenas.

Game is dying, so what are you doing to fix the only content you have?

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


I thought I would just give my 2 cents. I feel this game requires a lot more skill and awareness than most people give it credit for. I think most teams haven’t when scratched the surface yet. I only see a few teams on twitch that are starting to get the combo fields down mid-fight. One teammate throws down a smoke field and another uses a blast finisher to stealth res a downed teammate.

Managing boons and conditions on yourself and enemies takes a lot of awareness. Dont burst an enemy with retaliation up, and dont stun an enemy with stability. You can even learn to count dodges. You can blind and confuse most thieves and watch them spam heartseeker and kill themselves. A lot of people haven’t developed the awareness for this game yet. I know I still have a lot of learning to do.

And as far as the number of abilities go. A lot of classes have 20-30 abilities that you will use constantly. I prefer that over having tons of keybinds that I rarely get to use.

Dual Burst Skills and Greatsword Hundred Blades/Rush changes.

in Warrior

Posted by: Vandal.8029


You make very valid points, TwistedWarrior. I did fail to think of the pve ramifications, since I primarily pvp. It was selfish, and I apologize for my other post.

Warrior: Raw end of balance!

in Warrior

Posted by: Vandal.8029


Lol his post might not have been constructive but it made me laugh.

I’m with you on the builds though. Most of my builds end up with around 3k attack, 3k armor, and either shouts or banners. I feel like i contribute quite a bit, but you’d be surprised at how many times I’ve been chewed out for not running frenzy + 100b. Usually by other warriors.

Dual Burst Skills and Greatsword Hundred Blades/Rush changes.

in Warrior

Posted by: Vandal.8029


TwistedWarrior, this is definitely not a nerf thread. Warriors need some help and these changes make sense to me. Toning HB’s damage down a little and making it usable on the move would be a buff. HB, in its current form, is near useless against competent teams.

You said yourself that you use Moldran’s builds. Moldran no longer plays GW2, and Team Paradigm doesn’t even have anyone that runs a warrior. In one of Moldran’s latest videos, he says that he thinks warriors need some changes because they dont bring much to a team.

Keep the good ideas in this thread going. People are so paranoid. They see any thread with changes as a “Nerf HB Warriors” thread.

List of reasons why sPVP is the third, rusty wheel of GW2

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


A variety of gametypes would be nice for hot joins. I understand that they wanted to keep it to one gametype in tourneys so it would be easier to balance. I feel like arenanet has a lot more planned for this game, so I’m going to be patient and see how things develop. Its definitely the funniest game I’ve played in a while.

And good ol’ warsong gulch was always my favorite from BC to Cata.

guardian mitigation too much?

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


They’ve got to have some kind of counter. What about condition damage?

Please disable character switching between tournaments.

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


If it comes down to every team playing the same comp on certain maps, then this game will get boring quick. Lets hope it doesn’t come to that.

Hundred Blades needs a nerf for the overall health of the class

in Warrior

Posted by: Vandal.8029


I highly doubt it. HB has already been nerfed a couple of times. I wouldn’t care if they did though. Maybe I wouldn’t get chewed out for solo queing a tourney with a warhorn and banner regens. I got called a noob for not playing a 100b warrior yesterday. I’ve also been called a noob for playing it. We just can’t win.

Being one shot (literally)

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


HB does 2x more damage then PW.

Pistolwhip also stuns and can be used back to back. Where a warrior has to blow 2 utility skills and takes 50% more dmg just to land that 100b.

And if that thief happens to use venoms or thieves guild…

Hundred Blades needs a nerf for the overall health of the class

in Warrior

Posted by: Vandal.8029


Frenzy + 100b is a gimmick spec that is pretty useless outside of blindsiding enemies. There’s a reason a lot of the top teams dont have a warrior, or their warrior plays a hammer control bot.

Honestly a pistolwhip thief can do more dmg over the course of their quickness and pistol whip is near impossible to dodge (unless you get really lucky or you’re a mind reader). All a thief has to do is start casting PW then use a shadowstep ability right before the stun goes off.

I’m just not a fan of quickness with any class. It is ruining 8v8’s. Its more manageable in tourneys, but I still dont think any class should be able to instagib another even if you fail to dodge. But this is just my opinion and I’m sure some people like the mechanic. So I’ll just have to deal with it. It makes retaliation in the defensive line much more useful.

Also, i dont hate any warriors for running frenzy and 100b. There’s not many viable choices for a warrior.

Greatsword vs. Axe/Axe

in Warrior

Posted by: Vandal.8029


Greatsword has some of the best mobility in the game hands down. But it’s mobility is best used out of combat or to disengage from combat. As far as mobility while in combat, the axes will be better.

You just have to decide which is more important to you. Personally, i can deal with being less mobile in combat by making use of immobilizes and the talent that makes cripples immobilize. But the ability to run away at any time and no one can catch you is priceless.

quickness hundred blades/pistol whip

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


Its bad in 8v8 hot joins where everyone is running these glass cannon builds and teams are just zerging. Its almost impossible to dodge them all. In tPvP it gets better. There are a lot more 1v1s and 2v2s. These glass cannons are a lot easier to shutdown in small scale fights. I laugh at most warriors who pop frenzy and then get focus fired. For this reason I dont do the 8v8 hot joins anymore.

This class needs more viable 5's builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Vandal.8029


I completely agree with you. As much as I dont want to be a GS warrior, I keep going back to it because it’s the best for mobility and damage. I’ve even had to go to a more defensive GS build because teams are starting to focus fire as soon as they see a GS warrior.

Double 1h sword need some love(Dual Wield)

in Warrior

Posted by: Vandal.8029


I love the dual sword abilities. The 4 ability is awesome for people trying to kite you. Its at least 6k damage worth of bleeds. Riposte is also amazing to use when those thieves stealth and try to backstab you. Block it and put another 6k worth of bleeds on. Too bad there are too many condition removals in pvp.